Personal De P In an ever-faster world, with always more information, thanks to social media, always having to be happy without the keys of happiness, and all the socials rules that we should follow, it’s normal to be lost. In this context, a new practice appeared: the personal development
ersonal development is the notion to develop yourself, nothing harder than that. It’s used to analyze your operation system, it follows your habits, your emotions, your way of think, and helps you to work on it and become the best version of yourself. It teaches you to accept who you are, with benevolence. A lot of different disciplines have been mixed to create personal development. This combination will improve your self-knowledge and your quality of life, but also reveal your potential and talents to realize your dreams if you accept the responsibility of your life. The personal development appeared around the 18th century. Indeed, Benjamin Franklin already wrote books with tips and “recipes” about life and business management. They started to integrate personal development as a notion in 1936 with Dale Carnegie’s books. He wrote about understanding humans to improve and develop sales of companies, and then marketing. Around 1943, Abraham Maslow’s work has been interested in human’s needs and created the Maslow’s Pyramid*. It classifies human’s necessities by priorities. According to his theory, the highest need is “self-
*This pyramid used to help marketing services to sell any products to anyone. Nowadays, it’s reconsidered a lot. Indeed, as explained P. Mouillot in his article on the online newspaper TheConversation (link in sources), in theory, no one should create a love relationship without feeding himself first or being part of a social group without caring, first, about his own security. Except that, in reality, this classification cannot operate. With the actual events, we can observe that this pyramid can, more or less, work.