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Deadline for the Upcoming Issues of the VIRGINIA LIFELINE
Deadline for future issues are as follows:
December 15 for the 1st Quarter Issue
March 15 for the 2nd Quarter Issue
June 15 for the 3rd Quarter Issue
September 15 for the 4th Quarter Issue
Articles may be submitted by any member of the VAVRS, AVAVRS and VAJVRS.
Feature articles are encouraged. Photos and/or graphics are acceptable and can be returned if requested.
Contact the VAVRS Editor (editor@vavrs.com) if you need assistance submitting to the publication.
Advertising Rates:
Member Squads…,…......no charge
Full Page…………………..$ 275.00
Half Page………………..…$150.00
Quarter Page……………....$100.00
Business Card……………..$ 50.00
VAVRS Nominating Committee Report
Submitted by Kim Craig, Chair
The Nominating Committee met by Zoom meeting on Thursday, June 8, 2023. The meeting was to interview candidates that submitted letters of intent to run for a VAVRS Office. 10 Candidates were interviewed. This is the second term for the Secretary therefore did not need to interview.
Those recommended by the Nominating Committee:
President – John H. Craig III
Vice President – Byron Andrews
Secretary – Gary Dalton
Treasurer – Tarry Pribble
Training Officer – Wayne Myers
Chaplain – Kenneth Williams
Three offices are unopposed. Those offices are President, Secretary, and Chaplain. Other candidates were interviewed for the offices of Vice President, Treasurer, and Training Officer. They were determined to be qualified to remain on the ballot.

These candidates are:
Vice President—Jason Morgan
Vice President—Andy Neagle
Treasurer John Hillard
Treasurer Steve Reese
Training Officer Tim Kimble
Those present on the Zoom meeting were:
District 1 – Kim Craig
District 2 – Kay Laws
District 3 – Fran Phillips
District 5 – Bruce Stratton
District 6 – Lyn Hudson
District 10 – Kevin Dillard
Hello from District1!
Submitted by Jeff Grimm, District 1 Vice President
Lots of exciting things have been happening in the district. The biggest thing would be the Page Entsminger memorial training weekend. It was a wonderful weekend of training and collaboration, amongst providers from all over the state.

The weekend started on Friday night with TIMS training and continued Saturday and Sunday with multiple hours of continuing education and VAVRS level courses. Those courses included EVOC, vehicle awareness, hazmat awareness, DICO and a whole host of continuing education hours, through the office of EMS in conjunction with Central Shenandoah EMS Council.
A special thank you to District1 member, Travis Cox , and the Rockbridge emergency rescue group, president, Steve Reese, and to the Rockbridge county public school system.

The food was awesome and the training was superb. Plans are in store for next year and we hope to see everyone there.
Our next District1 meeting is July 23 at Stanton in Augusta Rescue Squad. Continuing education and EVOC starts at 9 AM, EMT competition starts at 11 AM with lunch and meeting to follow.