APRIL 16, 2021 | COMMUNICATION BULLETIN ISSUE 70 IN THIS ISSUE: Quality Management 11 (QM-11) Reporting Requirements Change
Quality Management 11 (QM-11) Reporting Requirements Change Vaya Health’s Network Quarterly Provider Incident Reporting (QM-11) Waiver expired December 31, 2020. Vaya is requesting a new Waiver of this requirement; however, until we receive approval of the Waiver, Category A and B providers in Vaya’s network will be required to submit the QM-11 Form to incidentreport@vayahealth.com on a quarterly basis beginning with the FY21 Quarter Three report due by April 30, 2021. As a provider, you are required to keep track of this data internally. We are not requiring new data, only that you provide the data to Vaya on the required form. Each quarterly report thereafter will need to be submitted by the 10th of the month following the last month of the quarter. If you have any questions, please contact the Grievance Resolution & Incident Team at incidentreport@vayahealth.com. The downloadable Word document for the QM-11 is available on the Vaya Provider Central website Incident Reporting page under incident reporting documents.
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