New Scheduling Tool to Replace AlphaMCS Scheduling Feature Starting April 1, 2023, Vaya Health will transition from AlphaMCS to our new Provider Portal as we begin Behavioral Health and Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Tailored Plan operations. The Provider Portal platform will not include a calendar scheduling feature that allows users to make member and recipient appointments. Vaya is implementing a new scheduling tool, 10to8 , to continue offering this feature to network providers. Providers can access the 10to8 scheduler application at https://us.10to8.com/login/. Vaya will issue login credentials to your organization’s currently identified user prior to go-live April 1. 10to8 training sessions will be held: Feb. 28, 2023, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 241 911 244 824 Passcode: SpwrQF March 14, 2023, 10-11 a.m. Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 212 748 297 669 Passcode: TR48kL A technical assistance session will be offered: April 4, 2023, 10-11 a.m. Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 257 328 963 38 Passcode: gL9qgD Registration is not required for these sessions. A 10to8 job aid, which includes the step-by-step process for navigating 10to8, also will be available in the Vaya Learning Lab after the first training session. Questions about the training sessions should be directed to provider.training@vayahealth.com. Questions about the 10to8 application or login process should be directed to servicedesk@vayahealth.com. VAYA HEALTH | vayahealth.com | providers.vayahealth.com