October Sun 2nd Grounds Maintenance Morning
Thurs 6th Noggin and Natter
Fri-Sun 7th/9th Swap Meet
Wed 12th Motorcycle Noggin
Sat-Sun 15th/16th Girder Fork Motorcycle Rally
Sun 16th OCBC and All British Day
Tues 18th Grounds Maintenance Morning
Wed 19th Commercial Noggin
Wed 26th North Canterbury Noggin
November 3rd Noggin and Natter
3rd/9th Taieri Tour
Sat 5th Hororata Highland Games Run
Sun 6th Grounds Maintenance Morning
Wed 9th 9 90s / Motorcycle Noggin
Tues 15th Grounds Maintenance Morning
Wed 16th Commercial Noggin
Sun 20th Homestead Run
Sat 26th Motorcycle Annual Rally
Wed 23rd North Canterbury Noggin
Sat 26th Annual Motorcycle Rally
December Thurs 1st Noggin and Natter
Sat 3rd Vintage Annual Rally
Sun 4th Grounds Maintenance Morning
Wed 7th 9-90s
Sat 10th Christmas Social
Wed 14th Motorcycle Christmas Noggin
Sun 18th OCBC and Children’s Picnic
Wed 21st Commercial Christmas Noggin
Mon 26th Boxing Day Run
Noggin Night
1st Thursday of the month
1st Wednesday after noggin
Motorcycle Noggin
2nd Wednesday of the month
Commercial Noggin
3rd Wednesday of the month
North Canterbury Noggin
4th Wednesday of the month (Third Wednesday for December)
Old cars, bikes and coffee 3rd Sunday of the month
Grounds Maintenance Morning
1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month
Parts Department
Wednesdays 12.30 5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th Sunday 9-12pm
For up to date information on what’s happening, have a look at our website. You can also see photos of most of this years past events.
The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.
Spring is upon us, the daffodils are out in full force, and the calendar is getting busier with branch events starting to fill up the weekends. Once again there was good attendance at the annual awards dinner, with the number of presentations made a reminder of how many in the branch have been members for not just years, but decades. Clearly the club must be providing something of interest, for people to keep coming back year after year, long may this continue. Thanks to Leigh Craythorne for organising this for another year, and also her many helpers for their contributions.
There was also a good turnout for the monthly Sunday morning OCBC, with the motorcycle trial alongside providing some entertainment for participants and spectators, and a chance for the more competent riders to show off their skills. Once again thanks to those involved with organising, setting up the course, and manning the BBQ for lunch.
With the latest announcements of the various Covid restrictions being removed (fortunately in time for the Swap Meet this year), the signs can come down and the masks left at home on purpose instead of by accident, and life can return to something more resembling normal. There will still be some who have managed to avoid the virus so far, or for various reasons prefer to take a more cautious approach, so if people choose to take extra precautions as a personal choice please respect this.
For those who normally browse the Library on Noggin night, unfortunately due to the rearrangement required for setting up Swap Meet headquarters the Library will not be open this month. Getting back to daffodils, or more accurately plants in general now that the plantings around the grounds are a bit more established there is some maintenance required, so we are looking for volunteers to help with some light pruning and thinning of trees and shrubs. A plan for a suitable time is still being formed, but if you might be able to help please let me know.
NeilMember subscriptions are due this month, so if you have provided an email address your invoice would have be sent by this method last week, if National Office doesn’t have an email listing in their data base that relates to you then your invoice will slowly come by post.
Please give this your urgent attention during October /November as with our branch bordering on 1300 members every year I end up with a 100 to 200 unfinancial members which seem to carry though to next year and hangs around my neck (desk) for months.
Well on that note we move on, hopefully happy fine weather motoring or for some, fossicking at swap meet, see you there. If you require me for any membership related matters I will be on Site 638 by social corner and my caravan is in social corner west end.
Invoices from National Office for annual subscriptions were sent out on 15 September 2022. These subs are payable to the VCC New Zealand and not our branch.
Despite this I have started receiving payments for subs and some of them have also been for incorrect amounts and/or without any information to say that they are for subs or what the relevant membership number is.
It will make my job much easier if you can please ensure when paying your subs that you:
• pay the full amount recorded on the invoice and
• pay VCC NZ using the bank account number recorded on the invoice and
• record your membership number in the reference field when making the payment.
All this information is recorded on the bottom of your invoice as highlighted as below.
