The Vegan Autumn 1987

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Managing Editor: Colin Howlett Editor: Barry Kew Commodity News Editor: Lis Howlett Advertising & Distribution Manager: Philip Brown Design by Kate Bowen and Craig Wilkinson Illustrations by Juliet Breese Typeset by Goode Typesetting Service, Oxford Printed by Ouse Valley Graphics Ltd., Northampton The Vegan is published quarterly by The Vegan Society Ltd Publication date: Late February, May, August, November Copy date: 1st of month of publication ISSN 0307-4811 © The Vegan Society Ltd 'Vegan' is a trademark of The Vegan Society Ltd The Vegan Society The Vegan Society Ltd Registered Charity No. 279228 33-35 George Street Oxford OX1 2AY Tel: 0865 722166 President: Serena Coles Deputy President: Chris Langley Vice-Presidents: Eva Batt Freya Dinshah Jay Dinshah Grace Smith Council: Paul Appleby Amy Austin Serena Coles Vincent FitzGerald Colin Howlett Lis Howlett Chris Langley (Chair) Hon. Treasurer: Vincent FitzGerald Secretary: Barry Kew Publications Director: Colin Howlett Office Manager: Susan Kew Information Officer: Philip Brown


Information For the benefit of new readers some general information is provided below: Veganism may be defined as a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to. the animal kingdom for food, clothing or any other purpose. In dietary terms, it refers to the practice of dispensing with all animal produce - including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, (nonhuman) animal milks, and their derivatives. The status of honey in a vegan diet has varied over the years; whilst remaining contentious, its use is currently left to individual conscience. The Vegan Ethic challenges all who preach compassion yet acquiesce in institutionalized animal abuse, especially the cruel practices inherent in dairy, livestock and poultry farming. Abhorrence of these practices is probably the single most common reason for the adoption of veganism, but many people are also drawn to it for health, ecological, spiritual and other reasons. For those in doubt, the words 'vegan' and 'veganism' are pronounced 'VEEgan' and 'VEEganism' with a hard 'g', as in 'gorilla'. The Vegan Society was formed in England in November 1944 by a group of vegetarians who had recognized and come to reject the ethical compromises implicit in lacto-vegetarianism and consequently decided to renounce the use of all animal products. Since those early days it has grown considerably in both size and influence, reflecting the increasingly wide recognition of veganism's ethical, health, ecological and other advantages. The Society now has the status of an educational charity, whose aims include encouraging the development and use of alternatives to all commodities normally derived wholly or partly from animals. If you would like more information about its work

please send a large SAE to the Societv at 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2AY. If you are already a vegan or vegan sympathizer please support the Society and help increase its influence by joining. Increased membership means more resources to educate and inform. The current membership fee is £6.50 for an individual (£4 if unwaged) and £8.50 for a family (£6 if unwaged). Full membership is restricted to practising vegans, as defined atx>ve, but sympathizers are very welcome as associates of the Society. Both members and associates receive The Vegan free of charge. Applications for membership/associate status should be sent to the Oxford office, with the envelope marked 'Membership Secretary'. Vegan Society Publications The Society publishes a wide range of free leaflets and lowpriced books and booklets of interest to the newcomer. See the section in the magazine entitled Publications & Promotional Goods. This Section also lists a number of works which although produced independently of the Society and not necessarily vegan in viewpoint are nevertheless felt to be useful and informative. Vegan Magazines In addition to The Vegan - the official organ of the Society - the following independent publications may be of interest: Vegan Views 6 Hayes Avenue. Bournemouth BH7 7AD. An informal quarterly with articles, interviews, news, reviews, letters, cartoon strip. Subscription rate for four issues: £2.40 (Europe and surface mail overseas: £2.80). New Leaves 47 Highlands Road. Leatherhead, Surrev KT22 8NQ. Quarterly Journal of The Movement for Compassionate Living - The Vegan Way (see below). Annual subscription: £3.00.

Cheques/POs payable to 'Movement for Compassionate Living". Y Figan Cymreig (The Welsh Vegan) 9 Mawddwy Cottages, Minllyn. Dinas Mawddwy. Machynlleth SY20 9LW. Wales. 35p in stamps for a sample copy. The Vegan Families Contact List provides a link between parents throughout the UK seeking to raise their children in accordance with vegan principles. To receive a copy of the list and have your name added to a future edition, please send an SAE to the compiler - Eve Gilmore - c/o the Oxford office, giving your name, address and names and dates of birth of children. The Movement for Compassionate Living - The Vegan Way, an organization independent of the Vegan Society, seeks to spread compassionate understanding and to simplify lifestyles by publications, meetings and educational campaigns, and by urging a greater recognition of the connections between the way we live and the way others suffer, and between development, consumption and the destruction of the planet. Publishes New Leaves. (see Vegan Ma

Veganism Abroad There are active vegan societies in Australia. Sweden and the USA, as well as contacts in Belgium. Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands and New Zealand. The views expressed in The Vegan do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or of the Vegan Society Council. Nothing printed should be construed as Vegan Society policy unless so stated. The Society accepts no liability for any matter in the magazine. The acceptance of advertisemens does not imply endorsement. Contributions intended for publication are welcomed, but unsolicited materials will not be returned unless accompanied by an SAE. The Vegan, Autumn 1987

A DIFFERENT STRETCH This piece was to have welded together some of the many topics covered in later pages Nigel Dudley's mischievous article on organic farming and pesticides; the ecological flavour of many of the book reviews; the European Year of the Environment; the international element, taking us out beyond our home concerns to India and America; and the link-up between different organisations for unprecedented campaigns adding an extra dimension to our business. It would have made something of how this largestever issue of The Vegan, bursting too with inserts, was being put together whilst the world itself reached its highest population level of 5 billion. And this in turn would have led to a plea for the wider perspective: that though the bedrock of veganism is the cruelty-free/animal rights ethic we should never operate solely in what can easily become a single-issue vacuum, ignoring other areas which give it greater strength and meaning - like, for instance, land use and hunger at home and abroad. When the government talks of taking three-quarters of a million hectares of land out of production, there's a sense of the right idea for the wrong reasons, though the decrease in available land plus the finite potential and devastating lunacy of artificial farming can join to

pave the way for vegan agriculture. And whilst it is estimated by the Economic Forestry Group that 40,000 jobs could be created by increasing the home-grown timber industry over the 10 million hectares of grade 4 and 5 land in the UK which is now marginal for agricultural purposes, raising our selfsufficiency to 25%, the loss of natural resource worldwide largely through rainforest destruction for ranching - is rapidly replaced by empty mouths. New breeds of livestock are created and patented yet we may be losing one plant species every day with around 15,000 still to be discovered. About 240,000 are known to exist; we eat over 12,000, yet rely on less than 20 staples. And all this could have been wrapped around the somewhat pretentious use of a Schopenhauer quote: "Every man mistakes the limits of his vision for the limits of the world", for if we accuse policy-makers of such partial sight then we need to keep our own blinkers off.

THE GUARDIAN ^the 3 The Vegan, Autumn 1987

But such reflection went out the window when in through the door came hand in hand enough tasks to make this possibly the busiest time in the Society's history. The permanent sweat here is du«. no less to panic than to the humid weather as we tackle the following: production of new booklets; preparation of the annual accounts and report; the compilation of this magazine (just try and track down the contributors!); the trials of computerization; work on the Meat Out and Christmas campaigns; the lopsided press coverage of dietary research, and of course, the Madonna effect bringing us the biggest mailbag in central Oxford (see Noticeboard). We're at full tilt. So, apologies on three counts. For not replying too quickly to your letters; for not delivering here the planned philosophical masterpiece (such apology can always be taken as read!); and for this Autumn issue of The Vegan being slightly out of whack with the timetable. Barry Kew


4 News 7 Healthwise Infant Nutrition PETA Patter A vegan 'Letter from America' Through American Eyes 10 An American vegan reflects on the U . K . scene

Shoparound 12 India - The Spice of Life 14 A vegan traveller's impressions Recipes for an Indian Summer 16 The Killing Fields 20 Agrochemicals and the vegan dilemma

• Reviews • Family Matters Encouraging the mother • Postbag • Noticeboard • Publications & Promotional Goods • Classifieds

22 24



28 30


absolute minimum". On a more wholesome note the Living Without Cruelty Awards, this year presented by TV personality Debbie Greenwood and Linda Davidson of Eastenders, went to Dr. Coleman for his support of the ethical treatment of animals, to Weleda (UK) Ltd for their toiletries and homoeopathic remedies, and to the Nature Cure Clinic for its pioneering work in natural healing. Meat Out

LWC Exhibition

This highly ambitious threeday event was a rip-roaring success, with over 4,000 people (more than 50% of whom were not existing members of animal societies) attending and stall holders' bookings for 1988 already flooding in to the Animal Aid office. The lectures and demonstrations were packed throughout the weekend, which brought many a famous name - Carla Lane, Hazel O'Connor, Captain Sensible, Tom Regan - to Kensington Town Hall for what will stand as a landmark in the history of the animal rights movement. No praise is high enough for those who sweated and fretted over this one! See you there next year. Such success had its spinoffs, including a Living Without Cruelty Festival organized by local vegans in Bournemouth on 25 July which attracted 36 exhibitors and 900 visitors. The well-attended ceremony, which attracted much media interest, made a nonsense of the government's "new and more vigorous system of controls" established by the 1986 Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act, and highlighted the hypocrisy of Home Office Junior Minister Douglas Hogg's claim to have "no doubt that scientists are very aware of the need to ensure that animal use is kept to an


The first Great British Meat Out was launched on 2 September at Christies, Wardour Street, London when the organising Societies highlighted the damaging effects on people, animals and the environment of a meat-eating lifestyle. Details were also given of the Sri Lankan leaf protein product which Meat Out is supporting with the sponsorship money raised by people kicking the meat habit on 2 October, by Alan Cooper's bike ride and other fund-raising efforts like the Raffle and Celebrity Auction planned for the Meat Out Beano to be held on 3 October at Imperial College. The following companies are among those sponsoring the campaign: Granose Foods, Honesty Cosmetics, Plamil Foods, The Realeat Company, St. Giles Foods, Suma Wholefoods, Unisoy, Whole Earth Foods. (See leaflet and noticeboard for further details). AAAFTAR

The second Animal Aid Awards For Trivial Animal Research, held at the Charing Cross Hotel on 19 August, saw Dr. Vernon Coleman lampoon the ludicrous research conducted by Colin Blakemore - "the kitten killer of Oxford' - who was presented in his absence with the award for performing the most cruel experiments of the year. The award for the most cruel establishment in the UK went to Oxford University, from which Dr. David Whitteridge in a letter to the Oxford Times said, "The

base science departments are of course primarily concerned with increasing knowledge, not with the cure of disease". Actress Carol Royle presented the award for the most trivial experiment of the year to Thornton et al of Babraham Institute of Animal Physiology (received by Robin Webb of Cambridge Animal Aid). Cox Sensation

Distinguished vegetarian author and broadcaster, and former V.S.U.K. Chief Executive, Peter Cox, has been expelled from the Vegetarian Society. This bombshell was delivered shortly after a protracted row at the Society's Adjourned 1986 AGM, held in London on 4 July over Mr. Cox's insistence on his right to make open use of an 'electronic notepad' - a pocket-sized tape recorder to keep a complete and accurate record of the discussion to which he had hoped to contribute. Despite an initial show of hands in favour of allowing the proceedings to be taperecorded, a succession of further votes took place at the initiative of the meeting's Chairman, Mr. Maxwell Lee (see Postbag), until, after some two hours, a majority against recording was secured. (Readers are advised in this connection that Mr. Lee held, and repeatedly cast, no fewer than 152 proxy votes - despite his having given an assurance that the proceedings would be chaired with scrupulous impartiality.) When Mr. Cox refused to switch off his tape recorder the Chairman ordered that the police be called to eject him from the auditorium. At a meeting of the V.S.U.K. Council the following week it was decided to terminate Mr. Cox's membership for "bringing the Society into disrepute". Editor's note: Vegan Society AGMs have been taperecorded without incident - or police intervention -for more than a decade.


Before going out of print in August, the most recent edition of The Vegan Shopper's Guide established itself as the fastest selling publication in the Society's history - with sales topping 6,000 copies in a year. A new, revised and greatly expanded edition is scheduled to appear in October under the title The Cruelty-Free Shopped Meat Out Cookbook

Another new Vegan Society booklet to be launched in the weeks ahead is Janet Hunt's The Caring Cook. Aimed at the complete beginner and priced at just ÂŁ1.99, plus 35p p&p, it has been adopted as the Meat Out campaign cookbook. Milk Industry Ads

Claims made in advertisements by the National Dairy Council and Unigate have been successfully challenged by the Health Food Manufacturer's Association and others. The claim that "milk provides everything a body needs including fat" was seen to be bogus as milk does not provide vitamins C and D, iron, essential fatty acids and dietary fibre. Additional claims that calcium-enriched milk, like Calcia, helps prevent the brittle-bone condition, osteoporosis, in menopausal women have also been rejected by the Advertising Standards Authority. At last! The Vegan Society has been complaining to the ASA for months about the inaccuracy of similar exercises in milkindustry propaganda. Oxford Study

The first results of the study being undertaken by the Dept. of Community Medicine at the John Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford supports the theory that a high-fat diet carries risks of heart disease. Margaret Thorogood, the project's leader and, with colleague Jim Mann, a 1986 Vegan The Vegan, Autumn 1987

month investigation the Committee was unable to reach a consensus, resulting in a 'majority' report of two paragraphs and Sir Richard's "minority' report of many pages, which describes the lack of epidemiological research into the health of farm workers as "quite unsatisfactory", and goes on to say that "it cannot be satisfactory to rely on animals as a means of testing". Although the maverick MP for Holland with Boston in Pesticides Lincolnshire (a NAVS viceCondemned president) appears unwilling The 1986/7 Second Special to serve on the committee Report*, proposing tighter again, his view that the overcontrols on pesticide use, and use of pesticides produces costly food supplies and may controversially released in contribute to human disease draft form by Sir Richard Body, retiring Chairman of is gaining ground in Whitehall. (*HMSO £6.30). the House of Commons Agriculture Committee, caused a parliamentary row in late July by criticizing the Jane is Dead government's current provision for policing the Jane, the Friesian cow, who introduction and use of headbutted 2 abattoir agrochemicals. After a 14- workers and escaped from

Cinderford slaughterhouse on 15 April was found dead of exhaustion in a forest of Dean ditch on 19 May after 2 searches of the area by Campaign Against Farm Animal Abuse supporters. With the help of Barbara Dickson and Hazel O'Connor, CAFAA had raised the £550 needed to buy Jane and a home had been prepared for her in Oxfordshire.

Society Frey Ellis Memorial Lecturer, announced that vegetarians could be 24% less likely to suffer coronary heart disease, and vegans 57% less likely. Reports of such findings were dubiously linked in The Guardian and The Independent to an American study which claims to find a high risk of cancer in those with low-cholesterol levels.


The London-based Crimpers hair salon group have created a unique haircare range which is free of animal ingredients and animal testing and formulated using the purest refined ingredients. Due to its extreme mildness to skin and eyes the range is claimed to be perfect for children's use. Available from selected chemists, department stores, healthfood shops and, of course, Crimpers hair salons.


