2 minute read
Qualifications for the Boston Marathon
Submitted by EMS Capt. Diann Hawk, Dunlap Volunteer Fire and Rescue- DVFR


The date was June 3, 2023, and time was 0700hrs. There were approximately 460 people, ranging in various age and sex, lined up to start a race in Alleghany County in Virginia. This race was ran on the Alleghany Trail that runs through Virginia and a time limit of 6.5hrs was placed on the race. This was one of the marathons for participants who wanted to qualify for the Boston Marathon. In order for this marathon to take place, there were several persons who had to be involved in working and planning this event. The marathon is hosted and put in place by Alleghany Highland Chamber of Commerce. They have been setting this up for several years and since the first run to this year it has grown tremendously. The numbers have went from somewhere in the 100’s to almost 500 this year. The participants who come and run in this event are from many states, as far as California, Indiana, Florida and many more.
This year four squads volunteered there time to help with this event. These squads were Covington Rescue (3 members), Boiling Springs (2 members), Dunlap Fire and Rescue (3 members), and Falling Springs (2 members), all of which are volunteer departments. There was one independent individual who was helping coordinate the marathon as well. This individual was on the side by side going up and down the trail to make sure participants were good, all volunteer members were set and ready to go, and that there were no issues among people or trail. Each squad was sit up in various spots along the trail in case an emergent arose with any participants, spectators, or volunteers helping with the event. The volunteer units from previous mentioned, has been doing the standby for a few years now. Each member knows the role they must play in order for all to go smooth. There were 2 volunteer members, which was from Boiling Springs, that were on bikes going up and down the trail constantly. The other three volunteer squads were in their respectful position. There was only one incident involving two people and both were induced leg cramps. Both parties were picked up by Dunlap Volunteer unit and transported back to the starting line. All other participants finished the race with no incidents.
These events, as this marathon, are greatly appreciated in Alleghany County. The participants have a chance to come and view some of the wonderful things that lie in this area. In the future, hopes would be that more events will be held for local and outside area people in this area. As in the mean time, our volunteer squads will keep working hard and answer calls for their departments. We thank each and everyone who has helped with this event, in the past and present and hope to keep this going for many years to come.
Support and Prayers for all Volunteer Agencies