This project was funded with the support from the Portuguese National Agency and the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The content of this document represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information.
This booklet is a product of the Erasmus+ Training Course "I Write, I Become: Developing Competences Through Creative Writing" implemented by Associação de Promoção Social, Cultural e Desportiva de Fornos de Algodres in July 2022 in Maceira Fornos de Algodres, Portugal, in partnership with European Youth Centre Breclav Z.S. from the Czech Republic, Asociación K’MON from Spain, Youth Empowerment Center from Greece, Volunteer Centre Bitola from North Macedonia and Fundacja MODE - Move and Develop Foundation from Poland. It provides a collection of activities aimed at improving the key competences of young people through creative writing that can be used by youth workers and educators, as well as writings created by the participants in the Training Course. Associação de Promoção Social, Cultural e Desportiva de Fornos de Algodres Av. 25 de Abril, 6370 174 Fornos de Algodres, Portugal www.apscdfa.pt youth.apscdfa@gmail.com; geral@apscdfa.pt
CONTENTS W H A T A R E " K E Y C O M P E T E N C E S " 05 L I T E R A C Y C O M P E T E N C E 06 M U L T I L I N G U A L C O M P E T E N C E 07 P E R S O N A L , S O C I A L A N D L E A R N I N G T O L E A R N C O M P E T E N C E 9 C U L T U R A L A W A R E N E S S A N D E X P R E S S I O N C O M P E T E N C E 11 C I T I Z E N S H I P C O M P E T E N C E 13 M A T H E M A T I C A L C O M P E T E N C E A N D C O M P E T E N C E I N S C I E N C E , T E C H N O L O G Y A N D E N G I N E E R I N G 14 D I G I T A L C O M P E T E N C E 15 A B O U T T H E P R O J E C T 04 E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P C O M P E T E N C E 10 A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S 16 E R A S M U S + A N D R E F E R E N C E S 17
The Training Course "I Write, I Become: Developing Competences Through Creative Writing" aimed at presenting creative writing as a means for developing the eight key competences for lifelong learning. In particular, the project was designed to improve the key competences of youth workers through non formal learning activities based on creative writing; - equip youth workers with practical knowledge and methods for developing the key competences of young people through creative writing workshops; provide space for developing new methods for improving the key competences of young people through joint work of the participating youth workers; improve the capacities of youth organizations through providing them with new youth work methods for delivering activities for personal development of the young people in their communities.
The Framework sets out eight key competences: 1) Literacy competence; Multilingual competence; Personal, social and learning to learn competence; Entrepreneurship competence; Cultural awareness and expression competence; Citizenship competence; 7) Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology and engineering; Digital competence. ARE "KEY COMPETENCES"
Competences are defined by the European Commission as a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the context. In 2006, the European Parliament adopted a Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, in which it defined the competences that European citizens need for personal development, employment, social inclusion and active citizenship, which was revised and replaced by a new updated Framework of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning by the Council of the European Union in 2018, in which the Council calls for support and increasing the level of development of the competences that are considered essential in today’s world, particularly among young people.
How to improve the literacy competence: Found Poetry. These are poems created using only words or phrases that have been selected and rearranged from another text. For better visual appearance of the poem, drawings or sketches are often added around the words. is the ability to identify, understand, express, create and interpret concepts, feelings, facts and opinions in both oral and written form, using visual, sound/audio and digital materials.
Group Storytelling
. One person writes the first sentence of the story (it can also be done online, as simple as writing it as a Facebook status or message in any group chat application) and the others, in a set order, continue the story by adding one sentence below the previous one until the story is complete. Unexpected plot twists are always fun and more than welcome!
. Different cultures have different beliefs and concepts of perceiving and understanding life and the world. As a result, different cultures and their languages sometimes have words denoting things, feelings or moments that are not named in other languages, which makes them difficult or impossible to translate in a simple way. These are often words that are loaded with emotions, and learning about their meaning is not only a way of improving your multilingual competence and expanding your vocabulary of a certain language, but they are also a beautiful way of learning how to notice and appreciate unique and special moments that otherwise we don't usually recognize or pay attention to. Being untranslatable, finding definitions of the exact meaning of these words requires checking various online dictionaries, googling and searching for explanations accompanied by images. is the ability to use different languages for communication and to understand and express thoughts, feelings and facts orally or in writing. Lots of different languages mean lots of different cultures, so appreciation of cultural diversity and curiosity for intercultural communication are attitudes connected to this competence.
