Thurs 3rd Noggin and Natter
Sun 6th Grounds Maintenance
Wed 9th 9-90s, Motorcycle Noggin
Tues 15th Grounds maintenance
Wed 16th Commercial Noggin
Sun 20th OCBC and VCC National Day
Sat 26th ‘Round the Bays M/C Run
Sun 3rd Grounds Maintenance
Thurs 7th Noggin and Natter
Sat 9th Awards Dinner
Sun 10th
Women and Young Driver’s Rally
Wed 13th 9-90s,Motorcycle Noggin
Tues 19th Grounds Maintenance
Wed 20th
Sat 24th
Commercial Noggin
Motorcycle Trial, Veteran Rally
Wed 27th North Canterbury Noggin
Sun 1st Grounds Maintenance
Thurs 5th Noggin and Natter
Fri 6th/7th/8th Swap Meet
Wed 11th 9-90s, Motorcycle Noggin
Sat 14th Sun 15th M/C Girder Fork Rally
Sun 15th OCBC and All British Day
Tue 17th Grounds Maintenance
Wed 18th
Commercial Noggin
Wed 25th North Canterbury Noggin
For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.
Noggin Night
1st Thursday of the month
1st Wednesday after noggin
Motorcycle Noggin
2nd Wednesday of the month
Commercial Noggin
3rd Wednesday of the month
North Canterbury Noggin
4th Wednesday of the month
Old cars, bikes and coffee
3rd Sunday of the month
Grounds Maintenance Morning
1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month
Parts Department
Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th
Sunday 9-12pm
The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.
Refer Pages 44 and 45 for Branch Officers, Representatives and Co-ordinators
Winter has definitely caught up with us, with the frosty mornings and the cold wind nipping around your ears a serious disincentive to outdoor activities.
It was good to see there were some hardy souls willing to brave the wild weather and join in for the Winter Run, thanks to Dave and Pam Dacombe for organising an interesting run around the country roads and through the new housing ever creeping it’s way across the plains, with added entertainment dodging some rather large puddles around the place after the heavy rain. Thanks once again to Colin Hey for the scones for morning tea, it’s becoming quite the habit, and you seem to have found a new calling in life.
There are a few things coming up in August to keep us busy, including (for those who are interested in such things) the National AGM in Nelson, which any member of the club is welcome to attend. Along with the AGM the club executive meeting is being held, with one of the subjects for discussion being how to balance the books with the ever increasing prices of everything. The options proposed for anyone who hasn’t yet seen them are;
Beaded Wheels cost savings by reducing to 4 issues per year from the current 6 issues.
Increase in club subscription by $18 for a reduced operating loss, and small surplus after Vero insurance contribution
Increase in club subscription by $25 for a small operating loss, and surplus after Vero insurance contribution with buffer for future cost increases.
Please advise your thoughts on these options, preferably in writing (including email) to Rod Thrower or another committee member, so this can be gathered together to determine the answer from our branch.
In the meantime the committee are looking into the matters raised at the branch AGM, there may be some requests for feedback or input with the benefit of experience, once again if you have any
thoughts or an opinion to offer please make sure you do so the branch can keep doing what the members want us to be doing.
About now I should be heading out to the cold garage to change the oil on one bike, finally get around to cleaning the carbs and changing the plugs on the other one, or sorting out the brake bits for the car.
Instead I think I’ll hide in the house where it’s warm and watch something with cars on TV, and contemplate if I have enough things to keep me warm for a mid winter motorcycle run.
Keep warm and dry,
Neil ShaskeyIt is with sadness that we acknowledge the passing of Kay Shaskey, who throughout the years has been an active member in all aspects of branch activities. Kay has taken on various roles over many years as branch committee Secretary and Delegate 1985-1992, Swap Meet Secretary 1990-2004, and Librarian 1979-2023, and participated in numerous events including over 40 Irishman rallies with Graeme, many of those in the Essex Pikes Peak Special.
Only seems yesterday that I was preparing for the National AGM and here we are again. I will be away from early Friday 11th August to Sunday evening 13th August. This year I am going as a member observer and Neil our Chairman will represent the Branch as our Delegate and Robyn our Treasurer as Branch Observer.
You should by now have received your voting papers for the Notices of Motion, made your decision and returned them in time for counting.
Also any feedback you wish to give our committee on the Item of Raising the National Subscriptions, or the discussions on the changes being suggested to tie in with the new Incorporated Society Act must be in my hands by Sunday 30th July (for it to be tabled at August committee meeting on 31st July for discussion prior to the National AGM).
If you attend the Noggins you will have noticed steady progress being made on the bar leaners renovations which still require a couple more coats of varnish. Thanks Jen’s and the parts shed team.
To the folk that help me out with visits to rest homes etc I have included a photo from a recent request I received for a drop off of two guests at the convention centre, sometimes you just never know who’s going be there. Well done Eric and Robyn. (See page 15)
Well that’s all from me.
Regards Rod SecretaryWell for July it hasn’t been all that cold! Hopefully some of you have still been able to get out and about in your vehicles?
From feedback from the Canterbury AGM last month, we as a committee have had a relook at some of the dates of certain events.
Changes have been made to cover things to suit family life (Mothers and Fathers days) and the warmth of the year for some of the older cars.
A new event has been added, the Brooklands to Brighton for 100 year old cars in March.
