The Knight Writer, Volume 1, Issue 9

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Vol. 1 , Issue 9 3/8/2013

Tips and Tricks for the College-Bound


Alisa Warren

Submit questions for VeeBee to answer to


Senior Spotlights: image courtesy of (fair use)

Any high school student can tell you that they are constantly reminded of the next phase in the journey ahead: higher education. High school is the stepping stone to college, arming you with the tools to succeed in what will be the training for your future career path. But with the busy schedules that plague many students, the planning process of the future can leave one overwhelmingly dizzy. So what can one expect when it comes to being collegeready? Van Buren seniors and alumni have the answers for some college-bound questions. What might I need on an application? In addition to a transcript, it appears to be crucial to have a good number of accomplishments and involvements on hand when applying for college. “I volunteered,” says Brandi Hoyng, a Van Buren senior, who plans on going to the University of Findlay for the pharmacy program. “I got involved with church, school… anything I could do to beef up my application.” Colleges look for qualities in applicants other than

academic accomplishments, such as special skills. “There’s no such thing as overachieving,” says Hoyng. “Colleges want to see the person you are. I was the volleyball manager, which helped me with leadership skills.” Where do I start with scholarship and application essays? As deadlines for scholarship and college applications approach, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Don’t fret: breathe and relax. Think about what makes you a worthy candidate. Build on your accomplishments and write with passion. “Always draw your essay back to your strong points; don’t focus on any of your failures or weaker points,” says Dylan Sexton, senior. How do I prepare to pay for college? Obviously, it’s important to apply for scholarships, but often, you’ll need to apply for student loans as well. “Make sure you do your FAFSA (Federal Application for Federal Student Aid) early and if you need loans, start applying long before the money is due,” says Lacie Kern, » See College Bound pg. 6

Chillin’ on the Ice

Chandler Adams & Heather Clark Page 4

CONTENTS News....................... p. 2 » Teacher Feature: Mrs. Wasson » Say “Yes” to the Prom Dress » Flip Out for Flapjacks: Kiwanis Pancake Day

The Knight Life....... p. 3 » Music Review - Demi Lovato » Series Review- Golden Boy » Book Review - Go Ask Alice » Movie Review- Jack the Giant Slayer » Heard in the Halls

Michelle Flanagan

Students at Van Buren know that ice skating can be a challenging working with some of the younger ones and fun recreational activity, especially while kept indoors for keeping them safe on the ice.” the winter season. Some students take it Robyn Flick, a junior, says that parents a step further by serving their community are a big part of figuring out the best way at the rink through Gliding Stars, an ice to help a star out on the ice. “We’ve learned skating program that pairs a volunteer from her (Libby, Robyn’s star) parents that with someone who has special needs. candy is a good motivator, but really, it’s just This program takes place at The CUBE on trial and error. It took her about a month Sunday afternoons. before she learned my name. Now I know Chandler Adams, a Van Buren senior her pretty well, but it does take time.” and four-year volunteer for Gliding Stars, Courtney Van Horn, also a junior, knows got inspired by seeing a show for himself. a thing or two about Gliding Stars. She’s “I got started by going to the Fire and not simply a volunteer anymore; she is an Ice show, and after that they had Gliding instructor. Stars, which made me want to do it.” “As an instructor, you work with all As many can imagine, this Sunday of the kids instead of just one, you make afternoon program is incredibly fulfilling the program for the ice show, and answer for the volunteers involved. questions anyone has,” says Van Horn. “And courtesy of (fair use) “I help different stars (the kids) learn instructors usually put the skater with the to skate without help from walkers,” volunteer.” Adams explains. “The most rewarding part is making the According to her, the most challenging part stars happy, and getting to be their friend. But it can be is not knowing what each day will bring, and » See Silver Blades pg. 2

Entertainment........ p. 4 » Senior Spotlights: Heather Clark & Chandler Adams » Where Are They Now? Bryan Potteiger

Sports................ pgs. 5-6 » Dodgeball » 3 on 3 Touranment » District and State Wrestling » Basketball Review » Scoreboard

Meet the Staff Allison Arthur Sarah Benson Ryan Brauneller Heather Clark Jessica Cunningham Laura Endicott Madison Endicott Michelle Flanagan Jessica Gilts

Brice Lawrence Caitlin Nieset Ian Rafferty Chandler Riffel Rachel Silver Jacob Szczublewski Jonathan Tobias Alisa Warren

