The Knight Writer: Volume 1, Issue 2

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Vol. 1 , Issue 2 11/15/2012

It’s Not Insane, It’s Tradition


By Laura Endicott

Submit questions for VeeBee to answer the See page 2!

Senior Spotlights: Malynn Eaton & Nathan Keck Page 3

Black Friday photo couresy of: (fair use).

A battle is approaching. In a matter of a few weeks an estimated 220 million Americans will go into the field with one mission and one mission only: eliminate their Christmas shopping while hunting down the very best deals Black Friday, one of the busiest shopping days in America, has turned into an intense day dedicated to buying, due to the numerous stores that extend their hours and offer special deals and slashed prices. It has been formed by stores such as Macy’s and Eaton’s due to their Thanksgiving parades, persuading people to go out shopping. Over time, many stores began to hold their major Christmas sales the

day after Thanksgiving due to the success Macy’s and Eaton’s were having. Though Black Friday is not recognized as a federal holiday, it is considered a public holiday, and thought to be the official start to holiday shopping season. With over 11 billion dollars spent in its weekend alone last year, it’s safe to say that shopping during this time is definitely at an extreme. The amount of revenue stores accumulate from this day of deals is said to be how Black Friday got its name. Businesses go from red, the color used to mark net losses, to black, the color indicating net income. Other theories on how its name was obtained include the idea of black tire marks left on the road as people rush off to stores, or a day police officers and other officials describe as “black” due to the amount of robberies, traffic issues, and mass number of pedestrian crowds. Image courtesy of: (fair use). » See Black Friday pg. 5

CONTENTS The Knight Life......... p. 2 » Book, Movie, Album, Restaruant Reviews » Ask VeeBee

Entertainment......... p.3 » Holiday Do’s and Don’ts » Heard in the Halls » Senior Spotlights

Sports...................... p. 4 » Is Gatorade Good Fuel? » Girls Basketball Preview » Sports Calendar

News Con’t ............... p. 5

Overcoming Obe’s Obstacles By Michelle Flanagan

“I was terrified. Everyone I knew that had cancer had died.” That was the first thought in Jennifer Miller Obenour’s mind when she was diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma- a type of bone cancer- at age sixteen. Jennifer grew up in Adrian, Michigan and attended Adrian High School. She was diagnosed with cancer during her junior year. It began when she started having severe pain in her leg, which tipped her parents off that something was wrong. The doctor in Adrian didn’t know what the problem was and Jennifer was sent to Motts Children Hospital in Ann Arbor. Tests were run over Thanksgiving, but almost two weeks had passed by the time they knew the results. When they did receive the news, amputation was not mentioned. So, when they were told what would happen later, everyone was shocked. “I was worried whether or not I was going to keep my leg and what it would look like. I really lost it Photo by Sarah Benson when they told me it was above my knee.” Originally, Jennifer thought that when they removed her leg, it would be amputated below her knee, and that didn’t worry her quite as much; it could still look somewhat “normal.” Then she found out they needed to take most of her leg, including part of her thigh, and that’s when she got really upset. Her younger brother was afraid and didn’t know what to do or say. “My older brother almost passed out,” she said about her siblings. She said her parents reacted as you would expect parents to; her mom became overprotective while her father was the rock, reassuring everyone it would all be okay. Her parents said that, “Jennifer’s outlook was very good and she was strong with a good attitude. It was tough for all of us. We took one day at a time and trusted God to get us through.” » See Obenour pg. 5

Volume 1, Issue 2



Looking for a good book, a new song to download, a solid meal, or a movie recommendation? Let the Knight Life be your guide to the latest trends, newest releases, and hottest spots in town!

