Vol. 1 , Issue 3 11/29/2012
Cultural Revolution
By Michelle Flanagan
Submit questions for VeeBee to answer the theknightwriter@vbschools.net
Senior Spotlights: Brennon Swain & Alexis Clark Page 3
Photo couresy of: www.PBS.org (fair use).
Look out, America. Our culture is changing, and in a big way. The fact that some people are gay is becoming much more accepted than it was a decade ago. For example, according to CNN, in 1990 most Americans said they didn’t know anyone close to them who was gay. This year, 60% said they are close with someone who is gay or lesbian. Although the country is starting to change its views, it definitely doesn’t mean that everyone sees it as acceptable. A man holding hands with a man and walking down the street is likely to be subjected to some ridicule; there’s a long way to go on this front. But, strides are being made. Washington, Maryland and Maine all passed gay marriage laws on November 6. While six other states have previously, these are the first that legalized it by voters. In the other states, the decision was made by judges or legislators. Maryland’s ballot read
that, “Civil marriage laws allow gay and lesbian couples to obtain a civil marriage license.” However, it also makes clear that churches do not have to perform these marriages if they are not comfortable with it. Although some states have passed these laws, another thirty-eight passed gay marriage bans by defining marriage as between a man and a woman in their constitution. Minnesota’s voters rejected one of these amendments on election day. As you probably know, a lot of things were on the November 6 ballot, not just the presidential candidates. For example, Tammy Baldwin made history. She is the first Wisconsin woman elected to the U.S. Senate, and the first openly gay politician. » See Cultural Revolution pg. 5
By: Madi Endicott
The voters have spoken: the recent passing of legalization of the recreational use of marijuana in the states of Colorado and Washington has certainly generated a buzz. This means that citizens in these states Photo couresy of: www.blogspot.com (fair use). overwhelmingly voted to legalize, regulate and tax the drug in a similar fashion as is already being done with alcohol. According to the Huffington Post, in Colorado, more voters voted for marijuana legalization than the re-election of President Obama. It's safe to say that the drug is high on the priority list of many residents in these states. » See Marijuana pg. 5
The Knight Life......... p. 2 »Book, Restaurant Reviews » Must See Holiday Movies » Winter Dating Ideas
Entertainment........ p. 3 » Senior Spotlights » ACT Tips
Sports...................... p. 4 » Sports Calendar: November/December » What it Takes to Participate
Should Marijuana Holidays in Uniform Be Legalized? By: Alisa Warren
Families across the United States sat around the dinner table with heaps of everybody’s favorite homemade dishes steaming in front of them as they held hands while Dad said grace before their Thanksgiving meal. Unfortunately, not everyone is home for the holidays. As U.S. soldiers across the world serve our country, they not only risk their lives for our freedom, but they sacrifice precious family time during the holidays. About 70,000 U.S. military soldiers are going to spend their holidays on duty in Afghanistan. They’ll be missing out on seeing their kids open presents Christmas morning, watching It’s a Wonderful Life on Christmas Eve with their family, and eating Christmas ham. It is sad truth, but necessary that our brave soldiers maintain their positions over the holidays to protect our country. But we can help soldiers through the holidays. There are hundreds of organizations that provide opportunities for people to express their thanks to soldiers during this time typically devoted to families. » See Holidays pg. 5
News Cont’d............ p. 5 »Nutcracker Premieres in Findlay »Twilight: Breaking Dawn Review »National Honor Society Blood Drive
Get Ready for Holiday cheer with Findlay’s “Tastes of the Season!” pg. 3
The Knight Life Top Five Must See Holiday Movies
By: Jessica Gilts
Courtesy of www.tumblr.com (fair use).
