Vol. 1 , Issue 4 12/13/2012
Pinning In the New Year
Submit questions for VeeBee to answer
Sarah Benson
Senior Spotlights:
Image courtesy of: pinterest.com (fair use).
With the New Year only a few weeks away, it’s a very good time to start planning your resolutions. Every year around this time, millions of people come up with a resolution of how they want to “better” their lives in the New Year. This year, don’t be a part of the percentage that fails to do so; join the activists that stay on top of their resolution goals. What better way is there to start the New Year than having all your resolutions organized in a common place? Pinterest is a great website to organize your New Year’s resolutions and stay on top of your “A game”. Whether your resolution Image courtesy of: pinterest.com (fair use). is losing weight, staying fit, or learning how to cook, Pinterest has it all. It’s like Google, yet inspiring and extremely helpful. It contains all the recipes for success. For example: let’s say that your resolution is to get in a small workout each day, Pinterest has at
least 365 small workouts that won’t take you longer than 10 minutes to finish. Besides presenting the workout, Pinterest shows a person with a healthy, strong body. It plays with the mind and helps to inspire people to exercise to receive those results. Not only is Pinterest full of quick exercise ideas, it also contains an assortment of mouth-watering, healthy recipes. It plays with your taste buds and helps you forget about the pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream you were about to go buy at the super market. Instead your taste buds start craving healthy dishes such as spinach chicken wraps, or frozen yogurt bites. Of course, there are plenty of super chocolate supreme dessert recipes, but everyone needs a splurge day, every now and then. The New Year is about change: changing your habits, changing your point of view, and most importantly changing yourself for the better. Stay on top of your New Year’s resolution by using Pinterest as a helpful tool. Always keep a positive outlook on your resolution, it might seem difficult at the beginning but the outcome will be worth it. You have 365 days to make a change; make every day count.
Fat Fighting Pepsi: Doomsday, Too Good to be True? According to Some Alisa Warren
Ian Rafferty
For as long as we can remember, dieters have always been warned about the dangers of consuming soda, as it is full of sugar and calories, which eventually turn into unsightly fat and discouraging numbers on the scale. To serve as an alternative for those sugary drinks, diet sodas with sugar substitutes have been developed. But never before has the world seen a “fat-fighting” beverage. Is this even possible? “Pepsi Special,” the new Pepsi drink released in Japan, claims to be a “healthy soda” for these reasons. This is because the drink contains dextrin, a fiber that is commonly found in several fiber supplements.
December 21, 2012: it is said that the world will end, or it may not, depending on who you talk to. If you speak to archaeologists who excavated Xultútn, a Mayan site in Guatemala, they would say the world will not end. There, a house remained with Mayan murals scattering the walls. Archaeologists suspected the house was used for calender priests, mathematicians, and astronomers due to the finding of astronomical tables. The tables have only been found in books, most famously, the Dresden Codex.
» See Pepsi pg. 2
» See Doomsday pg. 6
Courtesy of: crystalink.com (fair use).
Todd Neall & Kayla Sonnenburg Page 5
CONTENTS News........................ p. 2 » DIY Christmas Gifts » Origins of Christmas Traditions » 12 Ways to Say Goodbye to 2012
Sports...................... p. 3 » Sports Calendar: November/ December » Being a Good Leader » Scoreboard » MVP of the Week: Morgan Flick
The Knight Life........ p. 4 » Bad Holiday Films » A Year in Review » End of the World » Book Review : Along for the Ride
Entertainment........ p. 5 » Senior Spotlights: Todd Neall and Kayla Sonnenberg » Heitkamp Teacher Feature » Jazztronauts
Cont’d....................... p. 6 » Christmas Morning Munchies » News Continued
Volume 1, Issue 4
DIY Christmas Gifts
Madi Endicott & Rachel Silver December 25 is just around the corner and with Black Friday behind us, you may have all of your Christmas shopping done, but, oh, wait! You forgot Uncle Steve, or Cousin Caroline, or Great Aunt Betty! Instead of busting out your wallet and spending twenty dollars a piece on presents for those forgotten relatives, how about you get your creativity on and make them a Christmas gift? Here are a few simple Christmas crafts that your family members or anyone else on your Christmas list will love. The first craft is a simple cookie jar, so here's a cute little way to incorporate something everyone enjoys into a last minute, inexpensive Christmas gift. Add your own personal touch by making it the gift recipient’s favorite kind of cookies, or a type of cookies that brings back memories. For some extra fun, deck out the jar with anything and everything you have craft-wise that has to do with Christmas. Image courtesy of: bakerella.com (fair use).