La Scola Tuscan Grill: Meeting Standards By: Chandler Riffel

La Scola Tuscan Grill is the newest addition to Findlay’s Tiffin Avenues string of restaurants and businesses. La Scola is among few Italian restaurants in town, like Rossilli’s, Bistro’s, Olive Garden and The Spaghetti Shop. Despite the competition, with fair prices and more than fair portions, I foresee La Scola staying around for a while. My first journey to La Scola Tuscan Grill was one of fine dining and good service. Attending the restaurant with me was peer, and good friend Ashley Lovell. Lovell’s little sister, Ericka Davenport, joined us as well. Our waiters name was Mike; he came to our table rather quickly after we were seated. Mike was quick to get our drinks ordered and back to us. My entire one hour spent in La Scola, I cannot recall my drink being empty for more than a minute. Shortly after we were sat, we were also greeted with La Scola’s house bread that comes with every meal. Mike was an impressively good server who was enthusiastic about what he did. Having a great cheerful attitude, for me, makes a great trip to any restaurant. Now clearly the most important part to my review would be the food! La Scola had a rather large-sized menu, full of tasty subjects from Mama La Scola Bread to Calamari. A hostess at La Scola, Van Buren student Kaylee Arbaugh (17), suggests the cheese manicotti to restaurant new comers. The cheese manicotti is rolled pasta filled with herbed ricotta. It is topped with marinara, Photo courtesy (fair use). Alfredo, and pesto sauces. I ordered the momma La Scola bread described as “homemade bread made with Parmesan and mozzarella cheese, fresh basil, parsley, mozzarella cheese, and brushed with garlic butter and olive oil.” Ashley decided on having the highly suggested Cheese Manicotti; for Erica the half portion of fettuccine Alfredo. The wait for our food was roughly twenty minutes. While the momma La Scola bread looked to serve three people, I ate it myself. If you know of the garlic bread you have typically with spaghetti, this was an entire round pizza of just that. Ashley’s cheese manicotti looked delightfully dressed up and rather tasty. Erica’s fettuccine alfredo looked like; well it looked like fettuccine Alfredo, but good none the less. All meals were very large in portion. Even Erica’s half portion was quite a bit to eat for a young girl or even myself. » See La Scola pg. 5

Skyfall: 007 is Back! By Rachel Silver

There are officially 23 James Bond movies and the latest installment is thrilling. Even after 50 years, people are still rushing to the cinemas to get their fix of the famous secret agent. This movie is the best one yet, filled with action, drama, humor, and conflict, it would be hard to ask for more. I recommend this movie to all – it has something in it for everyone. Men and women alike have typically enjoyed James Bond movies from the start. For the men, there is action and conflict, and for the women, there is drama, romance, and, something new for 007 movies; there a background story that puts an emotional spin on the secret agent’s story. Photo courtesy (fair use) In the latest movie, Bond’s loyalty to M, played by Judi Dench and head of the Secret Intelligence Service, is put to the test as she battles her rough past. Being the loyal friend and agent that he is, James Bond, played by Daniel Craig in this film, tracks down the evil villain, Raoul Silva, played by Javier Bardem, who is threatening M16. Bond is willing to do anything to stop him, no matter how harsh the personal cost may be. Silva once worked along side M and is now a cyberterrorist, bent on getting his revenge against his betrayers. Even though Bond works hard in stopping Silva, will he be able to stop him in time? And if he does, what price will he have to pay to achieve this? Find out today in a cinema near you.

AskVeeBee My best friend’s boyfriend is constantly being hit on by this girl while she’s right in front of her. It makes her super mad and she’s constantly annoyed. I hate seeing my friend upset but how does she tell the other girl to stop it without starting a major fight? Sincerely, Worried but Welcome (to advice) Dear Worried but Welcome, Welcome to high school drama! Unfortunately, this happens to several people and I can honestly say that I’ve been a victim too. The best thing to do is not get too frustrated, and don’t let your friend say anything she will regret later. Tell her to be the bigger person, stand up for herself, but do it with respect. You don’t want to live the rest of your high school career as “that girl”. Sincerely, VeeBee<3

I’m trying to go on a diet but school food isn’t helping much. I know we have salads and other options but shouldn’t they do something to make this “food” healthier? Sincerely, Skinny but Skeptical Dear Skinny but Skeptical, First, go on a diet for the right reasons. I know that you didn’t mention any of this in your question but many teens are going on diets now to impress others. Only go on diets to ensure that you are healthy and happy with yourself. If you are concerned about school lunches, I suggest packing your lunch. By doing that, you open yourself up to a variety of choices and don’t have worry about what will be served at lunch. Also, if you are that concerned about the school food and know others who are too, maybe look into what action you can take with the school staff and administration. This may not accomplish much but still shows that you are an advocate for healthy school lunches. Sincerely, VeeBee<3


