Vol. 1 , Issue 6 1/24/2012
Spin on Spirit Week! Laura Endicott
ASK VEEBEE! Submit questions for VeeBee to answer theknightwriter@vbschools. net
Senior Spotlights: Image courtesy of: pinterest.com (fair use).
With exams behind us, what better way to celebrate the new semester than starting off with high spirits? The upcoming spirit week will be unlike any other. That’s right people: a second spirit week is in the future! From January 28 to February 1, prepare yourself for “Battle of the Classes”. Each grade is separated into specific themes as they fight for the class with the highest total percent of participants at the end of the week to earn an award shared with their entire grade. “Since there’s only one spirit week a year, this is a chance for students to have another one – but with a twist!” says Sydney Jameson, senior student council member. “The boys’ basketball team will be playing McComb that Friday, so the week will be a great build-up to a solid turnout for the game.” With each grade having their own theme each day, it’s a chance for everyone to get involved in some friendly competition. Not only will this event
bring our high school together, but it will hopefully create some unity within each individual grade as they work together to achieve the prize that will be presented on Friday, Feb. 1. To wrap up a successful week of school pride, there will be a dance held that Friday, February 1, immediately after the basketball game. “There will be a minor fee to get in, and it’s limited to only Van Buren high school students. There won’t be any prior sign-up or dress requirement, so come straight from the game in your super spirit attire,” states Jameson. Overall, kids should realize they’re only in high school once. The experiences throughout these four years will either make you look back and smile or look back with regrets. It may seem stupid or unimportant, but if it’s another opportunity to enjoy your time this year a little more, then why not participate? So dress up and encourage your friends to as well. It’s time to make some memories!
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CONTENTS The Knight Life......... p. 2 » Book and Restaurant Reviews » Ask VeeBee Reponse: Not my computer, not my problem »Top 10 Superbowl Commercials
Entertainment........ p. 3 » Senior Spotlights: Sarah Greer and Ora Oler » Winter Babysitting
Resolutions of 2013: How to Turn Your Goals into Success
Sports...................... p. 4 » Sports Calendar: January/February » Scoreboard » NCAA Football Bowl Recap
By: Alisa Warren
For countless Americans, the New Year presents itself as a blank slate, overflowing with infinite possibilities of bettering oneself through making various resolutions, promising to stick with them in order to make this year the best year ever. This is a dream for those who wish to attack their problems in the name of self-improvement: a fresh start, a new beginning. So what were the top resolutions made by Americans for 2012? 1. Lose Weight 2. Get Organized 3. Spend Less, Save More 4. Enjoy Life to the Fullest 5. Stay Fit and Healthy
Sarah Greer & Ora Oler
U n fo r t u n a t e l y though, it’s a wellknown fact that we Americans, as much as we love our resolutions, don’t seem to have the skills to succeed in keeping them. In fact, statistics show that only 8% of the American population achieves the resolutions that they make. To help you out with your resolutions, here’s a foolproof list to win at the game of “New Year, New You”:
Be specific!
Don’t be too general with your resolutions. If you want to “be healthy,” make an achievable goal that goes along with that theme. » See Resolutions pg. 5
News Cont’d............ p. 5
How Well Do You Know Martin Luther King Jr.? Find out on Page 5.
Vol. 1 Issue 6 Januray 24, 2013
The Knight Life The Last Song
Hungry for Hot Head
Jessica Gilts
Jessica Cunningham Veronica (or as she goes by “Ronnie”) was crushed by her parent’s divorce, and by the fact that her father moved away to from New York to North Carolina and completely out of her life. When Ronnie gets in trouble at home, her mother makes Courtesy of: tbg91.wordpress.com (fair use). the decision to send her away to spend the summer with her father. Through the summer, Ronnie makes many new friends facing perils of their own. As she spends the summer reconnecting with her estranged parent and learning the struggles and secrets of one small town, Ronnie is of the unaware culmination of hardships she will soon have to face, and how precious time with her father really is. Jessica’s Judgment: In Nicholas Sparks’ typical fashion, this book is a fantastic representation of a teenage love story. It’s definitely a tear-jerker, and the ending will throw even the most prepared for a major twist. Overall, it’s a beautiful story about the relationships families have—from father-daughter, father-son, and even between siblings—and how hard love can be. There is also a movie adaption of this story starring Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth, which is a pretty great representation of the novel.
