Jataka Parijata-Vol 2

Page 1

VaidyanathaDi l<shita's

JATAITA PARIJATA ( qrrq rTrRGTrf, ) Witlt Att L.tr gl islr'[ rnttsln tiortnttd Copious Erptlnrntorqrrotesnrtd Ernnrpl es

BY V. SultrantanyaSastri,Il.A. A s s t t . S c c r c t a r ' \t,( ) t l r c ( j o v t . o f M y s o r c ( l l c t d . ) r r r t t l ' ln r n : l a t o r o l ' S r i p u t i l ' l t l d l r t i . I l r i l r l t . l a t a k a . I I o r a s a r a ,U t t a r k a i r m r i t a c t c .

Vol. II

@ RANJAN PUBLICATIONS 16,AnsariRoad,DaryaGanj,NewDelhi-11 0002(lNDlA)


Adhyaya V I

Marring of Horoscope

Adhyaya VII

On Raja Yogas or Planetary Conjunctions; leading to kingship

Adhyaya VIII Adhyaya IX Adhyaya


372 On Conjunctions of two or more Planets 495 583 The Effcct of Gulika, year Etc. 649 Ashtakavarga

fqqqTlfi"q' qEnq: q b


wir.sllqTarq: <tq+fmqm:




qret.qrfrsqrf{ qrao-qrtsqrq:



1t e.


l\e1 vt\


tcl qYQ

Itc tRc \91

Rerultsof I &II Houses,III & iV Houses,V & VI X

!'emal.fr :ii H"";.t.

f,fnrnonnnv L-l^l'-L-Horoscopy, Kalchakra

Tl^.^ \7.:-.L^.--, Dasa, Vimshottri



x xx*xxrKiKx)Kixxsi*

Reedcrs may send thcir order tr the Publisher.


qrdftqTftqre qsts*{Ft: ll wilifi.rTs-riqH:ll Adhyaya


Nfennrnu op e l_loHosoopp. Six slokas' ziz. 5e5,. +8, '[9, 50, 52,99 and l!0 taken from Brihat Jataka.

have been

qffrl *ftrri'rqrilcnqiiqaT

*i\iur qrqqrRE+r{rn t

ffiq ioqn '* q iiqqqr€qT-

Enrrwmurtgr il t rl h qTETt Sloka I. There are certain planecaryconjunctions which mar those leading to royal fortunes. There are others namedt+r (Reka) which produce poverty. Some again which are called ftt (Preshya)i.c. thcse lerding to dependence and servitude. And lastly, rhe:e are thlose called*rqq (Kemadruma). These four classesof yogas aboundin fortuncs marred just as they were going to rise.

t\ quadG itr{t qiqnai fitqr

ffrrmftqf qfl Wgi u.qtr* f{gur r qtq{ €ftfrqqrrmRi qril REnq+

ilq\Esornfrsiiftrnqtgrqrfl{.rs n q ll 319



Adh. VI.


Sloka 2. When the Sun occupies in Mesha a Na, vamsa of Tula and is aspectedby a malefic planet, the person born will be money less. If Venue be in the sign Virgo accupying a Navamsa of Virgo, a beggar is born. When the Sun is in his depressionsign occupy, ing the extreme depreoeion point, the perdon born, though foremost in the greatesrof royal families, will soon be bereft of fortunc, sons,wife and meansof living. NorBs. Tbis Sloka is from qiiffiGT

cl. srqcoi

Afie qtt} {i} ftqa: fiqeqiq{: I

rc€ rqdrnaiq$iq*free\ tt eAfrq'IE *f*di

qrilT:FnfiEr{ |


3TRilrT6aa{;fi't;r drTtrSeRIF{:t}

r sftfr qai;qe fiqiil flrTqftqn: dqmqgo 11srialqhnt gaqrr Also Qkrqrrtq

il€rqi rfif,tilq: qr{ dtqqf{d; r fqfuirqq]'nii {€nTqqkqqq tl



{rri dtqqr8ro:r aa-<r{Til:

{{IR ftFI fff qriqTiT qErr{Er{ll According to Sli.anda,the mere rrosition cf the planets in 'Ihey must also be in a certain flsdx or ai?aqit is not enough. particular. bhava to be thus capable of marring tbe fortunes of the horoscope otherwise accruing. y'.

gorqiE$qqmrrflls q& fisft r

qfqfqaiqfrfr eqrwilig RFefttt

sl. t.



qflq {rrqrfq-sTi*ts.Sfi frgft qd qrfqa*ggo wriisaqGtqfi tl eâ‚Źrfiflqfiierqqiq +arir gi I

o*ei nrng$rqrnluftqfttfurr qqi qi t frt qeiri qrqqrF,{s

*d, mfiftftftqta, SQ q+ds, tt

q+t qaliqrlqrDrsftlfr g,rr r qrdiq: ftqgdaftqfi rr e{fEfaefi +-qrqtssfitii qr,ii qe,ilt t ,ii qn, gtn:ftq firedsE frqft tt erq,{fiilfif}e .Trrrqaqi {r* t qra] qt grq] fiei fl ,at&r fr.ifd ll

qqpr?t{T{i}qisq{9fr gh'eg}ftt wmrqqqlEirsftiafuoiilqrgtfrftqq t A





inffilerHififftt r{Erlil (tR0t (t{IIqilI

qrdsfi {gtfi f,rqi}itfrqrtqtrS{hn{rrlrl Sloka 3. When Jtrpiter in conjurictiorrwith Sa, by Venus arrd Mercury, turn, Mars arid Rahu,is aspected the person born though in body a Sudra, will acquire every kind of knowledge and fortune. When the Sun and the Mo:,n occupyin,gtiie 7th bhavarre aspectedby Saturn, th,: person born will get a good living by the adoptionc.rfmeansprescrio.:dfor a persgnoi basebirch. cf. sqi,iFrartlfir

';latQnii:Hil{;4'igiT g'};frlanr rrflrqgriI 'iQqr{iiqfi fi.ri z Rqiqftrir'-{ qra.ll {dt.sfq



Adb. vI.

+-r& il fiCIilRqfirdntdrqdtreD

qqTi,^fiFahmqq.ilqgei f,rgn)Ertti(ilsI -. urrqru0s*istqriirfi qdtt tv\ firgr: art qrd-e*: ds-iqsdgtrrt{r;rrlJs.rffi|arq ilBrr Slok,t 4. When Saturn occupies either a Kendra position or the rising sigo and is unaspected by benefic planets,a person born in the +ru*r (Kalahora) lartlc *rcftc,{fr: (SripatiPaddhati),Adhyaya B, Sloka t4, Nores] of Mars becomes a slave and a beggar. When tlie Moon in conjunction with Mars occupies\zlesha and is aspectednot by benefic planecs but by the Sun, the personborn is a mendicanr. If Saturn, thc Moon and the sun be in Kendra positions,rhe persor)born will be dull in appearance,indigent and feecling upon the leavings of other people. c/. sqirirtmq0r

qqrt*'i er* iqG qi fto* r f,cstodirftqn't gitrt(iujrcarjr.reiq qrflFdf\nrmiqrfia: ;1 qâ‚ŹTq1'.;qraq}ilftrll *o4fF,ruq;r"fcqtfr{T+t

qi *qlrt rQrl*Uatq;|snat qmqfi wrdrfirgr qq fffiiilo* qq) fri't rril! | q$qrmdtC ftrqUtt qrqqiqontr qriT;rTrrrrir: qilqffiuq fiarflalii rr\ trrrr Sloku 5. Whcn Saturn is in a l(endra position, the Moon in the rising sign and Jupiter in the 12th bhava,the personborn will be none otherthan a beggar forlor' and in exile. when the lord of the qth bhava occupiesthe 12th and a maleficplanet is in a Kendra position,the personbor. will be addictedto evil, eating

Ijl. c7



at othar people'stable and maintained by their money and illiterate. sqi,ir?rrq?'r

*-t qril onqt lT{nHftq uq} f\ga qa srTd:I

dtt rqgisqil i{rft{giqfti{t q?q6(

a?idtquqifhisrgirfifrsit g.$fi6(|

frqtq-iliorfr naRqnftr ffti*rd]

hr: uqgit gq{€rnrdiiryrnafktr n Qtt

Sloka 6. When Jupiter in conjunction 'with Rahu or Ketu is aspectedby mrlefic planets, the person born will do baseacts. Wl.ren Jupiter in his depreusionis aspectcdby a planet which is also in his depression sign, even a person thar is born a Br,rhminwill commit wicked crimes. If the lrtloonand the lord of the risine sign be in conjunction with the Sun and aspected by Saturn, the pcrson born will be slothful. If malefic planets occupy the l0th bhava an.l be without benefic aEpect.the personbcrn will be a m:nial. Nor-ns. t*irftrnqilr

qlE H*fr qfEqr firrd qu*ercilqrqf4ilf*e+{ | qniq|t f,tqqqf}qa" il ftr Bc}rqftdiz{t:sr( ll The latter half of this sloka reads thus ln :{rd (€{

qrGiriltqqotfr+ ff* q-qReefr isq:q1"gqdqlqflfa.+ itqq nf,tfia:rr r11rQ}s-srh T*{fiil


gfiqt qiff wriqdt-fr qreis;q-qrqrrql I




{t{tq{qdurrrsffi rstd{qrrti{aqfuwegxGa:,irqtqil \ttrq, n s tl Sl.oha7. When the lord of the 9th bhava is in the 12th and malefic planetsoccupy the 3rd bhava,and the lorcl of the 12th bhava occupiesthe 2nd, the person bcrn will eat unwholesome food, wear a trusg or other band and be an adukerer. When all che planets, being in bhavasother than thc 10th, occupy their depression cr inimical signs or portions of them, tlre personborn wrll be lackingin lcarning,intellie:nce,wife and child, ren, will be ill-tempcredand go about begging. r/. qii*ti'{drqfiI

qir+?jifi:qqhai.ti finirrt xrqrftaw\, 1

hai.sfhl t qtr1*ql â‚Źraigmls-qffiarrrqlll qiqtdfqqqeqi)r: *;ql-qiftg{ qq qrd:l!

orqrflit Rrqtrg fiqfi * sq.i ct qrdrstiqewr Sâ‚ŹqrJrrfiEft* qiq r thrwqqfr a inrragfrfl{ilHfffistt' TIht qR asqrtd{q}qrd: Sosisul ll < rr S/o&a 8. \l/hen the lord of the rising sign occu. piesthe 12th bhavaand Mars in conjunction with tire Moon is in a m.rleficsign identical with the l0th bhava. the personbcrn wili have to go to a foreign land wherc he may haveto live in i'digence sacrificingcomfortsa.d affiuenco, If whcn the lord of the 9th bhava is in the l2th, the lords of the rising sign and of that occupied hv the Moon are not in conjunction with beireficplanets or are eclipsadby the Sun, the per$onborn losing his wife and children will bring his family to extioction.

sl, g.




c/. e-sj,it?idrfor

ai\rjt ft:nqtg qr+*nF* fiqgt {rilr* |

crfrsfilnw:qttfliTfi fte{rnfl g:fHd6r{'t erd ll

.irl,.rl qrosntRqri.q-frdrilrRfi $,os,t qn dqigd qRfift* qrtt fiqes*r'iaâ‚Ź{qrT

By the the term *t (Krura) as applied to a house ln the first qn (prda) of the sloka, all the five horrsesofmalefics, aiz., Mesha, Simha, Vrischika, Makara and Kurnblra are not meaDt, but only l\'Iesh:i,Sirnha and Kurnbha. Here tlre difierence between the terrns r{tr4i (Paparksha) and m({{ (Krurarksha) nray be noted. The one rneans " all the hou.". ovrnedby malefics,,, while the other confinesthem to " their odclsigns." \\\r

drrqrdsqgfst-xrqiFrir qlqnlf,r

et q-fi{i{+ sfr $6widii*qnfiqql r

*rt q}rruTri'nga* vE gofrsg\ qft t.qqh q ffilFrilstkil!

$'oqfrql il \ ll

Sloha 9. When bcneficand maleficplanetsoccupy Kendra positio.s, and the Moon aspectedby the lord of the rising sign is in a Navamsabelongingto saturn,tlre personborn brings his race to an end becoming bereft of wife and children, When Mercury and Venus occnpy the 7th bhava,Jupiter the 5th, a malefic planet rbr: 4th and anothermaleficplanet the gth, all the bia.ra, i' this case being calculated from the Moon's prace, rundersuch a yoga are born those with whom theii race dies. c/. .rsirfi?drql]r

fiflftn}e r {rrg\: }o4lt: {ril$} o*Eqonft

nlttn+{r qGrignhqa:$e,is*t RaX:tr



Adh. vI.

qil{ili {itrP{fuilet &taq.} qorflii q r

tl+ frohqRt*qt*ff{rrr}frf*rfrqrâ‚Ź+.r! nl ou

Slrr[a ].0. Wh:n the Moon is ar rhe close o[ a moveablesign, or in the beginning of a fixed one, or in the middle of a dual Rasi and is without srrength, and when the rising sign is unoccupiedby planets,Rajayola come$to an end. 4 s1ffir

qrqrtqrfig{rqtiqErqt0T:I ts{:erErrrRqrt

qt?rfqr aritqtq qgca {ft: ;1

owdinEqrnrqsrrrqulamtiqtlqill t

qnrrrtfrRilrs <$fhxqtrlq{iquftilscrilgqlu ?q ll SioAa 11, If, at a birth, the planer owning rhe rising Navamsabe the Sun,the Moon or Jupiter;and if it rhouldoccupyin its depression signa Navamsaowned by its enemy and the lord of its depressionsign, the personborn will be the follcwer or servantof another.

dbft qqiqrt ilqt ilat-"\



*'ilrr wqot

ilqfr RMul(*

trq$qqru tR tl

Sloku 12. When the Moon is in the lOth bhava, Jupiter in the ?th and a malefic .plauet in the 9rh, the perEonborn becomesthe ruiner of his family. If Venug, Mercury and the Moon occupy Kendra positions and Rahu be in the rising sign, the person born will live like a base,bcrnwretch, lost to all s:nse of duty enjoin, ed in the sacredscriptures,

gl. 13,15



Nores. (Fitsl half). Vrilc aks AdhyayaXIII, sloka zo, inltd. ( t. attet nh n. aJ.sql,ii?arqFr

Hqflqcr:*'+wrgg+r *oAftqar ,ilfifi *Gq* r qoercq}lr: r q4qqriiqm)fiqrqrrgmiQlq: rt Aiso qrfr{A{

afrrgqgmr' *=i dgmrirgngto* r -rosrcq,ilqqfu1arn) qr( fl fiq{rrfr{rfRd:

fr U,irqq{{itt iNT g:qfi qrggiirriq I srqiWqfta*i(rTr*qm {Eh{gfu fiuq n qI tl

Sl. Aa 13. When Venus in its depressionsign or in a Navamsa owned by Saturn occupiesa g:t,.fi;r(Dur, stthana (such as the 6th, the gth or the tzthLhavaj and is aspectedby Saturn; and when the Moon in .o";r". ction with the Sun occupiesthe Tth bhava, th" p.rron born will be in perpetualservitudewirh hi, morher.

rti gfr {Rnqrq+qr*qlUil qrqgif{rgwrr H qqrtgqE&{t+ gt rilFrqrft6irrtr qBtl GDr

Slaka 14. When Jupiter in its depression or the Sun in the sameposition occupiesa *-tr (Kendra) in con. junction with a malefic planet the pcrsonborn will commit infanticide. When a maleficphner is in *+ (Kendra)and has no beneficaspsct, " andJupite, o..,r'i., the Sth bhava,the person born will be th: ,tnugtrr.r"i-it animals of the cow and deerkinds _j.e. will be.on. th. purveyor of beef and venison.

wrg+tr firfrqqrtrqiqifldr{rqsqFrfiq r atqi'urr] fr.qqn Rifi] qrqtgrQeitqgqlna;mIIt \r r




Slola 15. When the Moon and \,Iorcury in con. junction with a malefic planet are in the lOrh bhava and areaspectedlikewise by a maleficplanet and when the Navamsasthey occupybelong to their depression eignoand have no benefic aspecton them, the person born will be a {owler all his life. NoTES. This sloka apearsralso in qliTd(d.

qfl-â‚Źt arf,qfr. qi qrfirtat"{sqrrfuigr qntrqts{fiaqir ilErdisrrrcg frqsfttr*n n tE tl Slollrr 16. If the lord of the rising sign occupy the 5th or the 2nd bhavafrom the Moon and maleficplanets be in the 8th and the Sun in the 10th, rhe p:rson born will live by a professionvery far fron enviable.


ugi{teft dE{+Erwnqgir

snil (grrTsg{ERâ‚Źiil6EE tftEfr qpq6ftriltetl

Sloha I7. If the Navamsas occupied by Venus and Jupiter be owned bv their several depression or inimical signs and if Saturn also be in a Navamsasuch as deecribed above,the person born will suffer afflic tions and live in pain and unhappiness bereft of wife and children. Norns. Slokas l3-l7 are also quoted in qsl{r?il,uq.

qif qmn+rdlqTR{rqr d+ttsr irqaqrft'{rtrr tRwdt{rqtrt o}qri rttnrftlwgtsdrq lt tc rr Sloft:r18. If all the maleficplanets be in Kendra positionsidentical with their depreesionor inimical eigns,andif they be at the same time aspectedby

sl. 18,



benefic planets occupying the l2th, the 8th and the 6th bhavas,they destroy the Rajayogaof th: horoscopeno less than those planets which occupy maleiic 60th portions in their depressionand inimical signs. Nores. It is not possible to give an example for the yoga described.in the text, uiz , malefrcsin Kendras being at the same time aspected b y b e n e f i c si n D u s s t t h a n a s( 6 t h , 8 t h o r l Z t l r ) . I f t h e f i r s t h a l f o f the sloka be interpreted :rs " if all male6c planets be placed in Kendra, depressionor ini'rical positions and be at the same time aspectedby benefics occupyiugthe 6th, 8th or l2th bhavas,', the following horoscopenray be suggestedas arr example: _-

Mercury Venus For the same e{Iect the yoga described in qlttsdt (Saravali) is slightly difterent, While the two c o n d i t i o n sV t z . , ( l ) t h a t a l l t h e




Sun Merc, Venus





Adh. VI.

, s i o n o r i n i m i c a l s i g ' s a n d ( 2 ) t h a t a l l b e n e f r c s h o u l db e p o s i t e di n D u s s t t h a r i a (s6 t h , 8 t h o r l 2 t h ) h o l d g o o d ,i t i s s t a t e dt h e r e t h a t t h e malefics slrould rt::.[.c as:ocitLled uith ss aslcc!ei l,y the benefics. c/. â‚Źt{Edr

H1 .r,{T:fr;4 qlqlRrtdT ? fltcrig4egt: I

gq/:t-q,tfi,Jq;)qarsfiqqli q41zqa:tt

il-niqmffqfraffirrdrg\â‚Źsr qfaqqqrfi| T(ftq8q{Uf,rq{rqrEo*{gdrs;q6s1q1d1 ll qq ll S/oArr19. If Saturrr,the Moon and the Sun occupy Kendrapositionsand are not aspectedby bencficplanets, the personborn will be a drunkard, If thc sam: planets occupymalefic6rJthpcrcions owrled by their inimical and depressionsigns, the person concerned will be wickedly inclined and commit adultery qith another's wife, Norns. Fitsl


Latltr half.

71so :l6lia gl itrftu.

I . ' . r r t h e s a . n r ee f f e c t , t h e f o i l o w i n g y o g a i s a l s o

mentionert inl,tlal;h{at

qitut{{rs 'if} nrg*, qnfF,ricq;q{.d{qTqt ll

aii Uir q{qi uqr\ idqq{iltqiArTrqstI d g.*:*wtam& urii q EnTiq$r(qr eil( u(o11 \ l o l r l 2 0 . I f l t V c n u si n i t s r l e p r e s s i o ns i g n a n d in conjunction with a maleficplanetoccupy the 9th bhava and be aspectedby a rnalefic planet, the person born w i l l b e a f o w l e r . l f a b e n e f i cs i g n r e p r e s e n tt h e t 2 t h bhavaand Venus .Jccupy thereina Navamsaowned by Saturn,the persouborn will be e.rcessivelyaddictedto $e t v a r r t , m a i d s .

sl, 2L-22


ltgf sc{tq:

Norrs. T h e s e : r n Ch r l f o f t h i ; s l c k r i s q r i t e d i l ' { : r e a ti n q i i q r ? t l r q f t , u i z '

qfi;qgh qrhnt ,frqgtfhga: 11 firdrarlfd

ttt*drrrr tl ulir qorRhqR{qa{Rrft\tiqt

rrtqt qfrFsqn\gr;<tgftiqrcqqirri

r ioqigssqdi ffgâ‚ŹTFTqhgaimqfr

ftrtiq fitriki tr qqrftnrrgimâ‚Źqr il Rqtl S t o k a2 1 . l f a t a b i r t h t h e l o r d o f t h e r i s i n g s i g n has no strengtli and is aspectedby the lord of the 8th bhavaand if Jupiter is obscured by the Sun, there wil I be the planetarycortiunctioncallecli*r IReka)(emptying or purging). If the lrrd of the Navamsa occupiedby the lord of the 4th bhava be obscuredby the Sun rvhii': being aspectedb-vtha lord of th: L]th bhava there will againbe the yosa termedi+r (Reka)' \ \ \ - a AA ^A qBErrfr{i;rtrrr{?T gqqdt t;{{gi6 (Itll \


qt;T{rgeq fqoqil{Ediqs( tsIIrT I q;rrtcqq{ditil qit gw! t'qi**Ftlqnrr: qm ontt{rnqiq iiqb t*rf,{{rel'fiq tt<rtt \\





Sloht 2). When thc lord of the 4th bhava is aspectedby the lord of the 6th ; when tlre lord of the 9th in conjunction with the lord o{ tire 8th occupies the 5th bhava and wheo the lord of the rising sign is depressed,the personborn getsitr (Reka) for his lot' When benefic planetsare in the 8th, the 6th and the t2th bhavas, while mtlelic ones occupy Ken:lra and

3 32



Trikona positionsand when th: lord of the 1lth bhava is without strength,the person concernedsuffersinju, rious effectsof the iorqirr(Rekayoga).

ilurr qutigrr imagsqnaqftilei( it;gâ‚Ź;Flqft!g\il(gttqrdrrToit*qr r

qrqeTtTstr ilufrqmragiiqonrQt

qtqtl qq\ q niq.Jatrifliq*rrir qh tt ?.i rr Sloha 23. If the lord of the rising sign be in conjunctionwith a malbficplanet; if Venus and Jupiter have becomeinvisible ; and if rhe planet owning the 4rh bhavabeing in conjunctionwich a maleficone disappear likewise, a i+r.irf (Reka yoga) is produced. When the lord oJ the 9th bhava is obscuredby the Sun'srays and when the lords of the rising sign arrd the 2nd bhava occupy their depressionsigns,there is theiqr*rr (Reka yoga) again.

q?qqnqtrRt{i'sturâ‚Źu?{reffii ar{t

qffib frlq hqEl t g*qTarfrsEiTr

-gq(qr ttoTaJuiqrqqrcqil{r grTfr ffi fl nwgdqqrrtdrfi'oErdtqrftqr\flqil!lt 1,8 rr slohu 24. A iqrqjrrlR.ekayoga)is prodrrcedwhen there are three planetseith,:r depressedin position or o b s c u r e db y t h e S u n ' sr a y s , a n d w h e n t h e l o r d o f t h e r i s i n g s i g no c c u p i e sa b a d p o s i t i o n( s u c h a s t h e 6 t h , t h e Eth anC the l:th bhava) or is without strength. If d by de1'ressed,in imical, or malefic planets-- aspecte malefic planets-occupy any of the 9 bhavas,namely r h e l s t , t h e 2 n d , t h e 9 t h , t h e 1 0 t h ,t h e 1 l t h , t h e 4 t h , t h e 5th, thc Tth and the llrd ; they will producethe lteka e{fect in respectto tire bhavasaffected.

'lg 25,27



fuirrurt q<qefimqrnr!qrdflt{ | qr* g qhq{qfr Tq{tRtrA

iffiqr ftgr*orcdve$ru R\ fl Sloha 71. A single malefic planet,a pair of male, fic planetsor a triad of them occupying any one of the nine bhavas(menrioned in the latter half of the preced, ing sloka) and aspectedby depressed,inimical, malefic planets,will produce the effect of the Rekayogarespec, tively in the early,the middle or the concludingportion of the lives of the person concerned.

rttu-nsqtt ftft* frqi.rcftqqGil Hsqr {Rr{s *{t gribilqrrfrdqwr frqr{tnr rgsI f\qffi qfr* fi{Gnrm}qrce{rMm} tqqrqq{rds{ftG* fiRq*fti}Cdf n REn Sloha 25. A persc''nborn under the Reka yoga has neither kncwledgenor wealth ; he is penurious,bostile, iustful and wrathful; his mind is alwaysdistreseed; he is disagreeable, having no beautyor grace; he is crafty; he lives on alms; he is filthy and quarrelsome;he is full of envy and rage: he reviles godsand Brahmanas and he is rated daily by his (wife and sons) whole family.

(srcqr $rat sqrdlirfrfrqhqqJqrFqfr r{dlqqsn$qq6a'ilgtltQgt


Adh. VI

qrilfqriT{rre v l a


v Y


v v v !

v v v v v v v


e v

v v v v v v

g r

v v v




v !


v v

l v v v '


v v

r w s

qiqtl {Td€+r!qrqrufrirqqq qr)rs'u\ ' qgHeR*rrlTrq{iwJ idgql qlqts ll le ll Slofra. cJ|. A peroonborn under the Rekr yoga will be evil'minded; he will have ugly or disersed be ill off ; nails; he witl be givento badwayl ; he wilt relatives; he will be intent on injuringand ab'rsinghis he mayb: ir" -tt be short'lived;hemry begall round; in mind ; he -*.; he may be blind, daafor insane "irv f.'f"ttful or wrathful; he mry b: a cripple; his in his eyes' thoughtsmay be betrayedby the clr'tnse

n qRa{rnr:ll

qrrtEtr(frqotiftriEi qt

${ii*lqiHfirtrEudR eil( t

*.naffiafiq sfltY(fr

olrrFrir qit i{€iffid qRKrll 1d ll

the the lord9f. SJofta28. When Jupiter' being bhava lord of the 9th 8,thor the lst bhrva' exceedsthe lord oi the 11th occupying a i"-t*"g,tt, and when the is s:orchedby thz Sun's rtriri"t .ther than a Kendra per$on born will b: l';;;';;; lt *"^r, in strengch, thr:


olfl fr qq;q gdrl€{fiqt{Rq*gqt Cixqn{til Tril rRuqlelnEl t\gul t

qr{qtrrrilrtiqitmq I frtifrftrQe'r f\g*l tlR'qll 6rr({:rrftrqqi c5fr qtqirrrl}

or Mercury' Sloha29 If Jupiter, Marg' Saturn and otscured by the Sun's rays, occupy beingdepressed or the 5th bhava at ,i" irrft, the 6th, tne 12th,th: 8th

sl' 3&'31



in the a pâ‚Źrson'sbirth, he wiil be a beggar' lf Saturn by maleficplanetsand if Mercury 9th bhavabe aspected bhavaa in conjunctionu'ith the Sun occupy in the lst sign, therervill be a Navamsaowned by its depression beggarborn.


r;mRRrqgffi{qil qiE qr( |

oir{(IEitqol 6qr{lllqaFil

Eftrr11{o ll *qRqa\qiiqrrfqart

Staka 30. If Jupiter,Mercury, Venus' Saturnand ith fFe Mars occupythe Eih,the 6th, the l2th, the "f. bha' LZth the of lord if the and lCth bhavasin any order by the va thoughdepressedin position and obscured superior to the lord of the Sun'oraye be nevertheless be a beggar' rioing sign in strength,the personborn will Nores

trqft atqRwm 'i*,i qqi soa(+{ qnil'Eitir q\( t

qta'qi of {qq{httqrgt gi ll ort eilql a{rqqql dtqrt ltgtr ll 1l


Adh. vI.

Sloka 3L. If at a person'sbirth, Venus, Jupiter, signoand the Moon and Mars b: in their depression occupyfour out of the six bhavasnamely,the lst, the 10th;theltth, the 9th, the ?th and the 5th; that person will be indigent. When Venus occupiesthe lst bhava Jupiterthe 5th, Mars the tlth and the Moon the 3rd, eachoneof thesebhavasbeingidenticalwith the depres' sion eignof its o:cupantpltnet,thc personborn will be a beggar.

'"-'"1 |


| Juniterl


(t l

I**" I


ut + q(fit{GsRta

et q dqgwr qR ltUtr qq t

wtr ftnsrrgtfitao{ilt dti ftWqqqtq rriqgftr!ll lR rl Sloha 32,. When the lagnais a moveablesign and the ricing Navamsa is also owned by a moveable Resi rnd it ie aspectedby Saturn as well ag by depressedJupiter, the person born will be a beggar. the 6th The camewill be the cacewhenJupiter occupies than his own. 12th cign other bhavain a or the

sl. g3-36



sil(: ft* ulflqis qrqrtERafroilqqnq {t i +.neâ‚Źtrnrnrdrcg frrqr i{qrurr qr.qdfqil{ nlltl Sloku 33. When the lagna is an immoveablesign and alt the malefic planets are in Kendra and Trikona positions while benefic ones occupyother than Kendra positions the person born will live upon alms and will owe his maintenanceto other people.

* ftont fritr frrqbenffirq+Ffiiqrrar a{rqfrI trorâ‚ŹIl iFqqRftqilr{qfi'qruaftogtrR ilil


Sloku 34. If a moveaolesign be the Lagnaat night time and if benefic planetsbo in K.endraand Trikona placespossessingnc strength,the maleficones occupying positions other than Kendra,the personborn will always live by begging.

qTqritq(arrdrruflq{qi frrqr qiqe{FrnrrlFqr{tI

dt qtqr{ni sftr* dtbrirt q;ffit at* n 1\ tl Sloha 35. If the maleficplanetsbe in their depres sion sign$ at a pierson'sbirth, he will do sin.fulacts ; if the benefic planeusoccupy their depression signs, he will keep his sins concealed; if Jupiter being depressed occupy the 10th bhrva or Mars be in the 5th bhava depressedin position, the effect will be the same.

dqirqtstrIilqqrct srfiraT flt qoqrgqls I frr-q qS aq\qqqrtq$$r rr lq il Sloka 36. Planets produce depression cffects if they occupy in their exaltation signsthe Navamsabeloog, l?

3::""_"_""." " ..*:,.",*""""",""^*-y:' ing to their depressionsigne; they produceexaltation dfects if in their depreesionsigns they occupy the Navamsaof their exaltationsigns. NorBs' c/. ssl{ftdrqrq {FI€{FFIrrqt: I *qrQrar w;lTft } ct;{rr fftrrm srRmr tqlc aiqrrlrlr qEr ETg;iFd aSa rrFcq ll qrmsl{' The following are some moreift{ yogas mentioned by

onl{ta} aqqeif} flRi} il fatqn: t frffist qat' tili'qrFfr"q}qrqt q{: ll gt{T:I gfrek;qqil: eofoqq1;Rsq(t*^qotqIliTl: flsCI{t{q{{qqf*{T: fl€sq} (s;c) ig* t+g fiQa: ll

srrffisr gvrfttu: sqifr"I+sqv{rRqqI q mr fifrql: r+g{Ati ffi: ll "q+ftq\6r-dqtG ' rqsft{faq|grrifqr:srufrPqfinmngai dgqfr4Rqrwrgd<qqrilsqq@r$git: ll ar*rftt Fgqt friqq< 116;mdqfaqq8: 1 H {F qTd\q?qfif,a ll firfiii erE{r}Trq6Fq: aaqfr{qqsftgftqd: gdrlilal {'rq: flqot:trS I garqqG qT<gqrtr*wrfr fu"qfffiaqtqq: ll qflfii e.3m+s trq' fiqtqTq fre]ftna t 66fr1: qglii fifi.it qK: sFlaqiwg fihq tt aqerqi {iTftfr aaqil{lsrci} qErt qRfr nril qi( ll *aqqt: flat-€t; T{t

r nqtwritu "It ftfrftaq. q<t mngdqRM n' t r \flqI qqqqq qq'i nkgdq


Sl, 86187

qirlq'il qqrqb xglscqq* aqt t ll uqt w'r \q fihq' €$ ITT;I1:

qgeqgq{R(t1t sa+ifrd{t s{i qdeasrqrfuiir ftfea:ll orqqgR{m,eg frtm: q6ll{tqqqils<{ra( |

.r<'il g€fRilg enfrerqtR qfrqRft{a, 11

qb *qlSA: flg(: q'GD: I sar*t] qaqnTqa

nqtt Fqi T€i erft* t qrqfrqirre}tt qa,iTtHTsatauaatga:t q.etfr qfi+t qrRqtilq nqh ll vnrag$ft;|g nurqdl qi ftqa,t ErRqm"qrfrffi€qaq qlqT{: tl

{iqr gftfr q-q'g}u q gdt *}q r *t .Bq,ifqlsqtrq',tqRfiq}n rr aq qfrsqqtt fftt i\ qil {E: ftaq-qgil q}q r gc#qqqrfrfi sqdt*rqftgEqtt

ll ffi11 fr{h* R{ffi:qmftqqrftdmfrftFd frqr$ ffirfr ftqrdr{frrrtd ilnr{rI ffihffi€dilq.sr€si ffi qnqtqrrffi{E* ft*rqtd

Ersll ls lt

Sloka 37. The characteristicsof a person alflicted is with qitdirr (Daridrayoga) are such as these:-He



Adb. VI.

be defective; he is crafty; he is reproved and rated by his family ; he has to live by begging; he is irr difficult, ies ; his spcechis disagreeable ; he is addictedto lust and gluttony: he would earn money by foul means; he daily gives vent to his spiceand speakspungentwords ; his heart is always set on other people's wives ; he is mean; often times he is blind, mute and idiotic.

qt{i ttaq( Effif I ERfrqltuoailqrqr( SB? rrqrosiqsrqtt,a?Tf S-{Rgrfit il lc tl Sqdtq GrTitr Sloka 38. A person born in a qfiefrrr (Daridra yoga) is fond of quarrelling; he may be a leper; he destroys what is beneficial to others ; he is unlraceful and given to boasting; he has no reverencefor Brahma, nas; he has a had wife and a{flicted with diseaserlugly nails.

It ffiq1;11 qh rfr q.rrEiftrtir tri rFfrmwr rrr$r

ot q\ iqgtrqqt qreifi{rqi qrsr{E(an( ft lq tl

S/<;ft,r39. When the Sun is in the 10thbhava,the Moon in the ?th, Saturnin the 4th, Mars in the 3rd, the Lagnain a moveablerign and Jupiter in the 2nd bhava,the person born in this yoga at night will be the servantof another.

*Iil T,ftsnffii {.G qTqrqfr Rqfroqt Ert r;'riki qsri+E st"qiCIiikt iuq{il rrEfun Botl Sl.;ftrr40. When Venus occupiesthe 9th bhava, the Moor, the 7th, and when Jupiter is the lord of the

sl. 41,43



2nd or the 1st bhavaand when Mars is in the 8th and the Lagna reported to be an immoveableoign,per$onE deetined to servitudeare born.

hqq+qqqfr frftrwfuqri k;niR qft ttogqt c enelr u-{;gwl+ggwr ftlE*'nmit irErailil n Bq tl uiiq?qarrfudioruf Slokrt 41. If at the birth of a personat night, the l o r d o f t h e m r v e a b l er i s i n g s i g n b e i n a s a n d h i a n d a maleficplanet eccupya Kendra,he will be a menial. If Saturn,the Moon, Jupiter and Venus occupying during the day a Kendra, or a Trikona position, be in a sandhi ar-rdif the rising sign be an immoveableone, the person born will be a menial likewise.

r tuqaii-ruir{q=frdegfrq'ldqq.tgh

hErafrrdiift awrq*g* fno*qrdfi{r ltBRtl

Slohu 42. Whcn Jupit.:r attaining an trrftt?r (Iravathamst- t,itle Adhyaya L, Sl. 4'7 ) occuples a san, dhi and when the Moon possessedof an r<sqtr (Uttama varga - attlc Adhyaya l, S/. 45) is outside the Kendras arrd when Venus is in the rising sign at a birth at night during the dark half of a lunar montb, the person born is a menial.

h* rrtEfigr*l{qE(F\rqlil {g1k{genq{drqslqqI qrqi{s {ti\ii {ri{qnftr$+

ql+iiorqgsqrsr{iu(tn( u 81 rl



Adh, vl.

Sloka 43. A pereonwill bea menialif at his birth Mars, Jupiter and the Sun oc:upy respectivelythe sandhisof thc 6th, the 4th and the 10th bhrvas. If the Moon occupyingthe Navansa of a malefic planetbe in a beneficsign and if Jupiterbe in conjuncrionwith th: lord of the rising sign,the peison born will live by servinganother.

qqni& ga-(ffi;i trqil{HrsqRrs'{rfiI

wriloâ‚Ź Rqfr ftoncqrarqdcqgtfrfto( ilBBtl Sloko 44. When Jupiteris in q+t (Makara)occupy, ing the 6th, the 8th or th: 12th bnava and when the Moon is in the 4th bhava from the rising sign,the person born has to be at another's bidding.

rrisqimqoq rr qrqrflrr qwfrql sftil{rs.qi+crtt*l gwit*i qres{*rqrFEa rt itq FTrlqfidia r ia$rd ttrqtI fr"qr*rqRrJ(qsEw

irrâ‚ŹornierrqFtrrRqgt *\ qdeq* u B\ fl

Sloka 43. These are the characteristicsof a person born in the yoga called cuGq+ (Parapreshyaka-beingat another's beck and call). Sucha person is generally evil-minded ; he is fond of quarrelling; he is harsh of speech; he is a reviler of the Brahmanacommunity; he has a liking for people illiterate, he is indigent and depraved; he is spiteful and wrathful; his pastime is lying; he is deceitful, lustful and intemperate; he is clever in gimulatins tenderness and false pride.


sl' 46'48


n wg-ffifrr: tt qfr qrqetr tt zt qnqt iist iqqrqE;fr

qrt qq*sGgisi qrqirqdisgfa{mrqqr( ttuqll Sloha 46. When the rising sign is ie (Mesha), qgu (Vrishabha) or \rgq (Dhanus) and is aspectedby a malefic planet, the personborn will have tooth disease; when Saturn occupies the ?th bhava and Mars is either in conjunction with Rahu or is without strength, the person born will be defectivein limb. ,.f. c'rffid .eti

${â‚Źeet: ttt qtaii{t{qt: I ciiiEsq njqrqoi ii ?r-cq;aErldu

oTt(trqqaFEtqflqa wrg3s I

iialqernrft qt$Sda] qiqqsI us tl

Sloka 47. When the Moon is in the 10th bhava, Mars in the ?th and theSun in theZnd, the personborn will lose somelimb.

ffqilq.rt RqteqrqtgkriH-aGiAgqGEI riq t qqPq{i;q Hst&fqt'

girqaiq $tldiit iiuq ll 8d ll

ttte 5th or fth Sloha 48. \l/hen Mercury occupies housefrom the Lagna and the other planetsare weak, the child will haveiwo heads,four legsand four hands' When the Moon occupiesVrishabhaand maleficrarein the Riksha sandhies,the person born will be a mute' by If . underthe aboveconditions,the Moon beaapected



Adh. VI.

benefics, the child may get speech afterwards (after a long time). Nores Fhst holl--,The above result should not be predictedunless the characteristic combinations mentionedare complete. If the characteristics are incornplete, an inordinate largeness of the organsnamed shoulclbe foretoid, Some commentators take the word ie"iu (Trikona) i' tbe slolia to mean {oii-srur (Moolatrikoria) of Mercury , that is Kanya. But this has to be rejectedon the authority of ,itiir (Gargi) w-hoclistinctiy says:-

qouii'i: diacsq;i gir r frgqrieFrdedi rrs&q;'rqrRrzn rl Sccond halJ.--gy the words " nralelics are in the Riksha Sandhies " it is to be understood that all the three malefics, aiz., Saturn, Mars and the Sun are jointly or severally to be in the last portion of any one or rnore of Katakar Vrischika and lv[gsn4. By the words " afterwards (after a long time)," nothing more is meant '1ater than than the ordinary time within which a child may be naturally expected to speak.' The last quarter of the sloka leads to the inference that such Moon should also ]rave r'alefic aspect to make the person mute, 1'his is supported lty Gargi who says;-

$-dtrii,wqi;aei: vti*! gdiri r q+: wirQ*: i'ntDrtq orrfr irRq rr iqerat,i'rnt'i q-d e]r,i. qf,riqrrr rr unless therefore all the three rnaierrcs are thus placed and the I\Ioon has a malefic aspect, the predictio' should not be made. If there be o'ly two malefics thus placed, tl.renfrugality or smallness of speech, and if only o'e, r.vaveri'g, slow or stammerrng speech should be foretold. lJrrt if such Nfoon has the aspect of one or more benellc 1r1anets, the person will begi' to speak later than when he would otherwise be na.turally expected to speal<, It must thus be remembered that the aspect of malefics is also required to make the native rnute, and the aspect of benefics to counteract it.


sl. 49 qr{ra-$r

rii.larrFq.r*: trRrit g\ viciiirttite! r d


qo: drrt€i e,a *r€rad} sqft !r I osr=iqqt$oi€i: uifr g;r*'i iegqrtqcrc{dt qitsfbarRd'r rrait rli: tt The word qii (Gavi) in the sloka in the text mav also tnean " in the house of speech," i.e., the second house frorrr the Lagna. (Skand;r.hora) where it is laid This view is supported by tq;iir(r lown thus:

xrsFeri: cfoAfiinr] iltr*r: r iqr rrftd Er{sriicrqr}$r}qrrEr. ir \

tTrF|r{Rt{Ftst€rrt{rq( tTcilrsT GtRff \





SFrfs{ {rtirfi rgt r-qrftq-ett rsdii qwftrs*.itilmo{{tQ "(r*frqrtrrRrftq srsfqrq +( qirqeslnBqtl Sloka 49. (1) If Saturnand Mars occu,)ythe Rasis or Navamsasowned by Mercury, the child will have .teethat birth. [This refersto the time of conception]. (2) If the Moon be in thc Lagna identical with Katakaand aspectedby Saturn and Mars, the child will be a dwarf. [This also refersto the time of conception]. (3) If the srrljnnoe(Adhana Lagna) be Meena and is aspectedby Saturn, Mars and the Moon, either singly or conjointly, the child will be short in stature(crippie). (4) If a malefic planet in conjunction wich the Mclon occupy a Riksha Sandhi (at the time of coocepr tron), the child wrll be dul[. These yogas trke cffect only when their authors fail lo have bencfic asi)ecron tbem. 44



Adh. VI"

Norrs. (l)

In the case of actual birth under the dbove yop, the native

will have often tooth trouble. (Z) tn tire case of a nativity, the above yoga holds good provided the Moon is in the Lagna and in l(ataka. (See Brihat Jataka-XX). qKrqoi

tig oi{reFqg qntr a drctFd'iteqt? srs: I $raar.rmati aftiirri'r lft egc: eiq tt trfrrid fiqi +i&OrSorffieBser<t â‚ŹF6s:t riifrqi q eE gsrrfftftriir: SrTrdrrqft crfr:t s aqqi rreFd d'rrtr,drqq.ddifkar, qH u

fruut*frumet qlqrsiqfi{t;t{AotI

qtaq*qqt{ eqfrr qrqgttgqrBRnr ar( ll {o ll

Slo&a 50. If the rising sign be the Iast Navamsa of Makara and if it be aspectedby Saturn,the Moon and the Sun, the child will be a dwarf. If the last Navamsa of Makara is rising with three malefics in the three. decanatesof the Lagnabhava (the 2nd, 3rd and lst the child will be without armsr feet or head decanates), as the casemay be. Norrs. eRHoi

lpaqe4elfifirii r arqc*i qaild.g {rrgd'r }urork*lorofiS tg â‚ŹEs: I ft garigc<s: qFor?tfiq"|*i6ri: rr A n o l h c vi n t e r p r c l a l i o n I f a l l t h e t h r e e m a l e f i c s e r ei n t h e l s t decanate,the issue will be born without head. . lf they are in the Znd decanate,it will be without shoulders; if the planets are in the 3rd decanate,it will be without legs. The worclsfrasdi{.{ii{ sqlril:qi}: have been i nterpreted tbus : " If lvlars occupy the lst, 2ndor 3rd Drell ana rrfthe Lagna."



sl. 51,52

But this is opposed to the opinion of q,i (Garsa) .from whose works the next sloka has been quoted.

rtrqrd{qt;g{mitf I oqiqrur{fr oqtEGrft{.il((te} rqtfnaq ll \t ll Sio&c 51. Mars oct'upying the Lagna Drekkana (eraf*rur) and aspectedby thc three planetsSaturn' the child. The child Sun and the \tfoon producesa headless will be born armlessif Mars o.cupy the Drekkanaof bv the s:lmethree planets the 5th bhavaand is aspecced as in the precedingcase. Nores. sloka rs from tT,+iil {Garga llora) rvltere the reading is s l i g h t l y d i f i e r e r r ti v i z . , - . i l s i . M ' l t i i r q : l ' ' . I n o r d e r t o c o m ' plete the idea given in sloka.50 above, this has to be read with the This

following first half of the next sloka in thet rvorli, z'iz ,

itcE cacerri aff *ir):r;ir?effi: r Its omission from the text must only be zrccidental. The translalitrn shoultl thcrcfore lrc thus' l v l a r so c c u p f i n g t h c { r r s t ( r i s i n l l ) I ) r e l ; l i a n a o f t h e L a g n a a n d a s p e c t e db y t h e S u n , t h e M o o n a n r l : i i l t u r r r , p r o d u c c s : r h e a d l e s s child. The child rvili ire boru arrtrless if Mars occup]' the lirst (rising) Drekkanzr.of the 5th house and be aspected by the same t h r e e p l a n e t s . f ' h e c i r i l d b o r n r v i l I h r t v e u o l e g s i f N l l ; t r su n d e r t h e s a m e a s p e c t o c c u p y t h e l l r s t l ) r e l < l ; a n ao f t h e 1 ) t h h o u s e f r o m the Lagna.

tRqrftrgiifrt oi. $qrf*fiffkf rqiG(: ditqr{t*i: {Tga(fiqd!| \





6{rq{IEqdqdl ErrI I$RFFT{ {ti{l

sTgqrrfitrdm {ilqinq{i}a gtftatl ll \R ll SlcAa 52. When the rising sign is Simhaand the Strnand the Moon occupying it are aspectedby Saturn




and Mars, the child will be born sightless;if rhe same Ascendant be aspectedby benefic as well as malefic planets,the personborn will b: blear,eyed. Tire Moon occupyingthe 12rh bhava from the Lagna will injure the ieft eye while che Sun in the same positionaffects the right one; rhese malefrc yogas mentionedhitherto can be escapedfrom in casethe authors of such yogas happento be aspectedby benelicplaners, Norrs' r-f. qRt{dr

t.qrdiqarfii fiafir* fqtiift,il o* r .i \^

Est Siutfirqi Eriq-'{:qqqfAar rr eilfiqqtEqfsTrfiahiqt gqEqror gQr: r qqqFiar{itsft qry d,trrsgilflqqt{dt tl .qqqtnqda-a)qrc rgfi+rnafi Qla' t \\.ln:\\.




qlrqdl qq.I: ll

Also qql*Earqior

q;4r{€gsQ{tfqdfrrpqna}sfhfiarnug, r r.\n


grTl{iirtf,{.ztqq:qr;gqq ih: nfiaqrr{ruql{il I3hattotpala, the commentator, ad<ls that if the l.agna ftr (Simna) be occupied by tlrc Sun alore anrl b q a s p e < . t c dh v N T a r s antl Saturn, the chird wirl ire rrri.d rf rhe right eve. IIe wiil be blind of the left eye if trre N{oon ^1o.e should occupy rht (Sirnlia) a n d b e a s p e c t e db v M a r s a n I S a t u r n . See also 31el<a55, irt{rr. The Sun, the Moon,

Mars and Saturn are the plenets that S e e y o g ; r r n e r r t i o n e dj n ( I ) t h i s s l o k a , znd (Z) Rrihat Jataka XXIII-10 qriotecu l n d e r n o t e s t o s l o k a J g i 7 7 zf a . T h e S u n i n t h e 8 t h c ; r u s e s r l e f e c : t i v ee 1 . e s i g h t . ( t r r 1 a Brihat 'Ihe .lataka XX-3). Sun ard the Moon in the 6th and the gth cause blindness.

alsocauseblinduess. (SeeSlokalgg infua),




Mars and saturn also causeblindnesswhen they are simirarly placed (i.a., when they are in the 6th and gth). c,f. sKlqdt

a*r sr $rit cr er{{r} *fhh qqqrar rr

WG* qqefufio*

tt d+ tq.r itats* r tr{r+qrirfuifr{"i qr( sffi'qil o{t gqilqsn \l tl S/cr&a53. When the rising sign is iq (Mesha) rnd the Sun occupies ic being in his exaltation, the perEonborn will be brave, obsrinateand possessed of moderarevision: if rta (Simha) take the p1.." of lq (Mesha) in the previcus case,the pcrsonborn will have eye disease; if the iagna be gor (Thula) and the Sun occupyit, the personborn will be nighr.blindand poor; and lastly if *r+ (Kataka)be rhc lagnaand have the Sun in it, the personconcernedwill ha,.rcinfl.rmedeves. Norrs. This sloka appears in JRI{r(d. c/. gq;atd+;

qrw;ril fs+eaqc)fi{oils} agr}

i\ nef<fq{r{a:ftWet frnrs: I ff-=)s=qlse: aRrlfli gg{rei:va} \\9

XR{;{I ZqadqaiqCIilriifrfiq tf

.qi rqh( grrqis{qd t} Aianq{.qr.t f rfoqrrr{rfk Ed}f,nflf wri frfi Eftorqs{RTi n\B tl Slt,ha i4. The Sun and the Moon occupying the 12th bhava whether conjointly or apart destroy the



Adb. VI.

right and left eye respectively; malefic planets in the cth and the 8th bhava have the power to take arvay thc sight, the planet in the 6th destroyingthe left and that in the 8th bhava destgoying the right one. c/,sddftilFTrQ

Rirrq-qi "-qqq]aqrf,tq;*qi.n'i.qEqr&e1* r

gfurqlcqaiqfr:h Ufr qi.nl'€qrrftQlitt

ftd*fr omelqafiqIfrt{Tgrnqgiltil}qr ilqer0iEi{urqrgt-qKftqqK:IgilTc {r,q{ il \\ tl SlcAo 55. The Sun whether in the lst or the 7ch bhava when in conjunction with or aspectedby Saturn will in no long time destroythe right eve of the person concerned; but if the Sun be in coojuqction with Rahu and Mars, other conditions being the sameas bafoJe, rt is the lefc cve that will suffcr in this cass.

ftfrtq.* qft it:qqrfr q.ftrcq6ETq{rrtsutrqr t qr{ qiqrfiPi rni ft GqiUfrqfQgr}Trq+q ll \q u Sl;,ta 56. If malefic plancts occu$ythe 6th, 8th and 12th bhavas,those in the last being the Sun and the Moon, the occupar-rtof the 6th bhava will destroy the left eye of the per$on born while the planet in the Srh bhava will dcal similariy with the eye on the right side. I / i d d s T o k ai l

s t t ft a .

t si qlir frqi uhi: {S6qraTnnrtn$itoql

cqHruHrfrGmrk q* qfrt qft qsi',{ru\\erl Slofta57. If Mars be the lord of the Znd bhavs, if the Sth be occupiedby the Sun and the Moon, and if Saturn be in the 6th or the 12th bhava the person




born will be blind. tf the Moon occupy the 8th, the 12th or the (rth bhava and Saturn be in conjunction with Mars,the personborn will b: sightiess. NorEs. This slokr is from sliTqt(({. The following are some more slokas frbm flir..(d to the same effect:-


eld qrqelagb no{rriit}gF.tag* r ii qqrqTqi{gci+tq}q a} s g ne+d:tl

ilarsqiuq* sqrtqnqa+d{tntq r tarffi qTuâ‚Źrqtq qilgt engfr+rffiz}tt

qt qtlss\ rrrfroilq;s{ts*+ r M

qti rr{iTs'q.*qt(irq{ n \e rr

Slofra 58. If the Moon be in the Och,the Sun in the 8th, Saturnin the l?.th and Mars in the 2nd, under sucha yoga,the personbbrn, be he Indra himself, cannot but be blind. 4/. gqswa+

fqq{rRqqaqqfiqar tfrq;qnqqr qqr dqrJ *eaqqGlq6T&dgqntqqq<qi1ilq I1 Also


qBnqit{;qqd q qr+ "q+ fl"} fiw,t q.i}q r gm*r qHgq;qr+qr 3riii qq&r qi gir qr tt

oili{E sftt qRffi grOs&ilirrqrrcSrfrR"ggt *+& ilg.rt qRhr*r-q:

dq gqngt i inn rffi il \q tl



Adh. vI.

Sloha 5e, If the lord of the Znd bhava being in conjunction with the lord of the lst, occupy a g:rqrrt (Dustthana.6th,8th or 12th bhavas),it will result in loss of sight. If the lord of the eye, i.e. the 2nd bhava being in conjunction with Venus and the Moon occupy the 1rt bhava, the person concerned will be night,blind; but if the lord of the eye occupy a position of exaltation or be in conjunction with a benefi; planet, no such malefic effect will happen,say the astrologers. NorBs. This and the 5 succeeding slokas are quoted in "tkTdtlt. The under;nentioned slokas yogas leading to blindness.


wkf.]i(ff give



rrT-q6rqfl"qfafi, rGi dt+ qrsFqdllTaftq;trg;sisft t R:h qrrgagt qqqR qrq

qr{id,{raafr gigt dE;q(ll q;qr:f,flgffi€*ne* {FqRe}sfATfiawr6' 1 gqrgi{q{d}T{: el€ii *q, sRtqlqTurrqll

1ffirn;11 ud Ao* qols*g+sr€lqtfrqftqrgrrdrt

qlqt Egqt wr* q'} sqld q atq Er;qq.ll Q" ll SJoftc 60. When Rahu, Mars and Saturn are together in the Lagna,the person born will have enlarg' ed scrotum. tf the lord of the 1st bhava be in the 8th and this againbe occupiedby Rahu and Mandi, the same effect is produced, say the wise astrologers.

sl. 61,68

o*,qrmrctqrrartilapq1;qnfigtatq I' qt ll .Slolo 61. When Rahu occupies the Lagna, Tfud (Gulika) a Trikona position,and Mars in conjunction with Saturn is in tl're8th birava, the result will be the same. When the lord of the Navamsa occupiedby the lord of the Lagnais in corrjunction with Rahu, Mars, Mandi and Saturn,the same evil result will follow.

trq I oh dr qftgia et glun<Eruff{iGdr rgor: ll qRll *t Aol {ftqfgt qqRfrrrrf\rdr Slohu 62. When the Sun occupying the rising sign is aspectedby Mars, the persorlborn will be afflicted with colic, consumption and asthma, When Mars is in the Lagnaand asp:ctedby Saturnand the Sun, the person concernedwitl be troubled with smali'pox' Norss. Two dillerent readings are given of this sloka, t'iz',t


eh rfi,ifigia es' atflqrqfaafigetrtaqt

{lRatuRsr( ll ,ili AolrafiqdqD efrrfifir.

1,. e* ra} ilflgtr eDqisqn4's{qogaq[dl( I

qrq tl fit ae* rfnqiebat{if}: {tGnqEqrt

qRftt dist qttntgk qlqrFqigtrsfifrgtieqdr t (IsFF{rE(frt ta6s*;

etsqt glmiTtftgtfrGIkItll ql ll

S/ofta 63. When Saturn in conjunction: with a male{ic planet aspectedaleoby a malefic planet occupies 46

gi l


Adh. vl"

the 2nd bhava, the person has to dread dangerfrom a dog. When Saturn il in conjunction with or aspected by the lord of the Znd bhava,rhe same result follows.

*qtF"i ugulcqrflffirqrFEt ilgst i*o} r

wts{i fuwrRrntStr gt qoirq}frnQurr Sloha 64. When Rahu is in the Lagna and when the sign occupiedby the lord of the Lagni has srrength, there is danger from a snake. When the lord of ihe 3rd bhava is in conjunction with Mercurlrr the peroon born will be liable ro throat drsease. Norns. stcilEt is another reading for dtqllhi. XII, Slolc 42 infta.


ales Adhyaya

fi w?tsfutR$ vrtftrta6uthqr{qq I hqTfrm?wrqrarinTr'Tasdlffir rrdr rr Sloha 6i. When a depressedplanet occupying an ini mical sign and overpoweredby rhe Sun'er"yr-h.pplo, to be in the 3rd bhava and aspectedby a m"rleficpi".ret, tlre personconcernedwill get diseaseof tlre thioat in consequence of the applicationof poison or of the swal, lowing thereof. In the absenceof these causes,the diseaseif it eets in is intendedto drain off moneyfrom the sufferer-a result in which the purpcse of the particular yoga will be fulfilled.

qR Edit .roirnrqz Eqi:nffiqGg( fiiqrd r qR srttr{} qq r, fiqdlqA'qilgfuq,ii qafrqodi Sloha 66. When a malefic planet in conjunction rvith Mandi or gome such other planet occupiesthe 3rd bhava,astrologerspredict the diseaeeof the ih.o.t; but


ll. 6?.69


when Mandi in conjunction with Mars is in th: 3rd bhava, astrologersspecificallyascribe the diseaseof the ear to the yoga. Norr's. Vidc also Adhyaya XII,

sloka, 43 inftd.

qrtf\t ftEtt {qrt sdfs{'tqstft Eil(sI

TtrRqg?i{giil{rt sqfrâ‚Ź{ trt qqqFeirc{ts llqql ''SloAu

07. When the'?rd bhavais oc;.rpied by a maleficplanet arrdaspectedalso by anothermaleficpla' net, the person bcrn rvill becomeliable to the diseaseof the ear. When the lord of the 3rd bhava occupies malefic 60th portions of a sign, then also do astrologers &clare diseaseof the ear to be the result.


qrfr{fi frgOqrtikt qlq{qfti q I

rna]qrrt Rqbqui qrt T{& g efu Erâ‚Źqq. tl Edtl

S/ofta 68. When the Sun in conjunctionwith a malefic planet and aspectedalso by a malefic planet occupiesthe 6th bhava,the personborn will suffer from excessof bile. When the Sun occupiesthe 8th bhrva, Mars is wichcut screngthand a malefic plan:t is in the 2nd bhava,the sameis to be predicted. cJ. rei'ir?arqlq

iirrFqraqhqq nqri qrqsghr

crqeGgh arrltfirrqalnRif rr



*tfot'qftd ftqfrqqft

*il qarw.rtawin16n qq tl



Adh. VI.

Sloka 69. When Mars in conjunction with Mercury occupiesin the 6th bhavathe Nav.rmsaof a malefic planetand is aspectedby the Moon and Venus, the personborn will sufferfrom an ailment due to a morbid stateof the phlegm. When Mars aspectedby a malefic planet occupiesthe 8th bhava and Ketu is in the 2nd or the 8th, an ulcer will be produced. cf. u*irfqorqfrr

qd gfr g'rgt TgqF4gftfhi I lria*nurgfu $qfrrr?qt;(R tl

qtqi qTqgtfrot r-brfbi ErituTgR{rf{r I q.dfui ff€{rt*t aoTrRtlaTr;giT€fi{Eti u eo tl Sloha 70. When the lord of the 6th bhava in conjunctionwith a malefic planet occupiesthe 1st or the 8th bhava,the person bor' will havc ulcersin his body. When the planetdescribedbefore (i.e., the lord of the 6th bhavain conjunction wich a rnaleficplanet) occupiesthe 10th bhava and is without beneficaspect, the personconcernedwill haveulcer scars. 'l'his'and

the next ,,r .',r,).tl.u"t,1uot"a irr ,.isirr!crqiq.

otnqgzr{rrsgrr! udMrt frrqau.q{HnI

sTqmtiTi €qErsqR{qrqi}il qg gqqi qdh il sq 11

Sloha '71. If the lord trf the Lagna,Mrrs anrl Mer. cury being in conjunctiorr,occupya very unlrropitioug bhavaand aspect the 6th, they will produce, say the sages,a diseascof the anusor somenasty diseasesuch as piles. Nores. In the secondrqtt (pada)of this sloka, q{ i€{tt: dic+Ud uq} sr i. another reading.




ffit Rt{rgd cqtq'ffiqffi t( r qb rqrEfkfrqgrd gtr qrrfrewitrftqi rrur rr Sloha ie. The lords of the 1srand the 6th bhavas when in conjunction with the Sun producefever ; if in conjunction with the Moon, they lead to an accident in water; if with Mars, they occasion some mishap in war or dangerby an outbreakof hot boils.

ftqTilqrqqR dT.qgdFr"qiesrqRsqF*fttq I E(fr qtq frqrfrotqqrgsn u1 11 d{q ,TrqtiQsi Sloha 73. If the lords of the 1st and the 6th bhavasbe in conjunctionwith Mercury, they will cause somemishapdue to bilc; if they be in conjunctiorr with Jupiter, the personwill be immuncfrom diseases; if in conjunction rvitlr Venus, they may be the caueeof Eomedangerto the wife ; if in conjunctionwith depres, sed Saturn, they will, say the astrologers,tend to engendera wind complaint.

{rS+(qR {,fiqHinritfqftftgtft arrr I

*.frft*t qR qG+(qd:t aeil fiqs aqrntq. neBtl Sloka 74. If the lords of the lst and the 6rh bhavasbe in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu, the pereon born becomesliable to danger from snakes,thieves and other such evil.doers. If they occupy a Kendra or Trikona position in conjunction wirh Rahu or Ketu, the personconcernedwill suffer imprisonment say the astrologersacquaintedwith the subiect.

qbE(q-"rciq gfrf flgtilo+ qxrrrTiuaq r


rfr.ceqr Rrt{rT.{ftu-,it dt fW.n nn\ u




conjunction with Mercury and Ra.hr,occupy the rising sign, the personborn will of his ou/n accord cut off his ,nembrum aerile. lf the lord of the 6th bhava be in conjunctionwith Mrrs and:have no bene[i: aspect,the person concernedwill become liable to a diseaseaffect. ing the organ of generation.

urlEl Af{gt ftgO$gxqosiEffif< r Strueriqqduqd *-'ffi'{tr qR q;qt arq n \eqtl Sloka 76. If the lord of the Trh occupy the 6th in conjunction with Venus, the personborn, saythe astro. logers,will be too weak to matchhis wife. If the lords of the 6th ani the lst bhavasbe in a Kendra or Trikona position along with Saturn,the person concernedwill suffer captivity.

qi itâ‚Ź) ftganrau eil q or\ led q qUI a-tsttnqilqfrqwri ffi Rwt Eilqrftqrr{n \estl Sloho 77. When a moveablesign is the lagnaand it is aspectedby the lord of rhe 6th bhava; when Mars i s i n t h e l l t h b h a v a ; w h : n t h e 9 t h i s r e p r e s e n t e db y an immoveablesign and wheo the Tth bhava is a dual Rasi; under this yoga, peoplebecomeIiableto the fever inducedby the incantrtionsof their enemies.

St qqt q{rtstfft tffirq* fhfts qo} r |M


q-qefqlil qfafiqoiqr(tr\edtl

Sloha 78. l{ Jupiterbe in conjuncticn wirh Saturn, if the N{oon in qtradratureoccupythe l0rh bhavaand if Mars be in the 7ch,the result will be a defecrof limb in the person born. If the Sun and theMoon occupy

5r, ?9.80


either Simha or Kataka, the personconcernedwill have consumptionas the conseguence

ot raitqfugt {o} q.qrqrrqirr r{i R q|ir I wqrEiilq{gifr o} rr* q,o}ssQffiA n eq tl Sloha 79. When the Sun is in the lsr and Mars in the ?th bhava,the person born will become insane. When Saturn is in the LaSnaand Mars occupiesthe 7th houseor a Trikona position, the per$onconcernedwill be a lunatic. NorBs. cl.


â‚ŹffF;rf\qDtftarargdtfirls,tqrqrt qot oaqhrr{rFrrn4{:rtrt q8a.ai t 1fr narrrhgelUrrarfrq-qalft'n frTnot qlqlqds{lTâ‚Źaigc4lg: eFsqlilqrl: ll elrt qrqgd\qrFqfiFqereqr;erq: I g;qlEqlfAi\,itqrqaqe}ndiRar:tt


Ui is the reading adopted in sonre books for ad rel and a p p e a r st o b e t h e c o r r e c t o n e .

o{friir Rrnr?rff* dt gt *-ffiqiat il t

qlqKglqsq qAa(rdtnqrqqrdqr?q=qoi ll co tt

.S/oft,r8C. lf the initial portion of ugn (Dhanus)be the Lagna,if the Eun and the Moon occupy the Lagna or a Trikona, and if Jupiter,be in the 3rd bhavaor in a Kendra po sition, the person born under this yoga will becomeinsane. Norus, The last quarterreadsascl-crgit cfi s;qmftin rqlrltil-cfi.




Also c./. snrfira{r

aaqlqqrqat*Gq=* urq};qftfitr , gt afrgqqt\ qm: dl-qrs{q qrâ‚Źr <tr( tl Some books read qslil r?+.ii-for e*iltri. f'he translation will then be "If any of the 4 signs from Dhanus happen to be the Lagna and if the Sun and the Moon be in Trikona position (r. a occupy 5th or 9th places) and if Jupiter be in the 3rd house or in a kendra position,thel person born, etc.'

qq I t-(fuf, drqtinmfrqrd.qt{flfi qq{igar

*.qfum $qfftrrrffif il& qtEe qqq*ilr n dt n

Sloha 81. If Mercurj, and the Mclon be in a K.en, dra positiorr or fail to occ$py benefic Navamsas, the person born will have aberrationof the mind. If Saturn, the Moon and the Sun be in Kendra position, the person concernedwill be idiotic and addictedto wine. cl.


gua-fl*-qrrf,]{rFqqEdffin} zqfrd r *,iis{ \wq<+ma: fl fif;qffi 11

$'otdqdlrqiggk q-i qqt qR gqt fl t qA gA asffiiqgfunqrilEfqrqft s'dirrft tt 6Rtf Sloha 87. If the Moon occupy the Navamsa belongingto Cancer, Aquarius or Scorpio and be in conjunction with Saturn, the person born will suffer from a diseaseaffccting the privities. tf the Moon occupy in the 4th bhava a Navamsa belonging thereto and be in conjunction with a malefic planet,the person of the throat. concernedwill have disease 'fhe


Noras. Zod qrt (paaa) reads as s't sqrtir qfi geqir.fl in ilcft-


El. &3€6 . v w v v v v v v v t

9 v 9 Y

! ! v



Ta qqfr qftrilqgh Rr* gt r+ntselilsft|

g;qrqrtrqerqtlsgd wilc iiei wqfrq! qq tlelll SIo&a 81. When the Moon in conjunction with a maldic planet and Rahu occupies the 12th, the 5th or the 8th bhava from the Lagna, the person born will be liable to inranity and that of a raging kind and will develop a tendency to quarrel. Norps. g\

i" another reading for gi

in the 2nd cr( (Pada) of the


qfr qrsdirqt ffiift urcwi* tl "& il q+qilfi qtqrftqrqintrrdr€tE tl eB ll c-atffitlt t


Stoka 84. When the Moon or Rahu occupieothe 12th bhava; Saturn, a Trikona position ; and the Sun, the ?th or the 8th bhava; the person born will have ailmentsaffecting teeth and eyes. The sameeffect hap' penowhen the planets mentioned above occupy Navam' sas owned by depressedinimical malefic planets.

sdt$frnq€tfrfttqM:qrRqi$T{I atq I @qr-*qq+{g+iE}qt

ll d\ ll

Slola 85. If the 5tb and the 4th bhavasbe occupied by malefic planetsand if the Moon in particular be in tbe 8th, the 12th or the 6th bhava, blindnesswould follow as a result of the yoga. The persottborn in this yoga mu$t of coursebe blind when there is no benefic aspect uPon the planets concerned. There will be no evil effect when benefic planets occupy the bhavas referred to above.





frffi oqqfrftoq{R+"{"ng sdEt-

n-ggtg w-<frrirrt ftri qftt r

-qq qoiq fkfrfu il qfqri q*'i-gqrfal*

qoi qfr{qqjqgisriti sd qifur{ n cQrr

S/ola 86. Whcn (malefic) planetsother than thc lord of the Lagna occupy the Lagna, the astrologermay predict leprosy; it will be black leprcsy when Sarurn occupies the Lagn:r as described above; ir \r.ill be red leprosywhen the Sun so occupiesthe rising sign; white leprosy if the occlrparlrbe Mars. when the Moo' in conjunction with Saturn or Mars occupies a Navamsa belongingto qrs6(Kat,rka),dit (Meena) or r*r (Makara) and is unaspectedby, or unassociatedwith benefic planets,thc astrologermay declare the yogato be pro, ductive of lcprosy to the peopleaffected.

qrqrilqt{rftrfrrqqowrfr qtiqi fr'rqt qRgqfrrfir

ai qgiirnqqrqgi rtq frrqqior{ttt rR frq*qr n es 11 SIoho BT. When the Moon in conjunctionwith a malefic planet occupiesthe sign occupiedby the lord of the 8th bliavaand wire. the last.mentio'ed planet is aspected[,y Rahu, the person born will suffer from a diseaseaffectingthc privities: thc sameresult happens when the 8th bhave is occupiedby four or three niiefic planets; but if a benefic planet bc in the Bth bhava, the personconccrnedwill be exemptfrom the disease.


qoqu{redtriitiq{E-de{ |

sL 88,90



qfur*Rglri{tilfr ,I}qE} tf?wWolidflrd ftqtfr tt cc tl S/o&rr88. When tlte Mor;rt is in a w iter'resorting sign anCthe lord thereofoccr.tpicsthc 6th bhava and is aspectedby planetsoccupyinq watery signs, the person born will sulfer from strangtrry; wlten the M )on occu' pying the (rth or thc 8th l,hav.tis aspcctedby lv{arsand will when Saturnis in the Lagnr, th: pcrsonconcerr-red ( p i l ischarges les). r u f f e rf r o m a n a i l m c n tl e a d i n gt o b l , r o . d ef .


czilRrqi q=| rb dq{nrf}qI ea&r,tfiqr* a*1.;rrflt qqqtt

qtil r;qufid frq{t qrq{-erffi

s{{T( gaqGirri+\q t r.Hrtr|d{risqiTr qt qrqilqi{tr;arrriq-t q{qnt qrnittdtwq{iqqRf; noaRiai iriq tt zq tr

S/,rA'rr39. When the rvaninq)loon in conjurtction w i t h m a l cifc p l ; r r r , : tiss i n t h c r i s i r r r ;s i g n b c l o n g i n gt o Sa(urttor in thc Bth or tlrc 6th hhav,i, thc astrologer m a y p r c c l i c cf l l r t r r i e r l c cs,p i e e u( ) r s o m e s t r c l ta i l m e n t a s the result of this perticulary.:ga. Wlren the Moon is the 7th betweentwo m;il:fic plaitclsand S,tturnocctrpi':s b o d i l y s u ffering m u t : h b h a v a ,t h c p er s r n b o r n r v i l l i r a v : from the combin:d .'[fc.:tsof ;ilrsc':ss,slllt'tn and con' surnption.

qdiftgaqrqqqsqfa si floh frqi;ftarirt

of wri uFrarqhil q"iss\ ufhtrrfia:ail( ll \o ll Sloho 9). {A/hen Mars is in tb,e rising sign and rhe lord of the 6th bhava is weak, che persolrborn will



have indigestion, a diseasedspleen and colic. When Rahu or some malefic planet occtrpies the I.agnaand Saturn is in the 8th bhava,the personconcernedwill be afilicted with a stomach complaint. ef. ssl'lr?-drtrrbr

qeflisftqrt qrowt qrq{rgt I (qtfittqt,il qTgeqfaqfqqrrqi( ll

q=puft.rgq*rffi gfr srfit ntftt qe*isqfroqqrtt qrorq{tgqft Rsdiqtrd qli s& fqgi qRqrqâ‚ŹE nqt tt Siolc 91. When Rahu occupies the 4th bhava and the lord of the Lagna is without strength and aspectedby a malefic planet,the person born will suffer from acute pain in the chest. When the lord of the Lagna is depressed and in an inimical houae,Mars occupies the 4th bhava. and Saturn is asp:ctedby a maleficplanet,colic will be the result.


{'},{i gfr

o)'qrqfrfif\f qiiqqqrtwtftt


qdlnqrfrqnsifrrc+ se i{ggrqir

crRr!{&oftw\fr Rruqiffigt T(r ll ql il

Sloha 92. When the lord of the 8rh bhavais weak and the rising sign is aspectedby a malefic planet and the 8th bhava is occupiedor aspecred by Saturn, the personborn will be smitten with a diseasethat will prevent the taking in of food. When the Moon in conjunction with Mars occupiesthe 6th b\ava, jaundice due to vomitting and deliriun will afflict tbe lrrson

sl. gsg4



concerned. And when the Sun, the Moon and Mars are together in the 6th bhava,the effectof the yoga may be colic and erysipelas. cf .


qrrqtlsdo* r;q dlq{tf*nq r r-hqilfqqa\qlq qqffiilqat rr

qrfffi qGfio{Ttsftqrt

qtsqnsnegt uffirftuq t

qRisqiiQ fioi oqrfUQq dssnr figqft agi ilfi Rtr( n jl tt Slofto 93. When the rising sign is aspectedby Mar$, and the lord of the 6th bhava occupiesthe 10th, the 7th, or the 1st bhava, the personborn will suffer from the effects of magic employed against him by his enemres. When ]r{ars in conjunction with the lord of the Lagna occupiesthe Lagnaor any other Kendra and the lord of the 6th ie in the Lagna,the samewill happen.

qrfrfrdqEdhqftii foi sr+q{nt

qri ofirdserqtsqrgfr *-.i qwqrcqilr

qtsfr qrofi qr?gt wiiki {rffi

wift brE{n qB 1l

Sloha 94. When Jupiter occupies the 4th, the lOth or the lst bhava and a Kendra is occupied by utFq (Mandi), the personborn will suffer from an illnessdue to the effect of his having comefaceto face with an immortal. When Saturn is in the 7th bhava and a benefic planet occupiesa moveablerieing sign, and the Moon io aspectedby a malefic planet, the person concern'




ed will undoubtedlysuffer from a diseasedue to his havingmet goblins,ghostsandf iends. Norrs. This sloka is fronr qTd.[{<f. The rhis sloka is q;rdi instead of qisâ‚Ź.

reading in the 3rd pada of

q-t qrqfrtfhi ftgqt qsdlqt qm qr(sfiFmfQqtitEgqlglilflsfr cfr t

*rt Emssrqri uggtqorftwiaur qt $qstR rcfirfr*{irttrqtd qq( rlq\rr . Slofa 95. If the Moon in conjunction with a malefic planet and aspccted by anotlrer malefic planet occupy th: (rrh bhava, the person born will become liable to wind disease; if Mars occupy the ?th bhava thc diseascprlduced will under the samccircumstances, duc to a currupt state of blood and bile ; be hcroorrhage if the planetoccupyinuthe 7th bhavaunder such condi, tions bc Mercury, the diseascwill arise from a bad condition o{ wind and phlegm; if Venus, it will be dysentery; if Saturn,colic ; and lastly if llahu or Ketu, l osscssion. t h e a i l m e n cw i l l b e p r o d u c e db y d e m o n i a c a p 'I'his

Notns. is also fronr tlif4-,{.{.

qrrqfirsi qrgs{ iie} inT{T4rF{

qBfii gib*aiti *.qeoqiqaiit

ftrh qrt {firft ftgt {rg} r'qqrt

qrqiu0agU{qfiqtil{ tqift tt q,qtt

Sloku 96. When Saturn occupying the 6th bhava in conjunction with ndiq (Mandi) is aspeced by the Sun, Mars and Rahu but is unlspectcdby or unassocia-


"""*,iuu "1- "--------","9-':::,--,-*",,"

ted with benefic planets, thc person[:orn wiii suffer {rom atr illncss caused by a complication of cough. asthmaand consumption. Whcir a malefic planetis irr the 12th bhava,tire Mootr in thc (rth, Saturn in the 8th and when rirc lord of thc Lagna occupies a Navamsa owned by a malign planet,the pcrsonborn under such r yoga wilt be liablc to drynessof the nosc resuitingin loss of smell. cf


qt z"i {q} r=i ;q4 qn fqert t qrqi{r,,Frqr g.r {tqii irqqrfqila | |

qE*ai ngfa+(6rr{sFr{tfht I tt $.i ze gh er{Ilgnrgflqrfign q;i gdtq{r; vqt 'JqF,i q* qdr(ed qgtft qrili I

mi q* ftgnttr?trget

oqdtt q fiqb dt {i&}rft n qe tr

5/o/irr 1i7. \When liatunt is in+at tKatakii)and the N{oorrin rr+r lM.rkara),the persoirborn will iravcdropsy" W h e n S u t u r r ri n c o n j ' . t n c t i r r nw i t h M a r s o c c u p i e s t l r e 6th bhava, and is aspccted by the Sun and Rahu; anci whcn thc lord of thc L:rgna is wichout strrngth, the r e s u l tw i l l b e a l i n g c r i n gi l l n ' : s s . eJ- qqi'if'rtrqfr

il;ql{fl|$ lb ifirigia,li{d I al-rt qlqqt il{ir'ft qqar: tt

qsf $+ tieut gâ‚ŹRnqar

qiiliqq Gg( qr? oaq qq I



Adh. VI.

qd s+ g€qtrflir(qfr

dflfqt qrRgt g ilstt qEFen gd tl

Slofto 98. When Mars is in his own house,Mer, cury in the 4rh or the l:lrd bhava and Saturn in the lst, the personbr:rn will be a dwarf. The result is the same when, other conditions being identical, Saturn is in conjunction with thc lord of the Lagna.