2 Vol. 1 Issue 9  March 8, 2013

News A Friendly Face and a Helping Hand

Silver Blades Cont’d

Jessica Gilts

Heather Clark

We all know her as the voice occasionally heard on the announcements or the sweet lady who works in the back room of the office that we only see if we’re sick, or perhaps, have to talk to Mr. Brand in his office. Mrs. Wasson’s love for the students, staff, and simply the school itself, has motived her to be a part of Van Buren for 25 years. Teachers may speak of her as our “school’s helper”, but in official terms, Wasson is our school’s EMIS (Educational Management Information System) Coordinator. Aside from enjoyably helping anyone in need, she has the duty of entering all the information of every student into the computer. Even though this sounds like a hassle to many, Wasson loves coming to work every day! Graduating from Columbus Business University after attending high school in her hometown of Bloomdale, Wasson became an executive secretary at Cooper Tire. She took time off from working to be involved in her son and daughter’s lives. After 16 years, Wasson’s work loving-self decided to apply for a job here at Van Buren because she “thought it would be fun.” I know what you’re thinking, who loves work? But we’re all thankful for this woman who does much more than type behind the keyboard of a computer. When she first started out here, she had a job similar to Mrs. Keeran, but as technology progressed, we were in need for Mrs. Wasson to help out the school in a different way. Mrs. Wasson would agree that her job wouldn’t be listed as the most interesting, but her desire to work and friendly personality helps her get through the day!

Permission provided by Chandler Riffel (fair use)

having to think on your feet to solve problems. It’s not constant working, though, as the experience comes with some funny memories. Flick laughs and says, “Libby likes to randomly dance, like jumping and clapping and touching her toes. On one Sunday, she just fell over so we just caught her by her strap, and yelled ‘Timber!’ It was really funny.” Van Horn emphasizes how much the program has changed her life. “You make a difference in their life, but they change yours too. They’re the kind of kids who know they have a disability, but it doesn’t bother them. They still come with a smile on their face, and they have such a special relationship with their volunteer. It’s taught me not to give up if you’re presented with a challenge.” Another endeavor the volunteers have had to face is getting ready for the upcoming show. The stars have been working hard on their annual show since early this winter. This year’s theme is “Rockin’ the USA” and they will be performing on March 17 at 2:30 p.m. But the Gliding Stars show isn’t the only thing taking place at The CUBE this month; Silver Blades, the competitive ice skating program, will be presenting their annual show, “Dazzle”, on March 22 and 23 at 7 p.m., and on March 24 at 2 p.m. Kristen Tropf, a senior, has been skating in Silver Blades for ten years, and still loves it. “When I was in first grade, I went to a Silver Blades show, and it was love at first sight.” Skating is still a big commitment, and being involved in an activity for ten years is a feat in itself. “Skating is hard work, sweat, and love for every piece of it.” Even after ten years of performing on the ice, this veteran skater still gets butterflies. “Yes, I still get nervous, and I wish I knew why. I think it’s just the fact of being put on the spot and in front of everyone.” Members of both Silver Blades and Gliding Stars have been working hard this winter, so be sure to get a ticket and go support your classmates at these upcoming shows! Photo courtesy of Kristen Topf (fair use)

Even though you may just know her as the voice on the loud speaker, it’s true that Wasson would not consider that a perk of her job. “I think I sound so nervous and I offer the job to anyone I pass in the hallways!” If you’re fearless and energetic, let Mrs. Wasson know you’re willing to step in the next time the duty is assigned to her! She will be more than thankful. As you walk into the office, peek around the corner and wave a hello to Mrs. Wasson sitting behind a computer screen, or roaming the hallways to help out somebody in need. This mother, grandmother, and important asset to our school considers her job one of her favorite things to do and acknowledgement from the students would make it all the better! Favorite memory from your childhood: Playing outside, from dusk to dawn If you could choose a television show to watch all day during a cancellation, what would it be? Golden Girls Favorite school lunch: Mac and Cheese. It was so cheesy Monday! If you could live anywhere but here, where would you live? North Carolina because my children and grandchildren live there What’s your favorite thing to do? I really like to work, be outdoors, watch the birds, and fish!