A hectare of well-developed rainforest sustains about 800,000 kg of plants and animals. This same hectare, levelled and used for pasture, will yield some 1,600 hamburgers (200 kg), which means that in the first year each burger costs approximatey half a ton of rainforest - up to nine square metres of irreplaceable natural wealth. (World Food Association Bulletin, nos.3 & 4, 1986). In the last 30 years Central America has lost almost two-thirds of its rainforest to cattle ranching. The forest soils are thin and quickly overgrazed, and often within 5 to 10 years the ranchers have to abandon the deforested areas and move on to destroy a new part of the forest. Most of the beef is exported for North American


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5 The Vegan, Autumn 1987


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hamburgers. (Panoscope No.2, August 1987). Whilst this is happening, McDonalds produce a glossy leaflet entitled Care For Your Environment outlining the company's sponsorship of the Civic Trust Awards, its "first (?) venture in the environmenal field".

doubt and proof of membership to the Vegan Society may be required to In August 'raunchy rock star' authenticate his/her position. Madonna breezed into The classic case is the inmate Britain for concerts at Leeds who suddently requests a and Wembley with the vegan diet during the popular press full of reports currency of sentence". that the singer's slimming, Additionally, "There is an health and fitness success is adequate range of clothing due to a vegan diet. The sheer available for vegan inmates slog of her new Olympic Misnomer which is not animal related". athlete-style training has [This does not include called for high-energy As suspected, the recently footwear (yet!)]. ". . . announced 'ban' on the veal nutrition, and despite the depending on local crate system of calf rearing is inaccurate statements made circumstances, in some tabloids on the 'risks' may allow veganGovernors something of a misnomer. inmates to New regulations laid before of vegan diets Madonna obtain vegan toiletries claims, quite rightly, to "feel through the prison canteen". Parliament in July, to be so much better and much debated after October, The whole prison issue is require only that pens be at more seductive" on her non- receiving least as wide as the height of animal fare. Needless to say, attention. our continuous the calf at the withers, that requests for our information packs have doubled the the animal shall be free to turn round without difficulty amount of incoming mail at Vegan Councillor the Oxford office. Watch this and that the diet should space for the Madonna include roughage and Congratulations are offered interview (??!!). sufficient (sic) iron. to Vegan Society member Hugo Barton who, on 7 May, was elected to Bideford Town Live Exports Council. This may be something of a first, though it On 23 July and 15 August has since come to light that Compassion in World another member, during the Fanning members past 18 months, was elected demonstrated at Dover, Mayor (Lady Mayoress?) in a leafletting passengers to different area. Members heighten public awareness of attaining similar office/status the plight of their non-human are invited to notify the fellow travellers. On 28 July Oxford office of their Stephanie Lawrence, star of successes. the hit musical Time, presented a 300,000 signature petition at 10 Downing Bright Kids Street, calling upon the government to ban live Bright Kids Eat Health Foods export of animals for further is the first campaign run by fattening and slaughter. the newly formed British Health Food Trade press office which aims to promote the benefits of health foods Ecology Award for children based on The Best Ecology Social evidence that diet affects not Award winner in the Institute only the health and behaviour for Social Inventions 1987 of children but their learning competition went to Vegan abilities too. The campaign is Society member Robert Hart being linked to the Nutrition for his Forest Garden, Study at Aycliffe School adapting 'three dimensional Prison update which is the largest centre in agriculture' - the concept that Europe specialising in the food crops should be grown We have been informed by care and treatment of both on trees and under them the Home Office that "On seriously disturbed - to his eighth-of-an-acre the question of membership, adolescents. Leaflets and garden in Shropshire. He has there is no obligation for all stickers available from written a Forest Garden vegan inmates to join your NAHS, Bastow House, booklet detailing how town Society. For example, if an Queens Road, Nottingham or country gardeners can inmate on first reception into NG2 3AS. follow his model. Once prison claims to be a vegan, established, such a garden is he/she can be treated as such New Videos practically self-sustaining and without further enquiry. provides fruit, nuts, However, there may be new videos are now vegetables, herbs and a home occasions where an inmate's Two available from Compassion in for wildlife. commitment to veganism is in World Farming. Hopping


Like a Vegan

Madness contains evidence of the way frogs are caught and killed to satisfy the jaded appetites of Western gourmets, whilst Screaming for Change shows the cruelty and horror of the sow stall system, depicting the reaction of the young breeding gilt when first chained in her stall. These videos which both run for 9 minutes are available, at ÂŁ12.50 each or on 21-day loan for ÂŁ2.50 each, from: CTWF, 20 Lavant Street, Petersfield, Hants GU32 3EW. Tel. (0730) 64208. Out and Back

Vegan Society President and long-standing Council member, Serena Coles, has announced that she will not be seeking re-election in October, preferring to concentrate her energies in an area which has long been close to her heart - the Homes for Elderly Vegans project (See Noticeboard, Homes for Elderly Vegans). At a time of increased activity, Lis and Colin Howlett have decided to reverse their decision to step down from Council, as was reported in the last issue. Youth Camp

66 people - ages ranging from 15 months to 41 years - from 9 countries attended the 7th International Vegetarian Youth Camp during the last two weeks of July. Organized by Belgium Young Vegetarians, the camp was situated in the village of Haut Bellain at the northern tip of Luxembourg, close to the Belgian and German borders. Despite the poor weather, the participants enjoyed their stay, with several day trips, quizzes and singing, and though only a few of those attending were vegan, virtually all the food provided was, with a heavy emphasis on salads. Next year's camp is scheduled for the UK, so watch The Vegan for details. Readers interested in participating in any way are invited to contact Paul Appleby at the Oxford office. The Vegan, Autumn 1987

black vegan Americans living in a religious community in Israel . The infants had been weaned onto a diet of overdiluted home-made soya and almond milks, oats, yeast, fruit and vegetables. Given the severe problems which can result from deficiency it clearly makes good sense to see that vegan infants have a regular dietary source of vitamin Bi . Such sources include: some fortified soya milks (notably Plamil); many yeast extracts and TVP (textured vegetable protein) products; and some fermented soya products, such as miso and tempeh. Vegan B dietary supplements, such as Spirulina (mentioned above), are also available from healthfood shops and other outlets.

Healthwise Dbb Chris and Can Langley take a vegan view of


cumuit medical writing en diet and health



Key factors

nvtfiOor) has an unduly low level of B in her body the size of the liver stores of the foetus may be reduced . The quantity of B in the milk of such a mother is usually similarly affected and may therefore be inadequate for the needs of her baby, if exclusively breast-fed. Since 1979 there have been three reported cases of B deficiency causing severe problems in exclusively breast-fed infants of vegan mothers - . Symptoms were recognized at between three and six months, when the Vitamin B 12 infants became irritable and The most common question lethargic, fed poorly and lost relating to the health of vegan head control. Damage to the infants is that of vitamin B , nervous system occurred. which is not generally found This was reversible in two in plant foods (although the cases by vitamin B treatalga Spirulina has been de- ment, but in the third case scribed as "probably the some developmental retarrichest source of vitamin B dation remained. There have also been cases so far discovered" ). Babies who are exclusively breast- of vitamin B deficiency in fed rely entirely on stores of infants weaned onto an inthis vitamin in their own livers, adequate vegan diet. In 1982 acquired from their mothers some 15 cases of B deficiency while in the womb, and from were reported in a 15-month breast milk. If a mother-to-be period among babies born to

eports in the medical press of vegan infants suffering from nutritional deficiencies are extremely rare. What's more, when such cases are studied it generally transpires that the infants have been raised not on a true (i.e. varied and balanced) vegan diet at all, but on a much more restrictive plant-based regime, usually fruitarian or macrobiotic. The importance of this fact cannot be overstated.



2 3 4











7 The Vegan, Autumn 1987

Wider nutritional deficiencies, including lack of protein and calories, found in infants of the community in Israel referred to above have also been reported in a few infants raised on diets which, while being based solely on plant foods, were at variance with the long-established recommendations of the Vegan Society, in which heavy emphasis is placed on balance and variety as key factors in sound nutrition. In the Israeli community it seems that no beans or nuts, and few grains, were included in the children's diets as they were weaned, and plant milks used were excessively diluted, making them a poor source of nutrients. Similarly, a vegan mother in the USA was raising her 9month-old child on a restricted diet of honey water and small amounts of cereals, bananas, fruit juices, soya formula and wheat germ oil. The infant was simply not getting enough protein and calories. If, for example, well-cooked and liquidized beans with sunflower and sesame spreads had been included in the child's diet the problem would not have occurred. Four cases of infant malnutrition which caused a stir in the UK in 1979 involved strict fruitarian and macrobiotic diets. It is highly significant that in one of these cases, 6


where the parents had previously rejected dietary advice from the Vegan Society, the child was brought back to full health on a balanced vegan diet. Vitamin D

A few cases of rickets due to vitamin D deficiency have been reported, in (usually black) infants raised on a vegan diet . Whilst vegan dietary sources of vitamin D include some fortified soya milks and margarines, merely by exposing their skin to daylight children (and adults) can make plenty of vitamin D in their bodies from a nutrient widely available in plant foods. It seems, however, that people with highly pigmented skin may be less efficient at using this source of the vitamin, and rickets is relatively common in cultures where for religious reasons the skin is almost completely covered with clothing. Breast milk contains vitamin D, but not always enough for a growing infant whatever the mother's diet. If a child is regularly outdoors (even on cloudy days) with some skin exposed, a good supply is ensured. 5,8

Striking contrast

In striking contrast to the cases cited above many hundreds, if not thousands, of vegan children have experienced no deficiency problems (See 'Healthwise', The Vegan, Summer 1987) and enjoy excellent health - despite in some cases having had no known dietary source of vitamin Bi . (Such research as there has been on this subject suggests that some vegans may be able to maintain adequate B levels solely from quantities of the vitamin naturally occurring in their intestine. More research on this intriguing phenomenon is clearly called for). 2


A healthy start

In summary, as with adherents of any other diet it is possible for vegan infants to suffer nutritional deficiences. Such (Continued on page 13)



SIX M O N T H S AFTER LEAVING ENGLAND, VETERAN ANIMAL R I G H T S C A M P A I G N E R KIM STALLWOOD SENDS US HIS LETTER FROM AMERICA. or a vegan, living in the USA does have some advantages over living in Britain. Where else in the world but in America could you buy vegan ice cream (Tofutti) in a 24-hour supermarket called 'Giant'? And where else could you find frozen 'fish' fingers made from soya beans? But in ordinary grocery stores here you have to read ingredients labels carefully or you're likely to bring home 'vegetarian' foods like bread and baked beans containing whey, beef fat or a whole assortment of additives and preservatives.


original lyrics I've heard in a long time: "Life is for living - the animals agree; if they were meant to be eaten they'd be growing on trees". At the record's New York launch party Lene sang this and her own song 'Supernature', also from the album, to a huge night club audience - an outstanding success that introduced many people to animal rights in a very positive way. Unfortunately, I could not be in London for the UK launch (at the Limelight on 30 June), in which the

Inevitably, I find myself making comparisons between life in Britain and in America. Where is it easier to be a vegan? Where are people more sympathetic to animal rights? Is it easier to organize in Britain or the United States? Which country is further ahead in the struggle for animal liberation? These are also questions I am asked frequently. Britain is always perceived to be the country that leads the way on animal

"PETA's 'Caligari's Ark' sculpture record apparently received a similar warm reception. Talking of London, one of the things I miss about the city is the great vegetarian restaurant, Compton Green. But the US also has several restaurants suitable for vegans. One of my favourites, New York City's Boostan, is a tiny place with tree-trunk cross-section table tops and Mediterranean food plenty of hummus, falafel, pitta loaves, salad and garlic. One of the best dishes is a superb walnut and mashed potato pie. And not far from where I live in a Washington suburb is the China Chef, with a vegan menu section which includes spicy tofu dishes and delicious vegetable plates such as garlic in hot piquant sauce. Although finding a good vegan meal can be easy, the motorway services offer appalling food - the 'vegan' range consisting of "french fries' (chips) cooked in beef fat and a selection from a pathetic salad bar.

n permanent display in Washington" issues. In many respects this is true, but not in all cases. For example, Britain does not have organizations comparable to many of the animal rights groups that flourish here. Like, for instance. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, founded by Dr. Neal Barnard, which aims to establish a health-care system not founded on animal exploitation. An ethical veterinarian group, the Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights, points to the moral arguments against using animals in laboratory research. Other professional organizations include the National Association of Nurses Against Vivisection, which has just issued its first newsletter, and the more established Animal Legal Defense Fund, which campaigns through litigation on animal rights issues. Psychologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals emphasize the need for animal welfare in

Lobby groups

Where else in the world but in America could you buy vegan ice cream (Tofutti) in a 24-hour supermarket called 'Giant'?

After over a decade of animal rights activity with a number of British groups (CIWF, B U A V , The Vegan Society et al) I moved to Washington DC in February to take up the appointment of Executive Director to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). Formed by Ingrid Newkirk and Alex Pacheco in 1980, PETA is the fastest growing animal rights organisation in the United States, with a track record second to none in exposing the harsh realities of animal exploitation in laboratories throughout the country. Album success

One of PETA's most recent activities has been to produce a record album called Animal Liberation* which features Captain Sensible, Lene Lovich, Howard Jones and Shriekback. Dan Matthews, who masterminded the whole project, believes that PETA must reach out to people in a positive and creative way, and for young people there can be no better way than pop music. Nina Hagen and Lene Lovich sing a rap called 'Don't Kill the Animals' which contains some of the most


The Vegan, Autumn 1987

psychology research. Remarkable history

These specialised lobby groups represent a major step forward and provide an effective complement to an organization like PETA, which in just six years has grown from a local Washington group working out of a one-bedroomed flat to a national operation with 40 staff and many significant campaigns to its credit. For example, in the summer of 1981 Alex Pacheco was employed in a laboratory called IBR. where he recorded on film terrible atrocities - including upper limb nerve-severance, known technically as deafferentation - perpetrated on monkeys for whom, six years later, PETA is still fighting. Although the Supreme Court declined to hear the case, there is new hope in Congress, where a sympathetic Congressman has introduced a bill calling for the release of the fourteen animals to a sanctuary in Texas. Concurrent with this initiative PETA held a commemorative rally for the IBR monkeys, with speakers and singers inspiring and entertaining an audience assembled on the steps of the US Capitol Building. In just siÂŤ years PETA has grown from a local Washington group working out of a onebedroomed flat to a national operation with 40 staff

In another case, Alex literally risked his life exposing a Texas horse farm where carcasses rotted in the mud, at the feet of living horses destined for slaughter for the French horsemeat market. PETA purchased several of these horses and found homes for them. Others had to be destroyed. A third case involved the prestigious University of Pennsylvania, where baboons were placed in restraining devices and their brains lesioned. This so-called scientific experiment was 'justified' by the research community as a way of helping victims of car accidents. This was hardly plausible in the light of the video which the experimenters made of themselves conducting the research and showing them laughing at the animals' suffering, reusing surgical instruments after dropping them on the floor, and so on. Many hours of videotape seized by the ALF from the University's Head Injury Laboratory were handed over to PETA, who reviewed the material to make a 30-minute video that shocked the public and the scientific community. The Secretary of Health and Human Services viewed the film and, following a dramatic four-day sit-in at the National Institutes of Health involving 9 The Vegan, Autumn 1987

over 100 activists, stopped all funding and other groups are currently urging for the research. the state's Attorney General to challenge the bill's mysterious demise. PETA has always taken a firm stand Campaign strategy against the use of non-human animals Quite recently PETA embarked on a in experimentation, but the organinew strategy in its Compassion Cam- zation considers food and clothing paign against the use of animals in issues of equal significance in the cosmetic tests. By purchasing stock in animal rights movement. Thus PETA some of the major cosmetic companies, has developed a two-fold approach to PETA can gain authority after one its campaign strategy: on the one hand year to introduce a stockholder's there are the cruelty case operations resolution. This scheme represents a (IBR. the Texas horse massacre and new tactic against animal experiments, so on), and on the other the lifestyle whilst other methods of protest have programme (cruelty-free cosmetics, included demonstrations at cosmetic the Animal Liberation record etc). There's much more could be said, of firm headquarters, promotion of cruelty-free companies, wide dissemi- course: many conditions and methods nation of information regarding toxicity to compare and contrast. But for now tests and lobbying for protective suffice it to say that a brief return visit from the 95° Washington heat to the legislation. In conjunction with the active group cool grey rain of London in July seemed Maryland Legislation for Animal Wel- to reinforce more the similarity than fare. PETA representatives worked the difference. The huge change of tirelessly for the passage of a precedent- scale - a 2-hour drive out from Capitol setting bill that would ban the use of Hill taking you just a quarter of an live animals in product safety tests in inch on a map of the USA - doesn't that State. Although the bill passed alter the real business we're involved easily through state Senate and House in on both sides of the Atlantic. Keep Judiciary Committees it was killed in at it. another committee on the last night of *Ed. Reviewed on page 22 the state's congressional session. PETA


leepily, I dash out these thoughts on the eve of my return to the United States. I'm sure that the passage of a little time will give a better and more coherent perspective on my as yet undigested experiences in the UK, but let's start with some hardly swallowed ones. • A health store owner in Taunton expressed surprise when I mentioned I was vegan. "But you look healthy. Usually I can tell a vegan as soon as he or she walks through the door - thin, sallow-cheeked, a bit emaciated." She cited as an example a former employee she had recently had to let go because of 'low energy level'. • At the massive Glastonbury CND festival this summer, I saw a proliferation of vegetarian and especially vegan stalls. (My favourite sign: Peace and 2 Veg). At a July 4th non-violent blockade at Fylingdales in North Yorkshire - at the US Early Warning facility being expanded to nuclear battlefield management for Star Wars - several blockaders wore sweatshirts, T-shirts and badges with animal rights and vegetarian messages. All food sold was vegetarian or vegan. • British Airways is noted for catering for different diets, including vegetarian and vegan, yet their US agent with whom I booked my flight didn't know what the word 'vegan' meant. After I explained he assured me that the regular vegetarian meal was vegan, the other two choices being lacto, or spicy Asian. Much to my in-flight dismay (I'd hardly eaten for 24 hours) my meal was thoroughly drenched in butter, with egg-glazed roll and cheese on the side. The British flight attendants seemed not fully to believe that a British Airways employee could make such a mistake, since vegan meal requests are common and the concept has percolated through the culture.


