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AUG. 11, 2022 | COMMUNICATION BULLETIN 2022-23 ISSUE A8 UG. 11, 2022 COMMUNICATION 2022-23 ISSUE 8 IN THIS IISSUE: N THIS ISSUE: Provider Touchpoint | Vaya Health Provider Advisory Council Monthly Meeting | Reminder: Vaya Health PAC Systemic Barriers Survey | Pharmacy Point of Sale Process at Tailored Plan Launch | NCDHHS Joint Communication Bulletin #J428: Extension of COVID 19 Flexibility for Opioid Treatment Programs (OTP) Take Home Dosing | Suicide Prevention Training: Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) | Justice in the Air: Framing for Tobacco Free Behavioral Health Initiatives | Building the Workforce for a Healthy North Carolina

Provider Touchpoint is your source for the latest information on topics that affect Vaya Health network We encourage all network providers to attend. Registration is not required. The link to each webinar is published both the week prior to and the week of the event in the Provider Communication Bulletin.

Provider PTouchpoint rovider Touchpoint Tomorrow, Aug. 12, 2022, 11 a.m.-12 Tp.m. omorrow, Aug. 12, 2022, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.

Vaya Health Provider Advisory Council Monthly VMeeting aya Health Provider Advisory Council Monthly Meeting Aug. 17, 2022, 10 a.m.-12 Ap.m. ug. 17, 2022, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. All Vaya network providers are encouraged to attend and participate in the monthly Provider Advisory Council (PAC) meetings. The PAC serves as an advisory body to Vaya on provider related issues. The PAC operates pursuant to a set of bylaws and is a self governing committee Members of the PAC serve as fair and impartial representatives of all network providers for the purpose of advocacy, support, and communication. The PAC is designed to facilitate an open exchange of ideas, shared values, goals, and visions and to bring forward concerns and solutions while promoting collaboration, ethical operations, mutual accountability, and quality services.

To join on your computer or mobile Microsoft Teams Tapp: o join on your computer or mobile Microsoft Teams app: Vaya PAC Monthly VMeeting aya Monthly Meeting To call in (audio Tonly): o call in (audio only): 828 552 4129, conference ID: 457 108 977# For more information or to receive PAC communications, email provideradvisorycouncil@vayahealth.com provideradvisorycouncil@vayahealth.com.


NCDHHS LME/MCO Joint Communication Bulletin N#J428: CDHHS LME/MCO Joint Communication Bulletin #J428: Extension of COVID-19 Flexibility for Opioid ETreatment xtension of Flexibility Opioid Treatment Programs (OTP) Take-Home PDosing rograms (OTP) Take-Home Dosing


The U.S. Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has granted a temporary exemption from the unsupervised take home medication requirements of 42 C F R § 8.12(i) that are necessary to dispense up to 28 days of take-home doses of opioid use disorder medication to stable patients if the OTP believes the patient can safely handle this amount of take home medication, and dispense up to 14 days of take-home doses of opioid use disorder medication to less stable patients if the OTP believes the patient can safely handle this amount of take home medication. At the federal level, this exemption will start at the end of the COVID-19 federal PHE and continue for one year thereafter, unless modified or terminated by SAMHSA The NC State Opioid Treatment Authority (SOTA) and NC DHSR are developing a temporary rule waiver to align with SAMHSA’s exemption DHSR has created a pathway for programs to individually request a waiver of the state rule on unsupervised take-home medication. For more information, please review the full bulletin and the links below:

NCDHHS will temporarily manage pharmacy point-of-sale (POS) claims in NCTracks for members enrolled in Behavioral Health and I/DD Tailored Plans when Tailored Plans launch on Dec 1, 2022, through March 31, 2023. Beginning April 1, 2023, Tailored Plans will begin managing these claims. This change is due to a key pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) unexpectedly leaving the NC Medicaid market in late 2021, which required some Tailored Plans to procure another PBM This change will not impact member pharmacy benefits during this transition period Initial Tailored Plan member ID cards will not include pharmacy information. New cards will be issued effective April 1, 2023, that indicate the new Tailored Plan RxBin and PCN numbers NC Medicaid will provide additional information about this transition to members, pharmacists, and providers in the coming Minformation: ore information: NC Medicaid Pharmacy Point Sale Process at Tailored PlanMedicaid | of Sale Process at Tailored Plan Launch

Reminder: Vaya Health PAC Systemic Barriers RSurvey eminder: Vaya Health PAC Systemic Barriers Survey The PAC is working to identify systemic barriers to providing quality services and to propose solutions to help providers and increase desired outcomes among members and recipients We encourage all Vaya network providers to complete the PAC’s Wongoing e encourage all network providers to complete the ongoing Systemic Barriers SSurvey ystemic Barriers Survey The survey takes approximately five minutes to Tcomplete. he survey five minutes to complete. As needed, the PAC’s Barriers Subcommittee will convene to review patterns of concerns and proposed solutions with Vaya leadership and subject matter experts The status and results of this process will be a standing agenda item at monthly PAC meetings. Please Pnote: lease note: To submit a provider-specific grievance or complaint, contact Vaya’s Grievance Resolution & Incidents Team at 1 800 893 6246, ext 1600, or email ResolutionTeam@vayahealth.com ResolutionTeam@vayahealth.com. Pharmacy Point-of-Sale Process at Tailored Plan PLaunch harmacy Point-of-Sale Process at Tailored Plan Launch

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NCDHHS LME/MCO Joint Communication Bulletin L#J428 ME/MCO Joint Communication Bulletin #J428 provides an update to LME/MCO Joint Communication Bulletin #J422 Extension of COVID 19 Flexibility for Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) Take Home Dosing, issued July 6, 2022.

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Opioid Treatment Program Waiver OMemo pioid Treatment Program Waiver Memo Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) Waiver ORequest pioid Treatment Program (OTP) Waiver Request LEARNING LOPPORTUNITIES EARNING OPPORTUNITIES Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Suicide QPrevention uestion, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Suicide Prevention Training Training Nov. 16, 2022 (two sessions Noffered) ov. 16, sessions offered) QPR Suicide Prevention Training teaches participants to help someone who may be suicidal, including how to ask the right questions, persuade a person to get help, and refer them to the right resource. Join Vaya’s Learning and Development department for one of the QPR Qtrainings PR trainings listed below NOV. 16, 2022, 10 A.M. 12 NP.M. OV. 16, 2022, 10 12 P.M. NOV. 16, 2022, 2-4 NP.M. OV. 16, 2022, 2-4 P.M. Justice in the Air: Framing for Tobacco-Free JBehavioral ustice in the Air: Framing for Tobacco-Free Behavioral Health HInitiatives ealth Initiatives Sept. 13, 2022, 11 a.m.-1:15 Sp.m. ept. 13, 2022, 11 a.m.-1:15 p.m. In this session, Charlotte AHEC will share recommendations from the Tobacco TDisparities obacco Disparities Framing FProject raming Project and offer examples of how to effectively apply these concepts Register Ronline egister online Building the Workforce for a Healthy North BCarolina uilding the Workforce for a Healthy North Carolina Nov. 15, 2022, 8 a.m.-4 Np.m. ov. 15, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. This year’s annual meeting of the North Carolina Institute of aMedicine nnual meeting of the North Carolina Institute of Medicine will provide a deep dive into the challenges of recruitment, retention, and support for the North Carolina's Workforce for Health The meeting will be held in person in Raleigh Register Ronline egister online VAYA HEALTH | vayahealth.com | Vproviders.vayahealth.com AYA HEALTH | vayahealth.com | providers.vayahealth.com

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