VACONBACON. Cantar las fuerzas (English)

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cantar las fuerzas

Vaconbacon is an interactive, scenic and sonourus project of flamenco singing (cante) based on Francis Bacon´s paintings. Flamenco singer “Niño de Elche” and the company “Bulos y Tanguerías” (Santiago Barber and Raul Cantizano) show that the body and the sounds of a singer can play themselves the leading role on the stage. A few objects and a screen are the other elements of this work that brings us closer to the painter’s work without using any of his paintings.

The singer goes beyond the way of singing that he already knowns, and he ventures into unexplored areas where he can test his limits and his powers. His own image is projected, creating Baconian paintings that he modifies himself. Painter's favourite poets as T.S. Elliot are brought to the flamenco universe together with Miguel Hernández or Machado, and there the singer, with his extraordinary but not often demonstrated capacities, creates a new universe full of emotions that expand our vision of the world.

Premiered at L´Escorxador CCC, Center of Contemporary Culture. Elche (Alicante, Spain) June 10th 2011


cantar las fuerzas

- artĂ­stic index..................................................................................... - concept.............................................................................................. - structure............................................................................................ - biographies........................................................................................... - press................................................................................................. - images..............................................................................................


Artistic index

cantar las fuerzas

singer Niño de Elche artistic and scenic direction Santiago Barber and Raúl Cantizano music direction Santiago Barber, Raúl Cantizano and Niño de Elche sonorous space Raúl Cantizano scenic space Santiago Barber technological device Macarena Madero and Juan Antonio Ruz visual Santiago Barber, Macarena Madero and Xavier Romaní audio-visual Daniel Lagares design of lighting Benito Jiménez sound engineer Benito Jiménez graph ambulanciagráfica video recording and shoots photographs Félix Vazquez production, Niño de Elche and Vecinas Management distribution Vecinas Management coproduction L´Escorxador CCC gratefulnesses Félix Vazquez, Amapola López, María Velasco, Cooperativa Tramallol and Lobo López

Crew on tour Niño de Elche, Santiago Barber, Raúl Cantizano, Macarena Madero, Benito Jiménez y Road Manager


cantar las fuerzas


Vaconbacon. To sing the forces is an interactive, scenic and sonourus proposal of “cante flamenco” based on Francis Bacon´s painting. Taking the impulse that motivated Bacon to create his painting, vaconbacon postulates a flamenco singer’s determination to be heard, testing his luck with other rules.

And also other strokes. Because our Bacon will not use paintbrush but pixel, it will extract images and manipulate visuals. Manners of seeing and touching Bacon. Figures that are distorted by the sweeps they suffer, sonorous figures -that also are songs and airs- are this way lightly stirred.

And the body. For Bacon the “revealing” object of this distortion is always the human body -for him nothing more than bones and flesh-, but he neglects that the body is also a pipe, a pipe packed with secret sounders, sphincters, emptinesses, muscles and snorts. This is the reason why the body’s action on singing turns into an exploring singing loaded with an immediacy and lungness that tenses its principles. The “shout” shall not become harmonious, it shall be related to the forces that provoke it.

And the sensation. To disclose other areas of sensation. We start with the pictorial idea of the embrace of two sensations and the resonances that these sensations extract from it, and we understand the resonance places as places of fight. A world opens there for us, and to this world we bend: Which are these places in singing? What representations emerge from there? What courses could a “blurred and trigged singing” take?



cantar las fuerzas

The structure is based on the laws of triptychs according to Bacon's painting. The proposal is divided into three sections which correspond to the same number of locations on stage. This triptych will be composed by these basic sequences organized in a circular -better than linearway. It should be mandatory to establish a relationship between the separated parts but it should not be narrative or logical. It implies no progression or storytelling. “Niño de Elche” will perform different flamenco styles (palos) as tonás, seguiriyas, fandangos de Marchena, soleá, malagueña, as well as the exceptional flamenco piece titled cantologuía, which makes us travel a number of different palos as farruca, alegrias, tientos, tangos, bulerias, garrotin, peteneras, soleares, seguiriyas, debla and more. First part The face of flamenco singing has not found his face Tres tonás para el rostro En boca cerrada no entran moscas Poner el grito en el cielo Francisco de así

Second part To sing the forces Homenaje físico a Marchena Palíndromo bailado y fandangos de la comba Respiración de ir y venir Soleá a su ritmo

