AUGUST 31, 2021 | COMMUNICATION BULLETIN 2021-22 ISSUE 15 IN THIS ISSUE: Holiday Schedule: Q&A Webinar for Vaya Health Network Providers | Public Comment Requested on Person-Centered Planning | Feedback Requested: Conflict-Free Tailored Care Management
Holiday Schedule: Q&A Webinar for Vaya Health Network Providers Due to the Labor Day holiday, we will not host a Q&A Webinar for Vaya Network Providers this Friday, Sept. 3, 2021. Our next webinar will be Sept. 17, 2021, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Public Comment Requested on Person-Centered Planning N.C. DMH/DD/SAS is seeking public comment about proposed changes to its Person-Centered Planning Guidelines. Please direct all comments and feedback to Saarah Waleed at on or before Sept. 30, 2021.
Feedback Requested: Conflict-Free Tailored Care Management As part of the 2014 Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) final rule, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) established requirements for conflict-free case management for Medicaid beneficiaries obtaining HCBS. CMS generally requires that case management activities, including the assessment and coordination of services, be independent from the delivery of HCBS. These requirements aim to promote member choice and independence by limiting any conscious or unconscious bias by a case or care manager when helping a member identify HCBS needs and developing plans to access services (i.e., preventing a care manager from steering beneficiaries to the agency where they are employed). To ensure compliance with the final rule and prepare Behavioral Health I/DD Tailored Plans and providers for the July 2022 launch of Tailored Care Management, N.C. DHHS has released Guidance for Ensuring Conflict-Free Tailored Care Management for Tailored Plan Members. This guidance will apply to members enrolled in the 1915(c) Innovations and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) waivers or members who obtain HCBS authorized via the 1915(i) State Plan Option, as described in more detail in the document. To share feedback on or ask questions about the guidance, email For more information about Tailored Care Management, please visit the DHHS Tailored Care Management webpage .