1 minute read
MCV students slighted by university services
Sylvia Wertz Columnist
Most students know someone who lives across the city on the MCV campus. It’s a little bubble of isolated quietness and medical students, only a two-block walk from the School of Dentistry and the Medical Center, complete with a gym, food-court-style cafeteria and freshman dorms.
But options in terms of student services are limited for those few who live within the MCV campus dorms.
One need not mention the hassle of planning a daily schedule around the irregularly timed Campus Commuter. But it should be noted that the commute is even worse on weekends.
Furthermore the bus doesn’t start until 10 a.m., and the last bus that leaves from Monroe Park campus departs at 8:30 p.m. It’s as if the residents of Cabaniss Hall have a curfew, forcing them to awkwardly cut dinners short in order to catch the bus, unless they want to take the chance of using the Security Escort, which is infamous for its waiting times on weekends.
Thankfully, the MCV gym is quiet compared to the Cary Street gym, with usually no more than a dozen people in the main gymnasium using the machines, in the pool or at the ball courts.