The Calendar Of Events card is a handy little tool! It fits in your wallet, can be pinned to your private calendar or kept in the junk drawer where it is always available. With the digital technology of the Hub and the reminders, some are finding it hard to remember what's coming up. This is something that can be very useful and could be utilised more. The new Calendar Of Events card will be available for the August noggin both at the bar and the kitchen servery. Most of us get a little hard of hearing as we get older, some of us it is definitely selective deafness.
It has come to my attention that our rally briefings are not always heard. I am guilty of not using the loud hailer (because it makes me nervous!) and prefer just to speak as loud as I can. Others probably feel the same way? The committee has invested in some microphones and we are looking at a portable speaker system to use for these occasions so no-one feels like they are missing out. These will be kept in the Club Captains office.
Coming Events:
Sunday 20th - Daffodil Day
Saturday 26th - Round the Bays Motorcycle Run
Have a great month. Happy motoring
Remember: First Sunday and third Tuesday mornings. All welcome.
It’s that time of year again with no real outdoor veteran activity to report on this last month, BUT time now though to look at getting them out and warranted again for the new season ahead.
Things are now in the planning process for the Annual Veteran Rally on Sunday 24th September, all the information you need to know is on the entry form on Page 41. You will see we are starting ‘south of the border’ this year to allow us to visit a destination few will have been to, and hopefully also allow some members from the Ashburton Branch to join us. I can promise you it will be a very good day out, and good easy veteran motoring as well. Any club-eligible vehicles are able to enter this rally, however only veteran entrants will be eligible for the rally prizes. I would especially encourage rear-wheel braked vintages to attend. A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to be able to call in and see the good work Kelvin Finlay and John Lynn are doing in Kelvin’s big shed in Ohoka, and they have made some great progress on a number of their cars since I last visited about 12 months ago. Amongst them are Kelvin’s early veteran Maxwell that was still in as-found condition last time I saw it, and is now only waiting for a couple of fittings to arrive to be fully completed. He’s currently working on his very large late veteran Buick tourer which is now mechanically done with the bodywork and interior proceeding well.
John has recently had to fix an issue with the engine in his 1920 Davis which involved a removal and strip-down job, but the engine is back in the car again and it’s nearly all finished and ready for the coming vintage motoring season. John has also recently gathered together a collection of parts for a very rare 1913 Mors, so he and Kelvin are busy tracking down leads to find what original parts they still need to complete as much of the car as possible. It’s amazing what they have found already and although there are some complicated logistics involved in bringing it all together, I have no doubt they will soon have the majority of it there and will be re-manufacturing what they need for the rest.
Their optimism is evident as they have already decided on the colour and even have some of the chassis parts painted already! In my own shed, the last month has been spent getting WoFs for some of the later model Wolseleys, and also spending some extra time on each one as I go attending to some of the more cosmetic work and general servicing that I’ve been meaning to do for some time. I still haven’t got the magneto on the 1912 Wolseley sorted properly, although I have made progress and got the coil side of the dual ignition system working properly – it’s just a case of now setting everything up so I can start the car on the coil ignition and then flick it over to run on the magneto without leaving the driver’s seat.
Bevars Binnie has some ideas that I can try, so we’ll see what happens. I was very tempted to take the 1909 Wolseley-Siddeley to the last OCBC on 16th July given we had some respite from the rain and even a nor-west wind to warm things up a bit, but as I needed to be there to unlock the clubrooms early I thought I might be tempting fate to leave home early and try and get there on time. I took the Wolseley Hornet (Mini) instead! And before finishing, how about planning on bringing your veteran or vintage vehicle to the Daffodil Rally? My recommendation would be to start at Rolleston and come straight to Cutler Park, or even just go straight to Cutler Park from your closest start point or your home. It would be good to have some veteran and early vehicle representation at this important and very public event. Have a good month everyone,
I have attended the monthly committee meeting and the July Noggin.
Mid Winter Run 23 July
I joined the Mid Winter Run of Sunday 23rd along with 15 other cars which included 32 members. The weather has not too pleasant with steady drizzle; which continued into the afternoon. We were greeted with scones; jam and cream, kindly made by Colin Hey as the members gathered around a warm cuppa. David and Pam Dacombe handed out the instruction sheets and we headed off just after 10:30am. We travelled though West Melton, Rolleston, Springston, Lincoln, Prebbleton and Hornby avoiding the flooding where we could.
We all enjoyed lunch in the main hall before heading off. A big thankyou to David and Pam Dacombe for setting the route.
The National Automobile Museum Collection, ( Schlumph) is an automobile museum located in Mulhouse, France
Further Highlights, Bugatti Coach Type 57, 1935, 8 cylinder 3257 cc, 150 kph
Not much happening in these winter months. Our July noggin was held in Dave Cooper's very warm workshop. Thanks Dave for your invitation to host our group and for the most excellent supper. We had 21 of the group attend - probably the best turnout I have seen at one of these noggins.
I have spent the wet weekend working on my own commercial - a V8 pickup of epic proportions. It's ready to haul the bountiful crops. Not many vehicles you can build in a weekend inside the house and stay warm and dry! I'm pleased to say from start to finish it was done in a weekend and now ready for the display case! I couldn't help but remember David Bennetts telling us that Lego produces the most tyres! (See next page)
Our August Noggin is on Wednesday the 16th of August from 7.30pm at Classic Workshop, 1014 Ferry Road, Ferrymead (opposite Countdown).
Classic Workshop is one of our advertisers in The Hub magazinemany of these advertisers are club members and have some great knowledge and expertise in their fields. Please support the advertisers and let them know where you heard about them. I'm sure their advertising subsidizes the cost of our hub so we need to support them.
