VOICES - May - 2023

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VCS Director

Nikola Stankoski


Andrej Naumovski

Goran Adamovski

Goran Galabov

Selina Niemi

Ewelina Chańska

Jolanta Ciopcińska

David Stoilkovski

May is the shortest month of the year with its three letters but May is the beginning of sunshine and birds singing. It is the month of celebrating Labour Day and the hard work that everyone is doing throughout the year. May is a happy month, people are gather around for a drink in the park and look forward to the arrival of summer. Even if the weather is not the warmest, in May, people have a warm hearts.

In May we also start the preparations for summer holidays! Which destination, which way? The more usual way is the plane, but do you know how the plane functions It’s much more than a question of gravity. Also, If we talk about traveling, why not just take your backpack and explore different countries not as a tourist but as a local person and try the workaway? Another way to travel? Studying abroad for a semester or even more can be an enriching experience. During your trip, you will maybe leave your comfort zone if you are going abroad, in a country with a different culture, and different habits. This could be an opportunity to discover your true self. Travel allows you to meet new people and perhaps even love! Do you know what is love? There is a real scientific theory behind it. Traveling may not be your cup of tea…If it is not, then let’s travel into music through your TV together with upcoming Eurovision!

All these topics are approached in the May edition of Voices and are waiting for one thing: to be read! So let’s continue spring with some nice reading about culture, science, environment, and some poetry to relax and chill before the summertime madness!

Camélia Sghayare



Angelina Berndt

Marie Kiel

Hugo Lhomedet

Camelia Sghayare

Katariina Weijo

Taika Soihtu

Chloé Le Cair


Goran Adamovski

Dora Arifi

Martina Danilovska

External writers

Mario Petrevski

Olgica Arsova

Hakan Yagci

Eva Ziro


Marie Kiel


Мај е најкраткиот месец во годината кога е во прашање бројот на буквите во името, но мај е гласник на сонцето и пеењето на птици. Мај е месец на одбележување на Денот на трудот и напорната работа што секој ја продуцира во текот на годината. Мај е среќен месец, луѓето се собираат на пијачка во паркот и со нетрпение го очекуваат доаѓањето на летото. Дури и ако времето не е најтопло, во мај луѓето имаат топло срце.

Мај е и почеток на подготовките за летните одмори! Која дестинација, кој пат? Авионот е повообичаен начин на патување, но дали знаете како функционираат авионите? Тоа е многу повеќе од прашање на гравитација. Исто така, за патување, зошто, на пример, едноставно не го земете ранецот и да истражите различни земји не како турист, туку како локалец. Друг начин за патување? Студирањето во странство, па макар и за еден семестар може да ви донесе драгоцено искуство. За време на вашето патување, можеби ќе ја напуштите вашата комфорна зона доколку одите во странство, во земја со различна култура и различни навики. Но, тоа може да биде повод да го откриете вашето вистинско јас. Патувањето ви овозможува да запознаете нови луѓе и, којзнае, можеби љубов! Знаеш ли што е љубов? Зад љубовта се крие вистинска научна теорија. Ок, патувањето можеби не е ваша шолја чај… Ако не, ајде да патуваме музика преку претстојната Евровизија!

Кон сите овие теми пристапивме во мајското издание на „Воисес“, а ваше е да ги прочитате! Затоа, да ја продолжиме пролетта со пријатно читање за културата, науката, животната средина и малку поезија за да се опуштиме и разладиме пред летното лудило!

Камелија Шаиар

Angelina Berndt

Hugo Lhomedet

Camelia Sghayare

Katariina Weijo

Taika Soihtu

Chloé Le Cair


Leio McLaren, Unsplash

Contact Volunteers Centre Skopje

Emil Zola 3/3-1, 1000, Skopje +389 22 772 095



VOICES magazine is coordinated, designed and created by ESC and local volunteers with support of Erasmus+ program.

topic of the month

4 Beyond Gravity

Hugo Lhomedet

28 Подалеку од гравитацијата

Иго Ломде


6 Carlos: a traveler who’s living his adventure in 100%

Camélia Sghayare`


8 Studying abroad: benefits, challenges, and how to overcome them


10 Discovering Your True Self: The Power of Leaving Your Comfort Zone

Chloé Le Cair

12 Meow: Feed Me Right Hooman!

Hakan Yagci

18 Only the risk is certain? Atomic power

Marie Kiel

20 Penguins – not just cute but also clever!

Angelina Berndt

26 Француска книжевна сцена – награда Гонкур

за 2022 г.сцена – награда Гонкур

за 2022 г.

Ева Жиро, Габриела Христовска


14 Get ready for Eurovision 2023

Katariina Weijo


16 The science of love

Taika Soihtu

22 Shkenca e dashurisë

Taika Soihtu


24 Spark

Mario Petrevski

30 Naked Truths

Olgica Arsova

content VOICES May - issue 5 22 20 14

Beyond Gravity

Aviation has changed the way we travel and connect with the world forever. From commercial airliners to private jets and fighter jets, the ability to touch the skies has become a routine part of modern life. Yet, the science behind the mechanics of flight remains a mystery to many. How can a heavy metal machine, with powerful engines and a vast array of complex systems, stay up there and navigate the skies with such ease?

The answer lies in the fabulous principles of aerodynamics. By understanding the physics of lift, drag, and thrust, aviation engineers have been able to design aircraft that can take off, fly, and land with precision and control. From the shape of the wings to the placement of the engines, every aspect of an aircraft is carefully crafted to ensure maximum performance and safety. In this article, we’re going to dive into the beautiful world of aviation and its science. So fasten your seatbelts and prepare for takeoff! But wait… How do we do that?

To take off, a plane needs to fight its own weight that is keeping it to the ground. Like birds, planes have wings, which are flat and curved on the top. When a plane moves forward, the air flows over the top of the wing faster than it flows underneath the wing (see top-right scheme). This creates an area of low pressure on the top of the wing and an area of high pressure underneath the wing, this phenomenon is called the Bernoulli principle. The difference in pressure between the top and bottom of the wing creates this upward force called lift.

4 - VOICES reportage

But, in order for a plane to take off and climb into the sky, it needs lift and thrust. The plane’s engines generate thrust, which propels it forward and gives it the speed it needs to create lift. Once the plane is in the air, it needs to keep generating both thrust and lift in order to keep flying. The engines provide the thrust to keep the plane moving forward, while the wings continue to generate lift to keep the plane aloft.

When a plane moves through the air, it has to push the air out of the way. This creates an area of turbulence behind the plane, which is known as a “wake”. This can result in higher fuel consumption and lower performance because it needs to use more thrust to counter this. Pilots and engineers work to minimize drag by designing airplanes with streamlined shapes, using smooth surfaces, and employing techniques such as winglets or other aerodynamic features to reduce turbulence and the resulting drag. By reducing drag, they can make airplanes more efficient and save fuel, which is good for the environment and for the airline’s bottom line.

