Vasthu - 21 Vaastu Tips for Homes , 19p

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21 Vaastu Tips for Homes There are limited options available to city dwellers and even a planned construction of a house or a work place is not perfect because of the levels in and around the plot, shape of the plot, number of roads and direction of the roads adjoining the plot and other surroundings. Yet it is true that immense benefits can accrue to live with the law of nature for health, wealth and over all prosperity, provided the Vaastu guidelines are followed. It is advisable to consult a Vaastu Expert, but some useful tips and practical illustration of principles of Vaastu are given here to add to your Health, Wealth, Happiness and Prosperity. By using these Tips, You can Change Your Destiny for the Better.

There should not be three or more doorways in a straight line. Having improper position of the entrance/obstruction in front of the gate can reduce the prosperity to a great extent.

Doors should be made leaving South/Southwest/West direction.

Rooms like drawing room in North/East direction.

The directions North, North-East, East, Brahma sthan should be kept light, clean and open. South, South-West, West should be kept heavy.

More even numbers of Balcony, Verandahs and Windows should be in North / Northeast / East direction.

Pillars should be in even numbers and should not come on the sensitive points of Brahma sthan.

Main gate should be bigger than the other internal doors. Main entrance gate is allowed on any directions , except South West direction.

It is very difficult to leave Brahma sthan open, so lobby/drawing/dining hall should be constructed there.

To balance the harmonious soul and to avoid tension and illness in the house, do not keep rubber plants, bonsai, cactus or milk producing plants in the house.

Never sit or sleep under a projected beam to avoid depression, headache and loss of memory.

Never keep non-working, un-repaired device or damaged watch, telephone, radio, mixer, spoiled ball pens, cassettes etc. in the house. This will create negative energy in the house and would retard progress and harmony.

Never accept money between two fingers, as this is considered as cutting of further inflow of wealth. Accept the money with five fingers.

Check the sound of your door bell. If it sounds irritating, family members will be short tempered. If it has a dull sound, energy level of the house will be low. The doorbell should be pleasing and soothing.

Any exposed floor marble or tile broken in your house could be the cause of a broken relationship among family members. Put a carpet to cover the broken marble/tile or replace it for immediate results.

A tree or an electric/telephone pole facing your main door or windows could cause the poor health of family members. Place a convex mirror on the outer wall facing that tree for protection from bad soul.

Have the name & number plate of your house on main entrance to enable the opportunities to trace you easily. It is a good idea to give a Name to the residence also. Lighting the nameplate increases the effect manifold.

Never sit with your back facing main door. This can cause back-biting, deceit, betrayal in life. Unwanted guest may be given such seat.

To retain the money in the house, put a 3 leg frog facing its back to the main door for better saving.

Having a toilet/fire place in North-East corner of the house can ruin it financially besides mental tension & quarrel amongst people. Using Pre-Energized Pyramids, sea salt, Green creepers, blue bulb and yellow towels can largely help in minimizing ill-effects.

Keep your mirrors clean, dust and dirt reduces the effectiveness of mirrors. Try to keep the paint work fresh, repair any leaking taps, and replace any blown bulbs as quickly as possible. Keep your windows clean and replace any cracked or broken glass.

Water, particularly moving water, attracts positive energy and money. Consider placing a small ornamental fountain or aquarium in your North direction for wonderful results.

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Vaastu Tips for Offices/Businesses •

In the office, the temple should not be placed at the back of the owner’s seat. The central point of a office or factory should be empty.

The owner seat must be facing east or north. Positive magnetic field from North helps in sharp memory and quick grasping power and getting ability to take right decisions much faster while negotiating with clients. West is also permissible but owner must not face south.

In office, owner should always sit with a solid wall behind your back and farthest from the gate to have support from seniors, colleagues and friends. Never sit with owner back facing main door. Unwanted guests/visitors should be given such a seat. It results in lack of strength and sense of fear and insecurity.

The owner’s desk must always be rectangle. Put a Crystal Globe on North-West corner of your table to get better overseas opportunities and get foreign contacts and rotate it at least three times in a day in clockwise direction. For enhancing the potential of clients place your address book or planner on North-West corner of the desk. Installing 6 rod yellow or golden metallic wind-chime in North-West area of the workplace can also help in bringing desired number of overseas clients/ opportunities for import-export.

Keeping a picture of High Altitude Mountains without water in South–West will enhance stability and help to overcome insecurity.

Check if any marble or tile is broken in your office. This could result into broken relationship with partner or customers. Either put carpet to cover the broken marble/tiles or preferably replace it.

To improve the Sales, Stick three coins tied with red ribbon on sales file or invoice book or order book.

Conference room or a boardroom should be in the East or West direction. Take new decisions in East direction and they will rise to great heights liking a rising Sun. West is best for post analysis of any set target after its completion.

When you work from home, you spend a lot of time in your workplace. South-East is the best for locating HomeOffice. If it is not available, it should be in East, North or North-West of home.


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Vaastu for Kitchen •

Kitchen/fire-place should be preferably in the South-East direction. It may be in East/North-West direction. Avoid North and South directions while cooking as facing North increases unwanted expenses and facing South is detrimental to lady's health which causes pain in the shoulders or even cervical pain. Facing East or West while cooking is a must.