A handy hint to help you ensure that you pay the correct VCC branch /office is to set up two entries in your on-line banking payee list as follows: VCC Canterbury VCC NZ
By doing this every time you need to make a payment all you have to do is type in “VCC” and you will have the option of choosing the Canterbury branch or VCC NZ. Please note that any subs that are paid to the branch will be paid on to VCC NZ.
What a wonderful month of events!
I had the pleasure of going to the Women and Young Drivers Rally and watching two nervous grandfathers, Rod Thrower and Graham Sword, with their kin driving their precious vehicles, particularly since they were not used to driving manuals! However all nerves were restored once they got the hang of it and made it happily to the end. Well done ladies. Coffee and Cars seem to attract some potential new members this month and the motorcycle trial day looked like it was well supported. As some of you may know, I am on the Swap Meet committee. This month has meant I have been involved in sorting the rosters for Eftpos and the Headquarters, organising the band and the supper for Saturday night - things are going reasonably smoothly - which is great! The Homestead Run is well underway in being organised. So please look out for your entry information in this Hub. (Page 29)
7th, 8th and 9th October Swap Meet 15th and 16th October Girder Fork Motorcycle Rally
Keep well and the hay fever medication up for those that suffer!
The Annual Veteran Rally was held on Sunday 25th September and although numbers were slightly disappointing with only 15 cars on the run, all those who attended had a very good day. Our meeting point was the West Eyreton domain – an out of the way location right next door to the West Eyreton school, but a very green and sheltered domain that provided a safe start location on very quiet roads. I got there at 9.15 to find Tom and Jenny Stevens and Don and Judy Bennetts already there waiting for the gate to be unlocked, so from then on it was all go dispensing rally numbers and instruction sheets for our 10.00am departure. The first part of the run was the timed section, with the checkpoint exactly 14km along the route.
Most cars came through individually, although there was a short procession of 5 cars in a row which kept the time keeper busy. From there it was another 8km to Oxford where the short run finished, or another 20km for the long route participants who journeyed out as far as View Hill before returning to Oxford. Once there all the cars were parked in the Victoria Park oval near the Men’s Shed, and there was time to go and find a coffee from one of the cafés in the main street.
At 11.15 we all made our way to Ribblesdale Garden on the corner of Route 72 and Barracks Road, where our hosts Denise and Robin Illingworth were waiting with the sun shining and the garden in full spring bloom. Picnic chairs were found and everyone settled in for a delightful picnic lunch on the lawn in the middle of the garden, followed by a stroll around the different areas of the garden –some still in hibernation, others emerging with the new season coming, and others in their full spring splendour.
At 2pm it was time to fire the cars up again and head back to West Eyreton
domain where the field tests were held. A few questions and some simple driving and blindfold navigation tests soon sorted out the winners in time for a simple prize giving about 3pm. A new car to our group for this run was a black 1914 Model T roadster which has just been purchased by Malcolm and Anita McGibbon. It was their first outing in the car, and although it did prove a little temperamental they did successfully complete the run, albeit with it steadfastly refusing to start again after it stopped half-way through the field tests. It did redeem itself though by placing first in concours this being the third veteran car Malcolm and Anita have won that award with over recent years. The field tests were won by Don and Judy Bennetts in their 1912 Albion, and the Time Trial by Bob and Andree Hayes in their 1909 AX Renault. The overall winners were Don and Judy, who were a very close second to Bob and Andree in the time trial.
As well as the veterans, It was good having a number of early vintage cars on the run, and especially pleasing to be joined by two cars from Ashburton David and Marion Oakley in their 1914 Rover, and Bruce McIlroy in his 1922 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost. It was also good to see John and Elaine Lynn out on their second run in the 1920 Davis which John has just completed, and top marks too to Kelvin and Lesley Finlay who filled their 1915 Hupmobile with friends John and Diane Kimber to enjoy the day with.
All considered this was another very good veteran outing, completed on a beautiful spring day with a beautiful garden to admire at the lunch stop as well. And I got a message from Malcolm
McGibbon later that evening to say he’d found the problem with the T nothing more than a partial blockage of the main jet in the carburettor!
Don’t forget the group display we are planning at the Hororata Highland Games on Saturday 5th November. It will be run along the same lines as it was at the last Highland Games 2 years ago. You will need to commit to the display until the close of the event at 4pm, but it will be a fun and interesting day as indeed it was 2 years ago, and the ticket price is discounted considerably for those who take part. All the details can be found on Page 40 of last month’s Hub, along with the link to the entry form.