Top 10 Super Bowl Commercials Brice Lawrence For some, the highlight of the Super Bowl comes from plays during the game. For others, the highlight of the Super Bowl is the commercials shown during break. Super Bowl commercials are so popular, worthwhile, and successful, that according to Kantar Media, a normal 30 second block of commercial time averaged $3.6 million in 2011. There was also a total record of $228 million spent for 46 minutes and 10 seconds of break time, which is roughly 96 Super Bowl commercial ads. There have been many memorable commercials, both good and bad. Here are the top 10 memorable Super Bowl commercials of the past decade, a compilation of favorites from CBSNews.com, superbowl-ads.com, and CNBC.com: 1. Reebok, Terry Tate: Office Linebacker (2003) 2. Apple 1984 (1984) 3. Volkswagon, Darth Vader and “The Force” (2011) 4. Coca-Cola, Mean Joe Greene (1980) 5. Tabasco, Mosquito (1998) 6. Pepsi, Security Camera (1996) 7. E*Trade, Money Out The Wazoo! (2000) 8. McDonalds, The Showdown (1993) 9. Doritos, Pug Attack (2011) 10. Budweiser, Clydesdales Playing Football (2003) Honorable Mentions: • BudLight, Here “Weego” (2012) • Snickers, Betty White (2010) • Budweiser, Thank You (2005) • Budweiser, Matt Damon (2001) • E*Trade, Dancing Monkey (2000)
Not my Computer, Not my Problem
Image courtesy of bizjournals.com (fair use)
With over 35 locations and the want to expand, Hot Head Burrito has decided to test out how hot their business will be in Findlay, Ohio. If you’re traveling along Tiffin Avenue and craving some quality Mexican food, Hot Head is the place to stop. Opening two months ago, Hot Head Burrito is a new, tasty restaurant for you and your friends to try! The restaurant has multiple options to satisfy an appetite that will set your mouth on fire or those that don’t want to be begging for water after they’ve finished. I would consider myself a wimp when it comes to spicy food, so I wasn’t expecting to find many choices that would appeal to me; however, I was pleasantly surprised. When I first walked inside the location, my eye was caught on the attractive look of the restaurant. The walls were painted red and the floors were checkered black and white, which gave them a 1960s feel. While waiting in line, the menu is shown up above in a very simple and organized manner, helping customers decide what they want. There are eight steps in preparing your meal that begin with “What’s your style?”, meaning a burrito, bowl, taco, nachos, or quesadilla. The steps following include rice, meat, salsa, peppers, sauce, cheese, lettuce, and drink. The steps are filled with options, so even the most picky eater will find something to satisfy them. The employees gave customers plenty of time to decide on their order and were polite to every customer. As I browsed the menu, I decided I would try a quesadilla. I like my food plain so, the only thing I put inside the quesadilla was cheese and chicken. The food is shown behind a clear glass, so customers have the opportunity to see what is being put on their meal. It only took a matter of minutes, three at the most, for my food to be prepared. The restaurant didn’t have room for a lot of people due to the fast food nature of the restaurant. Red and black booths were lined up against the walls and tables were set up towards the front of the restaurant. I took a seat in a booth and started to eat my meal. I was definitely satisfied the chicken and cheese quesadilla, it was filled with plenty of food. I was certainly full after my dinner and my dad, whom I went with, was as well. Both of our meals together were about twelve dollars, a good deal for the amount we received! I would recommend taking the challenge and seeing for yourself the numerous choices of delicious dinners you can choose from. With thirteen sauces, ranging from mild to wild, you can spice up your appetite anyway you’d like. For those crazy Chipotle lovers, give Hot Head Burrito a chance, I personally think it may give the classic restaurant a run for its money!