Third part Between the still -early and the too-late Preguntas más frecuentes Frituras más frecuentes Cantologuía

running time 1h with no intervals


cantar las fuerzas


Compañía Bulos y Tanguerías (

In the last years he has presented his offers in diverse spaces and festivals as:

- Big sur. Nuevo Arte español, National Galerie im Hamburger Bahnhof Museum (Berlin) - MOCA, Museum of Contemporary Art (Los Angeles) - Nits d´aielo i art en su 6ª,8ª y 10ª edición (Aielo de Malferit, Valencia) - LEM, International Experimental Music Festival en su 7ª y 10ª edición (Barcelona) - La Alameda Flamenca Hoy, 3 ensayos de arte jondo del entorno alamedero, Teatro Alameda (Sevilla) - CAAC, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo (Sevilla) - Escena Contemporánea, VII Festival Alternativo de las Artes Escénicas, Circulo de Bellas Artes (Madrid) - Festival Internacional de Teatro y Artes de calle de Valladolid en su 9ª y 10ª edición - Arrt d´Acció, OCCC, Octubre Centre de Cultura Contemporánia (Valencia) - Flamenc Empiric, Mercat de les Flors (Barcelona) - El flamenco que viene, Teatro Alameda (Sevilla) - Lo que dura un cante, CCCB Centre de Cultura Contemporánia de Barcelona - Microbios, esos seres diminutos, Zemos98 (Sevilla) - Festival Anem Anem. La festa de l´escolta, Gandía (Valencia) - Teatro del Centro Cultural Narciso González, actividades del Centro Cultural de España, Santo Domingo (República Dominicana) - Teatro Eugene O´Neill, actividades del Centro Cultural de España, San José (Costa Rica) - L´Escorxador CCC, Elche (Alicante). Estreno de Vaconbacon. Cantar las fuerzas.


cantar las fuerzas


Francisco Contreras “Niño de Elche” (Elche, 1985) Flamenco singer. Lives and works in Seville

At the age of 8 he began to play Flamenco guitar and by the age of 10 he was winning his first prizes in the world of music.

In 2002, he won First Prize in the Concurso Nacional de tarantos y tarantas de Almería together with a scholarship to the Fundación Cristina Heeren in Seville, where he would go on to receive classes from such masters as Calixto Sánchez, “José el de la Tomasa”, Manuel Soler or Manolo Franco.

He managed to win nearly 30 national prizes from which stands out the Special Prize for Young Flamenco Singers in the Concurso Internacional del Cante de las Minas en la Unión, Murcia (2005).

He has worked at the most important tablaos of Spain such as La Toná (Murcia), Zambra (Alicante), El Cordobés (Barcelona), Auditorio Álvarez Quintero (Sevilla), Los Gallos (Sevilla) and Museo flamenco de Cristina Hoyos (Sevilla).

In his artistic career he has travelled the world, giving recitals and courses in Austria, Poland, Slovakia, France, Italy, Jordan, Portugal, Canada, England, Germany, Indonesia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, etc …

During 2006 he took part as an invited artist in the Flamenco de autor show by flamenco singer Manuel Gerena.

In the year 2007 he released his first album, Mis primeros llantos, recorded on the Sevillana DIENC label with the production of Domi Serralbo and the collaboration of musicians of the stature of Manolo Franco, Juan Ramón Caro, José Antonio Rodríguez, Daniel Méndez, Manolo Nieto, Jesús Lavilla, “Cepillo”, David Palomar, etc..


cantar las fuerzas


In 2008 he presented the Lamentos del alma show based on Miguel Hernández's poems and sharing the stage with the actor Ramón Langa, La Orquesta Barroca Valenciana, Juan Ramón Caro, Jorge Pérez and Manuel Ramos. In November, 2009, he collaborated with the poet Marcos Ana, in the reopening premiere of the theatrical work Sino sangriento, in tribute to Miguel Hernández, in the Auditorio Nuria Espert, Fuenlabrada. In 2010 he presented his Sí, a Miguel Hernández show on the life and work of the poet, in commemoration of the year of the centenary of his birth, based on the script of the writer, poet and biographer of Miguel Hernández, Jose Luis Ferris, and accompanied by the voice of Jose Luis Ortiz Nuevo.

He formed part of the company Bulos y Tanguerías in the “Gran espectáculo de variedades flamencas” show throughout 2009 and 2010 in places such as the Mercat de les flors in Barcelona in the Flamenc Empíric cycle, Teatro Alameda de Sevilla as part of the El flamenco que viene cycle and in the tour of Central America organized by the Cultural Centers of Spain in Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and Guatemala.