This is a great opportunity to showcase our vehicles to a very large crowd of all ages. This year we are accepting entries from all Veteran and Vintage vehicles. Please note that entries close on 16th October this is so we have time to get passes organised for everyone who enters.
Best regards
This months run. Rex and Wendy Cameron took care of this one. Well, confusion from the start. I put in the Hub $ 10.00 entry to the museum, while Rex negotiated $ 9.00 if we collected the money…….if only Wendy had been there!!!
So after a confused start we had it sorted. A nice ride through Lincoln and the new suburbs, then on our way to Ashburton airfield. A few people managed to get lost. Those mobile phones come in handy sometimes. We were made welcome and a little history of the museum was given. Then lunchtime and the raffle and after that the Museum (in one word fantastic). If you have never been there make a point of going there if you get the chance. We had 30 cars on this run and the museum is $500.00 better off. A big thank you to Rex and Wendy…….next year you are allowed to do another run.
October. Les Sloan is the organiser as we had a last minute swap with George Nimmo. So we are meeting again at the Halswell supermarket carpark at 9.55 am.
November George Nimmo. More info next month
The Team and I are looking forward to seeing you.
The September noggin was held at the Protranz yard in Harewood. As visitors we were all shown through the storage sheds, engineering workshops, and paint shop. Like kids in a toy store! We then boarded the 1980's Mount Cook Airlines coach that has been beautifully restored and were taken around to part of a private collection of trucks parked in an airport hangar. What an amazing and eclectic collection! Lots of different types, makes and uses, from fire appliances, stock trucks, old farm trucks, and heavy haulage. I was most taken by two green 1950's Austin Loadstar truckseven had the "flying A" on the bonnet. Gerard is in the process of building new premises which is to be set up as a museum and will house more of his collection. Hopefully we get to see that sometime in the future. We then had supper in their cafeteria where one wall is lined with arcade games. What a great place that would be to work! Thanks Gerard for opening your yard and collection for us.
The October noggin is on Wednesday 19th October from 7.30pm and to be held at the VCC archives where Don Muller will be hosting us. The VCC Archives are at 12 Aberdeen Street in Christchurch central city. Parking is limited on Aberdeen Street, you may need to park on Manchester and walk in.
Remember the "All British Day" is on October the 16th - so if you have a British commercial it would be great to see it along. If you read this in time - it would be nice to have some commercials on display at the Canterbury swap meet on 7,8 and 9th of October. You can always pop over to your vehicles as you buy treasures to save carrying them around all day!
A small part of Gerard’s great collection. Yep, that’s a restored sheep truck.!
By the time some of you read this, Swap Meet will almost be in full swing. On the week of sending the Hub out, many will be busily engaged setting up the grounds ready for the big weekend ahead, and for those with selling sites, getting all the goods out and ready to sell to hundreds of eager punters. By now you will have also received a separate notice from us about the dire shortage we have of people to man our gates. This is a serious situation, as we need to process people through the gates quickly to ensure we don’t have traffic building up on the road outside causing a potential accident situation, let alone inconveniencing people travelling to other venues further along McLeans Island Road. All we need is about 30 people to each offer a couple of hours of their time at some stage of the weekend, so if you haven’t already put your hand up to help, do it now. You can email me, call me or text me, and I’ll fit you in at a time to suit you. Remember there is a free weekend pass given to everyone who has their name on one of the rosters.
As usual, this Swap Meet is almost as much a social occasion as it is an opportunity to either get rid of surplus stuff or buy it – perhaps even both. I wish everyone happy selling and hunting, and have fun catching up with your mates from all over the country!
Colin Hey, Chairman, Swap Meet Committee Ph 021 883 807, email: heywolseley699@gmail.com
27th August – Round the Bays Run + Fish and Chip Run. Apparently a very good turnout, some 24 bikes I heard. None of mine had WOF’s…
14 September – Noggin. This was hosted by Joe Grose, Workshop Manager at Classic Workshop, Ferry Road. About 34 people turned out for an excellent night. Several old Harleys and Indians plus BSA, etc. on display, and a shed full of American cars from the 1950’s. There were one or two projects available for sale, so if you can be tempted… Thanks to Joe and Kevin who spoke about the business, and also Kerry and Richard who spoke about a film opportunity involving motorcycles throughout the ages in Canterbury. Thanks guys!
