The Vegan 2017 Issue 3

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The Vegan 2017 Issue 3

The Vegan Society magazine

PLATE UP FOR THE PLANET Our biggest campaign yet

90 COWS SAVED One farm changes its course forever





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Editor’s letter & contents

Editor’s Letter


n this edition of The Vegan we focus on just a couple of the exciting and innovative campaigns which are driving our movement forwards. Introducing the largest public-facing campaign The Vegan Society has invested in so far! Plate up for the Planet (page 8) is an awareness campaign designed to get people thinking about the link between the food on our plates and its environmental impact. Will you help us reach our goal of signing up 10,000 people to our week-long planet saving challenge? We also have an inspiring success from the Grow Green campaign. Meet farmer Jay, who

read our Grow Green report and decided he couldn’t continue sending animals to slaughter. His pioneering farm will pave the way to A new farming future (page 16). You can also find some fantastic recipes from new plant-based cookbook Vegan BBQ (page 13). Of course, there’s nothing wrong with keeping it simple with a mountain of veggie sausages and all the toppings, but here are some ideas for those looking to spice up their alfresco cooking. Here’s hoping we have some warm weekends to try them out.

Contents 03



Media highlights


Plate up for the Planet




Farming future




Active vegans










Essential updates on Vegan Society news

The Vegan Society in the press

Our exciting summer campaign

Vegan BBQ hits


The first animal farm to go vegan

A vegan Rugby League player

Keeping up with our amazing volunteers

Vegan tips for healthy bones


New vegan products to look out for

A bumper review edition

Your views plus member updates   Issue 3 2017 | The Vegan 1

From the CEO Editor Elena Orde Design Contributors Nadine Horn and Jörg Mayer, Niki Trenbath, Mia Petryszyn, Laura Ranson Print Submissions We welcome articles on a range of topics relating to veganism, as well as photographs, images, and illustrations. Please email for more information. Staff CEO & Head of Business Development George Gill Head of Communications Sam Calvert Chief Finance Officer Stephen Hirst Head of Campaigns & Policy Louise Davies Senior Advocacy & Policy Officer Amanda Baker Volunteering & Engagement Manager Alex Douglas Supporter Services Officer Andy Davidson Supporter Services Coordinator Seona Deuchar Admin Assistant Katherine Anderson Web & Digital Communications Officer Ali Ryland Communications & Campaigns Officer Elena Orde Media and PR Officer Dominika Piasecka Campaigns Officer Tom Kuehnel HR and Office Manager Sarah Cook Sales & Merchandise Manager Dave Nicholson Sales Assistant Dean Bracher Trademark Assistant Manager Laura Faliveno Business Development Officer Paul Philbrow Trademark Relations Officer Abigail Stevens Business Development Assistants Charlotte Bracken, Emma Blockley, Jess Olley, Stephanie Reed, Natacha Rodrigues Business Operations Manager Paul Tomlinson Finance Officer Allan Oakes Research Officer Dr Lorna Brocksopp Dietitian Heather Russell Council Stephen Walsh (Chair) Jenifer Vinell (Vice-Chair) Menna Jones (Treasurer) Salim Akbar, David Gore, Constantin Imbs, Graham Neale, Sagar Shah, Patricia Fairey The views expressed in The Vegan do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or of The Vegan Society Council. Nothing printed should be construed to be The Vegan Society's policy unless so stated. The society accepts no liability for any matter in the magazine. The acceptance of advertisements (including inserts) does not imply endorsement.