For most Americans a vegan would probably be thought to be someone from the

Out on a limb


gambling mecca of Las Vegas.

These events seem to me to illustrate some of the differences between the state of veganism in the US and in Britain. For one thing, it's very pleasant to be in a country where the term 'vegan' is widely known in a variety of socially- and politically-conscious circles. This is not the case in the US., where I usually have to describe myself as a 'total, non-dairy vegetarian', and still give detailed examples of what I do and don't eat. For most Americans a vegan would probably be thought to be someone from the gambling mecca of Las Vegas.


Comfort and challenge

In the US vegetarians of all sorts lactos, ovos, vegans, and even 'chickenand-fish-o-terians' - are assumed to be so at least primarily for health reasons. It's more comfortable for an omnivore to assume health motivations for vegetarians than to face the implicit moral challenge underlying ethical vegetarianism and its logical expression in veganism. In the UK, though, ethical motivations are far more likely to be attributed, while health considerations tend to be considered secondary, or even at times relegated to the status of California yuppie self-indulgence, along with jogging and hot-tubs. I'm of course running the risk of overgeneralizing from too-limited experience. During my almost two months in England, I had very little contact with the animal rights movement as such; about the same with nuclear disarmament people; and only a little more with vegetarian/vegan groups. By and large, I was a vegan tourist, staying most of the time with people who had responded to an advertisement I had placed in The Vegetarian a few months previously. I did observe that the Vegetarian and Vegan Societies are much more established here. In fact, a number of vegetarians I talked with cited what they saw as the establishment, conservative image of the Vegetarian

Society as a reason for not joining. In the US, we have quite the opposite problem - most vegetarians have never even heard of the North American Vegetarian Society or the International Vegetarian Union, much less the American Vegan Society. Our national vegetarian magazine, Vegetarian Times, comparable to The Vegetarian but published monthly, is run as an independent business, separate from any vegetarian organization. Ahitnsa, the quarterly tabloid put out by the American Vegan Society is read by a small and somewhat esoteric circle of readers and isn't at all widely known. Animal rights

On the animal rights front, that movement and its dietary implications seem more widely understood and accepted in Britain. In the United States, there is a greater tendency for other social movements, sometimes even more than the society at large, to ignore or trivialize vegetarian/vegan and animal rights issues. I was somewhat saddened to hear otherwise sympathetic people here express their reservations about the ALF, due to perceived violent tactics. We seem to have had much less threat to persons involved in animal exploitation, though of course the ethics and tactical wisdom of destroying property used to torture and mutilate is a subject of ongoing debate among liberationists. Apart from the ALF, it seems the The Vegan, Autumn 1987

most dynamic abolitionist groups in each country are the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection and, in the US, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. BUAV - an older group with 'cat and dog' roots - helped PETA survive in its struggling infancy just a few years ago. It is democratically organized, while PETA is run from the top down. A number of disaffected former employees and volunteers regularly do battle with PETA in the pages of The Animals' Agenda, the premier animal rights magazine in the US. 'Sneaky meat'

Vegans in the United States have to deal, of course, with such 'sneaky' dietary items as whey, gelatin, etc. My biggest dietary disappointment on this side of the Atlantic was learning, weeks after my arrival, that most of the beautiful whole-grain breads gracing bakery shelves were made with margarine, and that most margarines in Britain aren't even vegetarian, much less vegan. One bread shop owner kindly called his baker to ask for me what was used "for oil" (as if oil were an essential ingredient for bread). The baker didn't know what the white shortening he used was made from. After that I stuck to rice cakes, Ryvita,

and clearly-labelled bread from health-food shops. I do wish our Safeways in the states had organic fruits and vegetables clearly designated as they do here. On the other hand, I didn't see tofu in British supermarkets, as is now fairly common in the US. But then again, I have never been served a packet of peanuts with gelatine in the flavor coating on a US airline, as British Airways served to all passengers on my trip over, including vegetarians and vegans - another indication that their reputation for vegetarian catering is, to say the least, highly overrated. H seems somehow appropriate that the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution would also be the birthplace of the vegan alternative to the industrialization of animal agriculture and the destruction of the ecosystem.

Back to the belly of the other monster - a summary

From the hodge-podge of people I've met and things I've done these two months, certain themes emerge. It seems somehow appropriate that the

Leaves meat standing. I

T h r e e varieties , with real taste: H e r b and Vegetable, Chili Style and N o Salt. High in protein and fibre, l o w in fat and f calories. All natural ingredients. W e have n o t h i n g t o add. F r o m health f o o d stockists and supermarkets. Send s t a m p for Free Recipe leaflet t o T h e Realeat C o m p a n y , 2 Trevelyan Gardens, L o n d o n N W 1 0 3JY.


"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." - Henry David Thoreau, 1858 W h y not support/find out m o r e about t h o s e w o r k i n g positively t o w a r d s an end to all animal a b u s e a n d t h e w i d e s p r e a d adoption of a more e c o l o g i c a l l y s o u n d w a y of life? S i m p l y fill in the f o r m b e l o w a n d r e t u r n to: The Vegan Society (Memberships), 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2AY. Please tick as appropriate: • I WISH TO BECOME A MEMBER of the Vegan Society Ltd and undertake to abide by its rules as set out in the Society's Memorandum and Articles of Association. I declare that I am a practising vegan. • I WISH TO BECOME AN ASSOCIATE of the Vegan Society Ltd. Although not a practising vegan, I agree with the Society's aims and would like to support its work. I enclose payment as follows (please tick as appropriate): Cheques/POs should be made payable to: The Vegan Society Ltd • £6.50 Individual • £4.00 Unwaged individual • £8.50 Family • £6.00 Unwaged family • £100.00 Life membership • I WISH TO SPONSOR your work, for which purpose I enclose a donation of • £5.00 • £10.00 • £25.00 • £50.00 • £ • I WISH TO KNOW MORE about your work. Please send me a free Information Pack. I enclose two 13p stamps to cover postal expenses. Name (please print) Address (please print)

VcgeBcirger is .1 trade mark of T h e Realeat C o m p a n y

Postcode (please print). Signature

11 The Vegan, Autumn 1987

birthplace of the Industrial Revolution would also be the birthplace of the vegan alternative to the industrialization of animal agriculture and the destruction of the ecosystem. The United States - perhaps the most violent society in history, now poised to obliterate, "if necessary," all life on earth to protect its supply of other people's resources - is likewise awakening to a greater caring for life. Our sometimes greater emphasis on health is an integral part of the planetary healing that must occur on many levels if we are to survive - and if we as a species are to become worth saving. I hope the diet reform and humane/ animal rights movements in our two countries will continue to cross-fertilize and grow in different, but complementary ways. * Ed. Distributed to peace!left bookshops by Housmans, 5 Caledonian Road, London Nl, and to health-food shops by Concord Books.



Lis Howlett surveys the latest vegan products

Milestones and landmarks

hen the time comes to write the history of the development of the cruelty-free, i.e. vegan way of eating in this country, I wonder what will stand out as the milestones and landmarks? The establishment of Plamil Foods Ltd. in 1965 is certainly the most obvious landmark. Headed by people with sufficient faith and vision to weather many a setback, no other commercial undertaking has a comparable record of service and proven commitment to the vegan cause.


•NtfHH • IviUMtir* • SnpptfiiM-nts • HoWvhoM Proda uotitrnr - <rifJs - brink* Food* • T««k-irie» • Cosmft eaedk* Supplriwms Household Rnnliiru • F«wl»v< ift* - Drinks • Fixxi* • 'tuUf>irir> • (wMTK>lit-*> • Kvmt-d iipptciueois Hmm-lMlM ftnderU FuofMvar {.ift-. • risk* Fwxts • Imlfim-* «mjm^-s • Rt-ssPtiw • Or

»«i><fti<W PboA»C1s< • F!««n«ir «t,ifi>frisky' !.V !

. . . . .


Available early October £1.99, plus 35p postage & packing The Cruelty-Free Shopper

The success of this and other companies in encouraging and responding to public demand for animal-free products made possible another landmark; the publication of a comprehensive and practical aid to the vegan shopper The Vegan Shopper's Guide. Sales of the most recent edition reached a spectacular 6,000 copies (almost twice our current membership!) in under a year, boosted by favourable reviews and a free mention in a BBC TV


programme. Although now (just) out of print, another edition of this best-seller thoroughly revised and in a handier, "pocket-size' - is just weeks away from publication. Retitled The Cruelty-Free Shopper to maximize its appeal among those unfamiliar with the vegan ethic, it will be available some time early in October. Order yours now! (Ed. See pages 28 & 29 for availability have recently ordering details.) been significantly extended. The Waitrose chain now stocks Granose Sunflower Flashing by Margarine and Safeway also markets a vegan Pure Many lean years had to be Margarine. The endured before we reached Vegetable latter is in fact an own-label the present situation, in version of a margarine called which vegan shoppers are PURE manufactured by S.b. almot spoilt for choice. These Matthews Ltd. and available were years in which the from health-food shops. In staples of soya milk and addition to having a low animal-free margarine were sodium content, of value to available only through those wishing to reduce the specialist outlets and recipes salt in their diet, vitamin B for home-made substitute numbers among its concoctions abounded. But ingredients - a strong selling things have changed. The among more nutrientmilestones are now flashing point conscious vegans. by so fast that it is hard to In this same there is keep track of them all. Soya also good newsarea for slimmers: milk, for example, is now Granose and Vitaquell have increasingly becoming brought out a low-fat available from "mainstream' each spread. Granose's Diet-Half outlets, and in many different Fat Spread comes in a blue varieties. Even as I was and yellow tub and spreads writing this article news even straight from the reached me that dairy giant easily, Vitaquell's Half St. Ivel has launched what is fridge. also spreads well, has described as "a unique freshly Calorie added salt and is entirely made soya milk", which will no free of hydrogenated oils. It shortly be available from can also be used for baking, major retailers like Tesco, not frying. A further note Asda, Boots, Waitrose and but for slimmers: Modern Health the Co-op. Packed in onepoint out that their pint cartons priced at around Products product Gelozone is an ideal 35p, there is a plain and a low-calorie thickening and sweetened version agent which can be (sweetened with apple juice), setting for both sweet and each of which is enriched with used dishes. It comes in an calcium. Do try them and see savoury easy-to-use powder form with how they compare with your recipe leaflet included in the current favourite for flavour apack. and price. To conclude the news on spreads, Plamil's recent launch of VEEZE, trade and Selling point consumer interest in which has been described as Another milestone can be reported on the margarine "phenomenal", may prove to front, where both choice and be yet another milestone. 12

What's more, another flavour of this cheese-like spread is said to be in the pipeline. If your local health-food shop does not have stocks do ask them to order some (Ed. See ad on hack cover for details.) Useful

So much for the milestones, now for some minor cairns which can help the less wary to avoid the pitfalls and potholes along the path towards a crueltv-free lifestyle. The general trend of manufacturers removing milk products and replacing animal with vegetable fats continues, so it is much easier nowadays to find, for instance, vegan biscuits in large supermarkets. They may have little to recommend them apart from that, so don't overindulge, but such products can be useful nevertheless. Just a few examples that 1 have noticed are Bourbon Creams in both Waitrose and Sainsburv. and Sainsbury's Coconut Crumble Creams, Tangy Orange Flavour Creams and Peanut Crunch Biscuits. But what's for dinner, you may ask? Well, there's news here too, and a choice on the menu for all courses! Granose have added another pate to their range in the sausageshaped cases; this one is called Vegetarian Spread with Tomato and has become a firm personal favourite. Also new, to me at least, is a range of vegetable pates by The Devon Pate Co. Ltd. and available in three flavours Mushroom, Waldorf, and Orange & Tomato. Try them on melba toast. 1 say new to me because I gather that this pate range has been available for a couple of years. (Perhaps I should explain briefly that material for this column is gathered in a variety of ways. Firstly, it comprises information sent to the Society by manufacturers and gathered from the trade press; secondly, new products spotted by myself, family and friends; and finally, information sent in by Vegan Society members and readers of the magazine.) The Vegan, Autumn 1987


Main course... and beyond

(Continued from page 7)

For your main course you might like to try Mock Duck, newly relaunched by Granose due to popular demand. It consists of slices of braised gluten in a tin, ready to be roasted, fried or put in a stew. Not your cup of tea? Well there is a wide variety of other savouries and ready meals on offer. From Impulse Foods comes an excellent range of frozen dishes called Bean Cuisine. Choose from seven different varieties such as Haricot Hotpot. Bean Ratatouille or Chilli con Lentil. Ready to heat in the oven or micro-wave, they have a really fresh-cooked taste. Another new range, this time of savoury cutlets, is made by Goodlife Wholefoods. Their vacuumpacked cutlets are very tasty and quick and easy to prepare. If you relish spicy dishes, deliciously flavoured and not too hot, then try the exotically-named meals from Everfresh Foods - Rajmah, Mili Juli Subzi. Aloo Mattar and Mattar Pilau are all vegan. Holland & Barrett's new ready-cooked pies Ratatouille and Peking - are useful for a quick snack, although in my book nothing beats a home-baked pie. For dessert Kallo Foods have just brought out three new mixes which can be made very successfully with soya milk and your own choice of sweetener. Choose between Raspberry and Wheat Bran. Redcurrant and Bilberry and Vanilla and Hazelnut. Made with real fruit and with no nasties, these make a wholesome end to a meal.

cases are very rare, however. There is plenty of protein in a wholefood vegan infant diet which makes use of suitably prepared beans, seeds, grains and nuts. Given in liquidized form or as spreads, these concentrated sources of nutrients are of particular value to babies on account of their small stomachs. Adequate intakes of scarcer nutrients, especially vitamin B , can be ensured by the regular use of fortified proprietary foodstuffs, a dietary supplement, or - in the case of vitamin D - simply by direct exposure to daylight. It should never be forgotten that by rearing their children on a good vegan diet parents are starting them off in life without inculcating bad nutritional habits and thus inviting the development of heart disease, certain cancers, bowel problems, obesity and constipation in years to come.

