IRIS Down for Update on March 5 The North Carolina Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services and the Department of Information Technology will be updating the state’s Incident Response Improvement System (IRIS) on Sunday, March 5, 2023. IRIS will be unavailable for all users from 8 a.m. to approximately 1 p.m. on Sunday, March 5, 2023. Because IRIS reports are due within 72 hours of the time the provider learns of an incident, we encourage providers to obtain a hard copy of the reporting form from the IRIS website before Sunday morning or print forms from the NCDHHS website. Submit reports to Vaya by fax at 828-398-4407 or by email IncidentReport@vayahealth.com, or to the Division of MHDDSAS Customer Service and Community Rights Team via fax at 919-733-4962 within the specified timeframes and procedures. Providers will still need to enter the report into IRIS once the system is available. Reports to be filed with the DHSR Healthcare Personnel Registry should be faxed within the specified timeframes to 919-733-3207. Reports regarding deaths (suicide, homicide/violence, accident, or restraint) in a licensed facility should be reported to the DHSR Complaint Intake Unit via fax at 919-715-7724. VAYA HEALTH | vayahealth.com | providers.vayahealth.com