But there is one aspect that still remains a mystery even to the professionals: if the plane is upside-down, the wings aren’t in the position they are meant

to be but still, the plane flies and generates lift. How’s that possible? Today, we still don’t have a global theory to explain the lift in all cases. Two theories are usually used together to explain this: Bernoulli’s principle and Newton’s 3rd law. These two are complementary and mathematically accurate, but they don’t fully explain everything and it might become too difficult to explain later on. As John D. Anderson, curator of aerodynamics at the National Air and Space Museum, said: “There is no simple oneliner answer to this.”

Additionally, there are a lot of other factors that make a plane fly. From the pilot to the air controller, cabin crew members to the janitors in the airport, the aviation industry is very complex and relies on itself to make the 15000 planes that are flying while you’re reading this article, safe and on their way to their destination.

Even though we all know that planes are one of the most polluting industries in the world, we can still try to admire the complex engineering behind one of the oldest dreams of Humanity: to fly!

Hugo Lhomedet


Comment les avions volent-ils?

- ScienceEtonnante

No one can explain why planes stay in the air - Scientific American What is Bernoulli’s equation?KhanAcademy

Bernoulli’s principle visualized. The slower the air goes under the wing, the more pressure (lift) it creates.

The infamously majestic Concorde after takeoff. Supersonic commercial airplane, its last flight occured on the 24th of October 2003.

The Mitsubishi A6M Zero, my personnal favorite airplaine. Manufactured by Japan during WWII, it controlled the whole Pacific Ocean until the late-1943.

репортажа VOICES - 5
Credit photo: Simon fitall, arkin si, Siti Amira Othman (unsplash), Wikimedia commons

Carlos: a traveler who’s living his adventure in 100%

This month, we met Carlos from Lota, Chile. He has been traveling around the world with his big backpack, monocycle, puppet, skateboard, ukulele, and juggling sticks for 5 years. He’s passing through Skopje for the third time and staying here for a few days. He told us about his way of life and his various experiences abroad.

6 - VOICES interview

WhenCarlos was young, nothing destined him for this way of life. He discovered juggling when he was around 10 years old. He learned juggling alone in his house with lemons. It was a serious hobby for him, and he considers himself an autodidact.

"When I was young it was different than now. There was no internet, no tutorial to learn juggling, I had to learn it by myself." . At this time, he never thought that one day he would make money by juggling.

Carlos always had a passion for traveling. When he was in Chile he had a job, and a “normal way of life”. However, he never missed an opportunity to travel when he had free time. He traveled extensively in South America, including Mexico and Brazil. During this time, he learned to trust his own desires and not let others discourage him from traveling abroad. "When I wanted to travel to Brazil, some people told me ”No, don’t go there, it’s not good, it’s dangerous.” And then when I went there, it was the total opposite. People were very happy to meet someone from Chile. They never tried to cheat me; they helped me, and they were very welcoming. And the funniest thing is that when I asked these people who tried to dissuade me if they had already visited Brazil, they said ‘no.’ Unfortunately, usually, it’s because they heard bad things in the media and then they have preconceptions.".

After traveling in South America, he took the leap in 2018 and decided with two of his best friends to travel around Europe with his savings. They wanted to do “workaway,” a way of traveling where you stay with families or communities for a few days for free and, in exchange, help them with their work, spend time with

them, etc. It’s a real cultural exchange, and this way of traveling is becoming more and more popular, especially for people who don’t want to travel as tourists but be immersed in local life. Carlos and his friends made several of these projects during one and a half year, like ecobuilding “workaways”, for example. "I was welcomed into families who opened their doors to me. Local people can show you specific things about the culture, specific places that you cannot find if you just are a tourist. Also, when you are a tourist, you are always running everywhere, because you don’t have time. The “workaway” is a very different experience.". Workaway is also a very practical way of traveling because it allows you to stay how long you want and move from country to country regularly. You can have a lot of freedom with this way of traveling.

During these trips with his friends, Carlos also realized that he missed his juggling equipment and other materials he had left in Chile. He thought that he would not find time to practice during his trip but finally, he realized that he has a lot of free time. That’s why after one and a half year of “workaway” he decided to create his own project and make a living from his hobbies while traveling the world. Carlos traveled alone in all European countries, all Balkan countries, and Israel, Jordan, Egypt, and

also Morocco. In Skopje, for example, you could find him in the main square playing with his puppets and bringing smiles to children’s faces.

After Macedonia, Carlos would like to go to Georgia to be closer to the seaside. He already has a community of friends there. Now, we can say that he has a community of friends in many different countries but for him, it’s important to stay independent. "I’m trying not to ask too much help from my friends. I’m trying to manage everything by myself and ask them only if I really need help." He’s managing to be independent in his own way and then be connected with new friends.

This way of thinking allows him to stay free and to be open to every new experience! "One day, I was in Slovenia and I met a guy who proposed me to join a project about ecology and permaculture. I was free and very interested in the topic so I directly accepted! Finally, I spent two weeks with them, and it was enriching for me. I even got an Erasmus certification at the end! » For Carlos, it’s important to seize all opportunities and not be stuck in a “traditional robot system”.

Carlos gave us some advice for every person who would like to live this kind of adventure. The most important thing is to believe in your dreams. If you have a goal, if you want to do something special in your life, do not hesitate, just do it! "When we will die we will take nothing with us so we have to live most of the things that we want to do. It’s life according to me." Don’t be afraid, don’t listen to people who will tell you that it’s not realizable, just try it and live your adventure in 100%.


Studying abroad: benefits, challenges, and how to overcome them


Have you ever wondered what it feels like to study abroad? How does it feel to be on your own in another country? How can you make all of that possible? Are you willing to do it? Then, I think this article might get you really interested.

Studying abroad has become an increasingly popular option for students in recent years, as it offers a unique opportunity to gain a worldwide perspective, immerse oneself in a new culture, and develop valuable skills that can be applied to one’s personal and professional life. Learning a new language, getting to know some cultures better, travelling a lot, and improving as a person are just a few of the advantages of studying abroad.

Living in a foreign country allows you to learn about different customs, traditions, and ways of life, and to gain a deeper appreciation for diversity and cultural differences. It can also be an excellent opportunity to improve language skills, as many universities offer language courses as part of their study abroad programs. Moreover, it is a chance to meet wonderful people from all around the world.

However, studying abroad is not without its challenges. Adjusting to a new culture and environment can be difficult, and homesickness and culture shock are common experiences. It is important for students to be prepared for all of the different types of challenges. Speaking from my experience, there are a lot of unexpected issues that can come along the way.

One of the biggest challenges of studying abroad can be the financial part and the homesickness. Fortunately, the Erasmus+ program has made these issues less common in recent years. The program itself contains a lot of good opportunities for every student that is signed up at a University across Europe. This means that every student in Europe has the right to go abroad for a minimum of one semester, enrol in another

institution, study the same courses, and spend a few months living abroad.

Talking about the financial issues, the program covers almost all of the expenses for the student for the semester that they are going to follow abroad. That means that the program is offering a certain scholarship for all the students that are going to apply for the exchange program, and who will be accepted by their sending institution. With this help from the Erasmus+ program, almost everyone can take part in this kind of university exchange program, and experience a different kind of life.