Say “Yes” to the (Prom) Dress Hey, ladies! Can’t figure out what to wear for prom? Don’t know where to shop or on a budget? Lucky for you, The Shelly Company, Chopin Hall and the Findlay Village Mall are sponsoring the Fifth Annual Don’t Stress Over the Dress event. If you’re thinking “I’m not gonna get some already used, out-of-style dress to wear for prom,” think again! The gowns are of all sizes and styles, and most still have tags on them. Over 300 dresses will be available and they are all completely free! Any girl in need of a dress to wear to their high school prom can participate. Each girl is allowed to receive one dress of their choice. They may bring one female guest, parent or friend, to be there with her as she makes the big decision. Male guests will be asked to sit in the waiting area so the girls do not feel uncomfortable. The girl getting the prom dress must be present in order to receive a gown. The event will be taking place at the Findlay Village Mall on Friday, March 8 from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. and on Saturday, March 9 from 11a.m. to 5 p.m. The dresses will be set up in front of Maurices and Coach House Gifts. In addition to dress-hunting, keep your eye out for the drawings for free prizes throughout the event!

Flip Out for Flapjacks! Kiwanis Pancake Day Alisa Warren

Get your calendars marked and appetites revved up on Saturday, March 16, for the annual Kiwanis Pancake Day! This flap-jack fueled event takes place at Findlay High School, and the all-you-can-eat pancakes and sausage buffet will be served from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will also be a raffle and silent auction. This isn’t only an excuse to indulge in endless stacks of pancakes, as it’s also for a good cause. The Kiwanis Club is a community service organization, specializing in the wellbeing of children all over the world. Pre-sale tickets to this event are $5 for adults and $4 for children (under 12) and seniors, and can be purchased from a Kiwanis member, or can be requested by mail to the Kiwanis club of Findlay. Tickets at the door are $6 for adults and $5 for children and seniors. Don’t forget!

The Knight Life Heard in the Halls •

You would look hilarious as a carrot!

Yeah, we’re talking behind his back…. literally, we’re having a conversation and he’s in front of us!

I want a big, fat, juicy hamburger in my mouth. Now.

Dude, your sister looks good today!

I’ve had senioritis for four years!

I love spelling bananas! B-a-n-a-n-a-s! (In song form) It’s just a fun word to spell!

Only in my car can you have the AC on none of the time…

So many people, so little time!

Don’t run away! I’m trying to tell you a story!

I don’t even know if mine has a tutu…

It’s like an elevator but it doesn’t go up or down!

We are turning right so we have the right-of-way!

If you trust a ninja, you’re probably a ninja.

Jack the Giant Slayer Laura Endicott

Jack the Giant Slayer takes the classic childhood fairytale Jack and the Beanstalk and pumps it up on steroids. Upon watching the movie, I had serious feelings of doubt, believing it would be corny and too cliché for my liking. I was surprised and delighted to be proven wrong by its intense and impressive performance, making my small fortune of a movie ticket fully worth it. Having Jack and the Beanstalk read to me hundreds of times as a child I was pleased that there was definitely a likewise connection between the fairytale and the movie. Considering the movie has “slayer” in its title, the film was definitely more action packed than the story making my decision of taking along my younger nephew, regretful. In addition to the intenseness, the animation of the giants was magnificent which saved the movie from the cheesiness I originally feared. The movie’s action based storyline revolves around Jack’s, actor Nicholas Hoult, mission to save the princess, actress Eleanor Tomlinson, after she is captured in the beanstalk that he accidently grows, without putting the entire world in unspeakable doom. This movie takes the average fairytale expressing sorrow, love, action, and betrayal, amplifying each, with an ending that will surely not disappoint. I would strongly suggest giving t h i s movie a chance before

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Go Ask Alice: The Infamous, Anonymous Look at Drugs Jessica Cunningham Summary: Go Ask Alice is the diary of a teenage girl detailing her journey through the world of drugs. It’s long been debated whether or not the book is based on reality, but it begins with an encounter at a party. The author finds herself in a strange game, in which one of the drinks at the party is laced with dangerous LSD, and she happens to be the one to receive said drink. After an immediate hook, her life spirals in a downward cycle as she loses her home, relationships, and eventually sanity to a terrifying addiction to drugs. Jessica’s Judgment: This is definitely one of the most haunting books. Even though it’s an older book, the relevancy is still there. It’s relatively quick to read too. The imagery about her experience with drugs sticks with you, and definitely makes one very wary of drugs, especially hallucinogens. It’s a good book to read as a simple warning as to what drugs can do to your life, in addition to the fact that it’s interesting because the author—even after 40 plus years—still remains unknown.