I s{rFqqfi rreqiI ttRrfrrqrrctr qFqr qtsqqaq rqFc cT-qI \C





gnF$dtHq,'sErtgqrlt Gilit{n qq tl

Sloka. 99. When the Sun and the Moon occupy, one of them the 12th, and the other the 6th housefrom the Lagna,the personborn will be one.eyedand will have the unique fortune of possessingan one,eyed wife as well. When Venus and the Sun conjointly occupy the 7th, thc 9th or the 5th bhava,the person born under this yoga will havea wife defectivein somelimb. Norss.

I'he Sun is in the l2th house fronr the Lagna in I and lZth from the 7th in Ir



sl. 100 .+

the 7th in I and l2th from the

The Moon is in the t2th from Lagna in II.

The principle is clear from the above. The left eve will be aftected by the above yoga. In the other case the Sun in the 2ncl arrtl :he l\lloon in 1he Sth (the 2nd frorn the 7th) will aflect the rieht eye. If Venus be in conjunction rvith the Sun in the 5tlr, 7th or 9th house fronr the Lagna, the wife rvill alniry:; hc ailing' ic-do (Vikala:suflering).



gq* flraqrc+,r} qaq qqrtqq t e\ qs qldt qrqrql dsilsftfidl ll Also


sfflqqfig{d+: {r{T$qF+{a.Fdgtqs I qqEflrTKgaq:siol qFqr {Itdqqns ll _




gtqt qqE+,aqT(:I ?q sqqtrr1{If,lil: r . i"\ t a .


'{tqifiqaqtqtqtt+e:qqlsedt?{ll ^


dirrtq{dtqqlgmi q dr+rgil frflfrflr: I fivn"ipufrqqrfl{ Tdffifitq

uttit ll ?"" ll

Stoha iC;). If the malelic planetsoccupy tl're9tlr, the llth, ttre 3rd and the 5th housesin any crder accord' ing to circurnstancesand be not aspectcdby bcnefic plancts,they conspir,:accordingto their strength to do dnmageto the organof hearing tlf the pcrson borl ; if they occupy the Ttir house arld be without bcnefic aspect,they makethe teeth unsightlv. Norls. 'l'he

t n a n r v i l l s u { l e r f r o t t t e a r - c , - r n r p l : r i n rt v i t h c e r t a i u t y ' T h e 3 r d a n d t l r e I l t h h o u s e ss t a n d f o r c ; t r s - 3 r d f o r t h c r i g h t e a r a n d tlre llth for the 1e[t. 1C/' also \\'estern astrologl'). Varaharnibira'


Adb. V I.



seems to extend the prinr;iple to the 5ttr and the 9th housesalso. D i s e a s e s c . r f t e e t h a n , l t ( ) n g u e : l r e r n t l r , ' i t t e db 1 ' t h e 7 t h h o u s e ( C h . l l l - 7 7 F r g . l ) . T l r i s r : ;i r l s o t h e p l r n r - r p l eo f \ \ ' c s t e r n . r s t r o l o tsy.

C/. i\lan Lt.u.

" M a l c , f i , : , , r r n : t - c p e c t r cbly i r e n e l r ts , ( l c c u p \ . r n g t h e T t i r i r o u s e w r 1 1 l r r i r r g a l r r t u t t o o t h d i s , e a s e (s, i e i o r n r i t v o r o t h c r n ' i s e ) . " 1 | r l l 4 , ru o u l r l r n c l u r l c t h r ' l \ l o o n ; l : . o d a m a g e t u t l t , r . r r, ( ' - l .

i n t i r c 1 - o g ac a u s i n 1 . 1

qk &ar.rrrfnqig qr{r : iri"qq{rdl+nef-ia :) ra | (wr,;gq-dqq;qr qnqf;dtffiqas{rrrrafirfn iqrarqNl +oilqqra ,\1s() ,ll/ii.'.1 .i


i A \ E{I{fl(r$n{I: TT'IT:flIEzli qTn{il q:il: I

z,raqfaqri $E: fiFrTqFglaa.-dlarql! Also


'ftanieqdtlFql: qTqr: n]'qrr{tfhar, t fiq'{lnT,{iFaI T*llT 4;n{fqol:ll


ot wmorrtqGqrqord r iqqrqek"JAlrgfE'{-{tg uniiirq{ogq gqdih rnr: il lo( il ;'loku t0l. W h e n . l i r p i t c r o c i - , r p r ( ' sb e n c f i c v a r g a s arrr-iiqi{r Vargottuinamsa) as such rn tlie Lagna or the 1 4th bhava ; or rs elsewhercpossessingabundarrtstrength; wh,:n tlrc oth,:r planets arc in tirc 2nd, the ll th and lvith well.beirrg and prgsperity ; other bh,avasconrrcctct-l and rvhen the lord of ,r.,. risrnq sign is powerful, che [']ctstJnborn gets on !,.r^:ll.ind is,h;rpp1r,

sl. 102



i ile{w tqq}Hwr }cqrqfrnrwr?ftaiw t qfttlffcrfr qqlfrq{gqu{Kr(n t"Rll t tlnriil: qft lltq-T{6-Eqn iqanri}tftt qrdrqriiqri qgf ll sftiTifirTfftrllTqt Sl"hu 102. By the graceof the Sirnlnd all the other planets,what are called qrilslTFr:tlataka bharrgaha)con, sisting of rrqdr{rrs: (Rajayogabhangaha),irrfrrrrr (Preshya yogaha), qRefrm' (D.rridra yogaha), s{Fdafrrrr: (Angaheenayogaha), ianqirlr' (Reka yogaha)and rtfldtmr (Roga yogaha)have beenfully treatedof in this chapter. T h u ' ; e n d s t h e l - r t h' \ d h 1 a t ' a c - r u 'w h a t r r ) a r se h o r , t s < : o [ r ei "n t h e w o r k J A t r r k a l r A r i j i r t ac o n r p i l e d b 1 ' \ ' ' a i d y a n l t h a u n d e r l t h e a u s p i c e s of the nine planetS.




ffiqaqlswrt: u u-wfrrntqrq: tt Adhyaya


ON R.e,re yocAs oR plaNET.r.Ry coNJUNctI()Ns LEADTNGro KrNcssrp.

6-qrfi-+tglqrffiqglirqfuil ffi I *ilqr{ffi{reffSoi wn qtqt rriq tt

iltftt=srrr?qnsrr.ratqfrisfr{osqrqRrilqrqFs{*'qtr ggqfl: guflEftqrqt n t tl Slohu 7, When the planetsoccupy Kanya,Meena, Mithuna, Vrishabha, Simha, Dhanus and Kumbha, the peroonborn will he a famous king, great in possessing an army, mightv elephantsand horses; if the planetsbe in Thula, Mesha, Vrishaba and Meena, an enperor comesinto the world in this yoga ; if the planetsbe in Vrishaba, Dhanus, Meena and the Kendras, a person destinedto rule over the earth and acquire wide fame seesthe light. NotRs. In this as well ns in the next slol<a,the author has described i n a v e r l ' " c n < l e n s e dr n a n n c r t h e f t r t H { ( ' i r n h a s a n a ) a n d o t h e r yogas. Wrth a vrew to rtral<ethern clearer, thu followirrg are extractedtrorn other works and appendedbelow:-



SI, 1 (l) lrewrir.n:


w frerqil it.r, *oqralgq* a\ I qrt q\ <.1g't qt&qqi\ qc' tl goft+ra: I E;ft ctsgm]q)+TA$ zqsRq)qqft zqi frt ftusi qrir:tl rrn5qri

+-qrfrqt$frir qG tqfi: fhil${: frfia: fih qt qnZgrq*qdiit e R fpqsq: t q, fr€reqqlqdift qgq) {qrftrrit qd q*$stqrfqufqqgarrdfqnqn's+tt (Z)'lgam,ii.r:'itqetart

il] feqrqe)qrsftqi qli si il r qtd,* q.iritsq agai,tsfiitflntrr q*,qfi q€r{t{i:flil: q{f,tqq', urrf,rq* qilt{r qrnrit z,i\ req 11 -*TI{gil(}

figarurfetrril 1t ftt +,=qr+,eq firfrd: Qaqrfqeqqfi q-s-qR at, t

aqa* ,iiil e*egeqlilafrfiii} r{twamr.rXggar{hvre,} fiqqi tr (l) qa+to-gqiq:


fti t\ g\ h qor+iq Fqt qt r {ft: ;rardoercoi} hrgq{eq' il (4) eqt+im:


g\ q fqgi qrq dit eqar] qa: r

e{qilgqfrftt +{ ffq e{rar:g1




Adb" VII

qrfrteq* frt RqrFeqffiqftftqr{ r qilqnrftqtnrq adt€...qqsq: tl (5) uqnfrq: ftrrerila

l\ g\ a\ qrsfittqa:tqrt qdtqQ r *orseqif .itt ilq,iltrsqilaq:u .it qri| 'rqnoi'ft s {EfAfi*sfa {rgqrU$: I eT',itqqfAfQsfi* zqir ,{qftTfr q sotq:rr (o) errsdr iirqqnd

n**qciriq qlt*rqol gqr I oa RqTglatsfErr cdr+.qft'qi rr qrar*mr ryrge,itaifiqhi fiqrqqilqeqiqqfi sfrq:siqr;qzfQ"qqtt rngqg*

qttq €tq n'qsqt"hnqd qiifftnr gtnrd+frrT{n{qg5zrcgrtgerffi :1 nwrfi ftg*qqsa+,{t {'q{Ruqtf,{rq-qta-qtiignnadt fiqr+il rTrnq: ll (z) rtcr€.+rq:{tq"rmft

+ Aqat qrt gomifrqil qt r flqt{it {iq},il il'.qs R g€qq: ll (8)'rg:srqcitq: clq,rril+

gorwG\g,nf,til fumqt r tg,nrtrt*niis.i n"qq] qqE)qar t t*,qrfq=qg{t€:{IHf,: Fqliifirr{:,

qsfriqo€q] il {i!:spqq}rq:11

sl. 2




qG gorqr.rmtelqttFgt+t:fldol fiCIflfla*t r \r K qgcfrq(Iqtqnflfr:S{{t: qqai ath z{Iq. tl

(s) T(qgF-.rctq:'iqara.i

€t dtt {4cg;s;{;qr* tq}r rrt I tqg;El

tltl€lT{*1f,:tllq{f,:aq: ll

( I 0) fr;Es=vil.I: siqatil-+'

qil +ffift fit q qfi qt fqgi '* t *tlrqrgq,il *,ir fi--tg"a] qilqa, tt (l l) cqoz{iq:


gdR rqrqrqftfqqqtdrq{qt ag, mU qq q{qfaq,i,,ii rfige, I qqueliigsq{ofrgffdT frfrqfa: gq-flrqrfq{ri qq{i qqqrqnrTQflrqlt (12) Tfdrqlrr: .rt{5itt}

gfa+rt qfi n'id<E6qqlql'4rJ(ftqliAo r

qdqrodr q-'qrtqsarrqt'qqztqlfr

q, r gtlrrq{frqn{rdorlefratitarft dzr ftaqfiggrrlrrrr a] liil{dikdl

{Fnr$qrfiql rrr rr ifr o*qsrtrfrKiefr Slohu 2. When the planetsoccupy Kanya, Meeha, 'fhula, Simha and Kumbh;r, thc person born is a king. When the planets arc in thc 3rd, the 5th and the 4th bhavae, the person born becomcs ruler o{ countriec abounding in great wealth. If the 3rd, the 4th. the 5th


Adh. VII

the 2nd, the 9th, the lst and the 7th be occupiedeach by a planet,the person born will becomea just king.


q*Trr qrdi q{rdl Klqrfwr arq I

frqraqiouUirrqrm:qrfi ftg.qiqqtr*u tt I tt Sl<,ka3. If the planets are associated with the Moon's hora, the pcrson born will be a famousking. If the benefic planetsbe irr thc gch and the llth bhavas, and the malefic ones in the 6th and the 10th, a king is born.

irnftqry{suuqqrcrqorF{il dt{itqi-fl ; I $-dr*Sfrr{qrq{d Zq}qMgqTnmqr ll I ll Sloka 4. If benefic planeta be strong occupying the tst, the 10th, thc 7th and the 4th bhavasand if Mars and Saturn be in the 9th and theltth bhavas,the person born will be a king possessed of every amiablc virtue. Norns. The number of yogas satisfying all the conditions described in this sloha will, if carefully analysetl, be fcrund to be very lirnitec. The following sloka.

horoscope is suggestetl as an e.rirrrrple for tlris




But sce the following sloke from €Kn"Sl (Saravali).

g(nHfirr: {{T: {Trffir:Sa{frtRarftq{ilqdffi: t qfq q{R r{rqR: qflrFiilqqaqftait qq s$q.i\q, it


ffi qtsqqrq;r.frgtrttr r


aflqll \ lt

Sloh.a5. When the Moon or tlte Lagna occupying a (Vargottamamsa)cfitci{r is aspectedby the other pla' nete placed in the 4th, the l0th and the 7th bhavas, the perEonborn ir a leader of men. Norrs. According to if€inltmg (Brihatprajapatya), €i(rc.oJ (Saravali) and other works, and as per Yavanas' vierv quoted in {EwTil;E (Brihatjatata), four or more planets (other than the Moon) aspecting a Vargottama Lagna or Moon will make the person born at that time a King. cJ.


qrfif,qqtu* q-i qr q;q1ffit:t TflitrqREiJvrarf{lfr: F€f,I:u

Also WrR-d

qfrni sffqqi{4ilfra}firrrnarft qu}tqsqqrr

qfta-afiqffii<qrftfrfka'qq'rqlqitzq:tl Also sle{Frul

qikiseil+\ qR il {rii\ F{tfth q qsilBfqftqrli: r erffiqftf,q: wg riqqFa*qt: flgqqeqftfiqlodliRil Also t{lusq

ffsff{qn -ra qvgi q qit{t

qd'qrfaftiR:{rfhftqrnqra}fthr s nqqft flfiq: qg Eqrqqtoii{uf

{qrFrqftfrqrt Rgdi i q€nq{ tl 48



Adh. VrI.

But our author has .gonefurther by restricting tho position of the planets. According to slokas 30-31of the 2nd Adhyaya,Saturn i n t h e 4 t h o r t h e l l t h h o u s e ,M a r s i n t h e 6 t h o r t h e l O t h h o u s e , l l c o u n t e df r o m t h e L a g n a a n d J u p i t e ri n t h e 5 t h o r t h e 9 t h h o u s e a or the l\Ioon, are also capable of aspecting either of them respoctively as all planets are while they are in the 7th house. Our author has rejected the aspectsof Saturn from the llth house, of I\{ars from the (rth houseantl of lulriter from the 5th and 9th houses. I{e only accepts the aspectsof Saturn from the 4th house, of l\{ars fronr the lOth houseand of lupiter and other planetsfrom the 7th house. llis object would appear to be to place all the planets in the three Kendras, +th, 7th and l0th and in such a manner as to be "capable of bestowing their full aspect on the Lagna or the liloon ls the .case May be. The least number of p l a n e t s t h u s s i t u a t e d a n d c a p a b l eo f : r s p e c t i n gt h e V a r g o t t a m a Lagna or the \'{oon is four. "r-di{gmfri: i.e., "by planets other than the Moon " has reference only so far as I4na yogasaro concerncd,for the Moon cannot aspect itself. But the question is " Will the aspert of the Moon on the l.agna nullify the yoga if it 'Ihe a r r s w e ri s i n t h e n e g a t i v e . I n t h i s i s o t h e r w i s ec o n r p r l e t"e? case, the Moon's aspect does not count, beinq productiveof neither good nor evil antl the l\{oon cannot be one of the planets making up the least nunrber of four above stated. Cf. g{.sitFldT.

e* q,ikqtqrcqatqqti a,{*r\' t

{gft: qafri:qfq{fq?fi &finfr: tt ffe c drail +'i ilqd'trrl{.flrtTfr;r;I

qrdtRril' fu qga.ilfi{rfat r t tt

\\ qq'{rfq erqttg Hflq: qrf,llFqqr I q;q: qr.qd{Iq H ftrqq i rruqefl There will l:e 22 1'ogasz'i:.66(i

C* C*C:15+6+ .l;li

yogasin a1l.

I for each of the Lagnaand the Moon,or


sl. 6 rv















879 !








Y v












I qqtrrrfrtFâ‚Źr ffiuq{r*tqA id ur.rfr qR ltftqitr qsdihfftEl{ ll q ll Slcla 6. When Venus occupiesthe asterism As' wini in the Lagna and is aspectedby all the other planets,the person born will be the senior in family destinedto destroy the whole host of his enemiesand to sport with many women. When there are three or more planetsoccupyingnot the Navamsaof their depres' rion sign but one owned by themseives and one such planetis in th: Lagoa, tlre p:rson brrn will be a king arrd a v;ry wealthy one too, when there are 5 or more ruch planets. (Fbil hill).

C/. ara+,riir

ar&;qi on{: gfi: niqtfaftfen:r fiffianlftqiEe'q. ll a]fr giqdiqro Also q.oitifdl

erf}=qrgenn, ugitifo'frqqqfirpfi fiarftt lt ,fhe

following from gt{qdt (Saravali) rnentioning the several will a s t e r i s r t t sw h i c l r , w h e n o c c u p i e d b y \ / e n u s , c o n f e r k i n g s h i p also ire of interest:

qrii: grl: I aRr;Rffier,rlgsqrqr{t *ilft tg*i q1l{fu;qlqRHfrqd:ll Louu holf.

C/. aramta

I flqiffirt qfierq =qrR&+lqgFqot,


tt Seqrq:sqflnsfqfiqRq.



Adh. vU.

According to U€tqTqlTetrifesilil{ and other works, threo or four planets in their exaltation r*q (Srvochcha), or in their own signs eki (Swakshetra)and are at the same time trine to one another, make a person botn in thc tolal famitlt, a King. Five or more such planets will make (nv lers0tt a King. But two such planets in the first case or four such in the second case will only make the person rich. Cl. gqerretqaT.

deqfu' egqrt: n?:e*atnaI *CA\\o

$iqi ef{filaF}11: sT{zq{{rq: ll L

qerRfli<qr,ftiRtqlsfQqranTI 6ru<ieqftit rgoqilqfia: qr{ lr .It has also to be noted here that it is only when the 5 or 6 planets in <&f-l (Swalisheira) are s:tong that the person born beIf they or any of thern be weak, he only becomes planets in q-'{g will, irrespective of their strength, make the person a King. C/, gttryt-r,qe+. comes a King. rich.



qeGfl+dtt:ar56pttqd't erfggr;fiqfA' erlgogfudr<t:1g qgfrKr€*:Q)jl} wft fiavrq r t-€sqm6

ufigf i}frr{{: e}ryq1 ' S-€Hq$eg€qffgFqr rGrragace+gql'qrqqqqAitzqra flaqg tt

g*ffiqqq€Tq sg{t&

old {osi sf*itqfR.qkr I

qtsRMrqlrrrrrt frrrqi

s{i\iryrtt"rffisdiiuus1 Sloka 7. When Venus is in the Znd bhavawhich is neither the planet'sdepressionnor owned by an enemy q,nd wlren the lord of the Lagna iE strong, the percon

sl. g



born will becomca kinq. When the Moon- occupieEat night its own Navrmsa or one belongingto a very friendly planet and is aspectedby Venus alone, a king comesinto the ',vorld. :f.



dtarftgqwtrqfinserire*n: qQdiqr qdt q {rq, tt Also en+riir

nfiarJq ettqT SHETTq: fllrriq: t

d*+rii qcdtqr H rr: gft{1qfa:tl Frorn the two p:rnllel lrassrges above given, it will be seen that Venus a'tl trre r.rrl of the Lagna srrourd both be in the 2nd 'I'he bhavatext rerds itserf arso to the above interpretation and i t r n a y l r r e f e r a b l l ' b e r e n c l e r c dt l r u s : " \ \ / 6 e n V e n u s t o g e t 5 e r _w i t h the lord of tlre Legna, who is :rlso strong, is in the 2nclbtrava, rvhiclr is neither the planet's (\'enus') dep165;s1611 s l f J n ,n o r i s o w n e d b y ; r n e n e r n l ' , t h c p c r s o n l r o r r r r v i l l b e c o r n ea K i n s . , , cl.


eilifiairrqa;* ze] qri.{rTf:aql I erfi{r $eh zryflqrfi;i rlrfi qtq.tl Also


qflrqrilscqfifqar{rit g};oreril aqfi *i}fi t qpftiq ?e:$rt iqrdq tl eirrrfifqeiflrld'ts,tar

qti qlffi{irrt uggesnfui qqfrr

elq 6{uâ‚Źriqtqwi ilctr{{r*iQh r

s{wftft esqi}qui atqrRqm frar

*'qqaqi qqiqfrgt qril q{tqrdffiln c tl

S/oAa E. Whcn Venus occupyingthe Lagnais in Meena and in a Navamsabelongingto Meena,th-eperson born is a king; (2) when the lord of the rising sign is



strong in its exaltation and aspected by the Moon, a royal personageseesthe light ; (3) when the lord of the Lagnaoccupiesin the exaltationhousea Navamsabelong' ing neither to the depression sign nor to an enemy and :hat exaltationsign turns out to be a Kendra and has no other planet, a ruler of the earth is born under this Yoga. cl, qa*kr

ftt dtqi{t Also gtttqofi


gfr ardfyt rriqtt

oflfiqfA: dli q{q.€tr€r-il;l I,i Od r

rT€fqqqqll {grrdd€rq*a:qrfiofaqfl (Laltu halJ). c/. Stoka 48, infra.

{rq& f{qgffu{q{i €totrrrififr

oqw€EM$refrr qr;qrtqj{qfilt d ttqoFqt qCISo* iffi *.qi

et qnqqFffi q Wontrqr rr{kli6q ll q ll

Slokl 9. When the full Moon is in the gth bhava occupyingits own, exaltation.ora friendly house and when Saturn and Mars occupy the lOth atrd the 2nd bhavas from the Lagnr, a lord of the earth is born, When the Moon is full and strong occupyinga Kendra other than the Lrgua and is aspectedby both Venus and Jupiter, under such a Yoga is born a sovereignwho will generou:ly make gifts of land. Norns. (Fhst hrlll. According to €t{t{oi (Saravali), any planet in with its exaltation sign will bestow Kingidentical bhava the 9th bhava occupiesor aspectsit anl two other of that lord ship if the planets are in tlreir exaltation signs as trell. cf.

iltr.56ae ringvi qtq tqrqgn ftfrftat r


BL 10 (Srcond,half).


c7. sloka 47, infra.

Also 't-{atadr

on fterq*t sto*ergtia)fiuaPt, I qr.iqtqgwqirrit nqr r{liilqaq tt Also esifi?ilqft

qfi fiqaL I ftar+.\ftqqi iqefrsrrr famrur g*q euqe,dgb qrit qil nlftwrugeu:tt

This yoga 6nds an exception when Tauttts happens to be the Lagna with the Moon there. c/. ilrr:wdi.

q\ n{ii owtd:gg{' frtr efr qfqfqft'riq I

qf? stairqqtd] qqfAfkdt{r: tt gqlsfi qTflIerki} For a person born in a royal family no aspectsare required-to place him on the throne. c,f. qRtsdt.

frnnn: I es fiqrq*d nmererXRn) frqqrfrqQlqro fimqqqqKiloq. tt

q{lt{ qrq}qisfrggfl€n qG fiKli' {6gi uirsqn R:nt t €deil Uga;-qt

ftF{-q:rqqis Awwftq-* sfi fut

si q4qqrrhqnqitr +ir Xstrxiq ll I o ll

S/o&a 10. When a planet is in the highest exalta, tion point and is aspectcdby a very frier:dly planet, a king is rrshered into the world. A king's peer takes b i r t h w h e n V e n u s i s s t r o n g o c c u p y i r r tgh e 1 l t h o r t h e 12th bhava. When 2 or 3 planetsare in their cxaltation s i g n s ,t h e M o o n i s i n K a t a k aa n d t h e r i s i n gs i g n p o s s e s s , ed of strengtl'r,thc personborn will be a king honored everYwhere' NorES. (Fi,st quarter). ,f. noaTii+t

nfr5egafra,i| fqeee,gqlq,i;qldfqrqar@{ |


Adb. VII.


Also gnrS-d

qfi qq r$r: di* qffnqqi) qfa r

{€qRfr*des:+itfi sfq{iqfi(rr (Lattn


See notes under sloka 6, sultra. According to Yavana's vievr quol.edin lirihat jat:rlia, one or two planets in thcir. exaltation, one of them being in the Lagna and the Mclon in .dzqi (Krtakr) will create Rajayoga. l6 such Rajayogas are possible under the above co;nbination. cf . yalatl.n -\--^r \ \ ^ \ \ \ A qfll8riTg ?l,{TdqHerT €Ql5r{ {liltr

\ ^ qrsil tlqr{I: Fg: 1l

Ordinarily 3 cir four planets in their ex?iltationwi11,it is said, make a personborn in a Royal family a King. F'ive or more planets in exaltation will make any persona King. r../.ga-.nwfqg. n







Hrqq(agr'{qt€lqF,tlq{{n: I Jq' eFq*r;qiaqritsfQ qnq' tl But there are other special combinations under which 3, 4, 5 or more planets may not be in their e.raltation signs and yet the person born attains royalty. .lhe iruthor deals with several such exceptions to the said orrlinary yogas handed down by tradition which are difilcult to be observed except by nren of extraordinary talents.

t{ +qqqttilf g{wni 'ra iisafker

qrren,rR il fimRflqqr sfr qdqrds:I

qrqJsflqi fr{rwgi gsrifi'ti}rt ffirqFrtf\isftqqoi

ilsrrsenril{rqi u qt tl

Sloha 11. If all the beneficplanets be in the scqq (Upachaya) (3rd, dth, 10th and l1th) placesand the malefic one$in rhe lst or the 10th bhava, the person born will be a cruel king quelling his numerousfoes. If the Sun in conjunction with the Moon and in the Tth bhava occupy the exaltation and other Varga positionE while benefic and malefic planetsaspect themr a king or

SI, 12



a king's equal of a very fickle disposition, will come into the world Notrs, A manuscriptcopyreadsthe first quarteras follows:

g{ q}qlqft,:titr:6i4qqry:*rqr ftowfFqar,t Probably this is the correct reading. The translation will then be, " If all the n.ralefic planets be in the irq--rf (Upachaya) housesa'd the beneficones in the lst or the lOth bhava, the person born will be a cruel king quelling his numerousfoes." 'fhe author desiresthat malefics should be in the e{"< (Upachaya places e.tce tili'ng !hc l0tl: :rs the undermentionedquotation from ql'oFq-ilil;[ rnal<esit clear.

Hfiofrrqwra fiqJeqt<gqqrcrrqfrpqrramor, t eTRqilTqau{irT: rqil fqqqi qq{t q{qrgq: tl (Lattct half). ol. HRFT6T

drqcaelqQqaqumfr{flQa: Fqacexai {FfiGFrt.tt't;Eqtrn: I

qg3T-{ Fâ‚Ź.qrqqnqafRdrsfi ma

figel'i*rfn',ieft eq+siilq gn{r{ tl " " I f p l a c e d i n a s i m i l a r p o s i r i o n , a . r .i n t h e T t h h o u s e , . ' h a s to be understood from .{';'Ri i.r the slolia previous to this in sRrs-dl (Saravali).

qrflqftaqqalqqi qrrt

fr+fhtfiwqs6u*maf r gfMgiln


{tqt?qilqfr gkufr wrorn lR tl Sloha L2. If, at the bir.h of a person,Mars occupy Dhanus,Mesha or Simha identical with the Lagna, and be aspected by a friendly planet, he will rule over a kingdom won by his own nrowess. If the Sun, the 49



Moon and Jupiter be in the 3rd, the 9th and the 5th bhavas and have strength, the person born will be a king comparablewith the God Kubera in respectto his rvealth' NorBs. (First hatf). c/. q-d{k*,r

qlwAqq$qlq€ffflF,it,Iufit qsqfr fiqfoee, rr (Latlct half .)

ef .

Slaka 49 inf ra.

Also €rrr4df

rnq r fiafrrr+qnl' qaqqqqqfrwt qG qqfAdqT{IqTsirc"q} qtqfd u

il{ qfi wqfr rfrr56rar( qgqnqrt enrfrarqisft

( tro.o{Erqt.qrd trnqAqrMll

tl ll

Slofrrr1-1. If at a birth, a planet be in its depression and if the lord of the sign occupiedby the planet or the lord of its exaltation sign be in a Kendra position in respectto the Moon's place or the Lagna, the person born will be a king and a just ruler. cf. q-o.f,.rfrr+r

qi+,] dtqrln<4rTqfqq<gal: t"| 1 qq fl g q{Eiii flI{K}$Toq;qifa: tt

fresrqqr alq fiefA q<qTf}{du(rqlqt 1;(Tfriqfc.{iqqs fiilrslaarqritsrqrt

*-t fisft i.rqffiqq, iqrq*,qiif zil qftrits'qqatqrqf:(d,iq<qlqriiqrrqq t( II .iii q<s 'ii*qtrT] AGaqq il r *"qrq$e+;rriTgv: uirr{<Fqn;ti

$1.t4-t6 Also




tq Qqt flq'lq qqrd<frq(adiagaarr: 1

+--dftqilil qqa'xgnl1ffiil .pftnrnn rr Also nqlrlfsarq0r

+Tt r-qqrqrtRitqfleiusgtr qrrrqiliil*qrsfqttqtrfr qiat: tt

ffiertaqturfi ffit

*ttqqr flUt qQ q'qo* r

qr ffiHt qcl€t{r€qPqt qrq u tB tl wrdqatqRrRqrsisEEr Sloho 14. If the lord of the Navamsaoccupied by a depresaedplanet at a birth be in a Kendra or Trikona position and if the e-sos (Janmalagna)be a moveable sign or if the lord of gbs cTelroa(Janmalagna),i.e. the lst bhava be in a Navamsa owned by a moveablesign, the peroon born will be a king or possessgreat power. aI. eeliftqdrqft

f,tqftqaiaql{FE fra:};qffiqq; 1 q{o} nqlt A qrkrq} Til rri{ '1 qnqnrfr q(nHG qrtrqilitsqil

dqe*gEqEfrrsqttrqrifirqi rrt( r oil dqut Wqtgft r-* qnq{t Grt'fffiqFEt q{t qfl uqrilnrfr rr+{ ll t\ ll Bloha L5. When the lord of the lOth bhavais in the 8th, occupyinga Navamsaownedby its exaltation sign, its own uftr (Rasi) or a friendly rrr?r(Rasi),or has attaineda cnrrain (Paravathamsa), the personborn will be a king of kings. If Jupiterbe depressed in the Lagna


A&. VII.

",.j!.att the Navamsa

of the 8rh bhava (64th frum ihe Lagna)bc that of a rriir (Rasi) owned by the marefic orr"ner in question, under this yoga also will be born a king of kings.

dqe 6qq\ ai'r sat'qofisEErirrcst

iirt oaqfi a ft"fqilg{iutrqi q+( | qrrtaaTnqitiffiqt {-gR{t {r ?qi et Er{rfti g}-qgrun gh r nqiiqr n I q fl St.oka16. \l/iren Jupiter, being rhe lord of the rising sign, occupiesthe r2rh bhava and when saturn, the lord of thc 3rd bhavais in thc r2th prace in respecr to Jupiter or when the Sun occupiesthe ltth bhava from th,: Lagna, the personborn will be a king of kings. If the iord of the Navamsaoccupied by cherord of the 9rh bhavabe in the 5th or the tih bhava,a king into the world. If Mercury be in conjunction ""r., with or aspecrei by ,iupiter, the person born will be a king.s favorite. Nores' r/.- qqi{f-{or,{r?r

gil "r4 rql art nal qrfinqrfqqr gii uq} fiard {rq{l;irq4ar:rr irrrqlfitqlrqrgsi{iilfqna} g& r gzruraqt qrsRZqhts)qqat, rt qT-t Sloka.

( D l r ^ r , u r .l a g n a ) s a l j s f i c s t l r e c o r r t l i t i o n s of llre above

rrFitqfttfkt {rffi *.{rQ+{W SERiildfr qreqqfr ar.dfut nmq,il r

sl. t7-I8



*.i n qfaffi GSt {urffioffi oriri'qilttfti qogt{qrswflq+(n ?stl Sloko 17. If Iupiter be in the rising sign and Mercurv occupyinga Kcndre bc aspected by thelord of the 9th bhava, rhe person born will be on a footing of eilualirywith kings. when sarurnin stre*gth o..uf,i., the {sfrq'rsr (lr4oolatrik''a) or exaltation ,ign h"pp.ning to be identical with l Kcndra .r Trikona anti is urp..r, ed by rhe lord of the llrh bhava; rr.der this yoga also, will the personborn be on a par with sover"igns-of the earth. ef. e-{i'i?rorqft

o* gil gt h"| {FqiT+rflf6t r sH -{rfE €e} zqge*q+at,tr

o* ffi

gt s€.r+sffd qFii

Ssq{rrt ftmwst ilqTsQrEr ilirrqrI

ftr"tqqls {qft€lii {wrfttrq&q:ft f c tl Sloka 18. When the Moon is in the rising sign, Jtrpiter in the 4th, venus in the 10th, and satu.r"in lhe exaltation or sRq (swakshetra), the person born will be eithcr a king or equalto a king. When benefic planetsare in the l2th, the llth, the lst, the Znd,the 3rd and the lOth bhavas,rhe person born wiil be like a sovereignand in great favor with kings of kings. ' cl. qqifilr-arqiir

a* q-esil nie+ttr\ TuffEiI qt ?qged|qqa{:tl Filqga+Rqt



Adh. VIL

qqrinrei fi:qoaFffi€reqqr qerRgFn?.n}*qrzqgeq]r{qat' u

qt *qqq.trrr€Sililqtqr{c{gfr {ri drtr€e{rqffit tteftq6sq3 1

trfr {dFrorrrttRst qrqrftiiltfr

iltt qfr dffii'sqhraaq) qaqtt?qll

Sloha L9. When Saturn is in strengtb and has attainedsqsEd (Uttamavarga, when Jupiter occupiesa Navamsaother than a depressionone,and when the Sun is in a benefic Navamsa and is aspectedby benefic pla, nets, the person born will be in the good gracesof a king and equalto him If Rahu be in the 10th bhava, if Saturn occupying the llth be aspected by the lord of the 9th bhava, and if the lord of the rising sign be un, associated with a depressed planet, the person boro under this yoga will be like a lord of the earrh. cf. ssirft?'ilft

wi rrd '{A=qtqlTqqltnfligt r elt fiqQt qrghzgr+itqi( ll

{qsil ftfrqAftqn wi{t qilq?nqgilr t sdffirr{TwFEil qr qnqfrqtfM

ll Ro lr

Sloha 20. If two, three or four planetsin deprecsion occupy benefic shahtyamsa(eu.in) or 60th portions or Navamsasof their severalexaltation signsat the time of birth of a person, he wiil be a lord of the earth eminently just and virtuous. cl. ssl{fr-mqft

a* qr * eq] qrsftqFqliiflqflTdt: r {ltluritsgtr: Qfi il q{rqft: ll

sl. 21



onis$gilftfi graErqrqrt=frqt

qr{r{N|ETurrqfr = *qqs;ffitfuel q'ffiqqil"rrft qdqtrffiqfiffi


qril qnqwtihtgft q-6dqr{rf!rq! tt Rt tl

-fhe Sloka 27. following are the three yogasunder person born becomeawealthy. In any one of which a the first yogar the lords of the 10th and the 9th bhavas counted from the Lagna are in conjunction and aseocia ted with the lord of the 2nd bhava; in the 2nd yoga, the lords of the 10th and the 9th, reckoned from grr (Subha), i e. the lords of the 6th and the 5th bhavas from the Lagna occupy each a sign owned by the other and are asgociatedwith traqfh(Dhanapathij i.e. the lord of the 2nd bhava; in the 3rd yoga, tbe lords of the 10th, and the 9th bhava calculatedfrom the 10th, i.e. the lords of the ?th and the 6th bhavas from the Lagna occupy mutuallyaspectingKendrasand are associatedwith qtcft (Dhanapati). If the severalpairs of planets mentioned above be aspected or associatedwith the lord or the karaka(orro) of the 4th bhava, the person born under each of the several resulting yogas will have at his command much wealth and many vehicles. Norrs. The first 3 quartersof thrs sloka are also capable of beine i n t e r p r e t e dt h u s : " I f t h e l o r d s o f ( t ) t f r e l 0 a n d 9 t h h o u s e sc o u n t e d f r o m t h e Lagrn, (Z) the lOth and 9th houses counted fronr the 9th house and (3) the l0 and 9th houses reckoned from the lOth housebe in conjunction, occupy each a sign orvnedby the other, or occupy mutually aspecting Kendras, or be associated(at the same time) ithw the lord of the secondhouse, the personborn will be wealthy."



Adh. VII.

af. qoqtft+r

+iril qq{trdqqrrfir* q"qe'i}uafR1ft a}: ry1q1',, Out of the I 2 yogas causedby the relationship of the lords of any two successivehousesout of the l2 ones, our author describes here the 3 Raiayogas. The 12 yogirsarc : ( t ) o t . Tb y t h c r e l a t i o n s h r po f t h e l o r d s o f t h e l s t & Z n d h o u s e s (z) r1q.1eT do 2 n d& 3 r d , , (3)-r'nr+, do 3rd & 4th ,, (+) 3rqro{ ,lth & 5th ,, do (5) <mor a* do 5tr&6th ,, {o) <rcf,.I do 6th & 7th t, (7) icqrzla: do 7th & Sth ,r (g) ..Trq-qql do 8th & 9th ,, ( ) t hc t l O t h {o) .6o1n do ,, (lo) {iirr"r{ dcr l O t h& l l t h , , (l l)'dur;Tq{ do I lth & I2th ,, (tz) firrnt do l2th .t I st ,) cl.


aMB+egflr+n}fegdT qdqa,ilr BqI.q* qEqr+dtd tfrqrrqr)rr qfdi tqoril q ft',qorfi dgaqqtr g6fi'6rr orqqlrrrdilqi]_cq1{qfiq ll s{qTsqrcq .fii rrq,iiq fqqrzfe{ r rTlrqr'{{ il{q}rt ilfii;wqaq'{{


fqnqrfialqlt qlqr q s,i,arFTdr:tl T h e r e l a t i o n s h i pb e t r v e e np l a n e t si s o f f o r - rkr i n d s : l. 2. 3. 4.

E A t : hc , n co c c u p y i n gt h e o t h e r ' sh , r g 5 s, , K e n c l r ao r K o n a .l3oth1;iauetsaspectingeach other. Any one <-rfthe two planetsaspectingthe other. Both planets occupying the sarnehouseor Varga, etc.

sl, 2I



,f . rRtlr(

sqq: PeT;ffpq=q] elsq6 fd,ftq*' t

U,itqd+ii aG:frqil*a =qtt: tt ..1-qtq*aw rl t,t ngare-aif ftq.t r qmfhilfl*il qrsfti*,qfiqn]qErrl The association of the lords of the Kendra and Kona olaces is capable of producing Rajayogas.



taR+)qqna: sfih


$twordfeirqnzqrq{d: II Also

frft}"rfrqdt{"}sq-* }q *qEq.r +qrf iisfrqfuq]qqqGs iilqa( tt Also KT{I?

ennd: gqqtqTfhrqq'tqrfim qrq t

qqrurt purattr rrfirr&qnrcsoq tt q.e1c;elqhii fq{qa' t d{:pq141q,i} wn4;qiieel qrndGt il-qqE tl q:r $-dtft ffgd il qrsRflqflsq} |

{rqifiq'it qrd uq qqfafqPrnqrr qldtt<qT qri qriv} a6{ fF,rn:t

gRuvf{vn'qiGeriiqeq {r;qurt tl gtrrfirrgQilofrqlqT qqTqdqflgdrir( | Z,iitariRE qiiun@:ertqgi aqtfifilr-euo:rr

g€nqlfqql*q qfleqrtq ngil | qiiaprqTgml arnllR( {rFqrrtqll

gia') q{qnga*e*qi.qrfQ gil fie'q r ryJ

il1_""",_,_ _:yg: """__ "___"__ "",""",_jg: J_l' qfr u-*qcn: gQsrerqntJtseat erqr-*qrftfrs] tt

q{rqrige++Eqt uungtr


finrqlq Eqiqtqqt sriiBilfrn r '

gql dgq+ rmr qdt qr aFflqlsR Er rt ffq: qfi +fia-d qrqsfQqfrq.r,t

rt {*m;} aa:gh 6,i1}arqrrt+r1 qdt goqqrii qnqqaalfrqrqq{

aqrqr'qprrt,{qftqntilsfl rfirq t ail rdq-61qofiflquaqqqt-

fiq.ii fia<rfiqqqqqqwftrrq:tt q{r guqqnl qnqqqi goq{* q-qii+qlqhil qqfAt{GqTiqqit


sgqrn +'iftf{qqrrq}tRqad qgrqlasR\qft qtnnr.itfrqifq 11 qil il-q€irl aawga*ris{,rai qorrrdt qs qqqfts frt nG{: I flqr inr-qrerfiqaqfll{orfregffi qqqfr' lt grsrctqonrq€{oqrcil In these cases it is not very nccessary tbat the lords of the Kendras and Kcnas should be two difierent planets. One planet may be the 1orclof two Kendras or a Kendra and a Kona and yet a good result will

be produced though not to the same extent as when they are owned by two separate planets.

cf. sta-Tqr?4+r

*oqflr,TqrfEq'irt+l *,iiq+lr*t,r q-qfimrqqfiil{iq=q} qfi frgn: tt

sl" 22



r*g qRq1&futgrrqrfq{rq}sfho6ft!Rn(| s+iqt:qei\frqffir srm qiqd'rqqt{r n qRtl SIcha 77. Vhen six planctsarc in their exaltation, the person born will be a liing of kinqs ruling over the whoie earth. When five planetsoccuDytheir exaltation signs anciJupiter is in the Lagna, the personborn will rule all rnenand all lands. c/. qdrtfi,rrcrft


q"^luiinaqqf"s\:qi4tqrf;tirit qfq'rqd t sqfFqt: qafq{a{rnr flrqtftqlt qi{ii i.rail-n Also nlfl{lil{ol

;r{a(r: qa fiitqqr,tr qs qq+ q qri,*q: tt E The authr.,r suggests tlrc infercrr,:i. 1l'tt, rn tht: c.se c,i Ilve p l a n e t s i n e x a l t a t i o ' , c r n eo f t h e r ' * ' s r irc irr the L;rgna, and tliat preferably Jupiter. In the r:asr:of :,i:.: | 1 ; L l r r r : ;r n e r : l l t a t r , n , i t i s n o t n e c e s s i l r y t h a t o n e o [ t h e r r rs h o u l t l i r r : r i r t ] r e L a q n a . O n e , t w o , t h r e e o r f o u r p l a n e t s i n e x a l t a t i o n r r l , , : , , l _ .nr , . r tr r r l l i e a p e r s o l r f ordirrary biri.lr zi liing. cf. .!i1r.t:

{i-ltq':I SfGq,cFe{Tqt{rE,lfia.{T,t*t FdaFqoftqlq-isr' ei fiaq1;11 Also

1 4 q q 11 1 q a { .

iafqkauftEt"jrqi-;ifciir'' I ?q:q.qelrqitqtrisfi wrar'11 All the works on astrclogy are unaniri.rous in the al;ove view" According to Yavana and others, three or four rnelefic planets in their exait:rtion makes the Iirng cruel.

6: {{tllkl


glq: m{Iiq'[;qKqrs--qqlI

sTn+{iifi+r, g}'q +&qrqrgdqn: tt

3 r/6



Also qttrq

qt\: qtqqfi:FTl( ela'rt'i'iqicqidd: r ;qrfir}f{aqfi: gr:fiiiyar*i rga: 11 {dsnliTd o \ \ ^c erg,{l{i:qgn.i: xt: firqfii{tqR: t .\ dlg o qlqndq'qd freftq: qqTqtll

From the above, it is also clear that benefic plauets in eralta_ tion make the king virtuous and that if the planets in exaltation which go to raise him to kingship be both malefic and benefic. he will be of a mixed nature. (Jeevasarrna) adds that malefics in exaltation do noi- bestow royalty on the persor) born under their auspices; he will be wealthy and at the same time cruel, angry and quarrelsorne. r {. And


qr\aqrrlelarq qqf:i .Z{i {tT: r

1fuqfa-rrf:ffiiFiFg:frfiq, fio(fiql: tl I t s h o u l d h e r e b e n o t e d - t r r a tt h e s ea r e n o t h o w e v e r a c c e p t e d as Rajayogas by Varahar'rihira. Accorcling to hinr, if three o.nore planets occup).' their exaltation or their own signs and area! thc sarnt lt,ne I t ite ltt one a.n,theyt the persons born become kin,{s if tlrel' b.long to a royal f:rrnill'. If there are 5 or nrore such planets, perso.s th.,ugh born i' ordinarl, famiries (other than royal) becorne i r r n g s . T h o s e i n r v h r ; s en a t i v i t i e s s u c h p l a n e t s a r e l e s s than 5 will be possessedwith wealth, but will not be kings. ,/. g{-qfild

seeil.rr,ri'rlarqr;'{r}iidlinar tFar: I eqrQfilrqirqi6r Siffagar a 1frlw: 11 Also og;rRT{

Bqqftffijr,ia.rei qqFd{rnn; I qqrfrfiit;s$olqera aa{ilrqrff : n Vidc also E{.rnRFfi'VII-8 and XI-13 and my notes thercon.

sl. 23-24



qr( | u$rqq&tfti qafitrdr+iqtrq{qdtqfrr

hiiEqAqR q-qgi dr{'ri iqgft Tqro!n Rl tl

Stoha 23. When Saturnis in *c (Kunbha) iden, tical with the Laqnaand whcn four planetsoccupy their exaltationsigns,an emperoris born. When *e (Mesha) occupiedby Mercury is the rising sign and Jupiter is in the exaltationsign, a ruler o[ men comesinto existence.

q* sqiqqGqR qqfh't{tsftErcq{qftfhfrarqurqr( | a\





gsrat(ffi(t{( F{sttqTrTtiT\


{"rtssg1-6 ilqru(wrqrlqq ll R8 ll Sloka 74. If the Moon occupying the rising sign qeir (Vrishabha)be aspecredby the remaining six pla. nets,the personborn will bocome king at an early age. If one planet be in the exaltationsign while the rest are in their own or friendly signs,thc yoga will secureto the personborn irnder it, a portion o[ thc gooJ thinga of life such as it is the good fortune of kings to have. Nores. (First half ). supru. Also +11{l{,4

c ' f . t h e l a t t e r h a l f o f s l o l ; a6 2 i n A < l h 1 ' a y aI l ,

Sg{wae;g ieqd qq-d qG qasttd: q{qfi aq}qqrfir qrqFfl]n \q gqqqqqftP:r: rqfd qgqqtq:mri*q: gtq, tt Also toiiitqt


ftqnqEfifrftilqqofirFnqre);qo: I




G€rqag*i+ertgRltniuFa:afi egeaudr z,i qqqftfiqralFqaqrr

Erffi ErqR g.fi,riirqftgii-(gfr Wrorr nCtUitriuneitghrtolqr} rrfirfi fkdirr p R\ tl Sloht 25. When Jupiter in conjunction with Mars and the Moon occupiesa eritrq IVargottama,aiee I,34) or a gcai:tr(Pushkaramsa,z,idc Adhyaya1 Sl 38) the person born is a king. Wtren thc full Moon aspectedby benefic planetsis in tlie l0th bhava, a ruler of the e.rrthhashis birch under the yoga.

g€fm${q;i vtrr q;(qfr qit (g'J{qri qi\i irrTfirrrT{| qqg€qffiQ rrrggi il: <IT( etftrrwogilf €{i{qrsq;rrf il lq ll S l o h o 2 6 . W h e n t h e M o r n i n c o n . ; u n c t i ow n rth |upiter and Vcnus occupiesugu (Dhanus.), Mercury is in Lagna, e;;rr (Kanya) the Mars in and Saturnoccupying the 4th bhava rs in Tr+{lN4akara),chep.rson born will b e a m i g h t y k i n g h e l d i n h i g h r e g a r db y a l l o t h c r k i n g s . ifi;qilTrTFlS{qHqqrfia{: \




fl rff glTrrrgtflgg(trTro! |

qqtn+t diqifi q'ftrfi {or& ' \"\


n \ \ ;ftql: ll Re ll €|F{ sq {rifgif EIaTT

Slokt 27 Tir,: pcrst-rnat whose birth lr.4ercury, the Mocn, Mars, jupiterand Saturnoccupywn(Kanya), fra (Meenr), icEa (Mithuna), ugc (Dhanus) and rr.D' (Makrra,lrespe:tivelywill bccomeking" Arrotheryoga leadirr;im kingly iortune is wh:n .the full Moon wirh

sl. 28



abundant strength occupieswir (Meena) identical with the rising aign and when Mars and Saturn are in qlt (Makara) and 6q (Kumbha) respectively. Norrs. (First half ). In this yoga, the rising sign must be q{( kara). c/. gqsna-+


â‚Źt qt o* ntqftgqd-qqqt, \

{I{Ir$Tq: (atrif: gggEqil: g{orilii: I Also emildl

qt qt ui gg'.qaqFgar frflq<qI ffqt


gqiH;fttFt: $dqq: I

fFqitarqi*'q] qgfr g(F{t il< rtq f,qrqrd) {q: gufrHr{: ql8rrfRqrll

(Second l*tf ).

c/. tRta.li

3a.qf),fii ilfflfc qi-q: sao+era: firf?1gd si I qqqfi{irrl E{l{td(Qf,qeqr} erfqqfi{gi rt

$I'iEqt qGWqri $aftrtq-fift ftftrn r

tt{re{Trrffi;Erqrar qr{rrErffrwrer rtttl ll Rdll Sloha 28. The person at whose birth the rising sign wct (Makara) is cccupied by Mars and czr (Kataka



by the Moon becomesa king. Again when Maru, the $un, and Jupiter occupy iespectively wor (Makara), *l (Mesha) and iirr (Kumbha),the person born is a krng. (First hqlf ). c/. qr,r{6.

Oi Ael q q|?itqqrskFWiusqrrf{flfqom,r ttcr dEIa3flrrytri1 iqrtfabq{rdtgqrt: tl

onrf{\6qgi qR Krfqd

gs{e{W€ffi g nsil|

qritqqirr€Gilr Wgnqhr:

qrfl r hrqqqilq.rilTqt{r tt Rq tl

Sloku 29. If the full Moon in conjunction with a planet other than the lord of the Lagna be aspected by Venue, Mercury and Jupiter, the person born will be a king. Again, if Jupiter, Venus and Mars occupy ctrvItn (Vargottamamsa)and malefic planets be not in Kendra houses,the personborn uncrerthis yoga becomes a ruler of men. c/. €racor

flilti fivuf@t{r: };qftqnr a} grlwgarar freerqirnGq,fitil,${l-d trfl: qs{ straT:tl

frif{is AAogw qt dFqdqurgirs,'c+qEtq:I

orrftt q{{i ftrqRri Er

urr gqrsrgf gtqfiq6; ar( il Qo11

S/oAa SrJ. When all the planers occupy ftTqo (Seerehodaya) cigna and when the Moon o..rrpyirg eao (Kataka) is aspectedby benefic planets, th" p"i*on born is a king. Again when the lori of the risiig oign

s, 31



occupiesthe 9th or the 10th bhava and when the Moon is in the Lagna, the person born will be a ruler of the earth. c/. qnrs.â‚ŹR

qiifrqqFgq{I; RqRI q'tqfiqq aqf qlTng:t


Fo} qq1-qql raqaraxnrh. n

qrnd rrrEt{ ffiqfrwrâ‚Ź*q il{rFtq\

oi rrggisiaqt{qfa(<ili q \f,;r;ffuI q*eiw{t fkirfMtr {rrwq qr},iqqr{ ilTaqqqF( nq RqEiqlqn q'drm?rrn lt tl

Stoka 37. The Sun has traversedthe first hali of egt (Dhanus),the Moon is just tirerd; Saturn possesied of much power is in the Lagnaand Mars is in the exal, tation sign : If this be the planetary position ar a person's birth, he will grow into sucha mighty king that his enemies,overwheimed by his fiery valour will do homage to him from afar, regarding him rvith awe and giving up all idea of measuringtheir strengthwith him in battle. Nores. cf.

This as well as the two succeeding slokas are from tn<f+&. gt-drtrf

of g*s}'dtfidqqqolrq rgfr: c/. Also rm<{Rr

orFt qlqq:d W-alhlie.it: t {{{Fq: sq: SqlaqFqfa+rq{ 1l


qgQrqt q{ wd ;TftTI:$n: I

qftitq nqrrasqlvr.ri n* rr 51




in a quadruped sign.

His own as well as his exaltation signs are 'l'he quadruped both ones. second half of qgi{ (Dhanus) is also a quadruped sign and the Sun is stronger there than in the first half.

sqqqw{d q-qq}rrel q;(r( gqr&iqqiir hqqrilq drqu t esoiroRgfir t q qrni\rildrr

qrrfgeiq$r il it ll â‚Ź qEfr;rtrnQrt Sloku 32. When the lord of the Lagna occupies an sqszr(Upachaya)placein respectto the Moon, when the benelic pldnetr occupying Kendra positions are in beneficNavamsas, and when the malefic planetshave no strength at all, the person born will be a kirrg equal in might to Indra (the ruler of the immortals).

sqrfrsdirfrar fi*\ir q{ mftw{fr qq q.frr I ( qtrfrUu{itgaqurlqfiqftru*e*tq{r\ rril rr

SloA,r 3il. If, at the birth of a person, the Sun be about to go to the exaltationpoint, the Moon be in s&e (Swakshetra)and Jupiteroccupy oao (Kataka),the person born will hold sway over a region teeming with many gemsand precious$tones.

qq frshi rGwq]fi Er eqt{saTrGgnrtrrqTtr fr{HftI Eatqqg|gqrrr $iF( ftnofqElueiarq n iB fl Sloka 34. If, at a person'sbirth, the Sun in a Tri, kona poaition be in the qgH.rur (Moola Trikona) qr exaltation sign and if the Sun, Venus and N{ercury, being respectivelyin the 3rd, the 6th and tbe gth bhavas from the M<.ron,occupy Navamsas belonging to them

El. 86-86



severally,they makethe per$on born a king who wilf guardhia kingdomjust as a cowherdguardshis kine. Nores. The following is the yoga given in qltt+ii for the same effe:l

qfiiqeq:eRfrqrtsfiqrwifrrsrqr:ftrfi1q-{r: I q-dq uif:c qlrrofrqfhdtnt tt eftqqgrqrrdrq

tffirgqshqTfr fr*i{rs0.* q ftg.rrrfufi,'Trttf dtir t

q rr{FdTrg{i {qftr qr( {{rt qqqqqofr*!iiptr te tgr n 1\ tl

SloAa 35. If the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Venus be in the 10th bhava occupying friendly Navam, aasin a sign which is not owned by an enemy and where they neither becomeinvisible nor depressed,the persol)born under this yoga develops into a great king in whose royal progresa,the dust is laiJ by the ruttish flow exuding from elepharrtscomposinghis train. Norss. This as well as the next four slokasare taken from grn4d. The yoga menbionedin this stoka is applicable only to persons born in the royal family.

qefi {qRfdI e1r'qUqrCxir

qfr'gq1qqrfrf\ftftQql I {+*-* qR wReteil wffIrqtqfrtqur{qt I lE tl

Slotrr 36. If, at the birth of a person,Mars occupy in strength the exaltationsign and be aspectedby the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter, that personthough low,born will become an illustrious ruler of men, capable of protecting the whole earth.



Adh. VII

gqiqtwqt e{wil qt w-drt sâ‚Źdiftsqer

fiqrt {rnf*r.qitt q{rrifrg"{hrr* iitrsur nlrgtl Sloha 37. The person at whose birth Mercury is in tht: rising sign, Jupiter in the Tth bhava, the Moon with unclouded radia'ce in +'a+(Kataka) represe:nting the 4th bhavaand che planet Venus occupies the 10th bhava,this person is destinedto rule the earth in health and without any disturbance. Norps" In {{Gwfil*, g{aCtTtqq anri other worl<s, the yoga is declared to result from the following combination. Mercury in Kanya identical with the Lagna, Jupiter and the l\{oon in the 7th house therefrom (d.e.I\[eena),Venus in the lOth (i.e, Mithuna) and Mars and Saturn in the 5th (i.e.;n Makara). c/. gasila+.

diqffr'r g) o), q,il lTiurrfhhr sqtisit fimarq {rql q;qrH}:gt tl

Alsoq6enrqmâ‚Ź gq: mqrqdmTqri ffuqir n} I

q;i nqli ftrt figart r qrJii rr qmtqnrifrilqrFqdi: sfq{iqfAq r

gqlqeilq *'q gqq.d n1f|ryq 11 +dri gr"{(i{r'iisqiin the text arrpearstherefore to be an error.


sL 88-42



{qHTo{tgtl srqgtlffirol5stsI qEirsftgtt qni qnftqqitEqq.ll lc ll -S/ofa 38. The full lr,{oonpredorninantin strength is singly capableof making the person born under its i n f l u e n c ea v i c t o r i o u sk i n g .

t{qr{i Fw{aiiqrdiur(qf}{drI fiikmrfiq'soq.ll lq tl sftft EgrrriTrt Sloha 39. Jupiter occupying the 2nd bhava in conjunction with Venus at the birth of a person will of conqueringall makchim a lord of the earth cap,rble e n e m ise.

t olir *;rtrfir0 qth efqqri{rt

rrrrthonr\ il(i{isft{r qf,rqftrtt Bo tl Slr,ka 40. The personat whose birth the lord of the lst bhavais in a Kendra, thc lord of thc ttlth in the 4th, the lord of the 9th bhava in the llth, sucha person will becomea king and be blessedwith long life.

Gggwratq! e& qofr'frq.rrt u{ftqfUrir ilcTrtaiqi sqiltqq il Bl tl S/,,4'.r41. lf Mercury with its rays obscuredby the Sun occupv its ao?adror(Moola Trikona) and be in the qer (Swastha) $tate ( ritle Adhyaya 2 S/. 16), the personborn will b,: a king excellingin his knowledge of every kind of learning. Other planets similarly placeddo not produccthis effect.

q.tq.qtrqm t sltfr gwrftrafr

o*rEtq tqrir qR nqTq t{qr u 81 tl Slok,t 47. If, at a person'sbirth, the Sun and lv{er, cury occupy the 4th bhava, Saturn and the Moon, the



10th and Marsthe lst, the personborn will undoubtedly becomea king

ftt silirrsfrEGtr RErsirEt

sqrqt gt qrd il*sft sf}rfiqft.u Bl tl Sloka 43. Even a baseborn man becomes a king if at his birth the Sun occupy in the rising sign lfr€ (Sinha) a Navamsa other tlran what belongsto Venus, and if Mercury be in *qr tKanya).


{r qqr{frgdrqft r

dttd ge-dirQqTni(rwrrit'qit u BBtl Sloha 44. If Saturn and Mars be in the l0th, the 5th or the lst bhava and the full Moon be in a sign owned by Jupiter, the person born is to becomea kinq.

rd Roaftqfrq ffi qqt"qit Sai rfltrrr{| tt.qr€t qG f,rq{t qrfrsftilsil {rqFqil}{r ft B\ tl S/oAa 45. The lord of the rising aign occupying a Kendra in strength securesroyal fortune to the person bcrn under the yoga. If the lord of the Lagnabe aspect, ed by a friendly planet, the person concerned even if low born will either be a king or a higher personage worshipped and veneratedby kings. cf ,


hoi liorqpr: g€ft{\?ifhiii fir}' r uwfFqtq *+ rlqfifi( qrqhsrq: rl


ffi qftmu f TG $Fr€r.r1{ {flr! il eq tl

SloAa .t6. Ir the lord of the rising sign occupying the exaltation sign aspectthe Moon, the person-bori




under the yoga cannot but becomea leadingking in the world subduing millions of his foes by means of hie armedforcesconsistingof elephanto,tnfantry and cavalry. cf . srnoJ

oailtqfi: qJi qrq-gqorcan 14g,r( r qgrlqo(qqeN: qQrfi'{q{ll qrfqafaqqr

or frilq *-qSq'i qolwrfutr guqrqhdetqrdTflcTrqaEKfll 8e ll Sloku 47. When the Mobn in full strengthoccu, pies a Kendra other than the Lagna and is aspectedby Jupiter and Venus, the personborn will be a king. Norss. See notes on sloka I sultro,

otir t;qqnrt fr{qFtti frat t

qr;qftgi (rqrqr{frfr {i"qft ll 8z ll

\loho 48. When the lord of the rising sign occupying a *-qrna (Kendra bhava) is not depressed,nor obscuredby the Sun, nor in an inimicalhouse, nor in conjunction with another planet ; the person born will be an emperor' cf .


qgfQerqdi qE erq) {dgd: fto +.oz*rilsRil t eTfardqfrilft dqr qq qqqiq q fiqfifrewq. tl




iltr qG {{tqtorgiwqfiffirt ll Bq lt Sloha 49. If, at the time of a perlon's birth, Jupiter, the Moon and the Sun occupy the 5th, the 3rd and the fth bhavae,the person born will be a king as rich ac Kubera"




Nores Cf , the latter balf of sloka 12,supra.

ilqW {Fdft{qrst q€igi q{qi u{tdfi |

s'{ri{t {r Ugt aqqfut g\qgd'tqftl

{srqt ll \o ll

S/oAo 5Ll. Whe n the Sun occupiesin strengththc rising sign Dhanus; when Mars in conjunction with the Moon is in the l0th bhava and whcn Venus is in the l lth or the 12th ; a king comparableto the lord of the immortalscomes into the world.

tiaqsrRqrf flqr wqqsgqEtfkolt ilsil iriNitfqei sq€qqqF(al il \l tl S/oftrl 51. When malefic planets occupythe ,3rd, the llth and the 6th bhav.rsand the lord of the Lagnais aspectedby benefic planets; the person born will be a strong energeticking extolled by all people. cf snr4dl

orq qnlqqt qfi qnt q;qsFr U{dEr:I qqfi nErq{fr{r, flq<ZqqFEd:flrg: il

€rt{qt qftrfrqrqrgi r ufr eqlqmqisqqr-s.i Rqrd\wqt q{tnil

qtiqinqe-dqra$r uiq n \R tl 'When

Sloha t2. Mars occupies in stregrgththe rieing sign Makara, Saturn is in the gth or the lith bhavaand the Sun in conjunction with the Moon is in tbe 7th bhava,the person born will be a fickle,minded sovereign.

-""""""--""-S::: """""""-"",,""""--1'"' li:i3:3" ,./ ff<r{6

qtqt aq(ql) qfFqtt fmd xftgt gftit nia\ Rqrfttqsqt ulgar (q) qo€qril zqfi, qqrqt ll

ur\ gt EIflt (qqq;(qr qif I qrfr tqgdr rtqt ftqfr qr *ralrriq tt \1 ll S/oftc 53. If the Moon in conjunction with Saturn be in the llth, the 4th or the 10th bhava, the person born, if of a royai family, will becorne a king or a wealthy man equal in rank to a king.

qrddqqqm cgqfi q;i mrqrat

*-rqr guq{rnqti grrrfiqifrqil qrftr t olq' w?iquqrfudt{sgitrm'torRqe} qiq ll \? ll qR q-<rqrii'rsqf,rdl q--'{ftqorqfirit Sloha 54. If, at a person's birth, the lord of the Lagna occupy an stTilq(Upachaya) place, the Moon the 9th bhava and the benefic planets occupying benefic Vargasin Kendra positions have sttength, the person born will be a king. If Jupiter and the M<;on be in Vrishabha, and the lord of the rising sign occupying a dror(Kona) be exempt from the aspect of Saturn and Mars, the personat whose birth this yoga obtains will becomea ruler of the earth. ( Lutter half). ct. sl(Fdi

$qftg3'fugSfrs\ sqqfi'qdt

qR qegit olt*t fialqq6 rra:I

itfqrdf tMisifl mR,igtnfr h r*ft g z5' rttfll g$] enrfe$iruefi: 62






qrftfiqflaertguTqlroini a ffi

r d tt \\ tl

SloAc 55. If, at a person's birth, the Sun be in Meenaand the Moon in Kataka,the personborn becomes a king. The planets one and all fail to bestow the royal fortune when aspectedby inimical or depressedplanete.

EnaqfigHsugwri iiT€es

{grrlruiti Mrrrq iirqq t

q-qafr RuaRg€{a"qrfqfr

aug?rau\(f {txiflqdigtr \Q tr Sloha 66. A single planet occupying his highert exaltationpoint and aspectedby friendly planetsprodu, ces a king (or a leader of men), Such a planet though single wilI makethe personimmensely wealthy if lre be also associatedwith another friendly planet. But when planeteare in inimical or depression signs, the persons born under the inauspiciousyoga, are (t) without wealth, (2) without comfort, (3) without intellect, (4) sickly, (5) a{flicted with captivity, (6) involved in murdersand 1?) other equally wicked crimes (succes, sively as the number of the badly placed planets rise graduallyfrom 1 to 7). Norts. This sloha is frorn F3rihatJataka. By the word fdz (Uitra) in fd+qiqtq (It{itrat,ogat), it is natural friendship iis.iq"T€ (Nisarga maitratva) that is meant and not the dt({Ifu{ (tatlatika). First half . The interpretation given above is what has been given by Bhattotpala, and in the face of it appearsas most unlikely. For, from a reference to Ilrihat Jataka XlX.I, it will be seenthat the Moon in Taurus aspectedby the Sun, Mars and Mercury produces no good eflects ; aide alsa XIII-I of the same work.




The word gq'q: (Uchchagaha) haS been translated in the text as "occupying his highest exaltalion point." C/. ern-+rrftsnqqrk{ c(dlqisfrgâ‚Źil e} qR qqrqfr: VII-tt Supra. May not the word iqa (Ivlitra) in fltse: (Mitradrishtaha) mean the Sun ? By the word rgq: (Uchchagaha) Varahamihira appears to imply Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. Mercury and Venus are not taken into considerationas these can never come in opposition to be aspectedby the Sun. This yoga is possible in the following way :(l) Mars in Makara and the Sun in Kataka. Q) Jupiter in Kataka and the Sun in Makara. (3) Saturnin Tula and the Sun in Mesha. The Sun thus in opposition to any one of these three planets i n e x a l t a t i o n t o g e t h e r w i t h a f r i e n d l y p l a n e t n r a k e st h e n a t i v e wealthy as well besidesa {r (Nripa a king or leader of men). It is only such rich people that suffer from very longstandingdiseases s u c ha s d i a b e t e s p , l e u r i s y ,e t c . , ( l , l r i h a t . i a t a k a X , XIII-Z-9)

qs{@qâ‚Źq$*E+ tr* r qris z{ftii(rq gurqnrqtri\rr\s tl Sloko 57. When Saturn is in the rising sign iden, tical with Dhanus, Meena, Thula, Mesha, Makara,or Kumbha, the person born will bc a lord of men, hand, some, intelligent and wise, and will lead a town or a village. Nortls. (iarga, as already pointed in ll-67 (p:rgc B2) srq)ra, has stated that Saturn in Thula, l)hanus or l\lleen:r identir:al rvith the Lagna 'I'he is capable of producing kingship. :ruthor says thaI Saturn in Mesha (though his depressi,rn sign) iclentical u'ith the risrng sign w i l l b e s t o w k i n g s h i p , ( n r a l e f l c i n d e p r c s s i o ni s n o t b a d ) . A s r e g a r d s Makara, .{til.tl{{q (.lataliabharana) say's:-

qtqiftqfriqdialafigt qqilftrqtqr: r

\c er{ltrllgddrnrail qei: qt+q,tl (qrflqt)fiqeqrqeqr



Adh. VIL

Saturn in Makara is therefore capable of conferring the appearance of royalty. As for Kumbha, Satyacharya has declared that sign Kumbha as ascendant is not auspicious, 'Ihe yavanas did not agree with the above view, but were of opinion that it is only the Kurnbha f)wadasarrrsas (in all lagnas) that are bad. This view has been supported bv (Srutakirti) but again opposed by ?afiiiil Vishnugupta iiqSt "/. â‚Źg

tlqr q qiRerGqtGqq 6qq"uifR r bqfio* qrdtqqftar)g:â‚Ź{r}6sns' ll Also rra+lfr =

HiRfteqi gqBrsiqn] qil qdA I trrrl q rqr gfba: qffirilfi qkgw: tl


O,rqrquqrtiloffqd) q qtre* qqt: t qlq s{qi onqdFurTfissodr srd ll qzqlqretrfrqiq qd d.fr{{rreilil0tT{ | flqF$qfion) q;q;qil,it q aqrq, tt \r

srtqrqfir q $r{eff {t{qR ge} q {FrtqTqqil q-{Fat . \\

*qiaqq} q dqrsk rtifiqsqfteqfi fisggs:rr

Varaharnihira, cloes not agree with Satyacharya's views. Nor does he al)pear to agree with Vi ;hnugupta in thinkin,{ that the above views of Yavana are incorrect and that it is only the Kumbha lagna in a birth that is bad and not the Kumbha dwadasamsa. For Aquarius as Ascendant for

Rajayogas and


is one among the several ascendants of rnen according to Varahamihira.

The acceptance of Kurnbha

in the present case seerns there-

fore reasonable.

oi v.qtfqrfraEoirErcqffqu{ u \c tl

sl. 68



Sloka 58. The good influenceof planets is at its r o a x i m u mt,h r e eq u , r r t e r sh, r l f , a g u t r t e r , a t i t s m i n i r n u m or nil accordingas th- planetsare in th: exaltationsign, qorQt'rur (Moolatrikona), sta (Swakshetra), fra&n : (Mitrakshetra friendly sign), rafrz (Satrukshetra =ini, mical sign), depressionsign or (cJmbustion)conjunction with the Sun. NorEs' I n t h e c a s er . , fb e n e f i c s , := (Ll.h.ha)

Ful l eflect

{zie+irq ( \,Ioo1a.t r i kona) r.+gt (Swakshetra)



1. 'l

azta (Satrukshetra.)


