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JANUARY 6, 2022 | COMMUNICATION BULLETIN 2021-22 ISSUE 36 IN THIS ISSUE: Q&A Webinar for Vaya Health Network Providers | AlphaMCS Site and Service Validation | Cardinal Innovations to Vaya Benefit Plan Services Crosswalk – Update | NC-TOPPS Support | Cardinal Innovations Transition Support | AlphaMCS Reminders for Transitioning Cardinal Innovations Providers

Q&A Webinar for Vaya Health Network Providers Friday, Jan.7, 2022, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Vaya’s Provider Q&A Webinars are an important source of the most up-to-date information on topics that affect Vaya network providers. Registration is not required. All network providers are encouraged to attend. For your convenience, the link to each webinar is published both the week prior to and the week of the event in Vaya’s weekly Provider Communication Bulletin.


AlphaMCS Site and Service Validation Vaya is working diligently to upload all contract details needed to establish new provider sites and services in the AlphaMCS system. We expect the majority of network providers will have access to AlphaMCS by Jan. 10, 2022. Once you have access, we recommend you review your site(s), service(s), and other information, including your NPI number, to ensure the information is correct in AlphaMCS. Additionally, please make sure your information in AlphaMCS matches that in NCTracks. Vaya is only able to load sites and services that are enrolled in NCTracks and previously credentialed by Vaya or Cardinal Innovations. If you identify missing or inaccurate information, please send a detailed email to provider.info@vayahealth.com outlining what site addresses, services, and/or other information are not correct per your contract with Vaya. If your organization has not yet established access to AlphaMCS, please visit the AlphaMCS page on Vaya’s Provider Central website to complete the AlphaMCS Login Request Form . Once you have been set up as a provider in AlphaMCS and receive your login information, you may proceed with the validation process.

Cardinal Innovations to Vaya Benefit Plan Services Crosswalk – Update Please note that providers of services to members transitioning from to Vaya from Cardinal Innovations may need to use a different code-modifier combination in Vaya’s AlphaMCS system than what they used under Cardinal Innovations. For more information, please see the Cardinal Innovations to Vaya Health Benefit Plan Crosswalk, located on the Coverage Information page of the Vaya Provider Central website. The crosswalk includes only those services in which there is a change in the code-modifier combination, in which there is no exact match from Cardinal Innovations to Vaya, or that are new to the Vaya benefit plan. If you have questions, please contact the Provider Network Operations department at provider.info@vayahealth.com.

NC-TOPPS Support The NC Treatment Outcomes and Program Performance System (NC-TOPPS) is a web-based program that allows the NC Division of MHDDSAS to measure the quality of substance use disorder and mental health services and their impact on members’ lives. LME/MCO Consolidations When LME/MCOs consolidate, transferring open NC-TOPPS interviews is the responsibility of NCTOPPS. Providers transitioning to the Vaya network do NOT need to take any additional action related to any NC-TOPPS interviews that were created under Cardinal Innovations. Additional guidance is available in the NC-TOPPS Implementation Guidelines (SFY 2021-2022) on the NCDHHS website. NC-TOPPS Training Vaya also offers an optional online NC-TOPPS training. This training is designed for new NC-TOPPS users and superusers and also serves as a refresher for anyone who needs more information. To learn more, visit our NC-TOPPS Online Training page on the Vaya Provider Central website. At the end of the training, you have an option to print a Certificate of Completion. We recommend that providers who teach NC-TOPPS internally review our online training to ensure the information you provide mirrors NC-TOPPS’ and Vaya’s expectations. Vaya superusers are available to answer your questions from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday, at nctopps@vayahealth.com.

CARDINAL INNOVATIONS TRANSITION SUPPORT Vaya is offering multiple support opportunities for Cardinal Innovations providers to ensure a smooth transition to Vaya provider network.

Welcome Webpage for Transitioning Cardinal Innovations Providers Vaya’s Welcome Cardinal Providers webpage will be updated frequently through February 2022 and serves as a central resource for vital information for transitioning providers. Topics include authorizations and claims, EDI enrollment, coverage information, schedules, and learning opportunities.

Provider Help Line Vaya's Provider Help Line is available 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday. Call 1-800-8936246, ext. 1512, for assistance and answers to your questions.

Provider Info Email You may also email provider.info@vayahealth.com for assistance. Vaya monitors and responds to this email from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday. Provider Network Operations staff triage and assign inquiries to subject matter experts throughout the organization to get you the information you need.

Provider Transition Office Hours Sessions Throughout January 2022, Vaya will offer Provider Transition Office Hours sessions. These drop-in sessions will be staffed by Vaya subject matter experts who can help you with any questions or issues. Upcoming sessions will be announced in the Provider Communication Bulletin the week prior to the event. Please note: Because these sessions are hosted in a drop-in format with the potential for multiple providers to be in the session at the same time, we will not be able to discuss memberspecific issues during this time.




Technical Support Sessions for Transitioning Providers Vaya will offer 30-minute technical support sessions through Jan. 31, 2022, for transitioning providers who need additional assistance using AlphaMCS. Topics include navigating AlphaMCS, service authorization request (SAR) entry, claims entry, EDI enrollment, statefunded member enrollment, and login issues. Providers must complete the AlphaMCS trainings offered through the AlphaMCS Portal University before requesting a technical assistance session. To register for a technical support session, complete the online request form.

ALPHAMCS REMINDERS FOR TRANSITIONING CARDINAL INNOVATIONS PROVIDERS AlphaMCS Login Requests To access AlphaMCS as of Jan. 1, 2022, Cardinal Innovations network providers that do not

already have a Vaya-issued AlphaMCS login must submit names of staff who require a login as soon as possible. Please visit the AlphaMCS page on Vaya’s Provider Central website to complete the AlphaMCS Login Request Form . After you have been set up as a provider in AlphaMCS, Vaya will contact you regarding your login information.

AlphaMCS Portal University All transitioning Cardinal Innovations providers have access to AlphaMCS training through the AlphaMCS Portal University . We recommend that providers that have not already completed the training do so as soon as possible.

EDI Enrollment and Submission Providers who plan to use EDI for claims submission and have not previously submitted electronic claims to Vaya must submit a completed EDI Enrollment Form to EDI@vayahealth.com to ensure appropriate set-up and testing. When submitting the form, add “Cardinal Network Provider” to the subject line of your email to ensure your request is properly routed. Please review the full list of Vaya Health-Tested Clearinghouses to confirm that your clearinghouse is successfully tested and approved for EDI transmissions. Please note that Vaya does not contract with Change Health (formerly Emdeon clearinghouse). Provider organizations that use Change Health for claims submission and have an agreement to pay all fees may continue to submit claims to Vaya after Jan. 1, 2022. Claims involving a transitioning Cardinal Innovations member and dates of service prior to Jan. 1, 2022, may be submitted to Cardinal Innovations via Change Health during the Cardinal Innovations run-out period (through March 31, 2022) under your current process.

VAYA HEALTH | vayahealth.com | providers.vayahealth.com

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