2  The Vegan | Issue 3 2017

From the CEO Campaigning for a vegan future


ere at The Vegan Society we have been very excited to delve into our first highprofile public campaign. Plate up for the Planet encourages people to think about the link between the food on their plate and the impact it has on the environment. We have already begun taking it to festivals and events up and down the country, and will continue driving this engagement throughout the summer. Alongside this, we have been working with farmer Jay to convert his beef farm into a vegan enterprise, saving almost 100 cows along the way. This switch is the first of its kind, and we are proud and honoured to be a key player in this pioneering transition. It is wonderful to be working with the likes of the Vegan Organic Network, who have been flying the flag for vegan farming practices since 1996. We’ve also been exploring opportunities for unique kinds of outreach this quarter, starting off with attending our first ever sport and fitness expo. Body Power was a great event in which dedicated staff members spoke to hundreds of people, educating them about the fact that a vegan diet and athletic prowess go hand in hand. We were excited to collaborate with two vegan WWE wrestlers, as this enabled us to tap into a whole new audience. To continue the athletic theme, in June several staff members and volunteers tackled a 10k obstacle course race to raise funds for The Vegan Society. We also had our AGM at Bristol Vegfest, details of which you can find on page 36. Thanks to everyone who attended, and who took the opportunity to feed into our work and express your views. Finally, thank you to all of our supporters, who have enabled us to continue to grow and take on new challenges. We have recently seen some of the greatest successes of The Vegan Society so far, but you can rest assured that they will not be our last. George Gill, CEO

Staff updates We were sorry to say goodbye to Peter Smith, Head of Communications, who has left The Vegan Society to focus on freelance work. Filling the role is Dr Sam Calvert, who has previously been involved in Vegan Society projects. We are very happy to have her on board. Seona Deuchar has joined as our Supporter Services Coordinator, and has already got stuck into the role. Seona has experience running events and coordinating volunteers, and her organisational skills are greatly valued.

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© The Vegan Society Registered Charity no.279228 Company Reg. no.1468880

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Achievements Vegan wrestlers

A great representative for vegan strength!

Athlete outreach In May The Vegan Society exhibited at Body Power Expo at Birmingham’s NEC. For the first time, staff members took the society’s message directly to the health and fitness community, showing that physical strength and plant-based diets go hand in hand. This proved to be a great audience for veganism, as we made countless connections with people keen to explore new ways to achieve their health and fitness goals. It was encouraging to meet so many people who were already vegan, and who were glad to see us flying the flag for animal-free diets. We attracted plenty of people to our stall – helped along greatly by banners featuring vegan strength athlete Simi Collins and champion freerunner Tim Shieff. We signed up almost 200 people to the 30 Day Vegan Pledge over the three-day event, with every new Pledger receiving a goodie bag filled with energy-dense snacks from some of our Trademark holders. Our Dietitian Heather Russell gave a talk to an audience keen to find out more about plantbased nutrition and what it could do for them athletically. We were also pleased to be joined by volunteer Peter Antonio, a vegan Personal Trainer, who was able to reassure visitors that they can excel in all fields on a vegan diet. We were glad to provide balance to the common fitness discourse, which typically promotes a meat-heavy diet supplemented with whey protein. This event proved that it is necessary – and can be very productive – to counter the dominant narrative that athletes need extraordinary amounts of animal protein to thrive.

Adding to the theme of veganism and athletics, in May staff members Alex and Domi were delighted to meet Trent Seven and Tyler Bate, two wrestlers from the WWE circuit. Both proud vegans, they were keen to work with us to raise awareness about veganism. Domi interviewed the pro wrestlers for a live Facebook Q&A, in which she asked questions submitted by our Facebook followers. Thanks to everyone who got involved and tuned in – our favourite question has to be, “What’s the best wrestling move to perform on someone who asks you where you get your protein?” Alex interviewed the pair for our podcast, in which they spoke about the wrestling community’s reaction to their veganism, and some of the social aspects of being vegan. With four vegans we know of on the circuit, perhaps wrestling is on its way to becoming the next most vegan sport.

Tyler Bate and Trent Seven – vegan pro wrestlers   Issue 3 2017 | The Vegan 3

Fundraising fun The summer presents a great opportunity to get outside and take on a physical challenge – and combining this with fundraising is even better. Vegan Society staff and friends decided to lead the way and sign up for an obstacle course race. The Wolf Run took place in the Midlands in June. 11 vegans made their way around the course, which involved wading, swimming, crawling and sliding through 10km of mud, tackling a variety of obstacles along the way. Why not find a similar activity near you, and bust some myths about vegans’ athletic abilities while raising some funds? Could you be our next fundraising star?