18 September OCBC and Motorcycle Trial Day. Held in fine sunny conditions about 25 entrants tackled two courses that were laid out. The object is to have two runs at a course, and to try and achieve the same time for each run. Points deducted equating to the differential between each run on one course. See elsewhere for a comprehensive write-up on the event. Results:
Hard Luck Award – Peter Lambert
Best Air Award – Hamish Barnett
Most Consistent Time Kendall McDonald
Best Overall Performance Graham Barnett
Best Female Rider Lynette Barnett
Best Small Bike Performance Melissa Chambers
Best Junior Rider Koby Pascoe (aged 4 years)
Many thanks to the organisers and helpers, and also to the Canterbury Trials Club for their support.
24 September Fish and Chip Run. I’ll report on this next time as I am away 23rd September for 10 days…
7 8 9 October Swap Meet!! The first for 3 years!!! There will be displays of Japanese vehicles (including motorcycles...) and other bike displays. Are YOU involved??? Dave Malcolm, (021 117 1382) is coordination with the convener Tony Gooding. By the time you read this it will NOT be too late to participate! 15 – 16th October – Girder Fork Run to Akaroa. Start from Auto Restorations, 10 Kennedy Place (off Port Hills Road). New long route, new Saturday night meeting place, new Sunday lunch and prize giving venue. See last month’s Hub for entry form and other details.
29th October Fish and Chip Run. Looking at a business visit with lunch somewhere afterwards; contact is being made with a good prospect so look out for the motorcycle database email soon after the swap meet for more details. 9th November Noggin. A bit early for me to know what is being planned so look out for the email.
19th November Motorcycle Display Ashburton. This MAY be the Fish and Chip run for the month, will be advised next Hub. One week early, but then again next week is the…
26th November – Annual Motorcycle Rally. Advance warning of this, the premier motorcycle event of the year.
Start from Cutler Park with a morning run to Rolleston for lunch and field tests. Afternoon run, then trophy/prize giving at Motorcycle Corner, Cutler Park, in the evening. The On Line entry form is up and running, and The Hub November will have the entry in published form. This is the Premier Motorcycle Section Event, so put a ring around Saturday 26 November to save the date!!
More info, get in touch with Mike Glenday, 03 344 0425 or cell 021 192 0581.
Mind how you go, and keep the rubber to the road. Cheers, CML.
The Motorcycle section of the Canterbury Vintage Car Club hosted the Classic Trials group last weekend. A trials area was taped out for riders to try a mix of manmade and natural obstacles. Thanks to Peter H for his help with this. This year the trials riders had access to a couple of large piles of dirt giving a number of climbs and drops to make the riding area more interesting. All riders were also invited to take part in the Regularity Trial being run by the Vintage Car Club. Each motorcycle completed two laps of two different courses with the winner being the rider who managed closest to the same time for both laps. The first course included a slalom then climbs up and down the bank a couple of times before winding around a number of trees and stumps back to the start. This year, to assist the vintage bikes competing, the turns were left wider with more room for bikes to turn. After completing the first course both clubs had a BBQ lunch together then in the afternoon the runs were held through the second course. This was centred around the trials area with open lines for the road orientated bikes and harder trials lines for riders to choose if they wanted. It didn’t matter which route you picked as the aim was just to complete two laps as close to the same time as possible.
A different type of event where Vintage and Trials motorcycles come together for a social day, finished off with a prize giving and number of certificates for best air, lady rider, smallest engine, oldest bike, youngest rider (Koby is 4 years old), hard luck, and others, as well as rider closest to the same times on both courses, the overall winner being Kendall. Competition was tight with riders only being separated by a second. Thanks to the Vintage Car Club Motorcycle Section for putting on the day, and the Classic Trials group for their support.