Great to see a Commercial entered in the Restoration of the Yearcongratulations Barry Jones on your lovely 1964 Land Rover Forward Control. I hope it is on the 2024 Annual Commercial rally! Well done to all the entries - you certainly have vehicles to be proud of!
Remember the Daffodil Day Rally is on Sunday the 20th of August. Four starting locations - details elsewhere in the hub. Any club eligible vehicle is welcome.
Stay warm and dry
MichaelSo……….The Commercial Convenor now has his own truck!!
Meanwhile, Eric Cox chauffeurs rugby royalty
Almost completed Maxwell (See page 10)
Mid Christmas lunch at the barn. Just over 30 people attended. Graeme Sword had the barn nicely warmed up and with about 30 people you have more time to talk and mix…. the food was all home made. Last year the food was the best we ever had even better…..Thank you all for the effort you put in. And we have a new man for the 9-90s. Without any arm twisting Ken James volunteered to take over after the Christmas lunch.
I hope that Ken will the same help and support that I have had over the years that made it a pleasure to organise the 9-90s.
By the way, John Winchester has already offered to do one outing next year so if you like, give Ken a ring and you can pick the month you like. Ken’s number is 980 0547.
August. Ken James and Bruce Miles. Meet at the Yaldhurst pub car park 9.55 am
September. Lloyd and Diane Bertie. Meet at the Halswell New World car park.
Look forward seeing you all next month
J K and the Team
If you examine closely your chronometer you will be able to ascertain that the days ARE becoming longer… Is spring on the way??
12th July – Motorcycle Noggin. A very successful event, about 32 members and partners enjoyed a set menu dinner at the Richmond Working Men’s Club. For quite a few of us this was the first visit to this facility, completely rebuilt after the earthquakes. Very nice surroundings!!!
13th July – Old Codger’s Run. Cancelled, but this event to be revived in August.
22nd July – Fish and Chip Run. Cancelled in favour of the Mid-Winter Run 29-30th July.
29th -30th July – Mid Winter Run to Geraldine. Reported on next month.
9th August – Motorcycle Noggin. The promised motorcycle collection is the Mike Pero museum at #1 Hawthorndon Road, Avonhead, Chch. There is an entry charge; $15. Been there before, well worth the effort to go. Meet there from 7.30pm onwards. The museum is not normally open Monday – Thursday and never at night, so as they are opening especially for us please support this and help make it a success.
10th August – Old Codger’s Run. Just to ease our way back into OCR’s might do the run to Cust that we tried some time ago but the weather beat us… Route 72 Café Bar and Emporium at Cust. Meet there 10.30 am; tell BS stories then your choice for a lunch venue etc.
26th August – Round the Bays Run. This will also double as the Fish and Chip Run for the month. Unfortunately that is about it for the moment. The closing date for these notes for The Hub was Monday 24 July, quite early, so
there hasn’t been much time to work out new events into the future.
There will be a meeting of the motorcycle committee on Thursday 3rd August so I will send out by email an updated report of events coming up.
Cheers, CML
Cutler Park 24th September
10am Start
The motor cycle section will be running a fun day / trial. Any type of motorcycle welcome. Motorcycles / Mopeds don’t have to be Club eligible or Registered or have a WOF so get that bike out of the back of the shed and come and have some fun.
This is not a speed event the aim is to do two runs at the same speed
The Classic Trials Group will be setting up their own courses to demonstrate low speed Motorcycle handling. The other courses will be suitable for all types of Motorcycles including Veterans and
Bring your Children, Grand Children
Prospective new members welcome. Multiple Riders can use the same
Free entry, BBQ lunch $5 per person
Bar opens 6.00 pm
Please be seated for dinner by 6.30 pm. The dinner is held annually to present branch members 25, 35, 50 and 60-year membership awards. This year, the dinner will be catered by Country Feasts.
Tickets ($40 single) are available from branch committee members and at the bar at noggins.
If there are any special dietary requirements, contact Leigh – 342 9110 or craythornes@actrix.co.nz as soon as possible please.
Come along and support your fellow members on their special night.
During the evening, you will hear citations highlighting the 50-year awardees involvement in the club; always interesting.
25-year presentations
Bob Hayes, Arthur Poll
35-year presentations
Charmaine Garth, Michael Hedgman, Pamela Yeatman, Peter Yeatman
50-year presentations
Bernard Crossen, Barry Elcock, Brian Hayman, Phillip Kiesanowski, Lindsay Painter
60-year presentations
Gay Goodman, Bob Humm, Alan Wills
(Please note – the management committee has not approved these applications at the closing date of the Hub.)
Well, the weather certainly didn’t disappoint, with ample rainfall to test the water tightness of all of our cars, plus of course the heaters and demisters for those lucky enough to have them fitted and working. In fact it was so wet, a few of the registered entries decided to stay at home, and we certainly couldn’t blame them for doing so. However, for those who did brave the conditions, there were rewards!
Free tea and coffee and fresh scones with jam and cream at the start.
Lakes and streams across the landscape that none of us had ever seen before.
Water hazards to negotiate whilst being considerate to oncoming traffic.
Surface flooding in new subdivisions and parks that obviously hadn’t been allowed for in Selwyn District Council design calculations.
A set of clear and concise instructions written accurately so nobody could get lost.
Warm clubrooms in which to enjoy our lunch once we got back to Cutler Park (and we did all successfully complete the run).
Great comradeship across all those who took part.