Bristol Vegfest An annual highlight of our calendar, we always look forward to Bristol Vegfest. A vibrant vegan show featuring plenty of live music, we always get a great reaction from visitors at this event. Alongside our usual activities, Engagement Manager Alex Douglas took part in a video project with our partners green energy company Ecotricity. The Vegan Society’s Dean Bracher managed a speakers’ tent and gave his own talk on vegan outreach, drawing on his many years of experience delivering school talks. We also enjoyed catching up with inspirational athlete and activist Fiona Oakes. However, there was a bittersweet ending to the weekend, as event organisers announced that we had attended the last ever Bristol Vegfest. Our thanks go to everyone who has worked so hard to make all previous years a success, especially the volunteers who have put in hundreds of hours to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Catching up with inspirational vegan Fiona Oakes

Podcast news Are you signed up to The Vegan Society’s podcast? If not, what are you waiting for? Get to know the staff behind The Vegan Society and listen to us chatting news, updates and tips. You can also get involved in the conversation by contacting us to have your say – we love hearing from our listeners. Each month’s podcast also features a great interview with someone in the vegan movement. We now have over 3000 of you downloading regularly. The more listeners we get, the higher in the charts we climb and the more likely nonvegans are to see our show and give it a listen. So subscribe and rate … we suggest 5 stars. Thank you! 4  The Vegan | Issue 3 2017


Nurse education At the end of April, staff members travelled to Birmingham City University to talk to student nurses about veganism. The day was geared towards helping to improve understanding of veganism in general, in particular understanding the practicalities of caring for vegans in hospitals, and how to cater for them. Dietitian Heather Russell delivered some great practical advice in a way sure to stick in students’ minds. Attendees were shown an example of a vegan shopping basket, and took part in a quiz which helped to educate about vegan basics. Goodie bags were provided for participants, along with handouts about vegan nutrition, caring for vegans and how plant-based eating could benefit the NHS from environmental, health and financial perspectives.

Follow the Trademark Join us in promoting the international Vegan Trademark on our new Instagram and Twitter channels by following @vegantrademark. We’re very proud of our Trademark, and we absolutely love sharing photos of products labelled with it. We’ll aim to bring you info about newly registered products as well as exciting products from around the world. Remember to tag us in your photos and include our hashtag #VeganTrademark when you see our Trademark while out and about.

New nutritional resources We have recently updated our website with a completely new and improved set of nutritional resources. These practical, easy-to-understand fact sheets provide a sound starting point for anyone following a totally plant-based diet. Visit to see how your nutritional intake measures up against the latest guidelines for optimum health. Here you will find fact sheets on many of the major nutrients, as well as advice tailored to different age groups. We have also included information on bone health, keeping active and advice for those in different stages of life, including pregnancy and breastfeeding. You can also find guidelines for people who lead particularly active lifestyles. Even if you have been vegan for a long time, it’s never a bad idea to brush up on your knowledge and check that you’re hitting all the right targets on a daily basis. If you have more specific nutritional enquiries, feel free to take advantage of Dietitian Corner, which can be accessed through the members’ section of the website.   Issue 3 2017 | The Vegan 5

Media highlights

Media highlights

A great TV success for The Vegan Society

A new farming future

On the radio

In a great success for The Vegan Society, we were delighted to have our work featured on the BBC’s Countryfile – a broadcasting institution focusing on farming issues which is watched by over seven million people around the country. The programme focused on The Vegan Society’s Grow Green campaign, and farmer Jay (read more on page 8), who became a symbol of a more ethical and environmentally friendly future after he moved away from farming cows to vegan farming practices. Jay’s inspirational story has been picked up by national and local radio stations as well as dozens of online publications.

BBC Radio 4’s Farming Today hosted an entire week of vegan-themed programmes, which kicked off featuring an interview with our Campaigns Officer Tom Kuehnel. He highlighted the rise in veganism and spoke about The Vegan Society’s work to support farmers who want to move away from farming animals. Following on from media interest in calcium and vegan diets, Dietitian Heather Russell gave several interviews to local radio stations. She ensured that listeners were informed about vegan sources of calcium and the fact that dairy is unnecessary in a balanced diet.