It’s not just the financial part that international students can face during their stay abroad. Homesickness and loneliness can pose some problems as well. At first, you may feel lonely and sad because you will be far away from your friends and family. But do not worry, that is only the beginning and better moments will come. Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is something created to help with this kind of issue that some students might deal with. There are ESN associations all around Europe that

are occupied with activities and events for all of the international (Erasmus) students in the city, which can actually be the perfect way for making some new friendships.

In conclusion, the whole program can be a life-changing experience that offers a lot of benefits. However, it is important to approach the experience with an open mind and to be prepared for the challenges and adjustments that come with living in a new culture and environment. For anyone reading this article who is still in the process of studying or hasn’t even started yet, take your courage and give yourself a chance for the best change in your life.

In the end, I want you to answer the four questions at the beginning. Did I convince you already?

VOICES - 9 eрасмус+

Discovering Your True Self: The Power of Leaving Your Comfort Zone

The comfort zone: what is it? Where can I find it? How big is it? Can I step out of it? I have all the answers to your questions. This zone is a psychological state in your mind where you feel comfortable, confident, and knowledgeable about your surroundings. It’s devoid of risks and can become a routine of your life. To step out of it, you must learn or develop new habits, skills, and abilities that you haven’t acquired previously.

The expression “comfort zone” became popular in the 1990s, and Judith Bardwick provided a comprehensive definition in her book Danger in the Comfort Zone in 1991: “The comfort zone is a behavioral state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviors to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk.”. Even before that, psychologists Robert Yerkes, and John Dodson established in 1907 through several experiments, a link between anxiety and performance. When you do something new in your life that can be stressful, you need to find an optimal level of stress to perform at your best. So, if you step out

of your comfort zone, you must search for a place where anxiety and performance intersect optimally, because if you don’t, you may enter the “panic zone”. Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist, identified four phases related to the comfort zone: comfort zone, fear zone, learning zone, and growth zone. First of all, I already explained what the comfort zone was, a place where you feel safe and in control. The fear zone is smaller, and it’s when you take risks, and this zone may seem impassable. Next, there is the learning zone where you have a total discovery of new skills or new work and environment. You must adapt to it and make efforts step by step, with trial and error.

Eventually, there is the growth zone, where you have acquired all the new skills, knowledge, expertise, and habits, and they become part of your comfort zone again.

As I mentioned earlier, we all have this zone in our minds, and when I was thinking about how to step out of it, the first idea that came in my mind was to move to another country. For me it was a personal challenge to come to Macedonia for 10 months. I have been in Skopje for the past 2 months now, and I’ve already realized that I have stepped out of my comfort zone. Living in a new country means discovering a new language and a new culture, taking

Comfort Zon e Security Safety In control Low stress level Acquired skills, knowledge, aptitutes Fear Zone Taking risks Smaller zone Learning Zon e Total discovery New skills New environment New work Adaptation Efforts Trial and fail Growth Zone New skill New expertise New aptitude New habits New horizon all acquired and became your comfort zone 10 - VOICES

risks and initiatives, and challenging yourself in a new environment. You are forced to change your habits and try new experiences that you would have never done before. Traveling can also give you a sense of fulfillment and broaden your worldview. It can also be a way to gain self-confidence and learn about yourself. Of course, to surpass your comfort zone and enjoy living abroad, you must overcome your fears and limits. You will be exposed to fear of the unknown, fear of failure or fear of making mistakes, but you must learn not let them stop you.

To better understand this concept, I asked some questions to other people who have lived or are currently living abroad to see if they also felt a link between leaving their comfort zone and living in a foreign country. The profiles of these individuals vary greatly from volunteering, traveling, and studying, to countries such as Macedonia, Scotland, Hungary, Canada, Ecuador, Uganda with durations ranging from 2 months and 12 months. Most of them feel that leaving their home country was a difficult decision as it meant leaving behind everything they know, including family, friends, and home. A person wrote “Going to a place where you know no one and far from your family requires to surpass your comfort zone”. But that was necessary and adapting to the new culture is stimulating and challenging, even if

they didn’t understand the language. There is also the fear of the unknown, “I had to understand that I don't know anyone from the new country, I will not recognize streets or places, I have no idea about the language they speak around me or the money they use. Exploring a completely new home was the biggest step away from my comfort zone.”.

Nevertheless, some of them see that living in a different place improves their lives, but it wasn’t because of the place, just of the fact to live alone and to deal with everything by themselves. And a part of them had worked abroad, so on the professional side they had improved too, with new tasks: “I have learned a lot from working here, but I don’t know if it’s because I’m abroad. But personally, living here has developed me”; “Yes, maybe, but not sure because of the new place, but because of the changes in my everyday life, habits, in my work […]I think it’s not related to the place, but simply to the fact that I’m moving from home.”. Finally, living abroad was also a way for them to be more confident and know themselves better: “Moving abroad definitely made me learn who I am”; “it’s improved your self-confidence because at the beginning you can only count on yourself”; “I learned to travel alone and be independent”.

After these answers, living abroad can be a way to leave your comfort

zone, to learn about yourself. You will confront yourself with many new things, you will change your way, and at the end these things will become your new comfort zone, as a person in the questionnaire said: “I was supposed to stay for 1 year but eventually the place grew to be my new comfort zone, so I've been here almost 5 years.”.

"Only through adventure do some people manage to know themselves and find themselves.", André Gide. And what a beautiful adventure is to discover ourselves ?

Chloé Le Cair


Positive Psychology: How to leave your Comfort Zone and enter your ‘Growth zone’.

Cairn: La zone de confort


Meow: Feed Me Right Hooman!

What is the first food that comes to your mind when you see a kitten? If it is some milk, I need to stop you there. Although most of us have linked the cat word with milk in our mind, because it is how we are used to that even from the cartoons, studies have proven the hazards of milk to cats’ digestion system.

When kittens are born, they become accustomed to the type of lactose in the breast milk they drink. The lactose in other kinds of milk cannot be digested by cats. When we give some milk to cats, it might cause them to have diarrhea which might even lead to death. So, while some cats have no trouble tolerating milk, it is not recommended to give them milk or dairy products.

How about other foods that cats like? Is raw fish healthy for them? Or, is it okay to give them processed meat like salami

or sausages? I will give the facts behind them why they should be avoided and tell what kind of food to give them for a healthier life.

Street cats especially cannot say no to many types of food because they are mostly hungry, but that does not mean we have to give them everything. Even though some street cats are obliged to do this, it is really dangerous for them to consume raw food. As raw food includes many bacterias like salmonella and E. coli, it can create poisoning in cats.

Have you ever given them leftover chicken bones or fishbones? Well, these bones can be very sharp and injure their digestive tract or damage their teeth. Just as we are not consuming these parts, we also should not give to them either. Additionally, we should make sure to secure our food waste as cats might go inside trash bins and can face these hazards there.

How about processed meats like salami or sausages? The high sodium content and extra seasonings in processed meats can cause an


increase in internal parasites. Internal parasites are a general name given to living organisms that usually settle in the internal organs of cats and feed there.

Did you know onions and garlic can lead to anemia, while grapes and raisins cause kidney failure in cats? Cats with symptoms of vomiting, lethargy, reduced appetite, pale gums, and orange to dark red urine should be taken to the vet immediately if they already have consumed that kind of food. Moreover, chocolate, alcohol, caffeinated drinks, and raw dough should also be avoided in the nutrition of cats.