A free wash for the car, easily cleaned and dried off in the garage when returning home. I did consider taking the modern, but where was the challenge in that?
The route plotted by organisers Dave and Pam Dacombe took us out past West Melton and across to Rolleston, then through Springston, Lincoln and Prebbleton before returning through Hornby to Cutler Part. Lots of good rural running, and lots of new subdivisions we’d never been through before.
And of course, lots of flooded paddocks and huge roadside puddles to drive around. All very interesting, but nothing that would cause any concern to anyone who took part.
As it was, our Wolseley 1500 happily negotiated all the water obstacles and we were warm and dry inside – every bit as good as being at home watching F1 on television. I can honestly say everyone enjoyed the outing, and there were lots of remarks about why subdivisions are happening on some parts of the district that are so low-lying. Thanks Dave and Pam and your helpers – we enjoyed the run very much, and our car didn’t mind either.
Colin and Jenny Hey.
On behalf of the Holden Enthusiasts Club Christchurch, I wish to thank the Vintage Car Club Canterbury for allowing us to participate in your Grasskana event on 28th May.
All our members who entered the event thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of driving their cars a little harder and differently than normal, and even those that only came to watch had a great day.
This was a good opportunity for our members to enjoy the company of another car club and participate in an event that many have never done before. We also would like to acknowledge the help of Heather Harris in liaising with both car clubs to make this event possible for our members. Once again, thank you for a well run event, and enjoyable day.
Allan White Vice President H.E.C.C.Sunday 10th September 2023
8.45am for a 9.00am start at Cutler Park Pub Lunch (at entrants cost)
Grasskhana optional in the afternoon (weather permitting)
Inquires to Fraser Kear on 0278664118 Cost $5 per car
To register and enter on line click HERE
$5.00 entry
Entrant’s Name: ……………………………………………..
Vehicle: ……………………………………………………….
Number attending:…………………………………………..
Phone: ………………………………………………………
Email: ………………………………………………………….
Don’t forget to make payment of your entry fee. You can do this by direct credit to our account 03 1594 0096832 00. Please put the name of the rally entrant in the particulars field and the name of the Rally in the reference field. Entry may be paid on the day but online account preferred. Send written entry form to:
Fraser Kear
40 Rossendale Road RD5 Christchurch
Only three Noggins to go (counting the August one), and planning is progressing well. As I mentioned last month, there will be two special displays this year. On the old tennis court Tony Gooding will be arranging a display of club-eligible Japanese cars, and Tony would be pleased to hear from anyone who can offer their car for this area. Please contact him on 021 359 208 or by email at tonygooding999@gmail.com if you can display such a vehicle - it doesn’t matter how old it is, as long as it’s Japanese and Pre-1994 he’d love to hear from you. Promoting these vehicles in front of the public at Swap Meet is very important for the future of our club, so help him out if you can.
In the Barn, the Motorcycle Section will be organising a very special display of four-cylinder motorcycles – Paul Ainsworth is coordinating that one, and you can contact him on 027 432 1391 if you have such a machine and haven’t heard from him already.
A reminder too that the rosters to volunteer your time for one of the many jobs that needs to be done during the event will be at the August and September noggins. The more people who offer to help, the easier it is on everyone. If you cannot get to the noggins and would like to offer a couple of hours to help out during the weekend then please give me a call. None of the jobs is onerous, but we need someone to do them.
If you’re willing to display a coreflute Swap Meet adverting sign on your front fence or know of a prominent location where you can put one, these are now available at Noggins or the Spares Shed.
Thanks and regards
Colin HeyLast month’s Old Cars Bikes and Coffee was on Sunday 16th July, coinciding with Matariki weekend, and we were fortunate indeed that the weather turned for the better and even provided a slightly warm NW breeze to encourage people out. Once again a very good turnout of probably 60 or so vehicles of all ages, including two motorcycles. Well done everyone! Do check out the photos. The next one is of course on 20th August which is our Daffodil Run day, which is finishing in our club grounds. This will be a huge day, and if the interest so far is anything to go by and we get reasonable weather, I’m confident we’ll get around 500 vehicles taking part. I would encourage everyone to go to one of the designated start points (see the poster on Page 27) and do the run to the club grounds from there, but if for some reason you cannot do that, then please feel free to come straight to the grounds from 9.00am onwards. We will be taking donations as you enter the grounds, so please come prepared with cash for that as well as your coffee.
Colin HeyAs the hub closes, we regret to advise the passing of Mike Ludecke, a 57 year member.
Our sympathy is extended to his friends and family.
Special mention for Henry Little’s new restoration. (Another!)
Sunday 20th August
It’s now all go for Daffodil Day, and the advertising material is starting to get out there. Please book this date on your calendar, and if you are involved in any One-Make or other motoring clubs please ensure your club committee is aware of this date as well. Just like last year, it will be an open event suitable for any vehicle, whether veteran, vintage, classic (old or new) or a collectible vehicle or motorcycle. It’s also open to any member of the public to come along and enjoy in their modern vehicle if they wish, or just come to Cutler Park to see the vehicles arrive and/or on display. This year the event will once again start by meeting in 4 locations at 10.00am:
Rangiora at the Southbrook Park in South Belt
New Brighton Club in Marine Parade
Cashmere Club in Colombo Street
Rolleston in the Park’n’Ride car park beside the Selwyn District Council offices in Norman Kirk Drive.
