JUNE 9, 2022 | COMMUNICATION BULLETIN 2021-22 ISSUE 65 IN THIS ISSUE: Provider Touchpoint | New Process: Hospital Discharge Appointments | Rate Increases: Intensive In-Home and Innovations Services | Clarification: Use of CR Modifiers | New Process for Credentialing and Recredentialing of Network Providers | National Core Indicators™ Staff Stability Survey for 2021 Available | Vaya Health Provider Advisory Council Monthly Meeting | Reminder: Vaya Health PAC Systemic Barriers Survey | BreatheEasyNC: Becoming Tobacco Free
Provider Touchpoint June 17, 2022, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Provider Touchpoint is your source for the latest information on topics that affect Vaya Health network providers. We encourage all network providers to attend. Registration is not required. The link to each webinar is published both the week prior to and the week of the event in the Provider Communication Bulletin.
New Process: Hospital Discharge Appointments Beginning June 15, 2022, inpatient providers must call the Vaya Member and Recipient Service Line at 1-800-962-9003 to schedule discharge appointments. This line is available Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Emergency department providers should call Vaya’s 24/7 Access to Care Line at 1-800-849-6127. Please direct all other provider questions or concerns to Vaya’s Provider Support Service Line at 1866-990-9712, available Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Rate Increases: Intensive In-Home and NC Innovations Waiver Services Vaya is setting COVID-19/PHE Supplements for two sets of services: Intensive In Home Services and select NC Waiver Innovations Services. Read more in the memo linked below. Memo: Rate Increases: Intensive In-Home and Innovations Services (June 9, 2022)
Clarification: Use of CR Modifiers Vaya previously announced the CR and GTCR modifiers will be end-dating in AlphaMCS in conjunction with the ending of the current COVID-19/PHE rate adjustments effective June 30, 2022. Please note that modifiers that designate telehealth services are not impacted by these changes. For details, see Provider Communications Bulletin Issue 61 (May 19, 2022) and the Q&A Webinar for Vaya Network Providers (April 22, 2022). There are two exceptions to this announcement: CR and XUCR modifiers will continue to be used to designate services delivered under NC Innovations Waiver Appendix K flexibilities both for the provision of additional services and for the provision of retainer services, respectively. CR and XUCR modifiers will continue to be used through the full extension of the federal PHE declaration. Currently, the federal declaration lasts until 16, 2022, with six months eligibility beyond the current declaration date. Vaya will notify providers of the end date for the CR and XUCR modifiers within the Innovations Waiver Benefit Plan when it is known and prior to the confirmed allowance beyond the end date of the federal PHE declaration. If you have questions specific to the services you provide, contact your Provider Network Contract Manager or email provider.info@vayahealth.com.
New Process for Credentialing and Recredentialing of Network Providers Effective May 13, 2022, the NC Division of Health Benefits (DHB) granted Vaya permission to accept provider enrollment information in NCTracks in lieu of credentialing to determine eligibility for contracting with LME/MCOs. Vaya is no longer required to review initial credentialing or recredentialing applications from providers, including agencies, LIPs ,and associated clinicians. If you submitted an application to join Vaya’s behavioral health provider network but have not yet received notification of a decision, Vaya will fast-track the final application review and consideration using the information in the NCTracks Provider Enrollment File (PEF). Vaya will issue contract decision notifications for agencies and LIPs as quickly as possible. During this transition, please continue to follow our current processes: Visit our Provider Enrollment webpage to: Request to become a Vaya network provider. Request to add new site or new service to your existing contract with Vaya. Request an out-of-network agreement. Request a letter of support. Visit our Credentialing and Contracting webpage if you want to: Request updates or changes to your information. Add or remove a licensed practitioner currently contracted with Vaya and affiliated with your agency. PLEASE NOTE: To contract with Vaya, your agency, NPI, taxonomy, sites, and clinicians must be enrolled in NCTracks. For more information, email credentialingteam@vayahealth.com or call 1-855432-9139.
National Core Indicators™ Staff Stability Survey for 2021
Available The National Core Indicators™ (NCI) Staff Stability Survey for I/DD providers is available through June 30, 2022. Vaya encourages I/DD network providers to complete the survey and share issues affecting the I/DD direct support worker workforce. Provider agencies should have received an email with the survey with the email subject: "NC NCI Staff Stability Survey 2021”. If you are an I/DD provider and have not received the survey link, or if you have questions, email NCISurvey@dhhs.nc.gov.
Vaya Health Provider Advisory Council Monthly Meeting June 15, 2022, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. All Vaya network providers are encouraged to attend and participate in the monthly Provider Advisory Council (PAC) meetings. The PAC serves as an advisory body to Vaya on provider-related issues. The PAC operates pursuant to a set of bylaws and is a self-governing committee. Members of the PAC serve as fair and impartial representatives of all network providers for the purpose of advocacy, support, and communication. The PAC is designed to facilitate an open exchange of ideas, shared values, goals, and visions and to bring forward concerns and solutions while promoting collaboration, ethical operations, mutual accountability, and quality services. To join on your computer or mobile app: Vaya PAC Monthly Meeting To call in (audio only): 828-552-4129, conference ID: 457 108 977# For more information or to receive PAC communications, email provideradvisorycouncil@vayahealth.com.
Reminder: Vaya Health PAC Systemic Barriers Survey The PAC is working to identify systemic barriers to providing quality services and to propose solutions to assist providers and increase desired outcomes among members and recipients. We encourage all Vaya network providers to complete the PAC’s ongoing Systemic Barriers Survey . The survey takes approximately five minutes to complete. As needed, the PAC’s Barriers Subcommittee will convene to review patterns of concerns and proposed solutions with Vaya leadership and subject matter experts. The status and results of this process will be a standing agenda item at monthly PAC meetings. Please note: To submit a provider-specific grievance or complaint, contact Vaya’s Grievance Resolution & Incidents Team at 1-800-893-6246, ext. 1600, or email ResolutionTeam@vayahealth.com.
LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES BreatheEasyNC: Becoming Tobacco Free Medical, behavioral health, and many I/DD and TBI service agencies that contract with NC Medicaid Managed Care plans (Standard Plans or Tailored Plans) are required to have 100% tobacco-free facilities by Dec. 1, 2022. Visit BreatheEasyNC.org For technical assistance and training on tobacco-free policy implementation and evidence-based tobacco use treatment. Register for upcoming
BreatheEasyNC trainings online: How to Support Clients and your Organization to Become Tobacco-Free: June 22, 2022, or Oct. 5, 2022, 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. QuitlineNC & Live Vape Free: Your Clients Can Quit, We Can Help: July 20, 2022, 12 p.m.
VAYA HEALTH | vayahealth.com | providers.vayahealth.com