Trademark news

Best of the rest

We made a number of exciting Vegan Trademark announcements this quarter. Firstly, we registered Quorn’s expanding vegan range – news many vegans have eagerly been waiting for. Vegan football club, Forest Green Rovers, have also registered their meals with the Trademark. Visitors to their stands can now enjoy entirely vegan fare. The club were also promoted to the Football League, which is a huge success for veganism. In addition to this, Asda has paved the way by becoming the first supermarket to register many of its products with the Vegan Trademark.

For National Vegetarian Week, Media and PR Officer Dominika Piasecka wrote an article for the Huffington Post. The piece focused on the unpleasant side of dairy milk and was widely shared, causing many vegetarians to take a second look at what they drink. Dominika also wrote a letter to the Editor of The Grocer magazine, defending vegan diets and citing evidence as to why eating animals destroys the planet and is bad for our health.

6  The Vegan | Issue 3 2017

Love your tofu? Go on, give it a good squeeze! Tofu absorbs much more flavour if you squeeze the water out first. It’s a breeze with our tofu press and will take your tofu dishes to the next level!

3 simple steps: 1. Place the tofu in the inner tub 2. Pull the elastic bands down over the hooks and leave in the fridge 3. Remove pressed tofu and enjoy

To buy a tofu press or to find out more go to


Plate up for the Planet Protecting the environment with plant-based diets


ntroducing Plate up for the Planet – The Vegan Society’s biggest public education campaign to date! We have the chance to save the planet three times a day, and we want to share this message with as many people as possible. The Vegan Society has created a 7-day Planet Saving Challenge, with the aim of signing up 10,000 people over the summer. We’re taking Plate up for the Planet to UK festivals and events, and are planning talks, workshops, kids’ events, competitions and more. Go to for further information.

Get involved • Share our campaign infographics and animation on social media • Encourage your friends and family to sign up to the 7 Day Challenge • For information about joining our new Campaigner Network, email

8  The Vegan | Issue 3 2017


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Dairy contrary? Soya avoider? Can’t stand the wheat? Relax. You’re in fabulous company.

Find us in selected: Go to for store locator


Vegan BBQ

Great ideas for a plant-based summer party

Grilled stuffed vine leaves Ingredients 150g quinoa 1 onion 2 cloves garlic 1 tomato ¼ bunch parsley 2 tbsp raisins 2 tbsp olive oil 2 tsp Ras-el-Hanout spice mixture 2 tsp salt 30 vine leaves in brine Extras 2 tbsp olive oil 1 lemon

Makes 30 Barbecuing time: 10 minutes Preparation time: 50 minutes

Everybody knows and loves the stuffed vine leaves from Turkish delicatessens. When made at home, filled with quinoa and grilled, they give a delicious new meaning to finger food. Take our word for it.

Directions Prepare the quinoa according to the instructions on the packet. Finely chop the onion, garlic, tomato and parsley, and coarsely chop the raisins. Put the olive oil in a hot frying pan and sweat the onion over a medium heat for 5 minutes. Add the garlic, tomato and raisins and cook for another 5 minutes. Season with the salt and spices and remove the pan from the heat. Stir in the parsley. Put 1–2 tablespoons of filling on each vine leaf. Fold the short sides over the filling first, and then roll up the leaves tightly. Brush the vine leaves with olive oil and cook over direct heat for 3–5 minutes on each side. Serve with slices of lemon.

Chef’s Tip: Ras-el-Hanout spice mixture usually includes cardamom, cumin, clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, ginger, chili, paprika and turmeric.

Issue 3 2017 | The Vegan 11


Plantain patties with smoked tofu Ingredients 2 yellow plantains (375g) 90g smoked tofu ½ spring onion 3 cloves garlic ½ habanero chilli 1 tsp curry powder 1½ tsp salt 6 tbsp rapeseed oil Extras 1 carrot Juice of 1 lime 2 tbsp olive oil ¼ tsp salt 1 head chicory 4 tbsp vegan yoghurt 4 tbsp chopped parsley

In all sincerity, plantains (cooking bananas) do not receive the attention they deserve. So, are you one of those people who steers clear of them? Then you are sure to change your mind with these plantain patties.

