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Appendix K
Appendix K
Change Orders
Change orders are allowed and can be expected when working on projects, however all personnel should
be keenly aware of the following laws and ordinances. Subsection 9 of Article 33E, Public Contract, of the Illinois Criminal Code (720 ILCS 5/33E-9) makes it a
Class 4 felony to approve a change order for an increase or decrease in either the cost of a public contract by a total of $10,000 or more or the time of completion by a total of 30 days or more without first
obtaining from the Village Board, or from a designee authorized by the Village Board, a determination in
writing that (1) the circumstances said to necessitate the change in performance were not reasonably
foreseeable at the time the contract was signed, or (2) the change is germane to the original contract as
signed, or (3) the change order is in the best interest of the unit of local government.
Subsection J. of Section 2.08.040 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code gives the Village Manager the
authority to approve a change order to a public contract for an increase in an amount of not to exceed 10 percent of the contract amount or $10,000, whichever is less. Subsection J. of the Municipal Code also authorizes the Village manager to make a determination, based upon the above criteria in regards to the
modification of the time of completion of a project by not more than 90 days.
Therefore the Village Board, pursuant to subsection 9, must make the determination in writing that one
of the three requirements is applicable or designate the Village Manager as having the authority to make
said determination as it pertains to the cost of a project.
Attached at the end of Appendix K. is a sample change order.
Village of Buffalo Grove Change Order
Project Name ___________________________ Change Order Number ______
The Contract is altered as follows:
The original Contract Amount was
Amount altered by previous Change Order
The Contract Amount prior to this Change Order
The Contract Amount will be (increased, decreased) by this Change Order in the amount of
The new Contract Amount including this Change Order
Original Contract Completion Date
Days altered by previous Change Order The Contract Time/Completion Date will be (increased, decreased)by
The new Contract Completion Date
_____Calendar Days
_____Calendar Days
Accepted by:
Printed Name
Title The Village of Buffalo Grove
Printed Name