Click here for a link to Peter and Lynette's photos
Peter BarnettSeptember 12th was the day for the VOG’s to once again venture out onto the highways and byways while VOG 1 was swanning about in the caravan having adventures around Dunedin, North Otago and South Canterbury. Fortunately we have a willing team able to step up to the mark in situations like this and this month was no exception with Ray Oakes organising a circuitous route around the Red Zone in Dallington and Avonside called “The Bridges Run” covering some 20+ kilometres on a magic Spring day. No real dramas were reported although there was one breakdown due to mechanical failure on 2 bikes Gary Thompson had on the day. Ray told me Gary started off with bike number one from the start line to the lunch stop and then after lunch she “no go” so it was out with bike 2 same problem - no go. So much for Gary’s meticulous care and attention on both these machines. Oh well this will keep Gary busy in the workshop over the next month. Thank goodness we have a back up trailer for situations such as this. Grant Lomax looked after that function this time although I’m informed by a reliable source that Grant didn’t perform his duties too well as he was spied reading the newspaper in one area and not keeping his eyes on the Gang but fortunately he realised the error of his ways and did finally turn up at the lunch stop. We apparently caused a bit of amusement with the constabulary during the run Ray noticed a Police car parked on the side of the road at one stage with two officers sitting in it they apparently pointed at the team and were laughing their heads off. No strife there no overspeed or lack of WOF’s to be pulled up on, an all very respectable group of “ole lads” out enjoying themselves.
Thanks to Ray for organising the day and to Grant for undertaking backup duties.
Photo: Peter CrewThe annual Awards Dinner was held at the club rooms on 10th September to celebrate the support that the branch has received from its longest serving members. To have been a member for 25/35 years is a very significant achievement, but to be a member for 50/60 years says something about the benefits people get from being a member of the branch.
Diane Quarrie the club’s National President attended to present the awards.
It was very interesting to hear the recipients’ recollections of their time with the club and the details of the many vehicles that they had owned and restored (or attempted to restore). There seemed to be a large number of Dodge’s and Model A’s owned as well as a lot of time spent on Irishman rallies and at Swap Meets.
This year the branch had new caterers who provided an excellent meal with plenty of good food, just as Leigh had promised.
Everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy the evening as there were lots of chatter and laughter and catching up happening. Big thanks must go to Leigh for all her hard work in organizing the evening and being the Master of Ceremonies. A lot of behind the scenes work goes into making an evening like this run so seamlessly.
Thanks also to branch members, Esme Humm (for the beautiful floral
60 years Ron Duckworth and Ron Sew Hoyarrangements) bar staff Gill and Andrea and wine waters Mark Drury and Peter May who all assisted by giving their time to make the evening run so successfully.
The only thing that spoilt the evening for us was when we arrived home to find our ensuite covered with black bird feathers and a guilty looking cat sitting in the corner. Who’d have a cat! Robyn and Eric Cox
They start ’em young. 4 year old Koby Pascoe with parents Mellisa Chambers and Chris Pascoe. Koby is the late Basil Chamber’s great grandson.
Clever stuff not for the vintage bikes though.
The Women and Young Driver’s rally was held on Saturday 3rd September with 30 cars, 9 of which them were youth. We met at Cutler Park on a warm spring morning to start our field tests. We had something for both the young at heart and the actually young, with our youngest being 17. Speed in the Clover leaf, skill for the paper run, and a good eye for the shootout with Nerf guns, all enjoyed while eating scones with jam and cream. Many thanks to Colin for the scones, and my extended family the Whites and the Harris’ for running the field tests. At 11 am sharp, we left en masse to start the run, which included a drive-through at the retirement Village, Summerset on Cavendish for Father’s Day. It was well supported by the residents, with large groups waiting for us. Many of us felt quite proud of the delighted response that we received as we tooted and waved to all.
Tony Meikle tries Bob Goff’s Ute
From there we headed north, going around the edge of Rangiora, crossing the Ashley River, to do the Inland Scenic Route. We diverted inland at Sefton to find quiet country roads, lambs, daffodils, and ocean views. Returning to the Inland route, we came into the back of Amberly to arrive at The Railway Tavern; plenty of parking, a friendly but busy dining room with a sunny beer/wine garden. With over 60 members waiting for their meals, we were able to do the prize giving with trophies, cookbooks, and vouchers being awarded. Thank you for the support of the entries, who made this a relaxing and enjoyable day for all.
Matt, Rebecca and Heather HarrisThe Girder Rally is for bikes pre 1945 or fitted with Girder Forks. CHANGE OF START VENUE The rally will leave from Auto Restorations, Kennedy Place, Hillsborough. Meet 9am onwards for a 9.45am start. Back up trailer available, if staying overnight try and carry your luggage. (Only one back up this year). The morning run will finish with a lunch stop at Duvauchelle Hotel. The lunch must be paid for in this entry. Riders will be issued with a meal ticket with rally instructions. After lunch there will be a short trip to Akaroa or by riding around the Summit Rd to Akaroa.