Directions Peel the plantains, cut them into large pieces and bring them to the boil in plenty of water. Cook for 5 minutes over a medium heat, then drain and leave to cool for 10 minutes. Finely dice the tofu. Finely chop the spring onion, garlic and chilli. Combine with the plantain, curry powder, salt and 4 tablespoons of oil in a food processor and finely purée. Wet your hands and shape the mixture into four patties. Brush the patties with the remaining olive oil and cook over direct heat for 4–5 minutes on each side. Grate the carrot and mix it with the lime juice, olive oil and salt. Fill the chicory leaves with the mixture and top with vegan yoghurt and parsley. Serve with the plantain patties.

Chef’s tip: Green plantains can be left to ripen at home. Pack them in a paper bag and put them somewhere warm until they are ripe. Makes 4 patties Barbecuing time: 8 minutes Preparation time: 25 minutes

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14  The Vegan | Issue 3 2017


Crispy potato skins with a guacamole filling Crispy barbecued finger food. These are perfect as hors d’oeuvres or as a starter.

Ingredients For the potatoes 6 medium potatoes 3 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp salt For the guacamole 1 red chilli pepper 1 avocado 4 tsp lime juice ½ tsp salt Extras 3 tbsp chopped coriander leaves 2 limes

Directions Boil the potatoes in their jackets and leave them to cool. Halve them, scoop out the middle and mash it, leaving 5mm over the skin. Set aside the mash. For the filling, finely chop the chilli. Crush the mash and the avocado with a fork and mix this with the remaining guacamole ingredients. Brush the potato skins with the olive oil and grill them on their cut side over a high heat for 3–4 minutes. Turn them over, fill them with the potato guacamole, and finish cooking for another 3 minutes with the lid closed. Top with chopped coriander and serve with lime wedges.

Makes 4 servings Barbecuing time: 11 minutes Preparation time: 20 minutes

Recipes from Vegan BBQ by Nadine Horn & Jörg Mayer, published by Grub Street

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A new farming future The first livestock farm to transition to vegan growing


ince our inception, The Vegan Society has been working to raise awareness about the negative impact of consuming animal products. And finally the conversation is starting to shift – in the past few years, there has been a huge uptake in people choosing vegan alternatives. The arguments evidently make too much sense to ignore! However, our current agricultural system does not support this shift. In fact, it works against it. In 2015 The Vegan Society launched Grow Green – our innovative and forward-looking campaign which seeks to tackle this problem. The campaign encourages the government to support farmers wishing to transition away from animal farming. At the moment, farmers producing meat and dairy receive subsidies – taxpayers’ money which supports their income. In order to create a more sustainable system, these need to instead be directed towards farmers growing plant protein crops for human consumption. We wrote the Grow Green report – a document outlining the issues and highlighting the devastating environmental impact of animal agriculture. We knew that there must be farmers out there who wanted to find a new, more sustainable way of life. We just needed to find them. We published our report, hoping that it would strike a chord. And it did.

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1 Beef farmer to plant-based pioneer It’s fair to say that Jay was an unlikely beef farmer. He is a vegetarian, and has been for 20 years. After inheriting the family farm from his father, this is the contradiction he has been living with. Jay made the decision to stop eating meat after working with cows on the family farm. He explains, “Cows are conscious of what goes on around them – they have personalities and an inner life. They’re not just units of food. Knowing them personally makes it more difficult to think about eating them.” Through interacting with the cows, Jay grew to realise that there was much more to these animals than we are led to believe. “I began to see that cows recognise each other, and they’ve got very good memories. They experience a range of emotions – they can be sad, happy, bored or excited. They do also have facial expressions. You can tell what a cow is thinking by looking at them. I’ve even seen cows cry.” But even though managing business on a beef farm was out of line with Jay’s personal ethics, he struggled to see a way out of the situation. This was until a chance conversation between Jay and Patrick Smith, the owner of Veggies Catering Campaign. Pat, The Vegan Society’s Local Contact for Nottingham, handed over a copy of the Grow Green report, which immediately sparked an interest.

