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A Note on a F.A.Q

A Note on a F.A.Q

Anonymous is a third-year VCU student majoring in English. She is a Richmond native as well as an American native, but the term “native” aggravates her, so just call her an Indian, for God’s sake. Dispense with the PC. She doesn’t have the patience for it.

Laura Ashworth lives in Richmond, Virginia with her imaginary cat Stephen Primes. She is a graduate of VCU. She says the word “energy” too much. Her favorite color is Turquoise.

Patricia Arans is a graduating English major at VCU. She is not sure what her next step will be after graduation, but she is open to the possibilities.

Heather Marie Cohu is a twenty-year-old junior majoring in English and International Studies at VCU. When she isn’t busy with classes, she enjoys editing for Amendment and Poictesme, writing short fiction and poetry, reading the likes of Sylvia Plath and Virginia Woolf, traveling, and drinking wine--lots and lots of wine.

Jeremy Clemmons was born in Richmond, lived in Texas, had a brief stint in Kentucky and France in between, and now resides, again, in Richmond. He is undeclared, unfortunately; his ambivalence as much the product of laziness as it is sleep deprivation. He is obsessed with “ethnographers of time”—Chris Marker, Marcel Proust, Alain Resnis—and believes that precious things such as the Olduvai theory and Sagan/Schneider models are way, way, way more important than this election.

Jade Conner, a 2008 VCU graduate with a B.A. in Women’s Studies, currently works at the YWCA Richmond as a Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Advocate and Hotline Specialist. She hopes to open her own domestic violence shelter accompanied with a transitional housing program. She is currently working on receiving certification as a paramedic. An avid reader and writer, Jade is also writing a memoir of her own struggle with abuse and mental illness.

Shauna Fecher was born and raised for the first ten years of her life in New Jersey. She currently resides in the museum district of Richmond. She enjoys music, reading, writing, activism, feminism, Lost and Arrested Development. She is a Women Studies major who hopes to be able to afford grad school.

Maya Goldweber is currently pursuing a graduate degree at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia. Her work focuses on the human condition, body image, gender roles and communication. You can find more of her work at the following websites: www.mayagoldweber.com, www.merzbau7.etsy.com

Neal Gwaltney’s work focuses on his interpretations of what he observes on a daily basis. Neal is curious about the decisions people make, his self included, when it comes to appearance. He is influenced by pop culture and media images, and he uses a variety of mediums and a variety of methods when working, depending on his ideas. He is in constant dialog with his surroundings, and he tries to translate this dialogue into his work.

Laura Kerfoot is a senior in the VCU English Department. This means Laura has probably now gone insane.

Daniel Michaud grew up in the tri-cities area and experienced a series of unfruitful jobs before he decided to move to Richmond to attend college and to improve his outlook. In 2005, he earned an AS in Business Administration and transferred to VCU where he had planned on majoring in Information Systems. However, after trying several other majors, he realized that his passion was in writing and reading and that he had unwittingly enjoyed the study of English his whole life. He is currently a senior studying toward a BA in English, while working for the Department of Taxation.

Cassie Mulheron is a junior double majoring in Photography and Women’s Studies. Identity ties all of her work together circling race, gender, and sexuality. Photography helps her tackle issues and release feelings she would otherwise bottle up. She hopes that by releasing some of her own feelings that she can speak to others like her.

Olivia Ngadjui is a second-year Biology major with a Pre-Med Concentration. Incredibly humble when it comes to her writing, she just likes to write.

Danielle Shutt graduated from VCU in May with degrees in English and Women’s Studies/Psychology. In her spare time, she lives.

Shayne Thomas recently graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University with a B.A. in Women’s Studies. She works for the Women’s Studies department as a program assistant and is an intern at the Virginia League for Planned Parenthood. She really likes talking about/creating ideas and projects. Right now she is really into caffeine, cooking with pumpkins, StoryCorps, listening to This American Life, and the idea of camping.

Shola Walker is a junior at VCU, where she began as an English major but changed to African American Studies to suit her personality better. She is a professional actress, a “licensed practitioner of faith,” and a part-time writer. Her endeavors in life include being an inspiration for healing the wounds of the African American experience through faith and the arts. She would like to be remembered for the people she inspired not saved, for maintaining her child-like wonder, the good food she cooked, and graduating before her children were born!

Celina Williams is a recent graduate from VCU with degrees in English and Women’s Studies. When she isn’t wishing that vampires were real and that she possessed magical powers, she is an editor for Amendment, a graduate student, a future librarian/activist/zinester, and the envy of all the fanboys who wished they worked with the comic books in Special Collections & Archives.

Eva Wilson received her BFA in painting and printmaking from VCU and currently lives in Philadelphia where she is working toward an MFA in painting. Currently Eva is tackling the boundaries of what “painting” can be other then what it is traditionally considered. By re-contextualizing the medium of paint into new environments/configurations, the paints identity becomes compromised thus opening up a raw potential of identity and exploration.

Shawn Yu is a recent graduate of VCU’s communication arts program. He is currently living in Richmond, illustrating and selling coffee at Barnes & Noble. More of his work can be found at www.whaleboyart.com and Whaleboyart.blogspot.com.

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