If your wife is facing cervical problems, pain in leg and backache, this can be due to her back facing the entrance gate of the kitchen. Install a convex mirror in front of her so that she can see what is going on in her backside through the mirror. Frequent turning around is avoided.

Kitchen is the second best place after North-East for performing Pooja. Choose North-East corner of the Kitchen for putting an idol of deity.

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Remove medicines from kitchen and shift it to living room, preferably at Pooja place.

Avoid water and fire in one line from the kitchen for better harmony. Having water & fire in one Line or opposite to one another, adds to difference of opinion amongst the family members. Rearranging the gadgets or putting a minimum 2’ high partition of any material between fire/water will be very helpful.

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Vaastu for Bed Room

Bedroom for head of the family should be in South-West/South direction. North and East directions are best suitable for small children. Children pursuing research or some serious study should occupy West sector of the house. If you want your grown up child to leave the home for career building, put his bedroom in the North-West direction of the home.

To maintain health and happiness, the color of the bedroom walls should be same on all four walls, while the ceiling should always be white/sky blue. Improper position of the bedroom/





unhappiness in the married life and causes disturbed sleep.

Never keep your head towards North while sleeping. Keeping it towards South or East gives peaceful/restful sleep and a healthy life. West facing head is also acceptable.

Never put a mirror in front of the bed or attached with the bed. Cover it while sleeping to avoid bad dreams and ensuring a healthy sleep. A properly placed round mirror and soothing paintings etc. in the bedroom can enhance the relationship.

Wooden beds without box (for storage) are the best for sleeping. Avoid metal beds (wrought Iron) etc. as it may lead to health problems related to heart and brain.

For better harmony & ever lasting personal relationship always prefer a double bed with single mattress, since the normally used double mattresses creates a symbolic separation which might become real.

Place Heavy furniture such as wardrobe, floor to ceiling bookcase on South or West side of the Bedroom. Dressing table along with any jewellery and bangle boxes should be located against the North or East wall.

A wall poster having mountains/ snow-clad peaks of mountains (without water) etc. on South-West wall of the bedroom can add immense strength and stability in the life.

Avoid or minimize the use of T.V or computer in bedroom as the energy level of the room will get destroyed by the radiations emitted; causing disharmony which may lead even to separation.

Avoid sleeping in a room located at the end of a long corridor, or where the door opens directly to a staircase. The strong flow of bad soul may bring illness to the occupants.

To improve marriage prospects, Hang several crystal balls and light a chandelier in South-West corner. Keep Rose Quartz precious stone along with a pair of Mandarian ducks in South-West of your bedroom will enhance harmony. Immerse a fresh sweet and juicy orange to a moving stream of water on any full moon day for an early, happy and durable marriage.

Keeping a picture of any flower, double happiness symbols and a picture /idols of Lord Krishna & Radha also helps in getting a suitable life partner.

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Vaastu and Home Bed Room : Bed Room and Vastu Kitchen : Kitchen and Vastu Drawing (Living)Room

North-East or North-West is best direction for a Drawing Room. In the East, it is best for social workers, politicians and business tycoons. It is more calm and quiet in the West direction while the South direction is best during winter months and in cold regions.

The Drawing Room should be close to the main door. Large and Heavy sofa with chairs should be placed in South, West or South-West direction. While sitting you should face towards North, East or North-East. Place T.V., Telephone and entertainment devices in the North-West or South-West direction.

Photos of your ancestors should be placed in South and South-West directions. Photos of Children can be placed in the East direction. Photos of Living older generations should be placed in North direction.

Display a couple of plants on the floor in gloomy areas or on a side table. Display mementoes, photographs or paintings of your choice in the Drawing Room. Paint the walls with blue and green color for calm environment. Never use red, yellow, purple and dark hues of colors. Study Room

One should face North-East, East or North while studying. Positive magnetic field from North helps in sharp memory and quick grasping power and getting ability to take right decisions much faster.

Keep your Study Table 10 to 15 cm away from the wall and light should come from the backside or left hand side. Reading material should be nearly 30 to 45 cm away from the eyes. Sit with your back in an erect posture.

To improve the studies, Put Crystal Globe and Education Tower on the North-East corner of the study table or room for excellent performance. Keeping your stamp size photo in between the wish-pyramid along with Fortune card and keeping the study pyramid underneath the seat or the pillow also adds significantly to the concentration/results. Installing a 5 rod wooden wind-chime in the eastern zone is also very helpful. Prayer (Pooja) Room

North-East is the ideal place for location of a Pooja Room. It may be in the North/East direction. Face East or NorthEast while worshipping for better concentration and devotion. North-East sector of your kitchen is a good choice for daily worship if you can not afford a separate place for worship. Stairs

Stairs in South/South-West/West direction in clockwise direction in odd numbers and elevation of it should be from East to West or North to South. It should not be in reverse direction in any case. Guest Room

Guest Room in North-West direction is suitable. Keep the Heavy furniture along the South and West walls. While taking rest, your guest should keep his head towards South. Head towards East or West is also acceptable but North should strictly be avoided. Avoid placing Guest Room in the North-East, South-East, South-West and Brahma sthan. Dining Room

Dining Room should be in West/East/South-East direction. Chairs around the Dining table should be so arranged that you always face East or West while eating. Facing North is never recommended while eating meals. Bath Room

Bath Room in East direction is best. It may be in North-West direction and Bath-cum Toilets in NorthWest/West/South/South-West direction. Do not place a bathroom beside or opposite of the front door. It brings a bad reputation to the occupants. Toilet

Toilet in West of South-West direction is best. It can be made in North of North-West or West of North-West direction also. Tanks

Under Ground Water Tank should be in North/North-East/East direction. Having an underground water tank in the South-East/South position of the house can cause damage to the male child/wife of the owner. Besides huge financial losses, an underground water tank in south-west can prove fatal to the head of the family.