I' j

rr tt

aiq (Neecha) e 1 d {( A r k a g a . C o r r r b ui so tn ) 'fhis

1 j


t ,

order should lte reverserl for the nralellcs.

g+ro (Subhaplrala) will inr:rclse if in :,i (li, hcha). -{{qiTl{_ c;4 ( :\subhabhevaphala ) rvill inr.reasc onl5. in qj'{ (Neecha). B e . e f i c s a r e g o o d i r e x a l t a t i o . , N l a l c f l r : sa r e g o o t l i n d e l r r e s s i o n . I\falelicsare bad in v*1 (l1c1'.h',1. 'fhe proportions given above are rvith respcct to benelrcs. In t h e c a s e o f r n z r l e f i c sw e r l t u s t r e v e r . s e t h c r : f l e r : t s; e . O . a b e n e f i c in eraltatio'gi'es'ery

g o r r l r . s u 1 t ; ( i . e . f u l l . ) ; i n r l e l ; r e s s i < t .l l l 6 e f l e c t . A r n a l e l l c : i n i ' l - t ( N t , e rh : r ' rr ; r r s t g i v e ' j g o o d e f l e c t a n d i n ea (Llch,:ha) I /.32good eftect. f'his rvill be founcl to hold sood for frnance. jIrJldr:-

qfi' dti q{q(ft( qftr}ur fFqterq*i eS dqgqr{'ft f{*ir rrg}rq r eirnqrt ftqft r U'i Aq\ f,tqlsfi q)ffi n*rr€qfA&"dsqlFqlqq fl q II

i \




Adh. vll.

sqilqfr'qat eq:qo gelq Rtqrfi t alqdftg6e,i|ft'rano'trrftiit gftfq: tl

S e ea l s o V I I I ' l 1 6 i n f r a '

n qsrr{gw*rrr; ll q6ftqtqttqg$ufrqqrnr " Sq{etqimqEgrrEfUgt!|

hrrRqcr qfq qil €qurdqqE{i( ll \q ll qrs6rrqrcmrqiqqn

Sloha 59. Accordiilg ag Mars, Mercutv, .lupiter' Venus or Saturn possessingthc greateststrength and occupying a Kendra is in the qoB+ior (Moolatrikona), .t-u (S*^kshetra) or srq (Swochcha),will the result' rra (Bhadra),i'e ing Rajayogabe namedta+ (Ruchaka), (Hansa), croac (Malavya) or r{{t (Sasa)the beautiful' cf "r',


qi) q qoe+q qfift: elqFqtql qt' afi'}iid'lrct qq t {nls IwFaE"ts qtz"ditqn: {ri'ts'lt,f}ii tq*r qqwqlll

Al so

al4q,l {il t{

,qif66s rr+rt-eqt\ r+itqiqlsa fa(ogc;l: t *,qq iitqr eq+r."qqeQqlpqqTa6q{afiiflil:ll

GrK:{iw+ vorFm+gr'{iutftttofiml qoeeqrrtqngqroi 6gqt I ilsrrsrFrr 111€1

gwrlt ft mftffi onoqrc.Eird:qtiqoa

wnuladtilgql ffi gtql t{rg{Slfrql ll Ro ll


81. 61


Sloha 60 The person born under the auspicious yoga will possess physical strengtn, (Ruchaka) tao fotrune, fame and iine qualities. He will have a know' ledgeof sciences; he will be versedin the sacredhymnc, the method of praying with themand the art of producing magicspells, He will becomea king or a king's compeer' t{e will have a lovely attractive person; he will be libzral, victorious and wealthy. He will live 70 yearE in comfort and happiness,commarrdingan army with a good supply of fleet horses. Nores. ln the following 3 slokas from (I(4o1 the eflect of binh in the ts;h.{'}qis given in more detall :

{tqle' q;omFn{gdino: Fr{Frqrg{riq'efi+wq: t arrS.dfe*rr{{ot(q(dl {s{qlftsfi{i



rr<l qwi Gcgtftnir:qrTI{HsrEqE: tl

€rs€Rq(Ura {tf,rw*r I €ilsqHrtrT+r$*ae<1qft q"qrftqngq|€Fqoql HA€q'i s dq +tti $d'-{qeqq.tt fl;uq1qoflaft{t( unfu qsfAsqlErr{tfl{ r dreTnoEilffg: qqlft tqRtq Q?fi:11 Also $.s-{iftqr.ch. vI-sl. 2.

qtqort aqi,fi rurriqislinlcgi?rhaqd I q wi oulfrq{ilittqq'qwqr'qqtffiR ll Et ll Sloha 67. If, out of thc lords of the 9th, the l lth and the 2nd bhavas,there be but one that occupies a Kendra position in respectto the Moon and if Jupiter be the lord of the 1lth bhava, the person born under will becomethe ruler of a full,blown empire. the yc-rga




Norrs. I t i s n c t c l e a r w h y t h i s s l o k a i r a s b e e nb r o u g h t i n h e r e . T h e r e a d i n gi s s l i g h t l y d i f l e r e n t i n n ' . 2 ' r f t d tc l a . .

q'qqE*{qff r erirqqiwi+ruqitmisfQ € grolqtfqdi{tiit+usqlq;qqfa-cqift rt The


slokas frcm

qi,lsrTtiTd describing



t h e y o g a s c a u s e d b y t h e l o r d s o f t h e s e v e r a l h o u s e se a c h o c c u p y i n g a Kendra position with respect to the J;qo{

will be found to be

useful in this connectron:

sSaiq€qqtq*-qq q;qdfl( qTdA qg iih: sr{rr}qrfi{qrq:t .f-A\


qqfi zqfrqqJqrfiqirTqtq: ll gfhwart ag *;qqft F{ri{aq{dlzq*{gpq: r qrn] {iqq q\-q1t,it qqrqqTflftrg+rar{tll

Hnrftq:$;qra: +iifi frqcsqlrtqfrdis fit r Hif;aa: erGqq] fiani g*d*al dqqflrqgr,itl

oetfqq:ft;qrn: +ilfi q.},rrfi{l;I $o5qqrcq{I qa{il;qrqftmqmfiqqfiq\if €g dr qrd:tl g?tftt ft;qqt q.*q: qlFqq{ITiI 1lu}rr+iirr qdlsd .iltsfboqreFdrqtr{igr} zqfiqfhq,rr guqrfqtgoqfiqraErt rarwfb,gr?q qq *l' 1 ulfqq.rg* agurrqgnit a\'qw* qqqrfqgr,tt {I-qtdit trqt n}*qe}{fi;4: ql.glrf,TqrFtqn: I qrdi fiRi *(fiq, ieil,ii ,i\qrRm,qqdrqlqftflq' rr orqTqlt$-qt +rrtg: Fflr qJ,iiqrqt'd:T;rR: I tflqr$, tfiir q-qg6)S6ara, nq-Sg|qgu, ll

sI. 62-6ff




qqqftI qtrlwqlerd

II urqnlagqRdrggrlomT{qqfiPql

nd rguiqqrd?gorrdlq+rrilfr+r {

qrs{tfriqilrgifiiigoryrqdiGqqrqlt qRll

Sloha 62. With the faceof thetiger, with the ma' jestic gait of the elephant, with a broad massivechest, with lcng brawny rounded arms and of a commanding stature, the man born under the Bhadra (rrq; yoga will be a king high'spirited and diligently devoted to the befriendingof kinsmenand well'wishers. He will reach the ageof 80 displaying commrnding genius and enjoy' ing vast fame and extensive wealth. NorBs. This slolra is talren 6.o- q1114d' Three nrore slokas from that work on the sanle yoga are extracted below:

irrarggi g*qqdldq€lsoFfi Raq fdl{t(: 1 TSTfRSa q HrgelaqrTqqqlT trglti6r15g,qqfrq'F'{dE:gqlill: ||

nrqdfi(qfrgd: flqflHda3lfrwiiqqfi qpt flrgrga: I

tt €.s{hq{fi{(: ga-na{g}qt{, fFqncqlfrnsEnhut{n: €it;QT:r{*r{g qnqftuFlElql I

UFqi Rqqarc fqeiqfla*. ft: tl fifildTqffiftql grtqot E{|ttc *"qEi'

qkrg: g$IIITfi€Gar mq{gaq!gdi I

qoiltffi gor!qtdfffri gurt rrrttqr?qtt qrfrsalfr*ql*ii qg{ ilgFr'{lr{RERll ql ll Stoha 63. The personwhose good fortune it is to be born under the teq?rthas these characteristics: He has ared mouth and a prominent nose; hi6 legs are 63



Adh. vtl.

well,formed; he has the voice and the phlegm of the Bwan; he is fair,linbed; he is blessed with a beautiful wife; he is himself lovely like the God of love ; he has every comfort at his ccmmand; he is intent on acqui. ring a knowledgeof the sacred scriptures; he is acute; has great merits ; his life is 82 years; he is beneficient and devotedto virtue. Notos. Tbe following about this yoga.

slokas from (rtlsd

give more information

ror<ifanqrfrr:gxui)QR:qnaFqq] ilr, {tqrq}o{sfrrq} $er' *uqo, I tqr ;qisaqrw.e grr0fifr nqrorqt. s

Ia6: qrq{'rlgltrght ilr q m ftrt, tt ufreralg rut dg i qfr qqlfii{tqri: I ^






,ifearrarfiOk..rlsgerfr t"dq qootqfi: tl

qrfR tnrt wg I Ttqq rrTFsl{rtqlqgiFi1râ‚Źlq qaTaa;t ru\ld ilfr{ u ;iiiaqqi a.{rq{{Tâ‚Źqt

See also q-o(ifcar ch. 6 St. 3.

qiisrofrilrg.sFqaqar fi;q{uro?guri iqdi gaqRElfiqatqrrqleifrtqfie{|t sifl aruqriill{;xq<lftFlrqlq(qt(( I

{Hv6EgqiiqnuiaiiqrdEqqjrirm{r u qB tl \a^

Sloka 61. The person born under the wrsaqqtq has the gestures,the gracefulbodily $tructure and the eyes o{ a female; he is handsome, meritorious and powerlul ; he is blcsscd with children, wife, vehicles and '* ealth ; he knows the meaningof the sacredecrip, : he rs clever in the applicationof tureE ; he rs learnecl

sl. 65



the three regal powers-energy, capacityand counseli he is liberal ; he is fondly addictedto other women and he wili attain to the ageof 77. cf. strtrdl

q FTfrfr q ftqqqgalftntrr$HFqt'i fl1q' flilqftfi€f6ilq: grr;q: I w iisrlr: sqfAfiq]qrghrTgqrft qte",iisqfresfhTq:Hsfii:q{rutT{ tl q+r 1frqn flnrfi qflrsorfi)."1q mqnatqn ftrdq I rTra--qflflqga: n Uqfhiq orZRHrTr€ilfh;gqqrRqnT1 tl

qfr qr difi irilqoril! tqrqiir s(lft-

qidiqlqr?ak{sTqt qTilrsttforr r tqdt iiqqruqfuittnrqlfrsitilsfgrfi qftrfrTflrtqqit? mt qni{lruio*rqil E\ tl Sloha 65. The person born in the nildtrr (Sasayoga) may be a king, a minister, or a ^,eneral hauntingwoods and mountains; he is cruel hearted,and would even de, ceive in his easerpursrritof metallurgy;he is bountiful; he hrs wrathful eyes;he is spirited;he is lovingly devo. ted to his moth:r, he is brave; he hasa dark form; he lives for 70 years. He is a voluptuary and inclined to play the paramourwith the objectsof his guilty love. cf. eRHfi

aEQrrnlqqft, wlsi nfrsfnqlitfrErqqn: I qrfAegqRe: aarflgijgqiig wr' qr,i.qql lr qqlarjt qafifqrn\a'grarRf*fiqrit.it qqft firnaaa: +He: r



Adh. vII.

dsW: ru-dtJnrTero:gfrif qs} flrq] *gfixrdt r-q1..1q\fl{ rr q{nrie{wre€qglTloT ,ftfrqqrqR +t qdf q \w r

qqtfhseftflnrfi*tfi nsqqmfld+:fHfrqfr: *8fr q++:tl C/. no{ifr+r ch. 6 sloka 4.

qq qiqq qt sili qo{r{ ifawgal t

srfuqlrrrffiilgqE{rrd$'urr{rn qq tl

Sloha 66. [n such planetary conjunctions as ql*'i'r.r (Adhi.yoga, airie slokas 113 115 infra.) the powerful planetto which the yoga is due and which has the aspect on itself of lesspowerful planetswill producethe effect of the yoga in its (nr (dasa)period. Nores. This is a quotation from q,i€rq. The time when a yoga takes effect is as describedin this sloka in the case of all yogas except those which are effectiveall through life and the Rajayogas where the 4{ri (dasa)and q;dt{t (Antardasa)periodsof^thelord or the occupant of the Lagna or the l0th bhava will bring about kingship. cf. {{cskrd C

mqungdqr.fiE{rHi il;qof.-q{wr qq€q I

n3f,taqe<rilq{nqi f}qgqq{qlrqfrm€cqr rl

ll rrrfiqTq+rr:ll qrdhtlqt gt rrftrgdrgrqfbeq.ffir r q;(ksTuTrrilt gFE{lIt'itTr€ErTKStrI

qt qpfidTrrsrf{uqqr flqr{ftr.qilt rrr;q{aftf{qqr{Trftilfqdir!fq?iirriq rrQutr Sloha 67. If Mercury be in the Znd bhavawith respect to the Sun, if the Moon be in the llth with

sl. 68-69



respectto Mercury and if Iupiter be in a +fu (Kona) with referenceto the h.4oon,the yoga is calledBhaskara (rrrt+t). Thc personborn in the qR.{q'trr(Bhaskarayoga) is brave,lord like, versed in the interpretation of the scriptures,handsome,wit[i a rvealth of musical tones, good at reckoning, resoluteand comperent.

q;(ri}sqrrt $qi qfrgar(a qrfirqq'qr(

'3TR Esge! i{tf,t;IlE;T.irqiej q{roilâ‚Ź;ql I rFlTr(Rr{ql:g{t$gq{tt $irq qr iii0qi

qriii ilrf?frrqroprrhsqqmqrf.qq: il qc tt

.S/oio ti8. If Mars be in thc 3rd bhava from the Moon, Slturn in thc Trh frc:n Mars, Venus in the 7th from Saturn,and Jupit.-r irr thc ?th from Venus, the yoga is styled Indr,t. fh: pcrson born in this yoga wili bc cclcbratcdramiable, r.rorthy of r,lyal rank or in s o m es i m i l a r p o s i t i o n ,e l o q u e n ta n Cp o s s e s sIeo f w e a l t h , liverse ornamelrts,fame,bcaut) and prowess

gsq qlurqfiger g{gii: gi {rfi qriilri: fi;qqmqqnh&Rqnii 'ipit qrda*r t qtrTiiE{tgiTfr ft{roUqqfr{ui(it ilrqia( wql mqiimqgS{d {FilsrIEIdi{Tqlll qq ll Slofra 69. If Jupitrr occupy a Kona from Venus, the Mocn the 5th bhavafrom Jupiter, the Sun a Kendra from the Moon, the rcsulting yoga is termed cedFr (Maruthyoga),i e. wind yoga The personwho has his birth in the arg,i'rn(Vayuyoga) wili be eloquent,broadbr.-asted,big,beliied,conversant with the tcriptures, thriving, clever in striking bargains,and of royal rank or in some position approachingthereto.



Adh. VII.

qrffdefiTrrr o*6il W*'rfi GqsT

d'hrnnffi q qrwirrfrqf ir gqrqf,iifmt n0



ilcil{rgrt{TlrtsTrsgstotrqrfiilarrr ftg I ilWF TTTHTruqCil gFrrTqtr-q lt s" 11 ,\\\A3\

Sloha 70. When Jupirer is in the Lagna, the Moon in a Kendrr from Jupiter, Rahu in the gnd bhava from the Moon, the Sun and Mars in the 3rd bhava from the same,the resulting yoga is designatedgsirTr (Budha yoga'). The person born in the gqi^m (Budhayogarhas the majestvof a king. His strength will be matchless and his name celebr.rted;he will be conversantwith the scriptures. He will be skilled in traffic, talented and without enemies.

rtMq:rt onrQftRqtt qfq qr r{(er

*qffi) q{fr qt{â‚Źurfrait r

3rffiqii;gsfim.riatqi.ilr ffiqqsil Aqor{qt n c( tr Slohn 71. When the Moon occupying the lst or the 7th bhava is without the benefic aspe.t cf Jupiter upon it, the result is *rrqc'rirr (Kemadrumayoga) If the number of dots in the [h..s occupiedby planets(aide Adhyaya l0) be very d:ficient, theseaswellas all weak planetsproduce the effect of hcacqlq (Kemadrumayoga).

fad+arEi'qrtat tqntgt t

irrsqiiiteru sl tl $ahilr gqwdr{rqâ‚Źa$T




rinii gtuureq,qtGat q{a rrnir(qI qodrntrqtilr}6qEqq(i qiq ll \el ll \9

SloA,rsiz 73. lf the 2nd. the 12th and both the houses from the Moon be occupicd by planecsother than the Sun, the yogasare termed g<nr (Sunapha)wtnt (Anapha) and gtstr (Dhuradhara) rcspectively. In the absenceof thesethree yogas,the artrologermay declare the effectof *qqsr{m (Kemadrumayoga). cl.


NorBs. .\

li{'{iFg gqslsnsK{g{r€i( :sit{q

g *ngr: tt ftqtfiifqf,iiRfiarqr Vide also sloka 83, infro.

wi qqr* qR alqe} qnt{r+qrfi qftaqlrrqI qii;go{Iih*ri iiqrrqiqmihi qngf (qI <rq ll \eull 5hku 74. When chc Moon in conjunccion with the Sun occupiesa male{ic Navamsa and is aspectedby a depressedplauet, the person born experiencesthe effect of ti.re qftqq'rn(Daridrayoga). The very 6ame e f f e c tf o l l o w s a l s oi n t h ( ' c n s eo f t h e p e r s o nw h c s e b i r t h takcsplaceat nighc tim': wlren the 8th bhava from the waning Moon is eithcr aspcctcdor occupiedby a malefic planet.

iiWsqri(qt{iGt;*qftiqi qrsqfrrtli t

qfr aaqGell \e\ ll qqrtfaru+qret €emgtfr-qui

Sloku 75. When the Moon seized by Rahu or Ketu is aspectedby a malefic planet, the personborn soon gets into poverty. When the houge representing



Adh. VII.

, by a malefic planet, the samee{fec follows. say-the astrologers

qt qrntqgiTqwitsh qraftqiftmd'r C<ftqqq r qhrr?qtqurrf figin?qdq* gorr.rufg nqTqqFiT tl

Slctka'7(t, When the Moon aspectedby a l-.cnefic p l a n e tw o r s t e di n p l a n e t a r yf i q h t i s s l i z e db y R a h u o r Ketu in an cclipsc, the person born is indigent. The sameis the effect when the Moon occtrniesin the aigrr Thula the qri (Varga) owned by an ininrical sign and is a s p e c t ebdy a d e p r e s s c od r i n i m i c a lp l l u . . t

;i +tqi?drqirRq+iqiqri'qrifui

q;ilq"€qftTr;blTtiqii qfifr uiq r n



qqt{ KgqlTq(iq{UQq( qildlsEqr !\'




qraiqrr?qiia'rlqqgd'iiaqerqiHi tr \e\etl S l o k u 7 7 . W h e n t h e M o o n o c c u p y i n ga K e n d r a o r a K o n a i s i n t h e e f l V a r g a ) o f i t s d e p r e s s i o no r i n i m i c a ls i q n a n d w h e n J u p i t e r i s i n t h e 1 2 t h , t h e ( r t h or the tirh bhava from tlie Moon, the person born will b e i n d i g e n t . A g a i n , i f t h e M o r ; n o c c u p y i n ga m a l e f i c * { r ( A m s a )a n d a s p e c t e b d y a n i n i m i c a l p l a n e tb e i n a m o v e a b l cs i g n o r i f t h e m ; r l e f i ca m s a o c c u p i e db y t h e Moon thus aspectedbelongto a moveable sign and if the Moon h;rvc riot the aspcct of Jupiter u1,.on it, the p o v e r t y o f t h e p e r s o nb o r n i n t h i s y o g a w i l l b e u n p a r a l , leled

q;'i;qEd qrftqraie* aiqdiqrqqaqfiqrft t q*e{{jiErqit rmi,i' qrdrsf'{ *ugnri.rar?tt ue tt S l o k a 7 8 . I f S a t u r na n d V e n u s o c c u p y i n gt h e V a r , gaso[ depressed or inimical malefic planetsbe aspected

sl. 7g-&



eachby the other or occupy one and the same sign, the personborn under this yoga, though of a princely family will experiencethe effectsof hcqq+rrt(Kemadrumayoga).

qi qrqgi g qTqqqtqTqiqr+ {r frftr

'frtin ffitiki rr(qa*qafr.t qi( t

rrrqqnqfiibt â‚ŹoS diqh*s.t ileTI q* ftqgi fttrr $rtfr sililaT*qur ll \eqll Stoha 79. When the Moon in conjunction with a malefic planet and occupyingat night a malefichouseor maleficNavamsa, is aspected by the lord of the 10th bhava and is void of strength, the result is +ffacch (Kenadrumayoga). Again *h.n the Moon in' the depressionNavamsais associatedwith a planet in the eo (Khala) state (aide Adhyaya 2, slohas16-18) and aspectedby the lord of the 9th bhava, there is the yoga *cqc (Kemadruma). Thirdly when the Moon is on the'waneand occupiesthe depressionsign, the person born at night has to experiencethe effect of *rTrcfrrr (Kemadrumayoga).

11ftqffiqffiq: \3


ft{ndt t-aqt Uqjqrqiifht tq qt'taqi.tt

gqftqi in gqqâ‚Źqir* qtii*i tq qfiaqinrll do ll

Slolc 80. There is no yoga producing poverty when the Moon or Venus occupyinga Kendra is aspect' eclby Jupiter. Again when rl," Moon associatedwith a benefic planet or belwe:entwo benefic planets is aspectedby Jupiter, the qilari'ru (Daridrayoga) does not exict. 64


Adh. vil.


qfsftiqriqqgwlai{rqa{ GfiEi{fqR qfteaqriqdiqrt

xd a* g'{gt Gii gqqri di+ihifiqqt q qiqiin:ri dq tl S / o l r r r8 1 . I f t h e M o u n o c c u p y i r r gt h c N a v a m s ao f a s i g n o f a v e r y f r i e n d l y p l a n e t o r o f i t s e x r r l t a t i o nr r r t r ( R a s i )a n d i s a s p e c t c db y J u p i t e r , t h e p e r s o nb o r n w i l l bc exempt frorn poverty. Again, wiren tha full Moon occupiesthc Lagrrain conjunction'with a benefic planet, or when the Moon occupying thc 1r.lth bhavais in its exaltationand aspectcdby Jupiter,the personborn will not be poor-

qit hqrt qrt qfkq uikq .qftrhI {rwir{il iqqr{f}aait eqrqEriaqtfil cR tl ^


Slohu 82. )f in any iroroscopc*cEn.frrr(Kerna:lrum a y o g ac) o m c si n , t h e R r j a y o g a d s i s a p p c i rl i k e e l c p h a n t s o n s e i n ga l i o n . A




T€€li[ $Trfits;tr6tgtgfl q1;s1gq-Q{![{i

g qgrtr hqnqitotwfi t utatrfuqi)1frs-q"w ' qE'jer,qili iuqi t'i qtnqise{{I hfirh'qqqinhsq qqirgffiqf(qr q i tr dRtl S/o/a,zri-1. When plarrets otlrerthlrr th': Sunoccupy the 2nd, thc 12th,or both the 2nd and thc l2th houses from the N{oorr,thc rcsulting3 yo,1as arer,:spcctivciy styl, ganr (Sunapha\, wanr(Anapl-rr) ed and gtrrr (I)hurudhar;r). I r i s d e c l a r c db v t h e m a j o r i t yo f a s t r o l o g c r st b a t i n t h c abscnceof the 3 yog;rsdcfinedabove, there is the *c4cdrrr (Kemadrumayoga).Rutthereare otherswho wou-ld

sl. g3



not allow the *lrecqtrr (Kemadrumayoga)where the *;{ (Kendra) (calculJtedfrom the Lrgna or tira Moon) is associatedwith a planet. Scme there are who declare that the 3 yogasganr (Sunapha),uanr (Anapha) and gturrr (Dhurudhara) are to be reckon:d from the presenceof planetsother than the Sun in the 4th and the 10rh Ken, dra from the Moon insteadof f rom rhe 2nd and the l2rh housesfrom the Moon; and the absenceof any of th:se 3 yogas indicates the presenceof ilcac (Kernadruma). Another classwould declarethe three |ogm in ref erence to the.Navamsaoccupiedby the Moon, i.c. f ind the Rrsi owrring the Navemsa which the lr{oon occupies; if reckoningfrom this Rasi,thc 2nd or the l2th R;rsi or both be occupied by planets oth.:r than the Sun, these three yogasexist. *cec (Kemadrurnr)is the abserrceof any of these3 yogas. But rhe holdersof theselasr two viewsn are not recogoised as authorities in the scicnce of astrology. NorBs. l'his and tlre next trvo slol<as are taken frorn grsll"Td. Nole.--In, the yogas ytropctttn,lc,l lty lhis sl.oku, tlrc Sun is rtlutoy:; l;.ept ottt ttf consi,,lerrttiott.. (ltirst

hqlf ). Thi: authoritics rclied on l;y qrt{tqt?r with regirrd to this half of tlrc slolil a[)peirr to be {ri(i{t, rll;itr{i{ and {ra!ll{r{â‚Ź an<l srrch otlrer n'orlrs, rvlrerc. in the absencc of the 8 yogas Qtiz.) ('1.rq, s;f[t and -.o'1rr), 'L-q4{ is rieclarcd as positive.

cf . r,i< e'i<r.

Bi+RdEg 1r qr qr fFqts'qfFqaqqi( r 3iil ,j}{rRfq'Sfiodr: qFRirqqfiq'}: tl qI gn$TqrqsrqrEqiEgrg{rsfq eT;q,lrqf,qfift,ilrT: tqdq: Fâ‚Źd:ll x But parasara has recognisedthe last two views.


Adh. vII.


Also qr-qtqq

eriq s€ qrt{ fiat il gftaf}qq:r erodqqfrQiqrtel-itqr1 n1*+qTFrtl faR FqgaurrraiRfrqrqqhfrq r ca fifk qalqt.qlq Wg\efEtt {-fraqqa:lF} q}qr*raq, FEa:1 HaEqHaE*Tsa {flFqf,rdq€fall (Thir:d guarter), En riit< (Varahamihira)relies on trt(Garga), for the principle laid down in this qra(pa,ia)of the sloka, who says that, in the absenceof any of the 3 yogasabove stated,theiqqqqlT ( K e m a d r u m a )w i l l b e n r i t i g a t e do r n u l l i f i e d b y t h e p r e s e n c eo f any of the five planets lMars, I\fercury, Jupiter Venus and Saturn i n a K e n d r ao r b y t l r e M o o n ' s a s s o c i a t i o nl v i t h a n y o n e o f t h e m . The words "*i aTn+isqatlQfa" are also capable of being interpreted "+t qitm+iqtitli tiqet q{gh" that is, if the Mooo occupy a Kendra (calculated frorn the Lagna) or be associated w i t h a p l a n e t ( o n eo f t h e f i v e a b o v e n a n r e d ) . I l u t r h i s h a s t o b e rejected on the authority of srr€0iiir rvho says c&4 {ri{rqrqsiA: h.hi sfi-dlagtft-(gassrd{ Ch. VL Slolia l) and on the authority of sloka 77 supra. The above interpretati 'n is also opposed to tlie principle laid dorvn by Garga who hzrssaid: t\




oqqlq{;qqaFqTldnr qrg q {dQ: I

+flrsdlar q:i offrit-qqftsqET tl qRa: .ilq' *saq] nTrT dEr€ndr t qqf;dfiflqnrqruqrfiqrqftngdt:tl That is, if the 2nd or the l2th house counted from the lvloon or any of the Iiendras-whether reckonedfrom the Moon or thJ I-agna-be not be occupied by any one of the five planets, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the resulting yoga is Kemadruma, &c.

SI. 83



cl. Also gqr+<

rrqFdgqsnslgtUg qqr;elqi:

*ffirAftn*fiGaq hraq' t

q +,rc+qtqt qrftgt a hegfr fiu)' ogelrR, nftrqri{+rcq;s\: ll

The correct interpretation of the words therefore are (l) +ti or " if one of the Kendras arq cftad( at eagt Efo - That is, ("nl' abovr-' " the five of planet one the Moon be associatecl with a " If I(endra be devoid of named) ; ( 2 ) t4;r[io+,rsqat et{'a the l\{oon or be occupied by a planet " (^ny one of the five above n a m e d ) . T h i s i n t e r p r e t a t i o n w i l l c o r r e s p o n c lw i t h t h e a b o v e q u o t e d Garga's principle as aiso that of Kalyanavarman who says :

gqsrqsrgtg{I:tf,iq q}'lt qaf}aqfqrRi: t qqflF\, tfi rqqt--qzrf4$: 11 fr-tr=eft qt n qil.iiqr: h=aqdqfil:il{i$a I

*rgriisfi+e:{rf{fi q qiqqrr} tt Iironr the above, it will be seen that, according to Garga t h o u g h t h e p o s i t i o no f a n y o n e o f t h e f i r ' e p l a n e t s i n a n y o n e o f t h e l i e n d r a s w i l l a n n u l o r a n n i h i l a t e t h e e f l e c t so f t h e K e r t r a d r u m a yoga, it cloesnot produceany of the 3 yogasSunapha, Anapha and -'hurudhura. ll'{ote.-The llfoon in a Kenrlra ossociated rcith one of the ttf the Kenndrunruyoga]. does not,f estroll the.e.ffect, ytlanets fiue ( Ftnrth quarter). flut the Yavanls went further. Sruta' kirti, one of the Yavanasdeclaredthat the presence of any of the planets(l) in the 4th house from the Moon is Sunapha (Z) in t h e l O t h h o u s eA n a p h a a n d ( l ) i n t t r e 4 t h a n d l O t h h o u s e si s D h u rudhura. c/.

q;iqgii: gqsrEnqFt:+lfrorsqqr ftti: t s{qFqikgn *qqqflfnils-qqrq}r: ll



Adb. VII.

Devasarman went still further than Srutakirti and declared theyogas with refereuce to the Nav4msaof the Nfoon. c/.

qqlfhfli riirig,{{t ffqfi ft'lo: I

ganreqqdtffrar tt n{aft+fF*.it'r, t ft'nr\rqqriiqrfrdarqqrftqt: tqqq: Fqd:tl frd gugrriitrts'q,rr f'lre above tno views, uiz,, Lhoseif Srutakirti and Devasar' man are not acceptedby Varahamihira or other old astrologers' B u t K a l y a n n \ / a r m a ns e e m st o a t t a c h s o r n ew e i g h t t o t h e v i e r v so f Srutakirti' cf , sKt{€i

q;qretiiqfidr: gnsri{a *;qfi,qt'ifiqif}aq asxq'lrlr:I q(rg qrilr?ittgfrgwgi+rtnt o+t tt fia'qrrftq$Ug But V:trahamihira as also Satyacharya would appear to be strict followers of Skanda and Prajapathi. c/. eolwm'l

+arei};iiq\:gnst I ffiqF{ Hrqariiqnt

:rrfi,ft{rgil *rqqW+,i*s;+: tl And uet

i}tg.ur-4nfFqa: g{w.qnsr?i1,il fren t IiI{ zsil qt-tnqq,fifr5 {ai;&t tt +qeilsa ,iirits;q,llqlaa nf{n l-r t P a r l s ; t r : rl r . o r ^ r , t h a t t h e a b s e n c er - ' f p l a n e t si n t h e 2 n < la n d l 2 t h h o u s c :f,r o r n t l r c X I o , r nc a u s c s K c r r r a d r u r r i a ' c / .

: gani frriisisr;sft'{-i cfiairilifaq fF'iHa Fir;sF\:cqti\egrguq*€rr\trairr iQaurut a tQhetr: hq4q:skl{I iriqlitftf{: F€flI:,3frf}arfr,ri' nm$}Ril: 11 T h e p r e s e n c eo f t h e p l a n e t s i n i h e K e n d r a s , t h e M o o n ' s a s s o ciation with any of thet.r.r,the aspect of all the planets over the



5t 83

ere Iiemadruma does not c-rperate. For ParasarasaYS:

sitfi I rrtuig: t{f,nr} qil qr s?' q)'iitqrTlul: AFahqAi q tt italg"q rre'il qgsqqcmtt'raq qHQar:hoqqdgtrui grii .ittrafqhre.,i\seqt .





! :--' gE Fa € qe FlqQlq$gr gql Hise q lelq{q ll \ \ \ . A ^

€q5 q;qqlTlg qq qdTEtffdq(


nqqsqeu ug: 11 *wgnfr.+r,ilqr, See also the follorving sloka frorn {t(I{dl'

suqnQqqe*flqqqrotqqft: rrqirIQfiqTi{qqH q{: qtd l, .\ \ \ norgqgu-q qq ifiTTgql?q qqfi qgqql'I:nli+i\ fqilf{: tt T h e r e a r e 3 l v a r i e t i e so f S u n a p h a ,3 1 o f A n a p h aa n d 1 8 0 o f Dhurudhara. c/. gnmr

fi t gnwqs,itqri+frnaqFa qRftilnq.tt olt goi daqqfrsr 'fhe second hottse from Tal<e for exanrple the Sunapha yoga. o r a l l the fir'e planets f o u r t w o , t h r c e , the l\loon nriry contain one, l o i e . \ T a r s , M e r c u r y , l u p i t e r , V e n u s a n d - S a t u r r t ) . _T h i s w i l l b e i n

5 , 1 0 ,1 0 , 5 a n d I o r 3 l r v a r s - f C + ' b + b + c + c l . S i m i l a r l y I





with tlre Anapha yoga Norv take the case of a Strnapha yoga where the srcond house from tht: Moon is occupied by only one planet' In order to make yog;r tlre l2th house from tlre Moon rnay conlhis a Dhurudlttro tain one, trvo, three or f,.,ur planets. This can be in 4f 6+4+l 1.l.l.t or 15 ways. So, for one Sunapha yoga where the [C+C+C*C] l23t 2nd house is occupied by one planet, there are l5 varieties of




Dhurudhura yoga possible. Therefore, for the 5 varieties of Sunaphayoga with I planet in the 2nd house there are 5 x I 5 or 75 varieties of Dhurudhura yoga. Next, in the case of a Sunaphayoga with 2 planets in the 2nd house, to make this a Dhurudltqre yaga, the l2th house may contain ooe, two or three planets. This can be in 3*3J-l 333

[C+C+C] t2;]

or 7 ways. Therefore for the l0 such varieties of

Sunaphayoga with 2 planets in the 2nd house, l0 x 7 or 70 varieties of Dhurudhura yagas are possible. Similarly in the case of a S u n a p h ay o g a w i t h 3 p l a n e t si n t h e Z n d h o u s ei n o r d e rt o c o n v e r t i t intoa Dhurudhura yoga, the l2th house may contain one or tvvo planets. This will be in 2* I or 3 ways. For the l0 such riarieties of Sunaphayoga with 3 planets in the ,nd house,we have l 0 x 3 o r 3 0 v a r i e t i e so f D h u r u d h u r a . In the same way, for the 5 varieties of Sunapha yoga wi th 4 planets in the Znd housewe have 5 varieties af Dhururl,huro. In the case of the Sunaphayoga which has all the 5 planets in the 2nd house,no Dhurudhuru yoga is possible. The total number of varieties of Dhurud,hura yoga is thus

7 5 + 7 0 + 3 0 5+: 1 8 0 .

q{qitqilfaq I qfq-{Ri(q} qr

{Efr R gaqrqi qiqaqqdtqiqt {uuEtrtt s dtoin{ Fqrilstfdfiqqgtlgifr ft{atriurqr{ il dB tl S/r.rftrr 84. The personwho has had his birth in the g{qlq'lrl (Sunaphayoga)will be a king or his equrl with oelf,acquiredproperty, and renowned for his wisdcm and wealth. The man born under the qrqr (Anapha) will be etrong, healthy, with amiable manners, known to fame,blessedwith materialcomforts, well,dressed,con, tented and happy.



51. 86

NorBs. The prhciple here is that planets in the Znd (from the Moon) give rise to accumulation of wealth and planets in the l?th (from the Moon) give rise to enjoyrnent without c:rring for accumulation' The position of planets is with respect to Rasi positions instead of bhavas. cf . gctld( d








â‚ŹgnEtndflqcfl1ql{rtaqKgtqitlqilfirr{qqgq" gtr ? I q16lrq. ll Zqfigqq{'i qlfid qlfngo qqqfA gnstoltqerEq'

t ftqqnleqgilfigih{r: qf\n+tfHtqâ‚Źqu0i}qq: fiqoqitega\fiqq<,iTfiqqqi nqiEqqrqq:ll tRqElrilTtgtnil{ tFftnEila 3

srqli?{fr gtg{r${Ef grIFTlI

*urt ribagsfiq(qiqfttulr a9

dsqtl q6tq {qilt

qqqnnl ll c\ ll

Sl".fta 85. Taking fteely to the joys of life as they crop up and blessedwith abundanceof wealth and vehi' cles. the person born under the gtgtr (Dhurudhura) yogais bounti{uland waited uponby faithful attendants. But thoseborn under the *q{c (Kemadruma)yoga,though they may be of a princ*:ly dce, become obecure,miser' able,given to baseways, peuurious,drudgingas menials and wickedly inclined. Norss Personsborn under 5+,3tt(Durudhura) yoga earn (becauseof planets in the 2nd) and at tlte sarnetime enjoy or spend(becauseof In the case of trrqq (Kemadruma), the planets in the l2th). predicted only rf, as stated above, there are no pla' yoga should be nets in any of the Lagna Kendras or with the Moon in any one Lagna Kendra. lJotFfi'(:-

gRsRqe,r qtiqqrogRggtmuagEE+lfr 66



Adh. VII

fifrv<).rgdi'q: so) dtrBrqgfil' qrfiqag,€Fqdgq(r I mrclg€qe'$fi610' *qaqq]zqirqlsR rr Also


qFgftfqmqgfr' rftn' gfii;qi q rnoaq$,.qqqqRa,ilq,it.itr {il


Fdf,TFgegqtqqitsReq, tt


qtftaag:qrrqtoqqt$a, I iuq: €o, gtooldqta{fi: *gi qqfi qrftiqrrqlsflrr

|| s.-qrEqagdgrqrirrr: || wit{ qwfrao-ei ffi qr{t gftrqfi:t

wrftnqqr{qilfr ffffffTrrt gt tt uq tl S/ofra86, The person at whosc lrirth Mars is in the Znd bhavafr im the Moon rvill become;r king a'd in that capacity he will trefiercc, crue!, hypocritical, stroltg minded,wealthy, v;rliantai:d irritable. N<lt'rrs. V a r a i r a r n i h i r a t l o t - - s, o t < l i l ] e r e . t i a t c t h c r . 1 1 e r ; t . ft l r e p l a n e t s b y t h e i r p o s i t i o . s i r r t h e r l r r r lo r i . t l r e I l t r r I r o , . c s o f a r a s t h e y o g a s n t e n t i t - r n e di u s l o l i l s \ / j . I 0 5 ; r r c c : r - r r r r . e r n e dI. I e a t t r i b u t e s the efiects to the yrlarrcts clLusi.g the loga t h e i r L r e i n gi n t h e 2 n d o r t l r c I _ l t h h c . r u s c cf. {{GikTd

scfllFqilqq;1q rQHql-qQlq :

nlq' qg' gqq+ f-rgq:morgt

without referenceto

sl. g7-90


fiilsdvigortrqzqq{qda aft W.$gq-ifrq,i}q,}$rrr nfiqrqR.ailqfrurdlaqq)agnr{orilrr:n

tq{nq{-dfrootrr g{fuEr{| ${dt frcqrqq{f q;nr?rqi St u crgtl

Sl,:.kr 8'1. ('onversantwith vedic orJinances, fine arts and rnusic,well.shaped, highly intelligent,of ,gree. able speechand pious will the p.rron be at whos" iirrh Mercury occupiesthc Znd hous. from the ]r4oon.

t{iiqri\sr rytqr{w.gdits{â‚Źqf I

ilqgqqrqt q q;qrftvqi gt ff dc tl S/ofrl 88. The person born in the gml (Sunapha) with Jupiter in the 2nJ house from the Moon'"*..r, in e\rery branch of knowledge, is prospcrous, has a good family, gets into the gooCgraces of his sovereign-and becomeslordly and famous.

ct-rqqiqrteqdqrqrgRwq I

qgeq-{rdt{rqfil ftfr qo(n$gqi ft aq 11 Slolo 89. In the gaml($unapha) in which Venue occupiesthc Znd housefrom the Moon, the person born will be valiant, mlrried, wc.rlchy,possessed of agricul, tural lands,engagedin worlr, with much propert|, rich in cattleand horses (<1u,rdrupedl and *iit ti,r" in'regal splendour.

gurqRr{rtt:tfW qr*R gqhI

ftgonu{il{g qFilâ‚Źs{i {rfi 1 3o rf

Sloka g-. When Saturn is in ,the 2nd bhava in respectto the Moon, the personborn will get the esteem



of all people in towns and villages,and will be wealthy, talentedand versedin every kind of business.

llfll qrfr Tuil.gdffirfr gsqirsrqgl I

uttl s6961*1 e{r=r.{K;Fmt sil il qq tl Sloka 91. When Mars occupies the 12th house from the Moon, the personborn will be arrogant,eager for war, wrathful hold, at the head of a band of marauders, rescluteand of an alluring presence.

qr.q{teqqgn{qfr{ur Gaqrqt

q{d {rGTr[Fs qtiFqralqtr gt il ql tl

Sloka 92. When Mercury occupiestbe 12th bha. va from the Moon, the person born will be capableof discoursing cleverly on musicand drawing, learned, eloquent, handsome, of great renown and held in venerationby kings


gftt vrar{Gri arq ffirqilErrt gt n ql tl Sloka 93. The personat whose birth Jupiter is in the 12th bhavain respecrto the Moon will be highly honoured by kings, very intelligent, endued *itt earnestneEs and energy.upright and poasessed of a great deal of statusand wealth.

g*frqquq{r qErftqqEqgEif I $TrrFqrft6qqrq:;sQtlT.ri,:r,fr lt qB tl Sloka 94. A charmerof young women, owning numerous cattleand similar possessions,highly intel, ligent, rich in money and grain, will the person be at

sI. 96-98 whose nativity, Moon.



Venus is in the l2th bhava from the

f*tr fqetorEr{tm qEnRRd*u I

Udaqrtfrgrqt{ry;(q;tqrriqrfttt q\ ll

Sloha 95. When Sarurn occupiesthe l2th bhava from the Moon, the person born is long armed,merito. rious, possessed of numerous cattleand similar posse$, sions : he is a leader and his words carry weight and are accepted; he is yoked to a bad woman.

ll gautirt: tl sRRqErEl g'rrEr{frSE}sftrra1 gorit wqi gqruntruq;idrrqnq.qtn qE tt

'Ihe person ar whose birrh the Moon Bloha 96. is between Mercury and Mars is untruthful though possessed of merits,clever but very dt:praved,censcrious and avaricious,and addicted to unchastewomen paEt their prime.

q*fi}lTNr rrdrqlfrg{iiearr q.Ti gqqt{in n qe tl â‚Źlru{ft-â‚ŹEq;t Slohu 97. When rhe Moon is betwixt Mars and Jupiter, the personborn will be a renownedindividual, owing his fortune to his own mighty exertion,but harassed by foes. The moral tone of his house,hold would wholly be due to his powerful example.

aqrqruft grtqt nt Esl ffiwqftwR t rqrfiftol qfiilffi rl$qt $qgnfrl ll qz ll Sloha 98. If at a person'sbirth, the Moon be between Mars and Venus, he will be athletic, handsome,


Adh. VIL

cruel,cheerful,virtuously inclined and wealthy, but liableto swervefrom morality underthe influenceof fear.

$Piqffi{il *di qqqq ftgtrsiiqlq t

oTwffi]frqrnrt qtqt sqwfi\r n qq tl

Sloka 99. The individual ar whose birth the Moon is between Mars and Saturn will be addiccedto vile women, wrathful, rich, treacherous,contending with numerousenemiesbut unscathedand uncontrite.

qqhqrqrrqk{rr$ wm,frlqsilrf*{il1t

qqrd q ftwtrt qw{t gqqiqq}tlt {oo fl Sloka 100. When the Moon is rn the rnidstof the two planetsMercury and Jupiter at a person'sbirth he will be pious, conversant with the sacred scriptures, eloquent, facile in compositicn, associated with good men and of great fame,

rrâ‚ŹrltFrtr!$r;(Ii&qqrqgwr gdt I il l. t tl {uuf,ffiq* qrq\ :XrtUT'in Sloha t01. The person ar whose birth the Moon is betweenMercury and Venus, will be an amateurin dancingand music, beloved, of agreeable speech,handsome,highly intelligent and of a heroic temperament.

tnrrtqtqilsFq] aftRqprmFmrr

Rrtgqnliifr q-i q'ffiqtqt tt t "R tl

Sloho 101. When the Moon isbetweenSaturnand Mercury, cl'reperson bcrn may have to go from one country to another ; he will be revered, have moderate learning and wealth but evince great aversion to his kith and kin.

sl. 103-106



:n$q$(f eturqalfiil fttqf qel t

wrfrsguritr.iq.qt gwni'n tt tol ll Sloka 103. Acting in a princely fashion,pro$pe' rous, politic, valiant, celebratedand guilulessin thought will the person be at whose nativity the Mocn holda a placebetween Jupiter and Venus.

I grd iiaqlQuaGqsqgqil:qa: qil nrFeswA qqir rriieiqql'll loB ll Stoka lO4. The person at whose birth ttre Moon has got between Saturn and Jupiter will be comfortable; of humility, knowledgg learning, beauty and possessed worth; owning much wealth and ol a conciliatory conduct.

ii$rdqaqur I swqrqgoraq mt uidqxi ftartii{gitt;(ill t.\ ll Slohu 105. If at a birth, tlre Moon be between Venue and Saturn in a gtgrtqin (Dhurudhura yoga), the pereonborn will be an important pcrsonagein a tribe weddedto ancient customs and the lord of a band of worthless females; he will have much wealth and enjoy royal favour.

dqqfteqqqiqqis q{ iiqii qg-s( I ns)fr snfirqgqi

eirrs qI iiqgQradgqs ngnta qqqfh q{Rflan ll loQ ll Sloha 106. The whole effect of any yoga ouchas haebeendescribedis invariably realisedby the perEon planeto born under the yoga, when the yoga'maLing



Adh. VII.

occupy their exaltation, their own or friendly housee. The sameis equally true, say Parasaraand other autho, rities, when the Navamsasoccupiedby the yoga,making planetsrelateto their own or friendly houses.

trql qflgdft qr t*gaaarcftqiqR Rlqq6r t

fltqrcTiiqrqfaqlqwt qmq ii'{ qoqrswi: I os Sloka 107. If the Moon be in conjunctioir with Rahu or Ketu or if Rahu occupy the llth bhava from the Moon, or if the planetproducingthe yoga be depres, sed or obscuredby the Sun's rays, the effect of the yoga will be mixed to the personhorn therein. NorBs. \ V i t h r e g a r d t o t h e M o o n ' s c a p a ci l y o f d < r i n g o o do r e v i l with referenceto these three yogas,Varaharnihirasays.

s{g'lsgg,iisf6zelf.n.ift aagagdTs;<nrs;liqq. II That is, for persons born in the day tirne, the Moon in any of the 6rst 6 housesis auspiciousand in any of tlre other C housesis inauspicious. The rever:;e eflect is to be understood in the case o f p e r s o n sb o r n i n t h e n i g h t t i r n e . Skanda and I'rajapati and others also say so with reference to 'l'hese therefore deserve consideration. these yogas.

il eTer ffiermrr: tl qEuqrT(ffarig(trcfgtRnI t

karq;qqa]oqrqirrrqrse{R(stt I oc tl Slofur108. If Jupiter occupying the 6th or the 8th bhava from the Moon be else.wherethan in the Kendra in respect to the Lagna, the resulting yoga is termed r*z (Sakata).


Sl. 100-110


Norrs. Cl. qid-dfq-dr

" frqnetRsttrrRrfrG{tz: *q+ ilfuerr(" But Parasara says

rt oarcdFt {{,e: flq*:


If all the planets be in the lst and the 7th bhavas, the resulting yoga is called {+,a (Sakata). Atso s(lEfrR( (Varahamihira) rn his EqqqfA*(Brihat Jataka) ch. 12, Sl. 3 gives the following defiinition of -<r+a(Sakata) identical with Parasara's:

'r Fqâ‚Źt5 il'fieq."

The {trnaqiq (Sakata yoga) mentioned in sloka 168 infra is difterent from this. The yoga referred to in tlris sloka is devoid of its bad effectsif Jupiter, while being in the 6th or the 8th house from the Moon, is in a J(endrafronr the Lagna'

srft w$

qrai filel dlsedi{tq:I

bflqtsqiliqei q.a[.itqfi&q, il tol tl Sloha 109. The person born in the r+zd'm (Sakata ycga) be he of a royal family, becomes indigent and in of the trouble and f"rtiguefalling to his lot, consequence he is always distressed and becomesan object of aversionto the king. cf ,


aRt afifrrqqR;gd:flt gn: gn:ni$n iilrqq.I neqqqq:rr*)sfiq:di 11 *h qfkq)qfiQt,iq-m'

qrRqrarie*'fr: ll u srQr qqTRwagfl:gGIIfr;iiirqmgqqEdltc:I

itarqaq,$tf iiqFq llll"ll wilgrifi.G qlqqrr? Sloka 110. To the personborn under its influence, (Parijatamsa), aplanet Becurescomtorts if in the crRqrdtTr 66



Adb. vll.

,, cattle if in the aigria (()opuramsa);and dominion if in the fttrscir (Simhasanamsa, uide Adhyaya1, St.45,46).

stti $ilirilrnrrgff] flqrq{r:ffigt Trron{|

G{(il* {gqrTtrrftrmdqR WRq{ n t t t tl

Slokt tt l. A planetthat attainsthe qnrEaart (Para. vatha Varga) brings to the men born under its auspicee, learning and renown accompaniedby gre;rtprosperity. If the planet reach the higber Qa*+wq (Devalokabhaga), the lucky person coming into the world under the hrppy yoga comesto possess an army containinga large numberof cars, horsesand elephants. lf the planet in power at the time of birth be in the highest trrq(kT (Iravathamsa),it securesa kingship to the personborn. Norss. These are the effectsof the yogas mentionedin slokas +5-46* of Adhyaya I and zrretaken from q<iatFtq.

eftT{nfr+rr: qâ‚ŹqiTfi gr;Tt*n ft dd sTrr

{ri{fr fiqqfta-il?*tg'rrfrr

sTâ‚Źfrihftrq q"i qrftimin* qr Sedtaet fiqqrt qr( g(fi q ft t t1 tl Sloha llZ. According as the Moon occupies a Kendra, a Panaparaor an Apoklima in respect to the Sun, will the moral training, the wealtlr, theinowledge and the intellectual precisionof the person born, be tf,e lowest, middling or irighest. If th; Moon be in ite own Navamsaor in thartof a very friendly planet and




if it be aspected by Jupiter, rhe person born will be wealthy, if it be aspectedby Venus, he will be happyin both casea without regard to when the birth takee place-which may be by day as well as by night. NorBs. This and the next sloka are taken from Rrihat Jataka. F r o m t h e e f f e c t sm e n t i o n e d i,t w i l l b e s e e nt h a t t h e M o o n i n a Kendra from the Sun is bad whether in the conjunction (lst), in a square(+th or l0th) or in opposition(7th). I{ere Varahamihira differs from Parasara with regard to giftatz;r (Purnima Chandra). The Moon situated in the 2nd, 5th, 8th and llth frorn the S u n i s m i d d l i n g ;5 t h i s a n e g a t i v e t r i n e a n d 9 t h i s a p o s i t i v eo n e . T h e M o o n s i t u a t e di n t h e 3 r d , 6 t h , 9 t h a n d l 2 t h f r o m t h e Sun is good in result. Here Parasara also agrees. Cf .

HQarftqda-) +oe*rQqf sfi r Ft{qEqEfigrftqq{t}gurTfiq tl

eiisftsfrqeiitqrfFqi qrF",ag vrft r geql flqi dr qdi lqnqerflan:ll qrfiftei11qa.q}edr qrcEqFqqT tl fiarg $td oq'qtill''qqF{q1$alq I fiqiqet alaifr qlq;iseqqrl n{I: lt Also qqt,qr

: qges"iqqsqFq :I *qR qftaiaqarflqqilai*t;r uqlEfrdtqufaairqficr,ilirqrir ranrqqnrqtl qFlsrI iqii {Ffr vrfiieenfifi{ft"rirFrfir,{: dgil]Sfr{,{: n C lat{ e* fiqr iegiTfaiqn 0n.^4.\C

T h c s l c , k a i n t h e t e x t c a r rA l . r , l r e a r t l r r f n l l , , $ i n s t w o i n t e r pretations:(l) If the birth be in tla1, tinre anri thc N{oon be aspected by Jupiter, the person becornes rvealtbl'.

lf the birth be at night




time and the Moon be aspected by Venus, the person born becomes happy. If the Moon be in his own Navarnsa and aspected by Jupiter, the native will be wealthy. If the Moon should be in the Navamsa of a very friendly planet and aspectedby Venus, then the person born wiil be happy. (2) Wtteth"r the birth be at night or day, if the Moon be aspectedby Jupiter and Venus together, the native is sure to be rich and happy. The amount of wealth will be in a less degree if the Moon at birth be in his own or in a friend's Navamsa and be aspected by Jupiter. In the same qr'aythe happinesswill be slightly less if at birth the Moon being in his own or in a friend's Navamsa be aspectedby Venus. cf,

wfl{d C\




(qra.drfqrrdTfq{rfi(; q?qqEqUqgRI Sql.mlq qq$lgqf+rrqfaqqiq rr

qqf*q, st tr qrrRitqh{fil,irrrFdr afurqtrftEltftqruffq I

wqfr{ftr€qfrrrEre{{T{q *qrgqTftqnir{qqrq qtil! n ttl


S/olu 113. With the benefic planets occupying the 6th, the 7ch and the 8th houses from the Moon there results what is called the Moon's aTffi{r (Adhi, yoga) wherein takes place the birth of a commander (PoliceSuperintendentor head), a minister or a ruler (of a district or Province). Those rhat are born in the Moon's w&e'lrr(Adhiyoga) are ar the height of prosperity and pleasure, overcometheir foesand live a long life, being exempt from diseasesand dangers. NorBs. The yoga,will be lowered a little in effect if he Sun should

sl. 113



be in opposition to the Moon. The efiects described in the third quarter of the sloka will take place if only two benefics instead of three as above be in the above places from the Moon, and those mentioned in the last quarter result if only one benefic is present in one of the above places from the Moon. The benefic planets referred to are Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. Bhattotpala saysthat the interpretation put by some that all the three places,uiz., 6th, 7th and 8th housesfrom the Moon, should he occupied each by one of the three to constitute an entrqirr (Rahiyoga) is not correct, and quotes in support thereof the following from tdEfifr (Srutakeerti) who recognises 7 sorts of qflcl.r (Adhiyoga).

ffiq Ti qd q;qglqrqEr U\gmq r

erMq: fl litd dqrgsilwqr ff: 11 The seven sorts are causedaccording as the three benefic planets occupy one or more of the three houses, 6th, 7th and 8th places from the Moon. That is, they might occupy (l) all the 3 h o u s e s , 6 t h ,T t h a n d 8 t h ; ( 2 ) 6 t h a n d 7 t h ; ( 3 ) 6 t h a n d 8 t h ; ( 4 ) 7th and 8th; (5) 6th only ; (6) 7th only and (7) 8th only. He also adds

qqflHrrreflda.n.frd:gqlsRiitTr: gI( I qTq: qft\efilf{q<\d}o, rr Badarayana (nc(tqq) and Parasara are of opinion that according as all the beneficplanets happento possesssuperior, medium or ordinary strenglh, a person born under the yoga will becomea king, a minister or a commander.

{tftq: nl*qr' qtsd qt ftqqn*qdTqTFIJ:I qm) zqfrilq)q;{t qrt-qqrq* qTsRtl

qrqfE*+qTd:nF.{:s**afrn' r mqqtf-fr sr{qrr*: bqas*' gr( | Also q-s<tfrmr

n}+ftQfuF-tlnfr <rewniffi5ftrilq: I

iar qd WR: enmilqGqK:frqrt {iq*{t qidlt



Adh. VII.

But {sqMili{ (Kalyanavarman) classes the q;ilk{rq (Chandradhiyoga)with Raja yoga when the planets Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are not eclipsed nor aspected by malefics. gf. €Rl{dl

qi wwureqfhRrqri|'{fttr: gqsr: g{r:

Twi qR,ii* n qfiar:g3levqn:r

qq qotHonqr-ilq$, {.qro:qrtAFF

.z*dg,{tqt rr tarqqrfr-qqTi€fAi Mandavya is also of the sameopinion. cf .

s{ftp qrfr* fqqqqqilfircfidi

rlc:RHfr'qrqfle qq+girqfAq r gtiqri*r rrcifafiqrqlaqqtr

TflqTfrtqsEofae'"t qg €{r{. tt

ll oerfuirrrrtl oqqR{rt€rsqdrg$d qTqqrirr&rt

oqrfffirilT{fr qfuqrnrtrguunRqffieq n ttB ll Sloha 114. When beneficplanetsoccupythe 6th, the 7th and the 8th bhava from the Lagna and are nei. ther in conjunction with nor aspectedby malefic planets which are in positions other than the 4th bhava,the celebratedosrfrrqJil(Lagnadhiyoga)is produced. Norss. This and the next six slokas are f rom Parasara. From the quotation from Phaladeepilia quoted under the previOussloka, it will be seenthat Mantreswara recognisesChandradhiyogaand Lagnadhiyogaalike'

of. qn+rirr

enfrqlrrif,(qft:gqqfriit{qft il

st, 116-117



qodtrrrl t o{ri\fTt Tgtrrq{iliRqrftCieq gaqK frqrqF* qtkrrro'i* qrfriqrguniarrqq tl Sloha 115. The person born in the qnrRrira(Lag, nadhiyoga)will producemany scientific works, posses$ philosophical training, hold a chief command in the army, will be unsophisticatedand generous,cnjoying the eminent advantages which f.rme and fortunc give in the world. cl.



srtGqlqqrfrq-ft snqrqfAdilerql r qgql{qlfiqf,tir.ii'lfgdtiqlr{3rtut: || For the o:rrt?.ilq (I-agnaclhiyoga)th: followirrg efiects are given in et(fqol-

q& dlqr:qddghfhnr: orTlrqBq{rei q;{tqusqfd: f*hrftqfi: dqi {qai rfh: r qlqlgieqfititqoq,ilerrfBqlitqqo. fl;dtd rTqnrfstrqfifliiqra' 9{rr. *laq,{e tl

Ir rrq+q{tiiTT:tl *-nffi i+gtr â‚Ź{rgq *qruqlg{qqqiifrr et thtd'(gtr qr{rTq f,rqre{iiriq*qfiaTr(1 ttE tl S l c h u .1 i 6 . W h e n J u p i r e r o c c u p i e sa k e n d r af r o m the Moon, the yoga produccd is calledqw.ie(t (()ajake_ sari). Again if the Moon bc aspectedby planets, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury without being depressed or obscured by the Sun, thc yoga produced is rrsr+s0 (Gajakesari).

rrffi{'qradqd s;rsFqEr{ | t*il{t gqffi uqi'{qfit q+{,rr I le tl


Sloka ll7. The person born in ghs Tqffifr{r (Gajakesariyoga) ie energetic;has much money and grain; ie inteiligentandmeritoriousand doeswhat will pleasehis king. cJ. urnqdcr

tfln q{qilfte q"q*-qq(nfr: I

qqrffrtr{erfdr fiee}frsRtsfr tt hsfidt qdi qqqq€$arfril 'rtrqr{:I rTrrTgGrr{frnl uaeqrtgfrRf, fiqta tt

il stT€t*rTr ll qq wqaqt uRrosqffiaI qR q s{iir tqr t eq Eitfi{qotufr lt}qrg,iltilqfttnuqdq(ll I ld ll Stoka118.If at the birth of any person,a benefic planetbe in the 10thhousereckonedfrom the Moon or ih" Lrgn", the fameof that personwill remainunclouded in theiountry and his prosperity will be unfailingtill the end of his life.

oflil qqlr.{rerqqft glTdgi t ffiqqqor ilq {tffu;qerdl ll ttq ll Sloha lL9. When the 10th bhava from the rising sign or the Moon is occupied by a benefic planet, the yoga is styled uror (Amala - spotless) and the fame of the pereon born in the yoga lasts' as long as the Moon and stars endure, tf.


q;4la,#;qqol6q: Ut{€ifrtilfierrefr tt

ru5"fr qanlt{rtilil $lfqafqlt t qM

gq{taqorQqdqqlll tl" ll

st. 121-122



Stofu L}O. The person born in the qcqriirl (Ama' layoga) is highly reveredby his sovereign, has great enjoyments,is liberal, kind to his rel-tiveu, benevolent and worthy. Notns. The effect of birth in an 3{qoT{iq(Amalayoga) is thus described in q.oth?fir (Phaladeepika).

tta: qTilTilqal gdqfl:F*lga]dtfiqrt r

rr ut{frfrrnR arrqqasneffitqrt Gtilgqqqiisfrqqiqrqrid&3 1 ftq.I6g6gqqn{tq qrar qgqilgâ‚Źgifi't{IcTgaqt wik

ll tRq ll

Sloha 121. If planetsoccupy the l2th, the Znd or both the bhavas from the Sun, the resulting yogasarc respectively named tlt lVesi), A,?r(Vesi) and srrqqrt (Ubryachari). When the pianets concerned occupy their own, friendly or exaltationsigns, the personsborn in the resulting yogaswill be on a par with kings in regard to the vast wealth and comforts they c.rn command.

il(s g{atsrgqtftq'ii qpqtqdi {kqfr fuarftrI qr{{i gsn{Tgttr!qlqFqifiiiweti(*ar

tt llR ll

S t , t k o1 2 2 . T h e p 3 r s o n b o r n i n a n a u e p i c i o u s iitrdirr (\resiyoea)is amiable,eloquent,wealthy, intrepid and triumphant over his foes while the one born in a aRrirrr(Vesiyoga) with atr ittauspiciousplanet is fond of bad company, evil'rninded and bereft of riches and comfort. 61


Adh. VTI


tfr gqrusiligon{Elil iiqffiqqriiqorar

qmrFqiqit fiiurrfrtftqdt


urqrgt qwfqfrEdFtlfan( ll 111ll Stohu 123. The person whose birth takesplacein a ifu.iirr (Vesiyoga) wich a beneficplanet is intelligent, liberal,delightingin scientific pursuits, and possessed of com{ort, wealth, fame and strength ; but the man born in a iis'irrl (Vesiyoga) with a malefic planet will be very stupid,afflictedwith lust, delighting in murder, and ugly,facedand he may haveto go into exile.

drqrF*il{qqfirrqil qiqr nwl?ergu{ioqtt$ifilt


qrqrtlhrqqqtqit qrquen

rinritwum{rcr trt

ll tqu ll

Sloha 12.1.Those that have their birth in the srrqq?qt{r (Ubhayachariyoga)produced by benefic pla, nets are princely individualspossessed ol corresponding for comforts and beloved their amiability wealth and lratrrrc. But those that are born in and compassiorrate the slrqqfi lUbliayachari) with malignant planetsare i n s , : r v i c ef o r w i c k e d ,a f f i i c t e dw i t h d i s r a s c s ,c n g a g e d aud irr indirgcntcircumstances, other pe,:lple cl.


onaifhfi+na-qqiqaifrr qui6a r qtqil qirtt:ll eqqRqiiqattqqqit r=e.'rfifgarariiqrqi ffgr.qi-I Tfiqrt r qn : errifh'irisfR+t 3{rq;qrjEaq+;il tt "Eeiaqaqrf-+r qrqqfafir..ryrfr.i qIfr |

sl. 126



qft\,i*Q{u&: s{fuqq; 11 gt+t ilfr q€qT{qtgqFi} q\=a{Ra,sR t

fislesr{tErrft+t wd: qrifqqqhrqrr Also {rlit(

|fbar.s'fr itinq\Aft' nnr*fiat, ,rriir(qrtciqq?ft ,ilq, rfi, qnri, r f*&aaqigtq fiqq) fiq qrarzdl eot m:mtiira €g€qqrifRqJ'ilqq, tr fRilafd:qlqgslgur{lqeilsstfri+r'ilsesar qR o* <lraEI i ftr,itw.q€qz,raqJ EIfi qorsrfq{rdltt qs qmqq fteilqqqitq]qqtFsqq: qlss< sqqrqqtqftnErqeil qirgqlr: I ;trF!*r:qqorcotsFqdnqtgs: fl€e: REr ure'l fhrqns: fl{a€Rn{ g(, Fqfd: tl Also qo-dik+r

R'qitrqffi -g arlfharrgqqqqhFqrc rqnti, ufiq: g\: egrgld el{sflr:F€4I:I stqrdq'r#fi'gxat w\equlr6{i aatknlt, g\oq gq'ii q.i,iiq qrqfhi'tt gg,t grdq'l ieiii gaqrfiq(t 11 $: n{rine ii{ fAqfiaur6Q,

ll eIEgrrffi


girrgqrd qfr q-rot gilgiilFfr qEffi(rft{ t aurqsilnqtf*onq vnrcrdruq'ftsdtq p11q1 1g Sloha 115.Accordirrg a st h e r i s i n g s i g ni d o c c u p i e d by benefic or maleficplanets, the yogas producedare



termed gH (Subha) and cglr (Asubha) respectively. When the 12th and the 2nd bhavaefrom the Lagna are occupiedby malefic or benefic planete, the yogaEare (Papakarthari)and *'$t.*d'ft (Soumyakarrhacalled qrqo-dR ri) respectively.

gq+{rq* ilrqt uqdrugurrF{ilr I nqq],ifr{s{rqt qrqsqiqtrtv{ tf tRqtl Sloka 126. The peroon born in the grrala (Subha yoga) is eloquent,handsome,amiable and worthy while the one born in the wgvfrrr (Asubha yoga) is lustful, wicked and feeding on what is not his own but another's.

qrqlf\wrqlqibfr r+{ tt tls rr qrqs{R+ Sloha 127. The person born in a grroifrqlrr (Subha karthari yoga) will have superior lustre, wealth and strength while the one born in a src6'*fi (Papakarthari) will be criminal, eatingbeggedfood and impure. Norrs. In the 3 yogasgrT (Subha), ergrr (Asubha) and cidii (Karthari) mentioned in slokas 125-127 the Sun and ihe Moon are not reckoned.

cf. qra-+rir

: ggrr( I sreBdfqert6-gfiriitfiQ e{gqreq}Eqqg&Fqqat: +{ft HrTrpqldr tl qtdt qqqR qfiareiit ggqtfri fqqrnito:r fieitgrarâ‚Ź: gqqTqlrnFqa:g(rqn: 1 eruqlq]ilqrdl qrqr{tqlry}ftH;f,r{iI qrlqrgrcqgRqaqqrq\sfifi+,orq : 1,

sl. 128-129



ll +iifiitt qr\:rGnqil fiqlf}r{rea(:

ll qmq3 11 *sig *-rqfig uqdt*

{ksqqrg{gi qft qier ail( |

on-tryftqR qnqGtnqtft inifhfr ,rrit q{eqnqiqrn tRd ll Slolc 128. If benefic planets be in Kendra houses and if the 6th and the Sth bhavasbe either unoccupied or occupied by benefic planets, the resulting yoga is cda (Parvatha). Again, if the lords of the Lagnaahd the 12th bhav.rsbe in Kendra positions with respectto eachother and aspectedby friends,there is the c{e*rr (Parvatha yoga). cf.


lt{t<T:qT ef;qr $QiEqtqi:t art<hgrotrTt: n qia ftk qorfqtrqiq{tqdtqiqsqtqq}t tr

Also 3rddtail

eqgtofi;nivi gt r e<wta#fQg* q: +faarqqa]'ir,ils,iqidi arfi tt


r(ttrt I

qrql qwtq.{kfhirfli'q'iqqtd gFIIqsf qr{ ll lR\ rt Sloka 129. The person who has his birth in the c,iafrrr (Parvatha yoga) will be prosperous, engagedin literary pursuits,Iiberal,libidinous and fond of sporting with women not his own, full of energy, famous and at the head of a city.




cf . sril*rtrr e \\ q{Grrq qril\


\ a ^ {qrdl qqql{ rqdhq t qHg{nq{frf,l?iH adqTagqr;itr1ft:sr( tr


$t-{o{T{: -qh-(u{n\gtrg arrir sTofr oqrft\ {€si qii uruorw( |

qfti g ftoifilt Er mt"rtur

dqq* gt*qfi qR ilr€{r {tq tt li"


Sloka 130. If the lords of the 9rh and the 4th bha, vas be in Kendra positions with respect to eachother and if the lord of the Lagna have strength, the yoga produced is 6r€0 (Kahala). If the lord of the 4th bhava occupying its exaltrtion or its own sign be as, pectedby or in conjunction with the lord of the lOch bhavr, the yoga will be suchas the foregoing.

*rqqt il€{t qrdryc*e$dcr I qf,fiiiaffirrrrqlsnrdf qr( srEe;Rril llt tr Slota 131. The personborn in the CIrao,irrr (Kaha, la yoga) is vigorous, daring, ignorant, possessed of an army completein its partsand ruling over a few villages. cf. iln*.o{r


q;gt(ul)fiT{rfr{iqo.il-q ft=qd}a} r offl{t{ii qe.qfi,ilrr' qEonfl{: 11 qqqrqGfitflqq: r iqqrfaqqnqai sitf,tqii qarqlTitult er.+rqt qt: tt

qfesirq (Kahalayoga) and its eflect are thus stated in qo(tqfi.

sl. 132-133



qfd*qqqeqFq: I ognftqruqqftftqailfhqruelaelg ,i)tr' q +,rqoqfi qfia: tr sfgrotr&,gqfa,qsa, &q.lr,+Eoa}zqrqr I

qrfbqrq]rr, qR qtta o{rG{rHUErrI qrd'rqaiqftrim.rerarjrrss I RqGqtfritqrtr iiuqfhgini *{itrsqgorqR ilqri{â‚Źt rt t 11 tr Sloka 132. If the 7 planetsbe in ? housesfrom the Lagna,the personborn in the yoga is a king in command of many elephantsand horses. If the rror (N1ala-the wrt-athof planecs)be from the 2nd bhava, the person b o r t t i n t h i s 2 n d y o g aw i l l b e a k i n g o w n i n g h o a r d so f 'q7calth, dutifully reverenutowards parents, resolute,of stern aspectand possesscd of eminent virtues.

qrfr qErlirqqdbuni qqr â‚Ź uil qiiqq r'irrit

gffirr tegcrrrnw-

q)riiqrrEnqtq{tq:u 111tl

S l o k u 1 3 3 . I f t h e q r f b + t( M a l i k a ) c o m m e n c ef r o m the 3rd bhava,the personborn in it will be heroic and wealthy but sickly. If the starting point of the qrfuEr (Malika) be the 4th L,hava, the personwho has his birth therein will be a very liberal sovereign enjoying the good fortune due to his governing many countries.

qfr qriOqrarqft&Erar{r gTIEn {ifitqt{ qrp qErIEq afiaag<+qm] E{til {}q. I



Adh. vII.

qnGqâ‚ŹqrftqrqR qgdqefr .{qRrrqrr dlhrqaqtsqqll tls ll {tqtg*q{ffidl Sloka 134. If the qrfbEr(Malika) begin with the 6th bhrva, the person born in the yoga will be a king performingsacrificesaccordingto ritual or getting fame otherwise. If the eret (Mala) be {rom the 6th bhava, the person taking his birth in the yoga will be needy but getting wealth and comforts occasionally at some stages of his life The person born in a wreath of planetsstartingwith the 7th bhavawill be a king dearly loved by a large number of wives. If the Sth bhava ba of a ctis*r (Malika),the personwho the'commencement comesinto the world under such a planetary conjunc tion will be a distinguisheC personage,blessedwith long life but poor and henpecked.


gurfriuFfisil ilqqt ftus

qqfqrqR q{ilifi6: {qiil{: qcq*: I

orurilqqwatqftqftI u*fuqrqq* qrfr ft'q'&rdgafii61: {+{ Wq}r}q rrtl\ ll Sloia 135. If the mfu{rq}rr (Malika yoga) begin with the 9th bhava, the person born in it will be endowedwith all good qualities,will devoutly perform sacrificerand will be rnighty. When the yoga haa its inception in the lOth bhava,the personagetaking birth in it will be engagedin good acts and held in high eEteâ‚Źmby the virtuous. If the yoga should proceed from the llth bhava the personborn will be the lord of lovely women, princely in birth and prragonsof their sex and he will be competent to engage in every kind of activity. lf the qror (Mala) originate in the llth

Sl. 136-13?

\. TlS{lSsmlr


bhava,tlrc personwill be lavish in his expenditureand honouredeverywhere. \

ll ll "lrRqTF: qrnarqqlqs I aild s-flfr €g?rdit\h

d.ffit usqRuoi aqrcqiqrqq qTruqr( tltlElt Stoha 136. If the lord of the Lagna occupying the exaltationsign and aspectedbv Jupiter be in a Kendra, the resulting yoga is calledrrw (Chamara). If two bene' fic planetsbe in the Lagna,the 7th, th': 9th or the 10th bhava,there will be the yoga crlled Erm (Chamara). Norrs. qm€tq (Chamarayoga)is thus diflerentlv stated in qrtrflt{r.

wq& fEqrffq olt dtq,i {t r uq*q{t ffi q}trarqrnfl+:ll

lf the planets occupying each of the Lagna and the other bhavas in order be either in conjunction with or aspectedby bene' fic planets, or the lortls thereof be in beneficpositions, uneclipsed b y t h e S u n ' s r a y s o r i n t h e i r o w n h o u s e s ,t h e t r t l t e 1 2 r e s u l t i n g yogasare respectively terrned -rtq( (Chamara), irg (Dh"tu), cni (Jataali), it{ (chathra), ue (Asthra), +,tq(Kama), (saurya), "roft qrgr (Aasura), urq (I]hagya), <qrfr (Khvati), crltqtt (Parijata), and gto (Musala).

ril' *'agirfhiczfq!: grnnirlet: elqeqirftf+ofiqfildlit: sqt{ilqqr I

Te{TITIg{t €nrarqrtgd{qefqtan

qpqeqlfrgqtfiqmgnor<1idur +1Rnr,tt

fii qrcqTqiilq(cdl frar{ ilql qibcfi{r qdqst

(fur qrtqrrrwffi ql+d ffitfrtrnun{ll tl\e ll 5B



Adh. VII.

Sloku 137. The person born in the qrrrtqJrr(Cha, marayoga) wili be either a philosopher,wise, eloquent and hcld in high esteem by kings, or a king who being comprtent by birth &c.,to enter on the study of the sacred scriptures, has urasteredeverything connected tberewitli. This personagewiiI live a year a{terthe t a l eo f 7 0 y e a r si s c o m p l e t e ;d i . e . 7 1 y e a r s . cJ,


qlitsfutqrqt qrfr{taigiaarlgdt r egtrrrftan:erqfidi qqqKrn n \

ll {t$qftq: lt er;qJ;q*;(rJErfr ga6rqr?i A\




il{rrqq i{Ugd rtr( {HiItTTtI

qt& oeftri q q{t?rrqqfr

wrqrfqt qogt g iTqrqqila n t ld tl Sioia 138. When the lords of the Eth and the 6th bhavasare in Kendra positions wirh respect to each other and rvhen the lord of the Lagnais strong, the yoga ig calledttg (Sankha). Thc srmc yoga is said to e:<ist when the lord of the Lagna,as well as the lord of the 10th bhava, occupy a moveablc sign and the lord of 9th bhava is strong.

ut qla\ q'rrrrrloiErTtgt etgrrtlft**r{ grqqqfI

iltr{t;ttqlrurgthqt{rqqt}e{ aiqrwrrq{'iiril llq tt Slotc 139. The person born in the Sankhayoga will havea life of enjoyment,be compassionate, blessed with a wife, sons, wealth and lands, engagedin the p r a c t i c eo f v i r t u e , w i l l p o s s e s sa k n o w l e d g c o f t h e oacredscriptures, will be well,conducted,beneficent,


Sl. 140-141


end may live 8l years(one year after the tale of eighty ia completed). cf. smfli{r

t-.qftfrqqr:sH,figfldqR Gq{: t q: dlrdq{lflreit ,i}q' qt-aE iRa, tt ttgq},ilq+ qeJ {rdr {r diflq}sRqI I

t+arqilqgo]sfi zqffd\{ln tt aq{rr (Sankhayoga)and its efiect are thus stated in qodft+t'

*-q*iqqgfi,iRqIS' tt {Iqr qFr€,i}} egarafiilqiqsrqfif,d:l!

n+mq:ll qr;drqqrar{lg frq{tg

sqrGft{dgdqfr tRrirqrt \.\\A\

fi,T trdr gtgill RT(IolTilt|lr

lTIr}Eiqsgt g afu {r={q.ll t8" ll S / . 4 r 1 . 1 0 .W h e n t h e r ea r c p l a n e t si n t h e Z n d , t h e l 2 t h , t i r e l s c a n J t h e ? t h b h a v . r sa n d w h e n t h e l c r d o f tlre lCtir bhava is strong, the ycga is lffr (Bheri)' \X/her-rVenr:s and the lord of the lst bhava occupy K e n d r a p o s i t i o n s i n r e s p t c tt o J r r p i t e ra n d w h e n t h e lord of the t)th bhava is strong, the eameyoga shouldbe s a i dt o e x i s t .


qariqfigrcRgdlr{itrfl! | rqr 3rrqRqiigedi{ q€rgq \itqilnqgsil iigoTltgdtfll ll tgt ll

Sloku t4l, Those that are born iu the lft (Bheri




yoga)are lordly men, of gord birth, long-lived,exempt from diseasesand danger, poss:ssed of much wealth, lands,sonsand wives, of greatrenown, enjoying much happinesson accountof their virtuous lives, eminently heroic and of grcat experiencein the affrirs of the world.

TtaGFTrrts qRqffii sqq€ftrrdrft {6rd t Csfqfrqrrqaiq.ri o{riqt qogfe €ffifrqr

qrq, ll tBl ll $e,qrq6qzTgarr{T{r{il

S / . f r a 1 4 2 . l f t h e l o r d o f t h c N a v a m s aw h i c h a planecin its exaltationoccupiesbc in a Kona or Kendra position; if the occupant of the Kona or Kendraposi, tion in qucstionbe in its exaltation or own houseaod have abundrnceof strengrh and if the lord of the Lagna be powerful at the sametime; the yoga producedis €Ts (Mrudanga)and confers on the personborn nobility of mien and fame suchas it is the good fortune of sove, r e i g n st o l r a v e . n\


ilt,rt st.rt qG sqftti {Fqqdgtq I

*qrqfrq: Uqqgffii qtr];R! {rfitrir Tqrosutultl

S/oArr143. When thc lord of the Tth bhava is in the ltlth bhavaand when the lord of the 10rh is in rhe exaltationsi n and also in conjunctionwith the lord of the 9th, the auspiciousy,ogacalled "frqrq(Srinatha lord 'fhe of Fcrrtur.e)is produced. personborn therein will be like Indra, the king of the celestials.

sl. 144-146



But seeq-€dfr{t

e,firfi ,{fiqlFstt€lfitl: trrqRdq rfatnr, ff5o-5frtt q}a t elqqaigee{rgqq11; aaqrfiq{rqaslfldatralqtq,ittl<'{Ill

: gTf$n €tfr qrt gtfrft qrgftgoi\qruqqr g*'lf,qarrsia:I nmqrf*.il€qqqqfr{r dqsffi+ qgai(n: Hcgr(Rlfiqd:

frrrqfrtill<q'il dei qqafqfrsfrgxtr: \

{TlTfl{Istr .irqrrnqtetr gil{i {qlft\ ff[t

*F(e frFnrqhftq.rutsftritqilhi t q;ffi*rurqtgr'flgfr fr.qffiil o*

ort qrqfr i{qfurq gqFr;dnild{$rll tue ll

Sloha 144. When the lord of the 10th hhava is in tlre 5th, when Mercury is in a Kendra ; when the Sun is in its own sign and exceedinglypowerful ; when Jupiter is in a Kona in respect to the Mocn and when Mars occupiesa Trikona position with regardto Mer' cury; the resultingyoga is callednrrqr(Sarada).When Iupiter is in the t lth bhrva from Mercury and other conditions metttiottedbefore obtain, the sameyoga is saidto exist.

digru;ggt*sqgq$il qti?rr Wq*$fE{fr'r I

ftqTffiflfutoe trqorar crrili eqliftrdruft urrqrrettt t8\ ll Sloka 143. Those that are born in the mrqrfrrt (Saradayoga) take particular care of their wi'ree, their



Adh. vII.