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Golden Boy : A Diamond in the Rough Madi Endicott CBS’s new series Golden Boy premiered on Tuesday, February 26. The hour long pilot had me glued to my TV screen, but not for the reasons you’d assume. The main character, Walter Clark Jr., played by Theo James, had my complete attention. Seriously, this guy is drop dead gorgeous and probably one of the reasons why the show was so anticipated. Walter is a cop whose act of heroism lands him a job of his choice. He takes this opportunity to move up to the big leagues and becomes the youngest police commissioner in New York City. His natural talent, cocky attitude, and knack for sticking his nose into other cases that are of higher importance than his assignments actually works out well for him and he wins the favor of his boss (or so he thinks), but these aspects cause tension in the relationship with his new partner. Walter is gutsy, but maybe a little too gutsy. He does things to get him further into his case that his partner, who has many years of experience in the field, does not approve of. Walter learned these tricks from his struggle while growing up with little to nothing to his name. Life was rough Image courtesy of (fair use) for him; he worked two jobs, got mixed up with the wrong people, and his parents bailed on him, leaving him to take care of his little sister, who tends to get into messes that he has to clean up, and we’re not talking diapers, here. Will Walter settle down in his race to keep moving up in his job and take time to befriend the people that will help him most in life? Or will his pride and risky ways drop him back down to the bottom again? Golden Boy is similar to other cop shows like Without a Trace or CSI: Miami, but has a rather mysterious twist; an interesting aspect that, if Theo James’ perfect cheek bones don’t do the trick, will have you coming back every Tuesday for more.

“Heart Attack” by Demi Lovato Rachel Silver Demi’s new single “Heart Attack” from her upcoming album was released on February 25. Much like Demi’s older music, this song is about her struggles in life. The song about her struggling love life is not struggling on the charts. In the single, Demi talks about a guy who makes her happy, but she hides it because she feels like she isn’t good enough (Girls, you know you’ve been there). Combining her original tune and adding some cool new effects, Demi created an inspiring love song that makes you want to dance and cry at the same time. Lovato has suffered from a large variety of problems Image courtesy of (fair use) including boy troubles, severe depression, self-harm, and getting kicked off of her own TV show on the Disney channel. Saying she has had a pretty rough time would be an understatement. But she has made an amazing comeback, expressing her pain and sorrow through her music while keeping her fans pleased. Lovato is a role model to teenagers struggling to overcome self-harm. Even after all of that pain, life can move on, and her success in the music industry shows that. In my opinion, Lovato’s music has taken a step up. If you think that her album Unbroken was good, you’re in for a treat. She is not only living up to our expectations, but she is exceeding them. I have always liked Demi’s music but I do not consider myself a “lovatic”, as her fans are called, and I am still very impressed with this song. All that we can do now is hope that the whole album is even half as good as this single. I simply give it five stars.

4 Vol. 1 Issue 9  March 8, 2013


She first started out in it to get volunteer hours and spend time with friends, but as Heather Clark got involved in Gliding Stars she learned that the program was more than just a way to spice up her college applications. Gliding Stars has been Madi Endicott a part of Heather's life for two years and not only has her time been given to the community and helping others, but she says the experience has taught her a lot about herself. She loves the kids and while she's teaching them to skate, they're teaching her important life lessons. “They're all so happy all the time,” says Heather. “They don't take things for granted and really appreciate us being there. We complain about little, stupid things while they are dealing with a bigger problem and never complain.” Who says volunteering can't be fun? Heather encourages you to get involved like she did in Gliding Stars because it can benefit a lot of people, including yourself.

What is your funniest moment in Gliding Stars? One girl always tells me how bad I am at ice skating which is funny. I'm there to help but really they are better than me. Roller coasters or water slides? Roller coasters. My favorite is the Dragster. Who inspires you? My MaMaw. She had breast cancer and still goes out of her way to help people. What is the most complex thing you can cook? I can't cook anything. Box mac and cheese, maybe. Favorite song on the radio right now: I don't really listen to the radio. My Beyonce CD is all I listen to. What is the coolest place you have been to? Hardy's. It was a fast food restaurant with a big ball pit when I was a kid. Once someone jumped on my head when I was in the ball pit. It hurt. Favorite Pinterest board: My “Some Day” board which is wedding stuff.