Overhead Water Tank should be in South/South-West/South direction.

Septic Tank in West of South-West/North-West is best direction.


Basement should be made under the whole building or partially in North/Northeast/East direction.

Small Garden

Small Garden should be in North/Northeast/East direction and small flowery or herbal plants should be planted.

Store Room

Store Room should be in South-West/South direction.

Car Garage

Car Garage is best in the South-East or North-West direction.

Guard Room

Guard Room in the right hand side of the main entrance gate.

Assets Room

Valuable Things should be kept in central portion of North.

Vastu essentially deals with two energy sources the solar energy flux and geomagnetic energy flux. As we all know there are five basic elements in the whole world. They are the Earth, Water, Air, Fire(Heat & Light) and Sky(Cosmic). Vastu is a science of balancing these elements in the proper proportions for harmony. Vaastu is the art of correct settings one can place himself in such a manner as to derive maximum benefits. Vastu Shastra is also said as an ancient mystic science for designing and building. Vastu Shastra helps us to make our lives better and will secure from things going wrong.

Vaastu Tips If you are constructing house or purchasing flat, do consider on following Vaastu Tips : Prayer Room - North-East corner of the house. Deity or image of god should not face the south direction. Ideal position for making prayer etc is east or west facing sitting. Room of Head of the Family - South-West. Master Bed Room - South-West corner of the house. If the house has more than one floor then, then it should be on the top most floor. The ceiling should be in level, this makes the energy of the room uniform, which in turn gives one a steady state of mind. Children’s Room – North-West or west side. To have a better concentration they should have a separate study close to their bedrooms. Drawing Room - North-West, South or west direction. The furniture should be kept in South and West directions. Open space should be maximum in North and East directions. Study Room - The North-East, North-West, North, West, East are best for a study room. If the study room and place of worship room are adjacent then it is considered most beneficial. These directions attract the positive effects of Mercury increasing brain power, Jupiter increasing wisdom, Sun increasing ambition and Venus helps in bringing about creativity in new thoughts and ideas. Dining Room - The dining room should be constructed in South-East. The dining room and kitchen should be on the same floor and it should be adjacent to the kitchen from the left. The entrance to the dining room and the main door should not be facing each other. The dining table should be square of rectangular in shape and should not be attached or folding against the wall. Bathroom - West and South directions and the flow of its drains should be towards North-East. Toilet - South or West. Never build toilets in the direction of eastern corner. Latrin seat should be NORTH-SOUTH so that face be towards south or West while sitting. General Room - North-West. Room for Guests – North-West Room for Girl member – North-West

Kitchen - South-East. The face of the cook should be towards the East. The water tap in kitchen should be in the North-East direction. It is better if the stone on which food is cooked, is of red colour. Store Room - Southern part of the building. Grain and other related commodities should be stored in the kitchen or in other rooms and cupboards. Things should not be stored in diwans and box beds because it effects the magnetic environment of the self and the room causing sleeping disorders. Height of Rooms - Rooms in the northern part of the house should be larger than the rooms in the southern side by 6-9 inches, and lower by 1-3 inches. Height of rooms should ideally be, 12- 14 feet. Doors/Windows As far as doors are concerned, the main door should be larger than the inner doors and all doors should open towards the walls. All windows should be at least 3 feet 6 above ground level, and should be at the same level from the top. Window openings should be on the northern and eastern sides of the buildings Daily Waste Storage - South-West corner of the kitchen. Water Tank - North-West, but could be kept in West also. Door - North and East. When someone enters, the waves emerging from the doors affect his / her mind because the magnetic waves always flow around us. No Room - North-East. Room in this direction increases the possibility of getting female child. No bedroom - South-East. Bedroom in this direction increases anger and deprives occupant from sound sleep and becomes prone to take wrong decision. Children also do not take interest in studies.

Minimum Vastu principles 1. Rooms should be of square or rectangular shape. These should be airy, well sun lighted and clean. 2. For Kitchen South-East Direction is preferable. Avoid keeping mirror in Kitchen; 3. For Bedrooms south & south west Directions are preferable. In the bed room, placement of Bed should be in such way that head be in East or South or South-West direction. Avoid keeping any water feature or plants in the bed room. Consider on colour of walls in bed room also. 4. Center place of home should be clean and vacant. Corners of room should be well lighted. 5. Heavy structure & Stairs should be in South-West Direction. Ladder to go up stair curved on the right side should be divided in to two parts. It should be constructed leaving north-east or south-west direction. Ladders stepping down towards north or west create waste of Lakshmi. 6. For worship, prayer or Meditation North-East Direction is preferable. Deity or image of god should not face the south direction. Ideal positions are such that you face east or west while praying. 7. Dining-room should be in proximity of kitchen but not exposed to the front door of house. 8. The seat in the latrin should be NORTH-SOUTH. Worshiping place should not be in proximity of latrin room. 9. Placement of computer should be made on user’s right side on the table. 10. Place an aquarium in the south-east corner in living room. Place a picture of bright sunrise on southern wall in living room. Place a picture of bright sunrise on southern wall in living room. To be continued