Although dog food is not toxic to cats, cats need different nutrients than dogs. While cat food should contain plenty of vitamin A, taurine, arachidonic acid, and protein, dog food has much lower levels of these nutrients, because dogs are able to produce taurine and arachidonic acid and can survive with lower levels of protein and vitamin A. However, cats cannot survive with low levels of protein and vitamin A, and less amount of taurine can develop heart disease, vision, and dental issues in cats.

So what kind of food can we give them safely? Diet programs with protein and mineral content should be adapted for cats. A good way of doing it is to give them cat food in wet or dry form. While wet food increases the water intake of cats and reduces the possibility of urinary tract health problems, dry food can help to protect the dental health

of cats thanks to its abrasive surface. But, as everything needs balance, the consumption amount of this food can be limited due to the high carbohydrate content of dry food and the digestive problems that wet food creates when it’s consumed excessively.

It is appropriate to give them this food in cooked, unsalted, and unspiced form: eggs, meat, boneless fish, and whole grains such as oats, corn, brown rice, and couscous. Moreover, vegetables such as cucumber, steamed broccoli, carrots, asparagus, peas, and fruits like bananas, blueberries, watermelon (seedless), peeled apples, and pumpkins are generally safe for cats, but not all cats can tolerate them, and some may have allergies or sensitivities to a certain food, so it is important to introduce the new food gradually and watch for any adverse reactions.

Last but not least, staying hydrated is crucial for every creature just like us. So, please be sure to put a bowl of water regularly in front of your door, for your nature-lover outdoor “neighbors”.

Hakan Yağcı


Amtm India: “What Not To Feed Cats Blog”

Hills Pet: “Foods that are Dangerous or Toxic to Cats”

Hürriyet: “Kediler salam yer mi?”

Royal Canin: “Wet or dry food - what to feed a cat”

VetArt: “Kediler için Kuru Mama mı Yaş Mama mı?”

Spectrum Mama: “Kediler İçin Tehlikeli

Gıdalar Nelerdir?”

Purina: “What Human Foods Can Cats Eat?”

репортажа VOICES - 13


FOR 2023

It’s again the time of the year when there is one topic that nobody can avoid. Wherever you go, be it TikTok or your workplace there is a quite big chance to hear something about this brilliant Eurovision song contest. Basically, there are three different types of “Eurovision personalities”. The first one, where I’m including myself as well, starts to talk about ESC (Eurovision Song Contest) immediately after the new year and that conversation just continues from month to month until their favorite time of the year, which is obviously May, has become. The second personality is interested in Eurovision, but keeps it on a low level, just enjoying the TV show and maybe after that remembering one or two songs. The third one is not interested at all, May is just a month like the others. Whatever personality you are including yourself, this is for you. With these points, you will get the most out of Eurovision 2023!


Liverpool, the home of the Beatles and the industrial revolution. Since 1997, the United Kingdom hasn’t held any Eurovision Song Contest, but this year the UK will shine again and put their effort into making a marvelous contest. Due to the Russian invasion on Ukraine, it’s not possible that the winner of the last year (Kalush Orchestra, Ukraine) will hold the competition. That’s why the second one of last year’s competition and also a member of Big-5 (a group of countries with the biggest financial contributions) will get the honor to be the host of this year in Liverpool.

There are several songs that deserve to be mentioned if we think about what makes this year's ESC interesting. There is one artist which has already got a lot of support and admiration. Probably more than anyone else. Loreen from Sweden, with her powerful and at the same time heartbreaking ballad with a lot of emotions called “Tattoo” is the pre-favorite of this year. The interesting part is that Loreen has already won the competition in 2012. If we think about history, only Johnny Logan from Ireland has won the contest twice, so from this point of view, the probability of Loreen winning is not very high. Also, lately basic

pop hasn’t succeeded so well while unique, perhaps songs with their own language have grown in popularity.

Many people have titled this year’s Eurovision legendary FinlandSweden national match. Finland, which usually only succeeds with rock songs in English, decided to send something way different than normal, and we can already see that the decision was more than good. Song called “Cha Cha Cha” with an energetic live performance and Finnish language has attracted a lot of interest all around Europe. This year, unlike normal, people in Finland can be excited if next year’s Eurovision will be held in Helsinki!

Even though Sweden and Finland are the so-called “ultimate Eurovision countries” in advance, there are a lot of other countries that might surprise. I listed five countries that have potential regardless of whether they are high in odds statics or whether they are talked about a lot on social media. These countries are Estonia, Croatia, Slovenia, France and Moldova. Estonia has a singer with a great voice and a beautiful song but as a counterweight to this, Croatia will send something confusing that is sure to spark a conversation. Moldova, as always, is the country that we

can rely on for what becomes party songs. Own language, catchy melody and just the right amount of weirdness give a good starting point for success. France doesn’t disappoint either, La Zarra is admired with her elegant and dark-sounding voice. But if you just need a good mood, then Slovenia’s song is made for you!

However annoying it is, politics is always part of the competition as well. After last year there was a lot of discussion about the winner which was Ukraine. Did it win because of the Russian invasion? Let’s see what is going to happen to Ukraine this year, at least in the odds it has been ranked very high. Another high-ranked is the United Kingdom, will the “curse of the host” fall on the country or will it succeed like last year?

Whatever the probabilities or favorites are, I’m sure that in Eurovision, there is something for everyone. Gather around with your friends, cheer your favorite to victory and enjoy the greatest song contest of the year!


Eurovisionworld.com - Eurovision

Song Contest 2023, Liverpool

Eurovisionworld.com- Odds

Instagram - Uudenmusiikinkilpailu

VOICES - 15 kултурa

The Science Of Love

If you have experienced love, you know its power. The confusing emotion has been given credit for million-dollar industries, songs, movies, and even rises and falls of whole empires. But why? It turns out love is both: surprisingly simple and complex at the same time. And definitely useful according to evolution.

science 16 - VOICES

For centuries, people have believed that love comes from the heart. It’s not surprising. Think of the last time you found someone attractive or had a crush on them. Maybe you stuttered, said something awkward, had sweaty hands and might have noticed you have a higher heart rate. Love is still all about the brain, but it causes the rest of your body to go haywire. But why does love exist? According to the fossils found hundreds of millions of years ago love has been present forever. Compared to other mammals, humans have a very complex emotional life. Other animals rarely form any romantic relationships or long-term bonds (either friendships). Also, reproduction doesn’t necessarily require love between the parents.