Cookie Jar: Materials: • 1 quart Mason jar • square of fabric (to cover top) • tag with recipe/directions • 1 1/3 cup of all-purpose flour • 1 teaspoon of baking powder • 1 teaspoon of baking soda • ¼ teaspoon of salt • 1 cup of cooking oats • ¾ cup of M&Ms • ¾ cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips • ½ cup of brown sugar • ½ cup of white sugar • OPTIONAL- 1/3 to ½ cup of chopped nuts Process: • Pack layered dry ingredients into Mason jar. • Place fabric square over top of jar. • Twist the metal top onto jar, holding fabric in place. • Write recipe on tag (below) • Stick tag on back of Mason jar
Recipe: • Preheat oven to 350 degrees. • Stir dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl. • Add: • 1 slightly beaten egg • ½ cup of softened butter • 1 teaspoon of vanilla • Mix wet ingredients into dry ingredients. • Stir until blended evenly. • Roll cookie dough into 1 ½ inch balls. • Place evenly on cookie sheet. • Bake for 10 minutes. » See Gifts pg. 6
12 Ways to Say Goodbye to 2012 Jessica Cunningham 1. Improve yourself. Focus more on your schooling, go on a diet, have some time with a good book, go on a nature walk, disconnect from the technology for a day…do what makes you happy more often. 2. Improve others. Save a life—literally or metaphorically (adopt a shelter dog or give some loving advice over Facebook to an acquaintance having a bad day), volunteer, commit random acts of kindness, compliment often, smile at strangers…make a general and sincere difference in someone’s day. 3. Forgive. Make amends with an ex-friend, enemy, or just long-held grudge, let it go. 2013 is a new year, and a new chance to start over. Bitterness is a poison that only hurts you. Reach out, apologize, or simply strike up a conversation with “that” person. Maybe they’re hurting too, and waiting for you to fix it. Be the bigger person, we only get one chance at life; it’s a waste to spend it angry. 4. Forget. Don’t hold onto what could’ve been, but what is. Forget all the things that have hurt you, all the silly mistakes you made, and everything you wish you could change. But don’t forget what you learned. It’s okay to mess up as long as you take something from it. It’s time to move on though. 5. Host a “Decades” party. Every year holds memories, and 10 of those hold a ton! Invite a bunch of friends over and assign each friend or couple to be a different decade. Use the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, now, and even the future. You could maybe go so far as to pick past time periods too, like pre-historic, medieval, etc. Have fun! Oh, and make sure EVERYONE dresses up! It’s only fun if you don’t care how silly you might look. 6. Host a “Survivors” party. It’s 2012, and you survived the apocalypse! Set out snacks and drinks along the lines of an apocalypse (get creative and check out Pinterest for possible ideas), host celebrations while waiting for midnight and again just have fun as the lucky “Survivors” you are! 7. Kiss. Make it a tradition to always kiss someone you care about: your parents, your siblings, your best friend, and so on. Kiss somebody you can’t imagine your life without at midnight, and let them know how much they mean to you. 8. Tell. Write about all your plans for the coming year and do this every year after too, and next New Year before midnight, read over and check out how many of your aspirations you followed. 9. Remember the good. Make a list of all the good things that happened in 2012, and why they are worth remembering. 10. Remember the bad. Make a list of all the not-so-good things that happened in 2012, and why they are worth remembering just as much. 11. Do something spontaneous. Make some change to your appearance, purchase something crazy, go somewhere you’ve never been, talk to someone who is, at least on the exterior, the exact opposite of you. Just do something you’ve never done before, for the mere fact you might enjoy it! 12. Breathe in, breathe out. Repeat. We all have only so much time on this planet, and whatever happened in 2012, it’s over. It’s your chance to start a new today and be a million times better than you were yesterday. Good luck!
Pepsi Con’t. Fiber is known to be beneficial and necessary to the body, as it regulates the digestive system and even lowers cholesterol. The news release by Suntory, Pepsi’s Japanese branch, made claims that the drink “suppresses fat absorption.” The company stands beside their claims with a 2006 study done in Japan on rats ingesting dextrin. The study found that rats that consumed dextrin absorbed less fat than the rats that did not. There’s a minor problem with this research, though: the study was not conducted on humans. Whether or not dextrin “blocks” fat absorption is yet to be proved by science. One thing that fiber does, though, is make one feel fuller. Drinking this soda with fiber could possibly prevent one from overeating in the next meal. There are some minor health concerns with the consumption of dextrin. According to Japanese scientists, in the short term, it can cause bloating and some stomach pain. This is relatively tolerable and seemingly not dangerous, but the long term effects have not been studied. “Pepsi Special” hasn’t made it to the United States yet, and Time magazine reports that it is highly unlikely for the product to receive the seal of approval from the Food and Drug Administration. Dr. Walter Willett, chair of nutrition at Harvard, stated: “Unless Pepsi can provide data from controlled studies in humans to the contrary, their claim should be considered bogus and deceptive.” This product is marketed as a “health supplement,” so the idea that it does good for the body can encourage people to drink it in large amounts. Doing so is potentially dangerous, and it is also important to remember that adding something healthy to a harmful beverage doesn’t reverse the unhealthy aspects of it. So, don’t dump your fruits and veggies for the idea of a “fatblocking” soda just yet. As many things are, it is quite possibly too good to be true.