Chandler Adams

Stars come in many different shapes and sizes. Chandler Adams has found this to be true as he has Sarah Benson dedicated his Sunday afternoons for the past 4 years to volunteer for the Gliding Stars organization at The CUBE in Findlay. Adams, a 4-year member of the soccer team, has found that by volunteering at Gliding Stars he is making a difference in his star’s life which has impacted his in return. “Volunteering there is important to me because it teaches me the value of patience and love for others,” says Adams. “It’s also important to me because it is beneficial for the ‘stars’ I help learn to skate and skills in skating, all while being their friend.” Adams can be found skating with his “star”, Heidi, in the annual Gliding Stars ice skating show on March 17. The Gliding Stars organization will miss Adams’ help next year when he furthers his education at The Ohio State University. Favorite Gliding Stars memory: My favorite memory from Gliding Stars is actually past, present, and future. I always enjoy making each of the “stars” that I help smile and laugh and feel connected with me through a friendship. Unknown Extracurricular Activities: I am involved in Royal Rangers, which is basically a relaxed, Christian-based, Boy-Scout type group. We meet every Wednesday and do things like rock climbing and even masonry. Future Educational Goals: At Ohio State I plan on studying Pre-med and looking to be accepted into a good physician’s assistant program and then pursue a career as a P.A. A major city you want to visit: Amsterdam If you could go to the Olympics in any sport, which one would you choose? Water Polo Favorite high school memory: This past soccer season’s game vs. Liberty Benton when we tied. It was a very eventful game. Favorite teacher: Mr. Heitkamp Favorite school subject: Physics

Blasting Off to an Exciting Career: Bryan Potteiger, Rocket Scientist The goals of many reach the sky, but for Bryan Potteiger his goals extend far beyond the clouds. Graduating Van Buren in 2007, Potteiger attended The Florida Institute of Technology, FIT, where he gained his degree in aerospace engineering, also known as rocket science. Not only is he capable of designing aircrafts like helicopters, but can also project space crafts such as rockets, shuttles, and probes. Working as a quality control technician now, Potteiger hopes to gain the work experience needed to one day expand his career to bigger things. “I plan to work for a large company to contribute to space travel, exploration, and if possible in our future, space colonization,” said Bryan. “I chose this career because I want to make an impact not to just the country, but to humanity in general. The space industry is a way I could express my talents and achieve that ambition.” It’s hard to imagine that gaining a degree in rocket science was hardly one of the biggest challenges Potteiger had to face. Losing his father at age 13, Potteiger knows all about difficult and stressful times. “My inspiration comes from my father and how I remember the type of person he was when he was alive. I want to do something not to just honor his name, but actually become the best person I can possibly be in his memory. Though it’s easier said than done, one cannot dedicate their life to a tragic event. If you let it define you, you give it an excessive amount of power. The key to success is balance. You cannot lose sight nor become tunnel visioned in whatever you do.” Potteiger also gives the advice to never let anyone determine what you are or are not capable of. “I had people laugh at me in school after hearing my choice in major, but look where I am now. An all-A high school student can easily fail college. Obtaining a successful career is more than simply having a job. It is having a job with a passion and purpose.” Seeing Potteiger overcome countless struggles, prove himself to disbelievers, and successfully gain the major of his dreams, only shows that anything is possible when one stays positive and believes. Courtesy of