!ons, their relatives,their personalappearanceand their virtues; they are in favor with their sovereignsi they IJrahmans an I Gods ; show revereilceto their preceptors, they take delight in literary pursuics and have a good dealof amiability, religious meric and strengthi they are attentiveto their duties in this world.

ureq+q: ardrrmqri qet qEâ‚ŹgiI qgqd,rrt qrt frqlst IR<I{f,6fll qBEll S l o k a 1 4 6 .W h e n a m a l e f i cp l a o e t i s i n t h e 9 t h bhava from the Lagna,when the 5th bhava is occupred by beneficas welt as malefic planets, and when the egce (Chathurasra)i.c, the 4th, or the 8th bhava from the Lagnahasa malefic planet, the yoqa is termed rtiel (Mathsya).

i6'ro{s Wunft;gdor*IlEo$q{R I qrfti{qraqqiq qiqqirr{T!ffi3ll lue ll Sloha 147. The personborn in the qit'{ (Mathsya) yoga will be an astrologer: he will be very compas' s i o n a t e; h e w i l l h a v e v i r t u e , i n t e l l i g e n c e ,s t r e n g t h , b e a u t y ,f a m e ,l e a r n i n ga n d r e l i g i o u sm c r i r , c\

ETTqtq, sarr$Titgigfrrqr:essfizt{rsdtqril | qffwrrricwrrt"qfrrqr itr'rq{qr qft t&frrrrllqBcll S l - t a 1 a S . I f t l : e b e n eifc a m o n g t h e p l a n e t sb e i n t h e ? t h , t h e : t h a n d t h e 6 t h b h a v a s a n d t h e m a l e l i ci r r t h e 3 r d ,t h e 1 l t h a n d t h e l s t b h a v a s ; a n d i f t h e A m s a s or Rasisoccupiedby the planetsbe invariably those oi

sl. 149-l5r



their own, exaltationor their friends,the yoga produced is termed qi lKurma).

qqtf{ur rTFrIIqqqFrs fi<"qnffi$fi rmq'rnrt I qhr grqtErllq$rrfirftqigfr qninrqftl {r tt lBq ll Sloha 149. The person boru in the qific (Kurma yoga)will have wide fame, royal luxuries, and will be eminently virtuous, the quality of goodnessgiit (Satva) predominatingin his nature ; he will be staid,comfort, able,and disposed to befriend other people by putting in a kind word on their behalf with the sovereignor he may even be that oovereign.

qqlr*rr' qp+t qqqrr& q*t ilq{ffirt I

olt *-.n**


RtReru l\" tl

Sloha 150. When the lords ol the 9th and the Znd bhavasare respectively in the 2nd and the 9th bhavac and when the lord of the lst bhava is in a Kendra or a Kona, the yoga called wg (Khadga.)is produced.

iqrtt{ rqfi ft*orrqatqgfr glilnrqqu{i{gtqr$ilr t frftutrq ft-dqidqilgwqts Gr l qEFqSeqtgrrorrE(ilr l q\q tl S l o k u l 5 l . M e n b o r n i n t h e t q s { l K h a d g a )y o g a devotethemselvesto the study of the Vedas,the Science o f p o l i t y a n d a l l t r a d i t i o n s ,t o t h e a s c e r t a i n m e ror fr t h e to t r u t h s c o n t a i n e dt h c r e i na s w e l l a s t h e i r a p p l i c . r t i o n practice, and to the maintenance of their ratrk,power, dignity and happinees. They are free from envy or


Adh. vil.


tht" too'"*"


"'J prowess; they are cleverand gratefully rememberthe kindnessee doneto them. Notes. F-flt!fl:is another reading in the fourth quarter of the sloka; wbich means their orders are readily obeyed.

ll alqfi+qr ll t-Kqaftfiurt qpi't qdrqt t q.â‚Źrdq oqqtfrq{dRerll t\Rll onTfEt Stoka 152. When the lord of the 9th bhava is in a Kendra identical with the planec'sMoolatrikona and when the lord of the Lagna occupieothe exaltation sign and is poeseseedof abundant strength, the resulting yoga is declaredto be oqCl'ih (Lakshmi yoga).

gqrffi qgiqqrfrflqntffifttatwf I n t\l tl wdffi qgqngrs mltr,etqrur* Sloka 153. The pcrson born in the qqc?sirl(Laksh' mi yoga will be a king of kings amiable for his many virtueE,ruling over many lands,widely krtown for his learning, lovely as cupid, bowed to by kings from the farthest regions of the earth and having numerous wives and sons. Notgs. This yoga and its effect is thus described in qiriifQ-{I'

â‚Źq+i qG arq+oafigiiqrrqtgtgtil w'qrrq: I frei qqq{ifdqTqftdqlffi'ft'Efr tqd F{i;ft( g{,flfr qilffiqmErsrr: I


elqrq-q{i} q0qfr{i} qKTq atdtrn: P

sl. 154-166



cf. qrrarttr

qrqJq{t};} rrruartgtftt r

CInfrtqordq eqfifr{ $Ra: rr q.iinqntgli ,rrrt afut Uqqtr sqqt qdlwt er{iq}qqfrfic:tt

It SgqQPr 11 ftrcdilu,fr*t ii*aFd sffi r

qFTqHrri irt Afts{ sg{ruiq rrt\B tl

Sloka 154. When Venus occupiesa Kendra rcpte. eentedby an immoveable sign, and the Moon in a Trikona position is other than beneficand when Saturn holds a place in the 10th bhava, the resulting yoga io g,gu (Kusuma).

I ERr qdqucfifftrqfiEririiqt qU.incqNn{fâ‚Ź'{n

o'i* qarutftfs<t! mrqlarri ruqt ugqigqrafq t\\

Sloha 155. The person born in tbe gge*rr (Kusu, ma yoga)will be a powerful sovereignof wide celebrity in the world, foremost 3mong kingc who trace their deecent from illustrious royal houses,of great enjoyments, bowed to by rulers of the earth and bourtifully bertowing gifts.

qffiqr RoqarEiUilufrratqqrtr{iilft ilfirtTEr t

qRan(qgs{ir{r qq qrRqtilrt\t il=qfrs]uftqqfr Sloha 156. Find first tLe zodiacalsignoccupiedby the lord of the Lagna; ascerrainnext in what Rasi the lord of the zodiacal sign firot found is. If the iord of 69



the 2nd Rasi thus ascertainedor the lord of the Navarn, sa occupiedby the lord. of the secondly found Rasi be in a Kendra or Trikona or in its exaltation, the yoga produced is crftqra (Parijatha).

qqr.atfrqr fl{ftqroqd gqfr* Er{0r{rtigifi! | qilrf,qqifirnir qqrgfr.ililr qrqiA qrRq|nru q\s ll Sloha 757. ilhe personwhose birth is in thecdiqra du (Parijatha yoga) will be a sovereign destinedto be hrppy in the middle and latter portion of hie life, res. pected and obeyed by other kings, fond of war, posoeesing elephantsand horees, attentive to his duty and engagements and of a compassionate disposition.

tgtftMq, iadq qeqfi gqgrstiq( |

\ \ \ c qrqlE q* qdqi frqr w( ( sorfdfn ll t\c tl


Sloka l5li. When Jupiter occupying the 2nd or the 5th bhava is aspcctedby or in conjunction with Mercury andVcnus or is in a house owned by (either of) them,the yoga is calledqrsrfrFr(Kalanidihi).

un'i qorftiqqql ggurT{\ffiI

frqqqtqqrstarqrcuc-tlt \


{FII$ HqEi{l{uldl Hrl{F

qrgrrf:qdr il l\q tl ii.iqrjqrtqrRqFt

Slohu 169. The perscn born in the aorfriq<ia (Ka, l a n i d h i y c g a ) w i l l b e g a l l a n t .a m i a b l e{ o r h i s m a n y virturs, waited upcn and loyally greetedby many great k i n g s . H i s r e t i r , u c r v i l l c o n s i s t o f a n a r m y ,h o r s e s , s t I O n gc l c p h a n t sc,c , n c hd, r u m a n d o t h e r i n s t r u m e n t so f


st. 160-162


martialmusic: he will be exemptfrom diseaaes, dangere and foesof everykind.

+-ilft fkniiaftdri tnqil'*i t

qtoi sil wq qlftsqqrilRsnr n tQo ll S/ofro 160. If Venus and Jupiter be in Kendras and if Saturn in exaltrtion occupies also a Kendra and if the rising sign at the time of birth be a moveableone, (Avatharaja). the resulting yoga is called "râ‚ŹKilGn

goqrslsmitiqrii$uHr i[tIIRTi['t6rord itarcm t

til;ct\ iq{rrqritsniqrditrqatrqts{nEilllt tqt'll Stoka 16l. The person born in the 3fu1q61qqtr (Amsavatharayoga) will have the majesty of a king; he will be of good reputation; he will go to holy shrines; he will be conversantwith fine arts; he will be devotedto gallantry; he will shapethe characterof the agein which he lives; he will be void of passion. He will be acquaintedwith the Vedanta Philosophy and qualifiedby birth to study and interpret the eacred scriptures. n\

{t{Q$tflpffi: iiitrqqft i$Fqqinnm{ flrqqalI qftqrrgt+qrrrR;trqpql qf ql6qq;fl-(rlstls I

r whsfrsrtqr itqrrqRi{;g{rrrirErrl fiwnr gileiâ‚Źfiaw{raqqirn {h n tqR tl Sloka 162. The following are the three yogascalled altarqa (Harihar,rbrahma) by the ancients. The first



Adb. VII.

ftTreu ( Hariharabrahma ) yoga is produced wheh the benefic planetsare in the 2nd, the lZth and the gth bhavas in respect to the lord of the 2nd bhava. The 2nd yoga exists when Jupiter, the Moon and Mercury are in the 4th, the 9th and the 8th bhavas with reference to the lord of the ?th blrava; the 3rd yoga is present when the Sun, Venus and Mars occupy the 4th, the 10th aod the llth from the l,rrd of the Lagna.

frfroft rrqfrqrqnq s{rf,T{rfr wsolf€Fidqrcqr{rq{rto II


{rs{irUoqmql aftatPqiq*rr n tql tl Sloha 163. The person who has his birth in the (Hariharabrahma) yoga will be thoroughly rttrru conversantwith the entire body of sacredlore, truthful in his speech, possessed of every comfort, of pleasing addresa,gallant,victorious over his foes, beneficentto every living creature and virtuous.

ll ;ilrffitffipr: tl

Tgr*il{ frfrqraitf{ufutgr il tQsrr Sloka 164. There are 20 yogas named after the different figures they represent and coming under the generaldesignationof qrAf*qtu (Akriti yoga). They are (1) qF (Yupa), a sacrificial posr; (2) qg (Ishu), ao arrow ; (3) nft (Sakti), ia spear; (a) qc (Yava), a barleycrrn ;


sL 165


(5) qss (Danda),a stick ; (6) rE (Gada),a mece; (?) egt (Samudra),the sea; (8) oz (Chathrat, an umbrella; (9) q*=ir (Ardhachandra),a half Moon ; ( t0) te (Sakata), a waggon: (11)wgr (Ambuia),a lotus; (12) cftt (Pak, shin),a bird; (13)ii lNau),a bcri; (t4) ar Chakra,a wheel; (15) +s (Vajra), Indra's weapon, thunderbolt shapedlike the letter X ; ( t6) as (Hala),a plough; ( t7) +r$o (Karmuka),a bow ; (18) q: (Kuta), a trap (for catching deer); (19) arfi (Vapee), a well ; and (20) ruFtu:F (Sringataka),a placewhere4 roadsmeet. Norns. The Nabhasa(heavenly)y )gas are said to consist of 4 divisions,ardz.(i) g{r$fi,ir.il:(.qtriti yoga) which has 20 sub-divisions; (ii) eeqrfirn:(Sankhyayoga)which has 7 sub-divisions;(ili) ertarqq}rt: (Asrayayoga) having 3 sub-divisions and {lv)to,iii (Data yoga) having only 2 sub-divisions-Total 32 in a71. Yavanacharya is said to recognise 1800 varieties of these Nabhasayogas,which, when properly analysed,will be found to have been included in the above 32. ln this sloka mere namesof the 20 qrz;fi (elriti) yogas have been mentioned, while the yogas themselveshave been described in detail in slokas 168-172. c


HI{iFrSra qo'nrr{qiq+dr{| qturrflq mf\mE(qrr{rTrdr+Erl1og.r.rrouq6*q{m fl lE\ ll S/ofra 165. tsg (Rajju, a ropel, ro (Nala, a reed), and geo (Musala, a pestle)are the names of the three wtxl (Asraya) yogas (named from the general charac, teristic of the signs which the 7 planets occupy): eo (Srak a wreath), lftfir{ (Bhogin, a snake)are the two {q




@ala) yogaE(qâ‚Ź-Dala meansone of the two halves into which a bamboo or a like substanceis split): *qr (Vee, na, a harp), E{qtq (Varadama,a good string), vnr (Pasa a noose), *m (Kedara a field), qo (Sula, a pike), g.r (Yuga, a yoke) and riio (Gola, a globe) are declrred to be the seven tcqr (Sankhya) yogas so nrm:d from the number of housesin which the ? plaoetsare group:d. NorBs. The names of the 7 Sankhya yogas, the 3 Asraya yogas and the 2 DaIa yogas have been mentionedin this sloka.

qiqq t Eug*{daoqril {rcTtt{r{q.nrsrrK

**t qE(fr4*eflq{{fi ni\fi qrrrrtqn tqq tl

Sloka 166 rq (R.ajju), IIâ‚Źa' (Musala) and i-o,(Nah) are the three wx+ (Asraya) yogas declared to arise by Satyacharyawhen the planets are exclusively in the moveable,the immoveable and tlie dual signs respec, tively. eq (Srak,t and qt (Sarpa) are the two Ts (Dala) yogasmentioned by wrnt (Parasara) due to the Kendras being exclusively occupied by benefic and malefic planetsrespectively (the Moon being left out o[ account. benefic and malefic planets are three each). NorBs. This and the next eleven slokas have been taken from gqsqrtrd sTt{cfrfi: (Asraya yogas) 3. (l)

All planets should be in qr (Chara_ sg(Rajiu). m.veable) signs. Planets posited in cardinal signs will make the native ambitious by prcceeding to foreign places in search of Dame, fame, wealth, etc. (2) geo (Musala). All planets should be in fb< (Stthira_ immoveable) signs. The native will be of fixed determination, good status, etc.


sl. 166


i3) rc (Nata). Al1 planets should be in slrq (Ubhayadual) signs. The native will be dejected, depressedand disappointed. {oftfr

(Dala yogas) 2.


tt{ (Srak). Al1 beneficsshould be in Kendras. Q) sd (Sarpa). A1l malefics should be in Kendras. Satyacharya has described the three qrr{q (Asraya) and the two ei-o(nata) yogas thus :

,ilrrrrq a rEq r sd q\g ilfitg qil fFcrdr e{qqfqqq RnnfiauqrflT?igssll

d frrtg ffirg qErfuil U{rorqa frq{ r Ao.C

wqFf fiqft{IqT giilnrrTqrflilrqT{


finfts qoqfr*.il ahrfifitntoar{rr frgqrqi geqrqiqqnqqq)fiqiqqfr tl Also

qrufiftit't iE, frqwfiri<{ s.'uq,I aenfigfifqtfqe:rr Gn{k{tqJ'ir

From the words gfrlufqe: (Munibhiruddishtaha)in the above quotation, it will be seen that Satyacharya was not the original discovererof the yoga, but the earlier sages. Some commentators are of opinion that the 3 et{q (Asraya) yogas{Fg (najju), gso (Musala) and qo (Nala) are causedwhen the planets occupy all the four of the moveable, immoveable or dual signs respectively. But this view is gpposed by Garga who says ;

qd e} qrxq:ni utior qil Q: r qr+rrcqrrgi:frwwr{1qi( tt fiqrrA.gniarqqrfrai{'rTg?qr{| (flfict

6-+d"nt is another reading,)

Beqr* qort'rFgqfr{i qft+tRa:tt



Adh.vu. #

Regarding the two 4o (oala) yogas w{ (Srak) and q{ (Sar' pa), the commentator adds that srak yoga is caused if tbe benefic planets occupy three of the four Kendras while there are no malefic planets in any of the Kendra places; and that when malefic planets occupy three of the Kendras while there are no benefic planets in any of the Kendra houses, the yoga is known as s,t (Sarpa), and that the Nloon should be left out of consideration and not classed as benefic or malefic. He also quotes in support tbereof the following two quotations: viz', (l) Garsa

1 R*-dr,iqrrrt:s,ii€:fhaffqE:(g:rftagq<:) ,itfqq--qqSr fi€I ad;fiqfrfragi:ll "(2) Badarayana

k"i"qqr\ ffioffi$, t-qHflr\' {qqf:ir {rerq.I

* sfq* qsret}tl s{trq€}ftar<rrrqtrilrnrfA* The a-o Dala yogas are thus described in A-Erqf<H€Kr.

€{tl I t-qat fr'qeifd ITioIq€qR"qivnqrqq: qqg qhGnri qqre{ gdt+ftqqfAqrfiiifR u The commentator adds that these two yogashave been mentioned not only by Parasara but also by others and quotes the following fronr qiQrq (Manittha).

*-qaq.tt'w\: ffi1 qenfiil r rt * fi,tl s{qrcK.qlqfitiesoq+ qFu qwi4r{q-913wrr \\ qEFstqqoswilosrqr I

hriqtr frffid Eor(""il-

fiergr'tr sq{sdfr rrtE'stl

Sloha Io7. According to some astrologers, the Asraya yogasare the same as the qq (Yava , *ro (Ka' mala), es (Varja), nfr{ (Pakshin), ri}c+ (Golaka), and

'il. 167



otbers* of the srrafr( Akriti ) and cear ( Sankhya) yogasI and the two go iDala) yogas are only similar to the yogascaused by the plancts restricting themselves to Kendrasand consequentlyhave the same effects as have already been described for these. Tbat is why theseyogasand thcir effects have not been separately described. Norrs Varahamihira has explained in this slolia the reason why some of the astrologers (meaning thereby the Yavanas) have omitted to treat in their works separately of the 3 qtqq (Asraya) and the 2 es (Dala) yosas. It will be seen that the three eTtrfq (Asra1,a)and the two 40 (Oata) yogas some times (but not always) happen to be identical with some of the 3{EiA (Akriti) and the q<qr (Sankhya) yogas. The cardinal signs where planets are posited need not necessarily v<i angular at the same time in any horoscope. For instance, suppose all the plarets in a certain horoscoDe happen to be in \q (Mesha) and {z{ (Kataka}. As these two signs are moveable ones, the yoga caused is fs{ {Itajju) and will be indentical llith rr{t (Gada) if the I-agna happens to be either\q (Mesha) or l]ut if any other rtrii (Rasi] (other "riZ;[ (Kataka). than {q-Mesha or Eaq-Kataka) be the l-agna, and all the planets are as described in the above, there is no {{t (Gada) yoga tbough it may still be called 1;g (Rajju). Again, if :r1l the planets be in tc (Mesha) and got (Tula) and if oue of these llasis be the Lagna, then too the yoga is (;g (lt.jju) since botlr the sigrr:; arc rrro'eable ones. As tq f I\Iesha) and d-ot (Tula) happen to be the lst and 7th houses and all the planets are said to be in these 2 houses, the yoga is {ISz Sakata.. Suppose all the planets to occupy +t{t- (Kanya) (Meena), two of the dual signs; the yoga is ;ro (Nala).

and qriq If one of

* r;a1(Gada), {r+z (sakata) among the qlafr (Akriti) yogas (Yuga), and gn 1Xo (Sula) and httt (Kedara) arnong the R(.{t (Sankhya) yogas.




Adh. VII.

these two Rasis be also the Lagna, the yoga is known {uithuna) ar+a (Sakata) and ao (Nala). Rut if iiga (Dhanus) be the Lagna, it will be both qiqq (Pakshin) (Nala). If any other Rasi be the l.agna, it will only be (Nala yoga).

both as or {3q and c-ct a a-oa-4'm

Examples iike these can be nrultiplied'

The question now arises as to why then Varahamihira makes (Asraya) and 4o lDala) yogas in special mention of these 3{It{-q his work. The ar,swer is, al I the possible irrstances of these (Akfllthr) ar,d (-rcqt Sanl<hya) yogas are not included in the 3{t5f} yogas may be these and lAsraya) and {o.Dala) yogas. The qlfi deemed it may not be these. It is therefore that the author has fit to treat them seParatelY' Again, it is said of the two 4a (Daia) yogas that other authors planets occupying have described the eflects of benefic and nralefic (Dala) t h e K e n d r a s a n < la s t h e s e a r e a l s o t h e e f l e c t s o f t h e t w o { o yogas, they have omrtted to treat of them separately' Varahami' the hira treats of these separately in order to make it known that f elt a r e e f l e c t s y o g a s t h e i r ( N a b h a s r t ) s u c h a n c l a s two are nli{q y o g a s a re w h o s e e f l e c t s t h c o t h e r throughout life, and not like felt only during therr Dasa or ,\ntardasa l'eriod and not afterwards.

cf ,

q{i fqqRnt,i}m:nrii q.tfiq alqgl ll afr Rc<qillâ‚ŹfE firnqoa^tfa;el

Also sttEdl

flr,olqe gtfa-sr: 11 s{qnrefi$?.qT:

eil{qfto.qaeqtriilFqR-qRig nqd fius â‚ŹiFEftt I Tffle* qqqqeilqstswtl o{Fqfi{uft{i ffi$( il'{tt ll qqd ll S/ofra 168. Astrologers say that the yoga rrqr (Gada)is prcduced when tire plarretsoccupytwo suc' cessive Kendras; a.r.z(Sakata) when all the Eeven planetsare in the 1ct and the 7th houses; cfhd (Pakshin)



sl. 169

when they are in the 4th and the 10th houseE; crrrei (Srungataka)when the sevenplaneta are in the Lagna, tlte Sth and the 9th houses; and eo (Dala) when they are confined to a group of triangular houseeother than the one containing the Lagna. Norps. In this stanza Varahamihira (Alriri) yogas. l. dras. (l) lst

describes 5 out of ttre Z0 eTr5fr

A1l the planets should occupy adjacent Keu' There are thus { varieties, triz,, all the planets may occupy and 4th houses; (Z) +ttt ancl 7th houses (3) 7th and l0th {r1r (Gada).

houses and (4) l0th and I s: hou-'es. The Yavanas recognise these as 4 distinct yogas and cAll thenr respectively as ffit The (Vit)huka) and u{q (Dhvaja ' (Gacla), ir6 (sankha), isg* in be will They good bad. and sortrewhrrt effect is somewhat squares. ntt planets shoultl be rn the lst and the 7th houses. The effect must be bad as planets are in opposition. 3. fts.r (Vihagat. Al1 planets should be in the 4th and tne 'lhe p l a n e t s l > e i n gi n o p p o s i t i o n , t h e e f f e c t r n u s t b e lOth houses. 2.



bad. (Sringataka). All plarrets should be in "gq1zl, ( l t h houses, Effect good. 5th and All planetsshould bc In'-.' 5. aa (llala). 4.

the l:t,

(u) 2ttd,5th and l0th houses: (b) 3rd,7th and'l lth houses; ( c ) 4 t b , 8 t h a n d I l l t h h o u s e s; that is, rn trines begirtning with arrl' hciuse other thirn the Lagna.


fll.lg+,t4ol \n\C-\o].

: I oTlI;rrl{FJ{qtF,ldql FHtEqT(+q{afrqf,q ,





qq qcql filttdl rlirFq: gql{t{:

\ \ t r{q{{,Fq t11: ll

r urr<iro nni fiqq:Us'n&t: ofiqerrq<&:e\: rysu-i rgilq rt








qmi g frft{r{fucqiqtaqiqq-(qrq(: ll tEqll

Stoka 169. qs (Vajra) is produced when all the beneficand all the malefic planets are ranged as in the tro'a (Sakata)and c&q (Pakshin),i.e. when all the bene' fic planetsoccupy the lst and the ?th housesexclusively and all the malefic planets are in the 4th and the 10th houses exclusively. This order when reversedgives the qqdtrr (Yava yoga), i.c. when the malefic planetsare as in {rd'd (Sakata)and beneficones as in crQ{ (Pakshin)' The yoga becomes+no (Kamala)when the good and evil planeteare ranged promiscuouslyin the 4 housesindi' cated (tet, 4th, ?th and lCth)' erfrdq (Vapee yoga) would result when the 7 planets occupy the 4 tTurrt (Panapara)or the 4 qrfrbq (Apoklima)houses. Notrs. Four more arrafr (ALriti) yogas are described in this sloka. 6. sq (Vajra). All benefics should be in the lst and the 7 t h h o u s e s ,a n d a l l m a l e f i c s i n t h e ' l t h a n d t t r e l 0 t h . T h e s p i r i t is good; trecause bad planets are in opposition to bad ones and air:e aersq. 7.

qq (Yava).

611 62,1;:fics should be in the

houses aud benelics in the 4th and l0th.


and 7t11


sl. 169

8. {{o (Kamala).-All 4 Kendras PromiscuouslY.


the planets should be posited in tho

Saturn The ellect wilt be that the perscn rises with the maxittturtr labour and lrardship.' For example, Sri Rama's hcroscope' 9. qrrii (Vapee)-All the planets shouldoccupy (a) the 2nd, 5th, 8tlr and llth houses' or b) the 3rd, 6th, gthand l2th houses. In the iq (Vajra) yoga, the man enjoyswell in early and latter life, because,benefics in the lst and the 7th must mean (7th house)' good in the beginning (,st house)and good in the end planets in the mid'heaven. are and bad in.he middle, because,bad Sirnilarly for 4a (Yava\' In the:h{,{ (Kamala) yoga, it should be noted that woalth is not indicated. In the al{i (Vapee)yoga, wealth is indicatedwithout charlcter or nlrn--e-a mere money' makiug ma:bine' gsll{(:-

. g,reidrrcri|:â‚Źrcqfr: +i{eqsat: q6gtilt: qqFr;f:g}: | er*trrg qqrflq:gtfflndq ftqtr{* qr{tqrnqi+: qsl$t6qlitR}g ftfr' tt

Also sKl{di

oar<fi, ftA' qii: gentirlefdqqqI Rqttffit ft*r qsiqQ:ft{tqift tt






Adh" VII. --__


Also vl-qlrs'rridi

fiogrri gqT:HA€$q} qlqQq(: I qd qrq fiqrf,tqrqq*dq€ffi, tt

frry: qmr:UqT:d eff: *i5q qrrfi. I

t\ilitfbqFtql sqftsfrq qTftnT tl Also {q{qa for 4q

fifi€dl$rfrq ffi; qrtiq:deqrftad, r

qqtpqfrrfrs{qq-q3nq} qfrqfr: qrTSqFf,fiTfi tl For the +{o

(Kamala) and ct{i (\/apeet yogas herein nrention_ ed, four malefics are required. Rahu is to make up the 4th

malefic planet. c./. *iirr*eirr


qd ilq qi+'il fqnild'ir qa: tl e*srt Q qg{ q gq sn: qi}sg{: I

qt *nqd fiqrarfrfuq6ftpqnqu

qtg qh s qFqi n qrhr*;aqgrrq,I ngtt: ;[aqsd:flitgruq]qdq.tt

varahamihira has another verse after this sroka in which he states that he has simply described the Eer (vajra) and other yogas (that is qE Yava and the yoga mentioned in Brihat Jataka, ch. xI-20) adopting the 'iew of the former writers, such as rrzt (Maya), q+q (Yavana) and others, meaning thereby that he personally does not recognise them; for, he asks " FIow can Mercury and Venus occupy the 4th house from the Sun ?" This sloka which has been left out by Vaidyanatha for reasons best known to himself is reproduced below :

TqflTqTgflllqqqr {erqq' Fdr: 1

rgtrrai (qf"{fri} {qd: ir.q{ 1 The same doubt is expressedby g'rn-+<(Gunakara), a later writer, for he says :

sl, 170



sfiq"ifdrRftgPsqrelq,ifG*{q4+ ft ifr r qalag{rei f}ra$*'i qinfifi Uqfkdqrr But readerswho are familiar with the working of the Bhava" spbuta process (qn$z) des-^ribed in detail in zicrtc.eia (Sripati Paddhati , Adhyaya I and in the notes tbereto will easily see that it is not impossible as we go to higher latitudes to have some of the bhavas uncommonly short and others extraordinarily long, so that Mercury and Venus may happen to be in the 4th bhava with respect to tbe Sun, though not in the 4th afu (Rasi) as interpreted by Varahamihira. It will therefore be seen that rI{ (Maya), e;frt (Yavana), .Ff (Garga) and others have not erred in treating of these yogas as possible ones, if the yogas in question are meant to refer to tho positions of the planets in the nrs5osdl (Bhavakundali) aud not to the (Rr=rfi (Rasi chakral.

sqfirRru+{ qg.lqrftl* r Sgililqqsr€ql ffir

uoeh Tqr( n leo tl

Sloha IT0. If rhe sevenplanetsexclusivelyoccupy four contiguous bhavas reckonedfrom the Lagna and the other Kendrasin order, the four resultingyogasare Xv (Yupa),1g (Ishu) or lr( lSara),riu lSakti) and qq (Darrda)reapectively. NorBs. Four more 3{rdit (Aknti) yogas are described in this verse : 10. {rT (Yupal.-Al1 the planets should occupy the lst, 2nd, 3rd and 4th houses. The planets are rising or are about to rise. I l. tg (Ishu) or {( (S:rra).-All tlre planets shoulclbe posited in the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th houses. The planets are culminatiug or are about to culminate. 12. qritF (Sakti).-:-A11 the planets should be in the Zr.h, 8th, 9th and l0th houses. The planets are setting or about.to set. 13. <u-e(Danda).-All the planets are in the l0th, llth, l2th and lst houses. The planets are elevating or ascending mid-heaven,

11? """"""-"---,",-"-TITI:*""* """"",i*: "Yl' (Yuna) must be good, because planets are rising' Th" Xl or next best is (o-g (Danfla), lecause the planets are elevating (Sakti) bad' are (Ishu) and {tfm ascending. The other tu'o, ttiz,, <5 are The eftects of these yogas are described in sloka l5 infra and consisteut with the above principles. gull€6(:-r






Also vrtgarqsti

qdafiqq&d,q{S-FdW{'q I

gqfRssqmrttq qrq, qqiqf, ll

e}: {tfuRfrF€d:I HETsnFE{firt: flTRefiqiQ: Si.uerflqn{: lt Also €Rr.rd

t eEnfitoz*uqaO{Erefrtritfr{r' tq{rftrftquqr:flslqlE&qr fqsq tt

t f,KrexqntficaruR{rifutr

q{Tqtc qrqdr iffi.T-qddikil tt tsl tt

Sloku 171. lf the seven planets be in the seven contiguoushouses reckcned from the Lagnaand other Kendiaein order, the fcur ,ogas producedaraf,t.(Nau), qz (Kuta), oa (Chattra) and au (Chapa)' If the severr eucceEsivehouses occupied by planetsdo not begin with a Kendra as in the lour yogasir lNau), etc', but qr{rlbc (Apoklima) begin with a nornr (Panapara)or bhiva, the yt'ga prcduced is declared to be artlq-{ (Arddha Chandra). Norrs Five more qA,t (Akriti) yogas are describedin this Slcka' (14) f,I (Nau).-All the planets should be in the seven housesfrom the Lagna (i.e,, in the invisible half) in any order, culminatiog and rising.


sl. 17t



to be in the T houses (i,e., side, setting and occidental on the in order 4th any from the culminating). (16) ffi (Chhathra).-ett the planets are placed in the 7 housesfrbm the 7th bhava d'e., elevating and setting-al1 in the visible half). (f Z) qrq (Chapa).-All the planets are to be in the 7 houses from the lOth (a'.e.,on the oriental side,rising and elevating)' (18) .r{qq (Ardtta Chandra).-All the planets are in the 7 housesbeginning fronr the 4 qgl6{ (Panaphara) or the 4 3Tfq}lBq (Apoklima) houses. Consistently, Varahamihira gives the several effects for + (Nau) and other tbree yogas-gcod effects for Fa (Chattra) and q-lc (Chapa) because in the one case' planets are in the visible half and in the other, they are rising and elevating-in both the cases, they must be good. Vide sloka from Brihat Jataka quoted under notes to sloka 178 infra, -- , cf




â‚Źr{rEoql( el{fl: F{cEqI( q8srHi{q {urfl: t

sa qgat-qTqftii1+qh {trtq-{, tt sqm(: raq r *,-nfqrrnfut:iT,tq#teaarpqqtfE qqnlsit+ 5fpq: lf qrqrcr*{;rrT(qdfr,il Also ttt;t5sFrdt

({l&Fgltt'nrt: s{Sztuq'tfinr

gqlfrq{qrdrt:6a{sfifrqt u saq+*: 1 ssqrRfqof;t*raa: qqq{nRgqhtarq{eWqt3t: ll q(FqGqlqdqitlmerrFf,mq, I qdttqt: qsl( alq{rFqsI{T udt ti Also qrwo'l

Tiut dm' rg' t saqlrR: â‚ŹlrtR+ue+uq: 6t



Adh. VII.

qfufi.}; 11 iaa6aor{+Ffrnr: ssqriqt'a:*=flq'qa+t6ilsiirrdtr

qsFilwrt{qtwgfrqsg{rnqtrt froufifutqrfqiqrufdwqrcrl teRtf Slaha l7?. If the planetsbe rangedin the 6 houses beginning with the 2nd houseand separatedfrom one another by an intervening (planetleas)house,the result, ing yoga is called <gq lSamudra) and if the planeta occupy the 6 odd bbav,rsreckoned from the Lagna, the. yoga prcducedie er (Chakra). Thus an epitome of the ,ilUli (Akriti:figure) yogashas been given. Norrs. The remaining two uttz;ft (Ak.i,i) yogas are described here. (le) vgq (Samudra).-Att the planets should be in the 6 even bhavas,r'.e., the 2nd,4th,6th, gth, lOth and l2th. (ZO1 qm (Chakra).-Att the planels should be posited in the 6 odd bhavas,i.e., the lst, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and I lth houses. The western principles of sextilesand trines impried in the above two yogas may be profitably compared in this conneetion. goffi(:

q+r.a\s"qtwcHgqqe.gEqr;Et-g{tFa F a: ll Also ilagrrq-d

rrrfxqangqhqt+K+ frfi, r qh: sgffi: lr stai*;Gdtqrcri,i

Also gnrSrfl

qq{qqqt{lqrq.r rrlq;afifr<isr( e{qldqqrt.amrmit qieeR: tl Also qilfrtrT(ot

ni)frq&ffJâ‚Źl;alqFg: Fqtqqz.*' mhba: qslfi{qlna Hgqilrn ll


g[ 1?8



{<eqrrirrns Wqqi{dI hrqrqr{gfttErr1Tpns

tqnrcqr qeftft $te qromqr-tEbmi{arq tr tsl tl (Vallaki) s1 ftIt (Veena), qrlT Slol,r 173. w* (Dama), cnr (Pasa),*qrr (Kedara), qo (Sula), gl (Yuga) and fro (Clola) are the seven *eer (Sankhya- numerical) yogasrespectivelyproduced by the seven planeto occu, pying aBmany Rasis as are denotedby the seven figurec commencing from 7 and diminishing successivelyby o n e , i . r . , b y t h e n u m b e r s7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 a n d l . T h e a e â‚Ź<ar (Sankhya) yogas are to be reckoned when those mentioned previously are absent. Nores' c/. r<rtrt

t qltrr,+ftm: gfi {gf,{rRrilrwi q}q

,fre&+,.ftiq G-Id'qgfblqlq\'r *qna ag:6qs{qq}:qarfiIqeFqt:

w5\<lrftr,rq qntfi{fQn nc.qr {i rt fraqrdiTr: (Sankhya Yogaha) 7. (l) q-g.t'l(Vallaki) or {iun (Veena).-Al1 the seven planets should be in 7 Rasis or signs (in contradistinction to bhavas or houses). (d zrfrf,r (Damini).-All the seven planets should be in any 6 Rasis. (:) cRr (Pasa).-All the seven planets should occupy any 5 signs. (+) hrrt (Kedara).-All the seven planets are in 4 signs, (5) {fd (Sulat.-All tbe seven planets are in three signs. (0; g.r (Yuga).-All the seven planets are situated iu 2 sijae. (7) nfd (Gola) or {'lorq (Golaka).-All tbe sevcn plenets in one sinrle be should sign,




This is a proof that all conjunctions are bad. That is why s1tfr1(Vallaki) yoga is the best. For eflects, see sloka 179 infra. Yogasother than {t;( (Chandra) yogas are TtiTq(Nabhasa) yogasand they take efiect at all times and periods irrespectiveof a n y d a s ao r b h u k t i r u l i n g a t t h e t i r r r e . 1 ' h e s ey o g a sa r e o f p e r m a nent effect on the life, character and fcrtune of the person concernod. q,qE{1qr: (Karaka yoga) and other yogas also come under ;IIrT( (Nabhasa) yogas. yogasmay sorJ-retimes coincide(or become The €<qt (Sanl<hya) (Akriti) yogas. B{rT,fr with the identical) For instance,rKI (Gada), cien (Pakshin) and {da (Sakata) yoge$are particular casesof gtdrr (Yu.ra yoga) mentionedin this sloka. rrfl-aq (Sringataka) and qo ( Hala) yogas are only varieties of qfrdlq (Sula yoga). The yogas qit (Vajra), ++ (Yaya), +ro (Kamala), qr{i (Vapee), 1u (Yupa), q (ltitu), i,iq (Sakti), and <',-s (Danda) are only special instances of the €<w (Sankhya) yoga *<r< (Kedara). The yoga.scJ (N.u), 5z (Kuta), se (Chattra), qq (Chapa) and s+'iq;( (Arana Chandra) are particular examples of slqt (Veena) yoga. The ggtr (Samudra) and qfr (Chakra) vogas are special cases of (l{{Ff (Dama yoga). ln thes: cases it must be understood they ceaseto be trqt (Sart trva) yogas,i,.e., the ncqt (sankhya) yogas are not then to be taken into account. cf.


gorftarnsg flflqgqaflnitnqtlq {'lrn: t tarqfi q gfl€qrrr+ ll {fqpqqlq;qqqT{nlqt

i"tftitrtffisqeRq tecqi

qrit qrt q gue qguer{tilsI

aqsfrtaftWri qoq!qstii *qrF'qfrifq{rfi {g(r€rrr{qr( ll t\eulf Stoha 174. The personborn in the rsg lRajju) yoga witl be envious, delighting in visrts to foreign lands and fond of travel ; the man whose birth is in the gero (Munla) yoga will be proud, wealthy and engagedin


ll. 1?6


-end yoga will be defective in $ome limb, reEolute rlt€t (Mala) ehrewd ; the man born in the eq (Srak) or in yoga will have many enjoymants; h: whose birth is the et (Sarpa)yoga witl euffer many miseries' er(I{dl

rgar' t eqzqfiqt: gg{t: rr}frrqd}Trfdfr qqa'*tl{l: $gsqil: fl{ mfirat:ll {{r: rTl4g;rfltqgar:{{lgffiI U{f}ql: €ifktt: I fF,rqRnrgqdcqt q{f:d {tt: R{l geqt: ll

sqifnftmtil q{iqqqrfirilsftfigqtalt q;gQmagaqt d€qlt wrgu-i tt I fH gexent qEq{et'}q}qstqat: zfiFf,I:gEgdfir qlotqt flce{4t: Fg: ll

ftqqt, qtr fi:et fie g:t+rfidt:gfrila I q(gsT: qFI{clT:qT qrilr l{Ef}a 4{t: ll Also goraq:

I qil fttnfanfts"q{d<h:erqgi g{loi} r;r{rT(i![fr: qrlr@:lt &,0' fir,irGfngai<grxueil{tqrftttqfigoilqe* ,it,ftgdt qqr(€fq ,1Ru-ii\g,rdtg'r* iqqfi5ft{fa:I

q-'Ertqruueaq'hfi lErqtq. d(EfrtI{ {rifieqftttilr Sil{! I

{Rsf (frruqts-d€Enaat ,rwe+fqrgdtui\aqorqitt ttg\ ll Slokal?5.Thepersonbornintherlqr(Gada)yoga of will be a performerof srcrifices, have accession man The wealth and be ever hankering after the raoe'



Adh. vII.

livelihoodby driving a cart, will be aickly and cursed with a badwife; in the cfr (Pakshi)yoga, the person born will be a mesaage bearer,of vagrant habits and quarrelsoma The man that heethe €rrErr (Sringataka) yogawill be happy in his latrerdays; and the perEon whosebirtb is in the to (Hala)yogawill be engagedin agriculture. NotBs. From the eflectsgiven above, the principle to be deducedrs tbat planets in square or in opposition to one another give bad results, while planets in trine to one another producegood results and the same is brought out beautifully. And this is our old tbeory and not the theory of others. Varahamihira does not agree rpith Parasara aud others who think that some Kendras do good. E g., *tft (Kesari yosa). Varahamihira is consistent throughout as regards the eflect of squares,oppositions and trines. The word fucS<fi (Chira sukhee) has been interpreted as FS\qCqfr (Chirena Sukhee), i,e., " h"ppy in the latter days," according to the commentator Bhattotpala. The interpretation " h"ppy for a long time " given by some is not accepted by the commeutator as it is opposed to the following quotation from Garga: tiz,,--

df,qeqqht,ih, rySrer)qa, r

q+i glaqt ffq ilx stF€NrgqTftqr{ tl

For the effects described in this sloka, c/.


gaii qrqriq(Tq;qn: {teq}r${rilar I g?fi;fT{crflrq(sgrr sTiqr,qqqi q ll

tlqml:gi+€n1 nql vazrgfiRi|fi:q: I

eaift*€fqr: qrt qtdr{qFd qil: tl H{qeq{}fqAsr{<rT:g{dl{frni} !Er: 1

+a(&qrafiei fid frt wr qrdr:u

sl. 1?6



fuwesqwrqtgffi ?qt' fqqr gqrrfi;ift: I sTlat gqftanqr:ryflefitqrtl{gir1:ll *6rRr.iiqfiqr:gfrqerB:fbaran)ilql' r iFgg€rfl-ernr'i'qr EenfirtgttTr:il

ffieqfgfi{ilr grrfisft{{i

dtqtFrfrsvqq + gi€ir qir.e,I

Rtqrffitdtqrdwgow q+

{rcqtcgfurg€}filquq ilrr u tsQ rt Sloha 1?6. The personborn in the eq (Vajra) yoga will be hrppy in the early and concludingportion, lt hig life. He will be lovely and vzry biave. In the ltl(Yava) yo3a,the man born will be valiant and happy in hig middle life. In the owo (Kamala)yoga, the person will be of wide fame, his enjoyment will be immenre and his virtueg numerous. The man born in the rrt (Vapee)yogawillenjoy somesmallthoughlong.enduring comforts,he will hoard his money underground and will not give. Also Frcttldr

aflq:flqqft g&m: {ffl: gwT fiffi6rq qrrqfi.€FTT q* qrar:e*fitara tt


edfrqqrrsaqilqqff}q"+ g({tthgrtr: I Eriu(:Fqqfiqrqqdlqmr:wit gtfl: ll

rqlaqrfrlprer: frqrrgfrfiwffdq: fl;irT:I {Irn{Tff:E&{tilr' flroqqt qpqr Rp{q ll

fiftt,,{t frgqftq: ft,lrdgqqrgiil:gg{1q 1 ilng(qtrq@r Erftq]ilqil qrin: ll




Rnrrrqfl{a'gqt{qtt qn

ftdtq gwitue' urweurett

a'lq\sou,ggqilHg(q{*i qG fiiitqlk' gt'iis;egiir 11luu ll 'the person .born in the qrim lYupa) Siofra 1??. and will per{orm yoga wiil be liberaland self pcssessed (sara) .orin.nt sacri{ices. He who is born in the mfit yoga will be of a cruel disposition and in chargeof a prison. He will be the artificer of arrows. The man who hashis nativity in the {ik'iirr (Sakti yoga) will be base,slothful and bereft of easeand we;lth' while the pefEonborn in the qocirq (Danda yoqa) will lead a life (wife of ,..rritude without those that he could hold dear and children). c/. sKtqol

eTT.qfi(flIfi{f,FelTrga} fiq*€qflsqa: I

aafiqqsefqriiXt qldl Rftea ll ?q{qntu16{i;q6r:I {g{lqqFgq;s; Rer: sfieqfirct:{l{q}ilflEqKT:F3: ll qq(Rdfa{.eg: ftadttenQoegv:gtrTl:t {lsli qm: Rqwrgq{T:ll sgrqgefrgofl: g{q};dtsnr: Fln{qlqt: I QdsqQrrfi:qr: g:ftadtat: iqt qssqqilq{t: mtdqll

e* qrcrefieqrgpq:IqoEmlqqnfrqqiqt q* ilil qq<fl qsi\r1i{it{nhilt, fRiln' t

er{-fl qhqral ititr?ltaqq:irq$qiq Kt qrQqm qif{n qR qaerqilqtle$frugl' ll t\16ll

sl. 1?8



Sloha 178. The p?rson born in the sqi'm (Chhattra yoga) will be happy in the beginning and the end of his life with matchless riches and strength. The man at whose birth the ,i\irn (Nau yoga) occurs will live on the surfaceof water and get his living there, In the c**q (Chakra yoga), the pereon born will be a famous king. The man who has had his birth in the qg4qlrr (Samudrayoga' will find his living in wrter and will be a ruler of the earth. Hc who is born in the ert=iaqrq (Ardha Chandra yoga) will lead a life oi pleasure. The personwho has had the qzfrn (Kuta yoga) in his nati, vity will frequent mountainsand forestsand be addicted to cruel deeds, If men be bcrn in tlie uEtTa (Dhanur yoga)they will adoptthe professionof thieveshaunting placesand bc despis,'doutcasts. inaccessible NorBs. The effects of these yogas are thus described in EEFiTilS'.

+tet ga*rog€: ziqut4tela, frslagi;tit;T{sq qkt: I

a-itqq:qrq+pqdFs,iiraq:qi4r firt1q{:s,rsl;sfuq' tt qfr;gnr g{rt{FcEg:q{tn<illra} qtqftqfiqcg.ilft I q*i 11oqggag{irkrrfs: tt Also €t{li{(i.

€qilar+ qrlqrililz{{gq: qs?rf[d:r q'la;e* sqfh r{: grailt'*tqtgilnq} €r1qll nfte,'iqqlfifirrre6lr: Fqro*1fii|(Er: 1 qflql Q;fl *riqrnrt €oT:g6fl: ll SquTI quralffiTirfqqfl*ftzra :I cqTFbfidqrq

qqftabi rTsq*rtq) qrqt q'tilrr qg(cnqnH€$ rl)rignrqqqnfiqr: HgitT;I 62




eSftFg.qr'geqr:ftGrffi: wgqfuraf,It qfu{: I *qqaq' qH+,FattftilzqfsrqT rFrfiqs{qqgmrnfiir fr}s€q'n(A rt a{dd*eliqe$tqtqtfrfdtqil:

{E:t: T(t: I

ffi t{qFaftfig,iarfhil q${r: tl Uz-flqrqr

+rai ftrm: r ft-qEr*r +rtw)il qril qrrqlil qqfHwwi gqrx, 11



4tfu{rgrsn6irrsqft: qrqrilffqrrffitI fli do'qq6frsf{qgiriilinog: Sf,{r{

qeq,tt tsq tl ffi Uiqiqqi{Fr€rrdi*;qlur{

Slohu 179. The personborn in shs *qre}n (Veena yoga)will be skilled in every kind of work and fond of musi'eand dancing; the man born in the qrcah (Dama yoga) will be obliging, with a clear intellect and famed Ior his learoingand wealth. The person whose birth takes place in the crtrfirl (Pasayoga) will be very clever rn the acquisitionof virtue and wealth, will be talkative (Kedara and have sons. The man who has ihs @q yoga)in his nativity will pursu? agriculture, acquire wealth, be slow of comprehension.andkind to his relatives. c/. qo<itt+r

qft erfi qrftdwr{t t frqrfrt Zeqrftr&qpif qft frft Hrqg=df€q-g: tqrrrcilalafr*qgo' rt c/. g{sqrfrd.

{tqJqq{ftgq: fiq'ftn1s,tt qKFqfi$+fi(d:qgqalEffl qri wrffinwEeiFg:


gl. lgl



*qro: iDRa:gaqqfrsq:gg Also wtr+efl.

frTrF{dT:gqrTgrfla$I{Tilqqrqfrfilq t geft+ rg€eTl{t'trrqidftm qgiTT:ll qrfi-qrgq+rfiqgqurgdviuil qr: 1

qq tl {g${cdH€**it fraraF'Trq: \.0



e[pl-€Ir6t: strl*lilTlaT I

{gqrR"}f*rftor{g[er: TTreqrt: FU:tt U+{ruqd"ql:Fftqot:$salQq:gfrm' t hqft fl,Inqo€qnrqldt.r: rt

qArM;Efr mtii, qtrt,nfr ii'idl

ftqr{t Sqfririirsiiqqo' flqos* qqq: t

qq(!r{H{t: fio lh{ft*sod'rszaqr:

qfitliufircr qafiRuqr{q drnnqt il tdo tl

Sloka 180. The person born in the qo.iin (Sula yoga) is full of rage, fond of money, brave, with the marks of wounds received in f ight, and without wealth, The marr whose birth is in th: gn'irrr (Yuga yoga) eata beggedfood and is exceedingly fickle, hereticrl and addicted to the drinking of soirituous liquors. He who is born in the {r'r€irrr (Gola yoga) is without wealth, indolent,of vagrant habits,shoit'livad and ignorant. These 32 yogas havc been rnentioned by srrafuQrt (Varahamihira). :f. m-d'.lftrr

grTrc+| qU Ga, *iqdtd qftq:wnudtqrE"-q{t?-l 8e: qdt't"ogr' gfflE{t,il} qld{rodtseqrgtq r

492 ct




{fr: qri\ qqdifAqaqq} rr qqfirRa: qrcofr qr grTeqq'ia{

r Rqqq|oitnritn: sfl{e"qefrsziri Also ertt{dT.

rTil{Lfl:t fiwttesqqftarRet: SqfR"sar trglrearqnqT: TIAitil, q-drq-tll qrqueqffi qr qaQil il .Go6m e)* f Q



gdrT[n{qil€drg{qFr rTl4itrqlili: ll

erRqretrgilfiqtflntq{fi,lr qfu;rr:I

.rlU*il qqf:an{r: tl fte g:fl€atlqr The following additional information regarding the <Irrqf (Nabhasa) yogas will be found useful :(Asraya) yogas produce the eflec,s describedfor The 3 3ilar{T them only when they do not partake at the same tirne of the nature of other yogas. Otherwise, the other yogas become eflectrveand bear fruits. t'f . g(snkTd.

ertarfislFgfiqor qqos*ftfif{ar: I frar trt so qqfqs{r:qsaffi' n Also tttredl.

alrarqqltErilTefqfhh frenor.rgn5fl: I er*il-qfqfhrAfdqaqon FgRtT,it'n,11 Also gu6qq'.

ftzn q qg: s€qrqqliqr\fiaarct sd{Tq{T:Fg: tl The two Dala yogas will coinci,le neither with the srtrT{ (Asraya) yogasnor with the gTrdfr(ekriti) yogas. They might coincide with ireqt (Sankhya) yogas**on (Veena), <rffil (Darrini) qpr (pasa) or *<( (Kedara)-in which case the yogas are to be treated as only <o (Oata) yogas anJ not as €FCf (Sankhya) yogas (Vide Sloka l?3 and tho notes tbereto cupra),

gl. tgo



Again, it has already been stated [%da slokas from lFcftr{ (Brihatjataka), uttrldl (Srravali) and grrr-a{ (Gunakara) quoted above] that where the eTr2{4(Asraya) yogas coincide with other yogas, they cease to be 3{trtiT (Asraya) yogas. So that the €RrTI (Sankhya) and snrT{ (Asraya) yogasbecome null and void (eclipsed or inoperative) when they coincide with any of the qt5fi (A.t<riti) yogas. But supposethe g{rlr{ (Asraya) and gFtr (Srnkhya) yogas to coincide with each other. How are tlrey to be then treated ? According to the commentator, if the coincidence relates to the d<R (Kedara), lld (Sula) and g,r (yuga) yogas, the yogas are to be treated as srirlq (Asraya) yogas only, but if it refers to the rita (Gola) yoga, it is to be treated as such and nct as elffi (Asraya) one-otherwise there will be no scop6 for the q'Io (Gola) yoga at all. According to Yavanacharya,there are 1,800 sub.divisions.of afrre (Nabhasa) yogas: qf. EAsilar.

qqifugqr fe qe{tfrHI fifill f}<tfisr diFl{r:FII: U \n

Also urcrq-ei.

q-q-{rilfrKm: 6&dI u}rrrcg{Hff ;tTHrI

eTerE{r{dg0rrrrtqi erfinGtqr} rr It will now be explained how the Yavanas recognise 1,g00 sub-divisions. Takingrlny one of the l2 Rasis as the Lagna, there are 150 yogasof which 23 are s{r5fi (ntriti) and 127 V€tr (SanLhya) yogas. The oi'rr{{ (Asraya) and {o (Dala) yog.as are not taken by thern into account. (T;ae sloka 167). As already explained in the notes to Sloka l6g, the.rrn (Caaa) yoga has been treated of by the Yavanas as 4 distinct yogas. Adding these to the remaining l9 srmfr (Akriti) yogas, we get 23 Again the 7 $€Cr (Sankhya) yogas are split into (Sankhya) yogas for each Lagna by the yavanas thus:-

127 €qr

The yoga {rqt which is caused by the 7 planets occupying any seven signs has 7 sub.divisions, as each of the 7 planets may occupy the Lagna. The 2nd n-<tr (Sankbya) yoga is qg (Drmc) rccordlng to which a1l planets should be in any 6 housGq Tlc


Adb. vn.

Yavanas rccognise 2l varieties of this yoga (number of yogas caused by 5 out of the 7 planets being in 5 housesand the remain' The next yoga is ntr (Pasa). This ing 2 occupying the Lagna). hl,s 35 varieties (+ of ttre 7 planets occupying 4 houses and the remdining 3 being in the Lagna). The next yoga urla.ht< (Xeda' ra) has also got 35 (Sula) has got 2l Lastly ri'ro (Gola) planets are placed

varieties for the same reason. Similarly tfo sub-divisions and grr (Yuga) 7 sub-divisions. has only one, vil. the case in which all the in the Lagna.

So that the seven tc4t (Sankhya) yogas are sub-dividedinto o r 1 2 7 d i v i s i o n s . T h e s e a d d e dt o t h e 7+21+-"5+35+21+7+l 23 err6ii (Akriti) yogas mentioned aboie give us 150 yogas for each lagna or 1,800 yogas for the 12 lagnas.

tt (ct tt wtRt{6q{rqftstftt(nil qfrdtrEqtuqqr tqnqmi qwsqrfrqrt 11qif{Tlâ‚Źq1rT; WIf: ll Sloka 181. Raja yogas(t'57), the 5 yogasRuchaka and others (59,65),q66q (Bhaskara)and othera (67'70), *qrc (Kemadruma)(7i-?9), the yogasww (Adhama)ee (Safra) (1i2) and tt{ctiodr (Grahamalika)(132-136), o6flrfr{r (Lakshmi yogi) (tSZ-:11,eitflq-sfm flarihara' bramhayoga (16)-3), orâ‚Źoirn ' Kahalayoga (130),ilR (Nabhasa)and other yogas ( 161-180)have beentreated of by the favor of the Sun and other deities. Thus ends the ?th Adhyaye &c. -*--



ffisu*sunq: ll ll qET2ilqT5aFrilq: AdhYaYa


oF Two ori MoREPrrANETs. ON Con.ruNcrroNs

il eTqr Erq+qr rr Combination of 2 olanets in one bhava. There are 2l such combinations.

cnRsdT{Trrlfrqrg ftgurq-'ilF* TRsq M irfiT€qnilffit{.qrqt qqii tft t

MA R?rr€qqolFEd]'futqiir WFr rqrs{qiTwftqst rrfr q-dliqd ll I tl Sloha l. If, at the birth of any person,the Sun be in conjunction with the Moon, he willbe submissiveto hie wife and clever in every work he undertakes; ii the Sun be in conjunction with Mars, the person born will be illustrious, posseasedof strength and energy but untruthful and wicked; If the Sun be associatedwith Mercury at any person's birth he wili have learning, beautyand Btrength,but will be fickle'minded; if the Sun be in conjunction with Jupiter the person born in the yoga will be full of faith, active, pleating the King with hie works and wealthy. 496




496 €Tff{Rfr

gqftri qlFI: qrqFdta:6ft-egefin' t enuqftsq$td pggqd: ffigq: tt

t +qd nr(Rfr qil oom<ng{}s6aaq qrqqfi{'+h6 1@:

qlrFqqo-sa tl

erq t tqraqftqwirfin*, firqeqrqd\t: e{r{,ffiqftqfta' satq {gcqRrfurqrq. tl +gqfrilH{iq: reftwl ftasqqrsnl:t q.{ q<rqfrgt,rignuarqwatt

*Wtfteq-gwatkas{t{r qgfutet

qqrqqft! $ftrE{q} qta g+ tqi t

qrs{rrrowfiRWrffi wrqrFEt

qff fleqt ftfqgorer1q+ qilRKt ll I ll

Sloka2. A pereonvrill be intelligent and atten, tively honor the relationsacquiredthroughhir wife if at his birth the Sun be in conjrlnggisnwith Venus; if with Saturn,tbe oersonborn will the Sunbe associated be somewbat dull,witted and in the power of his enemies. If the Moon be in conjunction with l"{aru, the personborn will be brave,of high birth, virtuour, rich aod worthy ; if the Moon be agsociatedwith Mercury, the man boro in the yoga will be pious and will havediversemerits. devotedto Eciences af, st<rs-d

rlqr€(u|fiil {ftg,if iagieao r tgfr Gfrnfr: dsqreqq'gqq:11 qrEfrqtqq:e'dft{q:megflEn: I ffi{rgil: g-q:{rfrGdneq{itaq tr


sl. 3


qt rq*tff rfrw+fi196q', e"qqrEft-c{t wry*l-qsq*} tt +raqrqreftfqgq'g'fi: rftgqa' ggqa I


cnrilqrgwnafriffiqnr{vr gh ti* 'nqrnrffit*g $'ttusg* ffiftilgfr | Eqtsrnctqufrqffiq€rilqqtwSi ErCtdrqqittqilqstruffr.qrFqiqgt tt l tt Slut.r 3. When the Moon is in conjunction with Jupiter, the person born will be very intelligent and protect good people. When Venut is associatedwith the Moon, the effect of the yoga on tbe person born will be that he will be evil'minded and clever in making bargains. If the Moon be in conjunction with Saturn. the pereon born will have a bad wife, abuse hie parents and will be without wealth. If Mars and Mercury be together, the person born in the yoga will be eloquentand clever in mediciue and fine arts. cf. €Kr"R{

Ec*€A frfia' tfiFgqqlaatila t

gfm: grrto: g{fa+s,ifrif qqeg€q: tl gof*fr:ero{:t flmqrftf\tr' a.fi61oEqgm: mrR*tg gtro:{tfiqrfnfr' HqId\} ll alfialaarrd {qr'{sqrqfrfirnqto: t

qr.ilRfi' g€q:qilFd sFt{lT$.{fr.i1} *r gadrduil{t: FqqR:I dg&,ifs"=nRe: gedfiwrat gog*dilsqf*qrFsq: ll 6tl




Adh. VIII.

.rfrRf*(xit €ffii urqtWqgqrFqfr qnilqi(rer qqsqfrsi{dr ufi} ,r,ftt Erfrrrrdfr*qii'qqqfr:diur gt tt

qrnqtsqgq1ffisftq*Tqiqrqwfr kgi n B tl

Slt,ka 4. Loving, revered,worthl', and acquainted with the scienceof computatiouwill the personbe that is born when Mars is in conjtrnction with Jupiter. The effectof Venus and Mars being togetherat a birth wiil be that the personborn will be fond of metallurgy, delight in tricks and be cunning. If Mars be in con, iunction with Saturnat the birth of a person,he will be Sisputatious, indulging in the pursuit of music and dull-witted. When Mercury and Jupiter are in conjunction,the personborn will be eloquent,handsome, amiableand exceedinglywealthy. cf, eruqoi

qftqr{ r firerSfiniefriqrfr qrfiq{rnq} gqr{ilfr:tl erafiqqqr{:g{ge$qri}: d {o' , Fft rrqqqd)qfhafl:q{gqfAfi {irZd{laral fqzafrid\rsq}t rt

gdiq;qir?,${o:qqerFkqr.frgilea t gqgt{q}fiq$'aqfiqa: mftdi: €t( tt zaiqtfilrnr qrilsfqtqnafA-qgq'r gugnrlt qfiq'i{ Srqg'ir qiqisr{q{ tl

rrrqiqrailaiqarr{rftilg} {Tff(Rrr+ kqrin-{fiftuuCgoi+Hd,qiir;griI +qqtzqfrii*sfaqinqrq urr ugi6gt

ikqt qFrii'rn*i qgqfr{srfrt qrftrin \ tl




unction with Mer' cury, the persrn born will be versed in the sacredbooks' and fond of music, play and mirth. If Saturn be associatedwith Mercury, the person born will be learned,wealthy and distinguishedfor his moral worth' The man at whose birth Jupiter and Venus occupy one sign will be enerqetic,in favor with the king and exceedingly intelligent' If Jupiter ba in conittnction with S.rturn.the effect of the yoga will be that the person born in it will be an artist. If Venus and Saturnbe togethcrat a bitth the personaffect€dby the vgga will own largeherdsof cattle and be an athlete' NorBs. cf .


eifd{qqi}qqil qgfte'iiiafi.galrq:€il1 | -qqrcqtfq : !| 'ftaf,talq(fA{'Efga'iifi t nq?I: nctfifrqq{ftor TqqI{ sEqslq: g'{ilfiii+ gql( qlfA ll figq' ritqaqt+q] qJafifiqrqDfinredit'rir:sqplgd:I alifFra,irirs*fifireilit ql;qftqt( tt qr q{ failzr,} q'lnftqfndsJdt ll nfi'ftq,il:qflq' lfqfi{TqrTfl'{tlm. qrrhe.T{ulqfl : €{qaturfq+tf{taclq r qs),aq:egfi: n{iftaq}t gqll {qfi ll The eflei:ts above described are only very general being appli' cable to tbe several combinations forrned in any of the l2 bhavas' The effects irr each of the l2 bhavas haVe been described in detail by qqatsri (\'avanacharya) aud quotecl in ?{itr.o (Horaratna)' The author of Saravali adds



Adh. vlil.

g+ qd Trr;FIr: qq.frrqrrqftqm,t srqnft fr*eiq g{Fa frufi aqTil

tt frqafrq:tr Combinations of 3 planets in one bhava. There may be 35 such combinations.


trfi frftqrr

qq{r(rqtFg+iqnqi fqurq{etrr+q,l _ mqrstmqFxnrdqfr iirfiart ?qnrf iq r

grfrFgitcr(rtfimrrtsR{rft rratrrErr

Sloka 6. If the Aqd{'rrr (Thrigraha yoga) or the combinationof 3 planetsin one bhava'consist of the sun, the Moon and Mars, the personborn wilr extiroate the whole brood of his enemies,and be wealthy and politic. If the combination contain the Moo., the Sun and Mercury, the person that has his birth in the BcEfrq (Thrigraha yoga)will be a king's compeerfamed for his learning. If the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter be the trio planets influencinga birrh, the effecl of the yoga on the person born will be to makehim a mine of virtuea, learned and much liked by tris sovereign. If the Sun, the Moon and Venue be together in one bhava the pe*on born will be addictedto other people'swives, cruel, in dread of enemiesand rich. cf. â‚ŹTttTd

fqdq, qptit rr;ilfl: {rgrKfrqr: 1

ertcft,qEUro:qfuft, Rirftrqli, rr

tqâ‚Źl frgqqfr, ilre{sr{)frqTqkT: I

{qastt frt GnRrqfti:st*r\: rr


sl. 7




iqrfi ?{€{fr:rcRqt*rrffit, tt q{T{ilQ ftgqt q{{T(ir*I {rmfig'rlE I

.nq-qtst$\*dqlqt rIsE:tl



lllssgilfrrtrteg({| grrdqRrihart

d"*rqf,qfrftfrffi *q1 q{ftsr{r

ll e ll *qluigt{Fqtdqftt ,r}.fiodr+rttEr{,

Sloka 7. If Satum,the Moon and the Sun combine in one bhava, the personborn will be wickedly ioclined, deceitful and fond of foreign countries. If the Sun, Mars and Mercury be together, the person whose birth is influencedby them will be bereft of comforts though posseesedof sons, riches, and wives. If Jupiter, the Sun and Mars be in conjunction, the person born in the yoga will be a patriotic premier or commander,in,chief. If Mars, the Sun and Venus be together in a itca*tf (Trigraha yoga), the p:rson born will suffer from dis, eaeesof the eye, will be a voluptuary, of gentle birth and of great wealth. cf. srtr+dt

+rt fiqrqsrfr gi: q{ir$il sRqqt qqfiar+tfrih.&qfqt qsq: tt

qqft€qrfrqs: HTdRd frEt frqnw: t tf{gdwerRd: rr €€ftqt{+,sqilA, qqfRfis'il rtr{' frfArfiq-d qqqfrqfsR t sq{rs:edFut{iqd, rt TtFtitrtr: nqqTq{:g;dq, gt{fi qrflieqtiga} ITAq:I




Adh. VIII.

T<rsfqfrilergtffi {rd T{t forxrq trrrvrfuirg$rrgrfrr?krqqiiiffiqt

qrg{r${Rt{gtgiilqrq{dt g€t

ifi gtrw€rtll d lf frrrttr'sgti{q'gufr S/oftc 8. If Saturn, the Sun and Mars form the hcafrq (Trigraha yog") the person affected by it will be bereft oI kindred, ignorant, weaithy but suffering from diseases. If Jupiter, the Strn and Mercury be in be sharpwitted, conjunction, the person born "vill famedfor his learningand wcalthy. If the Sun,Mercury and Venus be togetherin onc bhav.r, the person whose birth takes place in tire yoga will be soft'skinned, renowned for his learning and hlppy. If Saturn,the Sun and Mercury be associ:ltedtogether, the effect of the planetary combinrtion on the personborn will be to makehim friendless,poor, mrli:1nancand wicked' cl.


qn{ft+riqs iiqrf}qitrga' 1 G+,ers\ sRi' tt eqq{Ad}sfind:ftrfiar&q'{rgfil, I iargitsfiqaarlari, TllerfEfi€q;nl'-q{il:

gtq: ll ErqFqfagEfittftfafin, qqqtfq:qlfqil gtf\: t srftafrqrqr2) <ilRit'fl;its:nftgorfiwfit,qftt, tt fiqrqriltuq' sifril Fgfit: qfieo: r uttt: 11 fr{rF.e}'gg11+&qfqR

dnftFitfu qqrlil{'{sn{isiheF{-{{r1 q-t;arR(qrgiq.k{* ttqiiqs €IftirsrI




snfrlngikdritf, ouiiiil qdi,rnatFqaJ qrqrt-ggtrrEruaqtg.*{owrs tt q ll Sloka9. If Jupiter,the Sun a;rdVcnus be togetherin on.: bhava, the personwill have wife and children, will be intelligent, su{feringfrom ophthalmia,but wealthy. If Saturn,Jupiter and the -surl combine and form the iaqa{rrr(Trigraha ycga), the personwho has his birth in the yoga will be fearless,a r,oyal favorite and very pure minded. lf the Sun, Venus and Saturn produce the f*qafrrr (Trigraha yoga), the person born under tbcir influenceehouldbe wicked,proudand self,opinion, forrning tl'rei'ogabe the Moon. ated, If the trio pla,',ets person h4arsand Mercur;', tlre born will be addicted to g l r r t t o n y ,w i c k e d a n d o f f e n d i n g . cf .

;tti t{idt

gioag:q(: qr*]fi'sa Wa:sflql 1 qr+rdritfiei .ir,iagtqrcm\: sfqi: ll e1fie{Tfrl{:L;q' qrqi6q: LJlr{gdfra: 1

qqfteifiqn.r.irdtqrftqQq+i: nfqt: tr qn*eta6qqfiilI{gE:I {-Sqqrcfraril infqngt,iifo rr sfisnqfin:udl fRnrf qlqd(rqTq;ilqlqrqg, Uâ‚Ź.F{nrc1rr: .t eilfiftqa gFqI:dtnT$gu{i}: qfi'i: tt

qt|;gihfr*l ufrqEqi!$rqK{iGxli{r{ qff{{ftoi qiq t q;gqqrqiq'titrrlotaqf mirrr*uqgiqoqfi isFqifi\tr il{t

qi|;gwtiqh {g$trcqm^tsqfrti}qlll t " ll

S/clrr 10. lf Jupiter, tire Moon and Mars be in



Adh. VIII.

conjunction at a birth, the person born will betray impatiencein his speech,be love'sick and handsome. If the Moon, Mars and Venus be together and form the tsqeiln Trigraha yoga), the person affectedby it will have ill'manneredsonsand be of wandering habits. If the Mocn, Saturn and Mare combine and produce th: ]oga, the person born in it will be fickle minded and so wicked as to perpetratethe unnatural crime cf matricide. If there be a conjuncrion of Jupiter, the Moon and Mercury, the person who has his birth in the yoga will be very rich and renowned and will becomea king's favorite, cf, fl<r{d

Rqatg: ddie*itr, flFflaIRwa,p4"tu ,

drr,nrgg\Q\+rtaoeiqatI g:fiorqr:gr: qfAadsl: fltq fifie' t rta,ftnq tt $qqg{ftfit: qQH'Sqq€ft: {e} €nqqal+,ga} Gqqaei+fi&e, r qrla aii q]il ,fgd{ftqrFfi{gdril"q ll qnqtt*eq] {rrdt iqd €qrfrqf}sgo+1ft: t

ergs'rutqgd\ glqgrfit$*'


diqq{ftw kqr ffigfur Rqrqrnft srrt qrftq?qe{gqffi;ggfuuigil t qr{r wggilsiroRl ftguil ghgtqrfttr

{nd zqqqrfrilrfr q1qffi.ffit ll qt ll

Sloha ll. I{ Venus,Mercury and the Moon com' bine and form a r?qaqirr(Trigraha yoga), the person born in it will be learned but dev.rted to mean acts and yct honorable. If the combination be of the Moon,

i 1"1 """"*"- ","",-"y::T',-"*""",""-"--"--,i:: Mercury and Saturn,as a result of it, the person born will be liberal, honored by the sovereignand worthy. If the three plaoets producing the yoga be Venus, the Moon and Jupiter,the personwho has his birth in the yogawill be wise, have virtuous sons,and be proficient in the arts. lf Jupiter' the Monn and Saturn be in combination, the influence of ths yoga on the person born under it is that he will be versedin the sacred sciences,addicted to women past their prime, and kingly in his life. cf.


ftelnF6dqfdrfidtqrqT(:gqr{ q};an: I

nloii vary'* gqqriq*q{i+t ll sTspiffi+,<ars: nn] arft g\iid: fsfiq' t qqfrqr: q*t *\-g1lrsgnlqrq tl qrE{tf,qq: srfl: +Qlqf,rf,tqgSd:fllg: I .Tlfugt{f{.itil qro: g+il rri*w: tt nrertarqgks:qqlqqi|firnil'! : t qrfir{qrqftdl\*t\elq-qqR : ll

*dt nqgiritdsftgwtrghgq'stg*r sfiqqga;qtl I Tn;qd{ftdraqqrd-sqt {targl eri*{qqofnr gatqoqrq}r

iuql qtqr&qitseawnrnqfiqriâ‚Źif ll lR ll

Stohu 12. If Venus, the Moorl and Saturn be together in a bhava,the person bortr in the voga will becomea learned Brahmana teacher, a king's chaplain and will be much hked. If the yoga be due to the combinationof Jupiter, Mercury and Mars in one bhava



Adh. VIII.

the personwhose birth is in it will be devotedto music, poetry and the dramas, If Venus, Mars and Mercury be in conjunction, the eifect of the ffcaqi{ (Irigraha yoga) is that the person affectedby it will be defective in some limb, base.bornand fickle,minded. If the three planetscornbiningto producea iaq{qirr (Trigraha yoga) be Mercury, Mars and Saturn, the person born will be a menialservant,with diseased eyes and vrgrant habits. cf , st(qdi

rrqfrq;q Uata r fdfi+,qgw+,ilqmgiiqfli afirqrfiqflYisqlt rt ?qGqtsQqrqi qrd qitoftarq' grfi: Hgrfdnfi: *rr: r qFqiaqsflo: argqtlâ‚Źgg|:rftt: tl eTSdti)Q*,orq.aqe) gs*r qtqt Qct: I

geiTfiil)egl{tgngqsg6fr:sRi: tt inq: qqrqoh: qqrfldtAqkqilil{t r

rqir qwq{iiAiiqrftnf*,R+$' tt

ggrsg(fi g$rt.'qgtRfdrqtfter qtqrn*gtr btilsg(ddgri{igflqnn{ | qtrrqrgqiqis$iltd'rtiei rflsrF{dr gaanrqfilti*aRgr qititrnqrpqilrll ll ll .Sl,.,Arr 13. ll Venus,M,rrs and Jupiter be together in one bhava,tlre personborn in the yogawill be liked by his sovereign, will have good sonsand be happy. If Jupiter, Mars and Saturnjointly producethe ffrtfrrr (Trigraha yoga),the pcrson affectedby it will be lean, sufferingphysical pain, full of self'conceitand ill'man' nered. If Saturn,Mars and Venus be in conjunction, the effect of the yoga on the person born is that he

st. 14



t. *tiged ,o live abroad' .If t"a -t** -ttt -Venus, Mercury and Jupiter be associatedin one bhava, the person born will be triumphant over his enenier and attain to fame and Power. cf, u<t+dt

sqrRqg*Fq:I {qfttr: ttrginrf}qsttRf,tsq: Hreenrmqaftqri{gt{fqi: mRt: tt

;z'tdTrd: Hilq\ fiqrqrfrfaqf€frft), I

qqfrrt ftnagn:g\'qgilft€qlt rr qrfidfl{t{rql g* rralrriegefrsq:t

ng*' frftoqg*' rt fqeiqqrs{ite' Sa{: nfimflqoilZqfi: grfrt<{Tsg€dltr: r gegqft: sfRi.iqftat: Hsqq{{ ll

ffi'Tewgftfrg€ftr €q*irfr

q<SrgrEFdr{qqrqfrs;wtwd ||

qrd] qi{ffitrqor{iiit


qrfr ftgtilet( rt tB fl ry* qrrs {rffiqgtrqT{ Stoka 14. The person that is born when Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn are in conjunction will enjoy exceedingcomfort and prosperity and will ba attachecl to his wife. When Saturn, Mercury and Venus are together and produce a flcaoi'rrr(Trigraha yoga), the personborn in it wrll be untruthful, vicious and acidict' ed to other people's wives. lf Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be together in a bhava, the person whose birth is in this yoga will possessa clear intellect and be famousaud happy. When the Moon is in conjunction with malignant planete,the person concerned alwaye has his comfort and happinest diminished. When the


Adh. VIII.

Sun is associatedwith evil planets, the astrologer may divine that the father of the person concernedwill be sinilarly affected. r.f. sr(r4d


raravtu{gaqrflqgq}firGNqr{{il{ | gfrnleawgrrriwanflagqr&fiEr€qr: tt q{gqfrrfr q}Gqqate' 5€it qdfsTffir1 t qttm: rr gvgtqdnat:mal€firfl: ;Xi sUsfiqrdiqqfiat ryfHf{so+tffi: r rfietqa'tl UarrrfiaQq.rrlt+st, qftSftq;i q6utq' q+lftnq*:I gf fQqwqr*,g,i qtf:qP,fiffr,iq, tl The author of gtc+di adds

qrqrql{r: u}nrlarlfrqnlFqf, rr Zqfr?eq g.qqqfld qgq Tl{osoqosq*gq tl

qrqrcq)sfr fiflar, U{,f}oat gg,ine}h r (lftqg:qruqftroi fiaqQlqq. tt For the eflects of the above combinations of thre" planets in oach of the l2 bhavas, see Horaratna-

ll qg*airtr, n Combinations of 4 pianets in one bbava, such combinations.

Tirere may be 35

qtqtqqqs{oiftfttq tqt r

9;ilr{lgg5ft*imr{ q{dt



Sl. ro



Sloka 15. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Mer. cury be all in one bh,rvathe p3rson born will be a , scribe c o n j u r e rs k i l l e di n t h e p r o d u c t i o no f i l l u s i o a s a aud sickly. If the Sun,the Mocn, Mars and Jupiter be by the yoga togecherin one bhava,the person affecced rvill be rich, famous,talented,loyal to his sovereignand free from sorrow an<lsickness. cf. qr{r{di

ftRttneryg€il ilrrl qrquqe$iloaI gtrftrrlmnr-+il#rrr:gql{ q4fall aqJ'il{iqrf}qqaril'r' sn{Fqfidrfi;qri 1 qfti, +dqq'ilfigq, nfhqqftqrpd: rr c\

3TRrififf(Ugqt gGt({Trqq.

iiatq iqnrffig€t figun FqrgfI

rggtgrtgatm;aa,{-'g,r Ursaqq$seniir?id]qr rr (Q rr S l o A a 1 t l . l f t h e S u n ,t h e M o o n , M a r s a n d V e n u s b e i n c o n j u n c t i o n ,t h e p e r s o nb o r n i n t h e y o g a w i l l b e b l e s s e dr - ; i t ha w i f e a n d s o n s ,i e a r n e d ,t e m p e r a t e ,c o m , fortabia, shrewd and tender-hearted, If thc Sun, the Moon, Mars arrdSaturnb: ,rssocirtei.l in one bhavr, the personaffectedby the voga will have wild (restleus) eyes,and be a wander?r,a cuckold and a pauper. cf. smqdl

s{dlfqdqlr{fd:g€rtre;fiwiis,iegQq$o: t fiqq.r{rrga:ufisqqgqrcd: nfii: tl

fiqqarlfrRe]qqrRilqrfrrnrrilar{: I

qrq: fli<l dqr{i{rf;il$qftRflq}rtu



Adh. VIII.

I qnrtqr{ gurqdqo{tgEns g*qwgrrfufti{ffiq qpql qQ;5RBa*tt'{ql6ltfl! 11lu ll Sloka t|. If the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and producea qgiaftr Jupiter combine in one bhava, and therein will b€ iOirrurgr.ha yoga), the person born fond of his wife and children, w:althy, virtuous' famous,strong and generous. If the Sun, the Moon' Mercury and Venus be together in a bhava,the person but affectedby the yoga.will be defectivein somelimb Saturn eloquent. If the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and on the be associatedin one bhava,the effect of the yoga personborn will be that he will be destituteof wealth and ungrateful. ci. - qtrtsdi

firaq'ai}Erqilqi} {tr' t Rlqffi*:sf,IQ{: qrd:qrdtndg:ilfif,UtqrF*: qQt: tl qg] uqnqniqgq:I fi+o: g,r,iiqtrq"t qlil: qltr,F;)tfinfngu'rlfii,tftt' tt qlqftqfiqgd{qq+€qfrafiiirucq{fto:t nits"qz{1lt 6pgn}'urftfifiqaq.tt firqir

diqrefiiqitq risqii qto{.d'I

$rrftiituoRagitotEg*!| qrdifiiloaq* ngiiqr\ lt {c ll Enlgalqitiii.gdtsqqdr Sl.An 18. If the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter and qqigim (Chaturgraha Venus ccmbine to produce a

s. 19



yoga),the person born will be moving about in water or in some forest region, be held in great esteemby his sovereign and have many enjoyments. If the planeto forming the yoga be the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn,the person whose birth is influenced by the yoga will be broad,eyed, with much wealth and many sons and will have for his wife a courtezan' cl.