Origins of Christmas Traditions Laura Endicott
Santa Clause Santa Clause dates back to the 4th century where he was first known as Saint Nicholas, who was in fact a real person. Living in Russia as a monk, St. Nick was known for his kindness to children and the poor. It is said that he gave away all of his wealth by helping the poor, which greatly increased his following and devotion from people everywhere. The Dutch referred to him as Sinterklaas, which American people later adapted into Santa Clause in 1773. Santa’s image was elaborated in Clement Moore’s story, “The Night Before Christmas” where he was portrayed as a jolly, plump, twinkly eyed fellow with a bundle of toys to give. Christmas Trees In 16th-century Germany, fir trees were often decorated by devoted Christians with natural garnishes that represented biblical themes. They were seen as special trees because they stayed green all year round, and reminded people of the vegetation that would come in the summer. Lights were put on trees after Martin Luther placed candles on the branches to represent the stars in the sky. The custom was later brought to America by the Pennsylvania Germans. Mistletoe Scandinavians linked this plant to the goddess of love, Frigga. From here the custom of kissing under the mistletoe was formed which was said to promise good luck and happiness for the following year. Since mistletoe was associated with love and affection, the decoration of them was banned in church, and replaced with holly.
» See Origins pg. 6
Volume 1, Issue 4
Winter Sports Scoreboard
The People That Rise Above Ryan Brauneller What makes a good leader? No brand, no matter how well the products, services, or message it represents, can ultimately succeed in the absence of good management leadership. Being a good leader requires discipline, a “go get it” attitude, awesome ambition, and great communication skills. Many coaches assign a lot of their responsibilities to their captions because they have shown the characteristics required to be a great leader. A captain is a unique position to hold while participating in a sport. They are the leaders of the team. They show they will do anything for the team in any way possible, they will have good school spirit, and always set a good example for the ones around them. They must be as professional as possible with the understanding that they are the coach without having the title of “coach.” Van Buren’s varsity football coach Kevin Shoup shares the qualities he looks for in a captain. “I look for someone that is trustworthy,” says Shoup. “I also look for a player that everyone can trust if they are playing next to them. All players need to know that their teammates are giving all they can on every play.’’ Asked what qualities he sees in a leader, Shoup responds, ‘’I want someone that gives energy to the team. Someone that will step up when needed to turn the tide. I also look for a person that influences others to do the right thing and to lead by example.’’
Coach Don Masters strongly agrees. “I believe that if there is a player working hard, from the weight room to the field, everyone else is going to be willing to jump on board.” He wants to find someone that is unselfish, a player that wants to do anything they can for the team, and also someone that will set an example for others to follow. If you are going to be a captain of a sports team, president of a club, or a leader of a meeting, you need to have good communication skills. You must be able to be vocal to the other members of the group and to not be shy. You have to be outgoing, willing to share your thoughts and ideas, and also to not be afraid to talk to strangers.
MVP of the Week
Brice Lawrence The M.V.P. of the Week is Morgan Flick. Scoring 11 points against Eastwood on Tuesday, November 27, including two 3-point shots, Flick helped lead the Lady Knights to a 55-37 victory. Flick also recorded 16 points in the Black Knight’s win against Hardin Northern on Thursday, November 29. Flick recorded 4 assists and steals, with several deflections, a block and a drawn charge.
