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Seeking Professional Development that Works for YOU ? Virginia, D-Day, and Your Students Changing Policy… About Policy
The historic, tide-turning D-Day invasion happened June 6, 1944 and it took a staggering toll not just on American forces in general, but on the town of Bedford, Virginia in particular, and its population of only 3,000. That day, 19 young Bedford men died; three more were killed later in the campaign.
Today, the National D-Day Memorial stands in the town and offers much, both in historical and human terms, for our students to learn. Field trips, either on-site and virtual, traveling trunks, lesson plans, and activities are among the educational materials available to supplement your WWII curriculum.
To learn more about how you and your students can benefit, visit dday.org or contact education@dday.org l
Nothing about the condition of my work as a classroom teacher allowed me the time or space to engage with education policy. This needs to change. Nothing in my teacher-preparation program was geared toward engaging with policy. This, too, needs to change. Teachers should not have to leave the classroom to feel like they can interact with policy. It should be part and parcel of the work of teaching.
Not getting professional development that’s especially helpful to what you have to accomplish every day? Here are some ways you can direct your own PD and get more relevant guidance:
When you’re attempting to create a more diverse reading collection for your classroom, children’s book author Christina Soontornvat says, be careful to avoid “sidekick syndrome,” where minority characters are presented only as sidekicks, stereotypes, or both. She says she was an adult before she saw someone who resembled her as the main character in a book: “I remember just being like ‘Oh my gosh, that’s an Asian girl on the cover of a book all by herself?’” she says. “It was one of those things where you don’t even know what you wanted or were lacking until you see it.”l
Reflective journaling: Whether you do it on paper or digitally, set aside as few as five minutes a day (or even once a week) to regularly reflect on your instruction. Over time, go back and review what you’ve written—you may notice trends and see some of the progress you’re making.
Reading and researching: Read educational research in books, articles, professional journals, or online through tools such as Google Scholar. One good free resource is the federal government’s What Works Clearinghouse (ies.ed.gov/ncee/WWC).
Having regular professional conversations with colleagues: This might look like a weekly lunch and learn, developing a professional learning community, or online networking.
Looking beyond your own classroom: Can you partner with a trusted colleague to watch each other teach, reflect together, and learn together?
Asking for what you want: Ask to go to a workshop, or ask your local president to utilize VEA resources (which you can check out yourself at veanea.org/events).
Investigating graduate courses. Check offerings at Virginia colleges and universities, and there’s an enormous number of online options, too.l
Policymakers need to recognize that policy does not operate in a vacuum… Teacher educator programs need to better prepare teachers for the onslaught of policy they will face from all levels of governance…Researchers need to recognize the need for more pragmatic research.
In short, teachers don’t need a seat at the table. Teachers need everyone, themselves included, to realize that they own the table.l
— Amanda Slaten Frasier, assistant professor of curriculum and instruction, East Tennessee State University, NBCT, and former high school social studies teacher