‘Tis the season to watch great movies! Grab some popcorn and hot chocolate, cuddle up in a warm blanket, and enjoy these wonderful holiday classics! Elf
This timely Christmas flick starring Will Ferrell hit the big screen in 2003. Since then it has been a huge hit on national television across the country. Thousands of Americans have fallen in love with Buddy, the elf with his family-friendly humor and loving personality. Be sure to catch one of the several Elf marathons this season to ensure a good laugh. Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas Whoever said you were too old to watch a great Christmas cartoon? This book-based movie from 1966 is great for everyone whether young or old and goes perfect with green eggs and ham! For those who have never seen this movie, the villain is the Grinch who simply just wants to take away all of the holiday spirit. You can be sure to find this film on ABC or some local channels to see how it all plays out! National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation Making its first appearance in 1989, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is sure to make you smile. You’ll be sure to fall in love with the family and certainly be able to relate them to your own one way or another. With its outrageous humor and the witty personalities of the cast, this movie is the only Vacation movie that has sparked a sequel making it possible for you to always be in a great mood during the holidays. Home Alone What better way is there to spend your day than watching all four of the Home Alone movies? With his first appearance in the sequel arriving in 1990, the main character Kevin will be sure to keep you on the edge of your seat and wondering what sneaky thing he will do next to stop the thieves. To see the final outcomes and all the trouble he gets into, follow him on his way from his small suburban neighborhood all the way to the big apple! These films will have you busy for hours and surely not be a disappointment! A Christmas Story You can never go wrong with this Christmas classic! Whether in black and white or modern versions in color, A Christmas Story will be sure to put you in the holiday mood, especially since its one of the longest Christmas movie marathons ever! Debuting in 1983, this film has been sure to touch the hearts of many by fulfilling the wish of a young, deserving boy. If you need a good way to spend your snowy evening, take a look at this great movie. Courtesy www.hark.com (fair use).
Tears of a Tiger By: Sharon M. Draper
By: Jessica Cunningham Tears of a Tiger is about Andy an African American teenager, who after a winning basketball game decides with friends to celebrate with a six-pack. Unfortunately, the boys also decide to drive, with Andy behind the wheel. A terrible accident occurs and Andy’s best friend who had his feet up on the dash is pinned inside the Courtesy of SharonDraper.com (fair use). car as the gas tank explodes, causing Robbie to burn to death in front of the helpless boys. Afterwards, everyone’s very concerned about Andy, and he starts seeing a counselor and working through his grief. Things seem to be progressing fine and Andy from the exterior seems happy, but inside he’s haunted by survivor’s guilt and his own demons. And ultimately, he makes a decision that will stun everybody. Jessica’s Judgment: A very difficult book. It touches to the core and you really feel Andy’s struggle and pain. There are very memorable moments in this story, and no matter whom you are, the ending will make you cry. It’s a touching book about depression and how at face value, it isn’t what it seems. As well, this book graces racism in a very interesting way. Overall, a great book that outlines the consequences of a single bad decision.
Tastes of the Season Heather Clark
You’d be called crazy if you said you didn’t like the pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving dinner or turned away a candy cane being passed out at Christmas. Desserts and sweets are on the top of the list for what we have to look forward during the holidays. With the season peaking around the corner, restaurants are filling their menus with those delicious, recognizable flavors that almost everyone loves. When you’re out and about, fill those urgent cravings with a drive through a fast-food restaurant or a walk inside an ice cream shop. These tasty desserts will satisfy your sweet tooth at the expense of a couple dollars. Here is a list of ten tasty desserts that you can find right here in Findlay: 1. Pumpkin Frozen Yogurt at Iggy’s 2. Pumpkin Doughnuts at Tim Horton’s 3. Egg Nog Shake at McDonald’s 4. Gingerbread Cookie Milkshake at Burger King 5. Pumkin Cheesecake Flurry at Culvers 6. McCafe Peppermint Hot Chocolate at McDonald’s 7. Peppermint Chocolate Chip Milkshake at Steak n’ Shake 8. Peppermint McFlurry at McDonald’s 9. Pumpkin Ice Cream at Deitch’s 10. Egg Nog Milkshake at Steak n’ Shake