Vaastu Tips for Factory 1. The shape of the land, roads, uninterrupted availability of water and electric power etc. should be kept in mind. 2. According to `Vaastu Shastra` the main gate of factory should be kept in the East, North or North-East of the plot. All other doors can be kept in North-East, East, North or North-West. 3. The guardroom of the factory should be in North-West of the Northern gate and to the South-East of Eastern gate. 4. There must be open space in the North- East. The land of the factory should be elevated in South-West. 5. The store of the factory should be in the South-West. 6. The North-West corner should be used for car-parking. 7. The administrative block should either be in the North or in the East.

Vaastu Tips for office 1. Tips for office1. Money and valuables should be kept in an Almirah or safe facing north. 2. If north is blocked it can be cured with the help of regulators. 3. A boring or tube well in south is very harmful for finance. 4. A pit or under ground tank in south is also very harmful for finance. 5. Certain pictures of god goddess and proper placement of mirrors brings financial gains in the house. 6. Water flowing from north to east is very good. 7. A water fountain in the north east part of the house or factory is very good. 8. An aquarium with 9 gold fish and one black fish, in the north east corner/portion of the house or factory is very good. Direction and Its Significance East (Sun): - Gives wealth and all pleasures of life. West (Saturn ) :- Is the rain God. He showers His blessings through rain and brings all round prosperity. North ( Mercury ) :- Is the God of wealth. He grants us wealth and all comforts of life. South ( Mars ) : - Is god of Death. He eradicates evils and grants all good things. North East ( Jupiter) : -The Supreme Being - God. Grants wisdom, knowledge, all comforts and relieves all sufferings of all human beings. North West (Moon ) :- Blesses us long life, health and strength. He is the basis of all life. South East (Venus ) : - Gives us a beautiful personality and all the best in our lives. South West (Dragon's Head) :- Vanishes the fear of enemies.

Vastu Remedies Vastu Dosha is a proposed defect or deficiency in the familiar features of the eight directions and these directions have been empowered with characters based on an assortment obtained from the Panch-Maha-Bhutas. However, Vastu Dosha signifies spoiling the characters of the directions under circumstances. Also, such doshas are closely related with Panch-MahaBhutas associated qualities of mind, soul, and human body. It is possible to settle down the ill effects through 'Sadhana' or meditation. Looking very closely, these qualities have the ability to provide a shield exhaling from the human soul that could protect the concerned person from ill effects of vastu doshas. However, this idea is especially effective when the human efforts are put forth for wanting obstructions made by the vastu doshas. Thus, meditation practices can serve the purpose as they are gaining popularity with innovative techniques in meditation.

Let's take into account the vastu remedies for flats and homes that are needed for the constructions that are made against the principles of vastu. At times, it happens that an act done by a man out of inexperience harms him a lot and such remedy seems to be highly impossible. Some of the remedies in getting relief from the problems are discussed below:

If a canal or river flows in any direction other than facing north-east direction of the home and having an anti-clockwise movement, it is better to set the statue of Ganeshji in a dancing state facing towards the west on the north-east area of the house. If a factory or a house has a wrongly faced boring direction, a Panchmukhi Hanumanji picture can be placed facing the boring's south-west.

While entering in to the flat, if a bare wall is seen, either a statue or picture of Ganeshji must be placed on it as a bare wall signifies loneliness. Hence, it is advisable not to leave the wall without anything on it.

Swastika Yantras can be used in improving the energy circles in some cases. Moreover, a lot of care is required and should be managed under the guidance of a capable vastu mason.

Now, let's taken in to consideration the effects when particular rooms are constructed in a wrong direction. Firstly, a kitchen room would aptly be good in a south-east direction and the water tap in the kitchen to face the north east direction. On the contrary, if the kitchen faces the north east direction, it restricts mutual love and peace in the family. Moreover, the cooking direction should remain only towards the east and it would be better if the food to be cooked on the stone is red. Also, if a tube well is not fit at a desirable direction, it causes deficit of women, stomach, and sexual problems among the men. The remedy to this is to fit the tube well or well in the north-east direction and it has to be ensured that the place remains open at the house's lowest level. In case of toilets, it can be constructed towards the west or south with face facing the north or west during discharging stool.

astu for Office Vastu for office determines the efficiency of the work inside the office premises. Vastu principles help in the arrangement of office desk and office seating. Office is a place that has to be designed with the right procedural practice, as it gives an unbiased movement in work! If an office space is not designed as per the right vastu principles, then there will never be any balanced workout and progress. An office room that is designed without following the vastu principle will be less effective with effortless employees, disabled workman, owner might lose the power to manage or control his staffs, which leads to failure. Pursuing the vastu standards for office will ensure effective and efficient workout, and thereby proves to be a valuable asset to the company and much more. Vastu for offices includes several different factors such as right office setup, office exteriors with respect to shape, slope, direction of various departments, location of the reception, placement of electrical gadgets, position of office desk, and many more. Apart from these, there are several other factors that you must take into your consideration about vastu for office. They are as follows: • •

The direction of the office entrance way The right direction of the placement beams

The right direction to fix the doors and windows

The right direction and setup of the owner room

The right direction for the employees to work

Set your office as per these vastu tips. It is sure that you will progress in all aspects of your work. • •

The place of seat arrangement for managers, executives, and directors must be located in south, west, and southwestern direction of the office premises. As per the vastu principles it is really good to set the accounts department in southeast direction.

