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JULY 7, 2022 | COMMUNICATION BULLETIN 2022-23 ISSUE 1 IN THIS ISSUE: Provider Touchpoint | NCDHHS Joint Communication Bulletin #J422: Extension of COVID-19 Flexibility for Opioid Treatment Programs (OTP) Take-Home Dosing | Two New Proposed NC Medicaid Clinical Coverage Policies Available for Public Comment | Vaya Initial FY23 Rate Schedules Available | Behavioral Health Section (BHS) – Carolina Records Conference (Annual Virtual Meeting)

Provider Touchpoint Friday, July 15, 2022, 11 a.m.- 12 p.m. Provider Touchpoint is your source for the latest information on topics that affect Vaya Health network providers. We encourage all network providers to attend. Registration is not required. The link to each webinar is published both the week prior to and the week of the event in the Provider Communication Bulletin.


NCDHHS Joint Communication Bulletin #J422: Extension of COVID-19 Flexibility for Opioid Treatment Programs (OTP) Take-Home Dosing NCDHHS Joint Communication Bulletin #J422 provides an update on the Opioid Treatment Programs (OTP) take-home dosing COVID-19 flexibility extension based on the exemption from the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). With this exemption, NC Medicaid will allow for the following provision and billing for take-home doses provided by OTPs until July 15, 2022: Stable patients in an OTP may receive 28 days of take-home doses of their medication for opioid use disorder. Patients who are less stable (but whom the OTP believes can safely handle this level of takehome medication) may receive up to 14 days of take-home medication. It remains within the OTP provider’s discretion to determine the number of take-home doses within each category of “stable” or “less stable.” The provider is still responsible for determining the number of take-home doses that an individual can safely manage. This decision-making and discussions must be documented in the individual’s medical record consistent with 42 C.F.R. § 8.12(i)(3).

NCDHHS expects to provide further guidance about the possibility of extending this exemption. If you have questions, contact Howard Anthony at 919-741-3129 or Howard.Anthony@dhhs.nc.gov.

Two New Proposed NC Medicaid Clinical Coverage Policies Available for Public Comment NC Medicaid has posted two clinical coverage policies for 45-day public comment: 8A-10 Clinically Managed Residential Withdrawal Management 8A-11 Medically Monitored Inpatient Withdrawal Management To access the policies, visit the Proposed Medicaid and NC Health Choice Policies webpage and scroll to the bottom of the table. To submit a comment, email medicaid.public.comment@dhhs.nc.gov by Aug. 12, 2022.

Vaya Initial FY23 Rate Schedules Available Updated Vaya standard rate schedules effective July 1, 2022, are available on the Rate and Checkwrite Schedules page of the Provider Central website. Please refer to the current schedules to confirm the billable rate, including any rate supplement, for each eligible service code. Remember to make necessary changes to billing systems, including in the HHA system for all electronic visit verification (EVV) services, and to bill charges at or above the posted rates to receive the full unit reimbursement. For more information, email provider.info@vayahealth.com.

LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Behavioral Health Section (BHS) – Carolina Records Conference (Annual Virtual Meeting) Aug. 10, 2022, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Join Behavioral Health Section (BHS) – Carolina in August for the Carolina Records Conference. Registration is required by July 31, 2022. Learn more: Information and registration packet Questions? Contact Mary Holbrook at 828-225-2785, ext. 1193, or at mary.holbrook@vayahealth.com.

VAYA HEALTH | vayahealth.com | providers.vayahealth.com

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