Accommodation to be organized by the entrant. The evening will be based around the Madeira Hotel this year. Breakfast up to each rider. Plenty of cafes close by. On Sunday meet in the side carpark of The Madeira Hotel at 9.30am prior to leaving. Sunday stop and prize giving at Gebbes Pass Café (corner Gebbes Pass Rd and State Highway 75) before heading home. Have your morning coffee here instead of Little River.
Entry form in September Hub or
Meet at motorcycle corner, Cutler Park at 9.30am for a 10am start. Back up provided for both runs. Long and short routes. BBQ Tea –this year we will again have a pot luck evening prize giving meal at motorcycle corner. Provide your own meat for BBQ and salad/breads etc you bring to be placed out and shared with everyone. We are going to an interesting venue for lunch and field tests.
More info and entry form in next month’s Hub or…..
The Homestead Run will be held Sunday 20th November. We are heading up to the high country so please have a full tank, packed lunch and repellent! (just in case)
There will be several stops. One stop will include a place to have morning tea if you wish to support the local community (which will be at your own cost).
A small amount of shingle on the road into the lunch stop. Leaving Cutler Park from 10am rain or shine!
Pay on the day with the cost being $10 per car.
A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events.
Craig Doody
1929 Triumph CTT500 Motorcycle
Brian Hurley
1937 Chevrolet Pickup.
1952 Landrover Pickup Series 1
Adrian Ryan
1985 Mercedes 190E, Saloon
Calvin Thyne
1967 Ford Mustang Coupe.
Jillian Thyne
1928 Austin Tourer /Saloon. 1937 Austin Ruby Saloon
Paul Roddick
1982 Honda xr500rc Motor Cycle
Steve Cunningham
1976 MG MGB GT Coupe, 1978 Mini Clubman Saloon (Below)
Transfer Clayton Davies from Wellington
Sincere thanks to all members of our club for the many phone calls, letters, cards and personal contact to myself and family over this sad time of Myra’s passing. Myra will be sadly missed in the future by all of us that knew and loved her. Please accept this as a personal message of thanks to each and all of you, from myself and family. Lyndsey Saunders
Beaded Wheels are looking for another person to come on the committee in 2023 to assist with proofing and other tasks involved in magazine production. Duties include a meeting each month (except December) with a duration of about three hours. In between meetings there is proofing to be done and sometimes other tasks to do. The monthly meetings are currently held in Christchurch on a Tuesday morning so ideally the candidates should live close to Christchurch and will be able to attend the meetings.
The ideal candidate may have some knowledge of cars, some (very) basic knowledge of Microsoft Word, the ability to receive and send emails and be able to print out proofing material. If you want to have a go, please phone Kevin Clarkson on 021 02706525 to have a chat and see if this is something you would like to do.
The Branch extends its sympathies to the family and friends of Myra Saunders Eleanor ClemenceThe 2022 Canterbury All British Day will be held on Sunday 16th October.
The start point will be the OCBC coffee morning at our Vintage Car Club grounds on McLeans Island Road, where vehicles will need to assemble between 8.30am and 10.00 am. At 11.00 all British vehicles will depart on a scenic run which will take participants to a country domain for lunch.
The entry fee will still be $10.00 per vehicle, with all proceeds going to the Van Asch Deaf Education Centre in Sumner.
Please bring a picnic lunch, or food may be purchased on the way to the Domain. A coffee van will be operating at the VCC grounds at the start point from 8.30am.
The event is open to British vehicles of all ages (veteran to modern) and all types -motorcycles, cars and trucks.
Organiser: Colin Hey, Phone 359-8737 or 021 883 807
Email: heywolseley699@gmail.com
Unfortunately I was unable to get to September’s OCBC – I was away on the Wolseley Car Club National Rally on the West Coast enjoying some great motoring in brilliant weather.
OCBC for October is all go, despite it being only one week after Swap Meet on Sunday 16th October. This month it will have a distinctly British theme, as it will also be the starting point for this year’s All British Day run, the details of which can be found on page 32.
Despite this, any person and vehicle is welcome and indeed encouraged to attend OCBC regardless of age or heritage it’s just another opportunity to get out and enjoy a bit of motoring. With the weather now warming up a bit it will also be a bit more pleasant having a look around all the other assembled vehicles and catching up with people, and maybe even visiting the spares shed which may very well have a bit more stock from sites where it was left behind after Swap Meet. Hope to see you there!