Hltsâ‚Źqnoqtqiqrqt stFfrFqqT{qqfi Fq: I

gmrdge{nri\*qilt' tl sqrfasq: drqflifldtqrif qggdRe]qqlwlgqrT:I

q{=uaoan}l\+rtqlqt sw: ll

ufugrrgugit{*ilsfrSrr i[-dqrsFll }lqgl{fll.t(I

rq ( q

smrcqilNf\r q{A iiqdt

qKrtERaqqt{rgfrsant a{q ll ?q ll Sloha 19. If the Sun, the Moon, Venus and Saturn be associatedin one bhava, the person born in the yoga will be weak, exceedingly cowardly, with his wealth dependingon his unmarried daughters and given to gluttonouEhabits. If the quatlruple planetary yoga be producedby the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter, the person whose birth is affecced by the yoga in quertion will be etrong but afflicted with misfortuseo, pcuoelred of wives and riches, suffering from ophthalmia and of vagrant habits. cf. eras-dt

qfqn1geillr{:gr: qilss-ag{â‚Źnft{:t

sffi: tt {r: q& niefr;gfRarltr:



6t8 \\

qdsq R{dTtlttrqit qr fiqa{Kqq: t

g'crfi*seaw, guqi*ritqgq,rD'tt rftgqgqq*cqEREG6]

frqqarihqJqEt{leq€r t fqrw$qarnqgq;iq{qi a1qft€i$ Er.ftq6ffiol

il Ro tl

!,loha 20. I[ the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus combinein one bhava, the person that hashis birth in the qgra'ila (Chaturgrahayoga) will be addictedto other men'Ewives, of odd looksand dress,thievishly inclined and devoid of all goodness, If the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Saturn be in conjunction, the personborn will be a commanderof an army or a king's minister, stooping to baseacts and inclined to pleasure" cf . sra+dl

qurffiali| ftqqrstgfit fiqascq: r {qfaqni grfr Gfra.}i1-gi:sfit, p ,iiqr qrndltoii f,tqrqr(:+faqqTq*r I

r{t Eryfialgrli6a*neir+rr

wffifrif{rqft sq: wnisltneqiqql qtnffiiiqrstridqfr Hr<rigud;gqEI ifr r qfiqqqrui ifdqi{uiir {Sdr*fuilr

ffikgqqfi{*hnilrgqqrrqrqi q.iEn lt tl

Sloha 2L If the Sun,Mars, Jupiter and Venus be togetherin a bhava,the person born will havea status equal to that of a sovereign, be renowned, h ighly ecteemed and wealtby. If tbe Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn combine to produce a egia,im (Chaturgraha


SI. 98


yoga), the person whose birth is affected by it will be poor, wandering, with good friends and relativec. lf the Sun, Marg, Venus and Saturn be associated in a bha,va,the effect of the yoga on the petson born will be that he will be in disgrrce and becometht foremostof miodemeanants.If the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Venur be in one bhava,the person born under their influence will carechiefly for wealth and fame,and will becone an important personagein the community to which he may belong. cf,


girq: gFfr dh qqqrtzqeqi| gR cqrc, r

rfi,*qqte$rt+F\dfRm1g6v: u ft-qr* rq{ra{: fHqrifrygft*Rr+:I {rgUq{q*t,

sg*ql ZqIfitITd:ll

qogfrfde, ft*ril f,tqrqdtGqqrer) r qduqgmilt:qilqqn*fr qrft tt qqqFgqqfl?, fHqrql q'gn;I. qFga


mqffi qntr s'câ‚ŹFqnt$rqrcfl-{

qai{Fur{Tr\t! gE(ar tttqqilqrâ‚Źr{ |

qufrtftfufuuorgftgoirqtqqurw{fr *t-geg*tqfrqsftu.fl uRrfirqftr tt RRtl Slohu 22. If the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn form the yoga, the personborn in it will be qu,rrrelsone, self,conceited and ill-mannered. If the Sun, Mt",rcury, Venus and Saturn be together in a bhava, the peroon affectedby the yoga will be beauti{ul, wedded to truth, and virtuous. If the four planets combining to form a 65



Adb. VIII.

Cbaturgrahayoga be the .Sun, Jupiter, Venue and $aturn,the person born in it will be proficientin the artr, in commandof the vulgar people and daring, If the Moon,Mars,MercuryandJupiterbe in conjunction, the personwho has his birth in the yogr will be devo, becomea wise minister ted to the goodof his sovereign, and findly a ruler of the earth, cf, srmafr

fqrqri| wit nda€fq:fl€qqr{ iitrw6: I

snq'rr "+tffigEg;q\5ptqht gtK: gqrl: qril eg€'ieq:qeq{}qdq-dr I u *t ftaeqrq)tRgqfrd€YRn+Tt ;iiqnr{ I gv: +R: eHI;t:ftredirq-lsfEq2q

urGsrttRor{wi qrd}qlP.e:rr

trregnA q\;q: grflqr*sqfl rqrgfr: I

qrftoqfrqqqlehfr{l gqrwm: ll

qqn{frts (Krtltnrrfid Ruqrg€l

q<rt-g*Bqr{fuffi {t qg$$il t ffiln ifufuq,iwGirfrngrqnir qffiFrqffit

futqftr {Kr gttt qFqilrnRQtt

Sloha 23. If the Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus be together, the person born in the yoga will havegoodwives and sons, will be wise, deformedand h.ppy. If the Mpon, Mars,Mercury and Saturnbe the iour planeta forming the sgmm (Chaturgrahayoga) the person affected by it will have two motherc and hthero, will be brave, with manywiver and sonr. If tbc Moon, Mars, Jupiterand Veouscombineto produce tbe yoga,the perEon whose birth ia influeoced by it

Sl. ge



will be clever in iniquity, tleepy and itching for wealtfi. The person who has his birth in the yoga formedby the combinationof the Moon, Mars, Jupiterand $aturn will be firm,minded,brave,comfortableand learned. Norrs. cl,


+o$Rf{qrgffq: qu{dtqfi: grtq:I

qQi: tl q-glsrq gqfi{Rruqgqw$ff;

qg+o*fragn: I {il Anuftqfrgu5.€+

qqRgmqlFnn, nftsqgq*Rnqlt ll flqtTgs:I frtors: Ufioa:u+-erqlsiitq Hfiil: ll lrS qfiegq: flRlssrUtqrtt; qftil qqEraqt'dl-rri qmrg:frnq5ftt t

rfttrsqntu+*}€tflaw\'\: tl The combination of the Moon, Mars, Venus and Saturn has been left out in the text. Its effect is thus described in et(I{dl (Seravali).

$6clqR: qq?q:flqhil mq

q}}q' t

qn:grofrsqlq g+Eqqqrfi+lqfitt Algo cT{€r{rMil:

ff-qKg;hFqrqiqfua:$?+tqfr:I n]iq' e{geqlfl:Inei} qlf,d qid. tt

g{tTgtrfttt F{ftt ft{r{ q{qt qat

ffiq;gmqrfrwt ffirtdqfr-

tri-srdq{rrHrfilg€rqqrfirqRils ll 18 ll

Stoka 21. The pereon born in a yoga formed by the combinationin one bhava, of the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus will be deaf,but learned,famousand



Adh. vIH.

wcalthy. If the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Eaturn be together and produce a agiqflu (Chrturgraha yoga), the person influencedby it will be exceedingly wealthy, kind to his relativeeand charitable. The person whoee birth is in the yoga formed by the conjunction of the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn, will becomehostile to a large number of personsand have. intrigues with the wives of other people. If the Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn combine in a bhava,the person who hag his nativity in the yoga will be devoid of ease, Eceprical and unfeeling. cf. â‚Źras-d

ftaF<rrqfQqfi: qq) vagnlsfrgqqq I

rrqR{fr fq'rmftiqgFrrfirqrfit, sRt: rr sdq&frlfi(tqttqdt q.gqsif qfrqq r

?qgfrq:s{fifi' qrftrgq-frqlfrF{: sRt: rr qrqTrrrq{rfrd fifio,{r,il ftna+ga t qra)dfiGe; erf*ggtfrituggi,rr

{TrI{Qa:gqftrqrdfr g'fbdt qqEdto:I {gqffi ffsw: qrf}rgnuU*Rf}: sQfi, 11

Sqgq$gffiqrfrFEil: qq gtlgt{fir}tr wrrri fMar I

trâ‚Źfrd{fr*drtEtdqqltftnqr{"frqr{ffift {qrr! n R\ tl Sloka 25. The personborn when Mars,Mercury, Jupiterand Venus arein conjunctionwill be rich and reviled. If Mars, Mercury,Jupiter and Saturnbe the planeteformingthe yoga,rhe personwhosebirth is in it will be sickly and destituteof wealth. If Mercury,

u, 96



Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be together in one bhava, the person born in the yoga will have exceedingwealth, learningand amiability. cf, sr{lild


dmttfnQqwFfr d* q qftdflqa, r

qqfAgqrfrFdns{vngtwfit' sRt' tt rd(Ra:ssftqnqa:t Ufr An-qrrq1

m4le.asR"gfrfiqrtwftifwrgrilt, rr ffii

qrmra)ilqrFTfrtfttqusa r

gqfrqgmftt\{ddtenq}} lr The following two combinations do not find a piace in tbe Text: Yiz,, (l) itlars, Mercury, venus and Saturn and (2) Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. I,'or their effects,aide the following slokas from €I(4di.

erFqg: Kge: fiftar* gqgdq:Qqmr:I

Trrtq flrfi+iqriqqqri'i:sRi: rr aqdt Ragn:ddq' sqs&qarqe: r qlqgtgmglll+,t\qtqiftnq: rl Also qrdqFrtqqft:

fleiq gEdqr q gqqqq{rffi:t

€qnite)* rarqaHT(i+ofifrtqrr *trqnfiufiT,Tiqli €rfrrsfe{;I qrqr(tfrqrdit+a* qTqtTt: u For the effects of the above combinations in each of the lz bhavas, vide Horaratna.

il {Qr{qQql 11 Combinations of 5 planets in one bhava; thereare 2l such combinations.




qsdtftqertuffii+qiwg tffi$rot ftgar rq{r t


rrdrg('Tq{6r{qtirqâ‚Źr ll tq ll Sloka 26. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter be in one bhava,the person born in the yoga will be a good combatant and a clever informer. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus corn, bine and produce a ,iec(*rl (Panclragrahayoga) the person whose birth is affectedby it may be faithful to his various f unctions, attentive to other people's concerneand friendless. cf. qrrq-d

g,tff egrd qlqrRsqar&anfl:t: I qq6gqrlrd r{:gwfiaq'qgt: tt

qttq{d'tfrFi q'ggâ‚ŹR: Fa} Rrnsrq: I

dtqtfr q flei r{hgsqu*,*Qarr

t urrgMMirqar q-fi{rgtfrrqgRir{rgicqr$ffi frqoegerlr Rell Sloka 27, If the Sun,the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn form the {sqrqtq (lanchagraha yoga), the person born will be hopeful and have to suffer separationfrom the woman he loves. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury and Saturn be the five planetsin conjunction, the person whose birth is affected by their influence will be short,lived, bent on earning money, but without wife and sons.

$L 2S-2e



cf. srtr+d

qqdt€ srcqrg+sq'rrfrfr sig€Qia: r eTfi€+Isgafis, frrRqr+rgt'ggi,g1 gq6qte: sq&: qtf+fl6q:vilvndt t t

frgaaeagrq:qlft{IRgqfrqFtt: rt

Frffsqtrrqftqq;gqfr{t*t {iqq{rq${dr qliq\s;TEl{t ll Rc ll Sloka 28. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Venue be together in one bhava, the effect of the yoga on the person born is that he will be an aesassin, cast out by his father, mother and other relations and will becomesightlesa, If the Sun, the Moon, Marc, Venue and Saturn form a tqcaim (Panchagraba yoga), the person, who has his birth therein will cleverly turn to accountthe humility, the wealth and power at his commandand will be depravedand have intrigueswith other people's wives. cf . *lRrsdl

qftq;{Iqgg,dt{eftquqi stq s;so; r qeft qit iqdi: gi'ggtrrriEr+ar tl qrardGqqflit qfhanr(:q{r$arfrK:I

qsfiRaS: erQ{rrrftru*{fi.*t:rr {di Tfi fiqq{frqoEqilqr r I IRTEI.

ffu gffnfiqwrtrrsPdr n Rqtl


Adh. VIII.

and Venuscombineand producea ,iacr*{ (Pauchagraha yoga),the personwhosebirth is influencedtherebywill be a wealthyminister,with a fame,powerandauthority to punish offenders,quite his own. If the five planets jointly formingtheyogabetheSun,the Moon,Mercury, Jupiterand Saturn,the personborn in the yogawill be indebtedto anotherfor his food, very cowardly, very wickedly inclinedand practisingcruelty. cf.


u;eil qgfaqq] zq€fi+ qug{rqn\qr er( I

(arir:Wqitffgfrgh€Gdiqul*ur rr

,frt: &qqreo: fr;q1ilaaa"rg fqgqat

sq:vua*fr ghgg€qdrfig*: rr

dqtuittaw qgir.r.rnr r

((Tt efrt;ggrtFqrnegtr

qrn*Tqrcqgfrfr,Tqlwl:n il lo fl S/rrAc 30. If the Sun,the Moon, i,{.r.urr, Venus and Saturnbe togetherin a bhava, the personborn will be without wealth, tall in stature, bercft of .children and his body will be afflicted with many diseasee"If the Sun,the Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be the 5 planetsjointly producing a {qqa+rr (Panchagraha yoga), the person who has his birth therein will have a wedded wife, be eloquent, clever in juggling, fearless, but haveenemiesto contend with. cf . rnrq-di

{i'il irqnqrq}qruii.srt'igqr{gil{tq:r relrcrffiqF\Gq-qgqrf+,ugg+, rt

sl. 8l-92



ilnfl;q-{roftraqofin:69 qsfr qfrqrdr lgqHla,r* rflqEg*rrggi' 11 gilRninreEqdffidffir

S/oAn 3I. If the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus be in conjunction, the pâ‚Źrsonwho has hia birth in the yoga will be free from every care or sorrow, will commandan army and horses,and be restlesslymoving aboutafter women not his own. If tlrc planetsassocia, ted in the ,iqcfqlrr (Panch.rgraha yoga)be the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, the effect of the yoga on the personborn ie that he will have.to eat beggedfood and wear dirty and tattered clothes. cf . qnrs'd

+tft <-gErmr: dlOnfrarqfiHqnqilr: r qr( genr&frqU*, lt il.rfq*fdgrrrir ftdfi'ii ir,'friq6i gk ,I(rfi6 rcr r *uhitqsqrgr tfqgEge{sdig'} : tr

qw! isilg iig'fr il{q;t1-fl:a\

trft frnrfraUr,Tqruqrir r

iu)tiegru ireimga: ugrdr FqrcirqaiiqdqErqhtr rriq rr Sloha 3L" The person wlrosebirth is in thc yoga formedby Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Satuin b e i n g i n o n e b h a v aw i l l b c h o n o r , r b l ep, r o f i c i e n t r n t h e arts, have to do greatly wirh the infliction or purrish, 66



Adh. VIII.

ment in the form of deathand captivity and will be sickly. If the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Venuaand Saturn in a ,iqcâ‚Ź*{r (Panchagraha yoga), the effect be associated upon the personborn is that he will be of the highest rank, but have much misery, danger and disease to endureand be famished. cf .


Esffqqil{rfrfiar-e}*gffi r{qfhI ft,ri| Q*enift:gwgvUr{I*rt:<rr( tl aqrfrfirrRfiri<' rqnufrsfr{'eg.ag:t uefi gfirarg6t:Sqif{ffigmrrfrrmi: ll


*nr s*gwv*ftfrv$rr


qql gwqfq{rilEsrnrtrtt 11 tr

Slofra 3..t. If the five planets, the Moon, Marc, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn combineand producea yoga, the perron born in it will be a menial servant, without wealttr" shabbily dressed,very ignorant and thievirh. The person at whose birth, the $un, Mara, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction, will be famed for hie featsof physical energyin the enjoyment of plearure in toyings in the form of a lock q;z (Yanthra). cf.


hfr nt{'*it qftqrqR}sfrdfr firru:;

qqftat qqrRfi:nft6q6gr,rfrnd: tl q?.qqqqql(flHrqi6qftqg:ggrE.qqfr |

qFr:rfrwql lhfrgarfiftfrnftt: u

sl" 34-36



In the latter half of this s1oka,the planets forming the com. bination should be the Sun, Illars, lupiter, Venus and Saturn insteadof the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn which has a l r e a d yb e e n d e a l t w i t h i n s i o k a 3 l s u p r a , F u r t h e r , t h e e f t e c t g i v e n f o r t h i s c o m t r i n a t i o nm o r e o r l e s s t a l l i e s w i t h t h a t g i v e n i n the 2nd of the two slokas from qrtqdi (Saravali)quoted above. A\Cn

{ffi (Tqqge{rIq{gq{Irf,'3

utu1frlugogxtf,r;ggtr t srgi gtrr Egq;Tlqquq Hff{,

q;g-{e{gailqqi}iltf ll lts tl 5 / o { , r l l . i . T i r c i ) e r s o n w h o h a sh i s b i r t l i i n t h e 'i-ry yoga i':rmc,i the five planet3 ti)j Sun, Vlttfcutf, arnd Saturn, will h: rr,'i5e,v.,rs,":"1 in .lurrtlei-,nu'enrrs sacred b';oks ,ind of a virtuous characler end c<-rnduct suclras e.odsand reverend seniors always fpprtrve o[. If the Moon, Mars, ln4ercury.Junitt'r and Venus be tog3ther in a bhava, the pctsr;ri born under such influence will be virtuous. h rirpy, vel y rxrealthy, p o w c r f u la n d t . a r n e d . cf.


qgflI€flInqqftaft,r'ccir rlaqi q t qdqr:{rcfurT;: giifqary{{+-{r"s : ll qlg: {€qnrlit flaiqqqrqtiirgqqqa:. I r\\.r.'

E;.It(flTEgtqtI ErI;gi,nnT-.{€[-ga; ii

qsilil*galqqiiqttr{ f,rqrgrq;qq;fI I

<Tr(ll 1\ ll w&*qs{rf}qbqqqn$vgolrqiq+rs'rqr Slofru i't5. lf the five planets,the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be together in one bhava, the person born under their iniluence will be hcnoured He will have defective vieion and have every wkre.



a Etatus equal to that of a sovereign or he may be a kinq's minister. cf'


qqlT'fr?qftHfrwilct: ntoltqqq I

qm T{fr q1q-};gafrq1rftg}: rr

The underrnentionedtwo combinations appear to have been left out, uiz., (l) The Moon, Mars, I\.fercury, Venus and Saturn and (Z) the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. Their eflects are thus described in fffn*dr.

ftfrnr4 qftq: qilaqfqqrqtHil {ta: r

qftdqfrffgtTrsqrf+gqfrqRqftft:rr qg{qfiilq{: q{rEQd5fi{qfro:I

q*&rfAqr'itghggqgilfsgi: rr

qEgEfrTT: II gTgT II Combinations of 6 planets in one bhava; there are 7 such combinations.

q.ioRrgqrqtcrlGlqdtwtrfuq qrilquqfufiriffioqrqig{tttfiqilr r Uirreusqr*'qflEasg*: Rr{rfirwr{ s;qq{u'lilq fidqqnErfiCftd rrdsn RQtr S/'rfra 36. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus be all in one bhava, the person born under the yoga will be a holy man calledaHg( (Tir, thankara)dwelling in forestsand hills and having wife, children and wealth. If the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus lnd Saturn combine and produce a wlnazlq (Shadgrahayoga) the effect thereof upon the personborn is that he will suffer from headache, have a

sr. 37-38



constitutionrl disposition to madness, dwell in solitudes and that in a foreign country. cf .


fiqrqt*do) <gir''r1q {TrqqrdI qlfa qs3Ji1 qnti: {*rrh}: r."qrd}

qt.Tqrcq {iqqrrtai{t r qerr{rts! grft| fg{Rfh{rr$qqWfudrqieqr <rleair

qtiirc wiafr"$qkgqrcurgtdrtr 5$ ffqq(ffi rldgfi qgt frid Trir u qetl

S / o l ' , r3 7 . I f t h e S u n , M a r s , M e r c u r y , JLrpiter, V e n u s a n d S a t u r nb e i n c o n j u n : t i o n ,t h e p e r s o nb o r n i n the yoga will be of wandering habirs and very wise. lf the Moon, Mars, Mercurv, jupiter, Venus and Saturn bc togetherin a bhava,thc personwhosebirch is influ, enced by the conjunction of tl-rescplanets will be a pilgrim to holy shrines and an asceric. If the six planets combining and producingthe yoga be the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Iupiter and Saturn,th: effect on the personborn is thrt he will be a robber,addicced to women not his own, leprous, reviled by relatives, bereft of children, ignoranLand in exile. Nores. tf "qrC.ir " be the reading., the translation ir great wealtlr."



#rs;q*dfiwr qqqiTsrdf fi-etrq{rgntfi;gitarrQnqr r q;fqorqqa;qqqi(dia:

{T;rr frariqeuqrwr,ilt{ffitil lc tl B/oArz 38. The person brrn in a wgealrr (Shad, graha yoga) formed of the Sun, the Moon, Mara,



Adh. VIII.

be insignificant, ""t.engagedin works not his own, afflicted with consump' tion and drynessof the nose and despicable. If the $un, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be the six planetsjointiy producing the yoga, the personwhose birth is influencedby it will be a king's councillor, bereftof the joys whi:h rvife, childrcn rnd wealth gir':, but calmand contented.

utq{titftrRr*ruqroqtt qtr; Q?rT{aKrll;rdh'r'ifiqrqq$qdiâ‚Ź: q{isonq{q${i itoqm,{I6t{i I {r{sqi gqiurt fh'rrg $dtofgrtRutrwgtl

,dtqrq d'rquitilqGi.{ftitqriqrftibt lr li ll

Sloka 39. Whe u the Sun is in the several signs beginningwith Mesira,the effect on the personborn is i n o r d e r( l ) t h a t h e w i l l h a v es m a l l w e a l t h ; ( 2 ) h e w i l l d e l i g h ti n m u s i c; 1 3 ) h i s m i n d w i l l b e f u l l o f c a r e ,.g"i,iing thc acquisitionoi learningand wcalth ; (1) he will be ignoraur: (rr) he will be versedirr the several the acquiarts and be clever; (fl) he will be devotedto ( 8 ) h e will be s i t i o n o i m o n e y, ( ? ) h e w i l i b e d a r i n g ; ( be ; (t)) he will be a petty trader; t0) he will esteemed lacking c l e v e ri n e v e r y k i n d o f e x e r c i s e ;( 1 1 ) h e w i l l b e give; i n s u c hj o y s a s c h i l d r e n a n d c h i l d r e n ' s c h i l d r e n agricul' a n d ( l z i h e w i l l p r o s p : r b y s u c h i n d t t s t r i e sa s tural operationscarriedon by irrigation' NorBs. l-4.

c/. ga;nna XVIIl-slokas

gtqft ifiIqqtr q{ .{quiEimqreqqar qi.qd qfiEiffirqsest {rqiqqi ftqqr{ t




ft qfqsi s frfqq* fii i"-air gtft

grrt gdatfrfr qrr.rtqrisunilftrqrll Boll

Sloko 4Q. If Mars occupy hrs own sign at a persons birth, the latter will get wealth from a king, from agriculture and from his wandering about in pursuit of other such occupation. If Mrrs be in a Rasi owned by Venus, the persotrborn will set his mind on sensualenjoyment; the effect of Mars' presencein a sign belonging to Mercury is that the person under such i'nfluence will speak in a dejected tone ; if the planetbe in Kataka, the person born will becomea king's favourite and havc much wealth. If Marg' position be in Simha,at a person'sbirth, the latter.will be in posscssionof securewealth. In a Rasi belonging to Jupiter, Mars makes the person born triumphant over his foes and possessedof comfort and happinese. In Kumbha, the pre$enceof Mars l:as the effect of making the person concerned served by bad people. And lastly when Mars is in lr{rkara,the personborn is e i t h e ra k i n g o r h i s e q u a l . Norps.

cf. gâ‚ŹsiTfffi XVII l-slokas 5-7,

q;EgtsqafftilIi iS,TET

fter'qgrt gâ‚Źi

sffiA frqiqqqrar?qa-rri +giaRnrt ffiqTA{gqffi'ft qilrqqft Uqrofrq)

qia& iq(*qil {iiG tteqt qduqsrn ut tl

Sloku 41. A person will be poor if at hrs birth Mercury be in a houseof Mars; learned if in a house of Venus; happyif Mercury be in Mithuna; will dissi, pate w his ealth if the planet be in Kataka ; wrll be

Adh. VIII.



henpecked if Mercury be in Simha; will have virtueg in abundance and be exempt from dangers if Mercury occupy Kanya; a king's favourite if in Dhanus; a suMued Eervantif in Meena; an artisan and a menia! ter\nnt of another if in a houseof Saturn. NorBs. If g:q{fl be the reading insteadof [it{t, be "will get rid of all his troubles." c/. {(swcq XVIII-slokas


the translatiorr will


tnfrwariqsr gtlq41qqrdr$q{ Uft qt I ffi1 ftilt qRrcsfitqtnrceq rr{f gffid{ sfrfr qt ffi qret tn {rq| {|q(rfrsl{r furii fiiszqr b'qrq}n BRtl Sloha 42. If Jupiter h'e in a aign of Mars at the birth of a pereon, the latter will be superior to others in his army, wealth and ooru, highly virtuous and bountiful ; if in a rign of Venua, the person concerned will be energetic; if in a oign of Mercury, be will have a large following of friendc ; if Jupiter be in Kataka, the pereonborn will be wise and rich in sons; if in Kumbha,the person concernedwill enjoy pleasures; if the planet be in Simha,the peroonaffectedwill bccome famous; if Jupiter occupy a qe" (Swakshetra),the personborn will be a king or on a par with a king. If in the depression sign Makara the person concerned will be a wanderer and bave a careworn mind, Nores. c/. gwn:q


qnr aitritffgR{*



,iid.qwiftaffiRilrqn]:flrdfiq: I

st. 43-44





lfritqefurrftoqr{ uggt tqrffifr{t

n Bt tl

S/oAn 43, According to rhe posiciouof Venus in the several cigns from Mesha onwards, the per;on born will be respectively (') a gallant ; (, ) wielding large influence due to the poeaessionof fortune, geniue, friendsand kindred; (') learned, wealthy and wise; ( t ) c o w a r d l v ; ( u ) w i l l h a v e d u l l $ o n s ;( 6 ) w i l l f o l l o w courEesof conduct preecribed for people lowest in the socialscale; (') will be a king,s favourite; (s) will be served by a set of bad women; (') will becomea lord o f m e n ; ( * ) w i l l h a v e e n j o y m e n t s ;( t ' ) w i l l b e c o m e addictedto unmarried girls; ('1) will be posseosed. of fortune, learning, worth and amiable manners. NorBs. c/. 1qs*n+ XVIII-slokas


{â‚Źlrr?ilrtrqilqg(dc{Tgrfl "Sd} mt: qtqqnrq* rMgr{rfllrur?eqqtl t cudsgru'olRrR{qi ilq&q} ftv+rt ilq'inqg'nfrqil{iEgi tqrqilftrfui , BB tl Sloka 44. If Saturn occupy Mesha or any of the other aigns taken in order, the personborn will reEpec, tively be (') stupid (!) will not have much -".lrh ( t ) w i l l b e b e r e f to f m o n e y , s o n sa n d i n t e l l i g e n c e( o ) will be banishedfrom the joys derivable irom the kind careof a mother (' ) will be disreputable( n wilt havc ) very little wcalth and very few children (') will be the leaderof a community, town or village ( s will ) have a cruel heart (', ) will enjoy the dignity aftaching to the poosessionof children, wife and riches ( " ) will 67


Adh, VIII. %

be liked by his sovereign( 11)will have wealth ( u ) will Burpao$in energyand other kingly virtues. Noras. c/. grsara+ XVIII-slokas


llgifiUgilqq sri tqrftRrfirgt

aqar'fi,o{HqRii"s +iaqr il B\ tl Sloh,t,43. An intelligent astrologer shculd weigh well in his mind the effect of the lr4oon's presencein the severalzodiacalsignsbeginningwith Meshras well as in the Amsas (drr) belongingtirereto and then declare the result of his deliberations.

qftibi rmaqd\ii gxirtt GrKs €qdgqMitdiar r qmrilqig qGqEqfdror qpefif{ sqegk{d'i:{rss qrE il 8E tl Slokr 46. When a planetis aspectedby a malign one, the persor)born under its influence ruffers from bad ailments and is without the virtues, worth, wealth and famewhich a personof his birth and socialEtatus ought to bave. If a pl.rnet be associatedwith a malign one, the effeccis that thc personborn under such in{lu, ence has a hankerirrgafterother pcople'swe,ritl.rand women, is i-rarshof speech,fraudulently mindedand slothful. .\\\c

rnE grti5(sg ({q( silKlrt'r{r: gilqdilili'Iqi g;qfr {FtWrT! | A




ril{{ i{trEdf qr( gtrrl(reFTrnil

fhaRgftaqqiqrrqrfrFatru Bs tl

sl. 4?-{g



tr-"t-t.r**planet aspectedby a propitious one will have children, richec and enjoyments, will be handsome,honored by his sovereign and exempt from humiliation or disgrace" If the planet influencing a birth be associatedwith a benignantone, the person born will be triumphant over his foeein this world, conform to the dutiee and practi, ceoappertainingto his birth and sccial position, and be ahrewd enoughto understand(ascertain)the unexpreesed wishes of others by their outwartl indications.

q;i tqrri $qrRâ‚Ź*dtisil {qfrr

qqmgEil{*t di(i (t) q}q r frerq{rsnTqr ft e&qtqr;T{qqii*uqi gvt aqr grq&inddrTq!gqftqq *rr â‚ŹA ii+{i Bd S/oA,r 48. When the Moon occupying Megha is aopectedby the several planets beginning with Marr and ending wrth the Sun, the perron born under such influencewill respectively be a king, a man of learning, a personequalin Etatusto a king, one endowed with every amiable quality, a thief, and a beggar. If the Moon be in Vrishabha,and Mars aEpectit, the person I orn will be one bereft of propercy; it \{ercury be the aspecting planec, the perscn born will be a judge; if Jupiter, an honorable person; if Venus, a king; if Saturn,a monied person; if the Sun, one of a servant, class. If the Moon be in Mithuna and the several aspectingplanets be taken in the slme order as before, the persor born in theieveral ceseswill rcspeccivelybe, one defective in som: limb, a king an intelligent and aagaciouoperson, a brave person, a villainous wretch and a poor man.



Adh. VIII.

Norrs. []:g: fr41q1;z[ seems to be the correct reading in the 3rd pada of the sloka. c/. Brihatjataka XIX-1. The translation will then be " If the Moon be in Vrishabha, and ilIercury be the aspecting planet, the person born will be a thief &c. ,'

cf . €rrrsot

sTFgq{ilZqft' qqcrit qT{qqqft qrr: r

fr1:ffirrTr{tGqr e} altrft t\ u

Frorn this, it would seernthat ,,.daq " in place of ,,{R(,, was the original reading.

qedrfirfrrrdg: frRqTdrfqqlcqftr: r {pefb+: sFiq $qe! {rf{ft llilrd: lt

anrfiqmrt:flerqq:qFqiidte: r

gue}ivrt frrrr+tne+ffigo+tft: rl

{grzsqn{r€qt zqt,nfilanvfratfQ r

tqG Rqeql Ei utqr gqrcrrd: tl wfrmqfirflil WrqRuqtra.d) rTilfiqq:I rqf,tfisqnrtglq ftitfflfr {qfh tl oU6qgFq) nr{: wra.iir'ftRqnafqnar tqpt Rqrtfi nfiqret qEwm,tl +{mqfidr,t f}qqqgnqt: fl€d q I qr+fq+;$Sd Wir rfi{tfhna;q:tr qfrtrq $d?81gqfrut qsqilfrlqqq1 €qqd qritqi rrqi grr rrrftt\ Srt rr qrflqr+qfaftlqgfqnftrisq<{mar{r qrqfr gla ae:arit Z\sgqqufid.nq r fr rueqrwE(ndrfrryfi6q;dqfifi gotq. I '{ffinqfdfiFqnqfi UGE:ilqftsd rr


gr. 4e



lf,qqqnrl€rqi $q qTnqrt;${ailil?qnrq. t

qRqrrftgrt rr {rfiqgq+tr'rtfHiteTa} qq(tqsiied gqt i"q sqr q gqrfrqqr grRe+glfta Ggnee, {nl grt u qflrqnqmnifrg{ oqrfqdgqfieq r

n 1 ll

,uftg:ftaeeqrt *frfr {Iftaao4:11

wfiggfrxrii g€arqilfqqqoqF{rqrq I soh figq ffil qlq fiftffisqqqq rr urqlnrqasqro gtt aqrrfiaq frt q r qftqqeos{riftgq g{{tRna;q; 11 Rqrilerqr+ftpqriiqsqrqqfRoq{ r qrF{slfiqafiq: s.iffr gaitffi figt rr qrgqfaqrcqqdinrfiqrq.lqftiFrft ' r

frut sut gtfrqggunftrfiftgaetrr qrflqI greim-varftagefigeRrfdafia urqi o)*d*i figt rfi-ifhaa=q:rl


qit€ qrRrl? qqrgruAnoffittrt{qq 3Trdiusfiddqftrffiqtsinqqr r

qrr nlkan{ qfr initr qT{ifr$ frair

u;qrd qfH Ru: quffdrftarf-ffior get Bq

Sloha 49. If the Moon in Kataka be aspected severallyby the six planets from Mars taken in order, the persons born in the six caseswill respectivelybe valiant, honorable,endowed with the highest poetical talent, of royal rank, working in iron, and suffering from ophthalmia. If the Moon be in Simhaunder the rame aEpects, the person born will respectively be a



Adh. VIII.

king, one speakinglearnedly, a wealthy man, a king, a wicked personand one that is mighty. If rhe Moon be in Kanya and be aspectedby the severaiplanets taken in the sameorder, the person born in the several.cages will be respectively wealthy, mighry, lordly, learned, badly behavedand in easycomfortablecircumstances. cf " mrrqdt

qufrgoi'rq qqrRiiilqqumqfi | Ott erJt q--* rfqe* gi{rrear tr qt fi+en{ttqrctqqlatfi{,i (Erqr +ii at ezt rr frftaqqfrfrnngsiaqft eTfa{ilqftq+t qqqftgq{tfha:qrqiterlt r

qafig1q-i Zqfllit fteqqtd q rr Zsffi Zqgqg* aa+fr q-q: g};q$€s: I qrlt glqagrrrdadiaqqilisrTlmr;f,{tl

q?firfi1€r+Rqcqrqi qTqiilfi grt r +iah flFedieqrqqqrq,fr {F.rq tl s{anrTgri qRqqrgrfiefqqrf}Edqrq{ I nfqil es: €rJt +q]ft q;q] qt dtq{ n ZqfiqgeWfr q].AeuqiqtrFql {ttq t {iqt Ee:1frfvrnn flzld q-q: tt tqrqfr qqu€q(g{figartireiltnq r ;rqlcgwqg{OifhnaGnr:fftf 1s

{rqrfl+ ftd <{in.igafiila:rftt r e-d: tt sd gtq ed vagt+ulrrrflqa qftqrd goga qggit gqn?q q I

gnfoa\-qqEa{ g€eea:qqr' fii rt

lt 8 ll

5r. 60



qqilfaqtdtri{irqqiqgqfntqqi 9,ft r g{nfi{Eflqln dt{itEt gxn.ee,tt E{+qqiottszaqrig,ino,i;fnt r q nrit tt ll q ll Gta n,r Edtgefrgt{fqqaq'fr zq+)aatrrqraq$ailfl liftretqfqqr wqrqiqfiafrqrqt8qndt gtt tt pqmsaq"dftfha gult a t frreqrqr{ aqiigtt tt *-qrqigae* qrqrfari 'qlfiq*pqfifh$ {iqrqrc{g Gaf+i gflilq. I

srfn{,i m-qrqiqqqfrfqgutgtfhdsFq:ll

q;gaira g{ta yaa*t gfraaw{q t

*oqtqi gteril qqqla fiqqdiqf, q;q: ll

t *'qqi ngot ftfqqriiar.iifrrqqqr@{ gnt uUw ftiifhaa;(: ll nnaft*fiagP.d qeg€fiqfiqgqrfaawrg+i gaftauqt r,-qiqi w€E: e'tqirqqi {fi ge'dll

ll q ll

dits itq.itgeriisutrrdfttw{qq

qtl uoi*ti qitqgq{Acsrqrstl qoqgfI

ule€ {rirrft fiqra$sri rrqfrq'ialqgq irql fh'ift+.itnoqitq\ st gqftqtr tt \o tl S/oAa 50. When the Moon in Thula is aspected severallyby the benefic planets, N,Iercury, Jupiter and Veoue, the persons born in the several cases will be respectively a king, a mint-master and a merchant. If the Moon in Thula be aspectedseverally by Mara, the Sun and Saturn, the person born in each case witl be impotent. If the Moon occupy the rign Scorpio and be



Adh. Vm.

reverally aspected by the planetstaken in order from Mercury, the person born in the severalcaseswill be (t) a man with two fathers and two mothers(n) a favorite o{ the king, (3) a mean-wretch,(o) a sickly p e t E o n ,( u ) a p o o r m a n ,( u ) a n d a m i n i s t e ro f a k i n g . Nores. 4qq: (Vanchakaha) is another reading for in the 2nd pada of the sloka.


qoe+: (pandakaha)


s{qqaqr&nraalftqi *rrfiry.n a t sTgiTqiltgo* walfarfiffi11a;q: 11 .

dTqqqR gq T{qllqFqqr€.Tflgs'{ | ^-:



q*frf,a;q: u rftraaaqrr smqfA r* gta q;q: ,5s1ffi sr{d${qrq{| gqqw{fiein trcqrd gorq\Wt rr frtfharOosiqaqfiflqx{fti f6rg, r aafr*?g gad rarRgqTqn$et rr afi-{qiii grrrigeafidlflrq{rfrf, qrilq,I fifiqlqrqfifEfl s€euUfilhn:{{t go;*rr

ott qt{itwr6i f}qqmi qqi$ii d* | Bqq{fi g€Gii qr*rfte* fRong' u 5th e)*ic,i gqqzi\q fi-{q.d q r g€qfid ueq(tt Ga+qeriisfUq.ra-q: e{sqqq{Stil yfinq Tft+ Erlftgeq r qFq+q sq\ qqq1q tfriq fl?E: 11 eTqg{rT€e4r+q qqoFil ? gfur;fr q 1

qqqfr gta ee: {'-qt dh* q ftilfl{ ll

ll rgll


$r. 6t


{qksatffidqfttqFiiqr ftflfirt {ilqd q n $ff edsftTrdt qqq|dqff}E e{FtqqrfrEgr.rri +Tar gqfilffirnsni wqqft{g{tfrel;E: 6 frqn-s Fqqaqiltcraqq Rs{i q t qqqra-ffiEs)qtqqi q;4sr: #


ll ( ll

q;i qgQg{dtg+ Rrqnwnqdqora:t qt sqrffihrg*r twuur qqttwt erq tt\t ll Sloftc 51. When the Moon occupieeDhanus and has the aspect of benefic planets upon it, the person born will have plenty of learning,wealth,wiedom, fane and strength. When the Moon in Dhanur ia aspected by Mars, the Sua or Srturn, the peroonborn under guch influence witl be an arbitrator in a court and addicted to courtezan$. cf. €nrc-d

yfrrara $th qI fieqraqtt'iqrt r qgqqgwrrtfrtaqtt qrFsr€saiqFf tqrqffrF€q g'ii tleqra+atgaq{| sFqFlgqqT.s nrit qgfr tt ftfnga-eu, qgr:eiqrqili ;q]frqftFqftqrfifigq q t

gEd fRqrRriwrqr{ d,sft rt o{gqqt(gd :"ftss

qFaq qrt t

qq: tt eq{r{rcsqfe*{qtgsrFqc s I gMr fe qf,i'iigwr sxr"ittqson qrtEfqrqrdqrir*ee, dftq, tt 68




frffi{R,i gqrr,i qg3Tf, asqtQqd.qq r

arftqrf,yUei qqqftfr\frn, {rfl qgli u uq tl

qdtfi{tH frur I trw qttq?ofrqq

gqft*awqt qfit fttrmt u \i tl

Sloha 52. When the Moon in Makara ir severally aapectedby the planete taken in order from Mercury, the personsborn in the severalcaseswill be respectively ( 1 ) a k i n g ( o ) a r u l e r o f t h e e a r t h ( t ) a l e a r n e dm a n (') a rich person(') a beggarand (6) a lord. cf.


ewi g:fraqe'iqffifr{ilqdtqd gd r qft\ S{€qqlrr:ft1qo*6{tfhiii rgqr tt erfrfiqqqfAg({t gqi qaHgdet g{qq.r aeagqq-qo€+iift q*,fhaa;q:n

a€ wrefiA et nTItdlq,qrfti e r qmfhqin Ee'g€rR,ifid.i geqqrr rlqfrqgqftizqftgil,sgawt qrdqI qgqngqfr{qrqft gnflfhaa;4:rt qrgsftqqfi{qqqrq?qrorfhiiqt {ft1 t

frqqlaqgr qlqft qg{ffhaa.q:ll

ewdqfti <ra frgevi qrtqrfr{qgqq. I q-fr qfrt +illi at RqFr+,{g{ds: il lt I " tl

srrffi frtrqrt lfqEtqfrqq:I

wrrilwq*or qrrfffttft?3 il \1 ti Sloka 53. The effect on the person born of tlrc Moon in Kumbhabeing acpectedby benelic planetoio that he will be rich in fame. The Moon in Kumbha,

sl. &r



aEpectedby maleficplanets makes the peroon that har his birth under the influencea libertine. cf. vrn+d

qftqfrq{R q qt 1r6'i qTft*aftrt q r

o€ qffi€*

ttztrffir'f: Q{$HI{:tl

I SlsRfldnnrimqg€frfuerosq. ftqi qtortsimilftSffiqa;q: tl lftdFftf, &q q g{fi-{r{ 1 wrnqqrT${rA dsffqqgtq tr$ gt rr $q tfrft gq{tf+ra: qrqfr*aeqiT{nq-q{T{Etq t gtt iFraqlai sr\i gffiftn: ffift $t n qrq{r 4qqg*tfti *Krqrqr&frflqa rr sat urit sgqtfrfRaftil qcq\seqgsq qqtqqt qfAi KErRnni fiqqlqt r wnrrnftqqrainrit qt frwee,lt n I t tl

ftrU sr{ttki ffi

ardi* qqfrr

Rflt qrqftftftt q€q-fl{qrqtrs} qrqt I i flqit tq6*fki {aqftqffr $q;il-{nftr

fuir gr{tiht Rq*tqrdrq{rdtrr+(n\B tl

Sloka 54. When the Moon in Meena is aspected by beneficplanets, the person born wili be a learned king, fond of mirth. If the Moon in the sameRasi be aspected by malefic planets, the effect of this on the peroonborn is that he will be foui-mouthed and evilminded. When the Moon occupyinga malefic Amsa is arpected by malefic planets, the person born will be wicked and licentious. If the Amsa occupied by the




Moon be bendic and the aspectingplanetsbe alsobeoe' fanous. fic, the peruonborn becomes NorBs' cf. sRts-odi

fti qqrtdnhglta tiTqfi qqn€aq. t qflft RffiGE' sgfraqrrqvqftfri rt qfr{d gqQf, s@rgaq qrlfrK q I

qqqft aq{erqft: Rrftgnee} a\ qtq, rr q?qfr g}t afr ftrrqa-qqT: gFtI{| qqfrqilq Sfui {twfrsqrqd fiqII ll

U€mfiiFil ofui qFisqruqfu+tr "reql{

g$qt +gft: df}id qn}q tl

sd {Fftgrfterfuai aerra}wrqt g*ffi flqFil qqqd nftfrqi q rt mqrfrg{Ertqfr{fd{ | ff+aqRdEFFrrr:

gd lftcafr *qfrcqrsnrrffrlu

u tltf

What has been said in slokas 48-54 above may be rearrangetl and sumrnarisedthus: (l) Mars aspecting the Moon in Aries will make the person born a King one bereft of proporty Taurus in some limb defective Gemini valiant Cancer a king I-eo wealthy Virgo Libra minister of a king Scorpio arbitrator in a court and onc Segitterius addicted to courtezans lord a Capricorn a libertine Aquerius foul'mouthed and evil'minded Pirccg




Thus, Moon square or opposition Mars is bad except when the Three of these Moon is i' .\ries, Leo, Scorpio a'd Capricorn' g_qba (Uchchakshetra) q&-e (Swakshetra) and lrappen to be the of Mars, and f 'r the Moon in Leo, Mars happens to be the ruler of the 9th from it. That is wl.ry Mars is gooti in these four signs' ' (2) Mercury aspecting the l\tloon in n.ral<ethe person born

Aries will

a man of learning


a thief


a king




one speaking learnedlY




a liing


father of twins


learned, wealthy and wise


a king


rich and famous


a learned king, fond of mirth



in opposition to Mercury

except Vrishabha.

It is however not

opposition to Jupiter for finance.

in any place

so good as the

The intellectual

is good



side is good.

(3) Jupiter aspecting the Moon in equal in status to a king Aries will make the person born honorable person Taurus Genrini

intelligent and sagacious


endowedwith the highest poetical talent






a mrnt master


favourite of a king


wealthy, famous and learned


a king

Aquarius Pisces

rich and famous


a king Moou

can be aspected

by Jupiter ouly when she is in

u.l.*""".,----"","1*", ""-". "-""113:5 trine or in opposition to Jupiter and not when with Jupiter.

in conjunction

Politicians or statesmenare born if the Moon trine Jupiter or Moon opposition Jupiter takes place when the Moon is in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. It therefore follows that all leaders in any walk of life must have Moon-trine Jupiter or Moon.opposition -Jupiter. (4) Venus aspecting the Moon in Aries will make one endowedwith every amiable quality Taurus a l(ing Gemini a fearlessperson Cancer a person of royal rarrk Leo a King Virgo learned Libra a merchant Scorpio one engagedin a base occupation Sagitt'arius wealthy and fanrous Capricorn a learned man Aquarius farlous Pisces a learned man Venus opposition Moon is thus not generally bad. (5) Saturn aspectingthe Moon in Aries will make the person born Taurus Gemini Cancer I-eo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aqrrarius Pisces

a thief wealthy a villain a person working in iron a wicked person badly behaved impotent a sickly person addicted to courrezans a rich person a libertine foul-mouthel and evil-minded

All aspects(whether 3rd, lOth or 7th) of Saturn to the Moon are bad except when the Moon is in Taurus aod Capricorn. We

Sl. 66



have already stated in sloka 3 supra that I\{oon-conjunction-Saturn is bad. (6)

The Sun aspecting the Moon in A r i e s w i l l m a k e t h e p e r s o nborn a beggar Taurus one of a servaut class Gernini a poor Inan Cancer sufiering from ophthalmia Leo mighty Virgo one in corn forlable circums t a u ce s

Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

rmpotent a poor n)an an arbitrator in court and addicted to courtezans a beggar a libertine f o u l - m o u t h e d r ,n d e v i l . m i n d e d .

A1l oppositionof the Sun to the Nloon is bad e\cepr when the Moon is in Leo. The Suu will then be in Aquarius and aspectinghis own house. What is true of the l\Ioon is also true of the Lagna. V a r a h a m i h i r ai n h i s B r i h a t j a t a k a( X V l l l - 2 0 ) .

So says

A11 squaresor oppositionsbetweel the Moon anrl any malefic bad. is Similarly, all squaresand oppositions betrveenthe Lagna and any ma1efic is bad. So also conjunctionsof malellcs with the Moon or the Lagna is bad except Sun-conjunction.l\{oon. A l l c o n j u n c t i o n sb e t w e e nr n : r l e f i c sa r e b a d ( c / . s l o l i a s 1 , 2 , 4 , 8 e u p r a a s a l s o W e s t e r na s t r o l o g e r s ) .

q=rttr+sq ffi( {ftterQsei


qEft gqElt t{ g{erq}q*gar n \\ ff

SiorAa55 The effect of an aspect upon a Raei must be held tc apply likewige to its Amsa. The Rasis as well as their Amsas when aspectedby or associated with benefic planetsbecomebenefic or auspicious.

Adh. VIII'


644 -##


rrfirqd\q€g+ .rn] q qerflqt dql q"a I ilfiqo qTFftifioql*qfqfqar q nfq-s{ lt

|| Il oerfqqrqftTer€5-dq qr{'d qR omlseqffiq\ qrd; gtqi f inrr

qeqnriiiuiqutr qqilsntd gqffi;rer I il;ilqn{in gdmat{lqffi.qsttr{t qii dwakii ^ ERrriwq;rrtt tii{qrq ll \q ll

S/o&a 56. If the Sun be in the Lagnabhava,the personborn will have few sons, lead a iife of ease,be .ruel, eat sparingly, with defectivevision, be given to bo".iing in the battte-field, well-bred and acquainted with the histrionic art. But if the sun be in the exal tation sign also, tbe effect of it on the person born is that he *itt a.tigrrt in the acquisition of knowledge and of good vision, f ame and indepenvirtue, be possessed dence. lf the Sun occupyingthe Lagna be in Meena the perron born wilt be waited upon and served by f"miler; but if thc Lagna in which the Sun is be identicalwith simha, thc effectof it on the personbort) i s t h a t h e w i l l b c n i g l r t r r l i n d b u t p o s s e s s i n gg o o d strength' cf.


Norrs \








fqtqrqqt tqqulls{ laFq

'[qljt-q: I iq qefioft{i{{r fhtqet qaq tt dlts-*sq' {fttt-(qh g€e,.IE{:

Also 'nottitq;t

elsfrseq+q'f*,qtosaq,*){t qqr*ait


5t. 57-58


qrRq-ilqo)fiaelq,it qnFil€rqiqia tt The Sun in Leo causes blindness at night. In Cancer, the Sun causescataract in the eyes. The Sun in Libra causesblindness. The Sun in the Lagna causessome defect in eyes.


hqq qrq{iei g rrilgt{ I drqq+i q{qdi{gsqilot

Kililfi qii i\rrgFtfriinq tt \e ll

S l o h a 3 7 . W h : n t h e w . r n i n g M o o n o c c u p i e st h e Lagnathe p:rsrn born will be deaf, defective,in some limb and a menial servanL. lf the Moon in the above position be also in conjunction with a malefic planet, there will be no vitality in the person born and he will soon be dead If the Moon in the Lagna be in its exaltation or own house,the effecc of it rs that the person born will have abundrnce of wealth, f,rrne and much beauty. If the Mcon in the L-rsnabe full, the person born will attain long life and becomelearned. c/. gaslnq

{mi;qililst;'t{trqf\(: inq, nru*a}

erliq,ri qf,tll

Also na{itt.nr

fht q-i €h €art(,iqig{q+ qftb erqtn{.qiR fiqiin qrqqtu

fis - {ilEit*saftsfrqqdt'ri gi swt frmfttreqrqqdfrdi oefet q'rqtt qli o{rrt frrguotrdt qdi 6q.{r{ 6

qrqtw;mgrqErrci{rf}erihotUrfrrr\c tl 69




'The Sloka 58. personborn with Mars in the first bhava will be cruel, daring, given to wandering, very fickle and sickly ; if the planet in the first bhrva be Mercury, the effecton the pcrson born will be that he will be devoted to the acquisition of learning, wealch, virtue and religion ; if Jupiter occupy the Lagnathe person bcrn will be long-lived, and have knowledge untainted, wealth and beauty: if Venus should be in the first bhava, the influence on the person born will be that he will b: libidinous, lovely in mien, blessed' with a wife and children, and learned. c/. gqsqrcr

e* gi R{dilg: rt gt {?aqu riti fqar{tt tr(fisq: gfrna fi-h Wgt lt Also..qo{nq+t

qqwq{tsi rr Hildg{ftr{i}seqrgR+ tt frqlg.ioqfi$ rgtegttrTfl{qnw{qJq' aitwaqSs-,itfingfifr ort g* ffeqo,tt n* gagEtfq{gfqqiqqtqlgn+tfr +fl: tt

galfrqftsqfrffirffi qt fiofrqIftssdart

q*qgaqrggonitrrrqiq6s qtsfrqrri fEWs ll \q ll Sloha 59. The effect of Saturnoccupyingthe first bhava at a person'sbirth is that he will have stinking nostrils, sufferfrom fistula of an advanced type and have a defectivc limb ; but if the f irst bhava occupied by $aturn be the planet's exaltation sign, the person born will be a king's peer, amiable for his special virtues, and endowed with long life. cf.


siâ‚ŹErili)fr qqmrritssoacfu{:

sl. 60-61



Rtgd fter*' sfrCgn-ortssâ‚ŹHqtt I

gteqltqrtzqftseir] il{sre: gFreiar{w: rt Also q.o{ir?ar

elb efiqqqi frfAqretâ‚Źfr arisf;i qqfrt{gilftqrq: I

qqqre} fr\g g,rarR{tfBa qdieai:errr,it qfriisogatl

il* i}u{iqqt g tnfi t 1t rrruriinat{{rliir +1*Aot wqi{igEqrftrifht wfiqnfr.ft rrQotl Sloha 60, When Rahu occupiesthe Lagna,,the personbcrn wili be cruel, without compassionor moral virtue in his natureand sufferingfrom ailments; when Ketu occupiesthe Lrgna, the personborn will be sickly and very avaricious, but if the R rlru or Ketu in the Lagna be aspected by a benefic planet, the person concernedwill hrve princely enjoymencs. c/. mo{i{t-rr

oriseqf+n$qqoqrq"qtqiltniiqn' tt

ori aasqgrifiui fiqot Hrn;gii findtqmgqpr{ I qyq:gret il


11E flsrrilrnqqr{it t

turdgilq $et q'Etriqi itrGfinEt tl

S/oAc 61. Rahu occupying the Lagnain the sign owned by the Sun, promotesprincely enioyment in the midst of affluence; Ketu produces longstandingwealth and offspring when occupying the Lagna in a house belongingto Saturn.



Adh. VIII.

il &frqtl sFft qrcl"qErfisqtrqrtqt Rdqrit Rrqrfr t

urqturaqrâ‚Ź{rfirR&i AmrfrafrT{rqffit


Sloha 62, When the Sun is in the Znd bhava, person the born will be liberal, possessedof property in minerals, cherish even ill-wishers and will be eloquent. Il the Moon be in the Znd bhava,the effect is that the person born will b: fond of women, beloved, of agreeablespgech, shrewd at guessing the covert purposerof others, fond of study and possessed of richee.

,ilrfrEiffiitqreqqtt t]fl gi fffi

rrqr ge* st t eqdtqrifuiqqfloWrqq qFfr*cnMqfigowrd -rtQgft

filqrqrq$urfianwnqffiqdktqFl} ll El ll

S/otc 63. tf Mars b: in the Znd bhava,the person born will engagein much wandering in the pureuit of metallurgy and agticulture, and will be hot-tempered; if Mercury be in that bhava, the person bbrn will be virtuous and have much wealth and moral worth discerningly acquired; if the planet in the 2nd bhavabe Jupiter, the person born under euch influencewill be eloquent,command comfortablemeals,have vast wealth and bestow liberal gifts. If Venue occupy the same bhava, the person born will have learning, gallantry, personalgracesand much weaith.

sru(q{rElqrsisfi}sq.Tf{* ggrfiqqt g Err{s I

fi$qt cn?rqtrd tiftdt iaaiqtuqBtl ftfrq{rFqdqt Sloha 61, But i[ Saturnbe in the Znd bhava,the


El. 65

htless,vagrant, in' *t - tt--""tat -t. t"* digent and deceitful ; if Rahu be in that bhava, the peroonborn will be quarrelsorne; if the occupant of the Znd bhava be Ketu, the person born wrll be a public enem'' Nores According to Varalrarrrihira, the Sun or Saturn in tbe 2nd housewill make the person immensely rich, but will cause some defect or other in the face or teeth, while the Moon in the same p o s i t i o nw i l l g i v e h i m a l a r g e f a m i l y . M a r s i n t h a t b h a v a w i l l rneke him eat bad foori, I,iercu'y in the Znd bhava will rnake the n a t i v e r i c h w h i l e V e n u s o r J u p i t e r w i l l m a k e h i m e l o q u e n to r sweet-tongued. roiiiQ6r

fiqnGqrfaaqfin KqfArqtiqqrra:((d') tt qil6ils;nqlftrffurgciT;qrfq (q;e)fiffa: tl qqfRfaeq){qfiqrq,$i gqqtP,{a: tt +frrqoaqrqrR tf,) fqeraqiil lt qrit lirqqgr({tagtq} tiir tgi}) qrt frfiq: u

tt milfr+firtrl: r,faqA{Gnrf:qr{ ftgrqqqqqE(a*) s;qrqffi q qar&aqqqqqt4qn*{T'igs{ tl

;iitfmtetr;:ft zq'{dtfii tqt}l rriit: gt4ttt fiqrfi{tqqqirfbgn$efFqm:q(rafnrn $tt q{Fq:ll

ilu@rr qt gdatf+aisftqaqiftnrlt Edntfi

q;i frqrili{frstquitr'tq-gfrqrqtft:tins I

qqrfrsqnqilTq'TEr6rit{f\ *lqri si qrqrddqtsa{isitqqd qtqisgq0St ll E\ ll



Adh. VIII.

S/c,ftrl65. When the Sun is in the 3rd bhava. the personborn will be brave, served by bad men, vqry wealthy and liberal; when tire Moon occupies the bhavarepresentingyoungerbrothers, the person born w i l l h a v ei n s i g n i f i c , r n tw e a l t h ,b e k i n d t o r e l a t i v e sa n d virtuous. With Mrrs in tire ilrd bhrva, the person born beccmesfamous,ol immense prowess,and of upright (uncrooked)view:; but when M:rclrry occupies the Jrd bhava, the personborn is bent on the practice of deception, of vagrant h.rbirs, exccssivelyvacillating and misereble.

HI[a6q] gfr rroqqrqiiiRtt rTltt6(

g* dtEtt qtq{qqrqrqiq{fritar t

qffito{rrgqil{ qrilRTiurgi sTeqr{rt

trd iiiltsftqtd'{ft{r *di gurtiirnr{ n qq tl Slokt 66. The person born wirh Jupiter in the 3rd bhavabecomesindigent,henpeckedand addicted to evil ; if Venus bc in tlre 3rd blrav,r the person born speaksfretfully, is vicior:s and controlled by his wife. The person taking birth when Satrrrn occ\rpies the crqrtrE (Bhratrubtrava) eats sparingly and possesses wealth, moral worth and excellentfamily traits; when Rahu is in the placcof v;rlour(3rd bhava), the person b o r n b e c o m c sv e r y v ; r l i a n t a n d r i c h ; a n d i f K e t u b e i n that position,thc pcrson concerned becorn:s virtuous and wealthv.

g{r diqirq{qx(! | drqnrrltutf tiq gqqrit erq g(drqft lTnisrqn qe tl Slcku 67. Ve nus in the 3rd and rhe i th bhavas 'fhe cau6essorrow, diseases and danger. same lrlanrt


SI. 68


in the same position mly become benefic when in arjvanco e f t h e S u n( w h e n a p p e a r i na e sa n E v e n i n gS t a r ) . Norss. T h e e f f e c t s s t a t e d i l I l r i h a t . | a t a l < af o r t b e S u n , M a r s a n d S a , t u r n i n t h e 3 r c l b h a v a a r e g o o d a s t h e y m a l < et h e n a t i v e i n t e l l i gent and strong. Tlre lVloonin the 3rd housewill make one cruel , ' r v h i l e 1 \ l l e r c u r yi n t l r a t p o s i t i o n w i l l t u r n hinr a consurnmate rogue. J u p i t e r u r n dV e n u s w h e n i n t h a t b l r a v a r n a l r e i r i n r s t i n g l ' .


Hq€dil&fiqgErt eaqdrl fl€nil: (qq:) ll nE].ii flqroqqqq€*,iisfiaqq:(q;e) tl ggqqqqrttilslcq: gdt ;qgqlsg+(gi) tt

qzrqJsi;qgm: fii ql: H{I{; gq({HfQa: (gt) ll (gil) t, ill(fl: 5qq: qdlifl€q:fiUsqT,:.ufi' fiqTrgesq{ Fq,'lqf}{f}+t (gx) rr q t*4 qi'tfi iflgqapn fiei q tl figeqfagq(a-,qftrea zacfi, riit fergra't(el*i g1 wrdtur.2firlq+"i airgio qqqir:qq{rqn}€q *n} q{iqqqtsQqqqraqtt \v




c ll qqerq ll

mr gtq&qir afrritq?rqr;qgr?diar fiqrtftogffiFqtr fi-i r wr'1dro+At *i *'g.ti g +grkar diiiiHnrqil{qrt qqlqiigaru qd tl ff90 {ih} frq;grrotrFfi 5/oArr(r8. Whcn the Srrn is iu th.: g< (Sukha 4tlr) blr.rva, the personborn rvill sLrf fcr f ron lieart disease, w i l l l a c k m o n e y , c o r n a n d c , l r n m q ns . ' i r s ei r n d w i l l b e Jrard,hlarted. If the Moon be iir tlrrt blrava,thc effect thereof is that the p,rrsol)b,rrn 'will posscsslearning,




Adh. VIII.

good nature and prosperity, but will hanker after other paople'swives. The personborn with Mare in the a;g (Bandhu4th) bhava will be bereft of relations, and though valiant. If Mercury be in that bhahen-pecked, va, the persrn born will be a fcrlorn crealure without friends or relatives, while growing up to be a pandit distinguishedfor sterlinqkrowleJge and a{fluence,

Errlrtqdt g€q*qosqtrrd

qr(f {Tqalqiirngft g€a I tfrirffiaI gr+qqirqas&ffqt

inqrsfi'rUggi qia E;gqrttt qq tt

Sloftc 69. When Jupiter occupiesthe 4th bhava, the personborn will be eloquent,wealthy and possessed of comfort, fame,strengthand personalbeauty,but of a crafty dispc,sicion. When Venus is irr that bhava the personborn will be over ruled by his wife though makingmuch (boasting) of bis comforts, fame,wealth, intelligenceand lcarning.

qrqrcdqlsqdtq qlil {tiiEfr rrrggt g€& | u* q-ozrRqirqriqi*ii\ ge& q q{FTfldllrro 11 Slofta i 0. When Saturn is in the 'lth bhava,the personborn will b'e lacking in the observancls pre' scribedfor his caste,will be crafty and causingtrouble to his mother. Wlren Rahu is in that position the personborn will keep in the seclusionof a seragliohis wives and such othersas stand in a similar relation to him; and when Kcttr is in the gra (Sukha4th) bhava, the personborn will be a reviler of ottrerpeople(scandal' monger).

sI. ?1

qgilstrrfqr NorBs'

Brihat Jataka. If the Sun, Mars or Saturn occupy the 4th house,the person born will have no happinessand will be troubled in mind. If the Moon, Jupiter or Venus should be positedin that house, the person will be happy. Mercury in that position will make the native learned. q-o.4lffdr

qqqflqg€faqqTfigorgftfig6q qqqgs zqfttqr qlrflqiiqq{(q. tt

g€1,it,fi sr.ft g€A 1=d) FgQfrr('H{rr: tl geQ (gi) fig6-rrqn)oitg€roqqrfl! u : gER(gt) glqg€(fr{qFqtE{}ftil Rreql{l{qTgqFrq q'* (gil; qlqgeFqR;aagnal$raqr;rTrFqd: ll gqrqqgqflq{Hwrqqq=t g& (+i}) rr g:dtq(rt-(qTiqrqBgil +re}qtrlogt (ni}) rr

6qftFgdttl aeTiufi (q+) g:€6rgg€1e{rg:

,irfr*qrqaqa'tgr+r'rgjharq gQthnl;nuefkfriqqt rr

ll qQlqq.tt qm&qqeugftfmr *nqutofgri iitil t qqd a'rt qdid u uq 1i q;eftqttrmqqrErTgdafi Sloka 7l. A personborn with the Sun in the 5th bhavawill be a courtier with an unsteady mind and will sojourrr abroad. When the Moon occupiesthe g"rttir (Puthra bhava, 5th|, the peroon born will be high,minded,rich, ccmpassionatc and diligently bent on doing what has been determined upon after deep deliberation. 70

\ qriFsqfi(crtir


Adh. VIII,


ims?nqgc{{tEl{ti6l I;TIITII

$rdt q;ii q qR qenqiqili I ffTfqqn${ol gilEtditiiqrqrirEognrgai q{t i lt sq ll Sloka 72. If at a pcrson'sl-rirtli, M.rrgoccupy the the person b:,rrnrvill be cruel,of wandering bhava, 5th h a b i t s , r e s t l e s s ,d a r i n g u n r i g h t e o u s ,v o l u p t u c u s a n d wealthy; if Mcrcury bc iir tlre ga (lutra, 5th) bhava, the personborn will b: prolicicrrt in sacredtexte and in the art of ovcrccning focs by magicspellsand will be blessedwith a family cf wife and children, wealth, learning, fam,:and st.rengtir,

qd guirit{qâ‚ŹKsqf}mrvq qiq16ffii g(gt gmriiqri t

qqriirqqErarfoq{tot tqr$wqitttqqt q g* u u1 11 Sloku 73. Clever in counsel, virtuous, possessed of choice riches br:t with a paucity of sons, will the person be at wh,rs: birth Jupiter occupies the sth if Venus be in that bbava, the personborn will h<-ruse; have good sons, friends, wealth, much beautyand (be the masterof) commandan arrny and horses.

qdifirg{gr*t qqoq q{t

qriiriieriifiqqr gilrsigr r {idqrgtqqs g(t fiofit'

*d narqrtofiutd{ ilrfr tt sB tl

s[|;kui 4 . The personborn with Sacurnin the 5th b h a v aw i l l be iusane, Iong,lived, unhappy and f ickle,

sl, ?5



but virtuous and victorious over his enemies; when Rahu is in the 5th house, the person born will be cowardly, compassionateartd poor ; when Ketu is in that bhava,tl'rceffecton thc personbrrn is thrt he will b: cra{ty,dreadinqwatcr and ailing very much. Norps' Itrihat Tatlriia. ( . u i z " L l t eS u r l , I \ [ ' r r s o r S a t u r n ) "t'113iir:s, s l r o u l r lo c c u l ) \ . t l r . t . 5 l l rh c u s c . t l t r : l ) r t r s L r nc o r r c c r r t c dw i l l b e c h i l d , e rvi1l less antl without rvceltlr. li' tl r, lloorr lre in the 5tlr lrou-ceh h a v e c h i l < l r e n . ] V [ e r t u r " r ' i rt ti r : l t l r c l s i t i o lut ' i l i t r r . r l i cl r i r l ra t l r i n i s t e r . If any orle of- the

J u p i t c r a n d V e n u s i n t l t r : - i t l r i l l r t r s t '$ ' i i 1 i n r i l i e t l r e n : r t i r . e i n t e l l i g e t t t a t t I l t ; r 1 ' 1 I' re' s l ' , ' c t I i \ ' " nofiiqqr

(ri}1 ll gqqqlg<{lAiaguflriirq;{lzfiqq. ggii qqr{i zgrfiiam g'iriir (e-4) 11

ll ga ('ri; fEqiTsal{t: frgen+ilsatxm, tr;J(i{agit.i;{'an'qar{F;{ (i) tt fiarfilpqqatg: ga: bagir r{a,ri'rir !fi.Tra. it-itqgii rr efqfoeAqq{'r gi{idtfi.q..i ;;1;i1j tUX) ft

Hr;iI flqg{i,!q";'fsi1 *";l l.rii nir i'ifi: tt qtniq4qii{l: r,"zlai.riigl :gfirrriil q qiq, ll g-rflq qetilltfi{rrdtgi Sii:i,rl,'q,;T(+;il) ra"'-r;n[.t

nqgqu flqt E[ir{rqqsqi;iEqT*a'Trirffrqiq.{Hqrt Rih t qr( qiryrq*rti{T*qd u'frsn?qiir"ft iqqTgltt 3T"rrrgt .Sir;Air75. i f ;rt th : lrir tir c'f a nersLin the Sun b: ltrstful, o c c u F ) /t h . : C t b b h l v a , t h e p t r s o n h o r , i "rzill b r a v e , h o n o r i r J b y k i ; - i - s .f u l i c f s c i f . c s t c . m ,r e n o w n e d



Adh. VII I.

" , personborn will ba short lived if it be full Moon, ; the and long'lived. voluptuous be very the personborn will

mdt ftgqffit: qq-dilllr

ftgOt {iqr.q{rt{osilsEfti ffqrsmfr(: tri{rtsftqtttt tsEtt Sloka Ttj. When Mars is in the 6th bhava, the personborn will own prop:rty, exterminatefoes, have a powerful appetite, b: opulent and enjoy fame and strength; when lr4ercury occupies that bhava, the personborn will b: instructive, amusing, quarrelsome, but friendly, void o[ morality and abstainingtrom all beneficenceto his relatives.

ilqi fffiâ‚Źolsft{rtsqtct fimqilffilidi ugh ftgQ I

qarrrrtRqftrioqqadtar {rqt mr dtst tft {eqft ll \esll Stoht 77. Th: person bor,r *]th Iupiter in the 6 t h b h a v aw i l l b e l u s t f u l ,v i c t o r i r u so v e r f o e sb u r w ; e k ; w h e n V e n u s i s i n t h a t b h a v a , t h e p e r s o nb c r n w i l l s u ff e r f r o m s o r r o w a n d c a l u m n y ; w h e n S a t u r no c c u p i e s t h e ( t h b h a v r , t h e p e r s o nb c r n w i l l b : g l u t t o n o r r s , afraid of troublesomeopponents,lecherousand we,ilthy.

n* figerqG fHmftr?trW,q;(gâ‚Źt $drart q;gfffiqnlfur{rtqr?qq{qi ftg} v tfr rr\edll Slrrftzr78. If Rahu be in the 6th Lhava,the person born will b: of good birth, subdue his foes,enjoy long


sl" 79


life, and be very hrppy; If Ketu occupythat bhava, the personborn will be kind to his relativesand renowned for his generousvirtues and illustriouserudition. Norns' llrihat Jataka. If the Sun, Mars or Saturn occupy the 6th bhava, the person c o n c e r n e d w i l l b e p o w e r f u l , b u t w i l l b e o v e r p o w e r e db y h i s enemies. If the Moon be in that house, he rvill have many e n e r n i e sw , i l l b e o f a d e l i c a t ec o n s t i t u t i o r a r nd w;ll have a dyspept i c a p p e t i t e . H i s s e x u a l p a s s i o nw i l l b e w e a k; a n d h e w i l l b e h a r s l r i n t e r n [ ) e r a l n e nat n d i n d o l e n t i n h i s w o r k . l f M e r c u r y , J u p i t e ro r V e n u s b e i n t h e 6 t h b h a v a t h e n a t i v e w i l l b e w i t h o u t enetnies. saeift.nl

qf'lag{fqfaqReq : (qri:) ng{rqfiqqrT{ll

rt ntserga;isqft€rit'frqRq{t $mrT(n: a1rr1€qrir fiil iuil fiqqlZq:tl qrdr.)irfiqiififq1gt,fturocdruFlfigilft, s1 .\

qft{'iiFnfqqit ,rU:u (gr);wDerqe,isfier fia3wa flil ({ml gafhqfrrfierq rr q€r{iiqfiqrFqi}fiw.} qra qrdtR* 1'6tr1', f}'5lredifBd; Fgqi,{*qifilg: alh1r$1 ,' o}tr&qnqgoi eaniqfhfet*iill qbcg.aqftqdqfiefRfiq rr

ll {THTTt{Teru ll dafl qEifut Rqqttatqqs'r,fieor fffr slqqf ({ng€Erfdtqrqqj ,irnrqr{t

ulqorftundrsrdir fiHiqi r1iqi' 6qssitrrqqoriidiqqgrerWixiqfn uq pl Sloka 19. When the Sun occupiesthe 7ch bhava



Adh. VIII.

at a person's birth, he will hate womankind and be exceedinglywr athful and wicked ; whcn the Moon is in that bhava, the effect otl th: person born is that l're of wanderinghabits, yielding to will be compassiotrate, women and voluptuous; the person ac wilose birth Mars occupies the 7th bhava will b: querulous a b o u tw o m e na n d f o n Co f w a r ; i I t h c p l : n ' . t o c c u p y i n g t h i s b h a v ab : M e r c u r y ,t h e p . r s o n b l r n r v i l l b e m a i m e d b u t c a p a b l eo f a m u s i n gr v r t h i r i ss k i l i i : r t h c ; r r t s '

{ttqrcnorEl{Rawt{i qd uti

trqrdiq-qqgw g{ril EqHri{t Tnqt I rlt(Et{Inntiirqiqqir qi( qryflqri ilrfi qnf{qqiirl qiqqfi qlqiui irml lldoll

S / o f t , 28 0 . I f J u p i t e r o c c u p y t h : 7 t l - rb h a v ' r . t h e p e r s o nb o r n w i l l b e r e s o l u t ea t l dh a v e a l o v e I y w i f c b u t w i l l v i e w w i t h a r r t i p a r h yh i s p i i ' en t s a n d s p i r i t u a lp r e ' ceptors; if Vcnus b: in that bhav,t, thc c[fc,L on the p e r s o nb o r n i s t h a t h e w i l l b e a f a ' r o ' r r i t e w i c b t n e c l a s s ,c h a r m i n l l y l o v c l ' , ' b r t t l a m c ; i f S a t r r r n courtezan 'at o c c u p yt h r ? t h b h : r v a r t p c r s ' J r i ' sb i r t h , l : e w i l l b a i n d i g e n ta n d d i s t r es s c di n t n i n d f r ' ; r n t h : t o i l i r c h a st o u n d e r g ob e a r i r r ga h : l v y b r l r t l e n( ) V c r.rl i o n i l d i s t a n c e; t h e p e r s o n b o r n r v i t l t l { l h t l i n t h c 7 t h b i r a v , rw i l l b e p r o u d , f o r e m o s t a i n o r l g g a i i a n t sa n J s : r f er i n g f l o m disease.

g hiii gqrqdr"{tfiffiaq\qr I sr;THrrrdtqqt

(Eleaiqdwarm'qi4l frnt firriol qtiqiqql{{Tr . S i o A r8r 1 . W h c n K e t u i s i n t h e T t i r b l r a v a , t h e p e r s o nb o r r r w i i l ei t h e r h a v ea b a d w i f e o r d e r i v e n o from a wif:, will be sleepy, indecorous,dejectpleasure constantlyroving and a vet rt.rbleblockhead. ed in speech,

sl. s2-8s



Norrs' Brihat Jataka. T h e S u n , M a r s o r S a t u r n o c c u 1 . ' y i ntgh e 7 t h h o u s e ,w i l l m a k e t h e p e r s o ns u f f e r h u n r i l i i i t i o na t t h e h a u d : o f l ' e l r e n . T h e I \ t o o n i n t h a t p o s i t i o n w i l l n r a l t e l r i r n e r r v i o u si l n d e - . i c e e d i n g loyv e r h e a d a n d e a r s i n 1 o v e . l f N l e r c u r l , b e i n t i r c 7 t | h o u : . . et ,h e p e r s o nc o n cerned rvill possessa knowledge c,f the lir.ws and rules of the c o u n t r y . J u p i t e r i n t h e 7 t I b h a v a r v i l l u r a l i et h e n a t i v e e x c e l h i s f a t h e r i n h i s q u a l i t i e s . I f V e n u s b e p o s i t c d i n t h e 7 t h h o u s e ,t h e person born will plomoie quarrels and rvill be forrci of sexual union. s'oitk{r

zqfaeqsf,tqFh(r<i) s"z'rrqrtqqqd{ tl et (a-11eu:qirdiq{gqfadl;iisfiqqrr: ll e+sfiadt irlrilsrt 1si) sa,il €dil€td tl qrslsrfr(n) qrtqq,flF{nqfRqrqrfi qrqf€fanr{tl fi.q.f,tgi{I;qE(Uii sf?rgqq6ldlg{Itsf}t: l, !




frrllqqfril{d zd+.4qqt61qq(gfi) ll

.nIrTFt dqt g{Trfrdlfi:dls':qiifi6e: rt qn;alseq{t: elnsnqq]qq irril) sqfigits?'ii: ll qt (h.itt slqrlqqdl{fiqr-aii.rqH:q{Kfagfrtqqqrgilfi{l \

z \ {

il srgT{qtl q*i{{rql $ou{iutr q{qqe{ q {fi q Eflr I 1 A

wir.g*€srqtiaiqiiqnrlor {r{rk ult raqft ttdRtl Sloka B!. Thc person born with the Sunin the 8 t h b h a v aw i l l b e h e a r ! ' w i n n i n g s, k i l l e di n d i s p u t e sa n d discontented; if th: Moon be in the sreqrrra(Ashtama bhava),the in{luenceon the person born is that he will be eagerfor war, liberal,fond of amusement and learning.

ffiaq,ii q;rqq qq{r'rqflgil GtTrK(! srrttsI

Rfrfrnwqw{R* qalgqnftqgissq0 n cl tt



Adh. VIII.

