If holder is damaged or loose, please call The Well at 828-9355.
Created and posted by students and staff from the VCU Wellness Resource Center, © 2013
Welcome back, all you Rams! We’re gearing up for a brand new school year, maybe even the best one yet. The Division of Student Affairs (aka life outside the classroom) has 12 departments to help you succeed in class, life, and after graduation. Doing well in your classes comes from hard work, focus, dedication, and getting to know your professors. Did you know that taking advantage of services outside of the classroom can also help boost your grades by improving your physical, mental, emotional, and intellectual health?
RAMP up your
Stall Seat Journal Vol. MMXIII - August 2013
Welcome to the Well 815 S. Cathedral Place Richmond VA 23284 One block from the Commons!
804-828-WELL Got 5 minutes before class? Check us out!
College Experience The time to create your support team of Student Affairs people is NOW, before you need them. Each student needs a different combination of people on their support team, so get to know each department at .
Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, Office of Student Conduct & Academic Integrity, Residential Life & Housing, Student Media Center, Technology Support Services, University Career Center, and Student Commons & Activities.
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Recreational Sports: Did you know that Rec Sports is much more than what you see inside the four walls of Cary Street Gym and Larrick? They have an Outdoor Adventure Program (OAP) that schedules weekly events such as mountain biking and weekend backpacking trips for a student-friendly price! The OAP offers everything from kayaking clinics to beach trips. These are all offered at a discounted price for VCU students. Check out their calendar on the Rec Sports website. Oh, by the way, Rec Sports employs over 400 VCU students so that they can afford to go to school!
University Counseling Services:
University Student Health Services:
Did you know that UCS offers consultations for stress management, concerns about the transition to college, relationship difficulties, and other problems? They are available to provide students with tools and strategies to be successful since not everyone needs longterm therapy.
Student Health is here for all your bumps, bruises, colds, etc. For anyone interested in studying abroad during your time at VCU you can check out their travel clinic. The travel clinic assures that you have all the vaccinations you will need before you travel! Google VCU travel clinic for info.
UCS is here to offer selfhelp tips for you during your college experience, as well as individual or group therapy with counselors that specialize in everything from anxiety and depression to eating disorders. Check out their 21 tips for succeeding in college on the VCU Counseling site.
Do you usually stock up at Rite Aid or CVS? Spend less! Student Health is the hot spot for inexpensive over the counter and prescription medicines: for sniffles, sneezes, itches, aches, fevers, tummy troubles, and much more. Also find a variety of prescription contraceptives, and Trojan or Lifestyles condoms (6 for $1!)
The Well: Do you enjoy reaching out to other students and encouraging them to take charge of their health? The Wellness Resource Center offers several groups where you can vounteer to do just that.
If you enjoy nutrition, sexual health, stress management, and sleep, check out Project REACH. Cancer Awareness Team is for those interested in tobacco cessation and cancer prevention. Sexual Assault and Violence Education by Students (SAVES) encourages healthy relationships. Check them out to see which one is right for you: and submit your application by Monday, Sept 16. Soccer Ball designed by Mark Wehrhahn, from The Noun Project
Disability Support Services: Do you have a need for extra materials, test taking time, or specialized software to be successful in the classroom and around campus? Students with a documented disability may be eligible to use resources, such as screen readers, free apps, online study resources, and software.
You’re invited to
Spit for Science,
a study of how genetic and environmental factors contribute to substance use and emotional health.
· Complete the online survey
sent to your VCU email. · Pick up $10 payment and free t-shirt at Franklin Street Gym, B43, M-F, Aug. 19-30, 1-6PM. · Give an optional DNA (saliva) sample for another $10. · Franklin Street Gym until Aug. 30 ONLY: Receive the fastest service!
Learn more at