“The abuse of few, will impact the many,” states Matthew Bosdorff, network administrator. Of course he’s referring to the current netbook situation our school is dealing with. As some know and many do not, our school is facing an immense problem of several damaged netbooks. “We’re almost going to ‘break the record’ of damaged netbooks from last year already,” says Bosdorff. With last year and this year combined there have been over 150 broken devices. The real problem with this is that our previous i n s u r a n ce company has already dropped the covImage courtesy of wordpress.com (fair use) erage of our school because they lost so much money. One of the school’s biggest fears is the insurance company that supports our school now will also drop our coverage because of the amount of broken computers. If this happens, the price that has to be paid at the beginning of the year when school fees are released will continue to rise. Instead of paying $20 per year, the price may be $50 and or up to $75. If the total number of broken computers keeps escalating, netbooks won’t even be an option for students in the future. At least a few times a week, students knock on the door of Boz’s room to hand him broken netbooks. In fact, one was brought in during this interview. Most think, “Oh, it’s no big deal. It’s paid for so it’s not my problem.” Obviously, the ones who think this are wrong. For example, “if your parents were to buy you a brand new iPad, you wouldn’t just throw it in the bottom of your locker, leave it in your car for the weekend or not protect it,” states Bostorff, “You would care for it just as if you had bought it yourself and make sure nothing would happen to it.” With that being said, students need to have more responsibility and take better care of their computers. Many problems have also come up with students not having their netbooks while they were being sent in to get fixed. The only alternative is to borrow a computer in the morning from the library and return it before school ends that day. This was one of the issues brought up in an “Ask VeeBee” question in the last edition. The student’s netbook seemed to break for no apparent reason and his/her netbook was supposed to take 4-6 weeks to get repaired. Their question was, “Why can’t they do something for me if I didn’t even do anything to break it?” The problem with that is that if something is done for them, something needs to be done for all kids with broken computers. Some students may believe that it also would be a good idea to bring in their own computers; however, there are several issues with this idea. They call it Bring Your Own Technology, BYOT, and it’s mostly just a policy problem. Internet searches, pictures and downloads cannot be controlled on outside devices so they never know what you may be doing on your computer. Also, if one of the outside devices breaks, Boz cannot do anything about it since the technology is not consistent. By having the same netbooks with the same technology, everything is compatible and easier to manage. Depending on the day, technology can work wonders or cause headaches. Van Buren students are fortunate to have technology at their fingertips, despite the glitches it may cause. So, the next time your computer acts up, remember this important quote from Bosdorff, “When in doubt, reboot.”
Be a Super Sitter This Winter Laura Endicott
Babysitting little kids is not an easy task by any means. During winter months, when kids are forced to stay inside due to the weather and early darkness owed to daylight savings time, it can be tough to keep children occupied and active. Instead of settling for senseless video games or hour on end sessions of Disney Channel, try some of these exciting games and activities that allow youngsters to exercise their imagination and provide an enjoyable time spent with their new favorite babysitter! Write letters: Write letters to the elderly in nursing homes, kids in children’s hospitals, or a person the child might admire such as the president or famous athlete! Research addresses of famous people online! Create a time capsule: Have children write letters to themselves in the future, make note of their favorite sport, food, movie, or book, draw outlines of their hands and feet, create a list of things they hate/love, or anything else you can think of! Give it to their parents to hold on to until a significant time in the future when the children can open it. Bring outdoor activities inside: If the house has a play room or basement, break out the jump rope, hula hoops, or even play a game of volleyball with some balloons! Books: Create a story of your own or act out an old book! If you write a story, be sure to include illustrations, a cover, and an "about the author" page. Get girly: If you’re watching little girls, do their hair and paint their nails. If you really want to make their day, let them do your hair and makeup! Alphabet scavenger hunt: Tell the kids to gather or make a list of 26 items in the house that each begin with a different letter of the alphabet. To make this interesting, make a time limit and only allow six objects to be found in each room of the house. Bubbles: If you do happen to go outside, bring out some bubbles! They freeze if it’s cold enough. Mind blown? We thought so. Crayons: Courtesy of flickriver.com Buy a box of crayons (do not use theirs) and a canvas. After the kids arrange the crayons in the order they want, hot glue them to the top of the canvas. Use a hair dryer to melt the crayons allowing their color to drip down the board, creating a pretty piece of art for their play room! Board games/puzzles: Everyone loves a classic board game or the satisfaction of solving a puzzle! Freeze dancing: Crank some tunes and let the children break it down, stopping the music right in the middle of a hard core dance move!
