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General points:
sujeto + base verbal + -ed para los verbos regulares
sujeto + did not (didn't) + base verbal
did + sujeto + base verbal + ?
He played football yesterday.
He did not (didn't) play football yesterday.
Did he play football yesterday?
ATENCIÓN: Los verbos irregulares conservan la misma forma en todas las personas, excepto TO BE.
Uso del pasado simple o pretérito: Descripción de una acción pasada, completamente terminada. She woke early in the morning. Did they enjoy themselves ? Yes, they did.
Descripción de una acción en un momento preciso del pasado utilizando "marcadores temporales": yesterday , last week, last month, last year o una expresión de tiempo + ago. They arrived five minutes ago. It happened a long time ago John broke his leg last week. How did it happen? He fell from his chair.