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Vaya Health

Member- and/or Recipient-Specific Rate Request Please complete all fields as applicable. Submit the completed request form and any supporting documentation by secure email (via Zixmail or other encrypted service) to Incomplete request forms may be returned to the submitter for additional information.

PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION Member/ Recipient name:

Medical record number:

Date of birth:

Date submitted:

Provider legal name and full primary mailing address:

Provider site(s) address(es) (where services are authorized):


The person named here is responsible for submitting a complete request and for answering questions related to this request. Name and Title:


Email: _______________________________________________________________________ Complete mailing address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Phone number:


Service name:

Procedure code:

Service name:

Procedure code:

Service name:

Procedure code:

Benefit plan:

 Medicaid

 State funds

Vaya Health | Member-Specific Rate Request Copyright © 2021 Vaya Health. All rights reserved.

 Other: ________________________________________

Finance | Rev. 11.29.2021 Version 2.0

PART B: MEMBER/ RECIPIENT RATE REQUEST (Attach a separate Part B for each service) Service name from Part A:

Proposed rate: $ _____________

Unit of service (check one):

Existing rate:

 15 min.

 Hourly

 Daily

$ _____________

 Other

If other, please provide the time increment: ________________________ Estimated units utilized per member/ recipient per year if request approved: Differentiate by fund source, if applicable.

Total estimate of annual budget for service: Differentiate by fund source, if applicable. Include Cost Summary for NC Innovations participants.

Summary of justification: Provide a narrative of your findings in your cost model, including, but not limited to: (1) The cost structure of the standard rate and detail of the increased cost that supports the higher rate and cost:

(2) The additional cost you will incur that is not included in the current rate:

DO NOT include medical necessity information. Medical necessity is determined by qualified clinicians within the Vaya Health Utilization Management team, independent of any rate decision. Cost modeling and budget: This request must include complete and sufficient financial information to support the request via the Budget Worksheet. Did you include cost modeling and the Budget Worksheet?

Vaya Health | Member-Specific Rate Request Copyright © 2021 Vaya Health. All rights reserved.

 Yes  No

Finance | Rev. 11.29.2021 Version 2.0

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