All runs will have short and long routes with slight variations on last year’s routes, each converging at Cutler Park no later than 12.00 noon, where all cars will be on public display for the early afternoon. There will also be BBQ food available to purchase for lunch at the clubrooms. A donation (suggested as at least $10 per car) will be collected on arrival at Cutler Park. All proceeds will be passed on directly to the Canterbury/West Coast branch of the Cancer Society. There will be prizes for Best American, British, European, Japanese, Australian, motorcycle, Best Dressed, and Cancer Society personality’s choice.
We will also be running two raffles – a meat raffle, and this year we have also been donated a brand-new large “Oaklahoma Joe’s” Smoker and BBQ which will be another raffle prize. Also, a special thanks to those who have already offered to help with the organisation on the day. I could still do with a few more– especially at the start venues, and at Cutler Park as the cars arrive after the runs. Please contact me on 021 883 807 or by email on heywolseley699@gmail.com if you can help.
A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events.
Gary Jayet
1934 Austin 10
Nalin Gooneratne
1974 Citroen 1220 Club
Michael Barron
1930 Ford Model A
Rex Barnett
1928 Ford A
Sue Vesey
Karl Stohr
1929 Essex Super Six
1979 Ford Cortina 6 Ghia
Graham Averis Motorcycles
Grant Marra
1928 Indian Scout MC
Gary Prescott
P S Washbourne
DRAFT Minutes of The 67th Annual General Meeting
Held at Cutler Park on Sunday 18th June 2023 at 1.00 p.m.
PRESENT: Neil Shaskey (Chairman), Rod Thrower (Secretary), And 60 members
The Secretary read the notice of meeting
MINUTES SILENCE: For Members who have passed away during the year
APOLOGIES: Total 25 List filed with the minutes.
MOVED: “That the apologies be accepted.”
Andrea Dallow / Colin Hey CARRIED
MOVED: “That Tony Meikle and Andrea Dallow be appointed scrutiniser’s.”
Neil Shaskey / Annette Meikle CARRIED
Confirmation of the minutes of 66th AGM held on 19th June 2022
MOVED “That the Minutes of the 2022 AGM as published in the August 2022 Hub be confirmed as a true and complete record of that meeting.”
Murray Trounson / Jim Miles CARRIED
Annual reports were published in the Notice of 67th Annual General Meeting.
MOVED: “That the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Captain, Veteran, Vintage, PV/PWV/P60V/P80V, Commercial, Motorcycle, Swap Meet, Library, Vehicle Identity Cards, Spare Parts Department,9-90's, Maintenance Crew, OCBC, Web Site. News Letter.
Reports as published in the Notice of 67th Annual Meeting be accepted
Katryna Shaw / Gill Stevenson CARRIED
Correspondence: Nil
A copy of the 2023 Annual Financial Report reviewed by Ainger Tomlin was included with the June HUB. The Report was also available at the meeting and a copy is filed with the minutes.
Questions invited : Nil
MOVED: “That the Financial Accounts and Balance Sheet as presented at the 2023 AGM be approved.”
Robyn Cox / Murray Trounson CARRIED
Ainger Tomlin Ltd had agreed to perform an independent review for the coming year. There being no more nominations or discussion.
MOVED: “That Martin Davies of Ainger Tomlin Ltd be appointed as Branch Reviewer.” (Accepted)
Colin Hey / Jim Miles CARRIED
Alexander McPhail of Clark Boyce had agreed to accept nomination again this year. There being no more nominations or discussion:
MOVED: “That A. McPhail of Clark Boyce be appointed as Branch Solicitor.”
Paul Seaton / Jim Miles CARRIED
The Secretary had received the following nominations by the closing date of 22nd May 2023.
Chairman: Neil Shaskey Proposer: Graeme Shaskey Seconded Ted Hockley
Secretary: Rod Thrower Proposer: Terry McQuinn Seconder: Peter
Treasurer: Robyn Cox Proposer: Shirley Wills Seconder: Marlene Muller
Club Captain: Katryna Shaw Proposer: Alan Wills Seconder: Shirley Wills
Committee: Colin Hey Proposer: Katryna Shaw Seconder: Matthew Hey
Graham Evans Proposer: Tim Eagle Seconder: Alan Wills
Michael Hedgman Proposer: Marlene Muller Seconder: Tim Riley
John Enright Proposer: Bob Hayes Seconder: Debra Enright
Henry Little Proposer: Don Bennetts Seconder: Jim Paterson
These were duly elected onto the Branch Committee. There were no further nominations.
MOVED: Gilbert Dallow / John Forster CARRIED
MOVED: “That the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer require Two of Three to signing rights to the Branch bank accounts.”
Colin Hey / Murray Trounson CARRIED
Rep Parts Shed Wayne Stocks
Chairman Swap Meet Colin Hey
Bar Rep Andrea Dallow
Maintenance Rep Mike Foster (Temporary till Position filled.)
Motorcycle Section Paul Ainsworth
VIC Signatory Don Bennetts
Beaded Wheels Scribe Colin Hey Proposed: Tony Becker, Seconded Rod
Librarians Ted Hockley
9 – 90s Position Vacant
Velosolex Group Royce Baker
Barn Bookings & Camping Kevin & Claire Campion
North Canterbury Noggin Alan Hill
Trophy Custodian Leigh Craythorne
Hub Editor/Web Master Tony Craythorne
New Member Liaison Jack Porter
The Chairman then read the list of Representatives of the Sub Groups
MOVED: “That those named be confirmed for the respective positions.”
