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VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS Notes to the Financial Statements December 31, 2022



Village – Continued

Credit Risk – Continued. The Village’s investment policy also limits investments in commercial paper to the highest rating classifications, as established by at least two of the four major rating services, and which mature not later than 180 days from the purchase date. Such purchases may not exceed 10% of the issuer corporation’s outstanding obligations. At year-end, the Village’s investment in the Illinois Funds was rated AAAm by Standard & Poor’s, the Illinois Metropolitan Investment Trust Convenience Fund was not rated and the Illinois Public Reserves Investment Management Trust was rated AAAm by Standard & Poor’s. The ratings on the Village’s investments in the state and local obligations are rated AA to AA+ by Standard & Poor’s.

Custodial Credit Risk In the case of deposits, this is the risk that in the event of a bank failure, the Village’s deposits may not be returned to it. The Village’s investment policy requires securing deposit collateral from depository institutions when deposits are in excess of FDIC limits. The amount of deposits not collateralized or insured by an agency of the federal government shall not exceed 75% of the capital stock and surplus of a banking institution. These values shall be reviewed on a quarterly basis comparing actual deposits not insured or collateralized against the capital stock and surplus measure. Values shall be taken from published regulatory agency reports required by either the Comptroller of the Currency or the Commissioner of Banks and Trust Companies. If deposits are maintained with a savings and loan association, the amount of deposits not collateralized or insured shall not exceed 75% of the net worth of the institution as defined and reported to the regulatory agencies. At year-end, the entire amount of the bank balance of deposits was covered by collateral, federal depository or equivalent insurance.

For an investment, this is the risk that in the event of the failure of the counterparty, the Village will not be able to recover the value of its investments or collateral securities that are in the possession of an outside party. It is the policy of the Village to require all investments and investment collateral to be held in safekeeping by a third-party custodial institution as designated by the Treasurer in the Village’s name. Direct investments guaranteed by the United States or an agency of the United States do not require collateral. The Village’s investments in the Illinois Funds, IMET, and IPRIME are not subject to custodial credit risk.

Concentration Risk. This is the risk of loss attributed to the magnitude of the Village’s investment in a single issuer. The Village limits the amount that can be invested in commercial paper to one-third of the Village’s total investments. At year-end, the Village does not have any investments over 5 percent of the total cash and investment portfolio (other than investments issued or explicitly guaranteed by the U.S. government and investments in mutual funds, external investment pools, and other pooled investments).

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