November 27, 2012 Girls Varsity: Girls JV: Van Buren-46 Van Buren-25 Eastwood-30 Eastwood-27 November 29, 2012 Girls Varsity: Girls JV: Van Buren-55 Van Buren-25 Hardin Northern-37 Hardin Northern-13 December 1, 2012 Boys Varsity: Van Buren-42 Columbus Grove-63 December 6, 2012 Girls Varsity: Van Buren-57 Cory Rawson-56
Girls JV: Van Buren-40 Cory Rawson-5
December 7, 2012 Boys Varsity: Boys JV: Van Buren-39 Van Buren-40 Pandora Gilboa-33 Pandora Gilboa-21 December 8, 2012 Varsity Wrestling1. Oler (VB) pinned Olerr (C-R), 4:57 for 3rd 2. Sexton (VB) pinned Kissell (BC), 3:44, 3rd 3. Corey (VB) tech. fall Garcia (Lak), 16-1, 5th 4. Atchison (VB) pinned Johnson (CG), 3:46, 5th Boys Varsity: Van Buren-70 Miller City-34
Boys JV: Van Buren-40 Miller City-43
Girls Varsity: Van Buren-56 Shawnee-80
Girls JV: Van Buren-42 Shawnee-46
December 10, 2012 Boys Freshman: Van Buren-21 Miller City-42 December 11, 2012 Girls Varsity: Girls JV: Van Buren-51 Van Buren-31 Hopewell Louden-63 Arcadia-33 Ryan Brauneller
Sports Calendar
*Denotes Home Game December 13, 2012 5:00 PM- Boys Freshman Basketball vs. McComb *6:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. McComb December 14, 2012 *6:00 PM –Boys Basketball vs. Liberty Benton December 15, 2012 9:00 AM- Boys Varsity Wrestling at Tinora Invitational *11:00 AM- Girls Freshman Basketball vs. Findlay HS 6:00 PM- Boys Basketball vs. New Riegel December 17, 2012 *4:45 PM- Girls Freshman Basketball vs. Carey *6:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. Carey December 18, 2012 *4:45 PM- Boys Freshman Basketball vs. Hopewell Louden 6:00 PM-Boys Varsity Wrestling vs. North Baltimore & Elmwood *6:00 PM- Boys Basketball vs. Hopewell Louden December 19, 2012 5:00 AM- Girls Freshman Basketball vs. Leipsic December 20, 2012 6:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. Riverdale December 22, 2012 11:00 AM- Girls Basketball vs. Bluffton December 27, 2012 12:00 PM- Boys Varsity Wrestling at Tiffin Columbian Invitational
December 27, 2012 12:00 PM- Boys Varsity Wrestling at Tiffin Columbian Invitational December 28, 2012 10:00 AM- Boys Varsity Wrestling at Tiffin Columbian Invitational December 29, 2012 *4:30 PM- Boys Freshman Basketball vs. Toledo Christian 4:30 PM- Girls Freshman Basketball vs. Maumee *6:00 PM- Boys Basketball vs. Toledo Christian January 2, 2013 5:00 PM- Boys Varsity Wrestling vs. Arcadia, Ginsonburg, & Cory Rawson January 3, 2013 *6:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. Arcadia January 4, 2013 6:00 PM- Boys Basketball vs. Cory Rawson January 5, 2013 *4:30 PM- Boys Freshman Basketball vs. Tiffin Calvert *6:00 PM- Boys Basketball vs. Tiffin Calvert *11:00 AM- Girls Basketball vs. Elmwood January 7, 2013 *6:15 PM- Girls Freshman Basketball vs. Southview January 9, 2013 6:00 PM- Boys Varsity Wrestling vs. Carey January 10, 2013 *5:00 PM- Boys Freshman Basketball vs. Arlington 6:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. Arlington
Volume 1, Issue 4
Bad Holiday Films Jacob Szczublewski There is an abundant list of wonderful holiday films out there. The problem with good movies is that there are at least five dreadful movies with a similar concept. Some of these films are, much to everyone’s anguish, sequels to beloved holiday classics. Most are just plain bad. With disappearing characters, non-directional plot lines, and poor special effects, they’re the kind of movies that people wonder why anyone ever made them. You can enjoy a bad movie, and sometimes you enjoy it more because of these terrible qualities; but do not watch these. These are bad. After much consideration, and a lot of dramatic weeping and raging over these movies, I’m delighted to bring you a do-not-watch list of dreadful holiday movies. Frosty Returns This is exactly what it sounds like, a sequel to Frosty the Snowman. Now, I know you’re thinking that it can’t be that bad because the first one was wonderful. You’d be quite wrong. It has almost nothing to do with the first; it’s just a blatant attempt at environmental awareness. They didn’t even keep the voice of Frosty. If you make a movie called Frosty Returns, the voice of Frosty has to return. Jingle All the Way Everyone remembers good ole Arnold S c h w a r z e n e g g e r, right? That large, difficult to understand governor/action hero? Well, not all his work in the theater is epic shooting. Some of it is him being funny, well, trying to at least. This movie is one of those attempts. The jokes are lame, the plot has no direction, and the basis Courtesy of: filmscorecenter (fair use). is just silly: Arnie needs to get his kid a special toy, because if he doesn’t his kid will never ever love him. Nice message, isn’t it? Home Alone 3 This is yet another example of someone asking, “How can we milk this series for more money?” Where can a story go when the basis is “Kid gets left home alone, kid gets robbed, and kid makes clever traps?” It’s just unnecessary. The Star Wars Holiday Special Hey, you know how you thought Attack of the Clones and Phantom Menace were bad? Yeah, this one blows those out of the water by name alone. It’s not even produced by Lucas and half the thing is in Wookie. The only thing worse is the Star Wars anti-drug special. Avoid both like the plague. Santa Clause 3 The second one in this series isn’t great, but this one is terrible. The whole thing. Why would anyone think that in-laws visiting the North Pole under the pretense they’re going to Canada is a good idea? If you have any complaints about this list, email theknightwriter@vbschools.net stating your grievances! Your input is appreciated!