Bob Humm / Michael Hedgman CARRIED
PRESENTATIONS: were then made to the following Retiring Committee and Representatives.
Past Chairman: Leigh Craythorne, (End of serving on committee as Immediate Past Chairman, following election to Chairman at SGM after the passing of Ross Butler.)
Bar Manager: Gill Stevenson, Retiring her position as Bar Manager after 7years of manning the bar for noggin each month as well as various other functions, and of course the swap meet weekend.
Maintenance Rep: Mike Foster, Retiring as Maintenance coordinator after 10 plus years of looking after the maintenance team, as well as the seemingly endless task of looking after maintenance of the equipment they use.
Beaded Wheels Reporter: Tony Becker, Librarian: Kay Shaskey, Maintenance Team: Tony Ward, Eric Mattsen.
MOVED: “That Rod Thrower be appointed Privacy Officer.”
Leigh Craythorne / Shirley Wills CARRIED
MOVED: “That Neil Shaskey be appointed as Branch Delegate.” Rod Thrower / Jens Christensen CARRIED
MacLachlan Trophy (Awarded by formula to the Veteran Vehicle which covers the most miles for the season.)
Joseph McClintock – 1917 Henderson Motorcycle.
Max Smith Memorial Trophy (Veteran vehicle competing in the greatest number of Canterbury Branch events) Not Awarded
Use Not Abuse Trophy (Awarded to acknowledge the most creditable effort during the year for the same driver with the option of two vehicles (car or motorcycle) where at least two speed events and two endurance events have been successfully completed by members of the Canterbury and Banks Peninsula Branches). Not Awarded at Canterbury
Tolhurst Trophy (Awarded To the Oldest motorcycle attending the Annual Rally and the Annual Motorcycle Rally)
Graeme Sword 1914 Triumph
Ian McGregor Trophy (Awarded for the PWV motorcycle, which attends the most Canterbury Branch runs for the 2021/2022 season on the same PWV motorcycle. It has to include two of the following – The Annual Rally, Annual Motorcycle Rally, and /or Jim Toohey Run)
Peter Lambert 1956 Triumph 6T
Triumph Trophy (Awarded for the best performance on a Triumph over the year.)
Chris Leith 1955 Triumph 6T
The Miles Trophy – This trophy was donated by the family of Alan Miles in
his memory to the Corsair Motorcycle Club (no longer functioning) and the family has now donated it to the Canterbury Branch VCC and is awarded to the rider riding a BSA to the most events during the past year. Dev Dhurvas 1952 BSA
Dave Sparrow Trophy – Best performance on a 4-cylinder Motorcycle. Jens Christensen 1979 Honda CB750
Indian Trophy – Best performance on an Indian Motorcycle. Alan McLeod 1923 Indian
Restorations of the Year trophies
Rae Trophy – Vintage Restoration of the Year. Not contested
Noel Beecroft Trophy – Veteran – Not contested
Robert Hayes Family Trust Trophy – Post Vintage Vehicles. Awarded to Henry Little – 1936 Austin Ruby 7
Ray Sword Family Trophy – Commercial Restoration of the year –Awarded to Barry Jones 1964 Land Rover 109 forward Control
Noel Beecroft Trophy - Post War Vehicle - Not contested
CJS and M Hey Trophy - Post 1960 Vehicle – Not contested
Eric Walker Trophy – Motorcycle. Awarded to Paul Ainsworth – 1976 BMW R 100S
The donors of these trophies were acknowledged for their generosity.
Special Events Trophy - Awarded to Kay Shaskey For service to the branch in many roles including Secretary, Swap meet Secretary, Library and 50th Anniversary Rally (Citation read by Neil Shaskey)
Presented to Graeme Shaskey in Kay’s absence.
CANTERBURY BRANCH 2023/2024 2023
Events in italics are not organised by the branch
Wednesday following the Noggin Night. 3rd and 4th Sunday morning each month 9am – 12
MOTORCYCLE NOGGINS: Noon and every Wednesday 1pm – 4.30 pm
2nd Wednesday each month
3RD Wednesday each month. 1st Sunday day each month.
4th Wednesday each month 7.30pm Rangiora RSA.
Point raised National Veteran Rally this Year
Annette Meikle raised matter of no Easter rally. (Volunteer needed to organize)
Calendar of Events:
MOVED: “That the Calendar of Events be adopted.”(left for incoming committee to finalize)
Colin Hey / Tony Craythorne CARRIED
MOVED: “That the 2024 Annual General Meeting be held at 1pm on Sunday 16th June 2024.”
Annette Meikle / Michael Hedgman
PRESENTATION: as recorded page 4 (Special events Trophy Awarded to Kay Shaskey)
No Notices of Motion:
Colin Hey spoke on behalf of Tony Gooding on the need to re look at the conditions and format of entry into the restoration of the year trophies. It was suggested we may need to look at the whole format including getting out side judges.
Also suggested we need to encourage entry to this event more with a better promotion and understanding of the requirements. Maybe a subcommittee formed to oversee this. Also maybe a section for a recommissioned Vehicle. Left to in coming committee.
The matter of the increased postage and how this will affect the costs of the hub magazine to members considering some are picked up at noggin. Robyn explained that the charge of $44 a year only covers the printing cost, and we are not charging for postage. The matter of the advertising income was raised as to this covering the costs; this has always been treated as a general fund source for the Branch. This matter to be referred to the incoming committee for further discussion.
The matter of the plaques now been used as opposed to the old stamped and hand painted ones from the past. Explained cost and time of delivery being the main reasons for the change. Left for incoming committee to discuss.