Laura Endicott

SPORTS The Final Buzzer has Sounded

Vol. 1 Issue 9  March 8, 2013  5

Madi Endicott

Girls’ Basketball The Varsity Girls' Basketball team recorded VB's first girls' tournament win in seven years when they beat Otsego in their sectional semi-final game. The Knights fell to LB in their sectional final game two days later, ending the season with an overall 5-18 record. Despite their loss to a fellow BVC team, VB girls ended up 7th overall in the conference. three-pointers of her high school career in their final tournament game to finish the Courtesy of Yearbook Staff season with a team high total of 52 threes. Tropf also led the team in assists and steals. Tropf was ranked 11th in the BVC for individual scoring alongside fellow senior Kaleigh Frampton who was 12th. Frampton pulled down an average of 7.7 rebounds a game to earn her the number three spot on the BVC chart for individual rebounds. Morgan Flick, although out for nine games on the tail end of the season due to injury, managed to rank an impressive 3rd in individual steals and helped VB lead the league in team steals. Boys’ Basketball The Varsity Boys' Basketball season came to end February 26 when they lost to Carey in their first tournament game. The boys finished the season 4-19 and ranked 7th overall in the BVC. Ryan Adolph, the highlight of his season being when he scored a career high of 30 points in the team's victory against Calvert, continued to lead the team in points throughout the entire season, landing his number 12 spot in BVC individual scoring with an average of 11.9 points per game. Adolph was also the assist leader for VB, averaging 2.5 assists a game, getting him, yet again, that number 12 slot in the conference. Not far behind him, teammate Adam Endicott saw his name on the league assists rankings as he came in 18th with 44 assists for the team this season. Endicott and Ry. Adolph combined for 105 turnovers caused (steals, deflects and charges taken) to rank the team 4th in the league for team steals. Sophomore Ross Adolph's ups allowed him to pull down an average of 7.5 rebounds a game, leading the team and earning his number 5 spot on the all-league rebounding board. Senior Matt DeVore also made the rebounding list, ranking 15th. Draeton Fasone came out with the highest ranking for VB in the conference statistics as 3rd for highest free throw percentage.

Courtesy of Yearbook Staff

Young but Mighty Sarah Benson

Courtesy of Yearbook Staff

Out of the 16 state qualifying wrestlers in the 160 lbs. weight class, there is one thing that sets Van Buren’s Chance Sonnenberg apart from the rest: Sonnenberg is the only sophomore. Qualifying was no easy task as Sonnenberg had to battle through an intense match at the district tournament that went into overtime. The spectators of that district match might say that it brought them to the edge of their seats in anticipation for the final outcome; an outcome that gave Sonnenberg his state birth and 3rd place finish. Sonnenberg handled the stress that tournaments can have well, stating that, “I’m not really nervous, I’ve been wrestling all my life.” His years of wrestling experience and his confidence gave him an edge over most of the other wrestlers

at the state tournament. He went in with the mindset of “I’m pretty confident I will place,” which holds true. Sonnenberg lost in the semi-final match but overcame the loss with a pin for a 5th place finish. Despite an injury freshman year, Sonnenberg appeared in top condition and ended his season with a 44-7 record. Van Buren was strongly represented at the District Wrestling Tournament with a total of 5 boys qualifying for the meet which was held at Bowling Green State University. Chance Sonnenberg was accompanied by Peyton Whitticar, Austin Corey, Tyler Atchinson, and Isaac Sexton. It was Sexton’s 2nd appearance at the District Tournament, having qualified last year as a freshman, where he ended his season with a 32-10 record. Atchinson was another Black Knight that had district experience. Having qualified five to the district tournament and one wrestler to the state tournament, the season overall can be deemed a success. Courtesy of Yearbook Staff

SCOREBOARD February 16, 2013 Wrestling- District Qualifiers 1. Tyler Atchison 2. Peyton Whitticar 3. Austin Corey 4. Chance Sonnenberg 5. Isaac Sexton

State Qualifiers 1. Chance Sonnenberg February 26, 2013 Van Buren- 54 Carey- 81

February 20, 2013 Girls Basketball Van Buren- 59 Otsego- 47 February 23, 2013 Van Buren- 19 Liberty Benton-56

6 Vol. 1 Issue 9  March 8, 2013

College Bound Cont’d student at Otterbein University. In other words, don’t procrastinate. You’ll need the money. Should I go to a big school, or small school? Andrew Shroll, sophomore transfer student to the University of Cincinnati, has been exposed to both sides of the college size-spectrum. Starting off at Bluffton, he found that going to a smaller school made it “easier to find help, typically easier to get around campus. Teachers seem to care much more about their students and have time to help.” But ultimately he made his decision to move Courtesy of (fair use) on, as the small-town atmosphere was “too much like high school.” At UC, Shroll was attracted to the fact that “big schools tend to have more resources, a bigger library, and more food on campus.” An added bonus was the extra opportunities offered at a larger university, such as the co-op program. “This could make a huge difference in my career,” adds Shroll. A downside to the bigger colleges can be how easily one can get “lost in the crowd.” With the multitude of students, it’s harder for professors to grant one-on-one attention to everyone. It all comes down to what you value: tight knit communities and special attention, or more resources and bigger career opportunities. I want to be a college athlete…what can I expect? Sarah Benson, Van Buren senior, will be going to Hillsdale College to run track. She’s had a lot experience speaking to coaches trying to sell their schools. It’s important to look at the school through your own eyes, and “see through their input.” Also, it might be tempting to ignore the schools that aren’t at the top of your list right away. “Don’t rule anyone out,” says Benson. “I didn’t originally