From the perspective of evolution, love might exist as a motivator to keep humankind alive and strong. The ability to fall in love has a key role in helping our ancestors survive. According to evolutionary theory, psychological adaptations such as love are mechanisms our species need to solve problems. These adaptations are passed to the following generations if they appear to be important for our survival and reproduction. Millions and millions of years ago falling in love had a great benefit - collaboration meant a higher chance of survival. It made sure that our ancestors stayed committed to each other which increased their chances of raising children and keeping them alive. Human males are actually the only primates who nurture and raise

their offspring along with the mothers. The commitment that comes from falling in love might also explain why people tend to find other people less attractive when experiencing romantic love. This suggests that the capacity for love evolved and that natural selection favored caring about one another. Generally, love can be split into three categories: lust, attraction and attachment. Even though between these three categories there are overlaps, each category is characterized by different sets of hormones. Lust is driven by testosterone and estrogen. It’s responsible for our need to reproduce and pass on genes to contribute to the continuation of humans. This part is a shared need among all living beings. At the same time, the attraction seems like

a distinct part. We can lust for someone we’re attracted to and vice versa, these are not dependent on each other. Attraction causes the ventral tegmental area and the caudate nucleus to increase with blood flow. These are some of the brain’s so-called ‘’reward’’- centers. This is caused by dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Brain scans of people show that this happens also when we see a photo of someone we’re intensely attracted to. It partly explains why the first few weeks or months of romantic relationships can feel so exhilarating and feel perfect. While lust and attraction are exclusive in order to create romantic engagements, attachment is

present in long term-relationships like friendships, parent-infant bonding, social relationships etc. The primary hormones in this are vasopressin and oxytocin. This is why oxytocin is sometimes nicknamed the ‘’cuddle hormone’’. A huge amount of oxytocin is released for example during sex, childbirth, and breastfeeding. These all seem like an odd combination of things, and some are not even so enjoyable. But the common factor is that they are precursors to bonding. This shows how important having separate areas for lust, attraction and affection is. We’re attached to our close family and the other categories have no business there. This also allows love to be more

than chemical reactions, emotional experiences and bodily effects.

Sources: harvard.edu - Love, Actually: The science behind lust, attraction, and companionship betterhelp - why Do We Love? The Chemistry, Biology, And Evolution Behind Love theconversation.com- the origin and evolution of love

The University of Texas in Austin: Love: what is it good for?

Youtube: Hashem Al-Ghaili- The evolution of love



While Germany is shutting down its last nuclear power plants the rest of the world seems to move in the polar opposite direction; gearing up, strengthening and magnifying dependency on this actually very efficient power source. In the discussion about nuclear power plants there seem to be two strong opinions, a middle ground is nearly unrecognisable thus the anti-nuclear movement in Germany has been protesting since the early 1970s. But what makes nuclear power so unattractive for thousands of people in Germany when it is scientifically proven to be one of the most ecofriendly, in terms of carbon emission, and efficient energies that exist when properly functioning?

Slogans like “Only the risk is certain. Atomic power? No, thanks!“ are popular stickers up to this day in Germany, many of them hinting to the disastrous past of nuclear technology. Fukushima in March 2011 is one of them, where a tsunami flooded and damaged active reactors, leading 100000 of people to leave their home due to the high risk of radioactive exposure. Another example is Chernobyl in 1986, where inadequate safety procedures caused explosions and meltdowns leading to 28 direct and several thousand possible indirect cancer deaths. The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection in Germany states that “The nuclear phase-out makes Germany safer and avoids additional high-level radioactive waste. The risks of nuclear power are ultimately unmanageable. No insurance in the world covers the potentially catastrophic extent of damage from a nuclear accident,” portraying the responsibility that decision makers are

having in creating and maintaining a power source as such. Who is responsible when something goes wrong? We have seen in past mistakes, both human errors and natural disasters, that the impact if things go wrong is nearly beyond comprehension, in short term and longterm effects.

Another argument is that power plants are expensive and long to build. Construction may take up from 5-10 years costing billions of dollars as well as security costs following up to this. Nuclear energy also counts to the nonrenewable energies. Power plants use U-235, an energy source that is not only very rare and expensive but just like coal or natural gases not renewable. Uranium, limited in quantity, has to be mined, synthesized and activated to produce energy. This process is expensive and not environmentally friendly. The process of mining of uranium leaves radioactive particles behind. Those may pollute nearby sources of water or can cause erosion which can be dangerous to human health and the environment.

The damage that nuclear energies generate doesn’t limit to construction and fuel supply but also to the nuclear waste that is necessarily produced. Amanda Beckrich defines for The Green Room in March 2013: „As the fuel (fissionable uranium, 235U) in the rods of a typical nuclear reactor decays, the concentrations of other dangerous radioisotopes rises (Botkin and Keller 2011). Longterm storage of these radioactive waste products, including isotopes of plutonium, iodine, and strontium, is a main concern with nuclear

energy, as is safe operation of nuclear power plants. “ While everything is done to store nuclear waste safely, nuclear waste storage containers can, quite selfexplanatory, only store nuclear waste. It takes thousands of years for highlevel nuclear waste to decay, there is no solution for other kinds of disposal yet but storing nuclear waste. Lemke, German Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, sums it up: "Nuclear power supplied electricity for three generations, but its legacy remains dangerous for 30,000 generations."

Many nuclear advocates highlight the importance and efficiency of nuclear energy. It is crucial for many countries in energy acquisition, no other energy source comes close to the energy density and reliability of nuclear energies. But if we cannot generate energy in a way that is more sustainable and less harmful to the


environment, isn’t this a clear sign that we are living far beyond our means? Do we need to generate those huge amounts of energy instead of trying to use what is available to us without harming generations of humanity with nuclear waste? Instead of deciding to reduce and be conscious about our energy consumption, why are we maintaining and creating more to consume more?

“In the German context, the phase-out of nuclear energy is good for the climate in the long term. It provides investment certainty for renewable energy; renewables will be much faster, cheaper and safer than expansion of nuclear energy,” says Niklas Höhne, a professor the mitigation of greenhouse gases at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. Germany is trying to

focus on wind and solar power though Germany mainly relies on imported gas and polluting energies such as coal or natural gas. In the short run the shutdown of nuclear power plants in Germany may increase CO2 emissions, in the long term the changes that are expected with the nuclear shut down are for the country to rely on green and renewable energies fully. It is a big and drastic step into the future

but this is also very necessary for change. "You need to think things through to the end" -

Sources: Clean Energy Wire - The history behind Germany’s nuclear phase out Environment. co - The pros and cons of Nuclear Energy

Natonalgeographic - Non renewable energy Grenpeace - The global crisis of nuclear waste

репортажа VOICES - 19


“Antarctica, an inhospitable wasteland, but even here, on the Earth’s frozen bottom, we find life. And not just any life: penguins. Joyous, frolicking, waddling, cute and cuddly life. Look at them, tumbling onto their chubby bum bums”, describes the narrator in the famous DreamWorks Animation movie “Penguins of Madagascar”. With their distinctive coloration and their adorable waddling gait penguins quickly became popular all over the world, their cute and clumsy appearance on land got them millions of fans – but penguins are so much more than that!

The oldest known penguin fossil dates back about 60 million years ago – over the course of time, they have adapted perfectly to the harsh environments they are living in. “The charismatic birds weren’t always flightless aquatic acrobats: Evolving from flying to swimming demanded an almost entirely new set of skills, body shapes, and functions”, explains Rebecca Dzombak, a journalist for National Geographic. Nowadays there are 18 recognized species of penguin, all of which are well fit to live in marine

environments. One of their most distinctive physical features is their

Another key adaptation that penguins have evolved over time is their streamlined body shape. This makes it easier for them to move through the water and hunt for fish, their primary food source. Their body shape makes it possible for Gentoo Penguins to reach a speed of 35 kph! Penguins are also able to store oxygen in their muscles, allowing them to stay submerged for long periods of time as they search for prey. New research has revealed how the Emperor Penguin is able to dive to depths of over 500m and stay underwater for up to 27 minutes – in comparison the current men’s world record holder is Stephane Mifsud of France with a time of 11 minutes and 35 seconds.