In September, 2010, he premiered, with the Compañía Murciana de Danza, the theatrical work Romeo and Juliet in the Auditorio de Bullas (Murcia) and in Auditorio de Albatera (Murcia). In October of the same year he was the guest artist in the Fiesta Flamenca performed for two days in the Institute of the Arabic World of Paris (France)


cantar las fuerzas


Raúl Cantizano (Sevilla, 1973) Flamenco guitarist

A Fine Arts graduate from the University of Seville specializing in sculpture, after several years of study and research in the musical area called “experimental”, he came to Flamenco as a scholarship holder from the Cristina Heeren Foundation of Flamenco Art in the year 2000. Since then he has been a habitual guitarist in the Sevillian tablaos, performing in numerous festivals and Peñas Flamencas of heritage and prestige all over Andalusia and has acted in theatres and international festivals in countries as diverse as the USA, Turkey, Holland, Belgium, France, England, Mexico, Palestine, Japan and Portugal. He formed the band “Medialuna Flamenca” assembling in the same stage andalusí music and Flamenco. He wrote and directed the Flamenco show “Sal Sobrino” and composed the music for the circus, dance and flamenco show “Malgama” by the Varuma Teatro company, which won a Giraldillo Innovación, in the XIV Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla. He also created the music for other Flamenco shows like “Femenino Plural” by the Compañía Flamenca Angeles Gabaldón premiered in the Festival Flamenco de Jerez 2007, or “Restauración” by the company Punto de Fuga Danza, that opened in the Encuentros Flamencos de Granada, 2006. In 2007 he began to take part in the Flamenco-Moroccan musical project of the Orchestra Chekara de Tetuan, “Orquesta Chekara Flamenca”. In 2008, he was both director and musical composer of “Tejidos Al Tiempo” by Choni Cía Flamenca, which was an award winner with the Giraldillo Revelación prize in the XV Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla. As well as the “Del Quivir” show by the Angeles Gabaldón Company premiered in the Festival Flamenco de Jerez 2009, he also composed the music for "Timetable" by Marco Vargas y Chloé Brûlé, Giraldillo innovación in the same edition of the Biennial show. Later in 2010 he took charge of the musical direction of “Alejandrias, la Mirada oblicua” of 8co80 producciones together with the choreographer Juan Carlos Lérida. And “La Gloria de mi mare” by Choni Cía. Flamenca. Both opened in the Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla He forms part of the “Entenguerengue” Improvisers' Andalusian orchestra.


cantar las fuerzas


Santiago Barber (Valencia, 1970) Artist, performer and cultural producer. Lives and works in Seville

After graduating in Fine Arts from the Technical University of Valencia, he was been working since the early 90s within an art form based on social aspects, sound, performance and flamenco, all mixed together with an interest that touches all these fields and understands culture as cooperation, as a way of doing things which allows him to act impulsively and transmit transformational energies.

He has organized and produced - always in collaboration with many others - cultural activities of a diverse nature, all of them related to the diffusion and exhibition of critical and experimental artistic practice. He has taken part in meetings, giving conferences and talks in numerous cities in Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, The United States, Mexico, Dominican Republic and Costa Rica. Likewise he has produced workshops and courses in Universitat de València, Centro Andaluz del Teatro (CAT), Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona (MACBA), California Institute of the Arts (CALARTS, Los Angeles), Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM), University of Fine Arts (San Diego), Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA arteypensamiento), ETSA (Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla), etc.

Recognizing this vital distance beyond - or above – stagnant disciplines, he has carried out workshops, graphic and gesture research, taking Flamenco as a rich and deep field of action. In turn he has done stage work for the Souvenir and La voz de su amo shows by the Compañía Belén Maya and for El cielo de tu boca by dancer Andrés Marín, where, in addition, he shared artistic direction with the choreographer Salud Lopez and Andrés Marín himself. Premiered in the XV Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla,he has also performed in the II Bienal de Flamenco de los Países Bajos, (Muziekgebouw); Festival ¡Mira! Théâtre Olympia. Arcachon (Francia); Festival ¡Mira!, Théâtre National de Bordeaux. Aquitaine (Francia); Flamenco Viene del Sur, Teatro Cánovas de Málaga; Flamenco Viene del Sur, Teatro Alhambra de Granada; Festival Montpellier Danse, Opéra Comédie. Montpellier (Francia); Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona.


cantar las fuerzas



cantar las fuerzas



cantar las fuerzas

photographs FĂŠlix Vazquez



cantar las fuerzas

photographs FĂŠlix Vazquez


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