Live Through The End Of Time Laura Endicott
Imagine the world as we know it, but infected. Imagine it infested with a doom that causes it to fall to an end. A world where a virus cannot be cured, where nuclear explosions pervade all land, or even natural disasters that take over all ground by recurring tornadoes, earthquakes, and volcanic activity. These are all theories on how our planet will become no more. In a biosphere where a dollar buys nothing, electricity is dead, internet is cut out completely, and lattes are a thing of the past. It is possible that people themselves are the next to vanish. Survival of civilization when doomsday arises is impossible if proper precautions are not taken. Whether one believes that a catastrophic event will happen or not, the fact that anything is possible must be accepted. Since no one truly understands the ways of the universe and certain scenarios really are not all that unrealistic, it is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to staying alive. To fight against the inevitable end, a list of ways to survive such destruction was collected and should be followed if one has any hope of surviving. Survival Kit • Nonperishable/dry food. Do not forget the can opener! • Seeds to plant for a garden • Water purifiers • Maps of the land • Fuel/gasoline • Medicine and Vitamins • Birth certificates/passports • Chap stick • Walkie talkie • Solar flashlights Get far away from the city. Have a spot in mind as your safe zone and bury heavy supplies (hatchet, tent, blankets and clothes) ahead of time for when the time comes to leave your house. Pick a place near water and stay on the down low. Stay in your home for as long as possible and only leave in a strong vehicle with a full tank of gas. Never give up on yourself and remain thankful for everything.
A Year in Review Jessica Gilts
With the New Year approaching, are you wondering where 2012 went? Here are ten major events that helped shape 2012. Whitney Houston Passes Away at 48 Houston, actress, model and singing sensation, died this February at the age of 48. She spent a good deal of her time on the Billboard number one songs with her most popular hit “I Will Always Love You.” Kony 2012 The Kony 2012 film released in March, regarding the Ugandan children abducted by guerrilla warlord, Joseph Kony has made a huge impact on lives of people across the world. It’s been said that over 60,000 children have been taken by the LRA, Lord’s Resistance Army, guerrilla group. Gunman kills 14 at Batman Premiere in Denver The Joker struck again in July at a Denver theatre during the latest Batman movie debut. Fourteen people were killed at this superhero film premiere. London Olympic Games 2012 The USA was caught going for the gold in this year’s London Summer Olympics. Starting in July and ending in August, America was awarded 108 medals, including 46 gold, passing China who was awarded 88 medals, which included 38 gold. Lance Armstrong loses medals Lance Armstrong, famed cyclist, was seized of all titles this August after being charged of doping. Of these titles, seven were Tour de France and the loss of his legacy was hit just as hard. US Ambassador Killed in Libya Chris Steven, US Ambassador, was killed this September in a targeted rocket attack. Killing took place after U.S. film portrayed Prophet Muhammad as a fraud. Hurricane Sandy This major storm of 2012 hit home for many people across the U.S. Hurricane Sandy is now said to have done more than $50 billion of damage and taking more than 100 lives. Relief efforts are still in process. Obama Elected Second Term as US President OBAMA ‘12! Barak Obama was reelected and is celebrating his second term in the Oval Office. Twilight Saga is No More Last month, Twilight fans said “good-bye” to Bella, Edward and Jacob forever. This box-office hit had people waiting at the doors and brought in more than $130 million.
Courtesy: fromutheproductions.com
Channning Tatum Sexiest Man Alive Channing Tatum has became famous for more than just his acting. Now he is recognized for his breath-taking looks. Starring in the film Magic Mike, Tatum has won the hearts of many females across the nation.
Along for the Ride Jessica Cunningham
Auden has always lived in the spotlight of her scholar parents and has always put school above everything else. So when the summer after her senior year rolls around, Auden does something completely unlike herself and decides to go to spend the summer at her estranged father’s house with her new step-mom and new half-sister. While out wandering, she meets Eli, a mysterious boy who oddly has the same disorder as Auden: insomnia. Eli and Auden bond and begin to spend their nights making up for all the childhood things Auden’s missed over time and uncovering the secrets of why they each no longer have the capacity to sleep. Auden learns in one summer the importance of being both scholarly and spontaneous, and works through the remains of a broken home. Ultimately Auden learns that life, like biking, is all about being along for the ride. Jessica’s Judgment: I loved this book; it was my favorite Sarah Dessen book I’ve read so far. It’s perfect for anybody with parental issues, who haven’t gotten along well over time, also great for kids whose parents are divorced. I really adored Eli; he’s witty and interesting. There are a lot of good characters with a wide range of personality as well. The book focuses on biking, boys, coffee, and of all things, hair gel. It’s a good winter read because it really screams of summer, and makes you yearn for it. The beginning is a little slow, but once it picks up it’s very enjoyable. About ¾ of the way in, I got irritated. Auden makes, in my opinion, a stupid choice. But the ending pulls it all together and makes the frustration worth it. Overall, Along for the Ride was a really fantastic book and a definite teen girl read.