The matter of Rally Certificates was raised (Again time producing then the majority not being collected at noggins and having to be posted out.)
Colin Rae suggested a Branch inauguration special rally in 2025 could be run in recognition of the anniversary of setting up of Cutler Park. In memory of Pat Cutler. (Left to incoming committee)
Friday Parts Shed open afternoon Registration and Noggin, Sat Rally Run, Sunday Field tests Morning and Dinner at night.
There being no further business, The meeting was closed at 2 pm.
Signed ……………………………………..Chairman
Date ……………………………………..
July 2023
Sunday 16th OCBC
Sunday 23rd Midwinter Run
29/30th Midwinter Motorcycle Run
Sunday 20th Daffodil Day
Sunday 20th OCBC
Saturday 26th Motorcycle Around the Bays
Saturday 9th Awards Dinner
Sunday 10th Womens and Young Drivers Rally
Sunday 17th OCBC
Sunday 24th Veteran Annual Rally
Sunday 24th Motorcycle Trial Day
6-8th Swap Meet
14/15th Motorcycle Girder Fork Rally
Sunday 15th OCBC and All British Day
Saturday 4th Veteran and Vintage Highland Games and Display
Sunday 12th Homestead Run
17-19th Show Weekend Tour
Sunday 19th OCBC
Saturday 25th Motorcycle Annual Rally
Sunday 3rd Vintage Annual Rally
Saturday 9th Christmas Social
Sunday 17th Childrens Christmas Picnic
Sunday 17th OCBC
Tuesday 26th Boxing Day Run
Tuesday 2nd Motorcycle New Years Run
Sunday 7th Picnic Run
Sunday 21st OCBC and Veteran Picnic Run
Saturday 10th Boot Sale
Saturday 17th Motorcycle Clip on Run
Sunday 18th OCBC
24-25th Branch Annual Rally
MARCH 2024
Saturday 2nd Brooklands to Brighton for 100 year vehicles
Saturday 9
th Motorcycle Moped Run
Sunday 10th Rear Wheel Brake Rally
16,17,18th Motorcycle Jim Toohey
Sunday 17th OCBC
Saturday 23rd Annual Commercial Rally
APRIL 2024
Sunday 7th P Group Rally
Saturday 13th Scooter and small Motorcycle Rally
Sunday 21st Autumn Run
Sunday 21st OCBC
Thursday 25th ANZAC (Malvern) Run
MAY 2024
Saturday 11th Rural Run
Sunday 19th Grasskhana
Sunday 19th OCBC
JUNE 2024
31st May-3 rd June Irishman Rally
Sunday 9th Restoration of the Year
Wednesday 12th Branch Motorcycle AGM
Sunday 16th Branch AGM
Sunday 16th OCBC
JULY 2024
Sunday 21st OCBC
Sunday 21st Midwinter Run
27-28th Motorcycle Midwinter Run
Sunday 18th VCCNZ National Day
Sunday 18th OCBC
Saturday 24th Round the Bays Motorcycle Run
Sunday 8th Womens and Young Drivers Rally
Saturday 14th Awards Dinner
Sunday 15th OCBC
Sunday 22nd Motorcycle Trial Day
Sunday 29th Veteran Annual Rally
11-13th Swap Meet
19-20th Motorcycle Girder Fork Rally
Sunday 20th OCBC and All British Day
Saturday 2nd Veteran/Vintage Highland Games Display
Sunday 10th Homestead Run
15-17th Show Weekend Tour
Sunday 17th OCBC
Saturday 23rd Motorcycle Annual Rally
Sunday 1st Annual Vintage Rally
Saturday 7th Christmas Social
Sunday 15th Childrens Christmas Picnic
Sunday 15th OCBC
Thursday 26th Boxing Day Run
1938 Morris 8
Very good condition , runs well Blue with Black guards
Current WOF and Rego
Two operation and maintenance manuals. Spare starter, generator, and some electrical items Some previous ownership information available. Fully restored for 2000 Hamilton rally by a previous Owner. Price $ 10,000.
Phone Steve Williams 027 436 9004
Hard cover book on Morris Minors, 'The Worlds Supreme Small Car' by Paul Skilleter $30
16 Quality English Adjustable hand reamers ranging from 1/4 " to over an inch, plus 5 fixed machine/hand reamers 1/2" and 5/8" (new 1/4" $113 and new 1-1/8" $260) $250 for the lot.
4 brake cylinder flexi shaft hones, two twin stone and two triple stone $40.
30 BSW and UNC taps, some never used, includes set of three Left Hand thread BSW 3/8" $20.
Ryobi 254 mm table saw. Rise and fall and tilt table $50.
Rare 'Condor' brass bulb holder accessory, holds six spare bulbs, ideal finishing touch to your vintage restoration. $150.
Alan Wills
021 087 00692
We have a new advertisement inside the front cover. Please support them and all our advertisers who help our Branch.
(And let them know where you saw their name.)
1972 3500 Rover V8 Auto. Lovely car. Runs well. Great condition. Registered Shouldn’t fail WOF.
Well maintained with records. New carpets recovered seats and paint in original dark green.
Garaged Rangiora
$15,000k jandamehrtens@gmail.com for more info
1967 Daimler V8
Auto Power steering upgrade. New tyres. New English wire wheels.