Ice cream update

Talking of desserts, and further to our frozen desserts feature in the last issue, Genice Foods have added a Strawberry flavour to their range of Ice Delights, and Snowcrest thought you might like to know that their choc ices are available in two flavours - vanilla and strawberry and vanilla. 13 The Vegan, Autumn 1987


GOODLIFE-WHOLEFOODS AT YOUR CONVENIENCE O u r range o f All V e g e t a b l e C u t l e t s c o n l a i n a delicious blend o f c e r e a l s , v e g e t a b l e s and pulses subtly s e a s o n e d with mixed h e r b s and s p i c e s . •

A v a i l a b l e chilled ( p r e - c o o k e d and vacuum p a c k e d ) or frozen in retail o r c a t e r i n g p a c k s .


G o o d l i f e products contain no animal p r o d u c t s , no artificial flavourings or c o l o u r i n g s and no dairy products.

GOODLIFE WHOLEFOODS 42-44 Hanwa\ Street. London W.I. Telephone: 01-323 4f>!9


Goodlife Wholefoods

The Cruelty-Free Shopper

by Lis Howlett


A brand-new - thoroughly revised, expanded and retitled - edition of the best-selling Vegan Shopper's Guide - the UK's most authoritative and comprehensive checklist of 100% animal-free products. Commodities covered include: foods, toiletries, cosmetics and household goods. Handy, pocket-sized format. Orders to (BLOCK CAPITALS THROUGHOUT PLEASE): The Vegan Society (Merchandise), 33-35 George Street, Oxford 0X1 2AY

Ed. Readers are advised that a free Information Sheet on Infant Nutrition is available from the Society in exchange for an SAE. References

1. Hanssen, M. Spirulina: Nature's Diet Supplement Rediscovered. Thorsons, 1982. 2. Wighton and others. The Medical Journal of Australia. vol.2, pp. 1-3, 1979. 3. Sklar. Clinical Pediatrics, vol.25, pp.219-221. 1986. 4. Higginbottom and others. New England Journal of Medicine, vol.299, pp.317323. 1978. 5. Shinwell & Gorodischer, Pediatrics, vol.70, pp.582586. 1982. 6. Berkelhamer and others, American Journal of Diseases of Children, vol. 129. p.1240. 1975. 7. Roberts and others. British Medical Journal, pp.296298. 3 February 1979. 8. Anonymous. Nutrition Reviews, vol.42, pp.380382. 1984.

n the 40 years which have elapsed


since India's Independence vast economic improvements have been made, but this huge sub-continent remains very much a part of the Third World. It's a country of contrasts: of warring political and religious factions; of deep subliminal culture and custom; of rich natural beauty, yet stricken by poverty, deprivation and disease. It defies description, creating an aura of ambivalence in the hearts and minds of visitors. Hospitality is warm and friendly - sometimes laboriously so, but mostly with good intention. Given the extremely hard living conditions it's surprising that there aren't more robberies, and though thieves and pickpockets will take advantage of a careless traveller it is the red tape of a notorious bureaucracy which tests the patience. Factory farming seems to be non-existent; animals are given their liberty to wander at will and most are well cared for.

English may be spoken widely in cities and towns, but the concept of veganism is hard to convey, especially in the smaller villages where it's a case of "eat and enjoy" or live on salad, bread, jam, fruit and nuts - so watch your weight loss. If the calorie count doesn't take its toll, illness will. In most countries an animal-free diet can be precaution enough, but India is no ordinary country. Open sewers provide ideal breeding grounds for insects, particularly mosquitoes, and in the heat of the day bacteria multiply at an alarming rate. During the monsoon season these harbours of waste swell and submerge the streets under several feet of sewage, polluting the water supply. Drink Problem

Safe water has to be sought out, and dehydration can sometimes be a problem. Tea and coffee are available everywhere but require a sweet tooth, and though sugar can be avoided, brews' are usually made with all milk instead of water. Soft drinks such as Thumbs-Up (cola), Limca (lemon) and Gold Spot (orange) contain large quantities of artificial additives, preservatives and colour (varieties outlawed in Britain) and it's not unusual to see fruit' drinks advertised as containing "absolutely no fruit". Fruit juices on the other hand are thick, but by no means thirst-quenching, since they contain so much sugar.




Our intrepid vegan traveller, Gavin Jones, follows his A Taste of the Orient article (see The Vegan, Summer 1986) with a practical guide to Gandhi's homeland.

'Soda' is a poor man's carbonated water and is probably one of the most satisfying drinks, once a taste has been acquired (but watch out for rebottled local water which is often contaminated with dysentry or diarrhoea-inducing bacteria). Always ask for the bottle to be opened in your presence and check that the cap is consistent with the brand named on the bottle. Bottles sealed with glass-balled stoppers contain local water and should be avoided as should ice, even in a 'respectable' hotel. Water-purifying tablets are a nasty but useful and sometimes essential back-up when visiting hill stations, for instance, where water will boil at a lower temperature due to the higher air pressure and will therefore be suspect.

familiar include jam fruit, which resemble large green balloons with spikes and contain very sweet, yet tangy, white fleshy segments, which are often sold separately on barrows. Goan fruit are the size of an apple but look like an unripe (green) or ripe (yellow) pomegranate, with the texture of a pear yet tasting mildly of strawberries, again with a slight tang. It's well worth acquiring the taste if you don't mind the hard pips lying just below the skin. It's not unusual to see fruit' drinks advertised as containing "absolutely no fruit".

Strange Fruit

Probably the safest, most thirstquenching and appetising of all drinks is the milk of young coconuts which is available almost everywhere and costs around 12p for a pint of sheer nourishment (good for stomach ailments too). The stallholder will chop off the green husk and wait patiently while you drink before slicing it in two to reveal any flesh that may be inside; slimy but quite edible. Other fruits which are cheap, satisfying, plentiful and extremely high quality include apples, mandarines, pineapples, mangoes, grapes, bananas, melons and papaya. Those more un-

A Dairy Habit

Vegetarianism is widespread, with Hindus, Buddhists and Jains all living by this moral code of conduct. But as with most religious doctrines, practising believers tend to stray from the path, in this case under the influence of 'western' modernity. Meat eating is becoming more common. Even in the once 'untouched' poorer vegetarian south animal flesh is viewed as a symbol of wealth and the sacred cow seeks sanctuary. The local diet, of course, relies heavily on spices - ranging from hot in the south to mild in the north, The Vegan, Autumn 1987

with dairy products used as a 'cooler' to counteract the burning chillis and paprika. Curd is common, being a thick 'natural' yoghurt; lassie is a salt or sweet yoghurt drink, and thalis or rice meals are often served with dilute yoghurt in a bowl, but all these are avoidable. Animal ghee (butter) is anether matter. Though the smaller "hotels' and street traders use vegetable ghee, butter will almost certainly make up part of your diet despite the best intentions and the most searching questions. The only consolation is that factory farming seems to be nonexistent; animals are given their liberty to wander at will and most are well cared for, providing the poor with a certain security and livelihood. However you fare, after a time Indian food can become wearing on both mind and stomach. Hot, spicy food, especially for breakfast, does not always appeal to a foreign palate and fruit and peanuts come into their own when the only Western-type food appears to consist of porridge, toast, eggs and more eggs.

Dosa - large, thin rice-based pancake; Rawa dosa - semolina pancake; Gobi - cauliflower; Iddly - boiled rice dumpling; Kurma(Korma) - mild, rich vegetable stew; Masala - onions and potatoes; Nan - leavened bread; Papadum - crisp, deep-fried wafer; Paratha - flat, layered roti; Pulav coloured rice; Puri - deep-fried The real India is not in the food but the people.

bread; Roti - large puffed wheat ball; Double roti - sweet, white Westernstyle bread; Sabzi - vegetable stew; Sambar - vegetable soup; Samosa deep-fried pastry cone filled with potatoes, onions and peas; Uttappam - rice-based pizza; Vada(wada) - riceflour doughnut. Most snacks or 'tiffin' are served with a dish of thick coconut sauce and another of hot tomato. Salads, when

Caste Aside

Eating habits are, at first, difficult to grasp. Using only the right hand is an art in itself but practice makes perfect. Of course, a foreigner is at liberty to use both hands but will no doubt attract a few odd looks and it's not just at meal times that crowds gather; the complexities of the caste system transfer easily to foreign skin. The whiter you are the more status you hold. Women continue to hold second class citizenship, although 'ladies only' privileges are fast disappearing. Single women have a hard time and are especially prone to physical abuse even when in friendly male company. Men are much more readily accepted, although if single not into the home of a family where a single female resides. If the offer to visit is made, however, be sure not to miss the opportunity, for hosts couldn't be more welcoming nor the food more delicious. In a country where vegetarians are in the majority and not viewed as an odd breed you will no doubt be offered a combination of some of the following Hosts couldn't be more welcoming nor the food more delicious.

(with breads forming the staple in the north, rice in the south): Alu mutter - potatoes and peas; Bathura deep fried leavened bread; BiriyaniColoured rice and vegetables; Bonda - deep-fried potatoes; Chapati - thin, wheat-based pancake bread; Chennachickpeas; Dhal - thick lentil soup; 15 The Vegan, Autumn 1987

available, tend to be bland, consisting of cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, cucumber and onion with only lemon juice as a dressing (useful, however, for killing bacteria). But this is a minor concern for the real India is not in the food but the people. Showing signs of British influence certainly but retaining the easy-going, relaxed manner for which they are renowned, many are still unsure of their future, living each day as it dawns; hand to mouth. India. Perhaps not the ultimate experience but an assault on all the senses. She has the essence, the spice of life.



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21 Hanway Place, London W1 Tel. 0 1 323 0660. 2 mins from Tottenham Court Road Tube

y>f there's one country that everyone If accepts as being the undisputed ~ centre of vegetarianism, it has to be India. So it's natural that Indian food should feature frequently on the menu of most vegetarians. It is, however vegetarian - not vegan; though based on pulses, vegetables and grains, dairy products are widely used in India, in particular yoghurt and ghee (a traditional cooking fat made from butter). Authentic-tasting Indian meals can nevertheless still be produced without having to resort to animalderived ingredients. Indian-style cooking is surrounded by mystique. All those ingredients with unrecognisable names, strange and lengthy cooking processes, combinations of sweet and savoury that would make you think there must be a misprint . . . no wonder the cookbook is so often put aside, and everyone heads off down to their local Indian

restaurant! It's a shame because very few restaurants, in this country at least, produce the range of dishes that have been devised and enjoyed over the years - dishes that lift nutritious, but often rather boring, basic ingredients to all sorts of exotic culinary highs. It's true that Indian cooking can take time - traditionally most curries are left to simmer for hours - but it needn't. You can cut all sorts of corners. You can use frozen or left-over vegetables and tinned pulses. You can buy ready-mixed curry powder or garam masala, or can use paste instead of either. You can also make up twice as much curry sauce and keep the extra in fridge or freezer, ready for instant use. (In fact, curry benefits from being left overnight for the flavours to ripen, and so does that other Indian classic, dhal. As for what should be served with what: rice is widely used with spiced

food since it makes the perfect bland accompaniment and provides a good nutritional balance. Sambals - indian side dishes - are served at the same time. Quick and easy to prepare, they include nuts, fruit, and salad ingredients, often with coconut sprinkled on top. Chutneys and relishes come in every strength and flavour. The most popular is mango chutney, but you can buy (or make) many more exotic varieties. Indian breads are also served with the meal. Below are two menus-one simpler, the other more suitable for when you want to impress (or at least have more time to spend in the kitchen), though neither of them are very complicated. Sweets are included, though fresh fruit is often the best desert at the end of a meal that can be rather filling! Janet Hunt

— MENU 1

* Recipes supplied

Lentil Dhal

8oz (225g) red lentils 2 cloves garlic Vi tsp black pepper 1 tsp salt 1 tsp turmeric powder 1 tsp each coriander and cumin seeds /2 tsp ground cinnamon garam masala to taste 1 large onion, chopped 2 tbs vegetable oil 2oz (55g) creamed coconut, grated Wash the lentils, drain them, then cook in fresh water until soft. Meanwhile, grind together the pepper, salt and spices. Fry the chopped onion in the vegetable oil. When it begins to soften, stir in the prepared spice mixture and cook for a few minutes more. Add extra garam masala if necessary. Add the lentils to the pan, stir well, and cook until lentils disintegrate. Add the creamed coconut shortly before serving. l


* Lentil Dhal * Cucumber Raita * Chapatis Rice Chutneys Salted peanuts Melon Dessert Cucumber Raita

1 medium cucumber Vi pint (285ml) plain vegan yoghurt 1 tablespoon chopped mint (optional) paprika Wash and slice the cucumber (peel if you prefer it this way). Stir the cucumber into the yoghurt. Chopped fresh mint adds a delicious flavour if you have some handy. Sprinkle with paprika.


1 lb (455g) wholemeal flour approx Vi pint (285ml) cold water to mix In a bowl mix together the flour and water to make a pliable dough. Knead this for a few minutes, then cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set aside for 30 minutes. knead the dough again briefly, then break off small pieces and dip each one in flour before rolling it out as thin as possible. Heat a heavy-based pan until very hot. Cook each chapati for approximately 20 seconds on each side - turn it when brown spots appear underneath. Press the chapati with a clean tea towel and it will puff up. Wrap the chapatis in a clean tea towel whilst cooking the rest so that they stay warm and soft. (If preferred you can fry the chapatis in a little vegetable oil). The Vegan, Autumn 1987

Melon Dessert

1 large over-ripe melon (any kind) Vi tsp ground cardamom, or to taste 2 tsp rosewater, or to taste sugar to taste water (optional) Peel the melon, remove seeds, and mash the flesh to a smooth pulp. Add cardamom, rosewater and sugar to taste. Eat the puree as it is, or add water to make it into a sweet drink. You can also freeze it to make a sort of sorbet.

MENU 2 * Pakoras * Cauliflower and Pea Curry with Cashews Rice Chutneys Sliced tomatoes Sliced bananas sprinkled with coconut * Sweet Semolina Pakoras

4oz (115g) pea flour (also called besan) 4oz (115g) wholemeal flour 1 tsp baking powder 1 clove garlic, finely crushed 1 small onion, finely chopped 1 tsp turmeric 1 tsp cumin 1 tsp coriander V* tsp chili powder, or to taste optional) salt vegetable oil for deep frying Mix together all the ingredients, making sure they are thoroughly blended. Add water to bind the flours. Mash with a fork to remove any lumps. Heat a good amount of vegetable oil in a pan and drop teaspoonsful of the batter into the oil. Cook them until golden then drain well and keep warm whilst using the rest of the batter in the same way. This batter can also be used with lightly cooked vegetables such as large cauliflower sprigs, okra, carrot chunks etc. Dip the well-drained vegetables into the batter, drop them into hot oil, and proceed as above. 17 The Vegan, Autumn 1987

Cauliflower and Pea Curry with Cashews

Sweet Semolina

4oz (115g) margarine 60z (170g) fine semolina 3 tbs vegetable oil '/4 pint (140ml) water or soya 1 small cauliflower, broken into florets approx milk 4oz (115g) shelled peas (or frozen 4oz(115g)sugar equivalent) 4oz (115g) sultanas or raisins 2 medium potatoes, diced 1 tsp ground cardamom small piece root ginger, finely grated l-2oz (30 - 55g) pistachio nuts coarsely (or V2 tsp ground ginger) chopped 1 tsp coriander 1 tsp turmeric 1 tsp cumin garlic salt approx. V3 pint (200ml) water 4oz (115g) cashew pieces Melt the margarine, stir in the semolina, and fry it until a light golden colour. Add the liquid together with the sugar. Heat the oil and cook the cauliflower Cook gently, stirring frequently, until florets for a few minutes. Stir in the the mixture thickens. Stir in the dried peas and potatoes, sprinkle with the fruit and ground cardamom. spices, stir well, and cook for five Divide between bowls and sprinkle minutes more. each one with some of the chopped Add the water and simmer the nuts. (Almonds could be used instead vegetables until just cooked - about 20 - for a change, coarsely chop and then minutes. Stir in the nuts and leave to fry them with the dry fruit, and sprinkle heat through. (Or dry roast the nuts the mixture on top of the cooked and serve them sprinkled over the top semolina). of tjie vegetables). Serve hot or cold.