Laurie Halse Anderson By Jessica Cunningham

November’s Book Focus: Depression & Suicide Summary: Speak is the story of Melinda Sordino, a girl harboring an unimaginable secret. As she starts the ninth grade, Melinda is ostracized from her peers because she called the cops on an end-of-summer party. But what her classmates don’t know is why. Unable Photo courtesy (fair use). to tell the terrible truth of what a current upperclassman, Andy, did at this party and fully realizing the hypocritical, restricting place that is high school, Melinda goes almost entirely mute. She finally decides to speak in Mr. Freeman’s art class, where she is able to find her voice and come out with what Andy did. Jessica’s Judgment: This book breaks the rules. Anderson’s use of spelling, capitalization, spacing, and other common writing tools makes it that much more impactful. Melinda gives nicknames to everything, and I love it. It gives an interesting perspective on how she sees people, through either pointing out physical oddities or character traits, versus just their birth-given names. Also, I like the way Melinda thinks. She’s very withdrawn and most of the book is of her unexplainable actions while she is depressed, with cynical connections to society. After that, I liked the way Anderson classified high school and brought a lot of stereotypes and shortcomings to the surface. She really gave a nasty feeling to Andy—and regardless of what you think, you will HATE him—and many other characters, truly capturing the lack of valid free speech teens actually have. I enjoyed Melinda’s transition from unsure and reserved to unwavering and brave as she finds the power to speak. Speak is a book that will inspire any worrisome-ridden teen. Other issues covered include rape, underage drinking, and bullying.

Fill your ears with Phillips

By: Heather Clark

Known for being the American Idol contestant who would always have a guitar in hand during his performances, Phillip Phillips is ready to show his fans his own original music in his first debut album The World Photo courtesy of ()fair use). From the Side of the Moon. Phillips, the season 11 American Idol winner, caught the audience’s attention by putting his own creative spin on popular songs, such as “You Got It Bad” by Usher and “Thriller” by Michael Jackson. If you’re a fan of Phillip’s inspiration, Mumford and Sons or The Dave Matthews Band, you may want to consider adding this album to your playlist. The jazz, rock alternative sound that this new artist produces is almost addicting to the ears. The 22-year old stated that the whole album was recorded in a matter of three weeks, in which he wrote or co-wrote nearly every song. Being pressured on time, the music was not over analyzed or overproduced. Phillip’s said in a recent interview, “We kept it raw.” The 12 track album, including Phillip’s single “Home”, will be released on November 19. In addition to the album, a 15 track deluxe version will be available and a Target set that will have 17 songs. Make sure to mark your calendars to check out this new, upcoming artist and what he can do with his voice and a guitar.

Volume 1, issue 2


Suicide During the Holidays?

By: Alisa Warren

The holidays quickly approach, as do the feelings of warmth and comfort that define the season. But for many that suffer from loneliness and depression, the holidays also serve as a dark time, reminding them of their solitude during a supposedly cheerful time. Pressure to fulfill holiday duties can also lead one into depressive behavior and thoughts. It's a problem that isn't always discussed, as most would rather keep the season free of negativity. But at the same time, conventional wisdom leads many to believe that suicide rates climb drastically during the holidays, especially in December, due to the “holiday blues”. Dreary weather and lack of sunshine also point to possible suicide increase; however, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide rates do not go up during the holidays. The CDC states that: “[The] National Center for Health Statistics reports that the suicide rate is, in fact, the lowest in December. The rate peaks in the spring and the fall.” This might be news for most, as it is often assumed that the “holiday blues” lead people into deep depression. If one really thinks about it, the idea itself is contradicting common logic. The holidays are thought to be a time of joy and celebration, full of picturesque scenes of family gatherings and generosity. Why is it normal to assume the opposite? The answer quite simply is that it comes from media exaggerations and false information. According to the CDC, “The Annenberg Public Policy Center has been tracking media reports on suicide since 2000. A recent analysis found that 50% of articles written during the 2009–2010 holiday season perpetuated the myth.” Despite the gloomy weather and an over-flow of celebration, lonely people can often seek help during the holidays. Studies have shown that the decline of suicides during this season can often be attributed to the increase of available emotional support. Dr. John McIntosh of WebMD states, “Being around our families actually lifts our mood during those seasons. It may, in fact, magnify our loneliness after the season is over.” Although the holiday suicide rate increase is a myth, this again points to the fact that the suicide rates do go up during other seasons. It's important to be generous during the holidays, but it is even more crucial to keep this generosity up and going year-round. Be there for a friend, a co-worker...anyone that needs to be cared about. If you see someone who you think is suffering from depression, it's good to brighten their holiday, but more importantly, take the appropriate measures to care about them when if counts: and that's always. This could quite literally be a matter of life or death. If one talks about suicide, or even entertains the idea, don't hesitate to help. Take the warning seriously, and the National Suicide Prevention Hotline is available to take your call at: 1-800-273-8255.