Courtesy of Etsy.com
SENIOR SPOTLIGHTS Ssrah Greer Ora Oler Sarah Benson
Sarah Greer represents Van Buren as a top student, a competitive athlete, and a dedicated member of The Association as a four-year singerdancer. Sarah’s high school athletic career has been unique. Her freshman year she was a member of the volleyball team but switched to soccer for her sophomore and junior years. She exchanged soccer for cross country this year when she made the decision to run for her senior season. Sarah is also the captain of the cheerleading squad with three years of varsity experience and her contributions to the track and field team have helped the Lady Knights 4x400 relay team capture a bid to regionals. She thrives not only on the track, cross country course, stage, and cheerleading squad but also in the classroom. Her dedication to education will follow her out of the hallways of Van Buren to Western Michigan University. As a WMU bronco, she plans to major in occupational therapy. Find out more about Sarah in the question and answer session below. Why did you pick your college? Western Michigan has a nationally ranked Occupational Therapy Program and is not too far from home, but far enough. I also really liked the campus and internships that are available through the school. Advice for the underclassmen: Don't rule a college out because of size; even the biggest schools can have a "homey" feeling if you get involved in groups and make friends. What is your funniest childhood memory? While Madi Grant and I were riding bikes she was about to fall off her bike so I tried to help her. I crashed into an old lady’s mail box and flower garden and she came outside and yelled at me. Most memorable sports moment? When we won the eighth grade basketball tournament at Cory Rawson. Any superstitions/Pre-race/game rituals? I take a light nap before cross country races while everyone else starts to prepare for the race. Place to eat: Greek Garden Musical Artist: Britney Spears or John Mayer Favorite show choir memory: When I fell sophomore year. We were getting yelled at to jump higher into our partner’s arms and I jumped as high as I could, but my partner wasn’t at practice that day and I landed on the ground horizontally.
Jacob Szczublewski
When winter rolls around, most people think of the beginning of basketball season. For senior Ora Oler, however, it signals the start of wrestling season. Ora is more commonly known as a member of the football team, and it is because of football he wrestles now. “I started wrestling to stay conditioned for football, but then I started to get better and started to enjoy it.” Although born in Toledo, Ora grew up in New Mexico after moving there at age two. Ora moved back to Ohio at the end of fifth grade and began attending Van Buren the next school year. He is involved with football, wrestling, and baseball. He has qualified for wrestling districts the past two years, and is well on the way this year with a record of twelve victories and only three losses. After graduation, Ora plans to attend Owen’s Community College to begin an education in criminal justice. What is your fondest memory of wrestling? Last year at sectionals, I was in my last match to qualify for districts, I beat the guy one nothing in overtime. If you were on Death Row, what would your last meal be? Steak. A medium cooked blackened steak with sautéed shrimp and mushrooms, garlic mashed potatoes, a house salad with ranch, and an Arnold Palmer. What’s your favorite part of wrestling? Getting your hand raised at the end of the match, knowing it was all you. What is your fondest childhood memory? I
Courtesy of the Van Buren Yearbook Staff.
guess it would have to be living in New Mexico on the cattle ranch. It was fun. If you could teleport to anywhere RIGHT NOW, where would it be? I’d go back in time to play football again here at VB. What is your most embarrassing moment in public? I would have to say the time I fell up the bleacher stairs in the gym in front of everyone at the home wrestling meet this year. What’s the greatest lesson you’ve learned in high school? Time flies. It’s over so soon, cherish every bit. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Flight. Like superman. In your opinion, where is the best bathroom in the school? By the auditorium. If your life were a movie, what would the title be? Sports Fanatic
Vol. 1 Issue 6 Januray 24, 2013 Photo Courtesy of: capnbierblog.com (fair use)
Ryan Brauneller January 10, 2013 Boys Freshman: Van Buren-24 Arlington-31 Girls Varsity: Girls JV: Van Buren-36 Van Buren-15 Arlington- 53 Arlington-38
A Bowl Full of Surprises NCAA Football Season Recap Ryan Brauneller
The 2012 and 2013 NCAA football bowl season wrapped up an amazing campaign full of interesting surprise and devastating upsets. The season went underway on December 15, 2012 with Arizona battling against Nevada and finished up on January 7, 2013 with Notre Dame challenging the Crimson Tide of Alabama. The games are only played in certain stadiums, but the whole nation follows the games and cheer on their favorite team. Some groups or companies may bet on who will win a certain game, but most just watch the games and enjoy. The bowl games are the reward for the teams that put in that extra rep, or that extra sprint to earn them a spot in a top seeded bowl game. The bowl season everyone anticipated to be amazing, started off with the Gildan New Mexico Bowl with Arizona facing off against Nevada in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This definitely amped up the start of the season with Arizona coming back from being down 21 with time dwindling down. They scored a game winning touchdown with single digit seconds left on the clock to stun the heartbroken