The Vegan Health Plan

Amanda Sweet Arlington Books ÂŁ4.95 Pbk


Vegan Health Plan

Notwithstanding these niggles, the author is to be congratulated on her careful work in preparing this book, the final lists of further reading and useful addresses reinforcing its claim to be something more than just a mealtime guide. Lily Anne Latham


i p h a f t

Try this recipe from The Vegan Health Plan. It is described by the author as tasting "surprisingly 'meaty' - a good one to try on non-vegan friends".


This is an absolutely excellent guide to becoming and staying vegan, with the arguments cogently and extensively presented: health and the avoidance of many allergies and food intolerances; economy, the whole question of logical land use in this era of approaching ecological disaster; and, especially, a care for the animal kingdom and the environment. Here are more than 300 original and exciting recipes, along with very useful nutritional information and general hints on buying and storing foods, suitability for freezing raw or cooked, vegetables for stuffing and much more. All the recipes are clearly described with cooking times and serving suggestions. I have a few criticisms, however. With such a title the book might have mentioned, for instance, Leslie Kenton's researches which have convinced me that the only oils which should ever be used for cooking are olive and linseed; that deep frying is out from a health point of view; that stir frying is best if frying must be done at all; and that all oils (though minimally in the case of olive and linseed) are subject to ordinarily undetectable rancidity. Very few recipes here avoid grains, which many people with allergies or food intolerance need to do; even rice and millet can be triggers for some. The desirability of a high intake of raw food is not stressed. Many herbs and vegetables can be chopped or liquidised raw then added to a cooked base and this is an excellent way of increasing intake of raw food in any season, especially winter. 18

Split Pea and Walnut Shepherd's Pie

Serves 4-6 8 oz (225 g) green split peas, washed thoroughly 1 stock cube 2 tsp savory 2 bay leaves 3 oz (75 g) roughly chopped walnuts 2 onions, chopped 4 oz (100 g) mushrooms, sliced 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 tbs oil 2 tsp miso 1 tbs soy sauce Pepper 2 lb (900 g) potatoes, boiled and mashed with margarine, pepper, soya milk and 2 tbs fresh chopped parsley. Method Set oven to 190°C/375°F/Gas Mark 5. Grease a 2 pint (1 litre) ovenproof dish. Put the split peas, stock cube, savory and bay leaves in a pan. Cover with water, bring to the boil and simmer for about 45 minutes until the split peas are soft and mushy and can be beaten to a puree. Stir regularly during cooking and add more water as necessary if the peas are going dry. (Try not to make the mixture too wet though). Remove the bay leaves and beat in the miso, soy sauce and pepper. Fry the onions, mushrooms and garlic in the oil until softening. Add to the split peas with the walnuts and stir well. Pile into the prepared dish and smooth over. Spread the mashed potato on top and fork up to make it look attractive. Bake for 30 minutes until golden brown and crispy. Serve with green vegetables or salad. Freeze uncooked, thaw and bake as above. Tip - Leave the skins on the potatoes even for mashing; this is not only better nutritionally but gives a nicer flavour and texture.

Although vegans wanting a meal out tend to think in terms of vegetarian restaurants they often do better at ethnic establishments, especially FarEastern ones. Dairy products do not feature at all in these cuisines, and eggs are easily avoided. Thai cookery is probably the most exotic and interesting, and at least three such restaurants in London have a vegetarian section on their menu: Chiang Mai (48 Frith Street), Bahn Thai (35 Marloes Road), and, the newest, Lakorn Thai (197 Rosebery Avenue). I have tried and can recommend them all. None are budget restaurants, but for an experience of dining out - as opposed to just having a bite to eat they are not exorbitant. To enjoy Thai food it helps to like spicy dishes, though there are also some non-spicy choices on the menus of all three restaurants. The names of the dishes may sound familiar, but the sweet & sour vegetables I had at Lakorn Thai bore no relation to the dish of the same name at a Chinese restaurant, nor does a Thai curry taste remotely like an Indian (or even a Chinese) curry. Be prepared for entirely new taste sensations and unusual vegetables (flown in specially). Chiang Mai advertises itself as featuring the cuisine of northern Thailand, but the uninitiated wouldn't find the food very different from that at Lakorn Thai. Both go more for quality than quantity, so I wouldn't advise going to either with a raging appetite. Bahn Thai's food is less refined, more robust and filling. For dessert Lakorn Thai offers luscious fresh ripe tropical fruits like rambutans and mangosteens. Bahn Thai has delectable 'ice creams' made from coconut milk. Leah Leneman The Vegan, Autumn 1987

Granose sova-milk looks and tastes like aft milk-shake. But, quite simply, it's more healthy. It's lower in fat and sugar. It's completely J free of artificial flavourings and preservatives. And it's suitable for people with an allergy to cow's milk. Granose soya-milk comes in five exciting , flavours - plus three equally delicious soya-desserts. All of which makes one thing certain. If you're not already shaking with anticipation, you soon will be.


Natural 19 The Vegan, Autumn 1987

s s s s .





CAN A VEGAN EAT FOOD FROM AN INTENSIVE FARM?' ASKS NIGEL DUDLEY, AUTHOR OF THE ACID RAIN CONTROVERSY, THIN ICE AND THE DEATH OF TREES IN THIS CHALLENGING ARTICLE BASED ON HIS 1987 FREY ELLIS MEMORIAL LECTURE ON INTENSIVE, ORGANIC & VEGAN-ORGANIC AGRICULTURE. very year, roughly a billion gallons of pesticide-containing spray are released over the neat, green fields of Britain. Farmers can choose from literally hundreds of different chemicals, mixed together in a bewildering range of formulations and sold under brand names like Assassin and Clout. These pesticides are designed to kill weeds, insects, snails, mites, fungi and sometimes rats and mice. They often kill many other animals as well.


It is not generally realised that growing cereals and vegetables probably causes more animal deaths in Britain than any other single factor.

The relationship between crop growing (i.e. plant food production) and the destruction of wildlife is a crucial one for anybody concerned with the ethics of our treatment of animals. It is not generally realised that growing cereals and vegetables probably causes more animal deaths in Britain than any other single factor. In this article I want to examine this relationship in more detail, try to give an idea of the scale of the problem and suggest some ways in which vegans can avoid the moral dilemma it poses. Hidden toll

It is worth starting by drawing some parameters. Any interference with nature' results in the death of animals. Converting woodland or hedges to 20

farmland; draining marshes; putting in new tracks, afforestation and strawburning all kill animals, either directly or by destroying habitats and food supplies. Growing food for ourselves inevitably means pushing aside something else. We can and should try to minimise our harmful impact by leaving areas of wild land on farms as reserves for plants and animals, but beyond advocating that we practice some form of wildlife farming there is little we can do about this overall effect of land use. Nonetheless, there are a number of other aspects of farming which we can modify to reduce our impact of animals, and far away the most important of these is the use of pesticides and other agrochemicals'. It is impossible to give anything more than a very general assessment of how important this impact is in Britain. Countless millions of invertebrates are killed every year of course, the vast majority having no damaging effects on plants at all. But the slaughter doesn't end there. Small mammals and birds are killed when they eat poisoned insects, or run through a freshly sprayed field, or when their food plants disappear. Research by the Game Conservancy has shown that three times as many partridge chicks survive if unsprayed strips are left at the edge of fields. On a normal' farm, most of the insects on which the chicks feed disappear, and the young birds literally starve to death. Paraquat (gramoxone) kills many animals including hares, which get the poison caught in their fur; this is thought to be

a major reason for their decline. Death from paraquat poisoning is often slow and painful, as the lungs harden and become clogged with blood. The destruction of butterflies by pesticides is notorious and has decimated many British populations. Barn owls declined by 10% after the introduction of two new rat poisons, both of which are now banned but almost certainly still available on the black market. A heronry in Evesham was destroyed when at least 17 herons died of DDT poisoning in 1985, and hundreds of geese have died after eating seeds treated with mercury fungicides. These spectacular deaths, involving large or colourful animals, are just the tip of the iceberg. Other, smaller mammals and birds die constantly, painfully and usually unseen, hidden from sight in the quiet corners to which they retreat when the poison starts to work. Seen against this backdrop of constant destruction the animals deliberately slaughtered for meat are like a handful of sand compared with a whole beach. Vegan-organic link

This back-of-the-envelope statistic is extremely significant for vegans, who pride themselves in looking more deeply than vegetarians into the moral implications of providing food. Although avoidance of dairy products is the best known example, any suffering attendant on agriculture presumably falls into the same category. If my calculations are correct - and in the general terms I've used here it is a The Vegan, Autumn 1987

virtual certainty that they are - the lives saved by adopting a vegan diet are no more than a tiny fraction of the animals killed to provide vegetable food by conventional farming methods. Of course, in practice the majority of people don't feel an equal moral responsibility, or emotional involvement, towards all kinds of animals, regardless of type and size. The Parsees of Bombay may wear gauzes over their mouths to prevent them drowning flies but they are very much in a minority. Large animals are generally judged more important than small ones; mammals more than birds or fish - so that many 'vegetarians' eat fish; and so on. (There is a dangerous anthropomorphism here but that's another question). Although vegans theoretically have a more complete A vegan diet which is not also an organic diet is totally illogical, and a requirement to eat organic food should be adopted as a central part of a vegan philosophy.

view, I would guess that the average vegan feels more for a slaughtered pig than for a spider accidentally stamped underfoot. However, this is irrelevant to the current issue. Even if we exclude insects from our calculations altogether there are still far more mammals and birds killed during crop growing than the numbers of poultry and livestock passing through our slaughterhouses. I think that anyone even half-way interested in animal rights and wildlife conservation would want to reduce this death rate. For vegans, alleviating the impact of intensive crop production is absolutely essential. The first, and most obvious step that vegans can take towards cutting down the effects of modern farming is to firmly equate a vegan philosophy with an organic growing philosophy. Yet this link has often been ignored in the past, and is probably tacitly avoided by many vegans today when they buy their food.

Organic farming, as defined by the Soil Association Organic Standards Committee, minimizes the need for pesticides (only a few plant-based types are permitted) and thus reducfes the routine animal deaths which are part and parcel of modern farming. A vegan diet which is not also an organic diet is totally illogical, and a requirement to eat organic food should be adopted as a central part of a vegan philosophy. Towards the ideal

Such a change would not be achieved without some sacrifices. Organic food is more expensive, less accessible and not usually available in the same variety as goods on the stocked shelves of your local supermarket. It will also, of course, be impossible to verify how 'organic' many imported pulses and nuts are. Indeed it is quite likely that some of these may even contain quite high pesticide residues themselves, but this can't be helped. By buying organic whenever possible, vegans will be supporting existing organic farmers and helping to build up the market, thus encouraging more people to change over. Even this isn't ideal from the vegan's point of view, since many organic farms are mixed and have inputs from livestock in the form of manure [Ed. and one or more of a range of other, more obviously objectionable animal substances - such as bone-meal, hoof and horn meal, and dried blood]. There are few all-vegan farms, and others which use crop rotations and legumes as the major way of producing a healthy soil. Large-scale composting is possible, but the practicality of fullblown vegan-organic farming is still unknown, and an area ripe for further research. I began this article by stressing that there is no easy route to perfection at the moment. Vegans are in a minority and so are organic farmers. But interest in both organic farming and animal


rights is growing fast, and with it the opportunity to make inroads into the average chemical-addicted carnivorein-the-street's shopping habits. By putting veganism firmly behind organic agriculture, vegans aid three important advances. Firstly, the philosophical basis of veganism is strengthened into a more logical system. Secondly, the benefits to animals of an organic system are stressed in a way which is often missed today. And' lastly, organic farmers get a much-needed addition to their market. Anything less makes a nonsense of the whole vegan standpoint. Ed. Nigel Dudley's latest book, This Poisoned Earth, is reviewed on page 23. The practicality of full-blown veganorganic farming is... an area ripe for further research.


There must be many of our readers who would like to offer financial support to the Vegan Society in its work but have limited means at their disposal. There is, however, an easy way of helping regardless of present circumstances - by including a legacy to the Society in your Will. Great or small, such legacies can make a real and lasting contribution to the promotion of vegan ideals. For those who would like to make a bequest to the Society the following form of words is suggested: "I bequeath to the Vegan Society Ltd, Registered Charity no. 279228, presently at 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2AY, the sum ofÂŁ , and declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or other authorised officer of the said Society shall be good and sufficient discharge of such legacy." Property left to the Society is another valuable contribution to our cause. If you wish to will land or property to the Society, please write for details of how to arrange this. 21 The Vegan, Autumn 1987


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MH Beyond the Bars

Virginia McKenna, Will Travers & Jonathan Wray Thorsons £5.99 Pbk This book is of unique significance and deserves to stand next to Singer's Animal Liberation in any library. It is a classic - required reading for all those campaigning for a new world and in whichever area of abuse of animals or the environment. Yes, environment! As far as I know this is the first book which effortlessly links the animal rights movement with the campaign to halt the destruction of the planet. For too long there has been a gulf between these two struggles which should never have been and would not have been if the pre-1970 animal 'welfare' movement had not been obsessed with doggies and pussies. The contributors do discuss bloodsports, vivisection and intensive farming but all utilize the redundant philosophy behind zoos as a demonstration of what is wrong with the human percepton of the animal kingdom and the environment it vainly attempts to share with us. But there is something else


which unites these writers. It is clear from the text that the contributors - from Sir Christopher Lever to Richard Adams, from Mark Glover to Arjan Singh and from Roland Boyes MP to Mary Midgley all have poetry in their souls. They are not all purist 'animal rightists' but they share a common perception, a vision and a deep sense of injustice. To tempt others to read this book, I offer a few morsels. "Even in the zoos thought to be the best, captivity cripples the animal just as urban dwelling often cripples human beings. The animal sitting in the enclosure is naked without its natural environment and our sense of wonder is absent." (Bill Jordan). Mary Midgley, discussing the claim that zoos can be used to rear animals for release in the wild, reveals the conflict between the rights of the individual animals and the vague rights of the 'species': "Individual creatures bred in dependence may welcome a wider range, but they do not want to be 'released' - that is, deserted and abandoned, any more than those already there want to receive them." Richard Adams writes that "circuses and zoos are, literally, blasphemous in the light of the history of animals in religious imagery" which "inescapably either invests animals and birds with dignity or emphasises it", and that captive animals are robbed of dignity along with their "natural animality". I hope the above will whet some appetites for this book, but if not I will make one more try. The last chapter, written by Bill Travers, is the most moving account of an animal's life I have ever read. He describes, as if through the eyes and with the voice of the great beast herself, the tragic life of Pole Pole whose fate led Bill and his wife Virginia McKenna to found Zoo Check. In closing the book, it is at least a comfort to be aware that this organisation has already had a great impact on the zoo scene in Britain. It means that Pole Pole did not live and die in vain. John Bryant


Animal Liberation

Various Artists Wax Trax Records £5.99

i Mindless Slaughter

the fiery, dance track. Supernature. Attrition's Monkey in a Bin makes a welcome reappearance from the Abuse album (reviewed in The Vegan, Winter '86), but a personal favourite is Chris and Cosey's superb Silent Cry. Also featured are Siouxsie and the Banshees with Skin, Colourfield's thoughtful Cruel Circus, Luk Van Acker's Hunter, Shriekback's stirring Hanging Fire and Howard Jones' well-known Assault and Battery. To round off this fine selection The Smiths give a live performance (recorded in Oxford) of Meat is Murder, a truly moving piece of music. Enclosed with the record is a hard-hitting anti-vivisection poster and, between tracks, actual dialogue from laboratories and meat farms along with TV and radio announcements about animal activist raids. A highly recommnded, professionally produced album.

