Editor's desk
This month Vastu times would try to eliminate the international myth which so called GREEN experts are creating in Indian Ecological minds I would like to discuss the facts of what exactly Green home are? The spirit of Home Home is more than the total of its parts. It is our spiritual center, our place to be ourselves. A house can be healthy, yet still lack the spirit of home we need. In fact, many people are put off ideas of ecology and health by the feeling of restriction, worthiness, even self-righteousness they sometimes convey. We seem constantly to be having to give up things we enjoy, whereas a home should be place of comfort and healing, a place where we feel in harmony with ourselves and all of life. Green building (also known as green construction or sustainable building) refers to a structure and using process that is environmentally responsible and resourceefficient throughout a building's life cycle: from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition. This practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and comfort. Although new technologies are constantly being developed to complement current practices in creating greener structures, the common objective is that green buildings are designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment by: ? Efficiently using energy, water, and other
resources ? Protecting occupant health and
improving employee productivity ? Reducing waste, pollution and
environmental degradation A similar concept is Vastu natural building, which is usually on a smaller scale and tends to focus on the use of natural materials that are available locally. -Mayank
Why build in accord with Natural Law using the knowledge of Vastu? Because every individual is the expression of Natural Law, and should naturally be in harmony with himself and with his universe. And if there is some knowledge, which can be helpful to harmonize human creation (man-made structures) with nature's creation, it is wise to make use of this knowledge so that individual life may enjoy that supreme level of order and harmony of Natural Law which belongs to the universe, and to the essential nature of every individual. Then the buildings that we live and work in do not unknowingly create problems for us but become Fortune-Creating homes and buildings that constantly support all our activities for effortless success, good health and happy, harmonious family life! One of the textbooks of Sthapatya Veda, Vishvakarma Vastu Shastra says, “Because of Vastu Vidya the whole universe gets good health, happiness, and all-around prosperity.�
Vastu Perfect homes are homes which are made using natural building material 1. Adobe
Cob is a combination of earth and straw that you usually mix with your feet, and then form into lumps that you mash together by hand to form the wall. Cob lends itself easily to creative, free-form construction that includes curvy shapes and sculptural forms, and it requires minimal tools or construction experience. When the cob dries, it's like concrete, thanks to the reinforcement of the straw; however, waiting for the cob to dry is essential before placing the next layer of cob lumps. Cob wall provide thermal mass that cools homes in the summer and warms them in the winter. 3. Earth-Sheltered
Adobe is one of the oldest forms of building with earth. Adobe is made by pouring a mix of clay, sand, water and sometimes straw into a form, most commonly a brick. The forms are left to dry in the sun, and then the forms are removed. Adobe bricks are stacked just like conventional masonry and typically connected with a mud mortar. However, adobe walls are vulnerable to moisture and usually need large roof overhangs and elevated foundations in wet climates. 2. Cob
Earth-sheltered homes, are energy efficient, soundproof and fire-resistant. They can be built above ground, with the sides of the home or the roof covered with earth. Underground earth-shelters aren't completely dark; windows and openings provide heat and natural light.Water drainage systems must be designed to channel the water away from the structure, and it's best to build earthsheltered homes in soils that are permeable, which allows the water to drain. 4. Earthships To build an earthship, you fill old car tires with earth and stack them like bricks. Because the tires are so thick, you don't need a foundation, and the tires are
plastered after stacking. Internal walls are made from aluminum cans or bottles. These materials would otherwise be thrown away, but when assembled properly, they can save a good deal on heating and cooling costs. Earthships commonly are built right into the ground, with the exposed wall made out of tires pointed out to the sun. 5. Earthbags
Earthbag homes, are made of polypropylene or burlap bags stuffed with dirt and stacked like bricks. The dirt in the bags presses down after each layer is placed, and this compression makes the dirt into a kind of self-supporting brick. Barbed wire serves as the mortar between the layers, and the compression makes the dirt bricks so sturdy that even a stray hole won't affect the wall's durability. The walls are plastered to add to their durability. These homes usually have domed roofs, which are formed by stepping in the bags gradually until the bags come together to close the dome. 6. Rammed Earth To build a rammed earth home, a mixture of soils is packed down into a temporary wall form that shapes the mixture. The form is usually wooden, and it must be strong enough to withstand the compression of the ramming. Ramming can either be done by hand or by machine, and once it's
completed, the forms can be removed, leaving an earthen wall about 18 inches to 24 inches (46 cm to 61 cm) thick. 7. Bamboo Decorative bamboo has long been fashionable in home design. Bamboo is an extremely strong wood, this strong wood is a renewable resource because it's
one of the fastest growing plants. Bamboo does have to be treated with some chemicals in order to ensure that it's waterproof and insect-resistant. However, bamboo is an extremely flexible building device because it bends, and it's immensely durable. 8. Straw Bales Straw bales provide an extremely strong building block for homes. They can act as the actual structural building block or as the fill for insulation in a traditional post-and-beam structure, where the frame supports the home, as opposed to the straw bale. After the bales are stacked, the walls are plastered. The thick walls provide excellent insulation and are about 75 percent more energy efficient than conventional homes.
Vastulogical Green Homes are without air pollutants Nitrogen Dioxide
Kerosene heaters, un-vented gas stoves and heaters. Environmental tobacco smoke.
Carbon Monoxide
Common sources of carbon monoxide include that from improperly vented furnaces, malfunctioning gas ranges. Vehicle exhaust from nearby roads is also a common source.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
Household products including: paints, paint strippers, and other solvents; wood preservatives; aerosol sprays; cleansers and disinfectants; air fresheners; stored fuels and automotive products
Pressed wood products (hardwood plywood wall panelling, particleboard, fiberboard) and furniture made with these pressed wood products. Ureaformaldehyde foam insulation (UFFI). Combustion sources and environmental tobacco smoke. Durable press drapes, other textiles, and glues.
Ammonia is used in refrigeration, it is also used in the manufacture of fertilizers, nitric acid, explosives, plastics, fuel cells, rocket fuel, synthetic fibers, dyes, and is present is some detergents and cleaning products.
Carbon Dioxide
Humans are the main indoor source of carbon dioxide.
Ozone is emitted from many sources, all commonly found in a workplace environment such as printers, photocopiers etc.
Sulphur Dioxide
From outdoor air pollution sources entering into the indoor environment.
Solar house is perfect Vastu Green house
Vastu house is a real Green house
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