Holiday Dos and Don’ts

Do • • • • • • •

Relax Spend time with family and friends Recognize how fortunate you are Give back Eat everything Breathe while eating; suffocation is not a good time Make sure the food is dead

Definite Do’s

Invite the in-laws Drop the turkey on the cat Accidentally try to eat stray limbs in the rush Fall asleep in your potatoes Wear tight pants to dinner Eat too quickly Take the time spent with loved ones for granted

SENIOR SPOTLIGHTS Malynn Eaton By Sarah Benson Malynn Eaton is a star on the stage as a four-year singer-dancer of the award-winning show choir, The Association. She has lit up the stage with her presence and has filled the auditorium with her voice since her freshman year. Her hard work and dedication has been recognized by her position as a dance captain. Malynn is also involved in student council and National Honor Society. She plans to attend a college and study Dental Hygiene and wants to pursue a career as a dental hygienist. Learn more about Malynn from her question and answer session below.

• • • • • • • •

• My only fault is that I’m too sexy. • She killed a cat with a shovel… • You can kick me next time. • Student #1: We had no yogurt or anything! Student #2: NO YOGURT!? • It took me until the second grade to learn how to spell my last name. (Courtesy of Jacob Szaczublewski.) • That was the first time I dealt with a dead body…

Sour Cream Cut-out Cookies 35 minutes

Spending time with family is wonderful. There aren’t many ways things can get better, unless you’re like me and love to eat good food. Frankly, everyone is happier with a well-cooked meal in front of them, especially if the meal is topped with desserts. However, the holidays are very busy. There isn’t always time to make that gourmet meal, but here is a family recipe for the cookies we make yearly.

• Student #1: I think I left my unicorn at your house. Student #2: Okay, I’ll bring him to school tomorrow. (Unicorn was not seen the following day in the parking lot.)

By: Jacob Szczublewski

Don’t: • • • • • • •

Heard in the Halls

What originally sparked your interest in joining The Association? I’ve always loved to sing and dance and while sitting in the audience I would always dream of being able to do exactly that on stage. What is your all-time favorite show choir number? My all-time favorite show choir number would be One Wild Night. It was the closer for my freshmen year. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I always wanted to be a teacher as a child. Favorite school subject: Biology If you could have lunch with 3 people (alive or dead) who would they be? Channing Tatum, Jesus, and Kristen Tropf Favorite Holiday: Christmas How do you like to spend your free time? I like to work out and spend time with my family and friends. What is something unique about you? My hair, nails, and eating abilities Do you have any advice about high school? My Advice would be to always make time to study. Grades matter, and as high school starts to come to an end, having good grades is a very important part.

Ingredients • 1 cup butter, softened • 1 teaspoon baking soda • 1 cup white sugar • 1 teaspoon baking powder • 2 eggs

• ½ teaspoon salt • 1 cup sour cream • 6 ½ cups cake flour • 1 ½ teaspoons vanilla extract

• Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). • In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until smooth. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the sour cream and vanilla. Stir in baking soda, baking powder and salt; gradually mix in flour to form a dough that is stiff enough to roll out. More or less flour may be necessary. • Roll out dough on a lightly floured surface and cut into shapes using cookie cutters. Place cookies 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets. • Bake for 10 minutes in the preheated oven or until firm and the center appears dry. Cookies will stay white, so be careful not to overbake.