Heard in the Halls
• Student #1: It smells like McDonald’s in here Student #2: It smells like a heart attack… • No, I do not sleep in the cheese! • Student #1: Cookies…? Cookies?! Student #2: SHUT UP!!! • Student #1: Why does my butt look so weird in these pants? Student # 2: Don’t worry, it’ll get some form…
Winter Date Ideas
By: Laura Endicott
Don’t let the frostiness of this winter season freeze over your love life. Heat things up and check out our date ideas that are perfect for the holiday season and guaranteed to keep your dating life out of hibernation. Artsy Fartsy: • Buy white pillowcases to decorate and give to each other to sleep with. • Find a sugar cookie recipe, bake and decorate! • With a twist: Blind fold each other while decorating. See whose cookie is the prettiest. • Make a pizza together. It’s fun choosing your own toppings! Up and Out • Go ice skating. It’s a perfect excuse to hold your date’s hand! • Go bowling. With a twist: Play with bumpers and aim to get the lowest score, or play with your nondominate hand. • Volunteer. Help out at your local soup kitchen, give blood, or visit the humane society for a bonding experience • Hot chocolate date/Coffee date at Panera. Make it interesting: Pick out a treats in the bakery for each other. • Visit the Christmas lights at the Toledo Zoo; or drive to Hillcrest, Bluffton or Upper Sandusky for a more affordable light show! Stayin in • Have a movie marathon. Whether it is a scary movie, a TV series, or a certain actor, watch a bunch of the same type of movies: old and new! • Movie themed night: Have your food match your movie. Ex: Grab some take out Chinese and watch Rush Hour. • Build forts out of furniture and blankets and have a war with marshmallows and paper airplanes. • Watch home videos of each other from when you were younger or look at baby pictures.
Volume 1, issue 2
Don’t Stress The Test: ACT Tips & Advice By: Laura Endicott When preparing for a big test, everyone has been given basic instructions to abide by in order to be equipped for success, including going to bed early, getting a good night's sleep, eating a good breakfast, and other simple advice. To add to this list, researchincluding multiple interviews with past ACT takers and specific ACT classes- was completed and used to create a list of advice and tips that are not as commonly known that could help whether you are a first timer or just looking to improve your score. Know what you are getting into Do your research before test day! Instead of wasting time reading the directions during the tests, read them ahead of time on actstudent.org. Also be aware of the amount of questions and time given per test. Understand what is expected for each test so there are no surprises. Refresh the basics Do NOT cram; instead, review a few rules learned back in the day to refresh your memory. Look back on English rules, old math equations (especially SOH CAH TOA). Take a few days to take a few practice tests found online or in any ACT booklet. It doesn’t have to be a five hour study session, just look over a few things.
Have materials ready the night before All pencils, calculator, admissions ticket, and some sort of I.D. Have everything out and ready to go so you are not rushing around to get everything that morning. Give yourself time to mentally prepare Start test day out by waking up at a decent time so your body has a chance to fully become conscious and your mind is not still “sleepy” when you’re taking the test. Get ready in the morning to get yourself in the right mindset. Wear clothes you would normally wear, and even do your hair or makeup. To help prepare and relax, read something, go on a light run, or do a Sudoku puzzle; just something productive. Cross that bad boy out When you come across an answer you are sure is incorrect, physically cross it out in your booklet completely and your eyes will not pay any attention to it again. Do not be afraid to use your booklet as scratch paper. Your answer key on the other hand? Mark bubbles carefully.
Guess aggressively and move on You are NOT penalized for guessing. Therefore, if you come to an answer you have no idea about, give it your best shot and move on. Do not waste time on a problem you know you can't do. COMPLETE ALL ANSWERS. Give the entire test your best shot, follow your gut, and do the best you can. You are not supposed to know all the answers, so never feel stupid if you think you got a lot wrong. Good luck!