The appropriate place to set the reception is in the northeastern direction of the office.

With respect to vastu principles, it is good to seat the employees facing the north or eastern direction.

The central portion of the office must be set empty.

As per the vastu principles, it is good to place rectangular desk for the MD.

Placing bore-well or fixing tank in the direction of south is not really recommended. This will affect the owner with less and insufficient cash flow.

The best and right direction to keep the storeroom is on the northwest and southeast location.

It is recommended to set the marketing department in the direction of northwest.

Fixing of some idols or images of God and Goddess in the right location of mirrors will bring you improved financial gains.

Setting a water fountain in the location of northeast of the office premises is really good and recommended.

Placing an aquarium containing 1 black fish and 9 gold fishes in the location of northeast of the office premises is really good and advisable.

Individuals who have set their office besides vastu norms and principals will find themselves out from the assistance of natural forces. The principle motto of vastu is to excerpt the maximum goodness from the natural forces in order to gain improved energy levels in the every face of liveliness.

Vastu for House Building a house as per the vastu norms is very much essential because it brings congruent balance amidst assorted atmospheric natural energies including cosmic energy, solar energy, lunar energy, and much more. Vastu for house involves several important traits, which depicts unique style in building every room of your home. Constructing a house by closely sticking with the vastu principles will greatly bring peace, success, and opulence to the dwellers residing in the home. Moreover, a good vastu shastra will drive away the negative

powers and brings holiness and supreme powers into the home. Here are some brief descriptions that describe, in which style your house and rooms should be built by closely sticking with the vastu norms.

While constructing a house you need to mainly apply the principles of vastu for kitchen, pooja room, bedroom, and bathroon.

Vastu for Kitchen: Kitchen is a place, where you cook your everyday food. You must have to consider quite several factors, while constructing your home kitchen. You must be very considerable in placing the sink, location of the gas, refrigerator, gas cylinder, and other things.

Essential Vastu tips for your home kitchen: • •

The right place to set your kitchen is in the south-east corner. If you never find an apt position, then you can avail the alternative of locating it in the north-west corner Building kitchen in north-east, mid-west, mid-north, mid-south, south-west or in the centre is strictly not recommended, as they are out of vastu norms

Ensure that the cooking area never touches the sidewall of northern or eastern side

The right location to cook food is by setting it on the direction of east

Vastu for Pooja Room: While setting the pooja room, you must have to consider all the following vastu principles in order to achieve the holiness to your dwelling. • •

Place the idols of the God and Goddess in the right direction Stick close with the door placement

Strictly avoid using the proscribed raw material while constructing the puja room

Stick with the right number of doors and windows that are described in the vastu principles

Vastu for Bedroom: Bedroom is a place where you wind up all your worries and tensions thereby stay relaxed with pleasant memories. So, it is really essential to design your bedroom with great care sticking very much to the vastu principles. The direction, which you face while sleeping will badly affect your physical workout in your everyday activity. If you have constructed your bedroom with the inappropriate structure that stands out of vastu principles will badly disturb your sleep and make you to turn restless. Moreover, you often get clashes and misunderstandings with your better-half. Along with that, you might experience everlasting health troubles.

Essential Vastu tips for your home bedroom: • •

The right direction to set your master bedroom is on south-west Ensure to place your head positioning towards the direction of south corner. Placing head towards north is not recommended, as it will badly disturb your sleep

Keep your bedroom away from setting diving idols

Constructing your bedroom with the shape of rectangle or square is dearly recommended, as it bestows peace and good fortune

Vastu for Bathroom: Similar to other rooms, you must give close attention while you construct your home bathroom. The best location to construct the bathroom is the eastern part of the home. If you never find the right appropriate place to set your bathroom, then you can avail the vastu remedy by placing geyser in the south-east corner.

Vastu for Plot Vastu is basically a science of structures and completely deals with the directions. Vastu Shastra is a big field and one can find many remedies for the well-being. There are many things to be taken in to consideration while deciding to construct a building. Of the most important things, plot selection, plot size, and plot shape are extremely crucial. Hence, it is always advisable to take consultation from vastu shastra expert before purchasing a plot, site, flat, house, or any other building rather than taking his advice in the later part of construction. From whom should a plot not be bought? The answer to this question is provided by vastu shastra and as per it, a plot, land, or site should never be purchased from people who became insolvent, troubled from leprosy, lunatics, or who are not in country, etc. Likewise, sites that are given in donation to temples, assigned to watchman of colony or village, lands possessed by charitable trusts, and sites with no title deed should not be bought. Also, lands holding boulders, worm hills, ant hills, skeleton, and bones should not be acquired. In which direction should a plot or site face? The direction of the plots plays a very important role in its construction. Different directions are beneficial for various types of persons and organizations. Let's take a look on them. Plots which face the east direction are considered good for philosophers, professors, scholars, teachers, and priests whereas plots that face the west direction helps the people who truly support the society. Also, plots facing the north are good for people in administration, power, government jobs. The plots facing south are considered best for the business class and people who work in business concerns. An extremely important factor where light is to be thrown is at the surroundings or environment of the plots. If the environment is not good, the resulting problems come in many ways. Hence, it is crucial to look at the following aspects:

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It is best to construct plots where lands are fertile with plants and greeneries. A big canal or the river located on the north side and its water flowing from west to east is a good sign. The same way if the river is on the east side with water flowing from south to north, is also considered good.

