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Chi va piano va sano

The singular story of the month: Chi va piano va sano

On the one hand, instantaneity is sometimes seen as a way of life. On the other hand, some people decide to go off the beaten track and decide to act following a more slow-living pace. Let’s travel to the heart of breath cutting Tuscany to discover how this paradigm could be put into practice.


The magazine Courrier International enlightens us with a unique story. Once upon a time, there was a man who enrolled at university in 1969 in the transalpine wonder Firenze and who graduated no sooner than 50 years later. His life path illustrates actually pretty well the saying “patience is a virtue”. Studying a field as moving as the economics and business over such an extended timeframe certainly brings an enriching perspective and provide you with an opportunity to gain an insight into the developments in these fields over the years. So now, in the aftermath of getting acquainted with such a unique journey, we could tend to think that sometimes, in some specific circumstances, being the turtle and not the rabbit may be a smart move. Pronti, attenti, via!

Jules Striffler

(Photo by David Troeger on Unsplash)


- http://www.linternaute.fr/expression/langue-francaise/12519/qui-va-piano-va-sano/ - Bulleri, A., 2020. Insolite. Un Septuagénaire Italien Obtient Son Diplôme Universitaire Après 50 Ans D’Études. [online] Courrier international (La Repubblica - Rome). Available at: <https://www. courrierinternational.com/article/insolite-un-septuagenaire-italien-obtient-son-diplome-universitaire-apres-50-ans-detudes>

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