Brennon Swain
By Sarah Benson
By Sarah Benson
Alexis Clark is a small person that makes a big difference. She’s not usually in the spotlight but her presence and actions do not go unnoticed. Alexis makes an impact in our local community by volunteering for church service projects during Thanksgiving. She is dedicated to helping others and realizes the importance of this especially during the holiday season. After high school Alexis plans to attend college and become a veterinarian with a side job as an author. • What super power would you like to have? I would like to have wings to be able to fly. I think it would be really cool to be able to fly and see the world from the sky. • What is your funniest childhood memory? Well… It wasn’t funny until about six years later, but one of the funniest memories in my childhood was how I broke my arm the first time. I had been sitting on the wash machine at my grandparent’s house. I stood up and decided that exact moment was the moment I should try to fly. All I had to do was flap my arms and jump. My sister had told me that birds fly with their legs strait back behind them, so me being the determined three year old I was, took a leap of faith… literally. Needless to say, I discovered that I could not fly by landing face down on the ground and breaking my arm. This reason in precisely why I would love to have wings and fly as a superpower. I have always wanted to fly, but there is no way I would attempt flying again unless I had wings to ensure I would not fall and break my arm again. • Cereal: Reese’s Puffs • School subject: English or biology • Teacher : Oh this is such a hard question… There is absolutely no way I can choose between Mr. Bartlett, Mr. Obenour, and Mr. Rader. They each have this magical way of cheering me up no matter what is going on. • Place to eat: Red Lobster • Musical Artist: Ludo • Do you do any volunteering around the holidays? I like volunteering at one of my friends’ church around Thanksgiving. They usually end up having a lot of people come in to eat and it is really cool to help out. You feel really appreciated by the people that eat the food and they definitely show it. • What is your favorite way to get into the holiday season? Music and colors. Music is always the best way to get in to the holiday season, but when I start seeing the typical holiday colors, that really gets me excited. I love seeing the red and green colors around Christmas and the red, orange, and yellow colors for Thanksgiving. • What is your favorite part about Christmas? I love how peaceful everything seems (if you ignore the crazed moms at the shopping stores). I love seeing the Christmas lights strung on the trees and on the houses and everything is so cheery. The snow on the ground and icicles on the trees; it really is beautiful.
You may have spotted Brennon Swain with a golf club in hand, a crown on his head, swishing a three-pointer in the high school gym, or volunteering around the community in his free time during the holiday season. Brennon is extremely involved in extracurricular activities and in the community. He was crowned Homecoming King and was a member of the 2012 conference champion golf team. He hopes to continue his education at Methodist University in North Carolina and study professional golf management and business. Learn more about Brennon from his question and answer session. • If you had a time machine, what year would you travel to? I would go back to the middle of the year 2012. Feelings and emotions cannot describe how much I miss the times that I have spent with my golf team. They mean a great deal of importance to me and I wouldn’t be the man I am today without them. • Most memorable sports moment? My most memorable sports moment was at Northstar Golf Course, home of the State Championship. I was coming down the 18th hole and I looked to my left and all I could see was a long line of supporters. I put my arm up in the air and thanked God for this moment. After I made my two putt for par, the cheers from the BKG family made the experience a little emotional. Just knowing all the support we had made my senior year a memory that I will never forget. • Do you do any volunteering around the holidays? Yes, recently my youth group at Salem United Methodist Cass has been involved in Trees for Troops and has wrapped/donated gifts to kids who are less fortunate than others. I have not been able to participate in these yet this year, but Pasture Ray Kane always gives us the opportunity to give back to the community and help make the world a better place for all. • What is your favorite way to get into the holiday season? Spending time with family and friends by decorating and making food to stuff our faces. But best of all, discussing what we can do to help others and make the holidays fun for all. • What super power would you like to have? I would like to be able to go back in time. I read and learn about all of the History of this country and I want to be able to relive the past. • Cereal: Cinnamon Toast Crunch • School subject: Math • Teacher : Mrs. Walerius • Place to eat: My Mom’s Kitchen • Musical Artist: Tenth Avenue North
Volume 1, Issue 2
SPORTS What It Takes to Participate
By: Madi Endicott