First steps After Jay made a phone call to The Vegan Society, staff members organised an initial meeting at his farm. It became clear that Jay was serious about making a change – he couldn’t face sending cows to slaughter any more. So what would this mean for the cows currently living on his farm? Tom Kuehnel, Campaigns Officer for The Vegan Society, was tasked with finding a home for all 60 of the remaining cows, 30 of whom were pregnant. This was a big task. Cows require a lot of grassland to thrive on, and have a natural 18  The Vegan | Issue 3 2017

lifespan of over 20 years. Then there was the issue of transportation, which would be a big, expensive operation. “It seemed like an impossible task,” says Tom. “There are so many wonderful vegan sanctuaries around the UK, but I wasn’t hopeful about finding somewhere with the space and capacity to take on so many cows.

Hearing that these cows are going to live out their natural lifespans in a caring environment was a really special moment for us “But then I got in touch with Wendy from Hillside Animal Sanctuary in Norfolk, and she said that she was able to take all of them! It was a great moment at The Vegan Society office. Hearing that the cows are going to live out their natural lifespans in a caring environment was a really special moment for us. Hillside have also paid for the transportation of the cows, and we are incredibly grateful for their generosity.” Hillside Animal Sanctuary was established in 1995, and is home to over 800 animals. Wendy Valentine, founder of the sanctuary, says, “We were over the moon to be able to take these cows in, who otherwise would have had their lives cut short. Now we know they will live long, carefree lives until the end of their natural days. Also, as cows are extremely family orientated animals, it is lovely to see the calves being able to stay with their mums.” In June, the cows were moved to their new home at Hillside. Their story sparked the interest of the media, as the BBC’s Countryfile jumped at the opportunity to record this landmark occasion and broadcast the story to its seven million viewers.

Vegan Society staff plus Jay Wilde, his wife Katja, and a couple of the lucky cows 2 Iain Tolhurst showing what is possible through stockfree farming 1


A new farming future But this is only stage one. Jay and The Vegan Society have been working with Iain Tolhurst, horticultural advisor to the Vegan Organic Network and organic stockfree farming specialist. Together we are working to find a sustainable future for Jay’s farm, and to show the farming community that this kind of transition is more than possible – it is profitable.

We’re working to find a sustainable future for Jay’s farm, and to show that this kind of transition is more than possible – it is profitable

Stockfree farming means growing food without the use of any animal products, including fertilisers Iain says, “It is quite an innovative thing for farmers to be giving up livestock. This is the first farm of its type that we know of that’s converted from a livestock farm to a stockfree farm, so it does set a precedent. We’re very keen to make sure we get this right and set a new standard for the future. “Jay’s farm is not ideally placed for vegetable production in terms of the soil and the site. But there are a lot of options for the land, from polytunnels to tree planting to biofuel. It’s going to take a while to go from a beef grassland farm to any form of cropping – this kind of move doesn’t happen overnight. But this is a very positive step in the right direction.” Iain believes that we’re going to see more of this kind of transition in the future. “It’s almost inevitable, and there’s a variety of reasons for this. The first is commercial – there are a large number of small scale livestock farms in this country that don’t show any profit whatsoever – they’re running at a loss. There’s also increasingly an aging population of farmers, and it’s going up all the time. “And, of course, there’s the increasing awareness of vegetarianism and veganism, there’s a very positive move towards that kind of population. In essence there is probably going to be far less demand for meat in the future. This means there will be land spare, and that land may well go into cropping. “There’s a possibility of a whole new future of diversification in agriculture opening up … we’re talking generations here rather than a decade but we’re certainly moving in the right direction.”

2 Get involved Help support the Grow Green campaign and a more sustainable farming future: • If you are able, donate to Hillside Animal Sanctuary by visiting • Send our Grow Green report to your MP – visit • Speak to any local farmers you know who may be interested in transitioning   Issue 3 2017 | The Vegan 19