How to improve the multilingual competence: World ' s Most Beautiful Untranslatable Words
MAMIHLAPINATAPEI noun (Yaghan) a look shared by two people, each wishing that the other would initiate something that they both desire but, neither wants to begin KOMOREBI noun (Japanese) sunlight that filters through the leaves of trees
MERIGGIARE verb (Italian) to rest at midday in a shady spot under a tree ABBIOCCO noun (Italian) the drowsiness you feel after a large meal MERAKI verb (Greek) to do something with soul, creativity or love; to put something of yourself into your work
SAUDADE noun (Portuguese) a feeling of nostalgia, melancholy or longing to be again near a person, place or thing that is distant or gone
FLANEUR noun (French) a person who walks slowly around the city wanting to get into contact with its spirit and feel the atmosphere of the place. An observer who wanders the city with no particular purpose; the goal itself is the pleasure of being there and feeling the rhythm of the city
IKTSUARPOK noun (Inuit) the frustrating, impatient feeling of anticipation you have when you ' re waiting for someone or something MÅNGATA noun (Swedish) the glimmering, road like reflection that the moon creates on the water Jijīviṣā noun (Sanskrit) life instinct, the will to live UTEPILS noun (Norwegian) sitting outside and enjoying a beer on a sunny day SOBREMESA noun (Spanish) relaxing at the table right after a meal, talking with the people you shared the meal with over a drink, savouring and digesting both food and friendship
HYGGELIG noun (Dannish) a feeling of peace, warmth and content in a cozy atmosphere, either alone or with friends
KALSARIKÄNNIT noun (Finnish) getting drunk at home in your underwear with no intention of going out WALDEINSAMKEIT noun (German) a feeling of being completely alone in the woods
How to improve the personal, social and learning to learn competence: Mood Drawing & Writing
Heroes and Antiheroes
. The participants are first instructed to list their strengths and weaknesses. Ask them to think about their dreams and goals, then decide which would be the three strengths most important for them to continue to develop and which three weaknesses stand on their way and should be eliminated. Then invite them to create two characters hero and antihero. The hero should possess and represent the three strengths, and the antihero the three weaknesses. The essential element of the activity is that the superhero and antihero should be the participants themselves. The character of the hero should represent the best they can become, meanwhile the antihero their worst. Considering the sensitivity of the content in their writing, tell the participants in advance that there will be no obligation to share their stories in front of everyone. Instead, after they have finished writing their stories, you can divide the participants into groups of 2 3 people and invite them to share their stories within these small groups. is the ability to learn, to manage one ’ s own learning and to reflect on yourself. Social competences include working with others in a constructive way and managing conflicts in a supportive way. Personal competences include the ability to cope with uncertainty, to show empathy, and to support physical and emotional well being. TO LEARN
. Each participant is given a sheet of paper, and asked to draw his/her mood. Drawing should be quick and focused on putting the person ' s mood or emotions on paper, without paying attention to how beautiful the drawing is,. When the drawing is done, the participants are asked to exchange the drawings with the person on their right, and to write a sentence/short story inspired by the drawing.
How to improve the entrepreneurship competence: One day a man came to me....
For this creative writing exercise, first ask participants to think of and write down 20 30 resources that they have (car, house with free space, savings, computer, phones, some tools, knowledge/experience in some field, connections in the government...) in maximum 10 minutes. When 10 minutes have passed, regardless of number of resources in the list, ask participants to pick one of their personal resources. After that, divide the participants in groups of 3, and on a piece of paper give them the following starter sentence: “One day a man came to me and gave me 100 white sheets of paper and two black markers, and it changed my life…” Ask them to write a story how, with the help of these resources (100 sheets of paper, two black markers and one personal resource each person selected) they changed their life. Ask participants to read some of their stories. is the capacity to act upon opportunities and to turn ideas into action that has value for others. It includes taking initiative, creativity, innovation, critical thinking and problem solving
One day a man came to me and gave me 100 white sheets of pape and two black markers, and changed my life. First, we decided to use the papers to create drawings and paintings of our naked bodies Then, we sold these drawings and
Entrepreneurs start with what they have. They look at who they are, what they know and who they know, instead of waiting for the time when all the resources to reach some goal will be obtained.
SURVIVALGUIDEFORVISITORS InNorthMacedonia, don'tsay"no" when yourgrandmasaysyou arehungryandgives youmoreandmore food IntheCzechRepublic: -don'tcallthecountry "Czechoslovakia"; -don'ttalkaboutthe communistera; -don'twearsandals withoutsocks. afterAlwaysasnata"sayRonaldo.MessiInPortugal,don'tsayisbetterthanAlso,don'tthat"pastéisdeisthesamething"pastéisdeBelem".drinkcoffeelunch. In Greece: - don't use taxi; - go to eat out at taverns; - be prepared for kamaki (a Greek slang word meaning something like "serial flirter") In -Poland: waitpatiently before clights hange-nojaywalking! take offyour shoes ebefore ntering someone's -home; don't talkabout cfootball lubs. InSpain,don'taskwhenLa SagradaFamiliawillbe finished.Don'taskquestions aboutthe independence,anddon'teatpaellainMadrid.