Student-athletes. They're your lab partner in chemistry class. They're the person in front of you in the lunch line. They are the kid in the halls who dropped all their books. When they're laughing with their friends on the bus or celebrating a touchdown on the football field, it may seem like life is easy for them, but the life of a student-athlete, although very rewarding, is not quite as simple as it seems. Student-athletes are often considered as the stereotype of “dumb jock,” when in fact student-athletes often have to put a great amount of effort in school to maintain a decent grade so that they can participate in their sport. With the eligibility rule and coaches breathing down their necks about keeping their grades up, no athlete can ignore the academic side of being a student-athlete. Michelle Flanagan, junior at Van Buren who is involved in varsity cross country and track, admits that keeping her 4.0 GPA has been no easy task, as she has had to stay after school multiple times to get help Courtesy of wordpress.com (fair use). on Pre-Calculus homework. She says the eligibility rule is not a huge factor in her spending extra time to be a good student, rather it's her pure desire to succeed. This dedication and passion, she says, has come from being in sports. Due to extra time spent at practices or games throughout the week, student-athletes have limited time at home to work on schoolwork. In addition to this, physical exhaustion from spending two hours at practice can really affect student-athletes' energy and motivation to complete their schoolwork or study for a test. This can be stressful for them. Paige Sudlow, junior at Van Buren who participates in varsity volleyball, basketball, and softball, spends about two hours every night on homework and studying and admits that being a student-athlete can be stressful. “At one point, we had two basketball games during the week of exams. That was extremely stressful for me since we got home at ten o' clock on those nights and I was dead tired from the game, but I still had to study for my three exams the next day. It was very overwhelming,” Sudlow says that she receives about six hours of sleep a night. This lack of sleep can affect her attitude during the school day and her performance at practice, but Sudlow says “it must be done.” Flanagan says that time-management is a key skill to have as a student-athlete. “Life as a student-athlete is stressful as it is, but without time-management it'd be impossible to get everything accomplished,” says Flanagan. She says that she even tries to work on homework when there is extra time at the end of a period if she knows that she has a cross country meet later. Sudlow talks about the sacrifices of being a student-athlete. “Sometimes it means that I don't get to go watch my friends play who are in other sports,” she admits. Sudlow says that there aren't many sacrifices other than that for her because sports have always been a part of her life and she can't imagine life without them. Flanagan agrees that life just wouldn't be the same without sports, however, says that the biggest sacrifice for her is free time. School and sports take up most of her time during the week and on Saturdays she has cross country and track meets that can sometimes last the majority of the day. Then she has to finish up homework on Sunday night for school on Monday to start the whole thing over again. “It's a never-ending cycle,” she says, but claims it has “taught her that you have to work for everything in life, it's not just handed to you.” Flanagan says that she is very passionate and dedicated to her sports and, as overwhelming as it can be, wouldn't have her life any other way. She loves how sports give her the opportunity to meet new people that she may have never talked to before at school and make lasting relationships with them. “The best thing about sports for me is the feeling you get after a good workout. It kind of makes you forget about everything else that's going on in your life and you're just...calm. There's nothing like it,” Flanagan says. Sudlow says that although being a student-athlete can be challenging at times, the sport side of it makes her a happy person.
Sports Calendar
*Denotes Home Game November 16, 2012 6:00 PM- Girls Basketball Preview at Cory Rawson November 17, 2012 *10:00 AM- Boys Basketball vs. North Baltimore (Scrimmage) November 20, 2012 6:00 PM- Boys Basketball vs. Spencerville (Scrimmage) November 23, 2012 6:00 PM- Boys Basketball Preview at Liberty Benton November 24, 2012 8:30 AM- Boys Basketball vs. Mohawk (Scrimmage) November 27, 2012 *6:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. Eastwood November 29, 2012 6:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. Hardin Northern December 1, 2012
Black Knights Boy’s Basketball Returns By: Brice Lawerence The boys basketball team tipped-off their season with a BVC Preview at Liberty Benton on Friday, Novermber 23. When asked about the outlook of the season and the new players coming in, Ryan Adolph said, “I think the season will play out well. Some of the new guys will have to step up, and I think they can do that.” With another hopeful season coming up for the boys basketball team, they look to improve upon last year's 4 win, 17 loss season. With returning starters junior Daniel Roberts and senior Ryan Adolph, they will have to get used to some new talent. The team is missing a slew of former players including seniors Jason Sawyer Erik Glass, and Ryan Brauneller, juniors Tory Palmer and Sawyer Junge, and don’t forget about 2012 graduates Zeke Wiechart, Tyler Smith, Josh Roberts, and Justin Roberts. The boys will play their first game at Columbus Grove on Saturday, December 1 at 6:00 P.M. So come wearing your best-spirited Van Buren wear, bring your loudest voice, and help the Black Knights get their first win in their season opener.