Despite living in some of the coldest and harshest environments on Earth, penguins have developed several strategies to stay warm. One of these is a thick layer of insulating feathers and blubber to help them retain heat. The most impressive one though is huddling, in which they gather in large groups to share warmth and conserve energy. With this technique, the ambient temperatures of huddles can reach up to 20 degrees Celsius – from temperatures as low as -60 degrees to 20 degrees above zero! (And even better, in the center of huddles

- not just cute but also clever!

temperatures up to 37.5 degrees Celsius can be reached.) So, as you can see, penguins are representatives of the ultimate sharing-is-caring-mentality when it comes to staying warm.

Perhaps one of the most interesting things about penguins is their social behavior in general. Penguins exhibit a remarkable level of social intelligence, with well-established social structures and hierarchies. Penguins are social birds and live in large colonies, ranging from a

for their resourcefulness and can often adapt to changing circumstances in order to survive. For example, when food is scarce, penguins have been known to travel long distances to find new sources of nourishment, or to switch their diets to include different types of prey. They can also be quite resourceful when it comes to protecting their young from predators or harsh weather conditions, using their bodies to create shelter or hiding places.


for up to 27

few hundred to thousands of individuals. These colonies are often located near the coast or on ice shelves, where there is easy access to food and water. Many species form tightly bonded pairs that mate for life, raising their young together in communal nesting sites. Both parents take turns incubating the eggs and caring for the chicks, which can take several months before they are able to fend for themselves. They are fiercely loyal to their mates and offspring and work together in large groups to survive and thrive. They even have established roles and responsibilities within their social groups, such as guard duty or nestbuilding, and will come to the aid of fellow penguins in need.

One of the most impressive displays of penguin intelligence can be seen in their communication skills. Penguins have a complex vocal system that allows them to communicate with each other in a variety of ways, from long-distance calls to individualized “signature whistles” that help them identify and locate their mates or offspring. They can even use dance-like movements to communicate, such as the famous “penguin proposal dance” that males sometimes perform to woo potential mates. This sophisticated communication system is a testament to their intelligence and adaptability. Another way penguins demonstrate their cleverness is through their problemsolving abilities. These birds are known

Penguins are also adept at learning from their surroundings and the behaviors of other penguins. For example, penguins living in areas with lots of human visitors have been observed learning to recognize specific individuals and their routines and can even modify their behavior based on these observations. Additionally, penguins have been known to adopt new behaviors or techniques for surviving in their environment, such as using ice floes as transportation or shelter.

Unfortunately, many species of penguin today are threatened by human activities such as overfishing and climate change. To preserve these remarkable birds for future generations to enjoy, it is important that we take steps to preserve their habitats and minimize our impact on the environment.

Angelina Berndt


“La marche de l’empereur” (2005)

“Penguins” (2019)

“Pinguine: Leben am Limit” (2020)

“Penguins are slow to evolve, making them vulnerable to climate change” National Geographic

“How penguins show their smarts” National Geographic

репортажа VOICES - 21
“The Emperor Penguin is able to dive to depths of over
and stay underwater
minutes –in comparison the current men’s world record holder is Stephane Mifsud of France with a time of 11 minutes and 35 seconds!”

Shkenca e dashurisë

Nëse e keni përjetuar dashurinë, e dini fuqinë e saj. Emocionit konfuz i është dhënë merita industrive miliona dollarëshe, këngëve, filmave, madje edhe ngritjes dhe rënies së perandorive të tëra. Por pse? Rezulton se dashuria është të dyja: çuditërisht e thjeshtë dhe komplekse në të njëjtën kohë. Dhe padyshim e dobishme sipas evolucionit.

science 22 - VOICES

Përshekuj me radhë, njerëzit kanë besuar se dashuria vjen nga zemra. E kjo nuk është për t'u habitur. Mendoni për herën e fundit që e gjetët dikë tërheqës ose e keni dashuruar atë. Ndoshta keni belbëzuar, keni thënë diçka të sikletshme, keni pasur duar të djersitura dhe mund të keni vënë re se keni një ritëm më të lartë të rrahjeve të zemrës. Dashuria ka një lidhshmëri me trurin, por bën që pjesa tjetër e trupit tuaj të mbetet e pakontrulluar.

Por pse ekziston dashuria? Sipas fosileve të gjetura qindra miliona vjet më parë, dashuria ka qenë e pranishme gjithmonë. Në krahasim me gjitarët e tjerë, njerëzit kanë një jetë emocionale shumë komplekse. Kafshët e tjera rrallë krijojnë ndonjë marrëdhënie romantike ose lidhje afatgjatë (qoftë miqësi). Gjithashtu, riprodhimi nuk kërkon domosdoshmërisht dashurinë mes prindërve.

Nga këndvështrimi i evolucionit, dashuria mund të ekzistojë si një motivues për ta mbajtur njerëzimin gjallë dhe të fortë. Aftësia për të rënë në dashuri ka një rol kyç për të ndihmuar paraardhësit tanë të mbijetojnë. Sipas teorisë evolucionare, përshtatjet psikologjike si dashuria janë mekanizma që specieve tona i duhen për të zgjidhur problemet. Këto përshtatje u kalohen brezave në vijim nëse duken të rëndësishme për mbijetesën dhe riprodhimin tonë. Miliona e miliona vjet më parë, të dashurosh kishte një përfitim të madh - bashkëpunimi nënkuptonte një shans më të lartë për të mbijetuar. Ajo u sigurua që paraardhësit tanë të qëndronin të përkushtuar ndaj njëritjetrit, gjë që rriti shanset e tyre për të rritur fëmijë dhe për t'i mbajtur ata gjallë. Meshkujt janë në fakt primatët e vetëm që ushqejnë dhe rritin pasardhësit e tyre së bashku me nënat. Përkushtimi që vjen nga rënia

në dashuri mund të shpjegojë gjithashtu pse njerëzit priren t'i shohin njerëzit e tjerë më pak tërheqës kur përjetojnë dashuri romantike. Kjo sugjeron që aftësia për dashuri ka evoluar dhe se përzgjedhja natyrore favorizon kujdesin për njëri-tjetrin.

