1 minute read

Chairman’s Report

Motoring activities have largely been winding down as we move in towards winter with a very successful Rural Run behind us and our Annual Irishman Creek about to take place. This is a major event for the Branch and participants with entrants arriving from far and wide and this year facing one for the larger challenges ever planned. We look forward to the various tales and stories that emanate from their efforts and hope that there are some taking part who will record some of the activities for publication in The Hub. With around one hundred and fifty starters, there should be some prepared to spill the beans.

Whilst the upgrade to the clubrooms kitchen came to a halt for period, it is pleasing to be able to report that work is under way there again with completion in sight. With the Annual General Meeting taking place this month, I would encourage you to attend and have your say in the running of the Branch. There are still a couple of vacancies on the committee which can be filled from the floor and which do not take up a lot of time and as much effort as you can offer.



Chairman ph 03 352 3160

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