5 minute read
RamBikes rolls in the building
RamBikes has officially completed its relocation to 1106 W. Broad Street. Sera Erickson and the team have now set up their fully operational shop in the space adjacent to the 1108 W. Broad parking office. The shop is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and offers bike rentals, bike repairs, classes and other bike-related assistance at no cost to VCU students and employees.
Please make sure to stop by the shop and introduce yourself to Sera and the team when you have a free moment. In addition to receiving a relatively warm greeting, you may also leave with some pretty intriguing cycling tips and techniques.
You can now find all things alternative transportation in its new online home at commute.vcu.edu. The previous commute site has been decommissioned and users are now redirected to this new section, which is housed on parking.vcu.edu. You can find information from bikes and buses to ZipCars and scooters on these pages. All staff are encouraged to check out the new page during their free time.
All employees are encouraged to submit their anonymous questions to the director. Boxes are located at 1108 W. Broad St. and the Eighth St. Deck office.
Q: It would be great to establish a ladder system to help staff have the potential for upward mobility. Some front-line workers have the talent and drive but require the experience to perform or resume build before the job opens. It can also be a tool to motivate/promote staff (i.e., ESO I vs. ESO II). Creating step levels that equal more duties/bonuses.
A: Excellent question. The university has a multitude of opportunities for employees to grow. My most significant bit of advice would be first to utilize your annual performance review goals. Set goals that push you and elevate you. Work with your supervisor to set goals that will help you move up in your career. I also strongly encourage you to develop a career development plan with your supervisor that continues to grow your career. Doing this, taking classes in Talent@VCU, Lynda.com, and taking advantage of VCU’ s tuition benefits are all options for you.
Be your own most prominent advocate. Take an interest in learning new skills and ask questions about why things are done and how. The best way to demonstrate you want to move up or advance is to step out of your comfort zone and try. If you are a University and Academic Professional classification, the university has a stepping process for each classification, an initial three-step process and then another three-step “ senior process. ” You would need to meet with your supervisor, who would talk to me about budget, but if you achieve specific goals set, you could “level up ” and receive raises as a result.
The challenge with creating an ESO I, II, and III or an accounts representative I, II, and III is determining what skills or different tasks could be assigned to each level. There is a very fine line. The leadership team and I continue to have discussions about this, and if we land on something that makes sense, we will announce it. For now, I recommend being your own biggest advocate, showing a desire to learn, ask questions, and communicate your desires to those above you.

September 11, 2001, was a day that many Americans will forever have etched into their memories. While each one of us has been impacted differently by this tragedy, most of us can say that we have close friends, family, or acquaintances who were actually in the city during the turn of events. Bernard Adams, assistant director of MCV Campus parking, is one of those people. Having served as a New York police sergeant on the frontlines during the attacks on that day and facing the aftermath changed his life forever.
Knowing this, Steven
‘Mitch’ Thomas was inspired to create a visual tribute along the Eighth St. Deck office wall to honor those lost and those who served. "I knew we had a team member (Bernie Adams) who lived and worked through the tragedy of 9/11, ” said Thomas, “ ...and I wanted to honor him.
Adams was blown away by the gesture, noting, “20 years have passed since a perfect blue sky morning turned into the blackest of nights. Since then, we ’ ve lived in sunshine and shadow, and although I can never unsee what happened there, the memorial rendered on the Eighth Street Deck honored the value of the life, those we loved and lost, our country ’ s resilience, and the strength of the American spirit. It left me with a tear in my eye and a warm feeling in my heart.
Special thanks to Mitch for taking the time to craft such a warm and thoughtful gesture.

Congratulations to the following employees on their recent promotions:
S Br Joseph ‘Jay tacy Marzec ittny Griffin ’ Bolli -- sen -- faci ng ior lity --accounts operations operations supervis supervis controll o o e r r r

P&T Forum November 16, 2021 1 pm - 2:30 pm *to be held via Zoom

October Flu Immunization
Clinics – MCV Campus/ Monroe Park Campus Go to https://hr.vcu.edu/currentemployees/employeehealth/flu-vaccination-clinics/ to sign up and get more information!
Wednesday, October 20th – 2 pm Guided Meditation
(Presented by VCU HR and VCU Dept of Recreation & WellBeing) In a time of chaos and uncertainty, our 30-minute guided meditation will provide a sense of calm, peace, and balance, while improving attention, focus, and ability to work through stressful circumstances.