Në përgjithësi, dashuria mund të ndahet në tre kategori: epsh, tërheqje dhe lidhje. Edhe pse midis këtyre tre kategorive ka mbivendosje, secila kategori karakterizohet nga grupe të ndryshme hormonesh. Epshi drejtohet

dhe serotonina. Skanimet e trurit të njerëzve tregojnë se kjo ndodh edhe kur shohim një foto të dikujt që jemi shumë të tërhequr. Kjo shpjegon pjesërisht pse javët ose muajt e parë të marrëdhënieve romantike mund të ndjehen kaq emocionuese dhe të ndjehen perfekte. Ndërsa epshi dhe tërheqja janë ekskluzive për të krijuar marrëdhënie romantike, lidhja është e pranishme në marrëdhëniet afatgjata si miqësitë, lidhjet prindfëmijë, marrëdhëniet shoqërore etj. Hormonet kryesore në këtë janë vazopresina dhe oksitocina. Kjo është arsyeja pse oksitocina nganjëherë quhet "hormoni i përqafimit". Një sasi e madhe e oksitocine lirohet për shembull gjatë marrëdhënieve seksuale, lindjes dhe ushqyerjes me gji. Të gjitha këto duken si një kombinim i çuditshëm i gjërave, dhe disa nuk janë edhe aq të këndshme. Por faktori i përbashkët është se ato janë pararendëse të lidhjes. Kjo tregon se sa e rëndësishme është të kesh zona të veçanta për epshin, tërheqjen dhe dashurinë. Ne jemi të lidhur me familjen tonë të ngushtë dhe kategoritë e tjera nuk kanë punë atje. Kjo gjithashtu lejon që dashuria të jetë më shumë se reaksionet kimike, përvojat emocionale dhe efektet trupore.

nga testosteroni dhe estrogjeni. Është përgjegjëse për nevojën tonë për të riprodhuar dhe përcjellë gjenet për të kontribuar në vazhdimësinë e njerëzve.

Kjo pjesë është një nevojë e përbashkët mes të gjitha qenieve të gjalla. Në të njëjtën kohë, tërheqja duket si një pjesë e veçantë. Ne mund të dëshirojmë dikë që na tërheq dhe anasjelltas, këta nuk varen nga njëri-tjetri. Tërheqja bën që zona tegmentale e barkut dhe bërthama kaudate të rritet me rrjedhën e gjakut. Këto janë disa nga të ashtuquajturat qendra të "shpërblimit" të trurit. Kjo shkaktohet nga dopamina, norepinefrina

Taika Soihtu

Përktheu: Dora Arifi


spsp: How a Parent’s Affection Shapes a Child’s Happiness

scientificamerican: How Important Is Physical Contact with Your Infant?

urbanchildinstitute: No Such Thing As Too Much Love

babysensory: The Power Of Touch

psychcentral: How Being Unloved in Childhood

May Affect You as an Adult

duodecim: Tunteet, varhainen vuorovaikutus ja aivojen toiminnallinen kehitys



Look, It’s sparking sparking like a kids’ videogame display, like a sunray reflection through your window in May, like your soul that got hugged that day, like a free bird on her way, do not obscure me with your mindless chain, oh, it’s going insane.

поезија VOICES - 25


книжевна сцена –награда

Гонкур за 2022 г.

Иако Меѓународниот ден на Франкофонијата, 20 март, помина не одамна, Франкофонијата треба да се негува во секое време, затоа во прилог споделуваме превод од француски на македонски јазик на извадок

од романот Брзо живеење од Брижит Жиро, добитник на Гонкуровата награда за 2022 г.

26 - VOICES reportage


од вистински трагичен настан, авторката се навраќа на настаните од минатото и поставувајќи

си прашања на кои тешко може да им

се даде одговор, се обидува да сфати што довело до сообраќајната несреќа

со мотор во која загинува нејзиниот сопруг...

[...] А да не посакав да го продадам станот?

А да не се заинатев да ја видам куќата?

А да не извршеше дедо ми самоубиство кога ни требаа пари?

А да не ги имавме однапред клучевите од куќата?

А да не му се имаше јавено мајка ми на брат ми за да му каже дека имаме гаража?

А да не го имаше брат ми паркирано моторот кај нас додека беше на еднонеделниот одмор?

А да прифатев нашиот син да оди на одмор со брат ми?

А да не го имав сменето датумот на заминување кај издавачот во Париз?

А да му се јавев на Клод на 22 јуни вечерта, како што требаше да сторам, наместо да ја слушам Елен додека ми ја раскажува својата нова љубовна приказна?

А да имав мобилен телефон?

А да одеа мајките по своите деца в градинка, како и татковците?

А да не загинеше Стивен Кинг во ужасната сообраќајка што се случи три дена пред онаа на Клод?

А да врнеше?

А да ја слушаше Клод Don’t Panic од Колдплај, а не Dirge од Дет ин Вегас пред да замине од канцеларијата?

А да не ги имаше Клод заборавено своите 300 франци во банкоматот?

А да не одлучеше Дени.Р да го врати спачекот на татка си?

А да не беа деновите околу

сообраќајката исполнети со низа неочекувани настани кој од кој понеобјасниви?

И згора на сè, зошто Тадао Баба, ревносниот јапонски инженер кој ја промени историјата на фирмата Хонда, врши упад во мојот живот, а живее на десет илјади километри од мене. Зошто Хондата 900 ЦБР Фајарблејд (Огнена острица), најдоброто од јапонската индустрија, на која се возеше Клод на тој 22 јуни 1999 година била наменета за извоз во Европа и забранета во Јапонија, ако ја сметале за премногу опасна?

настан, доделување на наградата Гонкур, најстара и најпрестижна книжевна награда во Франција.

Најновиот лауреат за 2022 г., Брижит Жиро, е тринаесеттата жена добитник на наградата.

Се враќам на мантрата од “à да не” која ме опседнуваше сиве овие години. И која ми го претвори животот во реалност што се одвива во претпоставено минато време.

Кога не се случува никаква катастрофа, човек живее без да се врти назад, гледа во правец на хоризонтот, право пред себе. Кога се случува драма, човек се враќа по истиот пат, оди на истите места, прави реконструкција на случајот. Сака да го сфати потеклото на секоја постапка, на секоја одлука. Стопати се врти во круг. Станува специјалист за причина и за последица. Трага, врши секцирање, прави аутопсија. Сака да дознае сè за човековата природа, за личните и за колективните пориви поради кои се случува она што се случува. Било да е социолог, цајкан или писател, човек не знае веќе, паѓа во делириум, сака да сфати како се станува само статистичка цифра, запирка во големата целина. А за себе верувал дека е единствен и бесмртен.

Автор на романот: Брижит Жиро

Наслов на наградениот роман: Брзо живеење Наслов на оригиналот: Vivre vite

Наградата Гонкур

Веќе повеќе од еден век, секоја есен во Париз се случува голем книжевен

Наградата е создадена како завет и заложба на браќата Едмон и Жил Гонкур кои со својот тестамент од 1874 г. ги обврзуваат своите наследници да ја создадат Академијата Гонкур која ќе доделува награда за најдобар роман во една година, со цел да им овозможи на младите талентрани писатели да творат и да живеат од своето творечко перо. Во трка за ваков избор може да учествуваат исклучиво прозни дела на француски јазик објавени во тековната година. Првата Гонкурова награда била доделена на 21 декември 1903 г. Оттогаш, церемонијата на доделување на наградата се одржува во ресторанот Друан во Париз каде што десетчленото жири, на почетокот на ноември, по претходни три селекции во септември и октомври, го изгласува лауреатот меѓу потесниот круг од четири финалисти. Наградата може да се додели само еднаш на ист автор. Оваа награда му овозможува на лауреатот голема слава и колосални продажби на неговиот награден роман, додека паричната награда е симболична (10 евра). Најновиот лауреат за 2022 г., Брижит Жиро, е тринаесеттата жена добитник на наградата. Многупати критикувана како длабоко елитистичка и сè уште недоволно отворена за иновации, оваа награда сепак останува најпосакуваното признание за литература кое доминира на француската книжевна сцена.