Various Artists Artists For Animals Revolver/Cartel £4.49 Taking as its theme "Animals are not ours to eat, wear or experiment on", the first album combines powerful music and punchy lyrics to expose and condemn vivisection, the fur trade, hunting, animal circuses and the meat industry (with the cruelties of the dairy industry doubtless waiting for "Animal Liberation II"). The songs are upbeat, bouncy and confident, with a star-studded 'cast' featuring some very popular (vegetarian) names who gave their time free of charge - all royalties going to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the USA's activist animal rights group whose Dan Mathews coordinated this ambitious project. Lene Lovich appears twice - on Don 't Kill the Animals with Nina Hagen and, even more successfully, solo, on

The recently released 'Mindless Slaughter' is another strong album with a similarly impressive line-up of bands, and although it may attract some interest from those who know little or nothing about animal rights it's more a record for the activist who enjoys punkier, 'alternative' music. Praiseworthy tracks include Chumbawamba's very original Knit Your Own Balaclava (which includes an incredible anti-animal rights outburst from a Leeds radio Aire presenter), Blyth Power's Bricklayer's Arms, Conflict's This is the ALF, Rubella Ballet's all-too-true Money Talks (swears obscenities?) and TV Smith's Lies, possibly the best of the bunch. About half the tracks are animal rights songs and all money raised from sales of the album goes to the Hunt Saboteurs Association. Why not order five or more copies at the group discount rate of £3.30 each direct from Artists for Animals* and sell them at your next animal rights event? *PO Box 18, South PDO, Manchester M14 5NB Roger Roberts The Vegan, Autumn 1987

Countryside Conflicts

Philip Lowe, Graham Cox, Malcolm MacEwen, Tim O'Riordan & Michael Winter Gower/Maurice Temple Smith £21.00 Hbk £8.95 Pbk This is a serious and wellresearched book - academic rather than popular in style; its subtitle, The Politics of Farming, Forestry and Conservation, being a more accurate reflection of the content than the catchy title. The 'conflict' between agriculture and conservation forms the basis of the book, but its focus is on the nature, workings and effects of the various political policies (eg. the EEC Common Agricultural Policy, the Wildlife and Countryside Act) and government bodies (MAFF, DoE, Forestry Commission, Nature Conservancy Council etc). The history of this 'conflict' from the early part of this century to the present is reviewed, followed by four case studies chronicling the political manoeuvrings of moorland preservation in Exmoor, SSSI designation of the Berwyn Mountains in Wales, wetland reclamation in West Sedgemoor (Somerset) and the ploughing of Halvergate Marshes in Norfolk. The final section outlines the authors' proposals for policy reforms to resolve the 'conflict'. The book is excellent, as far as it goes. However, the overall perspective is very limited and anthropocentric: the natural environment is seen as a resource, and the justifications given for its (limited) preservation are human-oriented. There is no mention of green politics, and only two paragraphs in nearly 400 pages refer to organic agriculture. Nevertheless, the details of behind-the-scenes trade-offs, pressures and string-pulling within the establishment are very interesting, making the book valuable reading for 23 The Vegan, Autumn 1987

anyone fighting to preserve an area or trying to change government policies. It is clear that significant changes will come from the actions of committed groups and individuals rather than parliament, which will defend the status quo in which most of its members have a large stake. Diane Armstrong NIGEL


admits to painting "what might appear to be an overly black portrait of chemicals" this is justified as being a necessary antidote to "the overly optimistic view promoted by government and industry". Certainly, This Poisoned Earth makes disturbing reading and underlines the author's stated view that vegans should be concerned about how their food is produced and not just whether it is reliably animalfree. Paul Appleby

of more detailed advice. The text is punctuated with cartoons and a particular favourite depicts two tiny figures at the summit of a grain mountain, one saying to the other, "On a clear day you can see Ethiopia". There is also an Appendix on campaigning for those wishing to take further any specific issue. Although the chapters on healthy eating and land use will be old hat and nothing like radical enough for most readers of The Vegan, there is plenty of food for thought in this concise work making it a good present for a friend with green tinges. Paul Appleby Blueprint for a Green Planet

This Poisoned Earth

Nigel Dudley Piatkus £8.95 Hbk £3.95 Pbk Every year a 1,000 million gallons of pesticides are sprayed in Britain alone. What happens to the 99% of them which fail to reach the target pest is the subject of this hard-hitting volume by this year's presenter of the Vegan Society's Frey Ellis Memorial Lecture. A pesticide specialist at Earth Resources Research, Nigel Dudley documents the familiar hazards presented to wildlife by agrochemicals, along with the threat to human health from direct contact with pesticides or from consumption of residues in our food. Special attention is paid to the use of pesticides in developing countries, where regulations (if such exist) governing their use are often overlooked through a combination of ignorance and the callous attitude of manufacturers. Although the author

Friends of the Earth Handbook

(Editor) Jonathan Porritt Macdonald Optima £4.95 Pbk After more than 15 years campaigning in Britain it seems peculiar that Friends of the Earth should only now decide to publish a handbook. Nevertheless, this is a useful introduction to environmental issues, aimed at the concerned consumer. The twelve chapters covering such topics as energy, recycling, pollution, land use, transport, education and healthy eating - contain plenty of practical advice for those wishing to live in a less resourceintensive manner. Each chapter outlines the topic in question in straightforward, conversational fashion and points the reader to sources

John Seymour & Herbert Girardet Dorling Kindersley £9.95 Pbk John Seymour, well-known in the Green Movement as the 'Father of SelfSufficiency", and leading ecologist Herbert Girardet have produced a comprehensive guide to how we can reduce our damaging impact on the earth in our everyday lives. Virtually all aspects of living are covered, from food and water to energy use and health/medicine. The authors explain in detail how we contribute to our planet's mismanagement, but they also set out hundreds of alternatives; simple and practical ways of making our lifestyles less environmentally destructive and more sustainable. Vegans could complain about the book's attitude towards animals; the authors favour alternatives to factory farming but are not opposed to livestock agriculture in general. That aside, this is an excellent book - wellillustrated, readable and useful for dipping into as a reference work. As a handbook of ecological living it claims to be the first of its kind and is an inspiration, though perhaps a costly one. Graham Hooper

Family Matters Lis Hewlett cantimies her regular column on vegan child-care and parenting


families are small and young couples are frequently cut off from traditional sources of know-how". This quote comes from a helpful leaflet entitled Breastfeeding Questions New Mothers Ask, which covers some of the most common problems that may arise in the first few days or weeks of the nursing couple's relationship. I would recommend it as a sound starting point for any expectant mum. Copies are available free from the ABM (address above) on receipt of an SAE. Ignorance and prejudice


ncourage the mother is something we should all do, and this is the title that has been given to an invaluable new booklet available from the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (Order Dept., 131 Mayow Road, London SE26 4HZ) for just ÂŁ2.25, inclusive of postage and packing. A new vegan mother is likely to be even more anxious than her omnivorous counterpart to breastfeed successfully and so should ensure that both she and her partner are fully aware of any possible problems. But no matter how well informed one is, things can still go wrong - a fact to which this booklet addresses itself. Encourage the Mother is the most approachable work of its kind that I have seen, probably because it largely comprises contributions by mothers themselves describing how they have been helped or hindered by professionals, friends and relatives in their efforts to give their babies their birthright to the healthiest possible start in life. The resulting compilation gives a fascinating picture of/insight



into breastfeeding in Britain in the late 1980s. Credibility gap

It seems that despite a formal recognition by the DHSS that breast is best, coupled with a campaign to promote breastfeeding on the grounds that it is not only better for the baby but is also cheaper, the statistics remain very depressing. So much so that people are looking round for a scapegoat. The London Food Commission, in its recent publication Warding off the Bottle by Tim Lobstein, clearly identifies the baby milk manufacturers as the main culprits. Much the same view was expressed by the Nursing Times in its editorial of 11 February 1987: ". . . while many midwives and health visitors say breast is best, they do not in their hearts believe it. And it is that credibility gap which the baby milk manufacturers are able to exploit". "In the past, a new mother learned about breastfeeding and the care of her baby from within her own family. She could go to her mother or grandmother, her aunts or her older sisters for advice and support. But these days

But to get a really accurate picture of the possible trials and tribulations that lie in store for the inexperienced mother I would wholeheartedly recommend a read of Encourage the Mother, whose author - Peggy Thomas - is herself a breast-feeding mother with five daughters. Although the picture she paints is not entirely one of sorrow and woe (the letters section containing many happy stories of successful feeding), it nevertheless confirms the extent of ignorance and prejudice on a subject so fundamental to the health and well-being of every individual. The booklet makes worthwhile reading not only for expectant parents, but also for expectant grandparents, siblings and friends, and perhaps especially for health-care professionals. And if you have successfully breastfed yourself, it is an ideal book to have around to lend a friend or neighbour. It fulfills its promise and does something that we are often too shy to do in our own words - encourage the mother. Dual challenge

Faced with the dual challenge of caring for a new-born infant (often single-handed) while at the same time encountering incomprehension or even hostility for wanting to 'impose' on this helpless new scrap of humanity a 'cranky', faddish' and 'in-

adequate' diet, a new vegan mother is liable to feel especially 'cut off. and consequently vulnerable. With conflicting advice flooding in from a variety of sources, her best defence is to be well informed herself and to have sources of support to whom she can turn should the need arise. In the first instance this will ideally be her partner - the baby's father, who is best placed to provide reassuring support in those crucial early days. The need will later arise for contact with other mothers who are also breastfeeding. It is here that the local branches of the various national support groups - the ABM, La Leche League, the National Childbirth Trust - play such a vital role. Your health visitor should be able to put you in touch with your nearest group. If there is no group near to you, you can simply set up an informal group with a few mothers meeting in your own home. I personally found such support group meetings extremely valuable in the early days, when it can sometimes seem as though every other mother one encounters has already broken faith with nature and resorted to cow's milk formula. Pump to the rescue

Of course, there are cases where a mother is unable to feed her baby directly. In the past the services of a wetnurse would have been called upon, but today electric breastpumps are available. A most helpful little booklet has been written on the subject by Suzanne Macauley SRN entitled Breastfeeding via Electric Pump - A Complete Personal Guide. Suzanne relates how she was able to feed her son in this way for nine weeks, whilst coping single-handed with him and another child, before being able to put him successfully directly to the breast. Her booklet gives full practical details and lots of handy hints. Copies are available direct from the author at 40 Bosworth Crescent, Harold Hill, Essex RM3 -8JZ for ÂŁ1.65 (incl. p&p.). ;

The Vegan, Autumn 1987

Postbag - Special

date but a faction on Council was plainly intent on boycotting, and thus rendering inquorate, any Council meeting called to approve the text of an official V.S.U.K. reproduced in full. press statement on Having carefully considered 'Burgergate'. that reply, and noting that it the It is quite astonishing that contains what can only be Mr. Lee (and a number of vegetarian described as wilful disinformation, the Council of other Directors) should have SOCI ety of the United Kingdom Ltd shown such poor judgement as the Vegan Society has felt it proper to accompany it with a to believe that a 'sit tight and do nothing' stance was an Comment - by Managing appropriate response to Dear Barry [Editor], Editor of The Vegan, Colin I would be grateful if you would print my reply to the "Open Rift' extensive and damaging media Howlett. report in your Summer 1987 edition. comment on a scandal at the In the interests of bringing to I was very sorry to see The Vegan giving publicity to the problems a speedy end this sad chapter in very top of the V.S.U.K. No currently facing the V.S.U.K. In addition there are factual less astonishing is the fact that relations between our two, inaccuracies in it which need to be corrected. strong condemnation has closely-related Societies, no The account referred to a refusal of a number of people to attend consistently been directed at reply is made to gratuitous an emergency Council meeting called for by six Council members. those revealing and attacks on the Vegan Society by In fact, the demand came with three days notice and the correct senior V.S. U. K. officials in the commenting on the scandal, procedure for calling a Council meeting was not followed . Our Member's Forum insert in the rather than at the person at the rules require 28 days notice for a special Council meeting and eight centre of it. To date, Roger Council members were unable to attend at such short notice and JulyI August issue of The did not feel that there was an emergency. Consequently, there Turner has not even been Vegetarian. would not have been a quorum had a meeting been held. In censured for his conduct by the addition, some of those who called for a special Council meeting V.S.U.K. Council - an Comment subsequently stated that they regretted making the request. omission which contrasts Your account also refers to a vote of no confidence in myself grotesquely with the recent In calling an emergency carried at a meeting of the Reform Group for my handling of the expulsion from the Society of Council meeting for 15 March so-called 'Burgergate' affair. Your readers might like to know that best-selling vegetarian author the vote was taken after my wife and I had left the Reform Group 1987 the six V.S.U.K. and broadcaster, Peter Cox, meeting after some four hours attendance and when the only Directors followed correct on the most spurious of remaining agenda item was to view a video and discuss the procedure to the letter. To 'Reprieve' project. In addition, the vote was proposed by Colin grounds (See News, Cox quote Article 58 of the Howlett, your own Managing Editor, who has recently taken a Sensation). V.S.U.K.'s Memorandum & prominent part in the Reform Group and in criticism of those who Articles of Association: The whole 'Burgergate' are responsible for the running of the V.S.U.K. The reason that I business could surely have did not issue a press release over the 'Burgergate' issue was because "On the request of four I did not wish to encourage press comment . Sadly, some people been satisfactorily resolved by Members of the Council found it an opportunity to make political capital over the issue. The the prompt issue of an official the General Secretary press would not have got hold of the story unless certain people had statement unequivocally shall, at any time [my contacted them to make statements. condemning Roger Turner's italics Ed.], convene a You also suggested that I was the writer of a short article conduct and reaffirming the meeting of the Council by accompanying Roger Turner's resignation letter. This is not V.S.U.K.'s commitment to notice served upon the correct. I made additions to an article prepared by our Editor and the promotion of the several members of the General Manager'. Of course there was no name attached to the vegetarian ethic. Council". report. This applies to many articles both in your and our magazines. May the (then) Editor Mr. Lee's suggestion that 28 ofOnThe14Vegan It is my view that it is unfortunate that the Open Rift article was contacted the days notice must be served published at all. Additionally, there was no opportunity given to us Editor of The Vegetarian before dealing with an to reply to it in the same edition, nor were we asked to comment on the correctness of the article. emergency is a curious one. Is (Bronwen Humphreys) to Anything which serves to divide our two Societies is to be he, one wonders, concerned establish the identity of the regretted. We both have much to do to encourage Britain towards a unnamed author of the 'Roger that the police, fire brigade world more in keeping with the moral principles we espouse. Issues Turner resigns' report in the and ambulance services do not which divide us can only benefit the meat industry. May/June issue of The share this view? Vegetarian. She informed him Yours sincerely. The reference to a 'special that the author was none other Maxwell G. Lee, Chairman, V.S.U.K. Council meeting' requiring 28 than V.S.U.K. Council days notice is a red herring. Chairman. Maxwell Lee. This The meeting Mr. Lee refers to statement was later repeated was a completely different in reply to enquiries from meeting, called for 28 March V.S.U'K Directors Chris (again in strict conformity with Murphy and Charles Everett. The last issue of The Vegan unattributed and deliberately the Society's rules) to consider carried a news item entitled misleading report on the affair the expulsion from Council of Editor's note: We apologise to 'Open Rift' describing the split in the May/June issue of The readers for devoting this issue's meat-promoting V.S.U.K. within the Council of the Vegetarian. Director Roger Turner (at that Postbag to a single subject, Vegetarian Society of the V.S.U.K. Chairman trusting that the special time still flatly refusing to United Kingdom Ltd over the Maxwell Lee, identified in circumstances obtaining will be 'Burgergate' scandal exposed 'Open Rift' as the author of the resign). understood. Rest assured, we'll earlier this year and the report, has requested the right efforts were made be back to normal in the next subsequent appearance of an of reply. The text of his letter is toStrenuous agree a less inconvenient issue. 25 The Vegan, Autumn 1987 4








Noticeboard Diary Dates

10-13 September Scottish Alternative Medicine & Natural Living Exhibition. Scottish Exhibition Centre, Glasgow. Admission: £3.00. 11-13 September VSUK Annual Conference and AGM. Loughborough University of Technology. Contact: Vegetarian Centre, 53 Marloes Road, London W8 6LA. Tel. 01-937 7739. 16 September Vegan Gluten-free Food Preparation course. Nature Cure Clinic (Tel. 01-935 6213), 15 Oldbury Place, London W1M 3AL, at 6.30 pm. Tickets: £2.50, including food. 26 September Animal Aid Annual Members Meeting. Central Hall, Westminster, London. 2.00 pm. Guest speaker: Dr. Arabella Melville (author of Cured to Death). 2 October Great British Meat Out/World Farm Animals Day. 3 October Great British Meat Out Beano. Imperial College (Sheifield Building), University of London, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2AZ. 4 October World Day of Prayer for Animals. Westminster Abbey, London at 6.30 pm. 10 October The 1987 AGM of The Vegan Society Ltd. Westminster Cathedral Conference Centre, Victoria, London. 16 October World Day of Protest against McDonalds and all other Burger Bars. Contact: Greenpeace (London), 5 Caledonian Road, London Nl. 17 October VSUK Symposium: Crisis in the Countryside. Kensington Library Lecture Theatre, Hornton Street, London W8. Tickets £3.00. Contact: Vegetarian Centre (see 11-13 September item above). 18-25 October One World Week. Planners Handbook (£2.50) and further details from: P.O. Box 1, London 5W9 8BH.