Slyfa 83. The pereon at whose birth Mars occupies the 8th bhava will be plain in attire, rich and possessedof authcrity over a multitude ; if the planet in the stsqlrrEf(Ashtama bhava) at a person'$ birch be Mercury, the person born will be renowned for his many good gualities, the most notableof them being good breedingand will have much wealth.

t*lrqtatqrqi qR Rr?qgfrFrrqftirugr

qiqfgrq{fie{rgoquqfrqft | rrrtt qrEq{&

qft ft.qrnrofrRrnquwirrtrg} t;qqft qftT{lrtt qi,iffiq frnfttr dB ll {d b-{nqqqi Sloka 84. If Jupiter occupy the 8rh bhava at a person's birth, he wiil be long-livedand sagacious but of ignoble deeds; if Venus be in that bhava the person born will be blessedwith long life, have every comfort, be endowedwith matchlessstrengthanJ prssessgreat (Ashtamr bhava), wealth; if Saturn be in the ets{IrTrcr the peraon born will be a hero, the foremost oi fiery men but will becomebereft both of strength and riches ; if Rahu occupy the 8th bhava,the person born will have to enduretrouble and public censure, be dilatory in action and will sufferfrom many ailments.

*fr qqrrtq.r*wR qrdrqrffqrilfugt I

frAfuts-dt{qqtfq6grc\ ftrrigflqrrfrsRgper S/ofra85. When Ketu occupies the 8th bhava, the person born will deeire to possess the wealth of others and to enjoy their women; he will sufferfrom dieeaees,being given up to profligacy; he will be exceedingly avaticious. When Ketu in the 8th bhava ic aspectedby a benefic planet, the influenceof this on the personborn is that he will become very wealthy and long,lived,

sl. g6



Nores. Brihat Jataka. If the Sun, Mars or Saturn should occupy the 8th house,the person will have a limited number of issues and will have a defective eyesrght. If the Moon be in that position, the nativc will have a fickle mind and will sufier from diseases. Mercury in the Sth housewill causethe native to be widely known for his good qualities. Jupiter or Venus in the 8th bhava will make him base. r6-6?.1fr{r

{dtlntg:gqqq+}fiqnEEfiqqrr: ll \




€at (q-4) {Fqefig: ll

gmnnfrFqa:rr Sds{q;rseqEfr'rq fipflilrcqf)rug: gierF&qftilsetqueiartt

ll frit qlqiitew +gx.rr{tqlgfi+set fragqfqorfEiqfinqet nfrqr:(+fi:) ll : Hetr;ilqqrfrfl trtq\ zftftqi qfrqrits$rfl}st€: m,,qr€qligftc' (tr*) rlwrglgflaq ffi ErilTq+seqrqq: s€qrgftEfiG{,sEq r;}r (til) tr€q{ii6aq61{f{6q}q11

il lrt{Ts-qll A\A\A.l-rrn--Ca

smERI ;HqRQIIITq{geffiT F{tIITtT?til!



";t qtt ftxfts(ftqr<<raf g{amt Wfr

dr+} qffi g qfiqiiqs ildt gflrrrtrrr dq

Sloku 86. When the Sun is in the 9th bhava, the perEonborn betraysantipathy to his parente and cpiri, trnl preceptorsand betakeshimself to a religion differe.nt from theirs; when the Moon occupierthat bhava, tk person born will be devoted to his duties towards the 7l




Manesand the Godsand bestowliberalgifts ; the pereon at whose birth Mars is in the gth bhava, will be associated with somethingwrongand untowardtowards parents hie while enjoying renown in otherrespects ; whenMercury occupiesthe lrfrsra (Dharmastthana,the fth bhava), the personborn will be in possession of wealth righteously acquiredand will be learnedand virtuous.

{Trtqfrt {no(ffi *? eqrtqn} ffimorgeftqqr gh grtt qfr t

qt nnq'JaltdwrdCIFqrd ffi qd rrrq* Uqi g uffi6q1 qdfiwt ilcatt Sloha 87. If Jupiter be in the 9th bhava, the penon born will be wise, devoted to his duties and will eerveao a king's minister ; if Venus be in that bhava, the person born will be conspicuouE a! a posEeolor of learning, wealth and a family of wife and children ; if Saturn be in the Bhagya (9th), the pereon born will becomecelebrated in the battle.field and will he rich but without a helpmatein life; if Rahu occupy the 9th bhava,the person born will hate his lawful father while pocsesoingfameand wealth.

qq I tfi gwumqtg *{i qrrfi Rqqiqqftfti-sr Wt ft{aqqtsiiqrqtqrt frcâ‚Źr{rd}stM n cc tl Sloho88. When Ketu occupiesthe Guru (9th) bha, va, the perEonborn will be short tempered,eloquent, void of virtue and reviling others; he will be brave, hortile to his parents,ostentatiousin his behaviour, delighting in the society of the indolentand full of arrogaoce.




NotBs Brihat Jataka. Varahamihira unlike some Astrologers gives good efiects for the Sun being posited in the 9th house. The person will be endowed with children, werlth and happiness. The effect of Mercrlry in that bhava is similar to that of the Sun. The Moon is very good in the 9th as the native will possesssons, friends, relations and wealth. Mars in the 9th housewill causethe persn to commit sinful actions. Jupiter or Venus in that position will make him devout aud philosophical. q'cdft-dr

Rqqds} flHflfig{ilqfgtqGqqat: tt

qfr fHqrt'{:tt nrfir(rrfirft)g,{qqleqgrEq Zqg€Ef\Fqlsild:gt ffrqTf,fi:(gi; rr

fiqrqtqrtfi: R-6d{ft{gt vr.n{toiisfiqpCt tt gt (g(})siearqeru{afrqr: 11 Fqrd:fl?Hfiq: flqRg€Tr.qi fhftqoqqrrqgt (g*) ll {Fqrqliqqilrdq&dRil rQ gt Bt.' t qfirt (trdl qnX€{trrlotg1qtflf ilsg,rq{Ru

qlqdiqg,rfrqrrnuetr qrfiqqqrdqn{qErTr( vT thilt rr

ll EdFTqrl qmRqtffi fffiddo!| ftqrqqiFugeisEftqroaeq qi co firqt qElffiqEq-

qvnqeaftumwrffi'osll cq ll Slola 89. When the Sun is in the l0th bhava, the person born will have hereditary wealtb, vittrre, learning,fame and strength and will be a king's peer; when the Moon is in that bhava, the person born will




eageilyseekand obtain wealth, corn, apprrel, ornaments, dalliancewith women and skiil in the arts.


g silil! roqRiltoqftqn t

-qrTrdq;tgt wwi{qrq{fritr{ii{iErftglu 1o ll Sloka 90. Those at whose birth Mars occupies the 10th bhava, will be predominant in valour and wealth and will become famous; when Mercury is in that bhava, the person born will engagein pursuits promoting the advancementof all kinds of knowledge, fame and wealth.

ftrqra{r mg'Fnq"rft iiana} qmi qrqki t

g* ufirqrit s{srautqowCIcqit{iftgr qr( 3t

Sloka 91. When Jupiteroccupiesthe 10rh bhava at a person'sbirth, he will succeedin his undertakings, be of virtuous conduct and steadfastly adhering to his of wisdom and wealth ; own religion and also possessed bhava, he will get wealth that in is when Venus through a tenant of his land, or through some women and will be powerful.

rQ u.o'qdr{tqREssd

qrfr qfl frq'$orr{q {RrsI

ffiqrfrgqg{qtir it{ftd qt siffi g wrksurqq ll 11 ll qr=t Sloka 97, The personrt whose birth Saturnoccupies the l0th bhava will chastise offenders in the capacity of a magistrate, will be proud, wealthy, promineot in his own frmily and of a heroic temperament. When Rahu is in tha Dasama(lOth) bhava, the person born will have a genius for thefc and will accordingly be void of virtue and eagerfor combat.

st. 93-94



gdtful tircqtiqrrqit{tffie(rfl q fttqEf{r t

ir$Kqifii{RrsT;Trqrl'qr r(r"F[r m{qt q *dr lt qQ tl

S/oArr93. When Kctu is in the 10th bhava, the personborn will be wise, strong, skilled irr the arto, self-knowing,loving the peoplebut acting in a contrary wise, phlegmatic, foremost among brave men and continually wandering. NorBs. Rrihat latalia. If the Sun occupies the lOth house,




will be happy and powertul. if Nlars, Mercury or Saturn be in the same position, the effect is simil,Lr. The Sun in the lOth I r o u s cg i v e s r n r . x i r n u r nl a b o r a n d m i n i r n u r n i u c o m e . I t i s b a d f o r If the financc, lrccause the Sun there is s,luare to the Lagna, hcuse, the person concerned will

X'Ioon should occupy the l0th

r : o n r p l c : t et o p e r f e c t i o n a n - v t h i n g h e u n d e r t a k e s a n d w i l l b e e n d o w ' ed n'ith virtue, wealth, intellect and valour.

Jupiter or Venus in

the l0th house makes the man wealthy.

,norrftarflgdqrqFcfiqfi,.ftqoql,Q 1r*; fl{ftqfR: il

n{fR(q;e)gqansfrqq+r:tt q,rfH(Fi) q,ifi: *,il qrdrqsr{nqFgd: ll Q ti) rr ffiqqrq:gfiatearfag€q=rqqqrflla: €TqI(:gqilTqqsfn{a"tfi1 qQlni}q:tt n{qf|r1{f:U€'gfbaZfrgtrqg{ tl qdi {r zqfilq;ftsfiqr: ry: dhdtso+\1wa};rr Frrrfl:e tnti) seqgdls;qflifira: nc+i{lilsqq:tt tqfH ilfH (*n]) rriiqfiqfRqq rt ne*fifiawgfq.qqqqus

il or}tuilETq tl {rii or{qa g rEdgotiigrqrtd}rar

ffgsq fiqq{itsqitdr olqft?rtdtuir t



Adh. VIII.

qfq* qwlffi q$Ernrdlqtl frtqr{ qfr n qBtl dA orqqt.rt ftgrrqli{qrq{r€t Sloka 94. The personat whose birth the Sun is in the llth bhava, will hrve exrensive weaitb, wife, children and slavesand will be hrppy ; when the Moon ic in that bhava,th: p:rson born will be of a pensive disposition and waalthy; when Mars occupieethe qrq (Aya, llth) bhava ar a person'$birrb, he will be clever in speech,lustful, wealthy and valiant; when the occu, pant of ttre llth bhava is Mercury, thc perron born will poesessan acute intellecr,be famed for his learning and in posseasionof wealth.

qrqeisqrqftfr mo{iHaqnnrrilqil 6mat Ugi AStr{{qdroisdrilr ftqn{ t

*.n Wno-qftqit$of{rft rrt }Trgi

qr* *rRrnrdi {ofiro€Frt qfr qfker n q\ tf

Sloha 95. The person ar whose binh Jupirer occupiesthe llth bhavawili hrve a srrong intellect; his name will be celebraredand he will be wealthy When Venus is in the labha(llth) bhava, the person born will liva in comfort, longing for women other tharrhis own, with wanderingpropensitiesand p.ssess. ed of wealth. When Saturn occupies that bhava, the perscn born will be voluptuous with large wealth got in a king'c service. With Rrhu in the llth bhava,the p€rrn born will loee his senseof hearing, win fame in the battle-fieldand become wealthy and distinguished for learning.

sqr;elqttfrrR{l?rdr{t qfrqqr;smilf\Fqr I

tqnsftqr{u(arq\qtgftq-{rm: {ilqr I qq tl

sl. 96-9?


Sloha 96. When Ketu is in the penultimatebhava the personborn will be valiant, [,ind to other people and honored b)' them, he will be of a contentedframe of mind, possessed of power, with lirnited enjoymente, delighting in works of beneficenceand the practiceof virtue. Brihat Jataka.


The Sun, Mars, Mercury or Saturn in the I lth house will make the person born wealthy. If the Moon be in the llth, the personwill become famous and will acquire wealth and the like. Jupiter or Venus in the I lth will make him prosperous. qa{flc-dr

qqqtsfrqgqqgffqdaifrr qrqfA:rr qnql {6rg{n?rnq{*: sq {t (rrfirfi) n qqgqgfrsfit:qii irr g{d: gfr 11 q6E: HilFn+Rsouagrfi orq+(i) €ilSr: rl eTT'{Ft (fri) qfr*sqdtseqnqri} rTT;r{: }qrq.r,} 1g rnrffi6nsqr{dqi{H}€u.ri ugirqfr tl q6rg:ftqrsqqrqsQn; (afr:){i} fihr} qfl tl aftrrarftgofhrrgrg\ ofi snqlqq:rr €rq (hfi) sEdqqqingq gqlriqqtqfrqrqHn€rQfr&q tl

I e{eT6rr{FT U Eqqfrqi{yfr S{ildi q5r g{tq:qlt*sqs trr{ | qrtsvni GRiqEr{t qh Rt{ tnffi{rrr n qe fl Sloha 97. When the Sun ie in the tZth bhava. person born will possesssons, will be maimed,but the very energetic, and will blecomean apostateand a vagrant. When the Moon occupies the last bhava, the




personborn will live in a foreign country. When Mars is in that bhava, the effect on the person born ie that he will be:ome odious and be without wealth and without a wife

q-'gAqstsmi Rqwtwrflgi Rrqt qrEtsiqqoiszqltq(rqfrSltqqr;Biqi t

g* u;gRir{ru\s;s{dqrfrqqrft sqil q't itlqUt rri ftqq{tdtott

it{$r ll qd ll

Sloha 98. The person at whose birth Mercury occupies the tZth bhava will be odious to reiatives, poor and senseless ; if Jupiter be in the last bhava, the personborn will be scepticalin regard to religioo, irre, solute,of wandering habitg and evil-minded. When Venus occupiesthe last bhava, the effect on the perEon born is that he will losehis relations,becomea professed rake and grow penurious; if the planet occupying the .rs (Vyaya, llth) bhava be $aturn, the person born will be deficient in intellect and turn out a dolt, a pauperand a cheat.

ftSst iirqnriftrier wqfu{neft l?qoqngf I gilqitr{Rqiinr*r qq qA Rdor iifrr? aqqrt tr Sloka 99. When Rahu is in the 12th bhava, rhe personborn will be immoral,but prosperous,defective in iimb and dispssed to help orl.lers. The peruon at w h o s eb i r t h K e t u i s i n t h e a a f V y a y a , 1 2 t h )b h a v a w i l l be fickle and immoraland will lose what ancientwearth and statushe may be possessed of. NorEs' Brihat Jataka. The eliectof any oneof the planets, the Sun, Mars,Mercury o r S a t u r n ,b e i n g p o s i t e di n t h e l Z t h h o u s ei s t h a t t h e p e r s o nb o r n

$. rm



will suffer degradation. The l{oon iu the l2th is also bad. The native will be wickedly disposed and defective in some limb. Jupiter in the l2th makes the person a villain while Venus iu that position urakes him rich. q-dElftdr

fr'dt|qrifi{,o}a} fiqqgi 6qqqt(s}) rr

aqt iluri|g:dt{ftrfr rRndiwe-ar, tt gi auafiAf,:Ehifsqli) ftgalsqrr:11 "et

tgU ztfrwga tl {ti} frqrfiqla:rfiuenRils<} licaq:mfrsog:tat, 11 ttq] fr+uasrr6q+ qgqrqfa6q+flrfiMngrfrt rr

fr.iwrtgfr"q+({+) sqfr*e} rr Kil fixqrft'n' qâ‚ŹsarEndf qE6qq+ii ft:hsgt+frRa:u (rr$)

q;dasrqqqq-"qqqE{Tqi fi'h Gtq{frqfqftq q qtd:tl

wd Rqarq*q1Quatrnqiil dt(ft frsqrrEt{qE!sffidTq3rEttilrd+rrt

gqt f i {rrfrqtia}wqfr'ff'qrlwerfu

qti iitr{q! glrro'qgtfter{ {qnlfrql tl to" ll Sloht 100 When the Sun is in exaltation, tbe perEonborn will possesswealth and commandan army; if the Moon be in the position of exaltation,the perEon born will have rich food, clcthing and ornamentB in abundancebut will be cursed with bad sons. When Mars occupies the exaltation sign at the birth of a per6on,the latter will be valiant. lf Mercury occupy the position of exalration,the personborn will raise the Etatusof (advance)hisfamily, will rule over men, willbe talented,victorious over hi*foes and live in happinecc. 7L




If the planetin exaltation be Jupiter, titrepersonborn will be the founderof a long enduring family, will pooEeEs moral worth, will be clever, learnedand in royallfavor.

gh ffi furq{frilrqf,{ilUsffq} qti mq$ndqtRfrqftqfin: Uqrftrillt

qrtl qhqiilqqs Sffin! qKs$6ff q*

*ft qlmq atqlrrqffiq] qrqt n lot tl

Sloka 101. If the planet in exaltation be Venut, the perron born will be fond of the compaoy of gay women, mugic and dancing; if Saturn, the personborn will have jurisdiction over a village, town or Eome forest region and will be addicted to unmarried girls ; if Rahu, the person born will be a robber chief, the chosenman of his tribe, heroic, addicted to evil deedr and possessed.of wealth; if Ketu, the pereonborn will associatewith thieves and enjoy the lavor of Eorne petty king. cf. *rorr+tr?r+t


U{ dqrrt qra: frrn-ssqtlqq I Rt dq.rt qrdl qqq;qr&q\qiq rr qli dq,Th qril qi ilqT rrficqfAI n]* drqqirqrii {i;qf}rqqqlnqr( rr gil ellqnt qril qfi il;qrGilqi( r gh e'lqlt qrii rrqfhqqqrnqr( tl n* elqqt ildl wqftqed qqs rr

qt sft ftq'lail qqftraqqlfqfr ' qRhftsnraftqRnnq-qrqrâ‚Ź{r :I

sl. 102



sqKgulegilqqf1fimqrfrqqr q+ qilfRff** fiorq gnl*trt rr Also qf;rsfrrdmr?:

{f1:qqusg;{d,ilr, {F: motf}fE4rq{: I grt rt soscftqTgc, sqFq)rrrFi[.(: froqqqgifr qrqrf+iq *rfqfiR€t r q$ffdr sm+gq sqF,ilRqrrr uti rr sqearqrt$ ae nawgfrElqr ZrSoa-ergieqrq)qga,greirr frq] gRqfrd qaRq{: fr,qro*R}.,r eTftqfrfrt{i*^;i qlrfagoarts€rr:flftq: tt Ftl{I{: U,r3tn:W{{q{{a qo-sdgRa: t €.q-d 11g{taia gu{t sq,il qq tt hilri srd q{t ffi q rrrq;n:+fin: r qqilfr-orrrflfrfug€Fqrr: {€i tl g€srtfigRf{pqnsmar$ {f, r lfr urq*d qrqrqlvari: fifi 11 1ir gwfru: uqwfiiarqqfhqiU€r; r wq+orqfllqfreaeqfg€q: gpi 11 wf+r: F,{ffi atqrilit fq"qrqiqqwi} a: 1 qmqftarqo]'qrmgqn{: f}fra. 11

qs: RrgS{'tei ftrrtr?ttiq(,r

t rFd{d gETdq ff to? ff

SloAa l0Z. Even one planetoccupyingits exaitation aod aspectedby friendly planets can makethc *rr*, born uader its influence a lord of the carth, eaioent and honorable,and secureto hirn alliee.

Adh. vlil.



Norrs' qrF.vII-56


qugt srlil:qqr;ft udt

qrt<il rn(ai ftS qqrqrfrs-rfidlqtq t

sq{tg rsftg qoqr{Hg qlrdrrt

waqiqqig gfrrnflrtg dhryt, tt 1"1 ll Sloha f03. When a single planet occupiesits etaltation in strength, the person born wiil possessplenty of conr and wealth. When two planets are in their exaltationand possessstrength,the person born will be a feudatoryor tributary princc, When there are three suchplanets,the pelsonborn will be a king; whert four such planetsoccupy Kendra positions, the personborn will become a pou'erful king of kings. When five planetsoccupy their exaltation signs in power, the person born will becomethe lord of the whole world. cf. floc-df{r*r

q{qdi iln<r flqlfrdfiqrqfr t Ad+ q fltq"dfqrri! rq'iqft:tl \\


c \\ qdqilq flqrz^gI( qelq e,Ifiqlq;fi: ll

ll {uffiqq6so{


ilte qfr Wsiqrtt qr,iitrfr qflrqr

q* iq-dgr{rFqeq eR fr{i flI{tidf I

ilrrri qffi q{i g{gt rir.ii ilrcftqr gh rrqgfli\qurftt q[t{gufr qal ll I "8 ll SloAc 104. lf the planet in the qsB*lo (Moola Trikona) be the Sun, tha personborn will be wealtby andreveredby the people; if it be the Moon, the perton


sl. r05


born will be rich and happy; if Mars, wrathful and ruthless; if Mercury, rich and devoted to religious prayers;if Jupiter,voluptuous and liked by kings; if Venus,ruling villagesand towns ; if Saturn,brave; if Rahu,the personborn will ba poss:ssed of wealth. cf. qr(sh

qtgft frqgF.il qq+qir6qf}figorq t q'rfr'riqnq;dfiqqrfi {rdt Rdurrr:grq( ll Er,)sRdFnqfHq( t+gfr{q qrRr

qH frnq{iFwRrggfi+,}qq' od rr ffq' gq€o*tq<ntqqfaigqltaq.r

qTil{g€{ftqqaq qrsg{}Tu{rqqfigqqq1 gTr.qRfrq enffi: '{q{FdS€gd q{q ll Also flasr.riiqaitr

vfr gc1firiffislqret fqqr+tr qd qii q *il q ,ili qtqq, eo: 1;

gt frdqt ftil ft+{t flqfr qr:r Ur] qrqg{r{tqtqasfqqfl: g{t: ll

g* B+iqi gn, gwgritqttqfi: r q-t qii *: aif qil{F: geier:rl \ qffiE${ 11


€{ qTqf{qrrqtkqu-qrMt frqt ffisqq-riioi uf\qoqd st qiisnrr qlt il.qssiTrqsrftqti gh qqqi $ft

u-i qosrtsfrqrctir nir qqlRr{rqn ( o\ tl

Sl.ka 1t15.If the Sun be in sRs (Swakshetra), thc person born will own a fine mansion, leada de-



Adh, vI[.

it** qte person the born (Swakshetra), Moon that is in will have power, beauty and wealth; if Mars, he will be famed lor his agricultural strength; if Mercury, he will be learned; if Jupiter be the planet occupying eba (Swakshetra),the person born wili be devoted to poetry, the arts, traditional doctrines and the sacred Ecriptures l if Venus,he wilt b: intellectu'rland wealthy; if Saturn,the person born rvill b: distinguished by fierce prowessbut bereft of happine. ; if Rahu be the planet in q*a (Swakshetra), the person born will possessfame and wealth. c/.


qrIE5\ {q} c}h qtlqq sqlqfi t

ll ff| sqrn:rrg&qâ‚ŹtGqEInfr

q{qrfi | ewrt g+........qqd gt an*urfi1' frfeil qaanft11 qfi 61;tr:grffia.qu' qTt gil r eq,td;afi{â‚Ź, g* nfl fi-q: gAqa: tt

qqrRqraflftrqtsqffi qrrfuqirtrlrqftger{qt I

qqGfh q&drtrAqkffiltfuutuguurll l"Q ll Sloko 106. It is exactlyas a net grows with the growth of iis meshesthat a man attains a position of equality with his tribesmen,a position of superiority, an honoredplaceon account of comparatively higher wealth, pre-eminencefor vast riches, e status equalto a king s or a kiogship itself according as the number of planeu occupying eha (Swakshetra),at his birth happeneto be one, two, three, four, five or eix rc*pt:ctiu+fry*

sL l0T cf,





SoHITgogFqqogKqT {igthrr)fiZq: d{tqar


l_l_r_l planets **" ,Seven | | , their own l-l I occupylng


I |



u piter

u fhetrqoqrr ffiTqn r* esgâ‚Źgrilr wqt q+{ mtt rgqrnftreqqiHcrfr mr<+ |

qrfirgiqrgfurerwnRrr{rng{ftrqr ffi frETds ftfr gtgtqtqt Ttrdrsrrtrr I oefl Sloku 107. When the Sun' is in the house of a friendly planet, the peraon born wiil have firm. friends and will be liberal and famous; when the Moon is in such a porition, the peraon born wiil be esteemed,live in comfort and have wealth ; when Mars is in a friendly houce the person born wifl enjoy the favor of ricb friends; when Mercury is in that position, the person born will be most witty ard jovial; when jupiter occupiestbe house of a fricndly planet,the person borc will delight in the society of the learned aad the virtu. ouo ; when Venus occupiessuch a position the erfect ir that tbe perron will be h"ppv in the society of hra




birth, the latter will be fed by another as he will have no wealth. cf. rntsrrffi

tlruf,: qFqfr€q:I df fnflt r"{TId: q;A qft qrqgtragii qtqrqfr tt q}} mdq{{t a gt 6eq{Tfh6:1

ll gFfr{qtF: HiTt s6a;frfign: g* fta'lt dh qfr sgarfxn:I trq}tqrs(ittt s6qfi(frqi( tt Also tms-dl

fleqtst: eqmftqdez.q{qril(qI

ll frafrtr,rrufr q((d\ e.'{H}€qqgqnq I effirqfrsfqg€{ gEqqr{q{ullflftq {ftrq: gq(€{a: +iffn qrgdQlsqrfif,{ u qqerqftq:kq s,rt e gfifte+nlut r

u fqxqt €Ucqq:geFx,icftnl?nqfAq{q. rrrtis{gg: gretwra,i\f}aqqd6fi16q 11

q{mt gd gE-tfi(!qrg+gurflqgqtsI ffi qilq*sr q furrftrwi ffir( 11{od ll Sloka 108. A personis famous,h"ppy, pleasedwith by hir lriend, witty and jovial, wise, voluptuous or fed the bounty ol another accordingas the planet in a friend ly house at his birth is the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn respectively'

qtr*qlilfrr qTafrfud.fr lr€sI

* gdAqxttt<{qfl3 eTffiffiqu{,ll t"q ll




. v w v v v v y v - - . - - -

g€qgst qfiil tMql qs Aq(rt I qqF! qq.mti qtHT{ls<t|qwrkfrtll llo ll Slokas109and 110.If at a person'Ebirth, the numberof planetsoccupying lcetr (Mitraksheua) be one,the personborn will live on another'saubetance; if two, he will be enjoying the wealth of friends; if property; if four, three,he will live upon self-acquired he will bestowliberalgifts; if f ive, he will rule over a communityor tribe ; if the numberof planetsoccupy' ing friendlyhousesbe six, the person born will be in commandof an army; when suchplanetsnumberseven, the personborn is a king. Norrs' cf, z.s{rilfi

q{fiqEg€c€qog,i}nu qqqqe{zqra{tatg tt

If seven planets are in friendly houses [or+ri]+ (Tatt atika) and rtq,i (Nisarga) combined], the native will becornea King. The following chart seemsto be the only possibility.

c/, nrcre-di

flarq.igtn il fh*'I$qr&il Ow,rr qrqqg€iqml Efirfifrrdt,li6o),FztTit:I

qrqoftErwiq{agfrfit-q1, fr16,11 73



Adh. vIIl.


wilqf,q+:sriqefrnd fr'rry'fidl r qefti\oqg€q:<rR ll R<fiuiqiqqrEqqgqR

sHfr*i'ft{gqr€qTs srqi}TrqrI

wrftrtrt Trt$qrti ltt tl Sloha | 11. If there be three planetsin their exal, tation eignsat a birch, the person born will be a king. If three planets occupy eha (Swakshetra), it is "a minister that is born then. If three be eclipsedat a lrrson's birth, he will be a glave. If three be in depres, uion eigns,the person born is an idior. c/. srwd

aEqil qiqiii qfi,i +lslFqdHEr$q( I ilrawTrTldiqwft q trq: qfril{ ll a} *TQro}$edrgp,66 q;gxfid q-qq I q{r6{TEeRo rqrqqil}Fre*fiqrn: rr

fffu1p {rmr.itftd€i{rrftq\qTKr \9

{tdtd rt mEgrr*ftqfr rr\ ' I tM qt + gr*l qrqdr {qfr R*oisUeq,qftqr

qti ql-qr(sldt g Ud* q;tssE:frsr$CIt f t1

Sloha 112. When the Sun is in an inimical houee, the pereon born will sacrifice the convenience of his father and engage in the serviceof others when the ; Moon is in eucha position, the person born will studi, ously causeaffliction ro his mother and will suffer from heart dieease; if Maro be in a houseowned by an eoemy,

sl. 113



the person born will be defective in somelimb, ungrate, ful and unclean; if it be Mercury that occupiesa hostile house,the person born will be mrserableand inclined to evil; if it be Jupiter, the person born will be speculating about the future; if Venur, he will be a hired laborer; if Saturn be in a house owned by an enemy at a person's birth, the latter will have to b: way-faring and suffer sorrows therein. d. qrail.Rtc-qk

q{ ftu€ dt* f?q\,ftGdirt, r

q* eqqii.ftq +h iar qe] Hn:11

gt fisG gtil ar<srit{:qftGa: t frl q qrqtFJ+?Rrdtdufr1: n qs: qt' gh {3G sgf}t,fqdi r n* "qruqirirtq fldfrqfAiiqlq rr


5tt agqtrsdft:€i fiqqq'itRdqffEI gftarqi+:gft eirfiqqfi'It qt ffird{tl qFqlfiqs{Tn fri fi*b q g,i,i,iiq: r sTanqfrfrala g*sfit i'rg,cnfd{taqrr fri unffiqilrq{ti qqfrSnq r gslsR$ {d{ sff1qfrg:fhnqah tl qrptrgdisR gd qfri ;qiEqffedlrff.rTa{ I tT{ trs.qil ftq-qr ftgtttl alqfT€qErlt

e4grwnf€H{dr 5-$ftqtrr{{n t?1 rr

Sloka LL3 If there be five planetsoccupyinghostile houses,they will be productivc of mixed effects(good and evil). If there be six such, comforr will diminish and misery will preponderate. If there be eeven of



Adh. VIII.

them in inimicrl houses their effect will be misery and that wholly. If the planets in these positions be eclipoedalso,they work evil. c/. VII-56 (latterh^rfl:;?. Also srcr+dr

arqftqq{fl}*}aEolfisfiq$qhr{ r wffuft.pnnfi gfi qFqq+*ftal lr it: afrcqaqefanFTr{ | fiRquqqg'qgai qFEr{{eq}fr.grrEfaqmqrfqdgrqr{ ll

qeffiqtfiernqe-waf{rnnanqI n$qrQaagqig:crai \q qoqflt, n

flElftt qkqr {tqrsgt qKliqr{ I rfcsFaEq*qqq{aoflai qrfoc RErll

u ftRrftso{ rl g qftirwgt {ilt tes flTA ffi rftdfi wfrftqguqqrEr{Si 5dH}q* t

gfr e;gi*tqaEsRrgf fr*sqqrqt eur

U* grcrer{ft lril{qdts}frqqrqor llttsll

Sloha IL4. If the depressedplanet be the Sun at a person'sbirth, che latrer will be an abandonedperson without friends or relations and bent on going into exile; if it be the Moon, the personborn will be ailing, with little religious merit or wealth to help hin; if Mars, the person born will be ungrateful and indigent; if Mercury be the depressedplanet, the person boro will be base and hostile to his relatives; if Jupiter, he will be under censureand disgraceand turn out to be wicked; if Venus, the person born will be intent on

sl. 115-116



what leads him to sorrow; if Saturnbe the depresred planet,the personborn underits influencewill b: wichand mischievous. out wealth,without wife, unfortunate qr<r+Sr cf. -

frq qfralgaf hq qt-srqnn{dq tl ilfiqqfQg'rit olh r RrrRrreqgoq dtqrq:fl{fraq]sat-qrilqdgqfrdtqq ll get Rq*tge:g4 qtrfrq'St q t

,iti go: rysrhqfAi qrsrqr{rq'Tfd{taq, tt

qqeErtfiqqrfto{t ergr<ftilsen=e +)q] fiqadte fi{f€arqT(qq{f*iq ll

dfqqT+gqo wi frfrq*qris6{{r*g I

qtrfuget$eqGgdt+Rta.rftuftrgEq{ n t t\ ll Sloka 115. Full effectis producedby planetswhen in their exaltation states; their effecr in their own Navamsas(<ait) is the s rme as when they are in their Moolatrikonas (qoH*or). Their cffects in friendly Navamsas(S€fir-S"tridamsa) is the same as when they are in e&z lSwakshecra),thcir effccts in depressedor eclipaedstatesis the sameas when they are in inimical houges. Norns. This sloka appears in qlil4ctl with a slightly different reading,


drgqrtg sd ffrq e&eqeqqqni{+g I 'itaft,rrtg qEr:qtqqEds€ fleqqtn*g tt

U{ qr{M{Eatqrff€{frs5oqll ttE ll oCaS

S'oha 116. The good influenccof planetsis at its maximum, three quarterc,half , a quarter,at its minimum


Adh. VIII.

or nil accordingas the planetsare in the exaltationsign, Moolatrikona (toh+br), Swakshetra (e&a), Mitrak, shetra(fuTte = friendly sign), Satrukshetra(aa*l : inimicalsign), depression sign, or (combustiooi "oo, junction with the Sun. NorE,s. This sloka is the same as VII-58


tqfr*urm; â‚ŹTgrfl qfutrgrnrI qffi qit fi,rqn tt t tn tt llqqrqrrilrrTr{Tr Sloka 117. Bene{icplanetsyield good resuitswhen they occupyin strengththc Kendra or Trikona bhavas. Malefic planetsproduce good results when they are in Btrengthin the 3rd, the 6th. or in the llth bhava.

T{qsufrqgdhfiq*;nwq*qqqr{r{ wrft qrft r ti UfGsrtsorft q *'tftarii qfril{qgr*a'6q{al{nff(

'Ihe Sluku 118. severaleffects due to the coming togetherof six, five, four, three or two planets and to their being in their exaltation, qoilolor (Moolatrikona), <&e (Swakshetra),i*e*a (Mithrakshetra), ng'fia (Satruksheira) or fts (Neecha) have been treated of in this chapter, under the benign influence of the blessings obtained from the Sun and other deities presiding over the nine planets.

s,frufrrqqe*qqr tqnrE&dlt qril{qrfiilt qil{qsqrr;qrqissqlll Thus ends the eighth chaprerbearing on the effects due to planets occupyirrg various positions under various formations in the work JatakaParijata compiled by VaidyanathaDikshita under the auspicesof the nine planets.

ffiqrqtsqrq: uqffirr Adhyaya


T l t r - u r r p c r o F GU L IK TY\,e e n ,E rc.

qr;qaEGsorfiqitq Ufu* uqitaftF(dtr trft qTqgtg i{gililK!ri* grrrruq r

f+{Rifrq.ngilsarr{: aiutgtrorr*q

qrrrilqqdlqt nnqirftqrftd*srrEru I tl

Sloka l. I am ro cJescribe the infiuencesof the time of gfuo (Gulika), of the yerr, the month, the day, the hour of birth, upon the person born. If gfuo (Gu, lika), be in the lst bhlva, the person born will be dull and sickly; if gib* (Oulika) in the Lagnabe associated with malefic planets,thc persori born will be deceitful, lustful and depraved; ii .gi}-â‚Ź({Julika) be in the Znd bhava,the person born will have a craving for sensual enjoyment,be o[ wanderinghabits and indulge in scurrilous language; if gfuo (Gulika) be aseociatedwith maleficplanets in the 2nd bhava, the effect on the person born is that he will have no wealth and at all eventswiil be destituteof knowledge. Nores. The merhod for finding the position of iJb{ (Gulika) and other Upagrahashas already been describedin detail (rzde notes to II-6 and V-57 supra).





In this and in the next five slokas, the author gives briefly the effectsof Gulika occupying any one of the l2 housesin a nativity. As these are given in greater detail in r-o41i*t (Phaladeepikar, relevant passagesfrom that work have been extracted in their appropriate places for the information of the reader. Ilesides a full aspectcast on the seventh houselike other ordinary planets, Gulika has a futl glance over the 2nd and the l2th houses reckonedfrom it.

*r' $i fiqqifRiiqqflrerqHtai arfrr,1oiqqifaaiTqrfAqlqlfAga: r ireqlilil gt+f+tfia)esq|1crft+.{t 1n) aer<fQqeqfi: f,rqqiqrf'-qd*tt q farqlai qrtnqrfi t n qrgqrrqftd(rqrTrn} n qEi(fqTd&qrflr+q]Ranqii 'qn{rffl{iFttl

fuaq{qEGfiar qgrd}qqmr*qs.Hqr t

ftqefiuqqq Rrirfir fftqqrqft q=rci qil n i tl

Sloha 2. When gfu+ (Gulika) is in the Brd bhava,the personborn will be distinguished by aloof, nesr,pride,drunkennesp andsuchqualities, will dieplay of ill te mper and burtling activity in an abundance regardto the acquisitionof wealth,will be exemptfrom distreusand danger and will be without brothersor sigters' NorES. q6<tq+r. This sloka appearsin

fuur*-*td q-d {tilftqr

q.rrlagqq;gQfqrfrsaar aTqI

inqrfiqrt rdffifi futol

qsqRrqffifcr-<g{iftrqt{ft uI u

sl. 3'6


Sloka 3. When Gulika is in the 4th bhava' the person born will be devoid of learning,wealth' houses, happiness, lands and vehicles and will become a When Gulika is in the 5th bhava, the *rrrd.t.t. personborn will be immoral, irreeolute, evil-minded, have few sons and will be short-lived' nodfr+r

q s+ rr gufenftgi q6;g{rqliflaaoqfai+gfealeq;itft

qgiorft ga;nr5ia wiiai<t qft ftg'&qti ffEgi g wr I usauRqfiifiIq{i irqrtl {soqaiaftdiq;qgRt6ff{f ll I ll SloA,r 4. Wh:n Gulika is in the 6th bhava, the personborn will destroy hosts of foes, will dabble in i"monology and will be brave; when Gulika <-rccupies be the ?th bhrrrr, the personborn will be quarrelsome, and enemy, public a cursedwith a bad wife, will prove will be scupidand ungrateful' q-o{fc+r

egfiurrnq;ar laGarfiai{t figqagfU*s"i^Bge:Hfl(: ll 6-{.aFFtgfth *odt qgqTq{:I e.]mifiEnqarâ‚Źâ‚Źefl:eeqdtql:ll

fusrqr*q{f qeqtilss{O gtwattffi<I qW WO t slgrl{-ffi\af q,dt qq*ft


ll \ ll

S/ofra 5. Wfien Clulika is in the 8th bhava,the personborn will be deformedin his face with weak 74



impairedeyee and will have a slight body. When Gulika is in the 9th bhava,the person born will engage in vile deedsto such an extent as ultimately to become the murdercr of his parents and preceptors. When Gulika is in the l0th bhava,the person born will abandon all reiigiousduties and observancesprescribedfor his caeteand beingassociated with hundredsof shameful deeds,will become deadto all senseof honor or selfreEpect. ,re-alfta1

pqlalser$ fr+.erqqq+q) 0 o. T{,iqrâ‚ŹE+qi +tnrt fqilq, tt

wftgqqii.risrqrt (rnqfr ftq*tg.dg*qrqciaFoqmr I

frqqGq+it qtq.{rqqq{'tsr}

ftrtqqqru{:q1;q;qfrRrqqrt il q il Sloka 6. When Gulika is in the l tth bhava,the personborn will have much happiness,wealtb, power and beauty, but will occasion the demiee of an elder born person. When Gulika is in the ltth bhava,the peraon will have the appearance<_rf an as:etic and by cleverly employing the languageof the distressadwill get money from every quarter. ro<ttqr

Uqgilqftfq: ryFaqi SrrrflFilll

fiqqfirRit ,iiit rg.uu:qrEq+gfbr,@ lt

qri)ffiufrr{rd{+ofq(eq{tt qfqfi r*iir r

qr;qiiqeiqft(gr{arEs{il â‚ŹErsiis$ilrri{Fittpt! SJofta 7. 'Fhe Lagna occupying a Trikona poei-

sL g,-g


tion in respectto Gulika, and aleo in the sameNavamga or Dwadasamsaas that cccupied by Mandi, and the planetassociatedwith Gulika anC the lord of the sign occupiedby Gulika,all tend to b:cone always malefic, q,qtftor

ql tl gfa+&{,}'{\ qi q=qnqTa{ir.t .

{gil rTRrltTfi{q grsifi qK: Heaqsl \






qr{bumagfrau?rr iii{q {iargwrt \nA\\.

(q{ r ff;rtKf {n{il;T ({gtott gFtros$r ghtr {qErfilrqqadidtqrw'{t.IgiTi ll c ll \




Sloku 8. lf Gulikr be associateCwirir" ti:i: Sun, the personborn will hate his father; if witir tlre i'.{oo.t, the perscn born will cariscdistress to l-ir,;rnothcr, if w i t h M a r s , h e w i l l h a v en o y o u n g . r b r o t h e r ; i f w i t h Mercury, he will ba insane: if with Ji:piter, he will be heretic; if with \/enus, the personborn a blasphemous will be afflicted witir vert.:r.:rldisi:rsrs :rntl '.vill b,: the f a v o u r i t eo f b r s e w ( ) m en . q-oaii+r

qfigdi ftT{-otcq}iii finirug.ni ur{fidfr: qbE Tqgrf,q;fi q dpqr* 1 g€gfoqnuel {*gd qlqfliqdTqq'rt \\\\


I{;(q gfi ITil

qrrt r utfu ilqr{€Uiuiimr qi}aqE} itgr urftirrGgil'&i qqru-*fi yi qrddrqqrrrFqm qrT;rrrr: $fi,sfrf Eo{ il q ll S l o k u I . W h e n G u l i k r i s a s s o c i r t e dw i r h S a t u r n , the person born wi.ll be devoted to pleaaureand enjor,"



Adh. Ix.

Rahu, the person -* tr"t *r-" "tt**ttoc*, a poisoner; when Gulika is associated born will become with Ketu, the person born will bacone an incendiary. When Gulika is in a houseaffected by Vishanadi, the person born, even if he be a ruler of the earth will undoubtedly become a beggar. In fact, the major pla' nets united with minor ones (Upagr,rhas)proCuce a maleficeffect. NorBs. q-t-{itw

qrfigh {rftg} Ug'qruqEaa frwrg: tt

fisil'fr u€gt frrfrgh qFdtRn]qroeit gfo+cfqr;qgaiqfusril zilsGfirqndtil

gF.c,qE nii irqRs{x fifft-q t qrwu-er€*isi* *ql€qq tt q'lqqqrigfr+ qdtqq g{qqfi wer,u&fi: Fll( |

u{+ q sTaqnaq-qrt nge{HhhorFrat:Fg:ll For fisqrf} (Vishanadi) see Adhyava 5, Sloka ll2 supra.

n eTqqffiq ll The narnesof the 60 yearscan easily be retnemberedby com' mittiog to memory the following slokas'

q{AI ftq1: gg: qq}'}s'l qqlqfi: I

eiftn: 'itgqi rrril gri qIdTdt1 q tt $+rt ag*"qa qfl"ft f]+q] w, t ilqnr qrfti arq: ll fraur1:H,iISat

Hifr( qiqrfrq fail{tfiafr: GR:I a-qi ftqq& q+ q-cqgielrr tqaft Rtql q Rtrft {rdfrsq: t

st. 10-11



gqa( alqaa +,)'frfiqrqgrn,r* tt grs' fior' q}'q, grfltnrfitq-5( t qftqrfrqqdtq qq=q]ntdtsro' tl fiso: ifiIdgsa fkqpff rlqg,iiit r

g:gfrtftilerfr rcrqfr*l{q' qrq:tl {T{T{R silKriltfr tti{ilqt

rsuyrâ‚Źitr wrufrq$rn*t fim{rft qrqtfi{d frsgsr

q{oqqst* q;gRumrditt I o u

Sloha 10. The person bcrn in the year Prabhava will be daring, truthful, pcssessedof every virtue, proficient in astrology and pious. The person born in the year Vibhava will be lustful, pure, constartly cheerful and will have prodigiouewealth, relatives,learning and fame. cf,


ryfr: siqq4 grthf*r q t qqt qni at: tl frqtgqJtrflq-d: siqagsfi.it erq Enqarctr&qn, I

qfieil {r-qgSqafiqqrQqfr r{i( rr

qqd rr+( gsr6t qtqrwiiraqu'qerrfi qdt qr{qirsfrqrqqqgqkr nirErhr

q{t ilrqtFmf g$FT!il;il! rffi

*fr{i ftgor,Eqrgrfr{iqrfrrurEqff rt t t tl

Sloha Il. The personbcrn in the year:Suklawill be an adulterer,effere,but liberal and intelligent; the perron boro in the year Pramodutawill be clever in



Adh" IX.

a whose birth is in the year Prajotp;r"tti will be virtuous, bounteous,rich in sons and of a tranquil rJisposition; the perscnwhose yearof birth is Angirasawrll be rich, and ever compassionate. experietrced sagacious, cf .


g{rT: lilf:f,qr{ }r\ft gaelrnrTf}q.t:I


t qf*l'i'tqq' t r{qlf;lliil Rfqqldi tqoirrfln:gr{t ndt qiiE qrqd fu{, ,l qcrqiqtzit qrif aqnernqilqri:t

tqqlqqq.fial mtlfarlg'qq: ll

+,rr1gc{ts qt;itI riinrra.ii'{ee?q:t qqatt ',llqlgiqgeacaflsilarq? qRI! qlurqq.qt qqqqdrolgiqi{iqtq q\ql nsmfi qil'Iqqoq"{tr qqlt qE: I Sdqqg.dqi!E{tqqilg: drui gqlaef}qq qrdi qrgiTqls;qqnfirf,: {I'{riqKt {61 ll tR ll S / o A r rl l . T i r e p , : r s o nb o r n i n c h c y e a rS r e e m u k h a l o n g sf o r w o m . - nr r o t l r i s o w n . i s h o n e s t a n d w e a i t h y ; the personwhosc birth is in the vear Bhavawill be an a s c c t i ca, k i n g ' m a k e r ,a n d r e n o w n e df o r h i s v a s t w e a l t h and strength; the personborn in thc year Yuva will b: , o s s e s s i nagc o n ' c o v e t o u sf,i c k l e ' m i n d c d ,i l l ' t e m p e r e d p d it[ tire s t i t u t i o n ,l i t t l e l i a b l et o i l l n c s sa n d a c q u a i n t e w healing art ; the personwhose year of birth is Dhatru will be addicted to other people'owives and a crafty lawyer.

sl. 13 cf"




*qra. ggrft: m<: g:lqtl: g,tiit: t

dieQs4qlar: u "lqtgqggaa qrniqir .u6 slqqqrTt qrqqqFgi qrcit qnfin: nfroernugn, tt *tffimig'iltiirflqlg.iqd?s(: I g{eft: qilc}ger"tgr,q}qiq rr 111;tr: nf\\-

e.Iqlg: flr{nT qQlI qalEqqndFT{:I

q&rr ss,itqrqfwit xrqdanrt dtqrff,fl qrttsqoqtS utfr gourarr ffisff ifgqr-qqiqrq* lilqt {Frq Ri,4q 1 T{t rTpTrdf {rldtfifi dqi ir*-gl gr*t c'\A

w(i Rirr{EiqtqR qatkdTrfrrffi1q u ll tl

Sloha 13, The person born in the year Easwan will be prosperous, steady.mindedand a good judge of merit; the person whose year of birth is Bahudhanya will be a rich merchant,beneficentand voluptuous; the person born in the year Pramadhi will be cruel, addicted to evil, hot tempered,friendless but living in comfort; the person whose birth is in the year Vikrama will tte wealthy and valiant and commandan army. cf ,


fl{flr sinTt gerdsfrg<r:r f& qrqt qei:HflsM qit u {r{lqqdsTrtrfQ mgqdsqfbe.i a.rdrrtrflâ‚Źw lgvpQ q-{rqhtt t{rdteq{i* q q{@{fi{r.{e* r




{rertr: flq{t +q qqritqffft q*q. tt qttrsqfiq{*'t gqqnrq{itaa qrq+rlqa' qi\ fi*nr.t qlar: tl

r?s{qRErt* qtao*Rqqi fiamsqidiqqn{ iieql* t qR itqsoitflqnq{r gvr*

rgqato{rotqtwrt R+stll tB ll

Sloha I'1. The person born in the year Vishu will be a paupcr,lost to all senseof shame and engaged in doing what is wrong. The person whose birth is in the year Chittrabhanu will have the energy and the beauty of the lord of day. The person whose year of birth is Subhanuwill have the learning, conduct, and virtue characteristic of his tribe or race. The person born in the year Tharanawill possessexceedingwealth and etrength and will be a philosopher. cf. qqirqrtr{

q-{lsed'iqfln€J ,ine61q *re,{ t qr+r{t,i aTil Egt;l qredtqio. tt

r di fiqrnfEfiio. Ra.nrngqd\ .rlfiqrt gfrril attf|q€]fiqo: fitinq:11

fir' unliagft' 1 fim+1fi.rtaa Hqlgqi€\qiei +tFaqraftg.it.tt

qnlvnrn'd ..nr)frS' qu' t q5€aqal qEKr{qraqn{Tqq( ll 1 \ q q

En(:qnqi{q<qi arqrRfeftila$qt gdt

nql {ie'(droiimqqq qrql6q{q qR I

s. 16-16



{rr{t t{fltqqtsRrwr{ dr$ gdtiF{tr( {rrqi qR u{qrRqfocr freqt{qrcrftqlll t\ ll Sloha L5. The person boro in the ycar Parthirn will be a king unequalledfor his prosperityand happi. ners; the personwhosebirth is in the yar Yyaye will be lurtful, cowardly, immoral, staking his property in gambling, and addicted to wickedoesE; the perron whose year of birth is Sarvajit will be eloquent, posseased of great physicalstrength, versed io cacred ecriptures,virtuous,and conversantwith tbe real oature of all things. The person born in the year Sarvadhari will be well,todo, versedin the artsandliked by kings. cf .


TEqrfi{qqr.fr {rqfl:g{oHul:I figiauzea qrfti qFritq(: u qTqq(fl: dqf "qni tnqffrd: t

arrqflqrrtilaa\qrqrftlh rr q+ffita: {RqrqftrrFqq{ut: I FFf; FTdif{: T{Irl: g{fq:g{il

q{: lt

qgiJs]q{t +rrr1q}rit iqHag+ eg: I siqiRft il qR: sqlqrqitqi( tr

u:r+tggdT:frqnfrrer nt frt"q-q+

qmfi qEirsrifilditqi q;aftqrd;{qtrI

qrfrwr-t wâ‚Źr iidkt RgoilsitdmffIs

qEii'qqir ?qiMr q;{dfuffEt u tq n

Slokn 16. The person born in the year Virodhi will be afflicted, delighting in the company of the wicked and addicted to sinful deedsand cruel. The




Adh. Ix.

perEonwhose year of birth is Vikriti wiil be full of guile, love,eick,and devotinghis mind to magicformu' laries and their practical application in ceremonies. The personborn in the yearKharawill be unattractive, sinful and mischievour. worthlecs,depressed in speech, The personwhoseyear of birth is Nandanawill delight every body, enjoy the favor of kings and wilt be with the meaningof the sacredhymns in converEant ocripture. d.


[rqrI Fgqso€+afq(qrnn: q ll H{anRil{t ftitsq&fiqq: gso1qd6g. tqTq: {oT#dFEft{q: 1

qil frtfia'ir, 11 fqaeqqkq{a{ qfr.fqrudtil {tqtg' qTflsft I oriatar ftdqr t+{flqR ;R: tl Hqrqti nEe:wt6rilsrqE( | ordqtdtgrite*r qi} fiqnq'{q:t


qR qq{G qrflqwfr Zfr Ert

rc+tftffiilq;qnqffidupf{deilvrqt€16tfifior il ts tt Sloka 17. If a person have his birth in the year Vijaya, he will be virtuous, and will aboundin real excellences. If the year of birth of a personbe Jaya,he will be either a king or like a king. When a peroon has his birth in the year Manmatha, he will have a craving for seneual enjoyment and will be victorious over his foes. The perEon who ie born in the year

gl. 18



Durmukhi witl be void of virtue and wealtl and will be immoral. cf,



t q(: Hrrrgqq: €qlirfrffiq'ri\F+c: sr*qmi+t*'ft fi'rqpt qt qiq tt ftmn*t d+qrfrrr{rnafrnrq:I qsrqrfrfflsir qqqtsqrqt tt gcrdil$il:fl q firfi q mq: t qt( ll gurwrrh,rrct:rTaTtqi€\ fi6d qqdqh:t na:aqqft&) 1

4rdrqqqqrq)gWr.t qiar: tt

qG tqufrqfftr ScqrRsrcf gsrclfi *qrFilwqrf*t: qiuqftsrrftfror-qtq* t

ir{frrffidqrt qoqft-ff* furftE* flffqft{t{q}Wrrrt

(sirflilrcrr{ ll qd li

Sloha 18. If a person havehis birth in the year Hemalambi,he will be ill'natured and will ardently pursueagricultural and other operations. The perEoo Lorn in the year Vilambi will be prosperouE,recorted to by the Brahmanacommunity and diainterestedly benevolent. The personwho hashis birth in the year Vikari will be sickly, cowardly, indigent, irresolute and of an ignoblenature; if a personhavehis birtb in the year Sarvari, he will have exceedingwealth and enjoymentand will be cbeerful,honestandwell'behrved' cf.


t grdxavrarRrgeaetRrR effilnilg({r@a tqvqggEq: tt



Adh. I)L

rr.i lp*safr g:tft*"q€4n i{efi:I ewqfftro'n{t M +.g\fug, rr qRtfr q€Fr{Frfte:!s{ro:$o. I q-4:noltq{R qem:r fimrREitit

<Fqq1:ge*fr frfr,avascqrr fiqrEffin€arri&qsgaq:rr

u=+qnuqffi(tsqw trr qeqhTfr qrdrmel $ruft llls grrtl g{ll t

{rd *{aft ffitqgq*rt RqrRirqi{t

g,ikft'TrErr{rTsqltr*"q.cqr iliqT{ n lq tl

Sloka L9. The person who is born in the ye r Plavawill be tranquil, generous,compassionate,brave and devotedto his own duties, The person who has his birth in the year Subhakrit will be the dupe of women, but learned, handsome and intelligent i the perEotrwhosebirrh is in the yrrrrrSobhakrit will be vrise, pouessed of royal virtues and fo4d of learned purruits. The perron born in the yrar Krodhi will be an adulterer, addicted to evil ways, crafty and of an angry temperament. cf. qrrmkrn,

qaoqqQf: 6rfr Tft{Rd:w I wxrdr qeilgqtfrqqgqT€q+ rt gry1:gqffi q ftqrqicilqq: r flqtghg{T,ifUqua'$riqq' rr qh fiqfi *t qI€€frgwFqa:r Z'lrrg:n]t{SAqqrfr T{ft q'q: ll




v t r r Y v


fr-srq+ nq*rrq q-Errftdtg: natft-m


q *,fiflkfl\ itr tt

qrd Erqt€FJFfr, llsrrd"$rdlq ftqtEd ggFIRtRsqttqqficsrlr

$ot{llfit I

urft q;grdrg{rilft,il\dr€frfrq;Edr sto* ll Roll trqnqm.rtttfig{-udqtt}Eer Slaha 70. The percon who ic born in the year Viswavasu will have a high senseof honor, wilt be fond of the comic and will evlnce admiracion for those who are rich in mcral worth. The peiscn whose binh is in the year Parabhtva, will be engagedin wickednesr and will prove the ruiner of his family. The person who has his birth in the year Plavangawill be lustful, fond of relatives, evincing a partiality fur children and rlow witted. The person whose yea.r of birth is Keelaka,will devotehimself to divine worship and will be exceedingly fortunate end valiant. cf.


rgnia grfrqta.t fturEgegqa: {rFd:fl+goitti}EIdrfisraS{ gft: 11 \ KERKAq

{lB: Qtffipq-q;


q{rqqFgqd:qqqFqftqFn, tt

sqfqift qrfr rt qqftfrfrffi 1

tto: 'ilKfr gu:q5ryq6\sgft: 11 qErGqrR: fidt gftqTflffn] qr, t


qfr(+d rKoqEs'qq,tt


il{nnq6{rdsft{ofr3 qrqqonqTo I



Adh. Ix.

srrurg{ ftft.rugEmr *fr qRE}setr

grrfiol qRqrR{tr(qifl rnt6{T{rF{T{r{ll Rl ll

Sloha 21. The person whose year of birth io Soumyawill be tranquil,universallypopular,exceedingly wealthyand firm,minded. The person born in the yearSadharana will b: versedin the variousbranchesof a soundunderstanding.The learningrnd will possess rse personli birth is in the year Virodhikrit will be ^ll,tempered, indigentandgivento wandering. credulous, The manwhosebirth is in the year Paridhavi will be harshin speech, and possessed of wealth. ill,behaved, cf ,


qFsil '{q'frqlq {qflftfif,nfi: I ilrqH:6{Fed il' n}'} qqrqt tt flqgR, {fr: {,Ir{{Ra:qttntr: t tqre*fit' *,)fr ntqrtorggql:ll

fat{t qffiarqificqfoR*fia:t ^ fdrlftawrn qrfifrrdi lrln rr grit:r faarl.6rcrfH a{HRgrrâ‚Ź; {Tq{r.itqrufto: qftffiegqq: 11

qrfi l;gfrrrrrf( qr{qdorq{rffqtr *Eriut ftft.t toltftnqnFqerilâ‚Źft( t

qrfi wmtft qfr Eiodtqsdt qilt

qErqrrrr{llRRll (|-il qFgETFrfr|IoqqsE[I<rs

Sloka 22. Th: personborn in the year Pramadee';'..ives, and will long for women cba will eEtrangehis year of birth ic person The whose own. his not Ananda will be of a joyous temperament, will be devo,

gt, 2f)



ted to the study of traditional dirctrines and gacred scriptures and will be acquainted with the real nature of all things' The qan whose birth is in the year Rak' shaea will be sinful, indulge in vain talk, and will injure the virtuous. Ihe person born in the year Nala will be a donor endowed with many liberal virtues, tranquil and well.behaved. cf,


qqrRqd qrfr qil q'gGilqaqr $grq{iit g.''lq fl{tdm: g{t: ll 'frCn

EfErTlqlstdqg{: frqlneqfr{:qlql 1

qla: gafteflr{frd: tl sTln;aq.fl\

F+qqitEidsaqqlqdfiqfrd:r RRs)ngnnr{iileifl}st qiar: tt

\rlzfr{q1 ie 5g'ngo: {lfi: I qe.g?q(I) {1I qrdl ne,flqcfl(n{: ll i\\\

rriq ftaq;rrEtRRqet frd fqf,oq?qi

t 6rcfr qGqrog{htqlteisqr.mdqrq

ftarrii gtiqqfrftwr ftqritilar gqt! qft tRquf,qr gQoqiqfat g(lqni{l{ll 11 ll Sloka 73. The person born in the year Pingala will be a raint with his mind under controi and will enqagein the practice of penances. The man whose year of birth is Kalayukti will become an astrologer and will have fortune, enjoymentand works of benefi' cence. Tbe peraonwhose birth is in the year Siddharti will be succeas{ulin his undertakings,will be reverent tcwardc epiritual preceptorsand Goda and will be intel-




Iigent. The p:rson who has his birth in the year Roudri will be a rake,p€rverse,proud and wicked. cf . ?FrTnffrm

Fe: +,+flilqiq]qq)qqtii{+( : qlat: tt so{rcqRilrftfQqo;). olmtq+nt:aril qtqrqqqa nsi( t

negsFg{il qi} ,r+ftr}tpn rr ERfd&gil fid q].ftfinFnnq:t q'* fr1ffi qrdrfrqreifqqdrrq: n r,iraq w{i fQga:qnaq}( | ilqqr.rt qrfr rq: €eqrgfrt{+( lt

wmg{iffiqsqfr: ffiwrqsr

qdsffieq€o-(Is qrqFgfrtrrr*rqt g(dlq efttdffi furq rr6su'€r(ils il<i r;gw{&*ftgwlr rinTltqsdufl{ ltlull Sloka 24. The person born in the yearDuro.rti will be lustful,dull-witted,distreesed by afflictioneand base-minded.The person whose birth is in the year Dundubhiwill havea bodily frame distinguified by big thigho,belly, arm!, and head, and will be h"ppy. The personwhoseyear of birth is Rudhirodgariwill be wise,truthful, happyand rich; the pereonwho ic born in Raktakshiwill be of a tranquil mind, fond of rclafortunateand amiable. tives, exceedingly cf ,


qd' *qn, +,rfiqdqqqqfrq:I €rqrdrqaqiAqg&il aee}qq: rl

fieilcnnlfrfrqfndqraqtfta: r

sI. 76-|26


rdlsrrr ,,

tnd.ft rcr*q: trqmtRn: t gqiqlsqdtqrfr €Rtilftmrt rr irilfi

HErq=€ei'rtifi,(: flErI

gfia'mrr+g*rtl$+ifr ?R:Il

qrfr qnr fmqt;t ${Fff FgAfi *qfrgrtil <n( |

gruqr{t€d qrfrffitnrqqFt fUsrqru

ll 1\ ll

Sloka 26. The person whose birth is in the year way6' a hater $rodhanawill be a rake addictetlto evil of lir relatives and devotedto brigandage. The perron born in tbe year Akrhaya will be vittuouo, cheerful, handsome,endowed with a high seose of honor and o(emptfrom foes and ailments. ct.


qt+t: t ilrqfr fidq' At qrCqrE] ll +fir4 {t qr* qa{: qngfrirTR w I 36tr[6qq v1tqrfiT: arqfrqdtqril qt qfRqftt: rt

n sFFt$gII U sq{rqqug${sgqr{{T{trrforilq+ftGst qftonfiws {qtrtqF*€RdtqFlffitt(s ll tE ll Sloha 26, The personborn in the Uttarayanawill be devotedto knowledge and contemplationand u/ill leada chastelife. The personborn in the Dakotrinayana wilt be confident in hic speech mainaininga distinction between rpirit and matter and will be full of eelf,conceit. 78

WA cf,


Adb. IlL


&wgn: Sr"qgqrftaa d.irfwql(qfi: qfiq: I tqfarrrqr{qeE(tn: fr'qtqi qrdiit q{Gfi tl

qrqrrqtuil{K: qt: r& r'lngaalq, 6q* ' daeruqtrft: f|1ga{erqRulreaqqqaft;q: ll

il Tgs-dq tl qlqfg{fud}wailTrrt qrdr grt;qfr{il



qndffieirqt gEqfr qrdqr etorrtr gu{TRrtr gqgl g€t qR qrcwutggtsrgfis Rrr S|oho 77. If a person be born in spring, he will be long-lived,wealthy and fond of fine scenls: if in Eummer,he will seek reliei in the use of ice, will be clever, voluptuous, lean,bodiedand inteiligent; if in the rainy seaoon,he will b: fond of milk, salt aud pungentflavours, cloquent in speechand possersedof a clear intellect; if in autumn, he will be pure-minded, bandsome,faced, hrppy and lustful.

*rfi UmW:UfrEqffi t*.*t*rTEs {rdr I €riihqrflilil sqfr nd q{€t fritniqr qrq Sloha 28. The personborn in the winter season, will be a contemplativesaint, of a opareform, following tbe buainess of agriculture, possecsingthe means ot enjoyme't and capable, The person whose birth ig in the cool dewy season,will be devoted to ablutions and gifte, of great capabality, with a high rcnae of honor and of great frime.

gr 29-30



lr qRTsoqrl ** duurqqqi?qtffiqqr ffi

qrRrt t{re qR;ftrrq$ilurqTq'fudt

att qrfutttr$tdrfr u;rilnqr$rfrcr

qrvd.ftq* uqtgft{i q}.ft(taqsstt Rqtl

Sloko 29. The perEon born in the month of Chaitra will devote himself to tl1e study of every art, science and the scriptrrres and will be perpetually engagedin merry.makingand delightingin the company of women; if in the month of Vaisaka,he will be con' versantwith every science,independentand hold eway over Eomeregion; if in Jyeshta,he will be blessedwith long enduring wealth and sons and versedin magicfor' mulariesand their practical applicuion to ceremonies; if in Aehada,he will be very wealthy, compassionate, perpetually h"ppy but betraying an aversion to other people. NorBs. (Chaitra), (vaisakha), tcrrt{ etc., are the names of lunar fu mouths (qrqqtn-Chaandra masa), and are sotnamedafter the star occupiedby the Moon at FullrMoon (qjoidl-pou.tami), d.e., the end of the bright balf. Each lunar month consistsof thirty tithis (ffi) commencing from S5c$trqq-r (Suklapaksha pratbarna the first day after the New Moon) and ending rvith the following qqr4rgr (An.ravasya'New Moon).

stt(l silEUFmQ i+nqftiqdi ilirfr

qKq{qRd n*mcu-qq arErtqneq 1 qrt qwgfr qstqwiitqt ERfrrrqor gsrsr5R* |MI ffirtr {Tft*ll lo ll Sloka 3A. lf a pereonbe born in the montbof



Sravanahe will devote himrelf to the worship of Gods he will take delight and Brahmins; if in Bhadrapada, in visiting several countries,be full of tbeorier and inaginative;if in Aswija, he will be hostile to his own people,indigentand base-minded ; if in Karthika, devotedto agriculture h,ewill be f rt.limb:d, broad,eyed, in wealth. and surgaesing

gTgefrdmirqr{Hldq q{i figqqotrrd ggarmus\ | â‚ŹenPinP{qqlqnfl{qrrqlit

qRfr{gqriliq,regi{mo}o:ll lt ll

S/o/r4 31. If a person b: born in the month of Margaseeruhahe will show reverence'to Gods, hi! elders and his parents and will be virtuous ; if in Puohya,he will be possessedof wealth, virtue and strength and will havea prominentnose; if in the month of Magha, he will be mischievoualy inclined, though very attentive to his duties and well'behaved; if in Phalguna,he will practisedaily beneficenceand be fond of music.

il qqrssTltl

Eiltilqtqfi geft*qilftfr q{wr EqrgfI

s{ri{rfi ftqqr{qrsâ‚Ź{;gtfi qft worqtttlq u

Slol;a 3?., If a personbe born in the bright half hc will b: distinguished above others by a month, of the fact of his being blessed with sons, grandsone and richesand will be virtuous and compassionate ; if a dark half month, of a be born in the he will be person urging his own interest8, reverent towarde his mother but inimical to his relatives.

sL &3-84



il $Toqeq tl crftrs {i$tft cq{ftq(r qisfrfifl g(ft qrdiTG qff t qtqrt qR uwgFquonr1 ct{qrow*rgnamiiarcJu: tlorqrs?fr

rr* arqsiqdwrgor qmd qrqtn li tl

Sloka 33. Tbe person born in the early morning ic attentive to his duties, leadsa life of benelicenceand is happy; the personborn at mid d"y will have princely virtues ; the person born in the after-noon will be wealthy ; the personbcrn in the evening will be fond of fine scents and lovely women, base,mindedand of wandering habitg; the person born at rright will have the samecharacteristic as tir. on" bcrn in the evening. The. person born at sunrisc will enjoy abundant comtorts.

n ftftrq,â‚Źq tl qAtdrftwdr{itqR ft'fi i'qqftot ffiqrqi tqrqgqoqatftrqâ‚ŹorI

Aelqrqtgoqxq6qqrior{qg{r{ qguqiql{E1iqeTqgriq;er?goTf il iB tl Sloka 34. If a personbe born in lfrrq (Pratipada) or tbe first d"y of rhe Moon, he will be very industrious and lead a virruous life; if in frf,rqr (Dwitiya) or in the 2nd day of the Moon, he will have abundanceof splendour, cattle, strength, fame and wealth: if in qaier (T'riteeya), he will be virtuous and very timid and will have a sharp clear voice; if in aguT(Chaturthi), he will be credulous, accustomed to wandering and conversant with sacredtexts.



Adh. Ix.

qsrqrqR{orrrqxftft I qn{l arnFercl

qwrqeqqot ittoiooq,qr{itmflf}mr t

qwqi qftqiâ‚Źils qaqfdrtuqqqraiqdi qwqrqRsRls!gaqtror ifiq'Rrrr rr\ lr Slofto i5. If a person b: born in cqq.t(Pan:hami) or the Sth day of the Moon, he will devote himself to the study of all sciencesand the sacred scriptures,will be lustful, lean and restless; if in vfr (shashti) or the 6th day of the Moon, he will have smallotrength,will be equal in status to a sovereign, wise and of a very angry temperament; if in qsit (Saptami),he will have a stiff extendedvoice, lording over people, phlegmatic and powerful; if in eredt(Ashtami),he will be exceed, ingly lecherous,fond of his wife and children, and phlegmaticin temperament.

cqdr fti"qaglg(t{il;trtfilfr q{sqi tteft qlqq firrqi qdt t rrr{RrrrqgflqsoT<FTql

aftAfi nurFqilifuEr{ t+*ruorqy{si

qdi qfteerll 1E ll er{tqrqftgoT{ffr16rsrrfi

Siofra 36 If a personbe born in qEn?(Navami) or the 9th day of the Moon, he will b: known ro fame, have a charming person,but a bad wife and bad sons and will b: iustful; if born in gttdt (Dasami),he will be virtuous, with a clear,voicedwife and sons, prosperous and wealthy; if born in {rrfift (Ekadasi), he will revere Gods and Brahminsand will have many servitors and wealth; if brrn in Er{rit (i)wadasi), he will be engaged in very beneficent works, will be liberal, wealthy and leprned.

TmqrqtgFqquffifr{rqtq rfl{rt



qdtlt *fr qq*rffigduwatt srrTrqrlrl{ng I ft il$qqI{FFItTt\

q (I{aI, 11{s ll qdt rurq;i qG goqurefi

Stoka 37. If a personbe born in afrqdl (frayodasi) of he will be covetous, very libidinous and possessed much wealth ; if in sgt{ir (Chaturdasi), he will be of a fiery temperand he will b: ever wishing in his heart of other people'swealth and women; to becomepossessed sTffarqr (Amavasya), he will be credulous if born in and devoted to the worship of the Manes and the Gods ; if in g$er (Poornima), h" rvill sustain the reputation of his family and will b: weahhy and cheerful.

II II EITTfi'OTT qnt ft gafu{roi{qilgqlReqrt frur

mrdtqrnqgfugrtfii diqigqrtqqrt

iF't3qE(qrEsrdfi(fi qqgqrt qET iqqrsurqFsr(f,{qarfr.qe ErirEttt ld tl S/oAa 38. If a person be born on the day of the week sacred to the Sun, he will have a lofty senseof honor, with brown hair, eyes and figure and will be lordly; if on thc day of the lr4oon,he will bc a gallant, with a lovely form and will cver be tender-hearted;if on the day of Mars, hc will be cruel and concerned with daring words and deeds; if on the day of Mercury, he will honor Gods and Brahmins and will speak politely.


r"ETqlft+errqWrqr{aqrfi lftdfr qqt{qiriryc frft+ riiiqr irTqdsI qqqrqqfu {trqrlqg{ltr('|qEilF{ril'




tfr wgwr*tq${rd q;qarqrtrgqlu iq tl

Sloka 39. If a personbe born on the week day dedicated to Jupirer, he will perform sacrifices, be popular with kings, have noble qualities and become celebrated; if on the day sacredto Venus, he will have corn, lands and wealth and be universally popular and devoted to gallantry; if on the day of Saturn, he will be for the most part dull-witted, living on food and money supplied by others, indulging in inconsiderate utterances,assumingan attitude of hostility and cleverly boycotting the whole body of his relatives.

$s(qr'{gqfefi€rTl qql 6ill;qi qprt q rTF{TtttI

q aiqmfrftft|i:er{rd'dq ftiM rr gcwfrsfr{gor ft rqqr-nq€rq'$gqqqftraorcqrtr.qrd

qTPfifdign*ikfr grqqdl itrqgsqritqn r qrM$Wr itEqqin'qErrf q€gdiqrnq,ieF efr-wqlqtre"iT{rfriil fiffti Wqerrurmtl tt

€$ q frn$Erd*t g untrmarnrrrtrurrtrqrf I rilgf{qks qrd'riqqrrrqrftt*rnrtt+*{urRn BRlt r qqtHr \qT FTet$rodRrRrudqt{s

g{qriqst$qug{{or6ggq | |

qtgt w; q+ivarniboqsa'r'+rfi

ililqrn fi''f qtqfirercffrt1urptt Bi tl qiurrf Augq frrii rq urqFrngI qii gr{gqrEarlrriril{ifirEeuriiqr*rqKjsq{r( | \o

tiqisqqd,fiqtqitt.-'iiil rlrsn( W iqftfi.onile Uftrtr q*lffiilft ilq BB


Sloias 't0-44.

+ o rTwrq

-tz nrlrnir.


^ 4U1

Presiding lJefty

l qiH As w i n i


2 wo?r Bharani

qq3 Yama

3 aR+r Krittika 4 ftAoft Rohini


Synonyms ${F: Turanga. {n!

The 2 Aswins Dasra,urga fr.*ayuk, 6rr Haya (God o{ death) erlii: Agni (God of fire) rqrcft: Prajapati (The creator)

zr{r:!46x. ZttilrR: Kritanta, qrlrrq Yamyabham ERrfli Hutasana, wFr: Agni, cgor Bahula

ft&: Vidhi, AftE Virincha,trda Sakata


Caste Vaisya

Specialmarks The name of identifi- in English cation Astronomy 3 Spots in Horse's face

F Arietis

Lowest 3 Stars in a caEte triansle east of

35 Arietis & Musce

Brahmin 6 Spots Kshura-

'r Tauri Pleiades

ariH (Aswini)

like. General of the celestial armies


Five stars like a car





o Tauri, Aldebaian o)





^t';'.11f* ry

z N"tli"'r'" qq{tt{ Mrigasirsha -Tr4t Ardra


q{rqaaqr: Synonyraa

Specialmarka The name qrft identifi- in Englioh Caste of cation Aetronomy

*la 5ou.ya, qFqChandra &rving dq: (The Moon) enltrroft Agrahayani E:gc caEte Udupa, q{n?r{qMrigasiras QAI



Punarvaru(The mother of the Adityas)



iftTrft: (The tutor of the Devac)

cnBc Aslesha

sct: (Serpents )

Butcher caste

Coral'like red

o Orionis

snRq Aditya, gcdqdt Surajananee


Five stars like a house

B Gemi, norum


ThreeStars like au arrow

wft: Ahi, gw: Bhujanga Lowest CaEte


tr Orionic

arrq Taraka, *{q, Roudram

Riq Tishya, qcfrr Amaredya


Six Starslike a serpeDt

d Cancri

, Hydrae

Cl. V



l0 cs Magha

ftm: (The Pitria)

ftq Pitru, qqr Janaka


Five Stars. Rod of the Patki

tr{wr: Aryamna, {r{rirq ft qdsqdt Brahmin "i* Pu.rv.a (Aryaman) Bhagyabham phalguni rrrT 12 a<r,qii (Bhag") Uttara sii Uttaram, rrrrq Bhagam Kshatriya phaiguni

Two in each joined form a square

o Leonir, Regulur d Leonig

eft"r^ The Sun

rrg Bhanu,srwt Aruna, rr*' Arka


fa !-er Chitra

3E Tiashta, (the architect)

qer Thwaohta, gnrift: Suravardliak-i

Serving caEre

A pearl-liLe Star

c Virginis, $pica

16 fr_ar<sr Visakha


? $ A

F Leonig

13 !F Haeta

15 qnir Swati


d Corvi

{ e gt 6

1â‚Ź Vayu, the wind

qcq Marut, ?riT:\,/313, sqtwt:Samlerana. s,g,' Vayu, n*t, Sameeri

Butcher casre

Red like a coral

" Boctia; Arcturuo

q-q & oriir Indra and

fr?qa Dwidaivata brrft+ Aindraenika. urpab"ba


Five Stars like a potter's wbeel

o Librae












fr" 17 wdrrsr Anuradha (One of the Adityas)


Synonyms iaq, Maitram

sft i;;;. Sudra

SpecialmTkE Tbe name of identifi in English catlon Three Stars resembling a lotus

d Scorpio, ntE

EE Indra

gft*anr Kulisatara,fimq: Serving grffi Suraswa, caste Satamakha, mee

Three red Stars resemblingan umbrella

1 9 qnsf


ugr Asura, Brlggq Akratu, Butcher bhuj caste

Six Stars like an elephant'sgoad

tr $corpio,

Two Stars like a danda

( Sagittari

Bed red

3 $agitari

z0 qltqrcr Purvasha, dha


Nirrity qir


irnRmitT R*irr: UttaraVigvedevae sh adha

v<: Payal, eftaq Salilam, Brahmin woq Jalam,diqr(Thoyam Rrq Vls\r.t




18 eisr Jyeshta



Scorpionis " Antares. ol,





qftk{ Abhijit

ilTr Brahma


Rog Sravana Visbnu

*un Srona,Rog,Vishnu 6ft: Hari, xlt Sruti ?rqorqq,Siavinabham

qfr age; siigr Dhanishta, ag Vasu Sravishta The 8 Vaaue

z4 xiqw

Lowest caSte

Serving White caste

q+*qrE: Ajaikapada,irTsrqr(Brahmin 7 6 q*urgrqr rqqsqrE Purvabha, Aja,Eka,pat Ajapat, gFi'idcErPurva, drapada proshtapada

z7 snRrlrr{Tqtci}d."q: Uttarabha Ahirbudbnya drapada Revati

qq Rrshan

33 Stars like a,n ear

cr+di: Prachctas, {lainFFq Butcher Red. atorrq Varu, Satatarakam, caEte nabham

Taf*q. 33tr SataVaruna bhighak




r5 0

z3 rTEror


a Lyne


A hundred Stars

o Aquilae




F Delphini \ Aquarii

4 {

7, a^ {

3 Two Stars like a sword

o Pegaai

s1trciCCEr Uttaraproshta- Kshatriya . Of the4 Stars y Pegasi rD a square two pada, uft{u;<: in tbe east Ahiibudhnya

qlr Pushan,ft.orrq paushna- Sudra bham



o! cp


Adh. Ix.