Colin HeyThis year we are planning on going to Dunedin to participate in Otago’s 50 year Taieri Tour. As the dates for this are a week earlier than our Show Weekend, we have moved our run forward one week. For those interested in going you need to book your Accommodation for 4th and 5th and 6th in Dunedin.
John Forster’s Dodge
After discussion with folks interested in taking part, we have decided to leave Christchurch on Thursday, 3rd November staying the night in Oamaru and continuing to Dunedin on Friday 4th. So if interested book accommodation in Oamaru for the Thursday night.
Bob Goff. Oldest Entrant (82)
Coming home from Dunedin we will stop for a night in Cromwell on Monday 7th November and plan to stop in Fairlie for the night of Tuesday 8th November. If you wish to do the same run book accommodation in Cromwell, Monday night and Fairlie, Tuesday night.
Alternatively, travel straight home from either Dunedin or Cromwell.
Obviously you will have to enter the Taieri Tour with the Otago Branch of the VCC their entry form is on our website and the Hub. We have a separate entry form in this Hub.
The rally will start at George Kear’s property, 40 Rossendale Road at 9am on Thursday the 3rd of November. Morning tea will be at the Ashburton VCC Clubrooms.
Any questions ring Dave Inwood
Ph: 327-4156 or 027 307 7634
The Hororata Highland Games are a fantastic day out and are regarded by many as the best Highland Games outside of Scotland. If you haven’t been before and you can get there in a Veteran or Vintage car, then now’s your chance. Where you start your run is up to you, but all cars will be required to arrive at the Cenotaph about 1km north of at Hororata on the Coalgate to Hororata Road at 10.00am. Once there the cars and motorcycles will be lined up for the drive down the road to the showgrounds and make a grand parade entrance at 10.30am. All vehicles will then do a parade lap and then be parked up for display. You will then be free to participate in and enjoy a fantastic day out.
Entertainment includes the various Highlands events, great music for all tastes and various vendors of food and beverages including whiskey tasting. Bring your picnic lunch or patronise the food stall holders.
A special entrance price has been arranged and venue entrance wrist bands will be part of the rally pack. The special entry price of $12.00 pp is only available to rally entrants and their passengers. These wrist bands will not be accepted at any of the entrance gates (public entry is $30.00pp). Also your entry means your commitment to remain on display until 4:00pm. Sorry, there are no exceptions to this requirement as the event finishes at 4.00pm and they want everyone there until then.
Vehicles of Vintage era (up to 1932) and earlier are eligible.
Feel free to wear Scottish regalia and to dress your vehicle up for the occasion. It is a wonderful opportunity for the club and our members to display our vehicles to the large number of spectators that attend the games. Get your entry in early because the numbers will be limited. Anyone requiring further information please contact Colin Hey on 021 883 807. Hope to see you there.
1. Campers and food vendors will be allowed onto the grounds from Saturday 1st October for camping only. This includes site-holders who camp on their sites, but no sites are to be set up for selling until Thursday 6th October (see 7 below).
2. During Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd October only, site holders will be permitted to erect shelters, tents and marquees on their sites from 9am to 4pm. Anything erected or left on sites will be strictly on the site holder’s site and at the risk of the site holder.
3. The main VCC road gate will be locked from 4pm Sunday 2nd October until 8am Thursday 6th October with a combination lock. Campers, Swap Meet helpers and Parts Shed volunteers will be given the combination, and the gate must be locked again after entry or departure from the grounds.
4. The Site Gate (Kustom Car Club) will remain locked until 7am Friday 7th October. Entry to the sites area will be through the main VCC gate (marked Gate 1).
5. No goods for sale or trading are to be stored or set up on any site until at least Thursday 6th October.
6. Entry to the grounds for Site Holders only will be permitted from 8am Thursday morning 6th October. Please bring site holders passes with you.
7. No selling or trading of goods is permitted until 7am Friday 7th October, and all goods must remain either off-site or covered until this time. Any siteholder seen or reported to be selling goods prior to this time will not be permitted to renew their site for 2023 Swap Meet. This will be strictly enforced.
8. Anyone entering the grounds from Friday 7th October until 8am Saturday 8th October will be required to wear the authorised wrist-band to show the admission fee has been paid, or pay the $5.00 admission charge
MGB Gearbox For Sale: 1972 4 Synchro, non-overdrive. Complete. Offers. Contact Charles. Ph 027 604 5380.
