JULY 13, 2022 | COMMUNICATION BULLETIN 2022-23 ISSUE 3 IN THIS ISSUE: Delay in Claims Processing
Delay in Claims Processing Claims submitted electronically for the process period of July 6-12, 2022, have not yet been successfully processed in AlphaMCS. Beginning as early as July 7, affected providers did not receive response files at the time of submission. Vaya has the 837s that were submitted, and our vendor has begun processing these files. As we work to correct this issue, providers will see response files throughout the day today, July 13, 2022. The electronically submitted claims will be available for adjudication tonight. By tomorrow, July 14, 2022, providers will begin to see the data in the claims files in their individual download queues. Please allow two days to process the backlog. There will be no delay in payment of claims submitted prior to the cutoff on July 12, 2022. If you have EDI questions, email edi@vayahealth.com. If you have other questions, please contact your assigned Claims Specialist or email claims@vayahealth.com. Vaya apologizes for any inconvenience.
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