{oHrfi{+dfluqrrqirfr*nEq}rf.qt qoqr<i{flTmqqffi qrfu{r{ t ctgqmqilRsflqqftur vuudar uiq aqrctqqqrwrgffiglwngo,;rsiilsll B\ ll Sloka 45. rtr-sr;rr(Gandanta), which consisrs of a period oI Tl$ ghatis at the junction of eachof the three pairs of stars qgt (Moola) 3nd slur (Jyeshta),ner (Magha) and wtret(Aslesha),andiqat (Revati) and qfb* (Aswini), is productive of much evil to living beings. The qftar (Ghatika) at the junction of s?gr(Jyeshta)and qor (Moola) is termed ugm (Abhukta). A.y girl, boy, beasror slave born in the ghatikr in question causethe ruin of the family owning them. af. afrqfr:


q}'qr&=+,srQfQqqi+a qa *er(o'i(Fd{ra{ | ilfr rroseragalfiii R qnrq-rildr{mraEqfis{ ll The term srgsrfd (Abhuktamoola)is thus defined:

qfim inr qgTq]qEnaq{ r M s{gs(sfqsEs{ ilii e}Fagq rt A child born in Brgs{s (Abhuktamoola) should be abandoned. If this be n.;t possible, the father should not see the child for 8 years; after performing some religiousJapasand Shantis, he may see the child in the 9th year. c/. rfi=<t

s{gs{€qTaniqfterq}fitqt r s{qd} arfQfQg:s C frksqre{{ ll qqt qFfl\ mfin q;q$ fie flrlq


st. 46-48



gd r$Fqalgas ftaqr( lt ar+sft a#a qnrqr e{gsxrq ga g*qfq qRsiq r qqil='qie* f,rdR-g{{q faor+iq tt

{twn Eqrf\frgr:rq*rffiwl


sTrArir widtflil kdtt qqiifrfl il Bq tl cntt qi*qril qR qffi qgrib t q{t qrd(qqfqUrriRraruutn Bs ll qflt {tTq$o-tqsi .innuqq I

ffii qgt EF(â‚Ź{' aFaqrri{h rt uc tt

The verses are elliptical ; we have to piece together the various portions as we best can to get at the sense they are intended to convey.

Slokas 46-48. Make ten equal divisions of the ghatiLas which the Moon takes to pass through the asterism slur (Jyeshta). If there be a child,birth in the lgt tenth of the star, it will cause the death of tbe mother'smother; if in the Znd tenth, of the mother'e father ; if in the 3rd tenth, of the mother's brother ; if in the 4th tenth, of the mother herself; if in the 5th tentb, of the child born; if in the 6th tenth, of cattle and wealth ; if in the 7th tenth, of both the families; if in the 8th tenth, of the whole race; if in the 9th tenth, of the father,in,law (in prospect); if in the lftb tenth, of every tbing. cf . T((r{d

+sr* qrilqqit qIdFrEfiftqh r qfit qrgeqFaqg{ qqdtdqrlt

ailFrfldqqt {Ff, qtsfieqr,itqt( r


Adh Ix.

||'F TTRilfr

wi gil{rfl: srqet sffiqt{ 11 rai algt Efu s,i<ignt nqrr Qgi RqFqqoqrq,€*ifiR.ch rr

sT{Rr(iriTdewsi8*atqr ilg{r(Rfrta qgwrEsr ET(il 8q tl Sloka 49. A girl born in eisr(Jyeshta)coupled with a Tuesday will causethe removal of her eldest brother from the world, while the girl geln irr lf,€r (Moola)happeningon a Sundaywill cauteher father,in, law to depart.

qrQeffiiig{ | *$qqR"{q{e q;qrqftetqqTa n \o tl Eftqni fH litfk qt qgt €ft\it silRrf Sloha 50. The personborn in the first quarterof tbe star Jyeshtawill soon causethe death of hie eldest brother; if a personbe born in the Znd quarterof the star,he will occasionthe death of the youngestamong hrs elder brothers; if in the 3rd quarter, he will lausethe deathol his father; if in the 4th quarter,the perEonborn may himselfdie. Norrs. The following ve{ses contain similar and some more details about the bad effects of being born with the Moon in Aslesha, Visakha, Jyeshta and Moola.


qgftqmrEK,{Uta-cqFfr frqFanqrqisTA&ffgqqrGq qHelqr


{-flfrqwr frilEsqt qa&qw tqt fi"it"gqtg qrng€fr ffffi h.fiwg,11 xrqr qgt qFnwow q dEsqrqI

gl. 5l-66


+snr qt${)

# da




tt ** hi ERtqar

qn€nfitrqrg flt-t *qq, gqq I q *quBqrt e fa<Atgqffiarrr EsrghfHtqHqlilr atft r *qqr{ t dffgh GiqF qrnr(Fa ntqq u sfucsrd*

&tilKrqrfr qqtqi'fldiqmrrqil.ii E i{q. r

t*sfrnngd: gdriT nErqqtagt ftEfh rr effisq1|qfiar a qFa aetmlqrRqqTfi(?q tl

Wqrfr ftet ftttqK i?itt,r+qnrailgaFr t

Edqtrffirnruf a{qqgtqfiwtfr frc"qtf\ltl SIofta 51. If a person be born iir the lst quarter of the atrr Moola, he will occasion the death of the father; if in the 2nd quarter, the death of the mother very soon ; if in the 3rd quarter, he will occasion the loss of wealth ; if in the 4th quarter, he will be happy.

utfuatrt Wdftftrdr ;ilEn itiqqs:Sqtfr qr} fril f\U'{rdrqatt qititqftr ll \R lf ftarqaqg{g qnr qrqlt qat t qBg qriltTirrat unt uqoRaIIll \1 ll

qsqiirireqqt fttt{aig qEi{+|

q{i qg{hrt'l Uer(+isrfitt{+ll \8 ll erqt g €,i Grrit!ircctgrge?iiEtt qgtt ilst\{

ffiA IililrIEKqTlt \\ ll

Slotas 5l-55. Make 15 equal divisions of the ?8



Adh. Ix.

ghatikas which the Moon takes to paasthrough the aeterism Moola. If a person be born in the lst l5th portion of the star, he will causethe death of his father; if in the 2nd t5th, of the father'sbrother; if in the 3rd 1Sth,cf the sister'shusband; if in the 4th l5th, of the paternalgrand-father;if in the 5th 1sth,of the morher; if in the {rth 15th,of the mother's Bi$ter; if in the 7th l5th, of the mother's brother; if io the 8th 15th,of a paternaluncle'swife; if in the gth l5th, of everything; if in the 10th 15th, of all the catrle in the house; if in the 11th 15th, of the servants; if in the l2th 15th,the person born will die; if in the l3th 15th, his eldest bpother will die; if in the l4th l5rh, his sister will die; if in the last 15th,his morher'sfather will die.

sTpdqriT rroâ‚Źail( $Frus&ffi | fittt qrqrloqiJ iiEqoâ‚ŹqW* ll \E ll S/oftc 56. If a personbe born in the lirst quarter ol the star Aslesha,there is no drnger to any perEon; if in the 2nd quarter,there is the risk of losing money ; if in thc 3rd quarter, his mother runs the risk of losiog her life; if in the 4th quarrer the father runs a similar risk. A'\

qflIEq{07 nTrt qorqEnrEq1oT ryi Tqgq ftSq


qKt irgr qqgqjfi qttR qrt

qril qErfqiir iqts.rTqwt.rfr{ n \e tt

Slotrr 57. The person born in the first quarter of Moola, Magha or Aswini will lose his father, but if the birth be in the last quarter of Revati, Jyeohta or Asleoha,there will be loss of the mother,the father and

sl. 6&60



the child, it being immaterial when the birth happens, whether during the day, in the nighr or at the two junctions of day and night. This slokai,.;alsoquoted *"51i,"*.

i'fir orfig fqatui*silrqr# ilcil | srrfl;t ffisqfrfi)( qrfr qosf{q$qltt \d tl S/ois Sil. The person born in a Ganda losegthe father if the time be day, and the motherif the time of birth be night; and if rhe time of birth be in the junctiorrs betwecn.da1' nighc, the personborn wilt "n6 himselfdie, so that Ganda fails not of effect.

qR tz.kfffi | {'qqr* rr+ilrrr*rd .\\

{T;â‚ŹrngEStrtFrttG il{ilRocaiqrrTq ll \q El

Slofra 59. There is G;rnda at the conclusionof a Gandatarasuch as Revati, Asleshr or Jyeshtaat night and at the commencement of a Gandatar.r such as Aswi, Magha ni, or Moola during the day ancl,at the junctron of a pair of (landararas in tfre junctions betrveen d.y a n d n i g h t . T h i s i s t h e d i s t i n g r r i s h i nm g a r ko f a G a n d a period.

qrfiwiqg$i qrilrftuf*n{r$rI g6tsffi oil ftuqrgsrr rrtqtrQ"tl

S/oAc60 The person born in the Dhanur Lagna when the Mccn is in the asterism Poorvashadawill lose his father ; again the person born in the Karkata Lagnaand when the Moon is in the star pushya will likewise cccasionhis father'sdemise.

q{m s gq q ftdi {rsi gq I qtfâ‚Ź{ tWqtq ryqt{rsilrrqr{ n iq lr



Sloha 61. The child born when the Moon ia in the star Poorvashadaor Pushya as describ?d in the preceding sloka will cause the loss of the father, the Loth"r, the of fspring generatedtill then or the mother's brother, accordingas the Moon rt tbe birth in que$tion, occupiesthe first, se:ond, third or fourth quarterof the lateful star referred to.

dRIqertEwi qit t rfisrqll ftEqrffiq'qsqlEirelrqiffall hRll qlt ildit ftrrqtr Ktd qq,Tqq t ilffiirs*ilRlql{gqi}1rewr

q ll El ll

qrdql ffi aila snKI+Iflai aw I

through Slolas 62-63*. If when theMoon passes the 1et quarter of the star Uttaraphrlguni or the two middle quarters of the star Pushya, or through the 3rd quarter of the star Chittra or through the first half of Bharani or through the 3rd quarter of Hasta or through the fourth quarter of Revati, therc is a birth, the father or the motherof the child born will die accordingas it is or the male or female sex.

ll rIUgifiTO:ll qqril qTgitruttlI frsqrr.qrcg{sr} affi8

rilrfaRHt n(q l(t(qlg,taq l. h Q B l l

qfr q{r'i iq iqsriinEi{rrI * ,nfi qlmrirqrw{ g i{qr{s{ ll q\ ll tq t rqt qlft ttat qqtqrimq} ll qE ll 6d qii qrdqlftqt arq{r-6E*

sl. 6,+-69



sruirqosnf g{sftnt aFein{on(| sruifiqsqfid qA df*|il qni{sI

tl Qutt itq,t{rw dtqr{qgtqrfudtsq{r Slokas 64-67. The Ganda period (r.e. period of risk) is 16 years when the birth is in the lst quarter of Aswini ; it is 8 years in regard to the lst quarter of Magha ; one year with referenceto Jyeshta; 4 years in the caseof Chittra and Moola I l years in the case of Aslesha; one year in regard to Revati; 2 months is the limit of the risky period in connection with lJttaraphalguni; 3 months with respectto the star Pushya; the child born in Poorvashadawill bring about the removal of the father from this world in the 9th month. If a per son be born in Hasta he will cause his father's death within 12 years, The personborn in Abhukta, moola (see sloka 45, latter half) will causethe death of the father at the very moment of his birth. If the person born in Abhuktamoola should live, he will be the cause of his family's pre,eminence,raiseits statug and will be prosperous; he may perhapscommand an arm'' n n \

ll TFiletqtq'll

u6qqt qg{rqi rei, qq} g{q. I

fldtn fiet afla iliitt qldr dailll qc ll qgt qrgd tFt qst Hr{:TIIFI{|

qbqfr ftrgaiic.rosE\q qdftarll Eqll S io A a s6 8 - 5 9 . l f t h e r eb e a b i r t h o n t h e l 4 t h day o{ the Moon in the dark half of a lunar month and that in the first sixth portion thereof,it will prove aus




piciouo; if it be in the 2nd 6th, there will be loss oJ the father; if in the 3rd 6th, there will be loss of the morher; if in the 4th 6th, it will causethe deathof the mother'sbrother; if in the 5th 6th, it will remove the brothers from the world; if in the last sixth, it will causethe death of the child born. Tl'rus the :vil of Gandahagbeen mentioned af, +ilox-+t|n{t.

asqqfl qqi{qi qqo} rdg;qt t

qci{qtq q$frqqt i g {fw':rqtl Adi+'fintdla qfit rrqaruiqI

+gi wrEedln qet qgqpl{q.ll qbq aqqtFc qEtrqinii fig: 1 3r{r'{r;g {E[IiIr;TtqsrTntiliitt ilil |

qd q qiaqlEt{iqrqprt fqirqill ll reoll

ftdtqreiiqqnritFrtqq{ it q{qr r

qr(h gqlflfiqrr{:t frtqrq $Rtqrat qrii itamtqrqiqRsrftfiqtqhil et ll 'the

young of SltrAas1O-7I. The abandonmen[of elephants,horses,cows, buffaloes and more especially oi the human kind, if brought forch on the day of the new,moonwhen a <iigit thereofis faintly visible in the morning-the abandonmentof the young of theseani' mals is laid down as a rule. lf they be brouglrt forth on the neq' moon day when no vestige of the Moon becomesvisible, expiatory rites should b: gonethrough in accordlnce with the prescrib:d rules to avert the evil of such births ; the rule of abandonmentis absolute except when the creature born is a specimen of womankind.

gl. 72-73



Norr,s. ffiqr;ii " The real meaning may be, the day on which the Moon rises with a thin crescent of light scarcely visible." The term appears to apply to the first 6th Monier Williams. portion of the New Moon, while the period covered between the second tth to the sixth Attr is designated .rd (Darsa). The seventh and eighth $th portions are termed 5R (Kuhu). According to qrocflF<rfl (Kalaprakasika), $R (Xutru) occurs when the Janmanakshatra or either of its l'rikona ones synchronises with 'fhyajthe New Moon, the ending moments of which coincide rvith yam. Kuhu signifiesan evil yoga. Various expiatory rites are ordained to ward off the evil arising from births during these periods. \\

ll qtqilt1! ll fltcE.qdm&rtwilr fteRnqrsrt

q;qqidmdg{silitfr* qftr<f lt el tl Sl,tka 7?.. The child born under the samestar a$ the father or under the 10th star from the father'a (oee sloka 78 for the meaningof Janmarkeha and Karmarkehai will occasion the loss of the father; the child born in the sameJanmala;naand the sameNakslratraNavamsa aEthe father will causethe father's death on the very day of its birth. cf , <fts

fiit*r ffr{;rrr+qtitFgfQgrrqqrt ffqqlTt q ds* qTd:fl+ â‚Źftrq: 11

g{t URfit qnr *wtnrrq t

fterqiEfirqqntgit*swR*anqn'sa tl

Sloka 73. 'I'hechild born under the M"rsalaor will bring about the lossof what is good Mudgarayoga or auspicious. Birth under the Vishtikaranabetokenc


Adh. IX.

a day, the personborn will have a defective limb.

Rurqf qositiqrft qsl ttreruqrg+1

qnt tq=nfimrn \eBtl raqtGaaqi Sloha 14, The personborn in a Riktha thithi be_ comes barren; he who is born in the yamakantaka period of the day will be a cripple; he who is born under a srar assailedby a bad planer wilr be afflicted with ailments. Nores. iirr r?rt(nitttr. thithi):q-g{f (Chaturthi),a+{ (Navami)or v-g*a'i (Chaturda.i).

ftgfo qifhedqdg+rutq gcrr aqilqrtsg.dar urqqRttgqyqrqn e\ tl Sloho 75. When the Lagnais free from any planet but about to be occupied by one, the son born will be given for adoption to anotherperson. when a birth takes place in a Vyatipatayoga,the person born will have a defective limb. The child born ina parighayoga will die. \\

tsdt Rd aflefr"*rt qrtarftmr

\\ {o q {fsrmt qq qot qosqflrril( il uQ g1

Sloku 76. If a personbe born in a Vaidhruriyoga, he will causethe loss of the father; if in Vishkambf,a he will cauoethe loss of wealth ; if in the Sulayoga, hJ will suffer from colic ; if in Gandahe will get a goitre.

{rqrrcrrirf su{rtllfRifl*ftqqrsriiqgsqr-tr q.dsql â‚Źi gr.(fRgrerqqUR,dliiqlitfgri erq tt

31. 77-81


Stoka '17. The child born with teeth will caute damageto the family from the commencementof the secondto the conclusion of its fourth month ; the rie ing of teeth at the time of birch may cause tbe death of the father in the 6th month of tire child. When thir critical period is over, all may go well.

rl vf*ldlt|{{l


ffq{{rd ffi{ g q{ tqrfr't i'tgtri lffi


qg|(draniwErqtiEi srrqnt*rit(fitrfr! (rq ll

erfrfiqfuar*tilfitsftfr traq.I

wRttiltqrqrTts qefi{tR mrun ll eq ll cr;{ril{r(mqq ftarl qHftq*t I gil grrqr6{il1ll co ll Uril'q:.TSilwV S/oAas78-80, Thc star in whiclt the Moon is at the time of birth of a person is to be reckoned as the firet and is calledwwd (Janmarksha); the tenth therefrom is calledor*ai(Karmarksha); the 16th, they say, is styled ffit-{ (Sanghathika); the t8th is named â‚ŹgErq (Samudaya);the 19th is called umr (Adhana); the 23rd is known as tqrfuo (Vainasika); the 25th, the 26th and the 27th stars are called rerpectively wrft (Jati), tqr (Desa)and qf.r\+ (Abhisheka). If the ffcfl (Janmarksha) and other stars aboveenumeratedbe occultedby malefic planetsat the birth of any person,they will causedeath on the very day of birth ; if occulted by benefic pla, nets, they will produce benefic effects.

lt 51oqgpffif{r tl

tnn* lTrqtqR spg1qi'"irm{wq t

ermagrqdrfuAt qrfhq flilqq.ll dt ll




qr{ q-.g.io-crdrql qrflb ilk

g.* 1 dR tl

,Slokas81-82. The Ganda in the months of Vai, sakha,Sravanaand Phalgunais such as relatesto the sky; in the months of Ashadha, Pushya, Margasirahaand Jyeshgha,the Gandais suchas affectsmen; in Aswija, Kartika, Chaitra anclBhadrapada,the Ganda is such as relates to the P.rthaia or the nether world ; in the month of Magha,thc Gandaor risk to b: run is death" The evil of G'andawhich relategto pathalaand the sky Pusbkaradoesnot conccrnthis world and so does not reallv exist for us.

Enrffiri$qrcarg€qT#dhfrm r E*q { frg+il grq gr*E{f{qu eQrr Slofa 83. Thc father should behold the fase of a Eon as soon as born ; by seeing the son'g face, the father is releasedfrom his debt to the Manes.

il qq TqIT60TI tl qtq;qmitgtqiiffi mq{rq1rds({t qrqfr Rrdrs;qEnfnar fil uarirqdl I +qdtagdreqlqurfrs{d{ hqrfii frfioqiqrcHlqiladirgfi{t qrdwr l dB tl Slcla 84. The person born under the star qfffi (Arwini) wrll have a greardeal of intelligence, wealth, mcdesty, saeae rt! and fameand will be h"ppy ; if at a perscn'$birth, the Moon be in thc star rtqit (Bharani), he will hiivc a clefectivelimb, be addicted to another's wife, cruel, ungrate{uland will posseEswealth; if in g6s

st, 85-86


Etar $Rsr (Krittika), he will be energetic, lord-like in statuE,not dull but with some valuablelearning; if in iiltqft (Rohini), he will know the weak points of others, be lean, enlightened but addicted to women not his own' NorBs. Compare the etlects given here in slokas 84-90 with those given in Brihatjataka ch. XVI.

qr;i firqrr;inn: Srrdsqin,rqEntnr*rq sTKtqrqqaryo\siqmo I Ud)6qrqfto{r{r Wrflr q gdfr qqqssr6{tt(:*Rl mgml

ft.\ Rrgfrqr {q{dt flqfm $gqr{ n c\ tl

Sloha 8l't. If a person be born in q.r{ir,i (Mriga, siraha),he will be soft-hearted,wandering, squint,eyed, lovrsick aud ailing ; if in ar4i (Ardra), he will be des, titute of wealth, f ickle, with much physical strength and addicted to baseactions ; if in gaafg(Punarvasu)he will be dull.witted, strong in wealth, lamed, learned, and lustirrg for women ; if in (gca;Pushyahe will love Gods and Brahmins. possesswealth and intellieence, enjoy royal favor, and lrave a large circle ol relations.

efi qariis 6ttg{qtf *df gflqnqr{

wut gzrmsifarrrrrrfiqni qqrqtqdi I

sq-qt TIof $sfrqftilwFti earstgfii

q'r{fr+rqtncU{iqqftftqrfr E({sgfrs il dEtt

Slcfta 86. If a person b: born under the star qttcr (Asleoha-i.e. when the Moon is in th:t asterism), he will be silly; betraying ingracitude by his speech,of haety temper and depraved; if in the srar rTEtr lMagha), hc will be lustful but devoted tc virtue, indulgent to



Adh. Ix.

@ v v r v v v v v u v v v

hir wife, proud and wealthy; if in t{qeg* (poorva, phalguni),he will be restleas,practisingevil, liberal t:r:og and longing for women; if in vrmegdt (Urtara, pbalguni)he will be voluptuouc,with a lofcys"nseof honor,gratefuland intelligent.

mff qfr qrqq{iimfrrsrqsiriTft

RnqrqftUfiffi qrf,rq(dkilrr qrst t?Tdgtfrqdr frqt qdtqq{r rft EnEfifurrRtfrffilqt R{n€}ffisn de tl

Sloha87. lf a person be born under the star itr€ (Hasta),he will be devotedto love and to virtue, be, friendthe learnedand rivein opulence;if in ftlr (chittra), he will be very wary, goodnatured,and endowed with e high Eenseof honor, thoughlooging for othermen.r wiver; if in <rtr (Swati), he wili try to pleareGods and Brahmins,devotehimself to enjoyments and will havemuch wealth but little intelligence; if in itqrrrr (Visakha),he will be proud,but uxoriouo, overcome his enemies and betraymuchirritability.

t* gft*f rft gwilsFfr quqtRur etsrqnfr *r*rq qr*{€* fiuq|f{T:,

qo$pmP*qil$roi'di 6il* q* ntwaffisfffiil qrfrgrmu<dl ft cc tr

Slofrc 88. If a personbe born in the star qgrtwr (Anuradha),he will be very affable in epeech,opuient, ease,loving,honor.rble,famouE, and powerful; if jo ,fui flyeshtha),he will be very ill.tempeied,addicted;; _;, men not hir own, Iordly and juet; if in qF, (M;L;,

hewill beeloqueni,fot diaton"i,- with niJ Uppii.r,J




marred, ungrareful and iudigent; if in glercr (Poorvx, shadha)he will be uniformly well,behaved,endowed with a high senreof lronor, well off and calmminded.

qt;qs{rFdIIq! gdt q tr'f{I{ ftqafw qfrsil:

airorrqt AqtE'.rffiiirfr {ffi qfr q{qr{ r snarg{gqr{fiNqfter fr*rwul grdt firo{r {rfirrr{idir;R3trr-djsâ‚Ź{llt{Edt ll eq ll Sloha 89. If a person be born in the star silrlfdr ('tJttarashadha),he will be honorable, cf a tranquil nature, happy, possessedof wealth, and learned; if in the star acor(Sravana),he will have revercnce{or Brah, manasand the Gods, be of the governingclass,opulent and pious ; if under alew lSravishtha),he will be credu, loue, wealthy, plump in the thighs and the neck and joyful ; if in the star unfirq (Satabhishak),he wilt be an aatrologer,tranquil, sparing in diet anJ daring

gfr wrfi ugr {ffrgqRrrreqq-q*

qrR*rq.qqrq*â‚Źggorqf,rrrlt rrfl qFsert

lqiqtgeoFwhrrdgs TptKRtgfqir

q;:rigrsorfrT{frfr qrilsftKft{tr1l \o tl

.S/oArr90. If a person be born in qinruvqr (purva_ proshthapada),he will be bold in his speech,mischievous. cowardly and weak; if in the star sntcigcrqT(Uttaraproshthapada), he will be gentle in his nature, liberal, opulent and learned; if in ien't (kevati), he will have a broad mark in his person,rvill be love_sick,lovely, clever in counsel,will have sons, family and friends and will enjoy steady continuous prosperity.



Adh. IX.

rrtrRruoqri tqQ qR dil,fr q qlu.{ mrql(sl) qft'rrq,iil' ilar qir;(qirqirâ‚Ź'qwruornqi q\.ri t

qlqflgrgtilqqngndr uel]{i gnq*

gtqqa;} sdRrQin qt n u'nqrufi'f,{-tea:

Sloka 91. If at the birth of a per-son,the Moon be in Mesha, he will eat sparingil', long for rvornen and have enterprising elder brothers; if in Vrishabha, the person born will be liberal, lovely, rich in fame, of excellent behaviour, and have his chilclren all daughters ; if in Mithuna, he r,vill be blesseci with iong life and skilful in ministering to love during amorous pleasuresand evincing a fondness for jest and merrirnent; if the Moon be in Kataka at a person's birth, the latter's heart will be impassionedwith love; he wiJl lead a rvandering life and will speak eloquently. c/. gqeqra+XVII-I

Nores. to 4.

@ sgdq?rgrr{i qrfie&r gr{r {FqrftRrqrCfroitaqrFqqrft*ift.rqr{t fr ib&sqdiqrriil{rfi ff gd}qif*wrI d6A {ftrii {qrâ‚Źc'ir iirrt q gafrvar n qRtl Sl tk s 9?. If a person be born when the Moon is in Simha, he will have broad eyes,a beautiful face,grave looks and wiil bc h.ppy; if the Moon be in Kanya at a person'sbirth, the latter ivill be afflicted with a craving ior sensual enjoyment, of graceful address, eminent in learning and prosperous; if in Tula, the pgrsonwill view with reverence Gods and Brahrnanas, shorv affection

it. 93-94



torvardshis relatives and will be opulent: the personborn when the Nloon is in Vrischika will be heedless.ailing, avariciousand given to wandering. c/. Eqswaq XVII-5

NorBs. to 8.

tfoqmitR\qqr $oirt!fed'$rgst fr* rrld{! EUqREii Tqrri ard nefttr t w{* rtil$loqr{ gqqqe{iq ileniirair

{hQ €rrarr6+qrcgffier{qgdqfutt ql tl

Slukit 93. When the \,{oon occupies Dhanus, the person born will have handsome limbs and bright eyes; he will be the choicest specimen of his family and conversant rvith ttle arts; if the Nloon be in Makara at a person's birth, the latter will be acquainted rvith music, broad-headed and addicted to u'omen not his own; the person born when the Moon is in Kumbha will be without virtue or morality and inimical to Jearned men while surpassing in knorvledge; if the Moon be in Meena at a" person's birth, he will have :r handsome person. be learned and become the lord o[ m:rny rvives. Norrs' .Jticwrc+ XVII-9 to 12. c/.

il {r{qil$so(


tarddqqr{itarrqa{i€ iqi{rt

fras;*rg€tq*sfm{gql* e$t frfr t

qr{st {Ilkrd fuMr glqiqhqffsdr nrrn$f itEgrqlq.nfieqri$dkt{t il qBtl 5/ol.r 94. The person born when the Moon is in a Navamsa owncd by l\{esha will be a commander of an



Adh. IX.

army, opulent and distinguished by reddish eyes and destined to become a freebooter; if the Moon be in a Navamsa orvnerl by Vrishabha, the person born will have his body, the face and.the shoulders fat, but his frane will not be cornpact or rvell knit ; rvhen the Moon occrupies a Navamsa of Mithuna, the person born rvill have a lovely form, rvill serve under a master as a scribe and will be learned; if the Navamsa occupied by the N{oon belong to Kataka at the birth of any perscn, he rvill be black and rvill be withou.t the joys of having a father or a son.

$noâ‚Źqkrqlfrriu* mnrlfrffinrftrd m;qit Egrilqurs fi6gfufrqr*lfiqr I

md qlitkqrr gari{A ardi{fut

+teiirit*dsqd! i5{1fl!Ir frqtsaq} ftqqrqllq\ll Sloka 95.

When the-Moon is in a Sirnita N:n'artsa, the person born iviil have a fat body and a lolty nose, and will be famed for his wealtir and strcngth ; if the aain (Navarnsa occupied by thc Nloon bclong) to if;at (Kanya), thc person born rvill be distinguishcrl for his sweet words, leatr itr l)crson and clever at clice; whcn the Moon is in a rein (Nar':rmsa) of qvr (Tula), the person born will be a g:rllant, in the service of a king ancl rvith lovely eyes ; the person born whcn the Moon is in a qfbo aniu (Vrischika n;rvamsa), r.r'ill h:rve a defective limb, will be poor, lean, rvandering in quest o[ service and diseased.

qrqit umlfrtrgngt,â‚Źtnr{fi aqdiqil

g6rrs56q(Igs trEfrirTqq;tqrriirqR r fl{o;qrqmas ttEnirtrq!$rqitrt {ft-drfr

gnilt ft qq tl ffrtt qrg{mEinqqadfqhqr

g, 9?-99


Sloka 96. If the Moon be in a cst{r (Navamsa) owned by qq (Dhanus),the personborn will be lean and long-arrned,liberal, devout and wealthy; if in :r trqiv (Navarnsa) of rrnt (Makara), the person born will be covetous, black in personal appearanceand rvill have a wife arndsons; if in a i$rrreit (Iiumbha navamsa), the personborn will be hypocritical ;rnd henpecked; and if the Moon be in a ri}rqeiTr(N{een:r nav:rmsa), the person born wi,ll have a soft voice, but speakspiritedly,will visit holy placesand be blessedwith sons.

ll qrq$'orT tl R.t$t fuurcfqgqq qifr qr*r{Tr qrgsqr{$r;rqttgrlrqlfinrqqrilr gd I

ffi fiqnqhrfr qqei\qirlsitqutqal qqiqrcetg{{qffi

Eet qil*q(r n q\etl

Sloha 97. A person will be victorious over nrs of rvealth and cattle if born in the enemiesand possessed (Vishkambha yoga); subject to the will of ffiq other people'swives if born in frit (Preeti); long-lived and healthy, if born in tnlfnq (Ayushrnan); happy, if born in the Srt"q (Sowbhagya)yoga; voluptuous if born in drrr (Sobhana); murderously inclined if born in qrtqqs (Atiganda); wealthy and devotedto the practiceof virtue if born in gn$ (Sukarma); and taking away other people's wife and money if born in sfh (I)hruti).

dt iirwuuqs TariluRQ $tqrâ‚Źr{

Errgss I Efl qeil{rq *sftrqffir{ 5qTqTil-fr ilil E{qnrqqssdqil r.ir qff fitgss

ftS frfuilt)ftr xurtr ffi aqilqrilsilf u q6 ll



Adh. Ix.

SloAa 98. If a personbe born in the {Ffr.t. iSula yoga), he is wrathful and quarrelsome; if in ws (Ganda). he is addicted to evil practices; if in Utt (VriddhD, he is able to discoursewisely; if in n< (Dhruva), he will be exceedinglywealthy; if in .qtqt? (Vyaghatha), he will be ferocious; if in 6iur (Harshana), he will be wise and farfamed; if in rs (Vajra), he will be wealthy and lustful ; if in ftFq (Siddhi), he will be the refuge of all and lord like ; if in scdcre (Vyathipatha), he will be deceitful.

gcfir*q {ftqqqcqRt Raq*rfrwr{ ttrq{s it{itqqq ffiEr{ qnds*ffiqr irgnf flst g{rq|qqT fhil q{q{rqors


qr{Sl gqir{rqq q{EIt urliliKt i5trol ll 1q ll Sloka 99 If a person be born in the lttqrittt (Variyayoga), he will be lustful to a culpable extent : if in qRs (Parigha), he will be inrmical but wealthy: if in ftq (Siva), he will be well-versed in sciencesand scriptures, rvealthy, quiet and liked by kings ; if in fuq (Siddha),he will be devoted to virtue and engage in.the performance of sacrifices;if in env (Sadhya)he will be virtuous: if in trtrrt(Subha)he will be beautilully formed, wealthy, lovesick and affected with phlegrn-

& q*resqgâ‚ŹET{f*ft Tsr qFsit

qr* qurfrsRwqftstsrrfrfttrrgr t

effirtwrt B dwrlqErtqRar

qmEtqftruq roEttt{r{rtq* ffi

ltt "otl

Slofra 100. If a perEonbe born in ttre f,ui (Sukla Ioga), he will be virtuouc, eloquentio epech, wrathful, fichleninded and learned; if in rtr (Bnhna), he witl

sl. 101-1@



retlY kePt wealth' t. *". " of forming soundjudgments;if be liberal, and capable in i=-t (Aindra), his life will be universallybaneficent; and ha will t,i, inr"tt..t wiit be all comprehensive; muchweaith; if in tuR (Vaidhruti), he will be possess .rrnning, sa[umniating othere, powerful, liberal and opulent.

ll iFFFtqmranflo6'Ftt *Itfr


qr€\ flsrt€qrI

q-qiFrrutil *o\ qftmqt {{r(tt(I} squlor ll tot ll €gq-gqq{s S/ofrrz101. If a perEoobe botn in ea+{q (Bavakara' na), he will engage in juvenile worke and wilt be valiant; in rrq.l (Balava) he will be modest in his dress and deportment and will be honored by kings ; if in *sc (Kaulava), be will have elephants and horses with him anrl will do all that he doesin a handsome way; if intRo (Thaitila),he will speaksoftiy and impres' aively and will be virtuoue.

rrt:{frqrdrril frffirT rdrfr t EFriEftgurfiil-qR$rnltRolor qrquqlq{rqt Rffiir* qffirfrftemlttffi:rl

ll 1.1 ll

Sloha 102. It a perEonbe born in q{wrwl (Garajakarana),he will be without foes and powerful; if in <&q (Vanij) or qftwotq (Vanijakarana), he will be a a .l".rL, speakerand intrigue with mistressesindulging guilty paasion for him; if in ftfuowr (Vishtikarana),



Adh. Ix.

he will be hostile ro every body, addicted to sin{uf deeda, under public censure, but honored by his attendantsand self-reliant.

srill[su$*gql frKgd qrmqfrsrwr qWqisftofteq{rq*ftTqqI _ *daq M wqraiitEqc{r{ flqrofii nr.r+ ftKi q{sr{uqqd*{heqi Erqtn t.i tl Sloha 103. The person born in fiSqewr (Sakuna karana) will be an astrologer aod enjoy oteadypros, perity ; the personwho hashis binh in the urq (Karana) called sq6q{(Chatushpada),will have a multitude of miafortunes, will be acquainted with every b'sinese, very gentle,intelligent, famousand wealthy if a person ; be born in amao.or(Nagavakarana),he will be dignified, rich, exceedinglystrong and boastful ; in etgsq*"r (fim_ otughnakarana)is born a person who works for othera and is fickle,mindedand fond of mirth.

lt uflrsoq ll rglwrlszrTr 6{agf Tld RqKffi

qtâ‚Ź *frqt r unt g&owgrfuwqr

,iiqrt iqWitmr&{dreqrqq: ur<dir

ftqwrqnlssEq srril qJuqql ir,r{iuflf ?oB fl

Sloha 104. The person born in the lqorc (Meaha lagna)will be hostile to his rerarives,or *"od.ring habits, lean in peroon, hot-tempered,q*rrtuor"] proud, weak.kneed,poesesaed of unceftainwealthai heroic. The person at whose birth the riaiog,ig" i, gw (Vrithabha) will owrr many cor.r, pay diligâ‚Źnt

sl, 106-106


homageto eldere and to the Brahmanas,will be fond of iearneddisputations,inclined to wanderirtg,fortunate, lustful.calm.mindedand with but fcrv sot'ts.

*rft q;grfr qqrgifquetiqtq WnawAq

frqnqr gffir?qlsfdgqftirrft q grqiEt I

fruqrrnwfr ofril{rEmrqaqlddErq

qrilqcse{trqwaCitt;W'fiirEtu t o\ ll

SJoAa 105. lf ftga (Mithuna) be the rising rign at the birth of any person,he will be voluptuous,fond of relatives, compassionate,exceedingly prosperou6, worthy, acquaintedwith the real nrture of the world and the spirit, contemplative,liked by the virtuousr very beautiful, but ailing. The person born in the .Fero{rr(Kataka lagna)will have sumptuousmeals,cloth, ing and jewels, a soft voice, and a mind inclined to {raud,but will be virtuous, bulky and takirrgdelight in dwelling in the mansiousof other people.

qrnlfraiMserfiTqs wguffimr ''stdiiqht nnr t ut qrqq{rttti}ofigr i6;rTTotTiFr! f*qTgfrgurldtqrqgdtrffiefr q.gilqrwr?{ssut,Etl iqrqlqiimiEoTqift*i Sloku lil6. Tire pcrson born in the fiiasrt (Simha Iagna)has but few sons,is hostile to people contented w i t h w h a t t h e y h a v e ( b u t w o u l d n o t b e t t er t h e m s e l v e s ) , brave,will charm kings, overcomefoes,iong for women and repair to a foreign place; the personat whose birth the rising sign is o;qr (Kanya) witl be skilled in varioua works, prosperous,talented,of soundjudgment,taking pleasurein the blandishmentsof loveiy women, fond of relations and sincere.



Adh. Ix.

t v v g ! ! r v v v v v v w

ofueqEqi*rtrqwq{ fuflq qEqrftiadil etqqtr{rd t ffioqtrrgaur{n;â‚Źffird qoqftdt{iwlqi frfuai 11lou tl Slokr,1i-7. The pcrson botn in the gorcrt ( tula he lagna)wilt lrave a lovely face and charming eyes; *ilt U. honored l>y kings, learned, fond of the pleasures women, wealth and lands; his prinof love, possesoing calm, cipal teeth will not be closebut apart; he will be pensive,btrt irresoluteand exceedinglytimid'

qrdi 1t{r gfidrqq}sftqqd tiru&fi Retqsittoqq{ gqdafiiiqr(frqrt qT$qniqrâ‚Ź{Gt 3 $oin I qiqr{ qdhftqqR

qf{-'forqggqq wfidof {fr flaqm 11{ od ll

Sjo,fra108. The person born in the {|**vn lVriy chika lagnawill be silly with cruel looks, exceedingly learned' f ickle'mlnded, proud, long'lived, wealthy, (pensive). hostile to good men and nuroing sorrow is 'r-gs The person whose Lagna at the time of birth (Dhanus)will bc wise, the best of his family, prosperous porrrrsing famcand wealth; the man born in the "nd (Makara lagna) will be fond of lovely women' rr6{as perfidiousand will speakdejectedly' Norrs.

I3eingsillyisnotinconsistentwithbeinglearnediJameslo Englandwasdeclaredbysomehistoriantohavebeenthemos learnedfool in Christendom'

sr-(!tr61qewfikffiol I wioqdi6rryaqqqzoqqTils



- - v - - - v v ' - - - - v v v

frqlqwgrsrqqa{ fiff{ ll t "1 ll .Slcla 109. The person born in the 6qcs (Kumbhe lagna)rvill be crafty'minded, fond of dalliance with women not his own, of miserly habits anl master of much wealth. When *a (Meena) is the rising sign at a person'$birth, he will be learned,sparingin his enjoy' mento,kind to his friends rnd endowedwith. spirit and strength,while posseesingmuch corn and wealth.

tt ilnq,eq tt s*qrrfr rrcinnrqms 1 rt qrit frq{r{ rrwq;qs ilrCtqrm qndn qqeqfuffsqqi{rqR erq tt. S'oka 110. lf the Lagnabe an odd sign, and the tn (Hora) be owned by the Sun, the person born will be of a cruel disposition,lustful, rich and honoredby kings. But if, the Lagna being an odd sign,. the da (Hora) be that of the Moon, the person born will be but will eloquent,.liberal, ltandsome,compasoionate, havean intriguingwife.

qrilfrq*ilqftal qq{ Tr;et5ilffiqdsftStr


qqq tnn,rEl mtrr*rtfrsfiTs$H{ttrs Rrq t t t Stoha 111. If a person be born in the Sun's dlt (Horr) in an even rising sign, he will b: clever in couneel, sensible of frvors received, but irresolute and exceedingly timid, If a person be born in the r?n (Hora) b:longing to ther Moon in an even Rasi, he will

be fearleroin rpeech,laeyand fond of a virtuouo wife.


AdS; IX.


il {spr6o( lr *qTfbiWrrFellrilI

€qHIf I

q{fr ru?ffiat dtqrv w ^ qrqffo6{qgrr mEF( wd! n { tq il 'l'he first Drekkarraof fta (Simha), lc SJota 112. (Mesha) ilu (Kumbha), qfbt (Vrischika) and r+t (Ma' -1t" kara); the last Drekkanaof ira (Meena), Zfh-+1yt;t ka), fea (Simha), ger (Tula) and the middle Drekkana of *ze rKataka)and ?ib+ iVriscirika) are, for the u:ost part declaredby the sagestc be malefic.


eqroti*argarqflEtq"qfiq t

qjgqqiG€qaHqrfi {qi}d w-Sqq{rEqlo'rtft 11 Slola 113. The first Drekkanasof ero(Kataka) and dtq (Meena), the middlemost of diq (Meena) and il"qt (Kanya) a.nd the last of q'rrr (Vrishabhr) and frgq (Mithuna) are the six water-bearing Drekkanae.

tqrFEiritquqfratqr aglq{frgrKiqrff| |

qrqr$ililJqlTwerul?Tl EqTurdil!qlTEfh dtfl lt It t 8ll Sloha 1I4. The secondof *q (\4esha), w-g<lDhanuo), qcrr (\/rishabha), iirc (Kumbha) and ru't (Makara) and the first of gat (Thula), o;qt (Kanya) and figl (Mithuna) and che last of vg{ DhanLrs',+;<r (Kanya) and ii;e (Kumhha)are termedbenefic Drekkanas.

ErItutT qrlT-srffi+'FTqil iFat qnaT q K{qril |

frRqtmr{fi s{dk tr t t\ H {qffft-dilirrharqRfr

Sloln 115. The last of q+t rMaka ra)}l (Mesha),

sl. 116-11?



and *ao (Kataka), the first of qtrr (Vrishabha) and qgq (Dbanus) and the middlemost of frga (Mithunal, gvr (Thula) and ika (Simha)are termed mixed Drekka' nas, say the astrologerswith one accord.

rqsqftTeis qnqqisvffi adqrurqrdt ^

(ru, qlTriqqrgruRcfuoqtrniqrliidto: I


{TFq(qMcTrq! gc{qTiffiq{FF6ql Eqrgs

ilil ft* sdor rngqfrtunre&qoriffllqtqll

Sioko 116. The personborn iria maleficDrekkana will b: evii-minded,of wandering habits, addicted to e v i l d e e d sa n d i n b r d r e p u t e ; t h e p ? r s o n b o r n i n a frqwi*rq (Thoyadharadrekkana)will be libcral, volup, b;nt on agriculcure and irrigation, tuou$,conpessionate, a n d v o i d o f m o r a l i t y ; t h e p c r s o nb o r n i n a n a u s p i c i o u s D r . k k a n a w i l l h a v er i c h a n d h . p p y s o n s ,a l o v e l y f o r m , w i l l b e t e n d e r - h e a r t : d ;t h e p e r s o n b c r n i r a m i x e d Drekkarrawill be ill,behaved,addictecito young women not his owo, of cruel aspectand fickle'mind:d.

]t ilqErfioTTtl qnirstiT rFiltiql dogntni{t{ frFsttilq firft

tril{r SrqurslqQ{ftttl qiHr nirqqra:I qlqit Tqsqi qoqfitail fq{irft q gps: irrrft dft g'lih ofuregqq€qrilfidrqltql 11{ lu ll Sloktt 1t?. tf a p.rson beborn in a qiaait (Sutyahe will be evil'minded,strong, prolific, rich, navamsa), and lustful ; if in a Navansa owrit'J by the tars.rny,eyed Moon, he will be voluptuous,addictedto youngv"Jmen not his own, learuedand rich in cows ; i{ in a Na'ramsa of Mars, he wrll be addicted to cruel deeds, fickle' 81




ninded, of wanderinghabits,afflictedwith bilioullcom, plaints and avaricious; if in a Navamsa belongingto Mercury,he will be liberal,impassioned, handsome and well.knownfor his learningand goodname. da<c {idrg&rqdfr enagrilir rrrtrrrnq: tqdt grfircqr€ns: qrqrllrin;qEr I R-q. qrEfdrRqsus-it r*.rqqd; gdf 6{: atqntq{irswdi{i'rwiriai* ct: u rrai* +qs'srFaatftqtfnwi : tit roag{trqril€i q: gr& r r q$*ricRwilqdfrdr gwtr;itvagt*glr: cftdui*sth u *v& +fro; lps.lzlr! gtaftRn-d.1 rilrr*: g;rd ssn{kilhn 6rc?sd cieit I rri'rseeu{: gdf Xti; *uairisfigro: a't: flsficdq'rsfiscq, qrrfcaiir cr: u

, orirrJd=a : <eagHdrou!*d, fl eielbaq*irii qmziloiifirrrdftr: r rr?orig: xafrrlg gnroiu?il una: g<ft G.qqqrq-tql€q{qoKit: vrvaqoii

m: l

qtqiirqR tqhffigru *g: grfi uqnq q;dt qio-wqru {qqq(fr trqdWdql I ffii't qqilfifiqatawr{ft Sdr qfisfi

qqtt qfr nqgRrffif({ofA* ftril{ ut te rf

Slola 118. If a person be born in a Navamraof Jupiter,he will havegoldenhair in his person, and will be eminent,talented,beautiful,clever in counsel,speak, ing learnedly, of a cheerfulmien,and liked by emperora; if in a Navamsaowned by Venue,he will delightin the society of womennot his own, be liberal, comfortably phcedand learned;if in a Navamsabelongingto Saturn,

sf. 119-120



he will be evil,minded,.indigent, with large teeth, and afflicted with ailments. ur.r<a { rtclT: ltrrail{r: gcq3i {rs}rqor}qqr: ctg: qfr{c{tifisfifrqo; cld'r gi<rkd; r

g"t{it rRfq&fr {grra:qitrncs* &nrufi cg{€(r gtgiri* q}rqrtcr tl rdrqr.dtqftnc{i Tw*r: gq*: +rg*ir rrqid Rrul {qtd: tnf}r r l[r: rffcrq t'etftqfr qr{d}* gq* ?nilq*rriF.$qftr* qrtir rrrteit I cftrstgrirrtr cx*tt: S{nF:rrqR orffia: fircqol: etiltt: I rg[urvftgl: cidfta] f*qd,cftrtasrRTrrftnm* rrg<iir rr nst{rqf,rqgava drra, grrrg+$sRo}i}d'rer t g*: gm: ql: cg{rrnarfiqi, grg€ € a q1q 1

ll er{{EI$qII ll ilil lqalEqtt trfltqr *tr qtqnnwlgmr r

gdot tl\ ilfrtr|aft ftqngq{itrg.qit g q(ERTt

Slola 119. If a person be born in a ilqdn (Dwede' aamsa)owned bv *s (Mesha), he will be a mischievcur robber and take to the evil ways and practicesof a\rch a vicious class of people; if in a twelfth portion of a rign owned by wrr (Vrishabha), he will haw plenty of women and wealth and will su{fer from diseases; If in a flq{rin (Dwadaramsa) belonging to fug{ {Mi$unr), he will be a gambler but well'conducted.

g$imt u,,{-sth cvdl ftt Tnt{rqlrnrs(Utl I trnqns*m FTdn 6qlqr{qrfifuqtt T{rat ll



samsa)of u*z (Karkata), he will be addicted to bad practicer; if in a erqtritr lDwadasamsa) owned by {ka (Simha),he will b: virtuous,engagedin rhe businessof a king and will be attendedby brave men; if iu a eF{r Arq{ri?r(Kanyadwadasamsa),he wiil be a gamblerand addictedto wom3n; if in a Thula dwadaramsa,hc will be engagedin trade and have abundanceof money.

sizi{rh qqdiidaqiur?I{Hi{h iiilTtlg{firti6'! | {qrGTqiEquqhrrT{s rTUeT!

lnt qoftqiifli [TfiT{frer{ il tlt tl

Sloku l2l. If a perso:l bc born rn a frT{rtfl (Dwa, daramsa)owned by qilr (Vrischika), he will be a murder-loving master of roguesand robbers; if in a gtqcrtT(Dwadrsamsa)belongingto qlt (Dhanus),he will diligentlv pay homage to the Manel, Brahminsand the Gods; if r'n the rr{{rirt (Dwadasrmsa)of rlt (Makara), he will be the lord of growing corn and wilf have rcrvants ; if in a grrr 6rqtitr (Kumbha dwadasamsa), he will be a mischief maker; if in a qt{6rqqin (Meena dwadasamra),he will be rich and learned.

lt R{ri{fsuqtl f{qtt vtdigeq qqorffi;qE1q {t{r

qibaqtfrqiq* rr;Ea{rarftqfr drr{ r fut gâ‚Źtq{fhfrwr{rgi}q}q;gnE

qr{i fir;t{g! gâ‚Źl q Ugqfl{itr* qrqt ntRvl

Sloka tL?.. If a person be born jn a thirrieth



portion owned by Mars in eny sign, he w ill be ficklq stiff,voiced and cruel,minded; if in one belonging to Saturn in any aign, he will be addicted to wandering and of a depraved nnind; if in a fl*cria(Trimsamsa) of Jupiter in any sign, he will be wealthy ; if in a thirtieth portion owned by Mercury in any sign, he rvill have greatrespectfor his preceptorsand the Gods, delight in the societyof virtuouu men and be attendedby relativee; if in a &qrt{ (Trimsamsa)of Venuo in any sign, he wil_ be loving, lovely and happy.

u ir€T$€r{tl {rdi ftrsrqr€{€qqifrd6*t6 iidoi ffTnlor r t*fqilsqil{

ffiq'{rEi{tmrfir q€eorqqmrntRltl

Sloka LZl. The person who is born in the €i{tar (Satvavela)is eloquent, conforming to the duties and practicesof the .riEe, devour, constantly persevering, pure, bountiful, possessed of lustre,learningand beauty, truthful anrl without enemies.

qqltsrqmgr*qrqdsq{oErE ftenrr?rilqrgrqfuq;gfrTrnlfI etr|ilqnt ltvfiqti



qqo}firil tRBtl

Sluku 174, T'heperson brrn in the dttor (Rajovela) will have happiness,weakh, flme, beauty and strength; he will overcomehis foesand will be loveeick at heartI his mind will not be kindly disposed towards his relations. The person born in the a*tor (Tamovela)will try to securethe wealthand women belongingto others and will losehie happinessthereby.




tle will be a master rogue,at variancewith his relationr and venerablesuperiors and fickle.minded.

ilqtsiirtqJ+or(Iqf€Ff Gffiqs I

v*ftq*flEqrdilq{ffiqgnqrE u tR\ ll Sloha 125. The times pervadedby the qualitiesot fn< (Thamas - darkness),eea (Satva- purity) and tqq (Rajas-passion)are to ba reckonedby semi,yamas(half, yama:an hour and a half or lslGhatikas) regularly in the order eru (Thamas), ert (Satva), {at( (Rajas), wr< (Thamas), eea(Satva), rart (Rajar), &c. from Sunday forward through the other days of the week. Norns, According to this sloka, edch day is divided into 16 halfyamas; the first er*crq (Ardhayama) as well as the last of a Sunday is a nitiot (Thamovela); the first and the last of a Monday are Satvika ; of a Tuesday, Rajasa; of a Wednesday, Thamasa; of a Thursday, Satvika ; of a Friday, Rajasa; of r Saturday, Thamasa.

\ il rFtuERtqo{ ll Cr\ ril-rrrtwnerc:gilfl;gffTq(rs I srRrrT {Ril em {r* rTtIHrGr!il lRq tl

Sloka 126.Jupiter,Mars,the Sun,Venus,Mercury, theMoon,Saturn-thisis theorderin which the lordsof the lloras follow in auccession.The Hora in any day of the weekis reckonedbeginningwith that day i e. ics lord. The Hora on the night of the week,daychoren ic reckonedftom the 5th week-daytherefrom. NorBs. For example,the first Hora of Mondayis the Moon's; thr noxt, Saturn's; the one after that, Jupiter's; and soon till the be'

sl. 12?-129


Einniug of tbe aight. The first Flora on Mqnday nighl is to bo reckoned from the 5th day.from Monday d.e. Friday. The lord of the lst Hora on Morrday night is Venus; the 2nd belongsto Mer' cury, the third to the Moon, the 4th to Saturn, the 5th to Jupiter, tho 6th to Mars, the 7th to the Sun, and so on.

bmqrsrwqqr{irsrtr,ifrqrfrd q*wqiqu€{ I qrqTda.titqqrq\ ftfrurqwradnrq qroalmii qq t| Sloka 127. The effect of a peroon's birth in the Sun'8cT€drr (Kalahora) is pain and fatigue ; in the Moen's, pro$perity; in that of Mars, sorrow and sick' nees; in Mercury's, learning and wealth ; in Jupiter'a, possessionof every kind of blesaing, in that of Venus. conjugal bliss ; in Saturn's, the loss of property.

| nafreqw{qwqrlrqrft tqrutrqqgtqnrrElftdsTfr

?nrtis,ffirorfr qrfru*titarfrtRueqqu{Kr( snfta*Js.qrqr tqarqfffii qTils$ft E{tafi?Er&qqt Stoka 128. ;The variouseffectsupona person'alife due to hir birth beingconnected(1) with tbe preeeoce of Gulika in a certainbhava,(2) with a particularcyclic year,(3) with the formeror latterhalfof the came; (l) with a particularseasonof the year; (5) with a particu' lar month thereof; (6) with a particularhalf-month;(?) with a particularday of the Moon in the half,month;(8) with a prrticular ctar in coojunctionwith the Mcon on that day ; (9) with the particular cign occupied by thc Moon than; (10) with the particularyoga prevallingat the time; (11) with the Karanaspecialfor the day ia question;(12) with the half (Hora),3rd (Drekkanalgth (NavJmsa),l?th (Dwadaeamsa), or 30th (Trinsusa) portioo of a partkular rign; (13) with a Thamasa,Sstvr or Rajovela, and (1a) with a certain Kalahora-tlrc lev€"




ral effectsdue to the birth bcing viewed from various atand,points have been treated of effectively by the blessingand graceof the Sun and other planets. Thus endc the 9th Adhyaya in the vrork weuqli{ct" (Jatakaparijata) compiled by Vaidyanathaunder the auo. picesof the nine planets. Norss. It is worth while to know when and how the various ellec ts treated of in this Chapter will come to pass in the life of any per' son. In this connection, the foltowins slokas of sta{trl(q lfaraka' bharana) will be found interesting:-

csrft t{€rqiorqi qsrft atcrfdftft csa"qr r qiqrsi €rrrq'{q'lervrisn{*rri'qdclr: n r I crstf;i qr€ce€H: udqqao*{ v <q vrq r frfirrqn fi(uirrt q q-qltais*a qmiau,i ,, a ,, q-mitqi{ee*qorF{ilq I ar{t{4 srr& *fiis'd osl-di orqc*iarqi €rlrr{gqrfirq}{qlsq rr 1 11 The eflects of the year and other division:; of tirne wherein a b i r t h t a l < e sp l a c e h a r - e l ; e e n d e s , : r r b e d . T h e

o c , , u rr r : u c e o f t h o s e

c f l e c t s s h o u l , l b c s r , t l l e d e s f o l l , . r w : i ;\ \ ' l r , r th ' r s b e e r r s t a t e d f o r t h e U e o r , w i l l t a l i e J r l : r c ed u r i n g t h e r i l r e r r i n go f t l r * i d a s a o f t h e l o r d o f t h e € I . r a ( S ; t v a r r i r )s , e a r( i . e . a y e ; r r c , f 3 f r 0 . l a l s ) ; t l r e e f i e c t f o r t h e h a l f - y e a r a n c l t h e S t o s o r r ,d u r i n g t h e d a s a o f t h e S u n : t h a t f o r t h e m,onth, during the dasa oi the lord of the rnonth; that for the h a l f - m o n t . hq { ( l ' a k s h a ) : r s r . , , e l i a s f o r t h e o s t e r i s m , d u r i n g t h e dasa of the l\Ioon ; tliat for the feiir (.|l,ittri) and the :+,r.q(liaranrt),in the sub-lieriotlof the }{oon rn the Sur:'s tlasr ; that for lhe uteek tlq!! EI{ (Vara), during the dasa of tlre lord oi the week. q)q iYoga), shoukl be <:onsiclered lvith reference ,1ry; that for. the t o a h o r o s c o p en ' h e r e i n t h e S u n l n c l t h e M o o n a r e s t r o n g ; t h a t f o r the Lagna, during thc dasa period of the lord of the l.agna ; thal for the Rasi rvhich has a planetary aspect on it or is the seat of a bhava should be deduced in this wa1'-f. e. as iikely to occur during the dasa of the lorcl of that'Rasi.

cTrilffirfr q{rfrsrryqt n stEl?FTrtf€qrqf tl Adhyaya


AsnrexevARGA. The following eleven slokrr frorn dtttqq1;1(Horamakararda) are rnrertodhore, because they form.an appropriateintroduction to this Chapter.

q*si wqu{q qudi gqq qd. *qrrrRrTEs,I wt atcaigEt q{rq tqr*Tmaogsqr*: u ! tl Each planet moving from tho place it occupiedat the birth of a perlon admittedly producesits own peculiar eflect varyiog with its progressthrough the l2 Rasrs. Owing to the admjtted variation in this efioct, theencier:ts say tbat it.cannot be laid down as absolutely identical (evon) in lhe case of personsborn uudcr tlir,o s3me star.

rrlt Rra: r*cqri {(tgri grq€r{rfnr ag?rerf}a t qrff aqr \ lqr, trwifr: lser c t egoir 11apen r u Astrologers declare that to be the :r.ri-nttt (Janmarasi) of a p€rson rvherein the Moon was at the time of his birth, The severai places in which the planets and the Lagna rnal, be in all possible NBtt cannot consist ol seven.

rtisurrRrdg'iise qii: ffise irra gvtgrrlfr | qFi qr( u 1 fr sorfr tqi s fit'rqfrrrr qqrss{rr'ii?rt6d Hence every person is decla,red to have eight signs as the seats of the seven planets and the Lagna and it is with reference to these eight places that ali thc good antl evil eflects of a person's life due to the drsjoined or conjoined states of the planets and the I-agna are calculated-a process which when completod, the qtr{-{.i (Ashtakavarga) result as it is called will become revcalcd.





Adh. x

gfirqcrftfi r*tsRcaqafrqnrcdtgicerq r qtargrrrrR+.d iag rrRrw'{nsrqqqkqig i*t orrrq 6{qtrrFqqT(Ira:gmrdt'ucrt}qtt u rt (Ashtakauarga) the Sun is deWith referenceto its e{Eei'itl c l a r e d e x c e e d i u g l ya u s p i c i o u si n t h e l s t , 2 n d , 4 t h , 7 t h , 8 t h , 9 t h ' 7th lOth and I lth places from itself, Iilars altd Saturn ; in the 6th p l a ces l l t h a n d 9 r h t h e 5 t b , 6 t h , i n e n d l 2 t h p l a c e sf r o m V e r r u s ; t hc p l a c c s f r o m from Jupiter; in the 3rdr 6th, lOth and Llth M e rf r o m I t { o o n ; i n t h e 3 r r , l ,5 t h , 6 t h , 9 t h , l O t h , l l t h a u d l 2 t h p l a c e e cury ; and lastly in tlre3rd, 4th, 6th, l0tb, llthand l2th from thr Lagna.

qrqgdrrrqqcmlbltru ifgdtE nsqqftTeg qe$q' t lrrq {nrrritg qck qcEnqfog ;<reu?lq1X !q trnrqriqqrsDg frgtrgilt o;qtxrcsor* m<t: tl rr ll gsr$qiqtgqtqf,q;ririlrrTrr placer Tho Moon is euspicious in the 3rd, 6th, 10th and llth llth a n d l 0 t h 9 t h ' from thcLagna; inthe 2nd,3rd"5th,6th' p l a ces I l t h a n d l O t h p l a c e sf r o m M a r s ; i n t h e l s t , 3 r d , 6 t h , 7 t h , fromitsclf; inthc3rd, 6th, 7th,8th' lOth andltthpiacosfrom in tho t h e S u n ; i n t h o 3 r d , 5 t h , 6 t h a n d l l t h p l a c e s f r o mS a t u r n ; p l a c o r f r o m l t e r curv; l l t h a n d l O t h l s t , 3 r d , 4 t h ,5 t h , 7 t h , 8 t h , f r o r n p l a c e s J u p i t o r *; in the ltt, 4th, 7th, :th, l0th, I lth and l2th gth, loth rnd llth placrs and lastly, in the 3rd, 4'h, 5th, 7th, frorn Vcnusqafisti *rlr rcnfrt: qtâ‚Źqdr{a*q*l: irrrttt[ | qlilâ‚Ź: rrrrq(qqsqufqrt$'tg :n*rririi:

detr gron !r( tqrarerelg aqqiig{{rrTrag rqtrurwrels ftfta tdgnrE #n+nqsif u e I

IUersisaucpiciousinthelst,2nd,4th,Tth,8th'lothendlltb placesfron places from itself; iu the 3rd, 5th, 6th, lOth and I lth + t h , 7 t b ' 8 t h lOth and llth placo from "In the let, Znd, Jupitrr, eccording to some'



thc Sun; in tho 3rd,6th and llih places'from thr Moon; in thc f st, 3rd, 6th, l0th and llth places frorn the Lagna; in the 3rd' s t h , 6 t h a n d I t t h p l a c e sf r o m M e r c u r y i i n t h e 6 t h , l 0 t h , I l t h a n d l 2 t h p l a c e sf r o m J u p i t c r ; i e t h e 6 t h , 8 t h , I l t h a n d l 2 t h p l a c e s from Venus; and lastly, irr the lst, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, lOth and I lth places from Saturn.

u: gfF( {rsvr}ttsn;Is{ga c&g} gmrrlT: qr{r{ttsq dtarqtaqfigfavarig trdr ft+{flq t {tqql'uiRur* &ngq{rgi qarq€q{rrftt'rteircrruftr![tr]sRtrgeelilag6il{CIrig

€rtllF( ll e ll

M e r c u r y i s a u r p i c i o u si n t h e l s t , 2 n d , 3 r d , 4 t h , 5 t b , 8 t h ' 9 t h gth' a n d l l t h p l a c e sf r o n r V e n u s : i r r t h e l s t , 2 r r d , 4 t h , 7 1 h , 8 t l r , l 0 t h a n d l l t h p l a c e sf r o r n \ { n r s a n d S a t u r n ; r n t h e 6 t h , 8 t h , l l t h a n d I 2 t h p l a c e s f r o r n J u p i t e ri ;n t h e 5 t h , f i t h , 9 t h ,I i t h a n d l 2 t h p l e c e sf r o m t h e S u r ti i n t h e l s t , 3 r d , 5 t h , 6 t h , 9 t h , l 0 t l t I l t h , a n d l l t h p l a c e sf r o r n i t s e l f ; i n t h e ? n d , 4 t h , 6 t h , 8 t h , l O t h a n l l l t h D l r c e sf r o m t h , M o o n ; i n t h e l s t , 2 n d , 4 t h , 6 t h , t j t h ' l 0 t h a n d I lth places from the Lagna.

diEi trq,q q$*ryrrregRg t*: qftlriltqq qrq (rrqfugstq vs.€tlagtlaga'iiqqqitlt, sr,, r( trI*S EFfl?t€tlfQr'laqfiqrfdita'i gqr{. ua u tfrva3reE grtir. qr1lagirq*cmftA&tg Jupiter is benefic in the lst, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, l0th and I lth places from Mars; irr the lst, Znd, 3rd. {th, l7th, 8th, 9th, lQth and llth placesfrorn the Sun; in the lst, 2nd, 3rd, {th,7th' 8th, lOth and llth places from itself; in th,: lst,2nd, 4th, 5th, 6 t h , 9 t h , l O t h a n d l l t h p l a c e s f r o r n l v l e t ' c t r r y ;i n t h e l s t , Z n d , 4 t h , 5th,6th,7th,9th, lOth aod llth places fro'n the l-agna; in tlre 2nd,5th,7th,9th and llth places fronr the Moon; in the 3rd,5th 6th, and l2th, places from S'tturn; and lastly, in the Znd, 5th, t enus. 6 t h , 9 t h . l 0 t h a n d I I t h p l a c e s f r < - r r tV

'pfrslcr Rtg aqiiq{d{}i, ;&g orarq rtrdr j3srrilrffig Fnq rlqiaqqr{ffifi itr*dt





Strutqre{.g&{{rg TftqR(riftoq:lrtur* c?sr{ urq dtfrqr}Tqrilmggrr{irrrft&is

I qu

Venus is auspicious in the lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, I lth and l2th places frorn the Moon; in the lst, Znd, 3rd, 4 t h , 5 t h , 8 t h , 9 t h a n d l l t h p l a c e sf r o m t h e L a g n a ; i n t h e l s t , 2 n d , 3 r d , 4 t h ,5 t h , S t h , 9 t h , I O t h a n d I t t h p l a c e s f r o r n i t s e l f ; i n t h e 8 t h , l l t h a n d l 2 t h p l a c e sf r o m t h e S u n ; i n t h e 3 r d , 4 t h , 5 t h , 8 t h , 9 t h , l O t h a n d l l t h p l a c e sf r o m S a t u r n ; i n t h e 5 t h , 8 t h , 9 t h , l O t h a n d l l t h p l a c e sf r o m J u p i t e r ; i n t h e 3 r d , 5 t h . 6 t h , 9 t h a n d I l t h p l a c e sf r o r n M e r c u r y ; a n d l a s t l y r r r t h e 3 r d , 5 t h , 6 t h , 9 t h , I l t h a n d 1 2 t h p l a c e sf r o r n l { a r s . t '

€rq difrrTqr?gerfigwihgcir{ €6{qrig qqi{ |;4eruzg rrg aaqgf;<rtTqr{rRqdg sr4r{ | .q{rqrq€ir fiorcrgcqqfig+r*g qcrii ft :* gsr{rq$Tezr6{qa;tqr{irr{r{tgqri{flR: il Io tl Saturn is beneflc in the 3rd, 5tb, 6th and llth places f r o n i t s e l f ; i n t h e 3 r d , 5 t h , 6 t h ,l O t h a n d l l t h a n c l l 2 t h p l a c e s f r o m M a r s ;i n t h e l s t , 2 n d , 4 t h , 7 t h , 8 t h , l O t ah n d l l t h p l a c e s f r o m t h e S u n ; i n t h e 6 t h , 8 t h , 9 t h . l O t h , l l t h a n d l 2 t h p l a c e sf r o m M e r c u r y ; i n t h e 3 r d , 6 t h a n d l l t h p l a c e sf r o m t h e M o o n ; i n t h e l s t , 3 r d , 4 t h , a ) t h ,l 0 t h a n d l l t r r p l a c e s f r o m t h e L a g n a : i n t h e 6 t h , l l t h a n d l 2 t h p l a c e sf r o r n V e n u s ; a n d l a s t l y i . t h e 5 t h , { r t h , I l t h a n d l 2 t h p l a c e sf r o r n J u t ' r t n r .

ant?Trfis'fi'ocErft +ftrar;q:qrii Tsr;.ld: Eri aiaqi aiirsiq+nd {q: €ffif,€r: I ft*drcqqfteftr gr$rfr WrFd il{riln.i iirae{icsqi}rq6rrdr: l1r{: %q .ir g'.{q. M

1 (gorrfi:)

The benefic positions have hccn cnurner:rtcd; the rest 'I'lrc are to be understood as 'ralellc. i \ ! ' , r . f o 1 ( l c l i s t i n c t i o n st i z . of benefic and malefic should be clearly s,,.t forth. T'hc r;lanets produce the effect of whichever of these tw-o preponderate in the

' B u t a c c o r d i n gt o P a r a s a r a , t h e 3 r d , 4 t h , t 1 t h ,9 t h , l l t h l2tb places from Mars,




Ashtakavarga calculations made from the Rasi they occupy at the time of birth (vide previous Slokas). In their own, friendly or sqqq (Upachaya) places, the planets invariably advance the beneficeffect revealed by Ashtakavarga. In their depression,ini. inimical or srqqq (Apachaya) places, thr y generally fail to sustain whatever good effect may appear from the Ashtakavarga process.

sr-rrFraqil q? itrumtqrr*sgiq r x tqrR;ia aed qrtnrâ‚Ź&sd.T{: n (<war{;) From where the planets are at the time of birth, the benefic and malefic dots should be marked. A planet in its progress through a Rasi producesthe effect of the malefic or benefic dots app:aring therein (as ascertainedfrom its Ashtakavarga). * In other books i<qr(Rekha) is used to denote what frâ‚Ź (Binau) signifies here uiz. a benefic dot i the term i|;g (nindu) in other books is employed in the sense of a rnalefic dot. This has to be kept in mind in rnaking out quotations from other euthors.


{riEr aqFd{q?rrilnaq I

sr{shEr<fsil crEodtftugiiw: n (Qe*ftt:)

The several places detailed above are to be reckoned with respect to the Rasi (and not the Bhava) occupied by each of the 7 planets and the Lagna at the time of birth. These pracesshould be understood as benefic and the rest marefi,:, As each Rasi happensto be counted 8 times (once for each of the 7 planets and the Lagna) for ascertaining the bonefic as well as the malefic places, the: maximum number of countings cannot in any case exceed8. If after computation of a planet's 3red{i (Ashtahavarga) it is found that a particular Rasi has more countingson the benefiic side than on the malefic, it means that the net result is beneficial to the native. If we should denote a beneficplace by a <lot(.) and a malefic one by a vertical stroke (l), we can at a glance understand tho difierenee between these two kinds of countings in any sfE{T{

Adh. x.



(qFr) (Ashtakavarga). The eftect of a planet's arrivat in any bhava (Goch:lrr,), i. bene6c, rnixed in its progress throrrgh the orbit ftet benefic dots in ,the ttasi of the nurrrber as or malefic accordinq (ghinnashtaka'arga) of the fr{afSq;qfi representing the bhava in of t h e p l a n e t i s g r e l t ' ) r t l t l n , e q r t ; r ll o o r l e s s t i t a n 4 ' D o t s s h o r t theprescribednrinirrturnindicateuntowardeflectproducedbya planet belying any favourable position it may occupy; while dots of the prescr rbed mininru:tr betol<en good' notwithin "*."r. planet concerDed. For standing the unfavolrreble position of the result exanrple, if all the 8 hairpen to be benefic it maans that the is fully beneficial. the result tt ?r*

lt only 7 of the 'n are bcnefic ancl I malfic, *ths beneficial. If in any' Rasi the number of

b e n e f i c d o t s b e 6 a n d t h a t o f r n a l e h i c s t r o l < e sb e 2 , t h e ' " ' u 1 t i t C ? or * beneficial.

If the nuurber of benehc dots be 5, we should say

that the effect will U" the result is

ror t4 - 4 o



or lth bcneficial,

lf it

s5ou1dbe 4,

that is neither good nor evil, lrut neutral

and so on.

qic c: grT: grrrlrg: tqrn: 'i crcer rrcit I q({ cqifTds:ntqi


tilInlcaqq u

in f . a l e f o r e x a n r p l e t h c h o r o s c o p en r e n i i o n e d b e l o w : r e p r o d u c e d a n d 6 , Chapter VII, Sloka

llrihat Jataka,

f,ffitL l:r{ i ^'::'*r:,r I;; I

l.i 1u"""$:,1;';l,,rl I

strores_ssrr r 1 l


l- iu,l l-r-.-l i',


'Ihe 3 benefic dots neutralise with 3 of the nralefic strokes. strokes. The net result is 2 malefic strokes which means that l\fars when passingthrough tbis sign will be productive of ] or tth e v i l . S i m i i a r l y f o r t h e o t h e r s i g n s , t h e r ei s o n e p e c u l : t r i t y t o be noticed in the qc{'{ri (Ashtakavarga)of lt{ars. In sign Kumbha i n t h e e x a m p l e t h e r e a r e 3 d o t s a n d o n l y 4 s t r o k e r si n s t e a d o f 5 . T h i s i s b e c a u s et h e l 0 t h p l a c e f r o r n t h e N { o o n h a s b e e n d e c i a r e d to be inefiective,that is, neither beneltc nor malefic---a;4liqrEqtg Chandraddigviphaleshu-for the qs{iri (Ashtaliavarga)of Mars. T h a t p l a c e h a s t h e r e f o r en o t b e e n t r k e n f ; ' t h e c a l c u l a t i o n ' T h e 4 3o, *th' net evil arising there is thusonly .' In the case of a planet n'ith more benefic tlots, the benefic i n f l u e n c ew i l l b e a l l t h e g r e a t e r a n d m , o r e n r a r h e di f t h e p l a n e t concernedshould also be posited ilr an sq;{'-{(Upachaya) house ( w i t h r e s p e c tt o t h e L a g n a o r t h e l \ { o o u ) , o r o : c u p y a f r i e r r d ' s h o u s e ,o r h i s o w n s i g n o r h i s e x a l t a t i o n l i a s i .

eq6qosif tE: t osrgqdrcTttqai4r6t qr sosftd}ir: gri EqtE rl fl{aiiauii,


If on the other hand the planet though getting more benefic dots should happen to be in an 3Ir4r[ (Ai;aclruya) hou''e (reckoned either fronr the Lagna or the Moon), or in his depressiou sipn or inimical sign, the good eflect will be considerably reduced. If in the above case there be more malefic stroires instead of dot:;, it will worsen the bad ef{ect.


qrq t sfqqq(di aiti a3&i s GFTITT$ q{g â‚Ź qqftrllti qocfr{rftai qq[iFtoq tt -ALB.-The sr{-t.f (Up^chaya) or siqq'{ (ApacLal'a) places have to be reckoned rvith respect tolhe Lagna or the Moon at the time of birth and not by the position of the planets at the time of q'lqt {Goclrara). cf.


qqg sdiq rRgEiqrfutfi ilrii girsica$eili: r qilra{Fnq-ir su(t q s;cfr qru{sdi fitu:




Adh, X.

