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Use Energy for Building and Facilities Efficiently

Conduct Energy Audits o f Municipal Facilities

The Village has partnered with the Smart Energy Design Assistance Center (SEDAC) through the University of Illinois to review energy usage at Village water and sanitary pumping stations. SEDAC will review the Village’s facilities and equipment to create an energy assessment report. Coordination began April 2022, and the report is expected to be completed in 2023.

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Implement Energy Efficiency Measures That Have a Short - Term Payback (I.E. Lighting, Occupancy Sensors)

The Village has already converted T-12 fixtures to the newest T-5 bulbs for energy savings and motion sensors have been installed in office areas to cut down on wasted electricity. The Village continues to work with Aldridge Electric to convert damaged streetlight posts to energy efficient LED bulbs.

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Collaborate With Utilities and Other Agencies t o Upgrade Streetlight Equipment a nd Integrate Smart Technologies

The Village continues to work with ComEd to find ways to reduce consumption of energy through streetlight upgrades. All ComEd rental lights and all residential streetlights have been converted to LED technologies.

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Utiliz e Performance Contracts to Finance Large Energy Efficiency Projects

The Village has used performance contracting in the past to fund large energy efficiency projects such as the water meter and street light replacement projects. Staff continues to evaluate large projects for the possibility of using this procurement/funding/construction methodology.

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