Animal Lib Art

Artists for Animals and Rochdale Art Gallery invite proposals from artists (any medium) for an exhibition to be held in Autumn 1988 and to tour nationally. Works with a positive and direct angle on Animal Liberation issues are of particular interest. Proposals to be in by 6 February 1988. Further information from: Rochdale Art Gallery, The Esplanade, Rochdale.

conservation, pollution and waste control and urban regeneration. Further details from: EYE, Room 335, 20 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TJ. Thinking Ahead?

Did you know that by a Deed of Variation surviving relatives can redirect inherited money to causes of their own choosing and thereby avoid or reduce the tax payable on the estate? If you would like further details please contact the Hon. Treasurer at the Vegan Society office.


cancer, palpitations, osteoporosis and changes in fertility. A large response may prevent Dr. Ryde from writing personal replies but will help in the preparation of an initial report for The Vegan and, if appropriate, assist the planning of a scientifc st

London Study

The University of London is conducting a study of vegetarians and vegans in the UK, looking into people's reasons, type of diet, opinions on health, farming methods, food additives etc. Involvement in the study would mean two short interviews and keeping a food record for three days. If you would like to take part please contact:

As part of a cautious expansion programme the Vegan Society is looking for a committed and talented vegan to join its small, but highly professional staff in Oxford later this year. Precise duties have still to be decided but candidates should be able to demonstrate expertise in fields such as fundraising. publicity, public relations, marketing and publishing - in addition to an ability to type/world-process. The appointment, which will be remunerated (on a scale consistent with the Society's charitable status), may be made on a part-time basis in the first instance. CVs and names and addresses of two referees to: The Vegan Society (Personnel), 33-35 George Street, Oxford Homes for Elderly OX1 2AY by Friday, 2 October. Vegans Although a purely vegan Natural Medicines Badger Guards home has not yet been establised, vegans may apply The Natural Medicines Volunteers in the Devon, for an application form for Society would like to hear Cornwall, Wiltshire and from people who have well- accommodation in one of the Berkshire areas are needed vegetarian homes where they documented and by Dartmoor Badgers would be given every support authenticated stories about Protection League which damage caused by drugs and/ until such time as a vegan protects threatened badger home is available. To achieve or about the measurable setts and habitats, seeks to this aim help is needed. deter illegal badger abusers benefits - and cures - they Please plege your support by and monitors the activities of have achieved with natural way of donation or legacy, medicines. Write to the Ministry of Agriculture Society at 95 Hagley Road, addressing all killing teams. Contact: correspondence to HEV Egbaston, Birmingham rth, Ltd., Estra House, Station B16 8LA. Approach, Streatham, London SW16 6EJ. Eating and Illness

If readers of The Vegan have noticed any body or mood This is a new award scheme changes, adverse or for voluntary bodies, schools favourable, within a year of adopting veganism could they or individuals, specially set up for European Year of the kindly send a brief report to Environment (EYE). Up to Dr. David Ryde, who is also interested in unexpected £5,000 will be given as top prize for the best 'activities' changes in conditions like acne, multiple sclerosis, or 'issues' projects which peptic ulcer, arthritis and reflect the Year's main rheumatism, regression of themes of nature EYEcatchers

Turning Point

Turning Point magazine, the animal rights movement's own Private Eye, needs money in order to improve, expand and reach a wider audience. Please send donations, however small, to Box 1, Earth 'n Wear, 15 Cowley Road, Oxford. The Vegan, Autumn 1987


Still there

The Great British Meat Out campaign, organised jointly by Animal Aid, Compassion in World Farming, the Vegan Society and the Vegetarian Society, and launched on 2 September at Christies, Wardour Street, London, will run throughout the month building up to Meat Out Day on 2 October, when many people will be taking the pledge of a meatless diet. On that same day Alan Cooper will set off on a sponsored 24-hour cycle ride, boosting the money raised by the campaign for a Third World project to supply Sri Lankan children with 'school milk' made from leaf protein. On Saturday 3 October the Meat Out Beano will be held at Imperial College (Sherfield Building), Exhibition Road, London SW7 2AZ (nearest tube: South Kensington) from 8pm until midnight. Price of ticket, £7.50, includes buffet supper, entertainment and a donation to the Sarvodya leaf protein scheme. For further details see enclosed leaflet, copies of which are available - as are sponsorship forms for Alan Cooper's bike ride - from the Vegan Society office at £1.00 per 100, £4.50 per 500 and £7.50 per 1,000. (See also Action for All below.)

Don't worry. Llwyn-y-Brig vegetarian/vegan guesthouse is still open, going strong and is now almost entirely vegan. The idyllic setting of this attractive 18th-century converted farmhouse amidst the mountains, overlooking the sea provides for a ct:

Travelling Fellowships

The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust annually awards grants to enable people to engage in research abroad relating to their trade, profession or interests. This year's Open category is for projects in Australia. Readers are invited to apply direct to: The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, 15 Queen's Gate Terrace, London SW7 5PR. Closing date for applications: 30 October.

Different Strokes

Vegan paint brushes are now painting Australian walls thanks to readers' positive response to an advertisement placed in the Spring '87 issue of The Vegan by David Horton of New South Wales. So doubting Thomases please note - placing an ad in The Vegan can pay off!


is to be held at Westminster Cathedral Conference Centre, Victoria, London on Saturday 10 October. (See insert for full details.) Nominations for members (of 12 months or greater duration at the time of appointment) to serve on the Council must be made in writing, signed and received at the registered office not more than 21 days and not less than 3 days before the AGM. The nomination 'package' should include the following: nomination by proposer (who must be a VS member); written confirmation from nominee of his/her willingness to stand for election; brief (not more than 200 words) personal profile. Members considering standing for election should be aware that the proper management of a modern and efficiencyconscious Society calls for skills over and above a commitment to the Society's aims and a desire to serve. Candidates for election should, ideally, also offer professional expertise or be able to demonstrate proven ability in fields such as company law, accounting, personnel management, computing, publicity and marketing. Notwithstanding the above remarks, it is stressed that all members are eligible for nomination/election. Buffet and creche facilities will be available. Disabled access. Guest speaker: Dr. Tim Lang of the London Food Commission, on The Politics of Food. 27 The Vegan, Autumn 1987

Action for All

Thanks to all readers who responded to our Action sheet insert in the Spring issue of The Vegan we raised the sum of £1,500 in subscriptions and sales. In this issue we invite you to play a part in the following new initiatives: • Meat Out

See the above Meat Out notice and the leaflet inserted in this issue of The Vegan. Here are some ways in which you can help the campaign: • Order and distribute copies of the leaflet; , • Persuade a friend/relative to take the Meat Out sponsored pledge; • Sponsor or persuade someone else to sponsor the pledgetaker; • Buy, for yourself or a friend, a copy of the campaignlinked vegan cookbook, The Caring Cook\ • Sponsor Alan Cooper's Meat Out bike ride; • Persuade a local restaurant to prepare a special Meat Out menu for 2 October; • Come to the Meat Out Beano on 3 October. • British Rail

British Rail catering goes beyond a joke as far as vegans are concerned, with the choice often limited to a packet of crisps or an overpriced apple. In response to an approach by the Society for better fare, BR's Inter City Catering Manager writes: "We are constantly looking at our products and have recently introduced some items which may well suit vegetarian passengers. Unfortunately, to satisfy vegan needs is more difficult and would mean that we would be selling dishes that had limited revenue potential". He goes on to say that "my team of experts will continue to develop new products". Please write to assure him that you are eager to see vegan food items made available on trains and at stations; that vegan 'needs' are not difficult to satisfy, and that good vegan food can be enjoyed by all passengers. Letters to: .

and please send copies of any rep

Publications & Promotional Goods All prices include VAT where applicable but are exclusive of postage and packing (see Order Form) General Publications: —The Vegan—

Holiday and Restaurant


FOODFOR A FUTURE The CompM* C m tor VegMarunttm

Cookery Books:

1 Coming soon - order your copy NOW!

(Available in October)


Food for a Future Jon Wynne-Tyson A classic work, powerfully arguing all aspects of the vegan case - moral, economic, ecological, physiological and Packed with Vegan Holiday & Restaurant nutritional. information, statistics, Guide quotations, nutritional and Lists U.K. hotels, guestdietary data houses, b&b accommodation, £2.50 restaurants, cafes, and activity holidays. More than 400 entries £1.50 Compassion: The Ultimate Ethic Vegan Nutrition Victoria Moran F. Ellis, MD FRC(Path) and T. Sanders, PhD(Nutr). An examination of the history philosophy of the vegan A scientific assessment of the and movement vegan diet, incorporating easy- £4.95 to-follow tables enabling recommended intake of essential nutrients to be met Veganic Gardening from plant products only Kenneth Dalziel O'Brien £1.00 A comprehensive, yet easy-tofollow guide to the subject by Veganism - Scientific Aspects the system's greatest living T. Sanders, PhD(Nutr) exponent 50p £6.99



Vegan Cookery Eva Batt Revised and expanded edition of the classic What's Cooking? Brim-full of recipes, nutritional information and practical advice £2.99 What Else is Cooking? Eva Batt 300 vegan recipes, together with practical hints. Wipeclean cover, spiral-bound £2.99 Tofu Cookery Louise Hagler Superby presented collection of more than 200 recipes, from appetizers to main course dishes and desserts. 'A gem of a book' - Leah Leneman £7.95




The Vegan Diet: True Vegetarian Cookery The Role of Plants in Feeding David Scott & Claire Golding Mankind Companion Planting A 'gourmet' vegan cookbook Professor A. Bender Gertrud Franck containing over 250 recipes 50p A comprehensive guide to from soups and starters to the organic cultivation of fruit, desserts and children's vegetables, flowers and herbs The Caring Cook favourites The Extended Circle: A £5.95 Dictionary of Humane Thought £4.99 Janet Hunt (Ed.) Jon Wynne-Tyson An easy-to-follow, first vegan Cooking with Sea Vegetables A unique anthology of cookbook - with a Peter & Montse Bradford The Home Herbal quotations concerning our comprehensive selection of Barbara Griggs treatment of non-human everyday and special-occasion A vegan macrobiotic guide to species. An indispensable A Handbook of Simple recipes, plus a mass of hints and the culinary use of the 'harvest source-book Remedies tips. A must for the newcomer! of the oceans' £4.95 £2.95 £1.99 £3.95 28


The Vegan, Autumn 1987

Healthy Eating for the New Age Joyce D'Silva A vegan cookbook packed full of excellent and varied recipes which follow health-food, as well as vegan principles £4.95 9—^HE

The International Tofu Cookery Book Leah Leneman Recipes garnered from the cuisines of America, Britain, the Caribbean, the Far East, India, the Mediterranean, Mexico £4.95




The Vegan Cookbook Alan Wakeman and Gordon Baskerville The Compassionate Gourmet 200-plus graded recipes Janet Hunt demonstrating that a vegan Exotic dishes from all over the diet can be rich and varied and globe for those who love reach the highest culinary animals - and food! standards £4.99 £4.95 Order Form

Order now (BLOCK CAPITALS THROUGHOUT PLEASE) from: The Vegan Society (Merchandise), 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2AY. Item



Envelope Re-use Labels 100% recycled paper, nonanimal gum. Two designs: 'Globe' - black and green on white; 'Bottle' - black and red on white £1.15 per 100 (of one design)


Promotional Goods:



Button Badges (1V^") Two colours. Please specify design(s) required using letter code 25p each, four for 90p Multi-purpose Stickers (1W) Same designs and colour schemes as button badges, in sheets of 12 of same. Please specify design(s) required using badge letter code 20p per sheet, five sheets for 90p

T-shirts Multi-colour design on white cotton Sizes: Child-22", 26", 28", £2.75

100% cotton. Two designs: 'Bottle* - red and white on navy blue; 'Blood Foods' - red and black on white. Sizes: 'Bottle': S/M/XL "Blood Foods': S/M/L £3.50

GIVE BOTTLE J P * " ^ THE BOOT { J TOTAL COST OF MERCHANDISE POSTAGE & PACKING Order up to 50p - add 20p Order from 5lp to £1.99 - add 35p Order from £2 to £3.50 - add 60p Order from £3.51 to £4.99 - add 75p Order from £5 to £10 - add £1 Orders over £10 - add £2 Overseas: Add 10% to the allowances above TOTAL SUM PAYABLE I enclose a cheque/postal order for £ made payable to: The Vegan Society Ltd. Name Address Postcode Eire & Overseas: Payment must be by sterling cheque drawn on an English bank or an international money order. 29 The Vegan, Autumn 1987

Car/Window Sticker Printed red and black on white self-cling plastic. 11" x 2Vi" 50p

Notelets Printed on high-quality, 100% recycled paper. Colour scheme: chocolate brown on cream. Pack of twelve, with four different seasonal designs £1.25 Bookmarks Printed on high-quality, 100% recycled card. Colour scheme: chocolate brown on cream. Set of four different designs, with recipes on reverse. 45p

Ballpen Red and black casing, with slogan 'Ban Blood Foods' printed in white on clip. Refillable 35p

When replying to these advertisements please mention The Vegan.


ATSITSA. a holistic health and fitness holiday community on the beautiful Greek island of Skyros. Activities: from windsurfing, dance, art and aerobics to yoga, meditation, massage and T ai Chi. Details 1 Fawley Road (Ve). London NW6 1SL Tel. 01-431 0867.


SINGLES PARTY for unattached vegetarians/vegans. Central London. Saturday 26th September. Vegan buffet. All ages welcome. Also Northern S


10.30 a.m. - 1.15 p.m. Sept. 26th MANY LIFETIMES: Talks on the Passing of Souls, and Reincarnation Nov. 2lu TOWARDS EDEN: Talks on the history of the Fall of the Planet, and the return journey of the Soul today. Vegetarian/vegan lunch available £1.50 Please write or phone: The Order of the Cross. 10 De Vere Gardens. Kensington W8 SAE Tel: 01-937-7012



For comprehensive list see Vegan Holiday & Restaurant Guide (£1.50 + 35p p&p).