Buy Online

Buy Online New Books Expert Tips from Vegan Athletes by Leigh-Chantelle RRP £11.99 – our price £9.99 Many vegan athletes have found success in their fields by adopting a plant-based diet and a more compassionate way of living. Expert Tips from Vegan Athletes, Fitness Fanatics & Exercise Enthusiasts is a collection of interviews with inspiring vegans who are immersed in the fitness world. This book features Olympians, professional sportspeople, personal trainers, and those who simply live for working out and being fit. You will be introduced to over 100 vegans who share their fitness training, knowledge and advice, their favourite foods, and just what to say when someone asks where they get their protein from! Vegan Chocoholic by Phillip Hochuli RRP £19.99 – our price £12.99 A day without chocolate – unimaginable! This book includes chocolate classics as well as new creations like almond and chocolate panna cotta, chocolate sushi, chocolate yoghurt and chocolate foccacia with rosemary and sea salt. Comprising uncomplicated recipes for delicious desserts, cakes, cupcakes, brownies, cookies and cheesecakes, Vegan Chocoholic shows how chocolate can be used in a multitude of dishes. The recipes use tasty and inexpensive ingredients which can be found in almost any supermarket and are very easy to prepare. Children’s book pack – 2 for 1 on Dave Loves Chickens and Lena of Vegitopia (£9.99) Get both of our extremely popular children’s books for the price of one for a limited time only. Dave Loves Chickens is about a quirky monster from another planet who simply loves animals, and encourages others to appreciate them and not eat them. Lena of Vegitopia is a vegan-themed fairy tale about how one brave little girl stands up for the animal friends of her land and helps rescue them from being eaten. Both books are full of bright and bold colours and are perfect to introduce children to kindness and compassion towards animals.

20  The Vegan | Issue 3 2017

Offer Buy any of these books between 1 August and 31 October and receive 10% off by simply entering the code ISSUE3BOOKS2017 at checkout, or quote over the phone when placing an order. Please note that this offer only applies to purchases made through our online webshop at or through our telephone sales line – 0121 523 1731.


Events Vegan Connections Festival Friday 11 August – Saturday 12 August Various venues in Glasgow Bolton Vegan Fair Saturday 26 August, 10am – 6pm Victoria Halls, 37 Knowsley Street, Bolton, BL1 2AS Cheltenham Vegan Fair Saturday 26 August, 10am – 4pm Cheltenham Town Hall, Imperial Square, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 1QA Yorkshire Vegan Yoga Show Saturday 2 September, 11am – 5pm Leeds Town Hall, The Headrow, Leeds, LS1 3AD Sheffield Vegan Festival Sunday September 10, 10:30am – 4:30pm The Cutlers’ Hall, Sheffield, S1 1HG

Vegan Society

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Page 1


Hull Vegan Festival Saturday 23 September, 10am – 4pm Jubilee Central, Hull, HU1 3SQ


VON Vegan Abundance Festival Saturday 7 October, 11am – 5pm Hulme Community Garden Centre, Manchester, M15 5RG

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Brighton Viva! Vegan Festival Saturday 7 October – Sunday 8 October, 11am – 5pm Hilton Brighton Metropole, Kings Road, Brighton, BN1 2FU Irish Vegan Festival Saturday 14 October, 10:30am – 5:00pm New Waterfront Hall, Belfast, BT1 3WH West Midlands Vegan Festival Saturday 28 October – Sunday 29 October, 10am – 6pm Wolves Civic Hall, Wolverhampton, WV1 1RD

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Issue 3 2017 | The Vegan 21


Challenging stereotypes Meet Anthony Mullally – pro rugby player, and 18 stone of vegan muscle. Here Dominika Piasecka interviews him about his decision to embrace a plant-based lifestyle. How long have you been vegan and why did you make that decision? I’ve been vegan for four months now. Prior to that, I was vegetarian for two and a half years – it was a gradual transition for me. I started to feel a bit hypocritical as a vegetarian and wanted to look properly into the dairy and egg industries. I just thought, “I can’t keep eating it”, but I didn’t want my new lifestyle to impact my sports performance. I wasn’t that well informed at the time, so I couldn’t make the decision straight away. But the more I looked into it, the more I found out it wouldn’t inhibit me in any way. Originally I went vegetarian because of health reasons, but I went vegan because of ethical and environmental reasons. Has going vegan helped your performance? Now I feel like I’ve got a lot more energy. All the lads at the training live off coffee, but I don’t need it. I’m stronger than I’ve ever been, and my playing ability is good. You’re clearly showing people that the stereotype about veganism not being masculine is very inaccurate! It’s a common misconception – it’s just what people are told growing up, but it isn’t until you actually look into it yourself and look outside the bubble that you start to think differently. What has been the reaction from your fellow rugby players? It’s an ongoing reaction. You get the jokes obviously – say we’re out for food and there’s a plant on the table, they’ll say it’s my dinner. That’s what you get in a rugby environment! But when I speak to them one-on-one about it and I explain it to them, they all seem to get it. When they’re in a group they like to pretend they never asked me about it.