Engine reconditioned by Finlays Ch Ch
Registered. Shouldn’t fail WOF. Well maintained with restoration and maintenance records. Reconditioned seats. Lovely car. Runs well. Great condition
Garaged Rangiora $45,000 jandamehrtens@gmail.com for more info
1938 Pontiac Silver Streak
Original interior in reasonable condition, original paint, no rust. This has been garaged its entire life. 3 NZ owners from 1938. Will be sold with new WOF and reg. I have all service receipt paperwork from 1938, completely original other than the indicators which were added for safety. This is a genuine car no tyre kickers please. $20k
Thanks Shelley Carter
021 150 0457
Model ‘A’ Ford gear cluster in good condition. No repro gears please. Contact Les Pearson 027 224 5045 or lespearson@xtra.co.nz
Sankey Rims
23" / 5 Stud with 4" centre. Call John 027 448 1430
1927 Harley Davidson Model J parts. Anything considered. Contact Geoff Sutton
West Coast branch member027 958 9736
Information Wanted
1930 Ford Model A Fordoor
The original owners of this vehicle would like to forward photographs to the new owners. We believe the rego is ‘30 MOD A’ and the vehicle has a navy blue body with red wheels and was sold from Dannevirke about twelve months ago possibly to a Canterbury branch member. Any information to John Hastilow at hastilowfamily@gmail.com
James Flying Cadet motorcycle, 1955.
150 cc, Villiers 2 stroke engine. Currently in pieces, but all bits are there. Ex Deceased Estate; needs an enthusiast to restore and reassemble. Any offers?
Please contact Tony Constable on 021 351 155 for details and photos etc.
BMW motorcycle pannier box, one only Right Side, with frames for both sides, offers of what it is worth to you. Can Email photos, Email kiwijeffian@gmail.com
Craig Vetter Windjammer Fairing with mountain frame, suit 1970 / 80s bike, price by negotiation. Can send photos. Jeff, 022-131-7235, Email kiwijeffian@gmail.com
See Notice board posters for more information.
Hi fellow mud pluggers, The Marlborough Trial is on the 10th August, at the same venue as the last few years. Entry forms attached. (Contact Secretary Rod)
I am not sure if the barbecue will be there for lunch or not, but will let you know.
The Nelson Trial will be on the 3rd September, so put that in your calendar. Look forward to seeing you all, showering mud, and hearing those poor little engines screaming and valve bouncing, apart from Avon of course, who seems to have some measure of self control.
If you own a 1933 or 1934 Ford, you’ll want to be a part of the Model 40 Convention to be held March 8-10 next year. For more information follow the event on the 1933/34 Ford New Zealand Facebook page. Expressions of interest and requests for registration form to magoos@xtra.co.nz.
Enquiries to the convenor; Lloyd Wilson 021-436-432
29 TH – 31 ST JANUARY 2024
With three days of Veteran motoring from Dunedin- Gore – Owaka –Dunedin. Starting on Monday 29 th January 2024, following the National Veteran Rally in Dunedin. Returning Wednesday 31st January.
We will be travelling at a relaxed pace, with a backup trailer for peace of mind.
Mark these days on your calendar!
Tour organiser is: Nevin Gough easttaieri@yahoo.com or 0211150312, Marion McConachie bmmcconachie@xtra.co.nz or 0273387008
Motorcycle Convenor
Paul Ainsworth (Joss) ainsworth.electrical@xtra.co.nz
027 432 1391
Velosolex Group
Royce Baker (Janice)
03 322 5529
Parts Dept. Rep.
Wayne Stocks
03 383 1380
9—90’s Co-ordinator
Ken James
03 980 0547
VIC Representative
Don Bennetts (Judy)
03 385 6333
Mike Foster
03 359 8260
022 359 8260
Barn Bookings/Camping
Kevin and Claire Campion
03 312 7255
027 407 5344
Bar Manager
Andrea Dallow (Gilbert)
03 388 2838
Ted and Jill Hockley
03 323 7183
Swap Meet
Colin Hey (Jenny)
03 359 8737 021 883 807
Trophy Custodian
Leigh Craythorne (Tony)
03 342 9110 027 772 8660
New Members’ Liaison
Jack Porter (Dorothy) jackhporter@xtra.co.nz
03 352 6672 027 432 2041
Branch Vehicle Custodian
Mark Drury
03 342 9297
Swap Meet Sites
Neil Shaskey (Louise)
03 352 8802
027 289 6201
North Canty Noggin
Alan Hill (Barbara)
03 313 6008 021 161 5866
Beaded Wheels Reporter
Colin Hey (Jenny)
03 359 8737
021 883 807
Hub Editor And Web Site
Tony Craythorne (Leigh)
03 342 9110
027 772 8660
Neil Shaskey (Louise) neilandlouise@snap.net.nz
03 352 8802
027 289 6201
Rod Thrower (Lynda) canterbury@vcc.org.nz
03 338 2320
021 126 3529
Robyn Cox (Eric) robyncox99@gmail.com
021 237 6777
Club Captain
Katryna Shaw (Bryce) katonwheels66@gmail.com
021 0277 2375
Vintage Convenor
Graham Evans ( Anne)
03 351 5919
027 320 7948
Veteran Convenor
Colin Hey (Jenny)
03 359 8737 021 883 807
Commercial Convenor
Michael Hedgman (Claire) hedgesonholiday@gmail.com
03 745 9240
027 516 0029
‘P’ Group Convenor
John Enright (Debbie)
027 439 6572
027 355 8387
Asst Club Captain
Henry Little (Michelle)
03 327 5471
027 288 8277