Nevada Wolf Pack 49-48, starting the 35 game season with a bang. Next up on the list was the Toledo Rockets versus the Utah State Aggies in the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl in Boise, Utah. The game was played on the well-known blue turf of the great Bronco Stadium. Even though Toledo is only 45 minutes away, they had to travel 29 hours to take on the high powered offense of the Aggies to take home the trophy. The Rockets fell short of taking it home with a horrible loss of 41-14. Despite their explosive offensive, Toledo only managed to consume 315 yards compared to Utah State’s 582 yards according ESPN News. Another local university, Bowling Green, took on San Jose State in the Military Bowl in Washington DC on December 27, 2012. The Falcons represented their city well, but fell up short with a loss to the Spartans 29-20. Bowling Green faced a quick-attack offense with quarterback David Fales leading the charge and had to get past their harsh defense with one of the nation’s top defensive tackles, Travis Johnson, leading the way. On the same day as the Military Bowl, the Big East Conference Cincinnati Bearcats squared off against the Atlantic Coast Conference Duke Blue Devils. The Blue Devils brought their 6-6 record into Charlotte, North Carolina, planning to, “Shove the ball down their throat,” as Duke’s coach David Cutcliffe said. Duke hasn’t played in a bowl game since 1995 when they battled against Wisconsin, but fell short 34-20. They planned to redeem themselves by beating Cincinnati. It was 34-34 when quarterback Brendon Kay crushed their dreams with 44 seconds left with an 88 yard pass to tight end,
Travis Kelce. With 14 seconds left, Duke had one last shot, but the pass got intercepted for a touchdown. As ESPN News reports, the Bearcats came out victories with a 48-34 Belk Bowl victory. In Shreveport, Louisiana, Ohio University had only one goal in mind, and that was to take out the War Hawks of Louisiana Monroe. Despite a promising 7-0 start to the season (including climbing to #23 in the country and a win over Penn State), the Bobcats would decline during their last five games, posting a 1-4 record during that time span, dropping their conference record to 4-4. They came out fired up scored 45 points compared to ULM’s 14 points. Beau Blankenship set an Independence Bowl record with 4 rushing touchdowns along with earning the game’s MVP. On December 31, 2012, the Chick-Fil-A presented what was then known as the “Battle of the Tigers.” The Tigers from Clemson University clawed their way out of a nail biter against the SEC’s reigning championship contender Louisiana State’s Tigers. Clemson came into the 4th quarter being down 24-13, but shut out LSU to come back and have a game winning 37-yard field goal to return to Clemson victorious. Brennon Swain, local Clemson fan says, “It was a great game to watch! Nobody knows the kicker’s name until he kicks the game winner.” In the Discover Orange Bowl, Northern Illinois came in as the major underdog facing the much bigger Florida State Seminoles. Northern Illinois entering the game becoming the first MAC team to earn a BCS berth by being the 15th ranked team in the nation with FSU being 12th. The Huskies became the first one-loss team from a non-AQ conference to earn a BCS bowl birth. Northern Illinois received the ball at the beginning of the 3rd quarter and scored making it 10-14. After that, FSU pulled away and scoring 14 more points making the final score 31-10. On January 4, 2013, “Johnny Football” had to back up his Heisman award in the AT&T Cotton Bowl. The Texas A&M Aggies came into the game ranked #9 against the #11 ranked Oklahoma Sooners. Johnny Manziel earned his title with a crushing 516 all-purpose yards, which was a bowl record. According to ESPN, Manziel also tore up the turf with a bowl record of 229 rushing yards. That was the most by any running back or quarterback. Oklahoma had no match for Manziel and his defense, only putting up 13 points compared to A&M’s 41 points. On January 7, 2013, Sun Life Stadium in Miami was to be known as the “Battle Grounds” for 1st
Sports Calendar * Denotes Home Game January 24, 2013 *4:45 PM-Boys Freshman Basketball vs. Liberty Benton 6:00 PM-Girls Basketball vs. Liberty Benton January 25, 2013 5:00 PM- Boys Wrestling at LCC Invite *6:00 PM- Boys Basketball vs. Leipsic January 26, 2013 10:00 AM- Boys Wrestling at LCC Invite 12:00 PM- Girls Freshman Basketball vs. Findlay *4:45 PM- Boys Freshman Basketball vs. LCC *6:00 PM- Boys Basketball vs. LCC January 28, 2013 6:30 PM- Girls Freshman Basketball vs. Carey January 29, 2013 6:00 PM- Boys Wrestling w/ HL and NB
» See Bowl Recap pg. 5
January 11, 2013 Boys Varsity: Boys JV: Van Buren-64 Van Buren-47 Arcadia-61 Arcadia-23 January 12, 2013 Boys Freshman: Van Buren-28 Elmwood-24 Boys Varsity: Boys JV: Van Buren-37 Van Buren-62 Elmwood-52 Elmwood-16 January 15, 2013 Boys Freshman: Van Buren-32 Bath-22 Girls Varsity: Girls JV: Van Buren-51 Van Buren-28 Ayersville-75 Ayersville-42 January 18, 2013 Boys Varsity: Van Buren-40 Vanlue-67 January 19, 2013 Varsity Wrestling- Van Buren Finished 8th in the VBI January 22, 2013 Girls Varsity: Girls JV: Van Buren-45 Van Buren-26 St. W.-53 St. W.-22
MVP of the Week
The M.V.P. of the Week is senior Ryan Adolph. Adolph recorded a whopping 30 points and 6 rebounds Photo Courtesy of: The Van Buren Yearbook Staff in the 6959 win over Tiffin Calvert on Saturday, January 5. Adolph later recorded 16 points and 5 assists in the 64-61 thriller win over Arcadia on Friday, January 11. Most recently, he scored 15 points in the 52-37 loss to Elmwood, Saturday, January 12. Ryan also recorded 11 points and four assists in the 62-41 loss to Ottawa Hills last Saturday.
6:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. Patrick Henry January 31, 2013 6:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. Vanlue February 1, 2013 1:00 PM- Boys Wrestling OWL Championships *6:00 PM- Boys Basketball vs. McComb February 2, 2013 11:00 AM- Girls Freshman Basketball vs. Mohawk *12:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. New Riegel *4:45 PM- Boys Freshman Basketball vs. Lima Shawnee *6:00 PM- Boys Basketball vs. Lima Shawnee February 6, 2013 6:00 PM- Boys Wrestling at Riverdale February 7, 2013 * 4:45 PM- Girls Freshman Basketball vs. Leipsic 5:00 PM- Boys Freshman Basketball vs. Liberty Benton *6:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. Leipsic
Januray 24, 2013 Vol. 1 Issue 6
Do You Know Martin Luther King?
Bowl Recap Cont’d
Resolutions Cont’d Rachell Resnik, Van Buren junior, wishes to achieve her health goals through some simple steps. “My resolution is to not eat from any fast food restaurant,” she says enthusiastically, “and to do some form of exercise every day, whether it’s push-ups, sit-ups, or running.”
Write it down!
resolution: “I want to make people smile more,” he said, “and I want to be more social.” These are resolutions that can definitely be achieved with a handful of confidence and a smile. Remind yourself that you can do this!
Make it realistic!
Although boldness can be good in many situations, it might be risky to make a goal that’s a bit too ambitious. “My new year’s resolution is to wrestle at least two bears,” says Jacob Kelley, junior. “I’m proving that I can wrestle at least two bears.” Although we can respect his immense ambition, a good tip for him might be to take it down a notch or two, considering the fact that he has not yet even wrestled one bear. Maybe he should wrestle a smaller animal to begin Be Confident! with before moving onto bigger and better Believe that you can achieve your resolutions. dreams, like wrestling bears. You were capable of making the goals. And now Hopefully, your year has gone well so far. you’re capable of putting them into action! So get ready to buckle down and achieve the “I want to get to know people more,” said resolutions you made! Good luck, and make Jessica Neumeister, junior. 2013 the best year yet. Chase Conley, senior, made a similar It always helps to have the resolutions written down on paper: it serves as a great reminder, and it makes the goals seem more permanent. Colin Causey, another junior, wants to “not be lazy.” He feels that, “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.” A good tip for him would be to have that resolution written on several post-it notes in places where he might be tempted into laziness.
Jess Gilts
ranked Notre Dame taking on 2nd ranked Alabama. Notre Dame risked their undefeated record of 12-0 against the nation’s leading defense of Alabama. Coach Nick Saban and his Crimson Tide were trying to make history by becoming 1 of 3 teams to win three National Championships in four years. Alabama has a tough defense only allowing 246 yards per game through the air and on the ground. They stalled the Fighting Irish by keeping them to 306 total yards with only 36 yards on the ground, as stated by ESPN. Alabama rushed out of the gates driving 82 yards and scoring a rushing touchdown within the first three minutes. It didn’t end there, Bama scored 35 unanswered points going into the half. The Fighting Irish had no stop for their explosive offense, but finally got on the board with four minutes left in the third. They only scored one more touchdown in the game while the Tide also scored a touchdown making the final score 42-14. The January 7th National Championship game wrapped up the 35 game season consisting of huge blow out games, close game winners, and surely some nail biters. The whole nation loves watching their favorite team play and representing their state in whatever game they play. Many people can’t wait to see what next year brings! *All stats, records, and game breakdown information obtained from Wikipedia and ESPN.