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Ask Christina" Watch the train wreck unfold as

Copy Editor . r , [RIC Hill ;iStaff Writer hillet2@vcu.edu


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..... . iii ' Staff Writer

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p. 4 - Ask Christina" Watch the train wreck unfold as Christina fields your queries.

p. 4 - Welcome to the Frugal Life: How to save a few extra bucks when you're on a tight budget. p. 5 - 12 Easy Steps to Becoming a Better Male Stripper: Ladies man Roberto Curtis gives us the skinny on shaking it for the females. p. 6 - Bonnaroo & MJ Too: Remember those four drugfueled days you spent in a field in Tennessee? Neither do We. p. 8 - The Zack Budryk Files: Rape/Cannibalism + Mickey Mouse = Box Office Gold! p.10 - Meeks' Rising Empire: A VCU student launches his own dank clothing line.

p. 12 - The Making of Frankzig: Richmond's metal and flamenco guitar god p. 13 - Winter Holidays: From Christmas to Festivus, there's something here for the rest of us. p. 13 - The Frugal Gift-Giving Guide: Sorry kids, Santa's going wholesale this year p. 14 - Election Day Coverage: We let our liberal bias swing as freely as our staff. p. 16 - Volunteering for the Campaign: News flash! VCU students are not as apathetic as we thought.1 p. 18 - Blowing Smoke: A look at the scandals VCU has become known for. \ p. 20 - Is It Safe 7: The health code violations for VCU-area restaurants. Warning: You may find yourself eating at home more often p. 25 - In the Cougar's Clutch: This growing trend may have some VCU males hitting up their local Cougar Den. p. 26 - Books for Uganda: Invisible Children'S book drive. \ p. 27 - VCU's Fifth Heir: The Search for Trani's successor. p. 28 - The Clash: Our Inker got tear gassed at the RNC to bring us this photo essay. p. 32 - Inked Artists: Ink's favorite artists.

Q: I'm really interested in a guy in my statistics class, but he doesn't even seem to notice me. What should I do to

get his attention?

C: Does hewear skinny pants? Ifso, write a vague "Missed Connection" on Craigslistforhim. If not, proceed to ask him for his phone number so you can have text with him.

Q: I feel like I need a car to get around campus these days, but parking is a bitch. What do you think I should do'

C: I usually recruit an innocent looking boytc valet my car to the nearest deck and if he's lucky I give him my phone number afterwards. If not, I call it in as stolen so the police

can bring it to me when I'm ready to leave.

Q: I think my boyfriend might be cheating on me, but

11111 ........ 2.7'1""" sure. How do I find out for certain if my man is Q: I've been a bridesmaid in three weddings this year

already. Willi ever get engaged'

C: Probably not. Which bride made you wear the ugliest dress? Crash that one's honeymoon, aim forthe husband, if he's not down, pick up a cabana boy at the resort.

Q: I want to spruce up my apartment, but I don't have

much money. Any thoughts'

C: Bedazzle EVERYTHING. This might piss off your

roommate, so replace her with a cat - it'll be happy with

all the shiny objects.

Q: Why is my roommate acting like such a bitch' She acts like she's all perfect and gives me crap about my laundry on the floor. What do I do about it'

C: Ask her why she is fat. She is upset that her clothes are not as cute as yours and you should tell her that jealousy

is a disease and to get well soon, bitch!


Daniel Johnson posted hisCD collection on Craigslist to get money for a new

computer. His roommates save their

beer cans to sell back to the recycling plant. Selling belongings for extra

cash is common among college

students. Although effective, experts suggest other penny-pinching tips for


The most common tip is to make

a budget. While all expenses are increasing, "you can't really afford to slump on any of them," said Kelci Lynn, writerfor About.com' s Guide to College Life. Use the budget to see how much you can spend and save, and where you can afford to cut back, said Lynn.

"Those $4 smoothies can really add

up," said Lynn. "Make sure you are living within your means."

When it comes to more expensive items that are needed, Lynn advises that used

items are often a cheaper yet suitable solution. As far as books, lynn refers

to the option of borrowing them from the library or renting them from sites like www.bookswim.com that apply a Netflix-style approach to books.

JeremyVohwinkle, retirement planning

specialist at Diversified Investment Advisors, warns against frequent


"Try not to keep up with the Joneses," said Vohwinkle. Some students avoid the temptation altogether.

"I don't go to the mall because I don't want to spend money," said Emily

Mazich, a political science major.

Lynn offers an option: "If you budget

out the money you can spend on yourself, you don't always have to say no

The importance of saving is another common concern. leona Tam, assistant professor of marketing atOld Dominion

University, said students should begin

saving what they can now. Tam

warns that people tend to be "over optimistic about what will happen in the future." While owning a credit card is good to build credit, find one with a low limit

and use it only for emergencies, said

Vohwinkle. Companies tend to target the presumable financially irresponsible student.

Vohwinkle also suggested taking

advantage of "what your university has to offer." The events calendar on the

VCU Web site features an array of free

activities for students, some including

food. Getting involved in clubs and sports around campus will leave less free time up to boredom.

With the skyrocketing gas prices, students can save some money by taking advantage of free transportation. This year, GRTC bus passes are available free to full- time students through the parking and transportation office. The underground level of the University Student Commons also offers the ride

board that connects student drivers for

carpooling to local and long-distance


In the midst of all the pressures and responsibilities of college life, financial

management can seem intimidating

and overwhelming. Students should remember what Lynn said. "You got

in because you're smart, so be smart about your money."

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