MVP of the Week
By: Brice Lawrence Our Most Valuable Player of the Week is Sarah Benson. Benson won was voted to participate on the District 8 Volleyball team and played her match Wednesday, November 14. The final score was 25-9, and 25-13.
6:00 PM- Boys Basketball vs. Columbus Grove December 6, 2012 *6:00 PM-Girls Basketball vs. Cory Rawson December 7, 2012 *6:00 PM- Boys Basketball vs. Pandora Gilboa December 8, 2012 10:00 AM- Boys Varsity Wrestling at Arcadia Invitational 1:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. Shawnee 6:00 PM- Boys Basketball vs. Miller City December 10, 2012 5:00 PM- Boys Freshman Basketball vs. Miller City December 11, 2012 *4:30 PM- Girls Freshman Basketball vs. Pandora Gilboa *6:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. Hopewell Louden December 13, 2012 5:00 PM- Boys Freshman Basketball vs. McComb *6:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. McComb
Cultural Revolution Cont.
President Barack Obama is the first president to openly support same sex marriage. In one speech he stated, “No one in America should ever be afraid to walk down the holding hands with the person they love.” This is quoted pretty often, seeing as many people can identify with it. Pointing out that some people have to live in fear of publicly loving someone in the freest country in the world can be a wake up call. Another thing that Obama has done during his first term supporting the LGBT movement is repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” This was a military policy where if you were in the service and gay, you didn’t tell anyone, and if you suspected someone else of being gay, you didn’t ask. If one was found to be gay, he or she would be removed from service. Harvard University removed their ROTC program while “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was in effect. Students who attended Harvard could still be in ROTC, but had to go off-campus to do anything with it. However, since that repeal, the ROTC is back at the university. One of the demographics most strongly opposed to homosexuality is, unsurprisingly, ages 70 and over. This is largely because most people in that generation were raised believing that marriage is strictly between a man and a woman and that homosexuality is wrong. There are a lot of other factors that go into this though; non-religious people are typically more supportive than Christians, and democrats tend to be more supportive than other party affiliations, just to name a few. There are tons of organizations supporting LGBT equality. One organization, Straight But Not Narrow, focuses on reaching out to straight people, and changing their views. Their message is: just because you’re straight, you don’t have to be narrow minded. You can be straight and support the LGBT movement. Many analysts have been comparing the gay rights revolution to the cultural revolution of the 60s. Similarities include the youth leading the change, going against the elderly on a major issue, and making things equal for everybody in the country. And the fact that this has a lot to do with love.
Marijuana Cont.
To those who aren't as familiar with marijuana, Effects on the Brain and Body • A survey done by the Kaiser Permanente Center here's a basic run-down on what it is. found that daily marijuana-only smokers have Marijuana is an herb, often referred to by other more respiratory complaints than non-smokers, names such as weed or pot, that controls the central by 19 percent. nervous system to create a sense of well-being; in other words, it will give you a high when consumed, • Excessive marijuana use can lead to extreme impairment, which can cause accidental injuries usually through inhalation of smoke. and respiratory disease. In the United States, the drug is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance, meaning the • Although, according to a Vanderbilt University study, there are no evident long-term effects on possession of it is illegal; but, in some states such the brain from marijuana use, although learning as California, the medicinal use of it is legal. So far was “less efficient” while test subjects were under only the states of Colorado and Washington have the influence. legalized the recreational use. This controversial topic has many arguments • A study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association stated that occasional surrounding it, including the following: marijuana exposure does not have a significant adverse effect on the lungs. Gateway Drug • This is talked about often, but the drug is often So, here are some of the facts. Even if recreational considered a “gateway drug” meaning that users of marijuana could potentially move onto harder marijuana is legal in the states of Colorado and drugs, such as cocaine or heroin. According Washington, it is only for the people of ages 18 and to a Yale University study, the use of alcohol, over, and it is still technically a federal crime. Like cigarettes, and marijuana increased the likeliness most drugs, ongoing research continues to reveal inconsistencies on how marijuana affects your of prescription drug abuse in young adults. • Although there is some research on this theory, health, so be informed, and be smart. But the real there is a lack of evidence that marijuana is the question is do you think it should be legalized? main cause for the abuse of more harmful drugs. Morality • According to a University of Tennessee at Martin study, some people, usually those of stricter religions, consider marijuana and other drugs that cause intoxication morally wrong. • This relates to the fact that marijuana is indeed a substance of intoxication, which includes all drugs, such as alcohol. • Legalization of the drug may put drug dealers and drug lords out of business, meaning this could be a possible end to the drug war.
