2011 Photo's

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VBEventing have a team of Racehorses that we have re-trained and are now

competing at various levels within the British Eventing pyramid. Victoria Bax is the rider and trainer and has taken her Racehorses from the early stages of re-training through to CIC International events. At VBEventing we only compete Ex-Racehorses and will continue to stay true to our passion in showing the elegance, grace, power and loyalty of the Thoroughbred, we aim to have a string of ex-racehorses that have been successfully re-trained and competing at the highest level of British Eventing. We have put together a selection of our favourite photo’s for the year, and what a years its been, a year that has seen our first win at the Nurstead Intermediate Novice, Crysto moving up to Intermediate, RoR Championships at Barbury Castle, Salto taking part in his first Events and the BYEH at Barbury Castle, along with winning in his first two dressage outings and we have also had 10's this year in Crysto's dressage at Gt Witchingham. Popps was placed in 4 events and 2nd in an RoR class So all in all not a bad year for a bunch of ex-racehorses, and culminated in a 14.5 dressage score for Cyrsto at his last run of the season

Photo by Julia Shearwood Photography

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