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Winter is with us, not a lot going on…
Past Events
29th April – Fish & Chip Run. Attended by 15 riders; stopped by the Summerfield rest home to say “gidday” to Keith Schumacher. Proceeded on a run out to Governor’s Bay, Diamond Harbour, then back home via Tai Tapu.
10th May – Motorcycle Noggin. In the Barn, from 7.30 pm. The chat with David Reidie went off very well, some 40 – 45 people turned up to hear a very interesting life history. He is from Melbourne, has a motorcycle museum containing a considerable collection of motorcycles (particularly Harley Davidsons).
11th May – Old Codger’s Run. Absolutely hosing down with rain so the run was canned.
27th May – Fish & Chip Run. Change of meeting place; meet at Cutler Park, Motorcycle Corner, 10.00 am. A run out to Rangiora or Cust areas for something interesting to look at….
28th May – Grass Khana, being run on behalf of the Branch. See the separate advert in last month’s Hub; this is being run by Joseph McClintock and the motorcycle section on behalf of the Branch. These last two events are after the cut-off date for the Hub notes, so will be reported on next month.
Future Events
8th June – Old Codger’s Run. Keep a look out for an email with details of a meeting place.
11th June – Restoration of the Year. Time to present your latest restoration project for judging in this prestige event. Your bike needs to have completed 1 run prior to this to be fully eligible.
14th June – Motorcycle Section AGM and Noggin. Time to get re -elected, or to elbow your way onto the committee. As a further inducement after the proceedings have been completed it is not unknown for some bribery supper to be put on by the section. Come along with YOUR ideas on the running of the section, YOUR input is vital to the ongoing success.
Balloon goes up at 7.30pm.
24 June – Fish & Chip Run. Nothing organised yet, but meet at the PMH as usual, 10.15 am for a 10.30 am departure. Destination? Your choice on the day. Keep an eye out for the email advice of any changes.
12th July – Motorcycle Noggin. This will be a dinner meeting at the Richmond Working Men’s Club. Meet there at 6.00 pm for a 7.00 dinner. Need to advise numbers etc., so PLEASE indicate your interest to Mike Glenday by the 28th June to mike.heatherg@xtra.co.nz or 021 192 0581.
13th July – Old Codger’s Run. Keep a look out for an email with details of a meeting place.
22nd July – Fish & Chip Run. It has been decided to CANCEL this run, in favour of the Mid-Winter Run next week. For those who do not want an overnight run the suggestion is to join the MWR to travel south, but peel off at any time to return to Ch Ch. One suggestion is the MWR will probably stop in Ashburton; you could return to Ch Ch from there.
29th – 30th July – Mid Winter Run. There has been some demand to resurrecting the Mid-Winter Run, so it has been decided to have an overnight run to Geraldine. John Benn is organising, and there will be visits to a couple of collections etc. just to make the trip a bit more interesting. Plenty of accommodation in Geraldine; a few years ago we stayed at the Heritage Hotel, which is highly recommended. Plan is to visit Geraldine Auto Restorations Saturday, and a couple of transport museums as well. No shingle, more info in the July Hub. (See Page 29)
9th August – Motorcycle Noggin.
10th August – Old Codger’s Run.
26th August – Round the Bays Run. This will also double as the Fish & Chip Run for the month.
That’s it for a while, stay warm over the winter which runs for the next 3 months...
Cheers, CML.
Only five Noggins to go (counting the June one)!
The committee has gone through the election process, and remains much the same. I’m pleased to announce we have a new committee member, Jim Hawes, join us this year, and welcome him aboard.
Planning is advancing well and in the last month our food vendors have been contacted, bookings made for the services and items we have to hire in for the weekend, and invitations to one-make clubs for display vehicles have also been prepared for emailing out.
Bookings for sites are coming in steadily, and as of two weeks ago we only had 90 sites left available for the weekend. If you intend to book a site, please take care of it soon – Neil Shaskey is the person to contact.
There will be two special displays this year. On the old tennis court Tony Gooding will be arranging a display of club-eligible Japanese cars, and Tony would be pleased to hear from anyone who can offer their car for this area. Please contact him on 021 359 208 or by email at tonygooding999@gmail.com if you can help.
In the Barn, the Motorcycle Section will be organising a very special display of four-cylinder motorcycles – Paul Ainsworth is coordinating that one, and you can contact him on 027 432 1391 if you have such a machine and haven’t heard from him already. A request now for everyone who may have some of the coreflute signs at home from last year or earlier. Could you please return these asap to either this month’s Noggin or to the Parts Shed so we can replace stickers with this year’s dates on them. If you’re happy to put them up again and just want a new sticker for it, please contact me or see me at Noggin and I’ll give you one for each sign you still have.
We also need a couple of new prominent locations to put the large signs we have up, so if you know of anywhere that is in a safe but busy location please let me know.
The roster board will be up at the AGM and Noggins from June until Swap Meet – please remember that the committee cannot run this event by itself – we need every branch member to do what they can by helping us out for some task or another over the weekend. As has often mentioned in the past, the Swap Meet is our one big annual fundraising opportunity for the Club and ensures we don’t have to partake in any other fundraisers during the year, so the more people who offer to help, the easier it is on everyone.
Colin Hey