BEXHILL-on-SEA. Vegan/vegetarian B&B £7 night. £35 weeklv. lODeerswood Lane. Bexhiil TN39 4LT. Tel. 042 43 5153. ISLE OF W I G H T . Small private hotel, quietly situated, in an area of natural beauty. Comfortable accommodation with central heating. Excellent home cooking by vegetarian proprietor. Wholefoods.


vegetarian or vegan. Open Easter until PENZANCE. Self-catering accommodation for 3-4. Two miles from Penzance with large garden, sea and country views. Occasional vegan meals available. Tel. 0736 62242. LAKE DISTRICT, vegan/vegetarian B&B Excellent country house accommodation. Situated in Beatrix Potter's picturesque village of Near Sawrey. 2 miles Hawkshead. 7 miles Ambleside. Delightful views over Esthwaite Water. Beautiful scenery, tarns, fells, Grizedale Forest, etc. Ideal for exploring the Lake District. 'Beechmount'. Near Sawrey, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 0LB. Tel. Hawkshead 356. MID WALES - Stredders vegetarian and vegan guesthouse. Run by lifelong vegetarian. Open all year. Park Crescent. Llandrindod Wells. Tel. 0597 2186. ROYAL FOREST OF DEAN. Wye Valley Wonderful walking. Period House. Fourposter bed. Non-smoking, Licensed. Vegan/ vegetarian. B&B/EM (optional). Tel. 0594 543259. NEAR SALISBURY and the New Forest. Homely vegan B&B. EM. available. Contact for brochure. Harestock Cottage. Southampton Road, Whiteparish. Salisbury, Wilts. Tel. 07948 370. CASTLE ACRE, Norfolk. Converted pub. historic village, mid-point Peddars Way. Exclusively veg./wholefood. Sleeps 20. Selfcatering unit. Conference venue. SOMERSET. Exclusively Vegetarian/ Vegan accommodation in 16tn Century listed house. Situated bordering Devon & Dorset, is an ideal base for touring, country walks or just relaxing. Informal atmosphere. BB & EM. Vegan proprietors. Details Merefield House, East Street, Crewkerne. Somerset TA18 7AB Tel: 0460 73112. SUFFOLK. B&B £7, dinner £4. Excellent vegan cooking. Children, animals welcome. Coast. Hinsmere Bird Reserve, only 14 miles, old Schoolhouse. Saxtead. near Framlingham. Tel. 0728 723887. LAPWINGS, Apley, Lincoln. LN3 5JQ. Vegan DB&B. Old house, quiet village. Children welcome, guide dogs only. No smoking. Non-resident meals, please book. Tel: 0673 858101. TORQUAY. Brookesby Hall Hotel. Glorious sea views. Quiet. Strictly Vegan/ Vegetarian. Vegan Proprietress. Colour brochure on request. Hesketh Road. Meadfoot Beach. Tel: 0803 22194. TORQUAY. Hazelmere Vegetarian Guesthouse welcomes vegans all year. Central position, close beautiful coastal walks, beaches, town and coach station. Torbay's mild climate ideal for autumn/ winter holidavs. 4-course, B&B. 4-course EM. £87.50-94.50 p.w. Teamaking. washbasins. C H all rooms. Also Yoga or Birdwatc COTTAGE. Vegetarian/Vegan B&B. Country setting. Central for beaches, moors etc. Private bathroom, colour TV, kettle. EM by arrangement. Strictly no smoking in house. Tel: Bodmin 872316.

"WOODCOTE" The Saltings, l.elant. St Ives, Cornwall Tel (0736) 753147 Quiet country hotel overlooking beautiful tidal estuary and bird sanctuarv. Britain's oldest vegan/vegetarian hotel is family owned and stands in its own grounds close to beaches and unspoilt coastal walks. Superb cuisine ana friendly personal service. For further information and brochure act (stamp )


LIQUID CONCENTRATE is the biodegradable liauid soap derived from coconut oil. which is free from animal products and animal testing. SAE for details: Dept EV. Janco Sales. 11 Seymour Road. Hampton Hill, Middlesex TW12 1DD. KARMA BADGES. Large range of animal rights badges, send SAE for catalogue do Rainbows End, 78a Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JB. NEW AGE PRODUCTS. A wide range of cruelty-free products by post. Toiletries cosmetics - oral hygiene - health household, etc. Catalogue from New Age Products. PO Box 22, East Horsley. Leatherhead. Surrey KT24 6SX. Tel: 04865 5115. PLANT A BLUEBELL WOOD. 500 seeds £3.85, 1000 £6.25. Bluebell, snowdrop, wood anenome bulbs £12.50 per 100. Wild flower seed collection £2.95. A lovelv gift, five for £10. Wild Seeds. Llandderfel, Gwynedd LL23 7RF. AROMATHERAPY pure essential oils have numerous beneficial properties - relaxing, stimulating, aphrodisian. etc. Pack seven oils £3.95. "Bouquet", 5 Hamilton Road. Colchester. INEXPENSIVE, HIGH QUALITY natural skin and hair care preparations made from essential oils, herbal extracts and natural oils to cleanse, tone, moisturise, soothe, ist: THE GUERNSEY' SWEATER for the vegan. Made to order in quality yarn. Not wool. Warm, unique, in many varied colours. For all the family. Very reasonable. Please send SAE for details and colour samples. Box No. 121. BIRKENSTOCKS LOVE YOUR FEET Range includes vegan sandals with marvellous moulded footbeds; also NOPPIES to stimulate and invigorate tired feet.SAE please to: FOOTPRINTS. Oak Tree Barn. Lower Velwell. Dartington. Devon. Tel: 080 426 215 MILL YOUR OWN A vegan diet begins with the seven grains -wheat, rye. barley, oats. rice, maize, millet (plus buckwheat). Make the most of them with a home mill. Mill fine for crepes, crimes & cakes; coarse for wholemeal breads and hearty broths - always fresh, always wholemeal. Only fresh milling guarantees you all the goodness of the grain. SAE for full list to: Home milling Enterprises. Old Laundrv House. Pencaitland. EH34 5AT. Scotland.


"Where the mountains sweep down to the sea." Exclusively vegetarian/vegan wholefood D.B&B. Our converted farmhouse (inglenook. beams) nestles on the slopes of Yr Eifel with spectacular views of sea/mountains. Designated 'area of national beauty'. Superb beach/hiking/ sailing, climbing. Stamp appreciated for brochure to: Uwyn-y-Brig. Trefor. Caernarfon N. Wales (1286 86 693).

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ANY VEGANS/VEGETARIANS interested in five-year working holiday around the world, starting Autumn 1988. Please contact:

MALE VEGAN, early 30s. idealistic,

GAY VEGETARIANS: Open, mixed nonprofit making group w HAPPINESS IS...

VEGETARIAN MATCHMAKERS Details: 14A W o o d l a n d s Rd, Isleworth, M i d d x


AHIMSA. Quarterly magazine of the American Vegan Swnety. Veganism, Natural Living, Reverence for Life. Calendar year subscription $8. Address: 501 Old Harding Highway, Malaga. NJ 08328. USA. NAOMI'S BROTHER. Slot? of the youthful Master's compassion us journal dedicated to seeking the healthiest state of mind and way of lite for people today. With articles/ news of social action and mental training courses. Send £1.20p for issue 1 or write for details to: Future Mind (Dept C) 30 Hollingbourne Gardens. Ealing. London W13 8EN.


Two informative and practical booklets. Send £2.50 to Buddhist Publishing (V), PO Box 136, Leicester LE2 4TZ.

SERVICES OFFERED PLUMBING, HEATING ELECTRICAL, DRAINAGE A full service in London and the home counties. No job too small. Almost 40,000 successfully completed jobs in more than ten years. Contractors to local authorities. banks, insurance companies, housing associations and private Householders. No hidden charges - we publish our rates. For a quotation or for an emergency phone 01-654 3133 and speak to Bob, Norma or Jeremy. You are welcome to ring for free advice at any time and vegan society members should ask for 10% discount and 30 days free credit. Simpson, Delvarr & Co Ltd actively supports the vegan movement.

The Vegan, Autumn 1987

ARC PRINT for loc< local We provide cheap printing? for animal rights groups and publish pamphlets - "Against All Odds - Animal Liberation 1972-1986" (£2.25) and a booklet on the Public Order Act (£1.50) from: Arc Print. 265 Seven Sisters Road. London N4.


HEAV EN'S GATE ANIMAL RESCUE CENTRE. West Henlev. Nr. Langport. Somerset. Registered Charity No. 287194. Voluntary stan needed. Must be totally dedicated, genuine, honest and hardworking. Preferably 25 yrs or over, driving licence an advantage. No meat eaters, clean appearance essential and ability to put Animals' Welfare before peoples at all times. Exhausting life, but joo satisfaction guaranteed for right person. Tel: 0458 250279. ALL GRADES of staff wanted for new branch of Bethany Vegetarian and Vegan Nursing Home opening shortlv in Staffordshire. Apply 7-9 Oak fork Villas. Dawlish. Devon.


HELP! Vegan Couple desperately require joint situation with house or accommodation. Can drive. Experience includes gardening, forestry, typing, estate management, building maintenance. Love animals. Anything considered, inside or out. anywhere. Box No. 120


VEGETARIAN MATCHMAKERS is for vegans too. Discreet postal introduction service for unattached adults of all ages throughout the UK. Write to as many people on the lists as you wish. Fee is only £_4 per year. Special discount for over 60*s. Apply VMM. 14A Woodlands Road. Isleworth. Middx. TW7 6NX. WANTED. Water Still, electric preferred. Weymouth (0305) 779401.

W ORKER CO-OPERATIVES. Information and book catalogue. SAE to Box D. ICOM Co-Publications. 8 Bradburv Street. London NI6KJN.


Send for our free introductory brochure. The full Therapy Pack costs £6.50, including details of all aspects of our programme - vegan diet, stress-control, psychologcal counselling and healing. Cancer Help Centre. Grove House. Clifton. Bristol BS8 4PG Telephone Help-line: (0272) 743216. CONTACT CENTRE CONTACT CENTRE is a friendship agency, quite different from all others. It enables you to choose your friend(s) from detailed advertisements or to write an advertisement yourself without disclosing your name and address. CONTACT CENTRE gives you full scope; you don't even have to complete a form. CONTACT CENTRE operates among other things a British Vegan Service, a British Vegetarian/Vegan Service and the International Vegetarian/Vegan Penfriend Service w ithout hidden charges and with many offers for a nominal fee. or even free. As we cannot tell all in this advertisement, please find out how you too can benefit bv requesting free details from Contact Centre. BCM Cuddle. London WC1V6XX. Full translations! services from or into German. French and Dutch. EASIEST, healthiest, no-


HAVE VOL' TRIED The Grape Cure for the so called incurable diseases. Let me explain. Telephone 0267 86437. International 4426786437 anytime.

Find that extra special friend through NATURAL FRIENDS', s.a.e. to NATURAL FRIENDS (VN). i5 Benvon Gardens. Culford. IP2K 6EA. Tel: 028-4X4-315 anytime.


MEHl'-MAUA STEAM JUICE EXTRACTOR and STEAMER COOKER From Finland makes Pure Juices that store for Drinks and Winemaking and cooks Wholesome Meals Stainless steel £49.95 Aluminium £34.45 Re-usable Self-sealing Rubber Caps (packs of 8) for Wine bottles £3.95 and Mixer bottles £2.95 Mehu-Maija (V) PO Box 3 Diss Norfolk IP22 3HH Order/Leaflet - telephone Diss (0379) 52302


All prices inclusive of VAT. Personal: £3.50 for 20 words (minimum). Additional words: 17peach. Commercial: £4.75 for 20 words (minimum). Additional words: 25p each. Box No: £2.00 extra Semi-display: £5.00 per single column centimetre

Series discount (4 consecutive insertions): 10% PAYMENT By cheque or postal order, made payable to The Vegan Society Ltd and sent to: The Advertising Manager. The Vegan. 33-35 George Street. Oxford OX1 2A Y. Eire and Overseas: payment must be by sterling cheque drawn on an English bank or by international money order. PUBLICATION DATES Late February. May. August. November COPY DATES First of month of publication CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE The submission of an advertisement is deemed to warrant that the advertisement does not contravene any Act of Parliament nor is it in any other way illegal or defamatory or an infringement of any other party's rights or an infringement of the British Code of Advertising Practice. The Vegan Society reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement without explanation. Although every care is taken, the Vegan Society cannot accept liability for any loss or inconvenience incurred as a result of errors in the wording, or the late or non-appearance of an advertisement.



Welcomes Vegans


For 25 years the STRICTLY VEGETARIAN guest house in the Lake District has enjoyed delicious international vegetanan cuisine. Orchard House, known lor its comtort and serene atmosphere, enjoys a quiet inviting garden, is close to mountains, streams and lakes, for those who seek the peace and beauty of the Lake District. OPEN ALL YEAR' Dining Room open to non-residents Stamp appreciated for brochure to: e Borrowdale Road. Keswick. Cumbna CDA12 5DE Telephone: (07687) 72830

offers a twelve month correspondence course in herbal medicine

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Unique Ayurvedic Toothpaste A completely natural product A containing 18 valuable herbs. V I C C O V a j r a d a n t i is m a d e in a c c o r d a n c e with the a n c i e n t I n d i a n science of Ayurveda. Highly C o n c e n t r a t e d — Long l a s t i n g Pleasant Fresh T a s t e — Fresh Breath C o n t a i n s No S u g a r — F l o u r i d e F r e e

NOW AVAILABLE FROM WHOLEFOOD S H O P S OR PRICE £ 1 . 2 5 F R O M : M a n d a l a imports. 7 Zetland Road. Redland. B R I S T O L B S 6 7AQG

31 The Vegan, Autumn 1987


no ~Contains animal


Not tested on animals

For information on this and other courses, semi SAE to:

The Registrar, School of Herbal Medicine, 148 Forest Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 5EY

The Editor invites authors, artists and cartoonists to submit material for possible publication in The Vegan Negotiable fees payable for work of suitable quality. For further details please write to: The Editor, The Vegan, 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX12AY. MSS or other original work submitted to be accompanied by an SAE.



No additives, flavouring, colouring or preservatives From today you need never make gravy from powder containing artificial additives again Now all you do is mix 3 or 4 teaspoonfuls of NATURALLY GOOD vegetable gravy powder with half a pint or so of water The result is a lovely rich brown gravy that tastes delicious. Also ideal as a stock for soups, stews or casseroles

NATURALLY GOOD You'll never make a better gravy

Jessup Marketing, 6 Burton Road, Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey




. . . because ALL PLAMIL PRODUCTS (rice pudding, confections etc.) ARE EXCLUSIVELY VEGAN, & its soya milks & Veeze provide necessary vegan nutrients - calcium, vitamins B , B, & D 2


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Washing powders don't always dissolve completely in the wash. So deposits can often be left on your clothes. Deposits which can actually shorten their life. Clear Spring is different. It's liquid, it's concentrated, it works in all temperatures and it's safe and mild enough to use on woollens and baby clothes. Yet it still leaves your wash clean and fresh. Clear Spring may be gentle on your clothes, your skin and your environment. But it's mighty tough on dirt. For a free trial sample, send a 40p postal order (to cover P&P) made payable to Faith Products.

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Born of a vision when the Company pioneered the first British-made liquid soya milk in 1965. THE INDEPENDENT VEGAN COMPANY SPECIALISING IN QUALITY FOODS CONTAINING NO ARTIFICIAL COLOURING OR FLAVOURING.



I enclose a S.A.E. Please send me literature. Name

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VEEZE - the first dairy-free cheese spread.

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