GARAGE ENGINE CUPBOARD (Steel). Free to a good home. Has been used to store engine blocks and gearboxes for a car which has now been sold. Dimensions (approx.) 1200x630x Overall height 860mm. Contact Charles Ph 027 604 5380.
Hydraulic body jacking kit 4 ton complete with spreader, pipes, pads etc $200 . Haynes Workshop manual Austin A99 and 110, Wolesley and Vanden Plas Mks I and II. $20. Jaguar Service Manual, Mk II models, 2.4 -3.4- and 3.8 litre
Genuine factory book delivered with car No. 208751.DN with five typed pages of all the racing specs done to this car ex factory, including brakes and suspension. A collector’s item $75 Alan Wills 021 0870 0692
The Parts shed has just received a 1970 Bond Equipe with Registration on hold. A great project car with all Triumph Vitesse Running gear. Enquiries to Parts Shed.
We have just had this Trekka donated and is now in the compound for easy viewing. It is complete but needs restoring.
1986 Zephyr 16ft caravan with excellent awning. Island bed, fridge, electrical WOF and registered. Phone Mike 021 192 0581.
The Parts Shed committee has decided at their last meeting that they wish to discontinue the hiring of the parts shed trailer .
Wayne Stocks
Parts Department Rep.
Payment Details: Don’t forget that when making payments to the Branch you can do this by direct credit to our account 03 1594 0096832 00. Please put your the name in the particulars field and the name of the event eg, rally name in the reference field.
members for a 3 day tour in December 2022. Leaving Timaru with first overnight stop at Oamaru Friday 9th Dec, second night Omarama Sat 10th Dec, third night Timaru, 11th Dec. Your choice of all sealed roads or a combination of sealed and unsealed roads.
Accommodation and meals are entrants responsibility. Get in early to book your accommodation. Entry forms from nola.day@xtra.co.nz All enquiries to Grant Stewart 027 378 6149 or Alistair Day 027 203 5007
Paul Ainsworth (Joss)
027 432 1391
Royce Baker (Janice)
03 322 5529
Parts Dept. Rep.
Wayne Stocks
03 383 1380
9—90’s Co-ordinator
John Kuipers (Colleen)
03 332 7926
Don Bennetts (Judy)
03 385 6333
Mike Foster
03 359 8260
022 359 8260
Kevin and Claire Campion
03 312 7255
027 407 5344
Gill Stevenson (Kevin) kstevenson@xtra.co.nz gill.ellwood@cdhb.health.nz
03 327 5743
Amanda Franklin (Wayne)
020 4081 9909
Kay Shaskey (Graeme)
03 352 5217
Ted Hockley (Jill) hockleyjt@xtra.co.nz
03 323 7183
Colin Hey (Jenny) heywolseley699@gmail.com
03 359 8737
021 883 807
Neil Shaskey (Louise) swapmeetsites@gmail.com
03 352 8802
027 289 6201
Alan Hill (Barbara)
03 313 6008
021 161 5866
Tony Becker (Ngaire)
03 421 2426
027 446 6964
Leigh Craythorne (Tony)
03 342 9110
027 772 8660
Jack Porter (Dorothy) jackhporter@xtra.co.nz
03 352 6672
027 432 2041
Royce Baker (Janice)
03 322 5529
Tony Craythorne (Leigh) vccthehub@gmail.com
03 342 9110
027 772 8660
Neil Shaskey (Louise) neilandlouise@snap.net.nz
03 352 8802
027 289 6201
Leigh Craythorne (Tony) craythornes@actrix.co.nz
03 342 9110
027 772 8660
Rod Thrower (Lynda) canterbury@vcc.org.nz thrower.rod@gmail.com
03 338 2320
021 126 3529
Robyn Cox (Eric) robyncox99@gmail.com
021 237 6777
Katryna Shaw (Bryce) katonwheels66@gmail.com
021 0277 2375
Graham Evans ( Anne) gaevans@xtra.co.nz
03 351 5919
027 320 7948
Colin Hey (Jenny) heywolseley699@gmail.com
03 359 8737
021 883 807
Michael Hedgman (Claire) hedgesonholiday@gmail.com
03 745 9240
027 516 0029
John Enright (Debbie) jenright51@yahoo.co.nz
027 439 6572
027 355 8387
Henry Little (Michelle) henry.little@hotmail.com
03 327 5471
027 288 8277