Nathan Keck By Laura Endicott The talents of Nathan Keck can be seen in a variety of places throughout Van Buren. From strumming the strings on his guitar in the high school Essentials, to preforming on a lighted stage in show choir, and even kicking a muddy soccer ball down the field; it’s safe to say his list of capabilities isn’t narrow. Van Buren’s Association show choir representative not only has the moves fitted for the stage but also has the skills acquired to be a starter on the boys’ soccer team. His musical talents are not limited to singing and dancing, but could have also been seen, or rather heard, in the high school essentials for the past two years as he played his LTD guitar. We recognize this senior’s talents in his musical background along with his impressive sports career. Learn more about Nathan Keck from his question and answer session below. • • • • • • • • • • • •

Who is your favorite music artist or band? Lincoln Park Describe the first time you performed your music live? I first played guitar at my church. I still do today. I was so nervous! My hands shook the entire time. How do you calm your nerves when you’re about to perform? I listen and concentrate to the music that I’m playing. The music itself calms me. Favorite part of soccer? Slide tackling Biggest accomplishment in soccer? Making it to the district final game three years in a row. What advice would you give to future Van Buren Black Knight soccer players? Take it seriously and always try and push yourself so you have no regrets when it’s over. What are you thankful for? My family, friends, and food. Do you participate in any volunteer work during the holidays? Last year I helped my church fill almost 1,500 shoe boxes with toys and other necessities that were later given to children. Favorite high school memory? Sweet and sour chicken at lunch-- just kidding. Prom and the laser tag at Post Prom. What is your dream job? To be the lead guitarist in a band. What is your favorite chick flick? Tangled. Build me your ultimate ice cream sundae. Cookies and cream ice cream with sour gummy worms, hot fudge, caramel, and a lot of whip cream. I also want a cherry on top.

Volume 1, Issue 2



Gatorade: Is it the Best Way to “Fuel Yourself?” By Madi Endicott It’s the sports drink known to all athletes. It’s every athlete’s go-to fuel. It’s promoted by famous athletes all over the world, but is Gatorade really the ideal fuel for high school athletes? Most high school athletes’ motivation to drink Gatorade after sports competitions or sporting practices is because they have been told that it replenishes electrolytes lost during physical activity. This is true, the body is in need of electrolytes after a workout; however the electrolytes offered in Gatorade can be in a very high amount and too much for a young athlete’s body. Another common reason athletes look to Gatorade is for a pick-me-up or boost of energy. Nutritionist Suzie Tropf says that Gatorade does offer a boost of energy, however, in an inefficient way. Since there is so much sugar in Gatorade, when athletes drink a lot of it, they are spiking their blood sugar which isn’t good, then, shortly after it will drop back down which crashes the body. After a workout or sporting event, athletes are a sweaty mess. Sweat is evidence that the body is losing water therefore it is another element in need. Gatorade

Fall Sports Awards By Brice Lawrence Fall sports and band have come to a close, and with that comes banquets and awards. Here is a breakdown of all of the honors and accolades that have been received for a job well-done this season.

does offer fluid replenishment; however, Suzie says that water is the better option. It may not taste as good as Gatorade, but it hydrates the body and gives it everything it needs without the overdose that Gatorade has. Mrs. Tropf says the best way to drink Gatorade is with a protein. The mix of carbohydrates from the sugar in Gatorade with the protein is a way to give your body energy. However, Suzie says the best way for a high school athlete to fuel their body is to eat complex carbohydrates and lean protein as a meal about an hour before the workout. She also suggests small snacks at halftime such as raisins or a small apple to keep you fueled for the second half. Gatorade was originally designed to sip, not chug. By sipping Gatorade the body replenishes those electrolytes as well as receiving energy from the carbohydrates (sugar) without putting your blood sugar off the charts. It, in fact, keeps your blood sugar level. Gatorade was also originally designed for elite athletes like marathon runners or Olympians who train excessively and have to have electrolytes continually replenished. At times high school athletes may think of themselves as the next RGIII, Allyson Felix, or Blake Griffin, but their young bodies do

Band • Most Improved Marcher: Trevor Wolford, Jess Luna, Allison Snider, and Michael Rinebolt. • Most Promising young Marcher: Alyssen Welch and Austin Hutchison • Outstanding Senior Marcher: Dylan Sexton

