50 linking words to use in academic writing. Between 12 and 20. In an essay that long, you will have to put some of your own thoughts in but you should have a number of sources, some longer than others - some may just be a quote but you shouldn't just rely on one work as a reference or only a handful.. 40 Useful Words and Phrases for Top-Notch Essays. I'm writing my dissertation using the AMA format. Noticed Word 2007 Citation has formats in several styles but not AMA. Can AMA format be added to the list in Word 2007?. Phrases And Terms To Use And Avoid. 539.949.721.1.. How many references does one normally use in a 10000 word dissertation. Words and Phrases to Avoid in Your can AMA citation format be used in Word 2007. Linking Words and Phrases in a dissertation.how MicroSoft Word is useful in education. I need to comapre my findings with other research, however in my study i hve used the follwing so man time i need other wo