If there are mounds of Earth, big boulders, and hills towards the south west, southern, and western sides of the site or plot, it is good. Otherwise, it would affect the progress.

It should be ensured that no cemetery, tomb, or graveyard lie close to the plot either front or back.

Also, plots near to temples have a chance to affect the inmates. Plots having temple towards its right causes material loss, on the left causes sorrow and grief, and in the front it causes obstruction to develop.

Thus, keeping these things in mind, it is very important to consult an expert in vastu shastra before constructing the building as it renders happiness and prosperity ever through the life relieved from problems.

Vastu Tips Vastu is an important concept that people consider while constructing their living and working place. It is quite obvious that you could never envision the supreme and heavenly energies with our naked vision. But you could sense the effects and influence of those supreme powers in several aspects. World is the biggest gift that is being created by God and everything stays good under the prominence of truth. Similar to every workout, the human life and living is governed by the supreme power of the dwelling position and construction known as vastu. Vastu principles are really important that has to be taken into the consideration, while you construct your house and living area.

Here are some of the essential vastu tips for home and office that will really help you to make a peaceful living! • •

Construct your house in such way it admits bright light into the main doorway It is really advisable to allow 5 doors of a maximum opening

Setting television in the bedroom area is not recommended

Keep the plants and water sport far from your bedroom

Never split bed sheet and bed mattresses

Set your house furniture in the form of circle, square, or as octagon

Keep the corners bright

It is good to fix an image of bright sun in the southern wall of the living area

Construct your bedroom, where wind must blow from south to west

Your house dinning hall must never get exposed to the entrance door of the house

Setting a mirror in the kitchen room is not recommended

Do not place the mops and brooms in the kitchen

It is good to keep the doors of your toilet and bathroom closed most the time

It is good to set your windows opened towards out face

Growing of pricking plants like cactus in your house is not advisable and recommended

It is good to place the fish aquarium in the southeast corner in your living area

It is good to stick a happy family photograph or picture inside your living room

Growing of high trees such as Bangan, Thorny, and Pipal trees is not good and recommended

Ensure that the lift gate is not set in face of the entry main gate of your house

Building your house rooms in shape of oval, circle, or triangle is strictly not advisable

Your house should never be in disturbed by any obstructive buildings

Ensure that your house is good with right air circulation and water source

Your latrine seat must be kept facing towards northern south

It is good to sit facing the doorway, while you sit in your office

It is good to set a mountain wallpaper behind you in your office

Never keep a ladder that faces towards west or north, as it makes waste of money

Never wear torn clothing or withered flowers as these will prevent the Goddess Lakshmi entering into the home

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astu Pyramid What does a vastu pyramid signify? Pyramids truly mean an energy nucleus that is highly powerful and the crucial thing is that it can never be changed or modified by any energy contacts. This is how the Egyptian pyramids have the ability to restore the dead body cells completely free from decay for many number of years while it is commonly experienced that the human body as well as any form of life starts getting decayed within few hours of death.

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Vastu Shastra is an architectural science, and is based on the energy, exhaling from different sources. It is entirely about directions and plays a major role in the construction of building or any other structures. Energy penetrates in to the nature and all our lives depend on it. Moreover, energy is the basic factor that rules all forms of life on the Earth. Also, this energy either takes a positive or negative approach. Vastu that are done correct exhibit a positive energy, while an incorrect vastu results in the negative energy. However, corrections can be done by counterbalancing the negative energies by firm positive energy diverging devices such as the energized vastu pyramids. The term 'Pyramid' has been described in Greek with 'Pyro' meaning fire (energy) and 'Amid' meaning middle (center or nucleus). Pyramids, take a form of structure with slanting sides meeting at the top. Pyramids that create energy help in the correction or alteration of vastu. These structures exhibit positive energy and neutralize the negative energy that is caused amongst any of the premises due to the incorrect vastu. Pyramid reproductions that are related on the measurements of the huge Egyptian pyramids are great sources of contribution in generating energy for the healing process. Vastu Shastra is actually a vedic architecture that combines the ayurvedic science and astrology by connecting them with human lives. On the other hand, 'Vastu' integrates the magnetic fields of the Earth and other celestial bodies with cosmic rays play a very significant role in the happiness of family life and success of the business.