How to improve the citizenship competence: Different Perspectives. This is an entertaining activity that can help you address or introduce younger people to serious dividing issues in the community in a creative way. Give each participant one photo of a situation between people (it can be a photo of a movie scene found on the Internet, photo from a magazine, etc.). Without telling them, give some of the participants the same photos. Instruct all participants to write a description of the situation that they see in the photo, how they see it. When they are done with the task, ask them to read their descriptions. It will be obvious that different people can have different perspectives on the same situations. You can stimulate the participants to draw these conclusions through debrief questions: Why did some people saw one thing and other saw a different thing in the same photo? Is there a correct way to see it? What did you feel towards the people who saw the photos in a similar way to you, and what did you feel about those who saw it differently? What did you feel when you heard about the other possible aspect of the photo? How can we connect it to the real life? Do things like this happen in real life, when we have different perception on the same issue, without either person being right or wrong? Why is it important to be aware of different perspectives people might have on the same problems? Can the different perceptions cause a conflict? is the ability to act as responsible citizens and to fully participate in civic and social life, based on understanding of social, economic, legal and political concepts as well as global developments and sustainability.
What if there was no gravity?
What if the Earth rotated twice as fast? is the ability to use mathematical thinking to solve problems in everyday situations.
What if the Earth stopped rotating?
What if we didn’t have the internet?
What if a giant asteroid hadn’t hit the Earth and wiped out the dinosaurs?
Competence in science refers to the ability to use knowledge; to identify questions and to base opinions on evidence. It includes the ability to use logical and critical thinking, to handle technological tools and to communicate conclusions and reasoning behind them.
ThefastertheEarth spins,theshorterour dayswouldbecome
a..movingrocksandoceanswouldtriggerearthquakes ndtsunamis..
What if a giant asteroid hits the Earth again?
How to improve the STEM competence: What if.... Divide the participants in groups 2 4 and ask them to write a short story about some of these questions:
How to improve the digital competence: writingexercises.co.uk Writing Exercises and Prompts (available at https://writingexercises.co.uk/) is a very useful and user friendly website that provides free writing prompts and exercises to help you get started with creative writing and break through writing blocks. There are a number of categories to choose from: generators of random story ideas, plots, subjects, scenarios, characters, first lines for stories and more. refers to the responsible use of digital technologies and digital content creation. It includes the ability to use information through a range of digital technologies, curiosity and open minded attitude. DIGITAL COMPETENCE
We would also like to thank the management and staff of the EntryFik Hostel in Maceira Fornos de Algodres for being warm and professional hosts of the Training Course. Finally, this project would not have been realized successfully without all the contribution, active participation, enthusiasm, positive attitude, energy, creativity and open mindedness of the participants in the Training Course. We would like to thank them all for adding a unique and wonderful piece of themselves to this project.
We would like to thank the National Agency of Portugal and the European Commission for supporting the project "I Write, I Become: Developing Competences Through Creative Writing" and granting the project team the opportunity to realize this project idea.
Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2021-2027. Education, training, youth and sport are key areas that support citizens in their personal and professional development. High quality, inclusive education and training, as well as informal and non formal learning, ultimately equip young people and participants of all ages with the qualifications and skills needed for their meaningful participation in democratic society, intercultural understanding and successful transition in the labour market. Building on the success of the programme in the period 2014 2020, Erasmus+ strengthens its efforts to increase the opportunities offered to more participants and to a wider range of organisations, focusing on its qualitative impact and contributing to more inclusive and cohesive, greener and digitally fit societies.
Writing Exercises. "Writing Exercises and Prompts." Accessed 28 May 2022. https://writingexercises.co.uk/.
https://erasmus plus.ec.europa.eu/
Facing History and Ourselves. "Found Poems." Accessed 14 June 2022. https://www.facinghistory.org/resource library/teaching strategies/found poems. Olehlova Ilona and Inese Priedite. Creative Writing Cookbook. Estonian UNESCO Youth Association in cooperation with Piepildīto Sapņu Istaba and Cooperativa Braccianti, 2016. Youthpass. "Key Competences Framework." Accessed 02 April 2022. https://www.youthpass.eu/en/help/faqs/keycompetences/.