Blood Drive Cruises through Van Buren Chandler Riffel
The Red Cross Blood Mobile will be making a pit stop on Wednesday, December 5 at Van Buren High School’s gymnasium. Organized by the Van Buren National Honor Society, the blood drive will be held from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. There is an urgent need for blood donations, and according to the American Red Cross, just one pint of blood can save up to three lives! You must be 17 years old to donate or 16 years old with parental permission. Donate, and give the gift of life! Punch and cookies will also be served after you donate. For more information, contact National Honor Society advisor, Mr. Vennekotter.
The Twilight Saga Says Goodbye By: Rachel Silver
Breaking Dawn 2 premiered on November 15, 2012. Some people lined up seven hours in advance, extremely prepared for the final installment of the world famous saga. Coming to an end, the production team of Breaking Dawn had to put their creativity to a test. With the increase of characters and their abilities in the movies, special effects was a major tool that was used. Through some parts of the movie, you could tell that it was definitely animation, but awesome nonetheless. Don't you just hate when movie makers change things from the books or previous movies? I was pretty upset when I noticed some of the strange differences in the movie, including Charlie having a completely different house. But, I must say that they were able to put a clever twist on the story without changing it in anyway. I am happy to say that the saga ended with a comforting finality. I can honestly say that I could go see it once a week and never get bored with the thrilling action, beautiful romance, and the alluring supernatural. I recommend this film to anyone, male or female of any type. Twilight fans will never be able to forget this amazing movie, not that they would want to. This may be the one and only instance where the book isn't 100% better than the movie.
The Nutcracker Twirls into Findlay Chandler Riffel
Coming this weekend to Findlay is the famous play The Nutcracker. The show's premiere night is tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. There will be another show the following night, Saturday, December 1 at 2 p.m. The play is being held at the Findlay Central auditorium and is performed by The Neos Dance Theater. Tickets are now on sale; adults: $25; seniors: $23; students:$15. Tickets at the door will be $30. The Nutcracker is about a young German girl who dreams of a Nutcracker Prince and a fierce battle against a Mouse King with seven heads takes place. The Arts Partnership has teamed up with The Bistro on Main and will offer a “dinner and a show” opportunity for those who want to experience top notch dining. You can now call 419-422-4624 to make arrangements. Come out and enjoy the show!
Holidays Cont.
It can be as simple as making a Christmas card. Operation Christmas Cards is a very popular organization that sends cards to soldiers during the holidays. You simply mail in your Christmas card to the following address and the rest in taken care of by the organization. This particular organization asks for donations due to overseas shipping fees. So, if you have some extra cash floating around feel free to throw that in the envelope with the card; however, this is not a requirement. Soldier’s Angels is another organization that provides the opportunity to sponsor a lower-ranked military family that may not get much of a Christmas this year. You can go online to soldiersangels.org to find out more about this offer. Of course, you’d have to talk to your parents before taking up this responsibility, but it is a great way to help out our brave soldiers. The organization Give 2 The Troops is a way to send soldiers Christmas gifts. You can send them a cute Christmas movie to watch on Christmas day, a box of candy canes, or even a Santa Claus hat to get them in the holiday spirit. You can send items to the address listed below. There are endless opportunities for you to show your appreciation for troops serving during the holidays. Wouldn’t it be so cool if a soldier opened up your card on Christmas day and your words of appreciation brought joy to his holiday? You can have that much of an impact, so step up, get involved, and make a difference. Cards and donations for Operation Christmas Cards can be mailed to: Operation Christmas Cards PO Box 102 Shrewsbury, MA 01545 Give2TheTroops, Inc. (Headquarters, Main Connecticut Branch & Packing Parties Site) 1275 Cromwell Avenue Shunpike Business Center, Building E-5 Rocky Hill, CT 06067