Donating to Dodgeball Ryan Brauneller

This year is the Eighth Annual Dodgeball Tournament for Van Buren High School and Middle School. The tournament will be held March 15 at 7 p.m. in the high school gymnasium. The tournament isn’t just for the competition between teams; Courtesy of (fair use) it’s for something on a much larger scale. The tournament raises money for the Jennifer Masters Scholarship awarded to a qualifying senior at the end of the year. Following the death of his daughter, Jennifer Masters, Don Masters began to receive multiple donations from residents around the community. He thought of the idea of donating the accumulated money for a scholarship for a senior. The original amount for the scholarship was $1,000. When the fund began to run low, he had to get creative. Masters thought of a golf outing and looked to Mr. Heitkamp, the golf coach and also good friends with Jennifer, for assistance. Heitkamp responded, “Don’t worry about it. I will handle everything.” That is when the idea for the tournament was born. Teams were formed with five girls or five boys. They would play a tournament until one team was crowned champion. Most teams go to contend, but some go and show off their goofy costumes. Masters says, “I love seeing all of the costumes people come up with. One of my favorites was the Presidential Party.” The number of participants grows each year. “This is much bigger than I would have ever expected. The support is absolutely amazing and I couldn’t ask for more,” Masters remarks. Make sure to come out and support the Jennifer Master’s Scholarship as well as Van Buren’s student body as they participate in the Eighth Annual Dodgeball Tournament. It is only $10 to participate for a worthy cause.

plan on Hillsdale back in June, but that’s where I ended up going.” Have an open mind about where you might be heading. Either way, competing at the collegiate level can be an exciting thing. Could the military be an option for me, instead of college? Perhaps you like the idea of joining the military, for the benefits of a new challenge and financial aid. Alec Rampe, Van Buren senior, chose to join the National Guard and attend the University of Cincinnati. “I’ve always wanted to be in the military and receive a college education,” says Rampe. “Joining the National Guard and attending Cincinnati with my college paid for is the best way to do both.” Joe Baker, another Van Buren senior with a family military background, plans to join the Air Force after high school. “For now I see myself as doing the full 20 years or even continuing after that, making a full career out of it.” What are some other things I should keep in mind once I’m in college? Colleges offer so many clubs and activities to suit your interests, and this is a great time to make friends. “I was involved in high school and I maintained my involvement here at Ohio State,” said Stephanie Sawyer, freshman at OSU. “It’s made a huge difference because I’ve met so many great people and it’ll look great on a resume in the future.” She adds that it might also be smart to bring dress clothes, as it’s a tendency for college students to stick to lounge-wear. “You’ll need them more than you think,” says Sawyer. Speaking of things to pack, sites like Pinterest have convenient packing lists to complete all the needs for your dorm life. For all of you with senioritis, even an early case of it, seeing college roll around the corner can be an exciting and tumultuous event. Do your best to relax, and take the necessary steps to ensure that you will have a smooth ride toward your future!

Ball for the Senior Trip

Brice Lawerence

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On March 8 beginning at 6 p.m., the first annual 3-on3 basketball tournament will be held in the high school gym. Just in time for March Madness, the tournament was organized as a fundraiser for the senior class trip. Grades 9-12 are invited to participate as well as teachers. Cost to participate is $10 and all participants must return a signed release form in order to play. The tournament will be structured through a randomized pool process, although boys and girls teams will not compete against one another. “The cool part of the tournament is the random draw, because you don't really know who you're going to be paired up with,” says senior Ryan Adolph and organizer of the tournament. “I know that Coach Shoup and Coach Neikamp are probably going to play, and those are two really solid athletes, that anyone will have a chance of being on a team with.” According to Adolph, the goal is to raise $1,000 to minimize the out-of-pocket expense for seniors. This year, the seniors plan to have a two-day trip. The first day will be spent in Khalihari, the second in Cedar Point.

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