DECEMBER 2, 2021 | COMMUNICATION BULLETIN 2021-22 ISSUE 30 IN THIS ISSUE: Q&A Webinar for Vaya and Cardinal Innovations Network Providers | Provider Orientation Webinars for Cardinal Innovations Providers Transitioning to Vaya | AlphaMCS Updates | Assignment of AlphaMCS Logins | Enrollment Migration of State-Funded Members | Cardinal Innovations to Vaya Benefit Plan Services Crosswalk | Out-of-Network Agreements with Cardinal Innovations | Changes to Employer of Record Community Navigator and Agency with Choice Codes
Q&A Webinar for Vaya and Cardinal Innovations Network Providers Tomorrow, Dec. 3, 2021, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Vaya’s Provider Q&A Webinars are an important source of the most up-to-date information on topics that affect Vaya and Cardinal Innovations network providers during consolidation. Registration is not required. All network providers are encouraged to attend. Topics for the Dec. 3 webinar include: AlphaMCS updates, fee schedules, and service authorization request (SAR) and claims submissions as of Jan. 1, 2022.
If you have questions about our provider webinars or topics you would like to have addressed during the webinars, please email
Provider Orientation Webinars for Cardinal Innovations Providers Transitioning to Vaya Dec. 8, 2021, 12-1:30 p.m. – Orientation for Cardinal MH/SU Providers Dec. 9, 2021, 12-1:30 p.m. – Orientation for Cardinal I/DD Providers Vaya will host two provider orientation webinars for Cardinal Innovations network providers transitioning to the Vaya network. Each webinar is disability-specific. All Cardinal Innovations providers are encouraged to join. Registration is not required. Webinars will be recorded and posted to the Vaya website.
AlphaMCS Updates To ensure continuity of care for members and a smooth transition for Cardinal Innovations network providers, Vaya will conduct an incremental data migration. This type of data migration involves dividing a large system transfer into smaller data sets that can migrate independently and will allow Cardinal Innovations network providers to transfer to Vaya’s current version of AlphaMCS by the end of December. A new version of AlphaMCS will be available in early 2022. Vaya will migrate all providers to the new version by Feb. 15, 2022. Providers will continue to use AlphaMCS until Vaya goes live with Conduent Health Solutions Plus, the platform selected for Vaya’s Behavioral Health and I/DD Tailored Plan.
Assignment of AlphaMCS Logins To access training resources and submit service authorization requests (SARs) to Vaya, Cardinal network providers without an AlphaMCS login must submit names of staff who require an AlphaMCS login as soon as possible. Please visit the AlphaMCS page on Vaya’s Provider Central website to complete the AlphaMCS Login Request Form. After you have been set up as a provider in AlphaMCS, Vaya will contact you regarding your login information. We anticipate all requested AlphaMCS logins will be created by Dec. 15, 2021.
Enrollment Migration of State-Funded Members Vaya’s Management Information Services (MIS) department will automatically migrate the enrollment of Cardinal Innovations members who receive State-funded/non-Medicaid services to Vaya. We anticipate the migration will be complete prior to Jan. 1, 2022. Providers do not need to reenroll any existing Cardinal Innovations members receiving State-funded services who are transitioning to Vaya.
Cardinal Innovations to Vaya Benefit Plan Services Crosswalk Cardinal Innovations network providers transitioning to Vaya may need to use a different codemodifier combination in Vaya’s AlphaMCS system. To access the current crosswalk from Cardinal Innovations service descriptions to those in the Vaya Health benefit plan, please visit the “Other coverage resources” section of Vaya’s Coverage Information webpage. Please note that the crosswalk includes only those services with a change in the code-modifier combination or cases in which there is no exact match from Cardinal Innovations to Vaya. If you have questions, please email
Out-of-Network Agreements with Cardinal Innovations Providers with an Out-of-Network (OON) Agreement with Cardinal Innovations in which the member and services will transition to Vaya must complete a new OON Agreement with Vaya. The OON agreement is also referred to as a Member-Specific Agreement or a Single Case Agreement.
Affected providers must submit an OON agreement request to Vaya by Dec. 20, 2021, to ensure continuity of services. To access the OON Agreement Request, visit Vaya’s Provider Enrollment webpage. When submitting your request, please note the following: 1. OON Agreements cannot exceed 365 days from the requested effective date (for example, if your requested effective date is Jan. 1, 2022, the end date cannot be later than Dec. 31, 2022). 2. Once the OON Agreement Request form has been signed, it cannot be edited. This is a safety measure embedded in the online contracting platform. Please ensure that all information on the request is correct. If there is an error that is not found until post-signature, the requestor will need to submit a new request (for example, if you are requesting Child MH LVL III residential service H0019 and do not have the correct modifier that corresponds with the number of licensed beds, you will need to submit a new request with the correct modifier). For questions regarding OON Agreements with Vaya, email Hospital Member-Specific Agreements with Cardinal Innovations If you have a Hospital Member-Specific Agreement with Cardinal Innovations for treatment extending beyond Dec. 31, 2021, please call Vaya’s Utilization Management (UM) team at 1-800-893-6246, ext. 1513, to request an OON Agreement with Vaya for the member(s) being served.
Changes to Employer of Record Community Navigator and Agency with Choice Codes The Employer of Record (EOR) Community Navigator and Agency with Choice (AWC) codes used by Cardinal Innovations and listed below will end on Dec. 31, 2021. For all expiring codes in the list, please use T2041 Community Navigator: Monthly for authorization requests and billing. T2041 U6 - Community Navigator Annual Information Session on Self Direction T2041 U6 UA Community Navigator Annual Information Session on Self Direction (AWC members) T2041 U6 UB Community Navigator Annual Information Session on Self Direction (Employer of Record (EOR) members) T2041 UC Community Navigator Annual Information Session on Self Determination & Rights T2041 UC UA Community Navigator Annual Information Session on Self Determination & Right (AWC) T2041 UC UB Community Navigator Annual Information Session Self Determination & Rights (EOR) T2041 U6 U4 Community Navigator Annual Information Session on Self Direction (b)(3) T2041 U6 U4 UA Community Navigator Annual Information Session on Self Direction (AWC) (b)(3) T2041 UC U4 Community Navigator Annual Information Session on Self Determination & Rights (b)(3) T2041 UC U4 UA Community Navigator Annual Information Session on Self Determination & Rights (AWC) (b)(3)