However, the vastu pyramids are considered the best when installed in the middle of a room, house, or any other energetic key point. As they are powerful, they can correct the vastu defects to a higher degree without even conducting any analysis. Such pyramids can be of any material, shape, or size as the selection would completely depend upon the need. For example wooden pyramids are best suited for depression while marble pyramids are ideal for digestive system. •

Living in the home or office having done vastu corrections complying with the nature's law dearly ensures general well being, happiness, and prosperity of the occupant. Modern sciences fail to describe the effects of vastu in today's world of growing urbanization, dearth of space, hectic life, and more vitally the erect sense of falseness. It is in fact very important to have explanation of the effects before constructing a home or office. •

Vastu Compass There are many devices which are used in vastu shastra for the benefit of the well beings and their surroundings. Of them, the most important one is the Vastu Compass. Vastu Shastra is highly ranked and is very important from the sensuous point of view within the creation of human beings. In fact, Vastu Shastra is most amorous, pleasant, and charming and is owned by its enduring value and most appealing components of human civilization. Using vastu

compass enhances the growth of an individual and brings happiness and prosperity in one's life. Let's know in detail regarding it. Vastu Compass is an advanced self pointing device that helps us in checking the arrangements as per to the vastu and also suggests arrangements accordingly. The compass helps in guiding oneself as well as others in becoming healthy, wealthy, and prosperous. Of course, these are the important basic things which are expected by the human beings. There are simple charts, which are very easy to use that simplifies the process of vastu differences. Vastu Compass comes with many ready to use charts like living room, residence, kitchen, bed room, office, shop, dispensary and factory. One would really feel the comfort and easiness in vastu while using the compass. Now let's see some vastu compass tips while using them. They are found to be easy as well as manageable. As each of the charts signifies a different aspect, one could choose the chart that would suit the situation. Then, place only the chart that is selected on the instrument's dial in such a way that the centre-pin ejects out from the middle point of the chart. Following to this, the chart is to be placed on the said direction pointing towards the needle on the centre-pin. Also, one should take absolute care in preventing the influence of outside wind, jerk, and air on the needle. After this, the needle can be allowed to rotate freely on the centre pin and after some time the needle would stop moving further and finally sets to only one direction. To identify the direction one could read out the marks on the needle, as a "Red" mark on the needle signifies the "North" direction. From the north direction the other directions can be calculated in our mind and mark it accordingly. Then the instrument has to be rotated in such a way that RED MARK of the needle or the "N" pole pairs aptly over the chart's "N" pole. However, this instrument has to be placed on the surface of a ground or a table as a leveled surface would give better results. Now it is time to check the location and situation of the residence or any commercial premises according to the chart that indicates the perfect situation as per "Vastu Shastra".

Finally, one could make comparisons of the facts and do needed alteration to welcome peace, wealth and prosperity to the home.

Vastu Yantra Vastu Yantra finds remedy to one's problems. Kindly go further in the flow of reading and get to know the benefits of yantra.

Often we hear about the term 'Vastu' while starting any kind of new projects. What can be studied from the phrase 'Vastu'? It signifies that vastu is a perfect perceptive of geography, direction, topography, physics, and environment. The world is moving to an advanced stage with modernization and tends to leave back the vedas, which causes us to face many problems in life. Most of the people use dynamic planning and unstructured architectural procedures leading them to face basic problems in the recent days. In short, it can be said that vastu connects human and nature. Basically, solutions can be given for vastu dosh by making alteration in the rooms, by changing the placements, by altering the house's interiors, by the use of regulators, or by using charged materials. Some way or the other, one can find remedies for vastu dosha and if the steps are taken in the right direction, happiness follows the door and peace is brought back into one's lives.

The Yantras have many benefits like it combats almost all the ill-effects and bad influences. Vastu Yantra is particularly fashioned for correcting the mistakes of a building, home, office, or site that are wrongly constructed or created. Also, it eradicates the negative power or the ill effects ensuing from unfavorable location or position of rooms, buildings, homes, and even other properties by rendering positive and kind energies. However, the Yantra needs to be either buried beneath the ground earlier or later to construction with due rites or set up in the puja room and later be worshipped. Still confused with the term 'Yantra'? It is nothing but an instrument, mystical diagram, or talisman usually made in copper. In fact, it is path or a technique that is considered to be the shortest and simplest by which one can accomplish one's hopes and satisfy one's dreams or wishes. It is believed that 'Deities' dwell in the Yantras and by doing religious 'Puja' or worshipping the Yantras, it can be conciliated by them, get rid of the evil consequences and raise the flow of convinced influences. There are in fact certain guidelines to be followed while placing the energized Yantra on oneself. Let's take a look at them. • •

The first step is to purify the body and initiate with a positive and clear mind frame Face towards east would be the best to be seated

Ignite the lamp or the diya

Fresh fruits and flowers can be laid on altar

Yantra needs to be exposed on the place with the yantra deity's image and one's favorable God

Sprinkle water with any leaf on one self and then on the Yantra

Sublimate the soul and deliver oneself completely in dedication to God

Finally close the eyes and focus on the deity to bless with wishes. At this stage, one can ask God with sincerity the desire for life that is to be fulfilled

Vastu Yantras removes out the evil effects and helps in improving the status of money, wealth, health, and success for a happy and peaceful life.

Vastu Energy Plate How can vastu energy plates solve one's problems and render a peaceful life? Let's take a detailed look on what all aspects these plates can benefit the individuals.

Vastu is basically a science of structures that deals with the results of several directional powers on a building when it is constructed and completed. In fact they talk a lot more about directional forces and the four corner directions are northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest. It can be said, man always depended on unknown for help, as he is knows that the unknown significantly play a good role in bestowing him wealth, health, happiness, and prosperity. In relation to this, he has found out many devices that would fetch him blessings from the super power. Moreover, there are yagnas, symbols, homas, mantras, yantras, and talismans, which have been used through ages in different cultures and countries to feel one's wish. Likewise came the vastu energy plates for the flooring in buildings.

