Annual Report 2013 / Годишен извештај 2013

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VOLUNTEERS CENTRE SKOPJE Year 2013…In facts and numbers…


- Volunteers Centre Skopje is a non-governmental youth organization created in 2005 by former EVS volunteers. WHY?

- To give non-formal educational possibilities to the young people, in different fields, in local and international level; - To empower young people and encourage them to make a change in their local communities; - To promote the idea of volunteerism and voluntary work; - To connect young people without reference to their nationality, religion, political, economic or social status.


Volunteers Centre Skopje is active at local and at international level. We organize short - term (workshops, training courses, awareness raising campaigns) as long term project targeting especially young people in age from 16 30. Our target groups are high school and university students and young people with fewer opportunities coming from marginalized backgrounds.

Youth in Action Programme European Voluntary Service: In the year 2013 we have sent 21 EVS volunteers in various European countries (Spain, Estonia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Romania, Turkey and etc.) and we hosted 8 EVS volunteers from France, Holland, Czech Republic, Latvia and Poland. The main activity for our EVS volunteers is the VOICES magazine and they can choose in what other activities they want to be involved in.

Change laboratory: Second Floor:

In March 2013 we implemented with close cooperation with Latvian organization “Room of Fulfilled Dreams“ training course that connected youth workers and leaders from Caucasus, Balkan and EU countries with goal to tackle the issue of social entrepreneurship and provide the participants an opportunity to strenght their knowledge about creating businness plans and implementing new business ideas in practice. To gain better insight into this project check out the project video. (link: Also we would like to add that Change laboratory: Second Floor was continuation of training course Change laboratory that was included in the publication about European good practice projects. And if you wonder how to become successful entrepreneur check out the tips that participants put together and we used them for creating the project postcards. If you wish to have one contact us:

International projects: In 2013, we sent more than 100 young people on more than 10 international training courses, youth exchanges, study visits, in Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Ukraine, Malta, Slovenia and etc.

Ongoing projects and activities VOICES: It is the main activity of our organization and our media. Entire VCS staff, all EVS volunteers and plenty of local volunteers, even former EVS volunteers are involved in the magazine in which we are divided into several teams for: design, 2 for translation (1 for Albanian language, 1 for Macedonian), writing articles and proofreading. VOICES is called our EVS project as well. The Magazine is issued on 3 languages – Macedonian, Albanian and English, and all issues can be found on our web page-

Local collaborations: - Defense for children rights & Day care center for children from street, Shuto Orizari: Workshops with children, helping in the humanitarian activities, helping them in realization of their projects, we assist them for their EVS accreditation, providing volunteers to help them. - Center for Social Initiatives “NADEZ” Shuto Orizari: Workshops with children, helping in the humanitarian activities, helping them in realization of their projects, we assist them for their EVS accreditation, providing volunteers to help them. - Career Center at High School ASUC Boro Petrusevski – Skopje: Workshops with pupils (age 14-18), interactive presentations and trainings with aim to develop their soft skills which will help them in their school for learning, in the communication with other pupils, as well interview simulations, how to write CV and motivation letter, how to present themselves, body language, leadership, volunteering vs working, teamwork, personal branding, learning styles etc…

Local actions Campaign “VOTE and let your voice be heard” (in cooperation with Coalition of youth organizations SEGA): A campaign as part of the project “Upgrading the youth participation in the political processes”, financed by NED, aimed to increase the number of voters among the youth population, so they can take active part in the decision making processes…

Panel discussions on the subject “The influence of the GMO over the health of the people, especially the health of the young people/benefits or negative impacts”(in cooperation with Coalition of youth organizations SEGA): Four panel discussions as part of the project “COHEIRS”, aimed to foster the civil observers for environment and health in 12 different European countries, financed by the “Europe for Citizens” program.

Project “Be healthy, workout in nature�: A project aiming to promote the healthy lifestyle among the young students in Macedonia (aged 14-18) and all other categories of citizens. We implemented exercises in the city park in Skopje, in cooperation with the association SALVERE, financed by the City of Skopje.

5K DJ Workshop & Workshop about Effective Communication During the year you can take part in various activities in Volunteers Centre Skopje. Among others in 2013 you could for example became part of 5K DJ Workshop or develop your communication skills by taking part in workshop about Effective Communication that we organized with cooperation with other partners… Do you wish to organize an event? Workshop? And not sure where to start? Let‟s meet… in Volunteers Centre Skopje we are always open to support new ideas.

Book ‘Vegan’ – the best book that I have read in my life Read„Vegan‟? Not sure what we are speaking about? Hope soon you will have also an opportunity to become part of Human Library event and borrow a person instead of a book, talk to hear and get to know his or her story. The concept of Human Library is known all around the world. In Skopje we opened the first Human Library on 5th of December, on the International day of volunteerism. During the day around 200 visitors borrow a book and challenge their prejudices and stereotypes by talking with feminist, vegan, animal right fighter, mum of autistic child, gay, entrepreneur, heart emigrant, director of non-governmental organization, volunteer… Do you want to know more? Check out the December issue of VOICES magazine that you can find on our website: In the next year we hope to organize Human Libraries also in other cities in Macedonia.

Meet my culture: One day event organized on 6th December as “Volunteer day after party� where former and current EVS volunteers had the chance to share their knowledge, interesting information, photos, music, videos, songs, food, recipes of their EVS country in a non-formal and interactive way like quiz, singing, dancing, cooking.

The TEAM of VOLUNTEERS CENTRE SKOPJE Skopje, December 2013.

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