Courtesy: sarahdessen.com
Volume 1, Issue 4
Fore-teen Years of Excellence Ian Rafferty
Whether it’s in the classroom or on the golf course, Mr. Heitkamp has made a name for himself at Van Buren. He has 14 years of teaching under his belt and has been the boy's golf coach for 12 years. While he doesn’t have a favorite class, he does enjoy the challenge of teaching technology. “Computers are changing so rapidly,” says Heitkamp. “I enjoy the changes and learning new software and working with students who share what they know.” The most rewarding part of the job, however, is hearing about his students’ success. “My greatest accomplishment as a teacher is hearing from former students who tell me how much they were ahead when they went to college or the workplace because of their skill set they learned in my class, whether it is computers, business management, or accounting. I really enjoy when students take the time to come back and visit, and share their successes!” Success has followed Heitkamp from the classroom to the golf course as his teams have won six consecutive BVC Championships, something Heitkamp says is his greatest accomplishment. “It takes a lot of great kids, great parents, and great assistant coaches to make something like that happen.” Recently, Mr. Heitkamp won the BVC Coach of the Year award. This is his tenth time as recipient. “It is always gratifying when someone recognizes you for something you have done,” says Heitkamp. “Whether it was win an award, win a conference championship or hear from a student that is doing well in college or in the workplace. It makes you feel like you are making a difference.”
Question and Answer Q. How did you feel after receiving your BVC Coach of the Year award? A. That award is special. It is voted on by my fellow coaches, and to have them think that highly of me is quite an honor. Really, though, this award simply means I have the best team and the best kids. That award does not happen without the hard work and dedication those young men gave to our program. It truly is their award. I am just the lucky one who gets to keep the hardware. Q. What is your best memory as the golf coach at VB? A. My best memory is coaching my brother, Mark. When I started coaching here at Van Buren in the fall of 2001 Mark was a senior. It was an honor to have that opportunity to work with him and be his coach. Not too many coaches get an opportunity like that. Q. Did you play golf at Van Buren? A.I did. I was a freshman in 1990, the last year our golf team won a State Championship--I did not play, I was our 8th man. I played all four years, qualifying for the state tournament and winning the BVC Championship each of those years. Q. What is the most important thing you try to instill in your players? A. Character. Doing the right thing when nobody is looking. The game of golf requires it from you. It is one of the few sports where you don’t have a referee. You are your own referee. You are also the referee of the kids you are playing with. It requires discipline and perseverance. Q. What is your personal best golf score? A. My best personal score is a 69. I have accomplished this three times. Once at Country Acres in Ottawa, once at Tobacco Road in North Carolina, and once at Red Hawk Run. Q. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A.I knew I wanted to be a teacher. My father was a math teacher at McComb High School for 25+ years. I saw how much he loved his job. He never once came home in a bad mood or talked poorly about his job. I could see the passion he had for teaching math. That was what I wanted in a job. Something I enjoyed doing every day. When I went off to college I studied education. I hit the jack-pot! I love my job, I look forward to coming to school every day, and I could not imagine myself doing anything different.
SENIOR SPOTLIGHTS Kayla Sonnenberg Todd Neal Laura Endicott
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Remember the saying big things come in small packages? Well, that big thing is Kayla Sonnenberg. Gaining a spot on varsity for the girls’ soccer team wasn’t enough to satisfy this five-foot-nothing three year player. Obtaining first team in Van Buren’s NCOSA league, first team all-district, and first team all-state, was accomplished in order to be content, making her the league player of the year. Being described as a monster of a player, she plans to continue her soccer career by playing the sport in college as she gains a degree in the medical field. Kayla can also be seen in the winter helping out the wrestlers by being a mat-maid. In the spring she plays short stop and third base on the softball team and earned an honorable mention in the BVC last year. Her hard work and dedication earns her this week’s senior spotlight. How long have you played soccer? 13 out of the 18 years of my life. How could one increase their soccer skills? Going out on your own and getting every little touch on the ball that you can. A big help is getting into camps. It’s a lot easier to connect with skills when you put the extra work in. What makes VB’s team different from others? VB may not have been the team to go to state but what we have that others don’t is how close our team is; being close as a family makes you mesh as a team and makes playing together look easy. Our team has that family bond and it definitely helped us excel as a group. Why do you play soccer? I’ve grown up in a very athletic family and I ‘ve grown to really love sports. Soccer was always something I loved to play ever since I was little. I like competition and challenge; I get that out on the field when I play. Who is your movie star crush? Channing Tatum, no doubt! Biggest Fear? Besides the fact I’m afraid of the dark: failing. I’m afraid of not being good enough and letting people down in general. When it comes to soccer, the main people I’m out to impress are my family. My dad and his brothers were very big on sports. My brothers have grown up to be great athletes. I just want to prove to them all I’m good enough. Who do you look up to? Famous athlete would be Mia Hamm. Not just because she was amazing at soccer but she never let anyone hold her back. It’s kind of a big deal when you become a pro athlete and break records for not only the girls but the guys as well. She was always determined and it obviously showed when she played. On another note, my older brother has really inspired me. He never stops working hard and never quits. He really amazes me. He holds every record for wrestling at VB now. To say the least, my brother made it far in the sports he loved and never let anything hold him back. He inspires me to keep fighting and never give up on my soccer dream.
