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Notes to the Financial Statements
December 31, 2022
Fund Financial Statements – Continued
Proprietary Funds – Continued
Enterprise Funds are required to account for operations for which a fee is charged to external users for goods or services and the activity (a) is financed with debt that is solely secured by a pledge of the net revenues, (b) has third party requirements that the cost of providing services, including capital costs, be recovered with fees and charges or (c) establishes fees and charges based on a pricing policy designed to recover similar costs. The Village maintains four enterprise funds. The Water and Sewerage Fund, a major fund, is used to account for the revenue and expenses related to the operation of the water and sewerage system. The Arboretum Golf Fund, also a major fund, is used to account for the revenues and expenses related to the operation of the golf course.
Internal Service Funds are used to account for the financing of goods or services provided by an activity to other departments, funds or component units of the Village on a cost-reimbursement basis. The Village maintains three internal services funds. The Information Technology Fund is used to account for all costs associated with providing technology services to all departments for the operation of the Village. The Central Garage Fund is used to account for the activity necessary to operate and maintain the Village’s automotive fleet User departments are charged a proportionate share determined by the number and types of vehicles in each department. The Building Maintenance Fund is used to account for providing a clean, healthy, and safe working environment in Village facilities, meeting areas and public areas.
The Village’s internal service funds are presented in the proprietary fund financial statements. Because the principal users of the internal services are the Village’s governmental activities, the financial statements of the internal service funds are consolidated into the governmental column when presented in the government-wide financial statements. To the extent possible, the cost of these services is reported in the appropriate functional activity (general government, police and fire safety, public works, etc.).
Fiduciary Funds
Fiduciary funds are used to report assets held in a trustee or custodial capacity for others and therefore are not available to support Village programs. The reporting focus is on net position and changes in net position and is reported using accounting principles similar to proprietary funds.
Pension Trust Funds are used to account for assets held in a trustee capacity for pension benefit payments. The Police Pension Fund accounts for the accumulation of resources to pay retirement and other related benefits for sworn members of the Village’s police force. The Firefighters’ Pension Fund accounts for the accumulation of resources to pay retirement and other related benefits for sworn members of the Village’s Fire Department.