Girls Golf Awards • Rookie of the Year: Freshman Carlee Schmelzer Boys Soccer • Miss Sportsmanship: senior Alexis Kelley • All-District Division III First Team: Daniel • 110% Award: Emily Lammers and Coach Roberts Wolfe • Honorable Mention: Seniors Preston Wise, Brett • Most Improved: Junior Emily Foust Turner, and Chandler Adams • Lowest Stroke Avg. Winner: Junior Ashley Overmyer Junior Daniel Roberts also received first-team all-NCOSA, while seniors Brett Turner and Chandler Not to be out-done, the J.V. awards were Adams were awarded second-team. Preston claimed by junior Kaylee Boney and sophomore Wise was recognized with honorable mention. Brooke Klausing. First-year letter-earners For the Van Buren team awards, sophomore Brice include Carlee Schmelzer and Emliy Foust; Lawrence was awarded Most Improved, Roberts second-year letter winner was sophomore, received Mr. Offense, Turner was selected as Mr. Erin Neall; and third-year letterman included Defense, and junior Ted Simmons was awarded the Lammers and Overmyer. The only four-year 110% Award. Adams was recognized as the team’s letterman was Kelley. Most Valuable Player.

Sports Calendar November 3, 2012 *11:00 AM – Girls Basketball vs. Van Wert/Lakota (Scrimmage) November 8, 2012 6:30 PM- Girls Basketball vs. Mohawk (Scrimmage) November 9, 2012 *6:00 PM- Boys Basketball vs. Upper Sandusky (Scrimmage) November 10, 2012 9:00 AM- Girls Basketball vs. Wapakoneta (Scrimmage) November 11, 2012 2:00 PM-Boys Soccer 4th Annual 5K at the VB Sports Complex November 13, 2012 5:30 PM-Girls Basketball vs. Woodmore (Scrimmage)

» See Fall pg. 5

Photo Courtesy of (Fair Use) not need Gatorade like professionals do. As popular as Gatorade is, it may not be the best way to fuel a high school athlete’s body. Something as simple as water and box of raisins can have the same, if not better, effect on an athlete’s performance as Gatorade does. Maybe this icon sports drink is just another way to empty our wallets.

Lady Knights Return to the Court

By Sarah Benson

The Van Buren Lady Knights basketball team will kick off their season by facing the Leipsic Vikings in the BVC preview at Cory Rawson High School on Friday Nov. 16. The team seems promising with a total count of seven returning letterman. Morgan Flick and Kristen Tropf, both seniors for the Lady Knights, have high expectations for the team this year. “We haven’t made it past the first tournament game in a few years, and this is the year to change that,” stated Tropf, a 5’3 guard. Her teammate Flick added, “We’re looking very good this year and I’m excited to see how the season plays out.” With three seniors and a very talented roster, the Lady Knights will be an up and coming team this year. If you cannot attend the girls’ basketball preview, no worries, the team will have a second showdown with Leipsic for senior night later this season. The Blanchard Valley Conference will, again, not only be a powerhouse in the northwest Ohio, but will also be on the state ranked scale. With a state championship Arlington team and a returning state-bound Liberty Benton, the Blanchard Valley Conference will produce many competetive games.

November 16, 2012 6:00 PM- Girls Basketball Preview at Cory Rawson November 17, 2012 *10:00 AM- Boys Basketball vs. North Baltimore (Scrimmage) November 20, 2012 6:00 PM- Boys Basketball vs. Spencerville (Scrimmage) November 23, 2012 6:00 PM- Boys Basketball Preview at Liberty Benton November 24, 2012 8:30 AM- Boys Basketball vs. Mohawk (Scrimmage) November 27, 2012 *6:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. Eastwood November 29, 2012 6:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. Hardin Northern