Laura Endicott Everyone knows that real men wear pink, right? Sometimes real men wear it for a week straight, or maybe that is just Todd Neall. A few weeks ago, you may have noticed Todd’s fashion choice of rosy pink pants that were strutted in the halls for an entire week straight. He remained a man of his word after proposing the idea on Twitter that if he managed to gain 100 followers he would wear pink pants for a week, which was achieved in days. We admire his bravery as well as his amusing sense of humor, and decided that this senior deserved a spotlight, along with a fashion show! • What made you think of this idea of pink pants for a week? It started as a race to get 100 followers on Twitter vs. Ryan Killian, but as it evolved and Ryan admitted defeat I kept to it to have some fun and to try to brighten people’s day by being Todd Neall. • Why do you have pink pants to begin with? I was browsing through Good Will for some fun stuff and I thought they might come in handy one day. • Is it true that real men wear pink? It is very true that real men do, in fact, wear pink. • What advice would you give someone who is shy/self-conscious? Believe it or not I used to be kind of shy. To this day I still stress over projects that I have to present in classes. The best advice I would give to someone who is struggling with this is to just get up and do it. Leave no doubt in your head and do what you are most afraid of doing. Truth is, there are a lot more scary things out there to be scared of besides what people might think, like spiders; spiders are scary. • What would you bring to a zombie apocalypse? A hunting knife, first aid kit, Gameboy, and a handgun. • Favorite video game? My favorite video game is Pokémon Yellow. • What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to have a boring computer job doing the same thing every day. Boring yes, but it leaves room to do fun stuff. • Favorite movie? The Fox and the Hound. Fun fact I was named after the fox from that movie. • If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would you meet? Jesus Christ. He seemed like a pretty cool dude. • What trait do you look for in a girl? I look for a girl who is comfortable about themselves. It’s hard to like a girl when they do not even like themselves. • Movie star crush? Morgan Freeman.
Jazztronauts Take Off!
Courtesy: Madi Endicott, Van Buren Yearbook Staff
Chandler Riffel
The musical talents of Van Buren have struck a new note. The new jazz band, also known as the Jazztronauts, was created this year by Van Buren's own Cameron King and run by band director Mr. Eakin. Dylan Sexton, senior member of the jazz band, said he enjoys different style of music. Sexton also noted that the group plans on playing at upcoming band concerts and area nursing homes. Jazz band is different from regular band because it features a string section and includes the more elite members of band. Stay tuned for announcements on events featuring the jazz band. Contact Cameron King or any member of the jazz band if you are interested in joining, as new members are still being accepted!
Volume 1, Issue 4
Doomsday Con’t.
The Mayans used the walls to write out their work while predicting eclipses and dates on the calendar . The proof is on the walls. The archaeologists found evidence that the Mayan calendar extended far beyond December. One finding was an interval of 17 baktun. A baktun is equal to 144,000 days. The 13th baktun will end on December 21, 2012, this is also the start of the 14th baktun. The Mayans wrote out their calendars on stone. There is only so much you can write on a big rock until you run out of room. This proves the Mayans continued the calendar, and that the so called “doomsday” could be quite some time away, or never happen. There are two sides to every coin, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. This means that some believe that the world will end on December 21, 2012. There are many different ways people think how the world will end. In 2008, Discover Magazine made a table of 10 different ways the world might end: asteroid impact, solar flare, supernova, gamma-ray burst, black hole, alien attack, explosion of the sun, ice ages, and decay of all matter. Some of these events take billions of years to unfold if they are possible at all, so, in our lifetime they most likely will not happen. “Doomsday Preppers”, the popular reality show on the National Geographic channel, gives us a glimpse of possible ways that the world will end in our lifetime, according to these preppers. These people also put an abundant amount of their time into preparing for what they think will be the end of the world. Each prepper has their own scenario of how an apocalypse will happen, and how to prepare to survive in it. Some of them plan for power outages, super volcanoes exploding, nuclear war, super tornadoes, a shortage of oil, and more. They are devoted on surviving their catastrophe with their friends and family. In the end, live or die on December 21, most can agree that the Mayans were just a civilization with a lot of time on their hands. Some might even say that they are the first trolls.