Преводот го изработи Ева Жиро, студентка на Групата за француски јазик и книжевност при Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ (УКИМ), под менторство на проф. д-р Ирина Бабамова.

Приказ на наградата Гонкур: Габриела Христовска, студентка на Групата за француски јазик и книжевност при Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ (УКИМ)

VOICES - 27 репортажа

Подалеку од гравитацијата

Авијацијата засекогаш го промени начинот на кој патуваме и се поврзуваме со светот. Од комерцијални авиони до приватни и борбени авиони, способноста да се допира небото стана рутински дел од модерниот живот. Сепак, науката зад механиката на летот останува мистерија за многумина. Како може таа тешка метална машина, со моќни мотори и огромна низа сложени системи, да остане таму горе и да се движи по небото со таква леснотија?


лежи во чудесните принципи

на аеродинамиката.

Разбирањето на физиката

на подигање, влечење и

потиснување, им помогнаа

на воздухопловните

инженери да дизајнираат

авиони кои можат да

полетуваат, летаат и

слетуваат со прецизност

и контрола. Од обликот на

крилата до поставувањето

на моторите, секој аспект

на авионот е внимателно

изработен за да се

обезбедат максимални

перформанси и

безбедност. Во оваа

статија, ќе навлеземе во прекрасниот свет на авијацијата и нејзината наука. Затоа, врзете ги појасите и спремете се за полетување! Но, чекајте... Како ќе го направиме тоа?

За да полета, авионот треба да се бори со сопствената тежина која го држи на земјата. Како и птиците, авионите имаат крила, кои се рамни и закривени на врвот. Кога авионот се движи напред, воздухот тече над врвот на крилото побрзо отколку што тече под крилото (види шема).

Ова создава област на низок притисок на врвот на крилото и област на висок притисок под крилото, овој феномен се нарекува Бернулиевиот принцип.

Разликата во притисокот помеѓу горниот и долниот дел на крилото ја создава оваа сила нагоре наречена полетување. Но, за да

може авион да полета и

да се искачи на небото, му треба подигнување и потиснување. Моторите

28 - VOICES reportage

на авионот генерираат потисок, што го придвижува напред и му ја дава потребната брзина за да полета. Штом авионот е во воздух, треба да продолжи

да генерира и потисок и

подигање за да продолжи да лета. Моторите обезбедуваат потисок за

да го одржат авионот да се движи напред, додека крилата продолжуваат да создаваат подигање за да го одржат авионот нагоре.

Кога авионот се движи низ воздухот, мора да го турка истиот надвор од патот. Ова создава област на турбуленција зад авионот, која е позната како „будење“. Ова може да резултира со поголема потрошувачка на гориво

и пониски перформанси бидејќи треба да користи повеќе потисок за да се спротивстави на ова. Пилотите и инженерите работат на минимизирање на отпорот со дизајнирање авиони со рационализирани форми, користење мазни површини и примена на техники како што се крилја или други аеродинамички карактеристики за да се намалат турбуленциите и резултирачкото влечење. Со намалување на отпорот, тие можат да ги направат авионите поефикасни и да заштедат гориво, што е добро за животната средина и за самата авиокомпанијата.

Но, постои еден аспект што сè уште останува мистерија дури и за професионалците: ако авионот е наопаку, крилата не се во положбата на која што треба да бидат, но

сепак, авионот лета и се подига. Како е тоа можно? Денес, сè уште немаме глобална теорија за да го објасниме полетувањето во сите случаи. Две теории обично се користат заедно за да се објасни ова: принципот на Бернули и третиот закон на Њутн. Овие две се комплементарни и математички точни, но не објаснуваат целосно сè и може да стане премногу тешко да се објасни подоцна. Како што рече Џон Д. Андерсон, куратор за аеродинамика во Националниот воздушен и вселенски музеј: „Не постои едноставен еднореченичен одговор на ова“.

Дополнително, има многу други фактори кои овозможуваат авионот да лета. Од пилотот до контролорот на воздухот, членовите на кабинскиот екипаж до чуварите на аеродромот, авијациската индустрија е многу сложена и се потпира на себе за да направи 15000 авиони да летаат додека ја читате оваа статија, безбедни и на пат кон нивната дестинација.

Иако сите знаеме дека авионската индустрија е една од најзагадувачките индустрии во светот, сепак можеме да се обидеме да му се восхитиме на сложениот инженеринг кој стои зад еден од најстарите соништа на човештвото: да летаме!

Иго Ломде

Извори: Comment les avions volent-ils?ScienceEtonnante

No one can explain why planes stay in the air - Scientific American What is Bernoulli’s equation?KhanAcademy

Визуелизиран принципот на Бернули. Колку побавно воздухот оди под крилото, толку поголем притисок (подигање) создава.

Недоволно прославениот величествен Конкорд, слика по полетувањето. Суперсоничен комерцијален авион, последниот лет се случи на 24 октомври 2003 година.

Mitsubishi A6M Zero, мојот омилен авион. Произведен од Јапонија за време на Втората светска војна, најсилниот врз целиот Тихи Океан до крајот на 1943 година

репортажа VOICES - 29
Credit photo: Simon fitall, arkin si, Siti Amira Othman (unsplash), Wikimedia commons

Naked Truths

I woke up and realized that's all I wanted.

To wake up next to you every single day.

I could swear you've read my mind.

You did not even wait for a good morning.

You've asked me, with the most beautiful smile and the sincerest voice "move in with me".

You did not even ask me if I want to. Without a second thought, without beating around the bush.

You knew what you want. You've already decided.

You've hugged me tight and almost like begging, "come live with me" - you said.

Let's go get everything you need. Let's wake up together every morning. Let me look at you tangled and drowsy. Captivating.

Scratching you until you fall asleep, hugging you until I fall asleep.

To love you when I want to, without any obstacles.

To not even drive for a minute to get to you.

To be a step away from me or not even a step!

To have you at 1 am and 1 pm.

To bring you breakfast in bed, immersed with hugs and soft kisses.

To not wait for 2 days to see you after our last "bye".

"See you later" - to be the only goodbye.

"Let's talk" - to be the solution for all of our problems. "How did you sleep" - to be our good morning.

"I love you" - to be our good night.

Move in with me. Be mine. Today, tomorrow, always. Forever.

poetry 30 - VOICES

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VOICES is published in three languages: English, Macedonian and Albanian. If you are a native speaker or fluent in these languages, join our translation team!

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how do we do that?

We encourage young people to take an active part in today’s society through journalism and designing by giving them a platform to express themselves. VOICES is produced in Skopje, Macedonia, and published online every month and four times per year as a printed edition.


www.voiceskopje.org issuu.com/vcsvoices

Our monthly magazine has a very simple, yet powerful, mission - to be the voice of youth. And
voiceskopje vcs.sending@gmail.com
VOICES to Hear

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