Volume 1, Issue 2


Obenour Cont. Because cancer wasn’t nearly as treatable then as it is now, she didn’t undergo any treatment prior to her amputation. “The treatment was radical amputation and experimental chemo then. At the time of my diagnosis, there was no such word as ‘survivor’. People didn’t live.” Chemo was a bigger adjustment for Jennifer than using a prosthetic. It made her violently ill after treatments, which were Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays with a three week break in between for a period of 18 months. There were two different types of medicine that she took, and twenty years after her surgery, doctors told her they discovered one of them is ineffective for osteogenic sarcoma. All of her treatments were, in fact, experimental. The other medicine she took could result in irreversible heart damage if given enough. Jennifer’s dosage wasn’t very far under that amount. Besides making her sick, chemo treatments caused Jennifer to lose her hair. “Having my hair fall out was worse than losing my leg. I had two different wigs. But I refused to wear it until I couldn’t cover it up. The first day I wore it to school I cried the whole day because I knew everyone thought I was a freak.” A teacher pulled her aside partway through the day, and asked her what was wrong. Jennifer told her about the wig, and the teacher reassured her that it was unnoticeable, and that it looked like it was simply her natural hair. Looking back, Jennifer told me she’s not sure if that teacher was just being nice or being honest, but either way, it helped. She laughed as she told me a story about a mishap in high school. “Right before my senior year, I was making cookies with my boyfriend at that time; I stuck my head into the oven too quick and it melted my hair. He told me my hair felt strange the next day, and it did. It’d all kind of melted together.” She took her senior pictures three different times; once with her real hair before it had fallen out, once with a short wig, and a third time with a long, curly wig (one that her boyfriend recommended she try, and she fell in love with.) The doctors estimated a 20% chance of living five years for “I was making cookies with my Jennifer, and she was determined to boyfriend at that time; I stuck my make the most of it if that was all the head into the oven too quick and it time she got. She continued to go to melted my hair. “ every high school event she could, but never made it to prom. “I was in the hospital my senior year and sick because of chemo junior year.” Everything else? She did it. She attended football games, swim meets, basketball games, and although she couldn’t march in the band, which she’d loved, she took care of the music, plumes, and anything else that needed done. Her friends were extremely supportive and pushed her to go on with her life. If it was the end of an eventful night and Jennifer couldn’t walk, someone would give her a piggy back ride. Her mom was very protective, and before Jennifer could go out on her own, she had to prove that she could change a flat tire by herself. That was the moment she showed she was able to do what she wanted to do, and that having cancer wasn’t going to hold her back. Fayette Miller, Jennifer’s mom, said that she doesn’t think cancer restricted Jennifer in any way. She was able to keep good grades, graduate with honors, and was lucky enough to have wonderful teachers. This December, it will have been 34 years since Jennifer’s amputation. That’s a far cry from a 20% chance of living five years. Mrs. Miller said that everything they went through made their family stronger. Rob Obenour, who met her 14 years after the surgery, said it wasn’t ever awkward to talk about. “We talked about it in the context of it being a miracle that she survived the treatments.” At that point, she only had to go to yearly checkups. She had a reaction to the plastic in a new prosthesis, and it caused her leg to swell. “The worst part was when she tried to figure out what plastic she could and couldn’t use. She’s allergic to certain silicone.” Rob said that not having both legs never restrained Jennifer, and that she refused to miss out on things. After talking to so many people, it has become blatantly obvious that Jennifer is a fighter. She went through a lot at a very young age, and it only strengthened her. She never let her handicap stop her from experiencing everything life has to offer. Jennifer had great times even though she was going through treatments in high school, and she considered it a miracle that she made it through all of that. It’s clear that she was strong and driven in high school. Thirty four years later, that’s still true.

Black Friday Cont. In multiple instances Black Friday has resembled nothing less than an actual battle. In more than one occurrence, there have been employees or innocent bystanders trampled to death by the herds of people plowing over them. Shoppers have been stabbed, beaten, and even shot during heated fights regarding merchandise. Destruction, such as knocking over aisles, setting things on fire and overturning cars, has been reported in the past years during this day. To avoid the bizarre atmosphere Black Friday brings, many people are beginning to do most of their shopping online. Cyber Monday offers exclusive deals via internet. Stores are also taking advantage of the web and including their deals online. By doing so, shoppers are able to make all purchases fast and efficiently without the hassle of long lines or swarms of people. Though online shopping sounds like the way to go, it is possible for stores to not put all hot deals online, especially door buster items. One of the biggest problems people face when shopping on Black Friday is overspending. It’s easy to get caught up in all the sales, and with an average of $400 spent per person during this weekend alone, bills add up quickly, despite the savings. Create a game plan and list that you can stick to. Try not to purchase impulse items. Also, set a firm spending limit. Determine how much you can afford to spend, and do not go over it, period. Remember to send in all rebates to save some extra cash, and keep all receipts in a designated “Black Friday” folder. Bargain hunters, your time has come. It is your time of the year to show everyone your skills and dominate all the stores. Go out there, and seize the day!