Origins Con’t. Stockings It is alleged that the sympathetic St. Nicholas saved three sisters from being sold into slavery after they were too poor to supply a dowry for themselves. He threw three gold coins down the chimney that landed in drying stockings hung by the fireplace. Since then, people were known to hang stockings in hopes that St. Nick would supply them gifts of joy. Candy Cane Candy canes were originally given to children during church to keep them quiet throughout the services. Their red and white stripes, along with their hook shape, was later created by a confectioner looking to represent Jesus. The white color symbolized purity, and the red signified blood. The hook shape was meant to portray a shepherd’s staff, as well as the letter J for Jesus. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Montogomery Ward Company gave out books to customers around Christmas every year. To save money, they asked one of their employees, Robert L. May, to create a story for them. Inspired by his own experiences as a bullied youth, he used the story of The Ugly Duckling and combined reindeer into the mix to create the tale of Rudolph. The story was given out to customers that year, later growing in popularity nationwide after the famous Rudolph song was created.
Creative Christmas Morning Munchies Heather Clark
Looking for some new, creative Christmas morning eats? Check out the following recipes! Snowman Donuts This recipe is for the families who are too excited to open presents to have time to cook a breakfast on Christmas morning. This super simple, adorable little treat can be made in a matter of seconds and can be eaten while you unwrap all the gifts found under your tree. What do you need? • Mini powdered donuts • Candy corn • Any kind of black candies Courtesy of: creativeholidaygiftideas
Courtesy of: happyclippings.com
Reindeer Pancakes How creative, right!? Any child, or adult, could not hold back a smile if they walked into the kitchen and saw this edible creature sitting on a plate. Pancakes and bacon are a favorite and whoever puts this yummy creation together will get an applause from the whole family! What you need? • Pancake mix • Whip cream • Chocolate chips • Raspberry • Bacon Courtesy of:
Christmas Tree Waffles When a Christmas tree is put up in your house, it’s the moment where you feel surrounded by all the warming holiday spirit. So why not fill your morning hunger with this holiday themed breakfast on Christmas day? What you need? • Waffles • Green food coloring • Berries • Pineapple
Gifts Con’t
Although sewing isn’t as popular now-a-days as it was before Hollister, JC Penney’s, and TJ Maxx came into existence, Grandma or Great Aunt Beverly are sure to enjoy this craft: a mason jar sewing kit. There’s really not much to it and it may come in handy. Mason Jar Sewing Kit: Materials: • Small sewing kit from dollar store • needle cushion • needles • tape measure • thread • etc. Process: • Take your sewing kit apart, putting everything but the tape measure, cushion and needles into it. • Twist the top on, putting the needle cushion in the open top. • Poke the needles into the cushion • Tie the tape measure around it in a bow. We all had our special friendship bracelet with our best friend back in elementary school, so why not make a friendship bracelet for your best friend or sister to bring back the good old days? This craft is a simple, yet meaningful way to show you care about someone without spending too much money. If you Courtesy of: lyonbrandyarn.com (fair use). get a little confused with this complex process, a simple braid would make a pretty bracelet, too. Friendship Bracelet: Materials: • Colorful DMC Embroidery Floss Process: • Pick your colors • Cut each color to a length of 72 inches • Fold them in half • Make a ¾ inch long slip knot at the fold • Left knot• Fold the first thread over the one directly to its right in the shape of a “4”. • Pull the end of the first thread through the loop created by the “4”, creating a knot. • Hold the first thread tight, and pull the second thread to form a tight knot. • Repeat this. • Do this to all of the pieces of floss on the left side always using the furthest left piece as the “piece number 1”. • You will do this to the whole left side ONCE, then you move on to the right side and do that ONCE, then go back to the left. • Right knot• Do the same thing as the left knot, but opposite, so start with a “P” instead of the “4” • Finishing• Once you have the preferred size of the bracelet, take the threads, and split them into two groups. • Braid each group, ending in a tight, neat knot.
MERRY CHRISTMAS! From The Knight Writer Staff Sarah Benson Ryan Brauneller Heather Clark Laura Endicott Jess Gilts Chandler Riffel Jacob Szczublewski Jessica Cunningham Madi Endicott
Michelle Flanagan Jon Tobias Alisa Warren Alli Arthur Brice Lawrence Caitlin Nieset Ian Rafferty Rachel Silver Mrs. Inbody