* wn*sqe g aardtr&Eqr'"gria cgStrvrtuq I Also tret q"câ‚Źqqqltqi ircscq{*tilr:

nd'cn uwtg gE6ar:I c?Erâ‚Źrii &qcrq n

These autbors have in their turn specifically stated, by the words srqfitA /Janmakale), qft (Sutau), wm? (Jaumani)r that good and bad places havo to be determihed with respect to the positions of planets at birth-timc only. But at the time of producing the ef,ects,all pl4,pets excepting the Moon will cause their full good or lrad efiect to come to pass provided they are strong and not otherwise. In the case of the Moonr even if she is benefic (r'.e., placed in places such as gq-{q (Upachaya), etc.r and the Rasi cbntaining the Moon happeningto be associatedwith bencficdots) if she does not possessstrengthr she produces only evil effects ; (Devakirti) says for icffi

gengEst[,v qqftRc-&{}{ triqg I nf q{ edd6; rss* rofltE?qt rr Varahamihira too has said in his work qret (Yatra) about thc inability (to produce eflects) on the part of planets devoid of strength owing to their being in depression, defeat in plenetary war, or combustionretc.

frrlTr cEfrii-dr (r{irT{dr ftaqri"r 6qr: I gqrr {{ cedar *ifr orqtQlcr ol rr Thus it will be seen tbat whatever eflects-,good or badhave been ascribedowing to the planet being placed in a sign of exaltation, SwakshetrarUpachaya, etc., it always refors to the position of the planet at the time of birth; and whatever effects, good or bad, that have been ascribedto the planet itself generally wifhout referencein any way to the particular place of occupation should be construed as indicating the result of the planet's transit to tbe concernedplace. It may be mentionedhere that in several Panchangams the beneficqtq< (Gochara) pbalas of planets are mentioned; j.e.. if



particular planets in their orbit in the zodiacpass through particular places from the Moon, they become auspicious and so on. It will be seenthat theseare sirnply the benefic positions of that particular planet with respectto the Moon in that planet's Ashtakavarga and do not cornpletely representthe entire benefic results of that plariet The Ashtakavargasare usedin connectionwith transits. For e x a m p l e S a t r r r nt r a n s i t t i n gt h e 3 r d 6 t h a n d l l t h p l a c e sf r o m t h e Moon is good provided the benelic dots in those places are above 4. Supposehe is transitting the 3rd house from the Moon in a n a t i v i t y w h e r c t h e b e n e f i cd o t s a r e b e l o i v 4 . H e w i l l n o t b e v e r y g o o d . H i s c o m i n g i n t h e 3 r d h o u s ei s n o d o u b t g o o d ; b u t m u c h c a n n o t b e e x p e c t e do f l r i m b e c a u s eo f t h e s r n a t l n u m b e r o f b e n e f i c dots, The oosition in the 3rd housethough good, the smal1 num. b e r o f b e n e l i , :d o t s t h e r e i nd i s q r r a l i l t e sh i n r t o d o g o c d . I t i s a f a c t i n d i s p u t a b l et h a t p l a n e t sw i e l d a c e r t a i n a m o u n t o f i o f l u e n c e ,w h e t h e rf o r g o o d o r e v i l r d u r i n g t h e i r t r a n s i t s a t t h c t i m e o f c o n s i d e r a t i o ni n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e n u m b e r o f b e n c f i c dots which the planets gain to their credit in their respectivo Ashtakavargasbasodon the oosition each of the planets occupy et the time of birth. . h - oe r x a r n p i e ,l e t u s c o n s i d e rt h e i n { l u e n c cw h i c h t h e p l a n e t s nrey proJr-rceon the sample horoscopegiven under, say, about thc f i r s t w e e k o f l ) e c e m b e r1 9 3 2 . Rahu Moon

lladix Horoscope




Adh. x.

It will be seenin the abovethat the Sun is occupyingVrischika end the Sun's Ashtakavargafigure in Vrischika is 5. Mars is in Simha and the number of beoefic dots iu Kujas takavargais 6, Morcury is posited in Vrischika and the number of beneficdots undcr Builha's Ashtakavarga is 5. Jupiter is in Simhr and the number of benefic points in Jupiter's Ashtakavarga is 3. The planct Venus occupies Tula and the number of benefic dots there in the Ashtakavargaof Venus is 6. Saturn is in Makara; and in Sani's Ashtakavarga; the number of benefic dots in Makara is 4. Thus, the sum total of benefic dots for the said week for all the sir planets taken together comes to 29. Norv 48 beneficdots are the maximum fixed to pass a nativity for good in all rtispects. It rnay however be safely predictedthat !.he native will be free from worry loss, etc., and his situation will only be of a normal nature if the sum total of the bene6cdots of all the six planets taken together come6 to 24. In this speci mcn horoecope,as the number of benefic dots comes to 29, it can safoly be said that the native will bo free fron, anxiety and worry in the said period. The less the number oF beneficdots. the worse will be the eftectsto be experiencedby the nativc. Bhattotpala adds : Varahamihirahas stated (Brihat Jataka, Chapter VIII, Sloka 23) that when two similar effectsbut contrary in naturc are producedby one and the sarne planet (owing to its owncrship of two houses,or ownership of one houseand occupationof another house), the result will be nil when the two effects referred to are equrl in degreeand that it will partake of the nature of the preponderatingeffect in case they are not of equal degree.

grrc(<r csfr s-sqiitrii ard qffist

rrivsli rq tr

A questionmay now be asked whot the author's objcct was by making a similar doclaration again through the words " dR qqqRrr {q:." Thc rnswer isffidtuq;qkt{Ki}q$-oRcffi " No, it is no repetition at r,ll. What was* statadbrforo without thc aid of Ashtakavarga Table relates to the canccllation of two tdsilar effects but of a contrrry charactr. For cxample, a plemt in one capacity msy be a giver of woalth ; the rrrno planet

, both the effectsare similar in character and become neutralised with the consequencethat the native neither acquires wealth nor incurs cny losses; But if the planet's capacity to give wealth be in any way stronger for more realons than one, the same will of course predominateover the opposite current (of ttre other effect) and thc result will be an influx of some money. In the present verse it has beer.rstated that there is cancellation in the caseof good and bad effectseven if they are not similar in nature. This view is further supported by ql(qqq (Badarayana) and ffii (Yavana) as they ha'r'e admitted this principle while speakiug about Ashtakavargasantl their severaleffects' Thus, for example' a certain planet may be the giver of gold on account of a certain reason, The same planet may on account of some otber reasoo causeloss in silver- Though the effects in these two casesare n o t s i m i l a r ( b e c a u s eb o t h a r e n o t i n r e s p e : t t o g o l d , n o r t o s i l v e f ) , (one m e r e l 1 ' o n a c c o u n to f t h e e f f e c t s b e i n g o p p o s i t ei n n a t u r e b e n efic' i s n e i t h e r r e s u l t t h e givingand the other tal<ing away), a c c c unt o u R a s i n o r m a l e 6 c , A f t e r s u c h c c n s i d e r a t i o n so f e a c h of its 8 countingsrif it is found that benefic points outnumber tho malefic, the eflect of the planet on that Rasi should be declared as beneficto the extent of the excessbeneficdots as already stated. Now the following qrestion may be asked: lVell, if Ashtakr' varga then is so important for ascertainingthe natureof the effects, wbat was the necessityfor Varahamihira treating separately iu his Brihat Samhita the i'rstrq-s (Gocharaphala) of planets with intenrespect to tbe Moon's place at birth ? The answer is, tbe not have which tion of Varahamihira is that such of the effects been stated in connection with the Ashtakavarga should be stated in the rilsK (Gochara). Further, as ftqK (Gochera)is wide-known to all, and as it has been treated of by many authors in thoir works, it has to be inferred that Varahamihira too has adopted tho in his same course followed by his predecessors. For he has said (Yatra), qtTI work 'r qr I qq dl=sffiu{qtgtdt eq iqssleqqf

sr{{t a sgsl.i'ft<ii cqcrrrtnci lt rfrst: n




Yavaneswaratoo, after describingthe offectsseprrately, ha6 acceptedthis Ashtakavarga systemalone as of prinrary importance ; for lre has said

s.ore{dgrrc{wq} swi{aqr{sd cQd r vrr{rltqrcrer sd itsr;l qrilfit{ri s sggi q rr Badarayana also has said

rsii nFqda? c,S iq qrdi ardTr$ata(lT qrâ‚Źt: r sIE{r cf*qTsftfiucir: qrE tqri tqr} otrii saer rt and has thus accepted only the Ashtakavarga method.




The processof 6nding the benefi: dots irr the Ashtakrvargas o f t h e s e v e r a l p l a n e t s i n a c c o r d a n c ew i t h t h e r n e t h o dg i v e n i n p a g e s6 5 0 - 6 5 2t u p r a i n v o l v e s h e a v yl a b o u r a n d c o n s i d e r a b l et i m e cspecially when it iras to be done for several hbroscopes. Some methodsof simplifying this work have been suggestedin the past, but a new contrivance has now been devisedwhich has several n c r i t s . I t n o t o n l y d o e sa w a y w i t h t h e p a t i e n t l a b o r i r v o l v e d i n the dull and routine process, but also shows the results in such a way that one can see at a glance how the benefic dots irl any particular househave been contributed. The sqieqad (Sarvashta' ka varga) figurescan also be very easily read from the plates at a glance. The Dractical uses to which the results cao be put are, as is known to astrologers,several. The more important of these useshave been explained in this Adliyaya in tbeir appropriate pleces. The construction of the Ashtakavarga plate and the metlod of readingthe results from the same will now be explained. The contri vance consists of nine circular plates (discsof zinc, copper or brass), of successively larger radii placed one ever the other in the order of their size, the largest being placcd at the bottom and tlre srnallest at the top. A radius of one inch



for the smallest and three inches for the largest, the diftereace betweenthe radii of successiveplates being *th of an inch will be fou'd suitable. The bottom-most plate has an axle with screw a r r a n g e r n e n tf i x e d t o i t s c e n t r e a b o u t w h i c h t h e o t h e r p l a t e s revolve. By rightening the screwat the top, the plates can be fixed up in any desired position. Each prate covers the central portion of the next bigger plate, exposing to view only a circular strip or rim. The top plate is of course fully exposeC. The top plate and the narrow strips of other plates are each d i v i d e d i u t o 1 z e q u a r p a r t s . T h e d i v i d i n g r i n e sa r e s o d r a w n that thev fornr a straight 1i': when the plates are-adjusted for any horoscope. f-'he twelve divisions of the top prate are assignecrto t h e t w e l v e s i g n so f t h e z o d i a c . I n t h d v i s i b l e r i r n o f the next bigger plate are arranged the figures inrlicating the benefic dots counted from trre Sun in the severar Ashtakavargas. r.'he next plate contains figures of beneficdots counted from the Moon; and t h e n e x t o n e ,f r o m M a r s ; a n d s o o n i ' t h e o r d e r o f the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the Lagna. one of the divisions of eachof these plates contains a dot denoting the position of the planet to which the plate relates. Thus the dot in the largest plate indicates the position of the Lagna. T o a d j u s t t h e p l a t e sf o r a n y h o r o s c o p e k, e e p t h e b o t t o m - m o s r plate in position aud rotate the 'ext pl:rte (relating to Saturn) until the drvision containing the i|ot is as rnanydivisions removecl from the dot in the Lagna plate as Saturr is removed from the Lagna in the horoscope under consideration. For example, if Saturn occupies the 8th bouse from the Lagna, move the prate relating to Saturn till its dot comes to the gth divisionfrom the dot in the Lagna plate. Then hold the two platesin position firmly and proceecisimilarly with the third plate. Then hord the three plates in position and proceedwith the fourth and so on. when the Sun's plate also has been thus frxed,rotate the topmost plate untir the name of the particular Rasi representingthe Lagna in the horoscopeunder consideratio:-:is brought directry above the division containing the dot in the Lagna prate. lt will now be found that the divisions containing the dots in the several plates are

Adh. x.



by the directly below the signs of the zodiac respectively occupied radix the planets in planets at birth, so that the positionsof the up Fix plate itself. of the native can now be rea<l out from the the top' Tltey are now the plates by tightening the screw at ' 's indicate benefic dots I ready for reading the results' The '2's i n d i c a t et h o s er e l a ' r g a ;t h e relating to the Sun's Ashtakava ' 's 'fhe in the several number of I ting to the Moon's, and so on' ' dots in the pt"1". in the Mesha' division representstl're benefic ' 's in I of nurnber the i.httk"uorga of the S:u in that division; 'Vrishabha' representingthe benefic tbe several plates oppositeto Similarly, dots in the Sun's Ashtakavargain vrishabha an<lso on' ' plates opposite to the number of 2's in the divisions of the ' M e s h a ' r e p r e s e n t st h e b e n e f i c d o t s i n r h e A s h t a k a v a r g ao f t h e ' ' ' partsof the plates M o o n i n M e s h a; t h e n u m b e r o f 2 ' s i n t h e 'Vrishabhr,' the benefic dots in the Ashtakavargaof oppositeto ' 's 'fhe ' ' number of 3 will tie Moon in Vrishabha; and so on' ' 's ' for Mercury' 5's for 4 similarly yield the results for ' Mers' 'f ' 's he figure in the for Venus and 7's for Saturn' 6 i"oi,"t, positions of the for next page shows the plate properly arranged given below:the planets in the sarnple horoscope

i sun M I ercur)' I

t---l l -uM p "i t .e r


| I

of the plate relating It will be seen that the dotted division Kataka as the Sun occupies to the Sun has been brought against (W=dl): the dotted p:rrt o[ the plate Kataka iu the Kunrlali







Lo\t . \ c

1 \


o\ \J\




r 1[r"'



--<-^ 6 Y)2'1 tt *?)

\) | Lt



the relating to the Moon has been arrangedagainst lvlithuna as M o o n o c c u p i e s M i t h u n a ; t h e d o t t e d p a r t o f t h e p l a t e r e l a t i n gt o and Mars has been brought against Simha as he occupies Simha; ' 's in the I six are there that so uD. It will further be observed Vrishabha' against divisions against Mesha, four in the divisions ' '2's against Mesha, four 2's and so on, Similarly, there are five 'fhese representbenefic dcts in the against vrishabha, and so on. etc', in the several houses' Moon, Ashtakavargasof the Sun, the (irrespective what planet they relate to) of The numbei of figures in the ssveral divisions against a particular house indicates the in that house. For exatDple, Samudaya Ashtakavarga (q1541qlgq1fl}) in the divisions against figures 31 are there that it will be found dots in Mesha in benefic of Mesha. 34 is therefore the number the Samudaya Ashtakvarga.

Similarly for other houses'



Adh. x.

q* frfuaqr{ orfrilstrir Wifiwrt;$tffIfirrimon{ |

qrEqr gsiqqaquififr tiert-

ihqreq,iqiiariâ‚Źoiq;E*tgr u I tl

iq) qqi*iiqqmrinurgr?rrrrTg'0r$(rftfrrc*r t tt*odet

qs{tqRtE* sElerr|lqgErqi{mr1 R tt

S/ortirsI and Z If a diagram of the zodiac with the rising sign and the positionsof rhe Sun and other p l a n c t s( a t t h e t i m e o f a n y p e r s c n ' sb i r t h ) & c . b e d r a w n , and if all the benefic dots produced by the separare 'Ashtakavargas (8 fold groupsof figures) be set down according to the directions co^tainedi. the Ashmka. vargaformulaseachcontainingeight divisions in respect of the eighr sky,rangers beginning with the Sun and ending wirh the Lag.a or rhe rising sign we should then obtai' the figures48, 49, 39, 54, 56, 5: and 39 to representth: bcneficdots of the Sun and other planets. fhe tigure 337 wiil representrhe aggregate beneiicdotc of the planets. sale+ari (sarvashtakavarga)or the sum of all the Ashrakavargasis called s{1qrc ("samudaya) r.r. aggregate.

tqrftqeaqil {gdqqilqrd

ffisT{gk{osiimuwF( r qeiTe{Htrfiufr gwEft aidt;ggirqTti r ulinrfi il I rl Sloka 3. ln wharcver bhava(eprcsented by Mesha and orher signs occur eighr beneficdots given Uy pf", nets, that bhava,they sr,rVeto support,streogthen ind




prosper. Houses containing 5, 6 and 7 dots become beneficent. Those that have 3 , 2 o r I dot are not auspicious.

ftli sd {Eft qrq{P{Fgfrt trnq{rqqqil.G qiq{r*rr t ft-q|sEriqftTffi ffiltq n I fl Sloha 4, When a house has 4 dots, it produceo mixed effects. Those houses that have no figure in them are productive of disease,infamy and danger. I now proceed to explain the full effectsof the Sun and other planetsbeing associatedwith dots l, Z, ete, as a result of the separateAshtakavargas.

q frrRegrr stflt qmrfiqtqgrswrdilrqtft fr* qqwrqwroqiuf,rnTilfffirffirfr n \ tl Sloha 5, A planetassociated with one dot pro, ducesvarious kinds of diseases,miseries,dangerr, wanderinge and similar hardships,while *ith t.Jo, it leadsto mentalanguish,condemnation by one.sking (censureby the sovereign)and deprivationof food bi robbers. Norns. 1'he excessof benehc over malefic dots may be 2, 4, 6 or g which when put in ordinary languagemean i o. i, I or *. S or, t, $ or full. IIence the followingslokas:-

\erR-.g+*rg{ilfqaqtqrrk \qrfEfir il tQ qqt qdâ‚Ź sqqflrlâ‚Źu{rgu-q: I

nfgrligordrwq{iifAw rfi fi qEr :

\qT s{sG-tqfreqq$i sqFil flirgfi: 11 84



Adh. X.

qA(| +ri qrt+terqi Apqt{qqrq} fift: $i fiqr{tqt(eqft' flI{dTrTf,IU qef\: q{qn;q:vEruitr,i}.ritr t qsfq: q{qln<Frqs{l:g{n'qq: tl

g*q q' {q: qK nQ' sufi'.s flqq] qqn ue agfi: tt RIt:qiqU*,edt qK ll


I k{K tqngqnEdq-*tqr-qTsa{iqfd

gt*rgfi&qqtqdolq$or(s qrrnilFgssqq ||

' Sloka 6. When the number of dote are three, it caucesmany bodily privations and discomfortsdue to a wandering lrfe as well as much mental uneasiness' The planet with four dots yields a mixed kind of fruit consisting of pleasureand pain, expenditureof money and accessionof wealth.

(eqerrrTgito tGtâ‚Ź1gqrT-

RqHiTftoft n$qqftgr I

q{i.gutg qqdifisqntit-

frfiq{iqqqtiiEaqmiTftll s ll Sloka 7. Where the dots happen to be five, it leadsto the attainment of good apparel,fondling of children, association wich the good, acquisition of learningand wearuh. A planet that has6 dots securec a form fresh and fascinating, excellenceof character, victory in war, wealth, {ame strength and fine vehicles,

| wdtqrgtrrlftqnt qtq;t{TitEtitqqTfi qsdlqtfr ll d ll ff;as*r wgqrfl{qq{tstttilili Sloha 8. When the number of dots go up to 7,

sl. 9-11



sessionof horsesand other meansof transport' ln arny and ouperiurriches. When the maximum of eight dotu is reached, it opens out a prospect of kingly glory gracedwith its seven-foldadjuncts(errlerug6toiatr(gti' roft). Nores. n'hich would Some books read aiglriu'l{ g r a c e d w i t h e v c r y o n e o f i t s a d j u n et s .

nrean kingly


urGfucfkdilrtqkrr qqitqqilg{fig frtqq t erfrs;qqti<qo{ilil

rilqnal {Fqse qqld ll q ll

S t o k c 9 . A p l a n e ti s i n v a r i a b l y b e n e f i c i n . h i s own vargain any sign which has f ive or more dots. If otherwise, it yields no good effect. In its rangein a sign which is without dots, it becomes positively hurtful.

!| r *qrRqot$dr dmfuerft*.ter

qiqssoEtlqt qeqfuggil qR tt lo ll

Slofra 10. All planets without exccption, standi n g , i t m a y b e , i n t h e i r e x a l t r t i o ns i g n s , i n a f r i e n d l y sign or other b:nefic places and possessedI'lso of the strength which a Kendra or similar position gives, produceuntoward e{fectrif thcy happcnto b: associated ,vith dots short of the required minimum-

gsanqffi t q t q atqriiqi{TtlfI i qt grqr frsqttk'Egdr qR ll t t ll Stoka lL. But planetson the other hand which may be in bad positions and have evertreachedtheir depressionpoint, or an inimical sign or portions of the


Adh. x.

samewill invariably yield good if associatedwith dots which are in excessof the prescribedminimum.

qil {ftr {R;{qi {qKI! | Rtugeqqaqri+g

sfrfr tbnGurnqqnrqatq tqrft{qroorfi u tR tl Sloka 12. When Saturn passesthrough an empty (void o{ figures) house in the Ashtakavargasof rhe Sun and other planets,he occasionson a largescalediseases, dangerefrom enemiesand other troublee to father and other relationswhom the severalplanetsrepresent. c

il qSsoq tl

on ft fffi ftgfflini

qRr 6{rri$Irfr;ggaq ftrt I


*isqqt ftqG zqftfrwf n ltr tl

Sloha 13. When the Sun is in the rising sign and in that part of it which either belongsto an â‚Źnemy or forms his depressionpoint and when he happensto be aasociated with 3 or 2 dots, the person born is sickly. But if the sameSun should be in . thc rising sign in which 5 or more dots appearand which happensto be his exaltation sign or his own house,the personborn becomesa king and'is endowedwith long life. Nores' Parasara adds

eilfiilenqii q fifrcqr{raqlfig I qffi6q qqq)trRr:fie'It Fud{ tl i{{f}"a}':q ftos{,{ | 6ffi q66eqTf wHa)qii ii qqr{{ili {rgq: ll

nfut ryUaq de {HerrftGfifâ‚Źtr r

sl. 13


dfu{ ilt ftqb{ilqqiiiRq fl{rqrrr rFxrlqqt qrfrftil fiqrrlsfQer r nq ilq wfrmqu ftqg neqlqrt u{nk ga} rrS qt qr qfiq-qt r gqlnwet ftoqrqnil qr, tl qrt q{gt +t r onr=l:qrfrGqri ftahltr i{r +tAfifht qrqsgtrr 8{ltg6666o,i}q}errEfitq: t

orrigtttrqltnEnrqia fiqru, rr gqil,rEilrqig <6grnastq' r finq-qpi qnrrqlt oatsfQqr tr

ilfu fQEmlflrmntar?F{r{: I gQi qr,larrt qoqarffrGfrq-a. rr frq1-.;q nwgb qra,frqrilErl:I iri< Rgaulqimfiii qqrqlqrr qK' fQg+arfla: ftnqoqndtqii r fign*'Jtf,rd:fiqgpquqrFqnr tl

n*it oesrusfr faghirue.ga: r

grlefr l-*q qrnsq.Riqfi n qrilsfu1a.i}roerr fi<rq-qqqr{rft

*et] qrqg:erfiqlqqR qqFdq rr $rft fio flr.qrqrtrqf?rsqrq\t r sn)"qfire q,ie Fqqna qtlq rr etqttGenr"ilitqrfaqq4.gq' r dfr-.qrfrqfi fr.qrnfrElqqfrsfQ qr tt

qrii qrw\ eft, r WtRs?qAr++



Adh. x.

qrrtiElrt w..qe{ilsslt t{il | *=rffi-*rofr

qig! lltEll il dGq{i[,'QI eqrqorfioqil6trg ETI(IAT

S l o & 4 .1 4 . W h e n t h e S u n o c c u p y i n ga K e n l r a o r T r i k o n a p o s i u i o n i s a s s c c i r t e Jt h c r e w i c h 6 , 5 , 7 o r I beneficdots,the personb.rrn or his father will have his deathin his 22nd, 35th, 'J0thor i6th yelr r'$pectively'

t gni ilnniui Qpgrrdt.ga* lrrfr qqta(Rqtdf {€qi cI{QI ttcrli{rrl{lE{lrTi!ll S l o A c 1 5 . I f , a t a p e r s o n ' sb i r t h , t ' ' : S u n o c c l r p y i o g a K e n d r ap o s i t i o ni n c o n j u n c r i o nw i c h t h e M o o n , Saiurnand Mercury shouidhave in thrt position 2 net are mrde, beneficdots after the necessaryredr-rctions (f*iqaiqar .t q+riirqqdiqarTrikcnasodbana & Eakadithe father of ths p3rsot)'say the rvise patyasodhana), ,rtiolog.r., wiil havc a leaseof abundrnt administrative power sctting in aftcr the completion of the first ten y e a r s( o { t h e P e r s o nb c r n ) '

utrdc6'oTlll Elirilqdatilmi{ir€{d di'i I qr.i iriir ffiogqi s{ih eilGqr{rgl qsqrc€i{ri{ri{ agirtfiojrslf\R-<i qufrdr"stRqqoii}Hterilqt q tt tR tt of the S/olir: 16. If, in the Ashtakavarga-whether of benefic sun or of the Moon-there be a housevoid and the dots, the (sol,rr)month corresponding thereto purposeof every rign i$elf are to b: avoided for the person's life' If the ,u-rpi.io". undertaking in the or 3 occupyingthe Lagna be associatedwith l' 2 M;t


sl. 17


and debility. If the Moon in the above position be aleoin conjunction with 2 ot 3 planets,the person will meet with his death in his 37tb year' Norrs Parasara adds

l;qmgtil qTq:qlfllqqllTfr.dn{| ?;ilsq{ llii q {Fqtrhqfr f?ql rr f,aQrrqfis;q ulr'nqifulfi(q( | q'qut{qtaRn}5 Gqqa'tt erTqlfl€qlfEl:eriq eqi qie nlu' 1 ffel.g€s€diqo€ qd*"iit;q d.t ti iqfr q qtq]qrh riqqrfi fifq€.iq t

artfiqrrr{a}g+er}qtt nfixd.rurg q;flsfflFg.lFqlq fit qr qlffiit.ITi I

erqt il n*: tqd lilh +ieutrt tt q.i z.gdqrl;dirffiq ql I ?Tqqr+ tt l.qirgQen ilifbtlol f)..qqi{qb

qnr Rii'rrrqctfi fqfeiewa,fig' t fioql qrofi;dlqi qlF{rrih q+eqh tt

*-.afiqionqqtqrurkfiqfiit ziffioriidi t

fuGt {r qft t ⅈ* (sIE;IIdistlqr?das{If ttr Sloka L7. When the Moon occupyinga Kendra, Trikona or the llth bhava is also in its depressionor inimical sign and is not waxing and when the benefic dots associated with the bhava occupied by the Moon happento be 2 or 3, the bhava in question,say the astro' logers acquaintedwith the subject, is extiuct'



Adh. X.

aa \ \ qilTEFr,S$dilqqggri {r


ort ltql qogtqft rrr€Grr

ifuas+{ftrii *rq.rtg wil

fqqrrdr*la{arqirfl trqrr il ld ll Slufta 18. If the Moon posseesedof strengthbe in a Trikona, Kendra, or the l lth bh:rvaand if the number of benefic dots in the bhava in question be 4 or more than 4, the bhava becomesadvanced, Jf the Moon in a Kendra position becomesassociatedwitb g benefic dots, the personsborn under this yoga will be eminent for their learning, fame, wealth and etrength and will becomemastersof men.

ll gNTssqll dfqq* wg€tiqqnqtt

it=ee+q qR siftqilw eil( | St qceqs*qGq usilu lq tl

Sloha 19. When Mars in exaltation or in s&e (Swakshetra)occupies the 9th, the 4th, the tst or the lOth bhava, and is associatedwith 8 beneficdote. the person born will be lord of wealth to be counted by the million. If Dhanua,Mesha,Simha,Makaraor Vrischika be the rising sign, and Mar-soccupy it and be associated with + beneficdors, the personborn will be a king. NotBs. Parasara adds

qlneqi nfi-e qrqfrmq\d+{r

*qfriae flefr ilftrqiq'IE r€nqrr




frfrqrrlqqsnr we\ qe\frtt: t

aa ,fi{ q .Trqfq qq }€ frfo6}q 11

MA e alq qe$f*fifrfiiltr q+lf{qs n*'q qo qx q v"-qt tl

Hr{IqtI ffir y:qrftaru:rettaqm€: qofi ae rpifH drq<*

ffi q tl

qh r fifr qefi-{trdfl'rfgutu*} nsrf<qa q{tq-tar iftan: F€ITI:lt nqrfdqogda qqiqi"q €qa t

iqqqrqr+qrt urqcrfififrfiilq rr Also

*qr-n f,gq:gqlnw,i *t qdni il{T arcq nGlq *eqfi{r {arqo}iq qqq.I

qoqrqrgfr, n}+q+l{tft"ilFflt ue.ft&-+t+qfltqoqTfaqq u{t: geraiqrft:tt


qfitqr egqf q qdqftl qq I

qfr tmrql qrdrs{a?dr$oqr

tirqqrTiimiitzwaEdill 1" ll Sloha 20. If Mars be associatedwith I benefic dots the person born wiil become a petty prince ; if the above be in the 10th or in the tst bhava,the percon born will be a king. If he be alreadya scion of a royal Iamily, he will become lord of the whole country. If Mars be in exaltation or in s*a (Swakshetra)in addition to the above, the person born will be an emperor. 85



Adh. x

il $u5sq 1,

*Fffi*ir rgffi i qrdH{qrfrr'frrnrrd t

il-{HER* q vrq{rft! llRlll

Sloha 21. When Mercury in a Kendra or Trikona becomesassociatedwith 8 benefic dots, the person born will be pre-eminentin the learning peculiarto his caste and will have great enjoyment. If Mercury in exalta, tion be associatedwith but one, two or three benefic dota, the bhava occupiedby the planet is advanced.and not impaired. cf, parasara"


gqm{ ggrl q figalR{Eor: I

d*n q;rftqTfrfi$qsrR fi-alq tt gqreqfr fril"q ilqflftqt {* r rygftaftilfiqlffi


ire F{q: tl

Tirffrrurt frqrwqrq*Rqrfir arq I

rilqftqr{q *qrdqQ qt ffg{rfrdqkdr{! u RRtl Sloha.27. Find in which house there ic the greatestnumberof benefic dots in the Aehtakavarga of In Mercury. the month correspondingto that house the csnmencement of any seriousstudy wi'l culminate in the acquiritionof every branch of learning. Mark the housewhich is void of beneficdots in the Ashaka vargaof Mercury; when Saturn pa$seEthrough that houe in the courEeof its progreEsthrough its orbit, corneaS (Bandhu) or vfr Jnati, a near paternalrela, tioo) will die; Eolnebenelit or advanrageenjoyedtill cbeo will be lort.

sl. g{}



ll {re$'ss(ll oil fttur gd g.nft, +t*rr+rrttffi-,gtrfi

eilRrfrFqrq.ltffi fiRrffirfr rAF q tgslllltl Sloka 23. Note the house that has the greatest numberof beneficdots, in the Ashtakavargaof Jupiter. to the housefound, impreg, In the lagnacorreeponding purpo$e rasultingin an offspring. its answer nationwill Cattlg wealth and vehiclec located in the direction indicatedby the siSnin questionwill beginto multiply. Norns' Parasara adds

ffqriqacfrvrr gaqtqnfi+( r gil{efiil5 Hirrirqftmeq}qrr Uoftnngawfiqtqqfieil qo{ r Bala'bhadra reads gr1gl| instead of gte{f}.

n3;itaeqsqr{r ilrffflar Vdr: pg61',' also {or(

gwqrrgilFtrtqR qrfixgut f,qrI

e*toFdil qrqfEeeGgq deirn g,reb q il+qgk: qrfif\ilrtR I qr{q}qq+qtma dHF?t: $qT qiTr:ll ctl;il lpurrnat ila;g€tr irrril: I

uire+6g gf,ilfi &,i;nsq.rr qqFqd;Trr: fl gqfifl€: qqrqt t frFqrfii{rd?qril il{lTrqrqqr${: I gekraita flrrFTrql& wqta. rt


d"q ilmuft q r




Tilftds"â‚Ź ffiriqr tgrcq.qqr: FuiTr:ll

qft'erqSurafi:r <rrtgaesra gilre-*rrig ganlnfFqn Hqq.rr

eTeqr.qq: e fqiq) U* qaqilsfi qr r

qr de.rg*rl wrrfcid tt mitnq).re} $igmrta *efi.mrofinq:I *gorrorniiinqrafe( Hqrfai(rr

qr* silrftrsgrrrfr frirftmii r Enrrf\flsrfifrqfieiitrr qfiI n RBtl Sloku 74, If, at a person'$birth, the Sun occupiea a houre which in the Aehtakavargaof Jupiter gers the least number of benefic dots, the personborn wili be lucklesgin that every undertakingfor his benefit will fail. If Jupiter occupyingthe 6th, the 12th or the 8th bhavabe associatedwith 5 or more beueficdots, the petsonborn will be long-lived,very opulent and victo, rious over his enemies.

**ssgr fiq.Jt +gfr-ggt

h'rtUt $gfr gâ‚Źilqt {r I

dqrRqrqqqqFr iiWtrfr

silil qsirTqdr{Tr gh{iqitr arq il 1\ tl Sloka 25, If Jupirer, whether in exaltation, in eQe (Swakshetra\, in a Kerrdra, in the 9th bhavaor in a portion of somerrih (Rasi) unconnected with the planeta depressionor inimical house and not in eclipcing proximity to the Sun-if Jupiter in any one cf the

sl. 26-28



positions above namedbe asecciatedwith 8 benefic dots,the personborn will becomea king by virtue of hig own fameand glory.

qil qfr{so$nqreqftrqtt .R{rCIgq13 I

ll Rqll umfrgoqrqqqftqgR{ilqrRwrdtilqr Sloha 76. When personsof Brahmanicalextrac tion come under such a yoga of Jupiter as has been describedin the precedingsloka,they becomelords of great beneficcnceequal in status to kings and admired for their conspicuous intelligence, energy and other great qualities.

I wdkq] sa(nrrt)otqtq wit qdtuagxir<s lt i\e'll T{hg+ Erariisr;ttr{qeilit;d wqutsir<Is Sloka 77. If Jupiter in conjunction with the Moon becomeg associatedwith 7 benefic dots in the positions referred to in sloka 25, the personsborn under the yoga will have women, wealth and sons in abund, ance; if with 6 benefic dote, the person$ concerned will have much wealth and many vehicles; if with 5 benefic dots, they will have victory and virtue.

ll Uiffi(aq tt qldil g irsi{Eilftqs I qffiâ‚Źsoultr*qt qqrdqftilrr*{rqr{ ftdmR{rfiF{rgh ll le lt Sloku 78. When Venus occupyinga Trikona or Kendrapcsition is associatedwith 8 benefic dote,the personborn will be at the headot anarmyandtransport animale;if Venuc in the above position be associated with 7 benefic dota, the person boro will be lord of




.", * --t" tt..**r*t ment up to the end of hig life'



Norrs' Parasara adds

.z.il{emfiq ftlh'qrtr{qTfig I Bfron:tqqE qrqaRafiqem{ tt tg tg ssrfeFg.fqiftflo ae g t {ft me*fl< q aR fif{*zqTq tt t gstalfqffil oFqqRarFqn&rqil srtrftqfr{dde {ilq-qd+ Rg' 11 ndqdtqtrqr\qr hfrfE.of}anBq' t neinqFdt qrqrqtqrq'q sqt( u oir.ilqttqt qa{rqqFdgfrRnn: t eftsfitrqtilul qrqtqrffqaffTt{ tl cfr: q{ffiqfr q {Fqqffi gBqr{ t

qrtt efraffi qrRqfraEi'rfrsR

l eftqhprfr qrftqs"q qqCIq{ufq gdiilfr{il e'F+RdorluRt fqq: ll ERrEr;q{srfr<Er r ffitfu ll eruffirRffiffiqmR: .rrJqli{gofrq€ffFqrffi ftg' I m*q{qs Gguiaat rr hffi FEii q-qflfir q'qfrlsqqrufi t tt ffii qrqng+ftqd{ffi tRfieqq{Frfr{rfr}RfrqqfEr€qgs:t qt$nqga: frc<rElssng;qfiilffnrc1: ll *qiqtnt gh frqMsR il r




dt" gdElq r{d+rfusft ll ql{rqftq;efit $qifr r-q(Iuqiflfri qq $s: r srndRrqrftufrsqoril hqr qrdterfrsdtqFdtrt qrf,{}qrq,r}qiila.ii'i qrS$q} r tflr il qrRrftedqns ,{rqlq nwr tl qnroaintqt qrfqx qr "qqisft t vrvaqrhat gh dtil: gqqrqt(rr g*in*uurard aoiolgurf:<cr t qrqitrts guil}<artt .ri"sar$.oen sqnqnt fi* "qlqarqtsfttt gqrqqr,iaswnrftf{na: UqtqEqt ffraifl*qqrft+r'lcdl qqFaRfrqr: {q{i{fliqitT: FrnrrtQ?irH(qr: ll=

gmret ffiqr\ id fti g€qE(| tqi qorqodqqrqtqrewi qtt r qarrGn'onrrqrfEfii=g*q,in:tl

ffitlqftqffigsr"i wTfffiiffiqndeqt

gnlaqiE;ggdqFE{ffiili dqqtgwr{lq'ri q{r€( ll Rg ll

Sloka 79" But if Venus be in depressionor occupy the 7th, the t2th or the 8rh bhava, the aforesaidrrq{Fr (Rajayoga)will be destroyed; in the direction indicated by the house with the least nurnber of benefic dotg in ghsgtrEta* (Sukraehtakavarga), it is best to have the chamberwhich is to contain the bed by means whereof women are to be won and kept in willing bondaga




g qt uloredl.rrfiilRrnfr qqqt Ert wiraTEgr,arqTg

qsfAdrrgrrn'gst q *-t

$trs€(IsfqEiGisaqqrurtt l,o tl Sloha t0. If in the qeret (Aohtakavarga)ofSaturn, there be a sign thoroughly voiC of b:nefic dots, the p e r s o nb o r n w i l l m e e t w i r h d : a t h o r s u s r a i n l o s s o f wealth when the planet passesthrough the sign in question; if the planetoccupyinga Kendrabe associated with one,two, three or four benefic dots and if the Kendrabe the planet's exaltrtion sign, any chitd deli. vered from the womb at such a time will be short-lived. Nores' Parasaraadds \

{qaliftqnfqrqKsli ffrttqt


qrire*il 1 <ege{ ftfifiin rr €nFqqffq;qi;antr;}.nl +r{}t I effrEsel?qiat uqrfqttgqrf*{ tt s;arfa;Td.n qar-*{a flgfl( | q;qrP..sdil€qr;t ;qif\ nq nqrR*( tt

airihsqr-t { €cgritr:qq$t r

qil';qfqgrr;ia.qr fqu€flFqtq qad: ll ureqrqqt{cqrEgfiilfAqrfiil{ | qroiqsiqr: tt {l?ll{';i q af}qo-s e{tg:f}ofg qrilqr( srq}oi g +en}a t

ft+ii+,rfiqsfr{ilqn Rrq.qs tl

SI. El



gqiemqeqi:sil | ffi tFryrcq wHaftE.il T€+ni ut*u, tt cpred q qr1qtfu rs qt r dr ;ilfr w aq {rErqrfr qilqr, tt

r*t GF* *a.qerfl"de qft tq r qirtAasqrfin sng\qq H{rq:tr q-qudrnffim} Hfrqaq.r

qt *tat qt atut.rUgftqt( rr REifi gerfi *lF fiqrqFn I

Efrntr{ilqqilR gq fiu€gfiqrf}qftfosq{F{11 errn Fqr;Hq{qcrrr+{q tt?dsgqr-stq r il+ftd wfiq qrU"qrft yft ErqG{rqrqq rr

q-{HrinrrfiEer<tn*qiTr-Eqt u seq.I srq'ddqlr(qrm*rt fll cqrfiry{fr rft: erq rr

vqgrfuSgGt ftIrr {uril wqrQ5:ttRgs$nnrift I rt firfffilq€qiln+


n lt tl

Slola 31. When Saturn with abundanrEtrength occupiesthe lrt, bbava and is asgociatedwith 6 or 5 beneficdots,the perronborn will suctainlosaof wealth accompanied by mucheufferingfrom his very birth. lf tbe planetin depressionor in an inimical house be arcociatedwith 5 or more beneficdots and if the Mcon occupieaan auspiciousVarga, the perronn ill have loog life. 86




qdrftilquatrrffr* ql(gqftqqQnftilit a-gQt

Srirei'q€qfire w;rffr-

qrqTftqrt.g fifii+96 qnrasn lR tl

Sloha \2. When Saturn occupying the 5th or the lst bhava ie in an eclipsed stateor in the house of an enemyor in depressionand is associatedwith 5 or 4 benefic dots, the persons born under the above y.rga will be possessed of female slaves,camelsand property. If Saturn in the same position be associatedwith I benefic dots, the personsborn will be lords of townohips, pooseseed of administrative machinery characteristicof cities ; if the number of benefic dots be 7, the peraons affectedby the yoga will possessabundant wealth.

n qRfRtEqqri: tl snP{aqq* q{KiiT{rqrrimqar ETq Rcn t q6rdi qourEftqsld qqfqgusrs{qrl*qr( ff il tl S/o[a 33. If you draw up a diagramconoistingof 9 parallel lines at equal intervals from East to West croaeedby 13 parallel lines from North to Soutb with the cameintermediate spaceas before,there will arice a table containing 96 squaresin I rowE compricing tbe results of each of the severalAshtakavargao.

qnfuilRdqrggrrr dnudtqlqrusq{ft r

qFqrfEqs{qsqffirRrqpilt fi}q efil€qilffi(rr rgl tl Sloka 34. The Lagna,theMoon, Mercury,Venur, Sun, Maro, Jupiter and Saturn are the lords of the the diviaionsindicatedin the 8 rows extendingfrom South

sr 84



y one of theo, the bcnefic dote appearingin the 12 housasof its row. Nores. Note tbat the planets here have been mentioned in the order of their orbits round tr.e Zadiac. Let us now draw the rrKr(tSi6ili (Prastharashtaka Varga) Table and set therein the benefic dots for the Sun's Ashtakavarga in the sample horoscopereferred to in page 657 supra, The 48 benefic dots will be distributed as shown below : There are three benefic dots in Mesha, and it will be ssen that thesehave been contributed by tle Sun, Mercury and the Lagna. While the other {ive planets have each contributed a

malefic one. 'When the Sun transits through the sign Mesha, he will give a benefic results only during three periods uda., the 4th, the 6th and 1 the 8th portions, that is when he is passing f r o m ( l ) l l + " t o 1 5 ' ) (2) lsl" to 221" and (3) 261' to 30o of that sign ; the remaining I five periodswill prove malefic. Similarly in the case of the restJ

c ! q






3 I


_1,_ rll ttl








"t ""*qRtssqtr| Rd ft'lt flFsefrR+,rdRfr'lqrq {r;qsfl € ft'lq mflrmilqtsi nerqp} 11

ilTTsrTrrrqqqiufire {rfifffr} GUr: s€FrI

qHrfitfiqf{€re$qqrqfl} fied nzq qfigq rt

flqreMirRtsEqnn mronftrftqaRgdt r sTgrft{i€qrftffi-elfiug* c$ -qrq m}q tt

ffi-qur s{qorqr qTffi€d qqs€qilil |

qqrft{tqadr a*qr Rfrd*sft qM

n l\ ll

SIofra35. If a planetbe associatedwith benefic dotc, it producesits full beneficialeffect; if it be oot ;onnected with benefic spots, there ir no beneficial effectproduced; a planetin its depreasionor inimical sign or in an eclipsedstate causes sorrow evenif it be arcociated with benefic dots,



qrrr{ilRrtarq{Fqrmr*r Effinr;eqgqrr t rrnqt{ilfi6+wrfrr vq'fftraerftftWwfl il iq tl S/ofa 36. Draw five parallel otraight lines at rqual intervals from East to Wert ; and acroErtfiese linee draw five others with the sameintermediateEpace, in ruch a manner that the four inner squares(out of the 16 resulting ones) should appearomitted. You have in the diagram the 12 celestial signo that rule over the EautandLotherlquartersand are the owners (jointly) of the etarry zod6ac. .a

qq{rtcqqt${qffi qrqltr€-



st 97-88




ollnwr{Fr fr;({r qjitiln tgsn le tl

Sloha 17. In the Ashtakavargaof any one of the Sun and other plan-ets, take the sig-nsby th. tri.nguiar gloypr (l) Meeha,Simha,Dhanus(Z) Vriahabha,Kiya, Makara(3) Mithuna, fula, Kumbha(4) Kataka,Vriscii, ka,lvleenr; and examinerhebeneficjot, in the 3 eignr composingany group. if in one sign of a group, the numberof benefic dots be"ny reasthan that in .ior, ot the remainingtwo, or equalto that in eachof the other two, or !s 4ero, the samewill have to be subtracted from the numberof beneficdots in each of the three signr of the group chosen.

Aqqn+gq,Fqfr,gsâ‚Ź{ffi( wilK mgfi r

n fr{+rqtsr uYRilft


Slola 38. If a sign in a triangular group haa the leaetnumber of benefic dots, the other two signs muat have their beneficdots altered into this least number. If a sign have no benefic dots, the remaining aigne of the samegroup will keep their figures unalrcred. If all the signs of a triangular group have the same number of benefic dotr, they must all be removed (i.e. replaced by aeros). cf .

Norps. c({K

BfrQgq Fti dseqftg rilqtq r q6frt,rqi qA aF*doiq fiq+qrr

H*uts{}fu r{ drfu}il{rr

To this q-!qq s64s in his q-c*frmT

qqrffi{f+ g fiq}q-qqFE{q. ll




" " t w The conflicting views rest on two distinct interpretations $bools. (Trikona' put upon the sloka euunciating the rule for kq'rqiFTil "i?-itnrg r{ c"{d' il1vq frS airqid' which when translated ,oaU*"). one of three triangular houses contains will stand thus:-when subtracted trom tbe least number of benenc dots the same is to be rcndering is not group' This the figure in each of the triangular "a-t"i fi5 cir*T+(' means that accepted by some who maintain that group are to be altered tho figures in the three sigos of a lriangular view is advanced by latter The so as to equal the least number. in Southern India' curreut be irorq (Balabhadra) and appearsto the subjoined For the example referred to in sloka 34 above' Trikona aftgr and charts show the SuryashtakavarAafigures before reduction :


lrl ll

+\ a ,_|

n@ll {.rfti s6[ri q ftfl $qGsrq@{lF{Tlsl ifd-qrl ffi qiiqq u{wEIqI'r+qrltqeqRffintftitTs

(gsll 11 ll

Sloka 39. Leave out the signs Simhaand Kataka' Tbe figuresin the five pairs of the remaining eigno belonging to tbe five 'planets reckoned from Mrro,

sl. 40-41



whether alike or unlike, representedby 2,erc,-aseociated with planetsor not assoiiated with them, have to be sub jected to the pro3essof the reduction otyled qsriWrrir (Ekadhipatyasodhana), and their net value obtained. cf.


q{ ffiq fl{ii'rqqart+rftqflilrr srilq**q: rr *ee,i sorti FgKqT qftAqsq qr;qfu;tnlqlsdffit r qwt sa Rlt qfl'{Ii sorfr+ ll eTias€ ?rFqfkt*qtawffi* r sorfE*qtti+ qw{k( m{g.q$(rr g'Fildqgh n flfrEq: {qrqi I s.rqlk{tqrr-qisqF}r+e siq tt flqflqqleq.qK.s4 mil"qq{trq I

sftffrqm rnril:sqTq+iEqts-d{ll

ilfte{ qqrt q dqtt{i a+ q'ryq.qr?nftq t sorR i*gi n sA( S€qrilfr{rfiil{ qffi( Bo Sloha 40. lf the two Rasis having a common lord be both occupiedby planets,no reduction need he made. If one of the two Rasis (whether occupied or uooccu, pied) have no benefic dots, then also there ie no reduction. If one of the two Rasis be occupiedand contain more benefic dots than the other, remove the figure in the latter, If both the Rasis be unoccupied and have the samenumber of beneficdots, remove both.

qtwffi.Tspt ffireqR-d

qdqAE{affi€qrq r t qrnQurqfirsqrfttqr et

Sloko 41, When one of the rwo Raris ie occupied



Adh. x.

tt"t numberof beneficdots, remove'the figure in the unoc, cupiedRasi. If both the Rasisbe unoccupiedand have an unequalnumberof benefic dots, the greaterfigure is to be replaiedby the lesc.

frM vgRâ‚Źilfr ilftqrn.nFeeqerffcqni ti ffid qRuicqqqfuqsq imrs6q1r 81 Sloka 42. When only one of the two Rasiewith a commonlord ir occupiedby a planetand haga amaller numberof banefic dotatban the unoccupied Raai, the figure in the latter ie to be madeequal to the former. The Trikona reductionis to be madefirst of all ; the net figures are then to be subjected to the qerfuqq (Ekadhipatya)reduction.

frqqftsTftwffi Mqrid'r* R qrn( r wtRflfr gfrrcrsqfrqt ffiMtgrFiqEFiln Bl tl Sloka 43. The net figures after the two reductiooc in the several signs are to be multiplied eachinto.in ilRtqn (Rasimana), r.e. Rasi factor ; and the producB made into a total is calledrn?rgvro(Rasigunaka)i.e. the sum of the Raei,products. The net figuree aasociated with the Sun and other planets in the eeveralsignr are to be multiplied each into its appropriate planetary factor or ftcr;T (Grahamana). The total of there pro, ducts is calledrrEgsrâ‚Ź(Grahagunaka),i e. total of Graha products.

I torltrMtomr*wr{rwn{ft thrffitrft{ ai\gq*dnfiqr?t ilqr( | nfrr qqMf trtrqftUgftdttu-

q{ "tqilni\nqgqfu(r$qrftRtsn uBtl






ffiwr ffisqrl qfr rffir(ercqr&{qql Trs iliwrdqrsg*ir(g ll 8\ rl Slokas44 & 45. Ascercainthe tum,total of .tlre Raeiproducts obtainedby multiplying the figures in the eeveralrigns from Mesha onwardsby their appro, prlateRasi,multipliers.'fhese for the 12 signs ftom Meehaonwards ate 7, 10,8, 4, 10,5, T, 8, 9, 5, 11 and l2r Ascertainalsothe eum.totalof the Grahaprodgctr obtainedby nultiplying the figures in the signsoccu, pied by the severalplanetsinto their appropriateGraha multipliero. Theee for the 7 Grahao fro.m the Sun onwardsare6,6, 8, 5, 10,T and 5. Add the aggregete of Rnai prductt to the aggregateof Graha prodo"tr. Divide thc grand total by .30. If tbe quotient ohould exceed12 years,divide it by 1? and what is left exhibig tbc Ayur or perlod oil life giveo by the planet. cf.

Nores. cflfi

i swr"qtrftrqfiqq'ilt r aJ*,qrqf

{â‚Źgssffflqrrilqur+?qgfuH q{ufrrilqgftf$gnft*r "Yt*

q&rlq] il Uftfl: to.rfiTrTfi* nt: rt fu: dqrqgflratilRtrTFiltl *qrt I

t'trlrg*il'uraiqrraggfiFqt: mnfrqw:r

gqq npq{iqrqi qAgildq}(sr{;{t

fiftr"qrs{-{fr E nRrq*u r+qdI 87

, fiTqf



Adh. x.

Ffrfr*qgfrq eiFEr u ualgil' rr â‚Źrp6.ffiqdqrur:fi.fl Rateqiil, t l6 Sun'sA. V. Af ter Eliadhipatya reduction Slokas39-42

S""t e-t/. a L


After RasiGunaliara


8 I

( s l . 4 4 - 4 s ,I)Rasi Gunaka


,6I '*i



Ii .l



S i m i l a r l y t h e G r a h a G u n a k aw i l l b e 9 0 , [ c o r n p o s eodf l 0 + l 4 for Mercury and Venusin Mithuna, l0 forthe Sun in Kataka. 20 for Jupiter in Tula, l6 for Nlars in Vrischika, l0 for Saturn in Kumbha and l0 for the Moon in Meerra.l The sum of Rasi Gunaka and Graha Gunaka is 162*90 or 252. The Ayus contributed by the Sun is ,"t# or 8l years. Similarly for the other planets. tsut both sor+( (Balabha,dra)and q;Qq1 (Manthreswara)prescribe a methoddifierent from this for calculating the ftafr++.rigeiu (Bhi nnashtakavargayurdaya).

S gFr.qrni;q nsf\dq*qgq:r ggfiafietrEFgqqluq? qqf;-cs lt : srrr( | dTqilfrq+g;qqrmâ‚Źqfi-fl

ssfinfuql&co-eo ffipgq: 11 Multiply the sum total of the two products (r22,, those for Rasi and Graha) by 7 and divirle the prociuctby 27. The quotient will be in years,monrhs, etc. When the number of years thus obtainedexceeds27, subtract from it 27 or multiples of 27. The r e s u l t w r 1 1b e t h e A y u s g i v e n b v t h e p l a n e t w h e n n o t l i a b l e t o t h e reductionsto be mentionedat the foct-note to the next sloka.




qrd{ t v* rns irgtt dEt4*ri rmarrftrrrirar

qelsffrri trgqrilqrgffiar ir+ Agrfifii qr( tl 8q ll

Slttkn 46. If a planet be in its enltation, double the number o{ yearsobtained for it by the Ashtakavarga process. If it b: depressedor eclipsed, the number of years in its caseis to be halved. Obtain by proportion the Ayus when the planet occupies an intermediate position In the case of Mars when retrograde, the Ayus obtained is to be doubled. Nores. Corr,parewhat q;}q( & qd.t4 say on the subject :

ur.q)"qrq6ruiqeg* g {R+;1|

'it?sdq<il5"q{quig nr}a rr

qd*firrrrilr erlrfu nrrrt qqotrq{ilqq}Gt: qrdflr{qqrqfE ll

qgci qrfr qrt +rtt(effi{q I qaRrd H{qr{ 5.qr qfl*i f{qfanq,tt

rndsoerigqtg,iq-ffi q n{tq: I ta

KqlqqqrFr-qsFErds qt|t rtE( ll

Ei rqruridqt qrriOdr 1q :qt I

('c\\ qgilE111rfiq: fl?rilgiqFrr: 11

The Ayus obtained is to be halved when the planet yiclding the Ayurdaya has another planet associated with it in tbe ssmc bhava. The same reduction is to be made when a planet is depressedor obscured by the Sun's reys. If the planet occupy an inimical houseor be in the visible hemrsphere,the reduction is by t. When tbe Sun and the Moon being in the nodessuffer eclipse, the reduction is also 5y *. Where several reductionscrop up, it will be enough if the greatest of them be made. The net years, nronths,&c. thus obtained is to be multiplied by 3'z+ end divided


Adh x,


by 36S. 'I'heLfe.prriqdwill be obtainedin yaars(of IOSaarsl monthsretc. In this way, s,scertain severallythe DasaperioJsof all the planets. l'he Ashtakavarga processls the bestof all.



qrqrftfl$ffieqfrqreqrgru u\etl Slofu 47. In the caseof planetrthat haveattrined their qu&+lqr,qte (Moolatrikonr, Swakahetra)or a friendlyhouseor occupy such benefic vargasas their exaltation, andarein conjunctionwith benefteplaneto or arc aspectedby them,the Ayus ir to be calculatedin the mannerprescribedabove. When E pleoeris in the vargaof a maleficor inimical planet the Ayuo arrived at mustundergoreduction.

tftq€qiqiq(vdqqri qurgi rtrffil qnqnr{ |

qfuowqrq +f\ErEfrwr( €utfrirdqws riscrr

Sloha 48" The oumberof yearcrepreeeoting the maximumperiod of life in the caseof men obtained ir by putting togetherthe figurer denotingthe yearegiven by thd Sun and other plineta. Theaetatt.r, ,o.-" ,.y upoothe authority of greatteachers(like rcrn-pararara) ghouldbe supplementedby the number of yearsfor the Lagna (deducedlrom the Lagnaashtakavaiga) in order to get the Ayua conformablywith the conditionrof any horoscopothat may be underexamination. Norrs. Tbe fcllowing slokas from rRlir1 (parasara) give tho deteils of the orfcfi+tl (Lagnastrtakavarga).

sTqFqri 5qaqln€re faflsf,qI




Enâ‚Źng*g{tnr drqttrrrnfr*r:tt trst sl*qgeilqt:qirtnpsar, r oqr*qry(gd s{ gifrfirr nfrrr {< g*mw$ {* il'c.1'4a,nr qt wfHilfr fr art g*mm tl dq-* on R,hffi ssq ftRoq.r

il o*tretlE|ifiq tl T , AG N A R E K H A C H AKRAM.

4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1l

In the I-agna Ashtakavarga, the bencfic placos of the Lagna are the 3rd, 4th, 6th lOtb, llth and l2th housesfrom the Sun t h e 3 - d , 6 t h , i O t h , l l r h a n d l 2 t h h o u s e sf r o m t h e M o o n ; t h e l s t , 3 r d , 6 t h , l O t h a n d l l t b h o u s e sf r o m M a r s ; t h c l s t , z n d , 4 t h , 6 t h ,




8th, l0th and llth)houses from Mercury; the lst, ?nd, +th, 5th' 6th, 7th, 9th, l0th'and I lth housesfro:n Jupiter; the lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,5th,8thand 9thplaces flom Venus; the lst, 3rd' 4th,6th, , e 3rd, 6th' lOth l O t h a n d l l t h p l a c c sf r o m S a t u r n : a n d 1 a s t 1 5t' h and I lth places from itself.


qrgt{ ir{ran} Sqqrqgisqil ll 8q ll

5loh.t 49. Wben the Moon occupies any bhava other than a Kendra and is in conjunctionwith another planet, it is the Ashtakavargayurdayathat should be calculated. The same Ayurdaya is appropriate when the 10th bhava is occupied by benefic and malefic planets..

t eqrRffieqfirqrm I eqitqqrifr{rfugtcurl

hilrfltqqilg(6El rt{tk q{ awrftqt{ ll \o ll

Stoka 50. The figures indicating beneficdots that appearin the rigns occupiedby the Sun and other planeta whe n put together in any fqqre*qrt(Bhinnashtakavarga) representthe number of yearsof Ayurdaya arising from subject to the reductions men' tbat Bhinnaehtakavarga tioned already. Norrs. The total of the net Ayurdayas in the 7 Bhinnashtakavargas i s t h e l e n g t h o f l i f " , a c c o r d i n gt o t h e v i e v e x p o u n d e di n t h i s s l o k a .

llll sd ((csrfsr{rEfi;ggfui uJEqr*iirs fioffiqasnf\qftqdadrffitfr t ililGqifr

qAlnq* ffqi gttf d e'i

ftoli {qd}( ftW{awtgq qr ll \t ll drile{n




the two reductionsand multiply the total of the reoeio' (beforc ing beneficdots into the numberof beneficdoto planct ir reiuction) in the particularbhdvawhereofthe *to tX.rttka,) reckonedfrom the place occupiedby tbe planet. Divide the product by Z? and ascertrin the to the remainder'When Saturn asterismcorrecpondinq deathwill take placeof the frr.., throughihis asterism, (Karakr)' p*ron indicated by the bhava and its ryto it,l," Sun be the qrErm$(bhavakaraka),it is the father that will die; if the Moon, the mother; if Mars, a bro' ther ; if Mercury, a reiation; if Jupiter, a eoo: if Venus,a wife; if Saturn, it is the owner of the boro& copethat wilt die; if at the time mentioned,the perooor nameddo not die, someothetson a par with then will die or much wealthand prosperitywill be lort' Norrs.

l-hus,intbeexampleinp.65T,thegthhousecouqtcdfrom the sun's Ashtakavarge b the sun is Meena. The figure there in total of the bonefic dots rc' 5 biile chart in p. 636)' The sum (seep' 690)' Multiplyiqg is l9 maining after tbe two reductions The l4th star countcd get l4' 5 by t9 and dividiug bv 27 we passesthrough thil fro- A.*ioi is R:n (Chithra). When Saturn of tho native or somc asterism, we have to say that the {ather wealth and prospcrity much or die may others on a par with him may bo lost. c

ll sFr â‚ŹgEFtlgdn:ll

ffil sqrfueqr{rtetqiiqqrcftdFtrffidE{ t furywrtw qErftlf \R ll {6qG6trrqq{+srqt

Sloha 57. Draw up a diagramof the zodiacexhi biting in itc severalhousesthe aggregatebenefic dot!




given by the Eunand other plane$ dnd arrangedeppro, priately in Mesha and the other Reriu. I shell now ptoeeedto treat of the effect upon eachbhevsof the beneficdots groupedin lt. NoTEs. The following 2 mnemobic slokas from (qiqt) Manthreswafe'b q,otfr+t (Phaiadeepika) give the aggregate of the benefic dots appearingin the l2 places with referenceto the sevenplanets and the lagna in the several Ashtakavargas; The order of the planets is from the Sun onwards,and Lagna appearsas the 8th. The figuresate indicated by the convention commonly called *zccdtq(qt (Katapayadhisankhya) given below.: (l) drk{s (Kadinava), (z) afra* (Tadinava), (:) qrftcs (Padipancha), (+) qrqfr (tadyashtow) 3 t

3 3 |

34 53


9 t

5 9t

5 9'



rnir TR* ar-{qn{rqtgtrrrfrgrr{t fir*@rrrrqi r 4-5 35 I 3l {167? 3 15t6 6 1t55?S ff rrH qgrrrs-digri.i+ohurg ffflii n 9'


3 4r!21


_4 4

eif: ct rtt{*rTffi {


7 3



3 A

4 42

J 4 :l 6 3

{rrft q-jt rnrnrfhfurGr, r

44 6r

5 3



6 I



ftfr lessFrccfreqrcr qil {c ctftott ihiEE tl The figuresin the l2 placesfrornthe Sun are respectively 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, +, 5, 3, 5, 7, 2; from the Moon,2, 3. 5,2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2 , 3 , 7 , 1 ; f r o r nM a r s , 1 + ', s , 3 , 5 , 2 , 3 , + , + , + , 6 , 7 , 2 ; f r o mM e r cury 3, l, 5, 2, 6, 6, I , 2, 5, 5, 7, 3; from JupiterS2, 2, | , 2, 3, +, 2 , 4 , 2 , + , 7 , 3 I f r o r nV e n u s2, , 3 , 3 , 3 , + , + , Z , 3 , + , 3 , 6 , 3 ; f r o m Saturn 3, 2, 4, 4, +, 3, 3, +, 4, 4, 6, l; from Lagna,5, 3, S, 5, 2, 6, l, 2,2,6,7,l, The statementin the next pageshows in a tabulal form the figuresof beneficdots for the esfumcf(SarvashtakaNarga)accord* The figuresfrom Mars ought to be 4, s, 3, +, 3, 3, +, 4, 4, 6,7, 2. But see foot-note to gfiE{ari,(Strkrashtakavarga)p. 652, S T h e f i g u r e sf r o m J u p i t e ro u g h t t a b e 2 , l , 1 , 2 , 3 , + , 2 , 4 , 2 , 4,7r 4. But see foot-note 1e aqtE+-qii(Chandrashtakavarga) p.


$L 6rF63




ing to the above slokas for the sample horoscope reforred to in page 657. It enables one to find out from a glance how mrny beneficdots bave been cortributed by the severalplanets in oech of the 12 Rasis. .l :.!)




4 llithuirr



2 r)

























(a )




























a 9m bhe








'6 49

() ..'



;n .:137

qrqefit{ftsil;q$or',3 ftq-

qrfraEa(Rmfrq qrr{qn?| fr{rffirfrr gt*fr-{q{â‚Źi{nq

q er${rtn \l n ilgr+dAsuqrfr S/trft,r 53. In the trsiu+sf lSarvashtakavarga),the 8b



Adh. x.

-*" doo -r"r.t "t 25 to 30 beneficdots in a arevoid of effect. From bhava produce medium effect. More than 30 benefic dots in any bhava produce happineso, wealth and fame while eerving to advancethe bhava wherein they appear. NorBs. Statement showing the several i.lers'l{,i (Bhinnashtaka Varga) figures for the same horoscope. IFI



lSarvasbtaka Varsa I

lp lq)







,l 7


































+t 6









l'l si




-i -l 3r 'l 'l 2+























.1 T





+ q




r+l 56 I

cl. su{t{t{r

t q. il{tqt {IttT(T:t ft{rr{qmsor qsfi{E?qtqui q,i dglrqq:so{ ll






Also qmfltt

ftrfr+ tsftilerra{frmafhilrrrd } a{n: |sr quqlq .fi$: 6q1 {i rar geili }silft:


ffqtfutrfliqrgilng q q{nAg +rig merl srQ sqErr'.â‚ŹfigqfAqd)rs+sat{rqitt

Sloha 54. Planets occupying, it may b:, tlreir exaltatron, their own, a friend'e house, a frrkona, a Kendra, or an vrtr4 (tJpachaya) place or posaesscdof such strength as is derived from being in benefir ,"'arg:ur, may do evil if associatedwith insufficient ber,e'frcdots (in the neluo-+rt-5.rva shtak,rvarga).

t qn{rtfrgcqgrtrrrrnr t flqqrqftgrMsif,ls I n qrffiilfl

tr{ inqfiq

t r{geqsoErtiqftitq.{r*( u \\ tl Slo&c 55. Planetswhich as occupyingportions of the l2th, the 6rh, the 8th or the Zth bhavas are considered m:rlefic; secondly,thoee that are in the vargas of their depressionsigns or of maleficor inimical pianets; 3rdly and lasdy, thosethat conepirein conjunctionwith the lord of the sign occupied by crflq (Mandhi) ro work evil-these three classesof planets, i{ only associated with a higher number of benefic dots, produce all important beneficial reeultsto the personconcerned.

qnfuilrgrqztqgtiorwggiiqfr ftrs{rfi r g(fi fuq{t{s's! tt\q tl RrM* ffi Enr6


Adh. x.

Slohn 56. If in the scis+ilt (Sarvarhaka:Varga) the number of benefic dote in the Llth bhava be greater than that in tl're l0ch, but the figure in the lZth lower than that in the L lth and if the f igure in the Lagna exceedthe figure in the lzth bhava, the pereon born will be h"ppy with abundanceof wealth, fame and strength, cf . qodfc+r

rTEql.$otfit eril epil.duf& 6q+ t

qs ;q,tTfq*q* ,itlarafiaquttr tr

troqx'inq.qqfigfrz{rEi flqirgsqrJflqq{Q;ggtrqI wer{ qErrHwdftii qgif


qqqfk d* ll \\e ll

Slcrla 5?. Three divisions maJeof the 1l signs, the first commencing with Meena, the second with Karkatakaand the third with Vrischika and exhibitirrg eachits own beneficdots in its respectiva t housesare madeto indicatetht first, tlta middle and the concluding portion of the life under examination. Some opine that the three grand divisions are madefrom the 6{qrm (Vyayabhava)to begin with. cf, qa+Acr

4fio6rquql'fiqufrm€u-'sd'req+qlq{rftrdrR} g qqnF5qil fiq(akgqq t qet quqqqqqtfldqEqF4ii5;gqrrUft HT

SarflFqsqftq{Fr Eaq}a aqrftE:dffq: ll

frqi w.-{r B;qufrqqni iird t*od}i!1qEgfiil€iil | fi{ grr{ wqEttgft1un{qa {FqqeqriY{qft;gt}ul




S/otc 58. Some recommend the omission of the beneficdots in the tzrh as well as in the 8th bhava fron their severaldivisions ; rhe aggregateb:nefic dots in any one division shourd be comparedwith the same in the other two If the figures in the three divisions b: equal, the life of the person concerned would be a mixed o:rewith its joys and sorrows evenlydistributed; if unequal,the lower figure implies diminution of com_ Iort, i.e. misery; the higher one betokens increaeed c<>mforts, i.e. prosperity.

drqrtrd qft gffit f}qt ftaqli

rro-sq$rqqw€dbvqtlrrui qr( | \9^

li|;g€aqi t{R rqqamq{q qrq{r{

ifunttqt {qft itgo{u}iri rsrr(!n \q tl S/;i?a 59. If b:nefic planets occupy the signsof any division. the porrion of life eorrespondirrgto this eq (khanda)will be happv. If the signsof a Grog(khanda) have both malefic and benefic planets in them, the effect on the porrion of the life typified by the arl€ (khanda)will be mised; if any division containsmalefic planets exclusively,the period of life representedwill abound in accessionsof affiiccion. If the numb:r of beneficCots in any division be smrll, the personborn will suf{er from diseasearrrl ment.rl pain and will be rpeakingevil things. Ii there be a preponderance of benefic dots in a <Tos(Khanda), the person concerned will enjoy extensive prosperity in the period of life thus distinguished.

qrqi rrqqFT{| rraiFgd,rqfrrr{{rrTdrqrdii iq=tg* qrftitqrgiit qrcrwqsiiqurotn\ n Qotl

A&r. X.


7U2 --'---


Sloha 6A, If a pirron have hia birth under a yogx betokenioggreatProsperity,he will, upon the expiry of a nrrmberof yearsindicatedby the eqls+T{t(sarvaehtakr Varga) igures in the Lagn4 be in a fair way to get a royal .rehiil. (such as a palanquin),riches, sons and great. knowledgesurPassinglY

Rrqrqtaq;qrt{rflq irtn-brqrfrfigidi t t

GnRIqIg+ftRI! {r${qFilllqt tl uil qrEfu;Sd€qm{trTl

.Sl.rbrr61. When the lord of the l2th bhava occu' by a Rasi baiungingto S'rturn' piesthe lst represented and when the lords of the Lagna and the 8th bhav;rare weak,th: pcrsonborn will livc as many yearsas there are beneficdots in CheLagna in the edemrl(Srrvashtaka Varga).

qfdrqtt,oqtqrar&o*rdttertr\errtfrrt fiqriircqrR;fi1ffiqt( qrartrqmiln

dm QR

Sloku (,L. When the lord of the 4th bhavr is in the Lagnr and the lord thereof is in the 4ch,and wh:n the numberof b:nefic dots in eachof the Rrsis occupieC by theseplanetsts :)3,the persons born will'brome lords of men and centresof kingly glory.

6iqq;ffi fiEflts tt{;qmri\qqfr?.qilsI qnt;fliiqgi{ q {rcriqiErft{rtrwtt-*f{fdll ql ll

Slofta 63. When the lst,4th and the 1lth bhavas areeachassociatedwith benefic dots exceeding30, the personborn will, afier his 40th year, attain to power culminatingin kingchip' irrd protp.rity irr abundance


r;gfuer aqqdt${hE{qt

sl. 64-6?



qqsk qâ‚Ź ffifftrwn qA rt {I({t Eriwfiras tl qu ll Sloha 64. If the number of benefic dots ir the 4th and in the 9th Rasi from the Lrgna lie betweerr25 and 30, the person born will be rich as Kubera at the end of 28 yearoor in gome year subsequentthereto.

t{rqrt {raq0â‚Źg* qtqrftrrftrgtcqr{itI

tqrqft uqt ilqlt ilfr ilqt oetreqt'{ilql llq\ll

the 4th bhava Sloka 65. When Jupiteroccupying with 40 beneficdots and the in exaltationis associated Sun is in Mesha identical with the Lrgnr, the Percon of a 1001000 born will becomea king and be in command horse.

qiqrfrdtegh ffi qri qtt ilft ffi t *+ fit t,tir nggt q1ilc{*q{r w{Sqrll qq ll Sloka 66. With 40 benefic dots in the Lagna, with Jupiter in Dhanus,with Venuoin Meena, with Mars in exaltation and with Satgrn in Kumbha,the ed with personborn should becomean emperorblese every kind of good fortune.

ffinfritcq\qqrn q{F( {ilftqqfter*,

sorf\{i qliit ft{ei qqGsRqgtrt *3 11Qull

'fhe Sloka 67. four quarters beginning with the East have been assigned to the four triade of Raair whereof the first are Mesha, Vrishabha, Mithuna and Kataka(Vrdc Adhyaya I sl. 13). With refetenceto a hororcope that may be under examinacion,ascertain the quarter in which there is an abundanceof benefic dotr;



Adh. x.

t, acceEsionto his wealth, etc.

oqrflt{;q;(rrdgt$r dWq.anr6oaqqit (aqG qlt qR {luri n ffiqtqr ii$or .RFrTtll SJ.;Aa68. Find the aggregateo{ benefic dots frtrm the Laqna to Saturn (both ioclusive; Multiply it by 7 and divide thc product by 27. Whcn, in the asterism indicatcdby the remainder(reckonedfrom Aswini) or its Trikona, the Sun and other malignant planets pass, and other the personconcernedwill suffer from dieeases ills on a large scale.

qqfto{Fffiei q Gg{r;(r{Klgqrlq $Enr;q I gt{qdqqrTrcdrc*rqi gq{t M {$il ttqq ll

Sloka 69. Deal in the above way with the aggre, gate of benefic dots countecifrom Saturn to Lagna,and with those lrom Mars to Lagna,as w,ll as from L gna to Mars, severally. Find the aggregareof beneficdots in the Rasis occupied by benefic planetsand the star indicated thereby. When a benefic planet passes through thie asteri$m, good things, they say, may be expected. Nores. ef. s-d-4fr{r

q<r;ntdias sorfi i I offrFrnzfr fA{r€iTlFs-€{|| saf{dq}.qa{IFHH d.flrTrnrriai g:ti qr ilrtrri$qrqI

qi rirf4ear=ddqrrd"oi so{.rr Also erctt?t

oilfl tq g'lferalalqnGrrdiT,T g{iqr

g* ilfut gerHnnafis-€gflr6q+ iiqdir' r

sr ?0



r;ErqrufitqftftggrarruTfuti R€nt-

frRqgqdi4lR*+Fqiltitl Er+qeifrs.qr The following additional information based on the tr{iE6q{ (Sarvashtakavarga) figures are extracted from qa*tttr.

g,ilqtoilrr6qTerrq.firrTqdqffiFqrq{}& q-dqlrr QQrqT{$s{rgeq qqKEiII I

qrftqa qrgrfttnfi n:fier q €qGq( ll offrqsqgfqdq{qi qFqrAqtq*

amihaqwflaqqfFle{rft flq}q+( t

sTr&{,iq-g'ilqre qi{ iqig{dt stqe: qfid qR frq*rsft{drrerqqmffir Hrq.ll *-qFqrq{qqqflraqri}frq{ii I gqrErft 1

qq:gqlgt fuq. il ilqrqft+reqrq-dqqrR

.if rftr' qftarftfrstrtrq+t nwn* +* qawai wvgfh,EifQqsFeiI ilqi 'qlqqffiqfrqilftFaFq q rqflT?d E{ i}w}flsq: u d=flflfrqi: FIIITqrrffr

t qsrfrqcita*urqdl wiruqtt;ecq Rffil qqfr"ql q Etqil{tqrfr wtssfifki qq ll so ll St ftc ?0. Make the Trih.rna anrl Ekadhiptya reductions in regard to the cetEssrt($arvaohtakavarga| figum Out of the figuresleft afterthe two reductions in the reveral Raeie, go on subtractingl? ar often ar poroible. If the redtrcedfigure happenoto be 1l iteelf, it 's not to bc taken awayr The figurec containedin Nlcrha and other Rrir are to be thuc treated. 89



Adh. x.

q4e-{iiffgq-s qqqi uftrqret r qrrqfh*oi fr{hq qart+T&qeryar{ rt qsfu( queorft+,idqlq*qos€q I

enie g 'Ifrqrt{n{gufrrgtt q'f+qEqq:q1| r*cgq+Rea

s.dfaeaa'R{ ssfqdqirgq: tr ggfffiqarsl wrg:fioq:qfiqt I qrsrRqflorcn: Alq{TRgqrwq tl mqd o afroequeoalq*q flq r

uail g rldhrflqtgdTrd.rfl rr

aBqs+e F-iqrq(r*.{fiqf+dqr qa{q* tt nflH€iTo-rtrgqtil$r-q

{itni flftrqqrWrhr asqzidrq o.!rqrR.i;qq I a€ri$egqor6i nilf\ri ftqaq{t mmrgftr*r ri{r rrii ftqqiiqtqig$rgqqqr rf el tl Sloha71. Multiply the net figuresin the (qqH) Sarvashtakavarga(after the reductions mentioned in the previousslokahavebeen made)by the zodiacaland planetaryfactorsand makean aggregate of the producte. Multiply thia by 7 and divide the productby 27. The quotientconsistingof years, montho, daye, etc., if in excet!of the standardAyuo, i,e, L00yearE,ahouldbe diminishedby 100yeara; if chort of 100 ic to be kept unaltered. This will repreEentthe anlrrgt (Nakohatra Ayus) which when multipliedby tLa anddividedby 365 will give the period of life correctly in oolaryearE.




ll el ll gt'rqruuqqrF(s{il1 qRoftqqsaqmqqr( Sloka 72. The yearsiaking up the life whether ehort,middleor long of a person (obtainedby the pro' ceEBabove mentioned)will equarewith the period otherwise obtained,by the diminution or addition as uPon an the casemay be of a multipleof 27 accertrined examinatioo of tbe aEpect,if any, upon the Lagna, by beneficplanets.

qrffirrG$ocrrcJrqrtt {Rrrfqq€gqrroR;gdor

tdfteK $ruelqu(Kr( ll sQ 11

ll tR qqfrswtt tt compiled Stoha7\. In the work 6f Jatakaparijata of treatises by Vaidyanathaand containing the essence the chapteron on planetaryeffects suchas Parasara"s, deeignated benlfic dots, appearingin the Aghtakavargas (Samudaya) r<m (Prasthara),fm (Bhinna) and €3Erq has been treated bv the graceof the entire body of Planets'


The following from soq-( (Balabhadra) for ascertaining thc month and the asterism of the death of a person will be found uscful:\

lt sTq q{oTTTt€f,FtrI11

tq rgut}dffuq*qq*fr i tr

Adh K


elc{ttrarF}i qqrM r* t ug ffi ffqrffqmftx*umqrftqt ( qqtqffirftqEqrqru$fr5 r oFTqErrqE6 s{ffi3xfr1 x qfu5mor: FqroTI r fli' rgizfior€m' qnfrErecr€dq qlq+ffFs\ rgt n

metqrrfi qfut ilfu.qfr?ft d( | qrftfiqqa* ftfrir tt affi qsrrftqfrfi+ qd qtsIElftqr t qrrelRflrqq n'qTtqrq qt{ tt sqqfr,{iq;qflq{


eutt Afrqrt ffa q frqqdn r wqeqhttq;qffii{tnrqfi

qr tt

s$ q:vBftt fiqq q fifrf{in r q-Tqffreil m} q-.rsfrqlRil u arTfi-ffi qrRtqt Udqt €R: I End of the 10th Adhyaya. -"1t&--L*'-

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