La Scola Con’t For reviewing purposes I took a sample of every one’s dishes. Mine, foremost, was very delicious. It was a mix of garlic bread and cheese pizza with no sauce. The outside, crustier areas of the pizza like bread, was the best. The inside, I thought, was over garlic buttered making the bread much too over flavored and rich for me. Next, I tried a bite or two of Ashley’s cheese manicotti, which distributed three sauces to make it look like an Italian flag. The flavor was impeccable, I felt as though I was biting into a large, oversized noodle. It was filled with a warm, gooey, cheesy center. The marinara sauce was nicely sweet, complementing the manicotti. The alfredo sauce was also delicious, creamy, yet salty also acting complementary to the manicotti and marinara sauce. The other sauce was pesto which I felt could have not been on the plate all together. It was a rather bland sauce not containing any “wowing” flavor. The last dish I tasted was the fettuccine alfredo. To start off it wasn’t exceptionally hot, more like lukewarm. I thought that the sauce made it a tad bit thick. I would have preferred to have some chicken in it, but chicken or steak is an additional charge. The alfredo sauce was rather bland, I found myself adding salt to give the noodles and sauce some flavor. Erica said, “I don’t like it.” I couldn’t say I disagreed with her. The remark I left above was the only complaint I had throughout the night. The food was great along with all service I received. The server and all other components to the restaurant left me walking out with a smile on my face and the mindset to return. While the price might run on the higher end, the quality and the size of the food was far above satisfactory.

Fall Con’t. Boys Golf The Van Buren boys golf made it to the state tournament, and many of them received all-BVC honors. • First-team all-BVC: Senior Brennon Swain • Second team BVC: Seniors Jason Sawyer and Erik Glass and junior Sawyer Junge • Honrable Mention BVC: Senior Mitchell Bayer and junior Jimmy Irving • First Team Northwest District First Team: Brennon Swain • Northwest District Honorable Mention: Jason Sawyer and Sawyer Junge Team awards were also distributed. Junge was the Team Green in Regulation Leader with 138 hits in the green for a percentage of 54.65%, also the Team GIR Putting Leader, averaging 1.91 putts per green hit in regulation. Senior Swain received the Team Par Leader with 118 pars on the year, equivalent to 49.56% of his holes played. Senior Tim Mutchler hit the Team Sub Par Leader with 23 birdies on the year for 8.76% of their holes played. He also took a share of the Team Eagle Leader with Sawyer, both with two. Sawyer also putted for the Team Putting Leader averaging 1.73 putts per green. Bayer swung for the Team Fairway Percent Leader, hitting for a 59% of his fairways.

Football Senior Matt DeVore grabbed a first-team all-BVC linebacker award with 90 tackles, DeVore also ran for the second-team all-BVC for running back. Honorable mentions went to seniors Alec Rampe, Austin Bisbee, Alex Bleile and sophomore Isaac Sexton. For the team awards, senior Matt DeVore got the Offensive Player of the Year award, also winning the teams M.V.P. Award, senior Austin Bisbee got Lineman of the Year, senior Alex Bleile got Defensive Player of the Year, senior Ryan Adolph got the Black Knight award, and senior Ora Oler won the LaFontain award. Junior Jacob Kelley got the Most Improved award, junior Collin Hiatt received the Hard Hat award, and sophomore Drew Conner was awarded the Special Teams Player of the Year. Volleyball For volleyball, senior Sarah Benson dug up a third-team allBVC award, also winning the team’s M.V.P. award. Senior Elyse Anderbery and junior Paige Sudlow received honorable BVC mentions. Congratulations to all of the winners of these individual awards, as well as achieving the team awards.

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