Before the flooring is laid, these plates are to be used and is about 8 x 8 inches with 10 mm thickness. Also, it comprises a pair of plastic plates amongst which an energy pad is shaped and is covered with aluminum coil all around. Once the base is ready for laying granite or tile flooring, one plate has to be laid in each room's corner. Hence, four plates are needed and only living and bed rooms are to be considered. However, it is not required in toilet rooms, bathrooms, and kitchens. After placing the plates, cement layer can be covered before laying a floor tile or slab. Thus, the rooms with those plates get wrapped with a pyramid field and all the benefits of such energy are installed. Is there an energy plate for health & harmony? Of course, 'Yes'! For several years the Swastika Symbol had been a course of study by the scientists. As per an estimate, it releases millions of Bovis units of energy while comparing to human with just 6500 Bovis. Mostly, the symbol can be seen in front of temples and houses. This symbol reflects a candle that is not lit and it has to be 'ignited' to make it uncover the energy. Also, it symbolizes to bring happiness and good luck. It can be placed exactly opposite to the main door on the walls or may hang it close to northeast corner where it is easily visible. Where can an energy plate be fixed for martial bliss or getting children? This plate can hanged in the bed room towards one's feet and this plate particularly suits for the couples seeing into martial happiness and kids. The symbol is a power symbol of large creation and it depicts the female's egg and the male's sperm. There are energy plates for growth and wealth separately. Both of them are most suited in business places and the former symbolizes letter 'T' and signifies growth, construction, bright career, and advancement. Again, both are made powerful by red color and can be hung on the walls of the office at a height of 7 feet.

Hence, the vastu energy plates can brighten one's life by fitting them exactly in the places where it needs to be fixed. This results in the happiness and prosperity of the individual as well as the surroundings.

escription Quote: Vaastu Shastra, the science containing ethics of planning and architecture, implements construction of buildings to ensure a harmonious balance between man and nature. It contributes in creating a pleasant setting or a place to live and work in the most scientific way; captivating the benefits bestowed by the five Elements present in nature, thereby paving the way for enhanced wealth, health, prosperity and happiness. The word 'Vaastu 'originating from Vastu represents physical environment or anything existing such as house, shelter, etc. and 'Shastra' represents the systems knowledge, text or principles. Since ancient times Vaastu Shastra considered as one of the traditional Hindu standard of town planning and architecture can also be called the science of direction that combines all the five elements of nature and balance them with the man and the material. These five Elements of nature -- Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space known as Paanchbhootas comprise the world. It is believed that out of the nine planets, our planet has life because of the presence of the five Elements. Earth (Bhumi): Earth, as a large magnet extends its magnetic field and gravitational force affecting everything living and non-living on the Earth. Comprising of the land structure, landform, landscape, flora and fauna, Earth also establishes availability of local construction materials and their workability. Water (Jal): Water represented by rain, river, sea etc. in the form of solid, liquid and gas (steam, cloud) forms part of every plant and animal. Physical life and habitat exists only where there are water. History depicts Imagethat cultures and civilizations flourished on the bank of any water bodies and also all the modern day cities. This shows the influence of the water on our life, since ages. Air (Vaayu): Air, the element with a powerful life source deals with the entire body surface through skin, blood system - through respiration. Though oxygen present in the air is required for respiration; Nitrogen, Carbon-di-oxide, Helium, other gases, dust particles, humidity and vapor in also present in certain proportions. Pure air with oxygen is good for brain and blood. The physical comfort of human beings is rationally dependent on correct humidity, airflow, and temperature of air, air pressure, air composition and its content. Fire (Agni): Fire representing light and heat also symbolizes the days and nights, seasons, energy, enthusiasm, passion and vigor without which life cease to exist. All is because of light and heat only. Sun considered being the source of mental energy plays an important role in development of visual qualities of architecture in terms of textures, colors and expressions of energy. Space (Aakash): All the elements - Earth, Water, Air and Fire are responsible for the creation of comfortable, pleasant, determinant, vibrant and satisfying spaces for habitat. Space representing the endless expanse consist not only our solar system but the entire galaxy is comprised of forces like light, heat, magnetic field, gravitational force and others. It has been found that life exists and evolves in regions where all the five Elements are found in abundance, creating an invisible and invariable relation between these elements present outside and those within an individual and in his/her home and job place. Vaastu Shastra emphasizes on constructing buildings based on the principles of the Five Elements or Paanchbhootas and it is believed that each direction is guarded by a heavenly force. So according to Vaastu, if you revere and respect the lords of these eight directions, you may reap the benefits for proper utilization of the direction. * North - representing Kuber, the god of wealth grants us wealth and prosperity. * Northeast - representing Ishwar grants us wisdom, divinity and relieves us from sufferings. * East - representing Indra, the king of Gods grants wealth, progress and all pleasures of life. * Southeast - representing Agni, the God of fire grants energy vigor and beautiful personality. * South - representing Yama, the God of death eradicates evils and grants all good things. * Southwest - representing Niruti (demon) grants purity, cleanliness and eradicates fear of enemies. * West - representing Varun, the God of rain showers his blessings bringing prosperity and pleasure in life. * Northwest - representing Vayu, the God of wind and the basis of life grants health, strength and long-life.

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