22  The Vegan | Issue 3 2017

I’m taking the lads to a vegan festival soon. Three other players are coming with me so we’ll see how they like it. What do you eat while you’re training? Because of what I do I need to eat a lot. I’m 6’5’’ and 115kg! I don’t have any problems at all – I just prep my food ahead of time and take it with me. Things like beans, grains, nuts and fruit. Dairy-free yoghurt with a pack of blueberries is a good preworkout snack. Do you have any advice for rugby enthusiasts who are interested in veganism? I actually get quite a few people messaging me on Instagram (@mullally91), thinking about going vegan. I normally tell them about the myth that you need to eat meat to get protein is untrue, because that’s not the only source. There are tons of other sources, you just need a bit of research. You need to plan properly, because going vegan is not something you can do halfheartedly, especially if you’re in the sports industry and trying to maintain your weight. It’s not as expensive as people think, and it’s so worth it.

The Menstrual Cup More than 300,000 women have already chosen worry-free periods by switching to OrganiCup. It’s simply emptied in the morning and evening providing you with up to 12 hours of leak-free freedom. It’s made purely of medical-grade silicone. That means it’s free from bleach, glue, perfume or anything that messes with your body’s natural environment.

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Active Vegans Alex Douglas, Volunteering & Engagement Manager Summer is one of our busiest times of year in terms of events and outreach. Everyone is keen to get active and there is more and more outreach happening every year. We’ve been to some great events over the past few weeks, where we have spoken with many excited and enthusiastic new vegans, as well as helping people transition with our 30 Day Vegan Pledge. What do you have planned for this summer? Let’s get active together! Email

The Vegan Approach Chrissy Leyland, Elizabeth King and Rob Masterson make up a group called the Vegan Approach. They travel to countless different vegan festivals and fairs across the country and deliver talks to help people transition to veganism. They help us hugely by signing people up to take the 30 Day Vegan Pledge, making it easy for us to help people through their vegan journey. The talks they give range from ‘standing room only’ at the recent bigger Portsmouth Vegan Festival, to smaller numbers at local events such as the Lincoln Vegan Festival. Whatever the numbers, they are helping people make the transition to veganism by showing how easy it can be, and we’re so grateful for their support.

Volunteer-run stalls Our long-standing events volunteer, Ann, has run several Vegan Society stalls over the last few months, including one at the Northern Vegan Festival. Ann says, “The show was fabulous! There were hundreds of people all through the day. It’s so good to know that we all came together with compassion and care.” Our brilliant events volunteer, Ginny, ran a Vegan Society stall for us at the Wiltshire Vegan Fair in May. The festival was a huge success, 24  The Vegan | Issue 3 2017

featuring plenty of wonderful caterers and great demonstrations, including a live cheese-making workshop. Pat Reeves, vegan world record holder and powerlifter, provided a talk on the health benefits of veganism. Ginny says, “It really was a great event and I’m so happy to have been able to represent The Vegan Society and provide support and information. It was great to be able to demonstrate to people at the fair how wonderful The Vegan Society is and how it can help them on their vegan journeys.”

Manchester Animal Action Every Saturday we run an Earthlings Experience event, where we take our laptops out onto the street and show footage of the cruelty in animal farming. The vast majority of people are shocked by what they see. On Sunday we do event called Awakening Compassion, where we hold a stall with a variety of vegan food and information, including Vegan Society leaflets. Our aim is to show people that veganism is an absolutely normal lifestyle where people can eat lots of different healthy food without paying for cruelty done to animals. We usually get a lot of attention and many people come to taste food and talk to us. Sometimes the place is so busy and overcrowded that we don’t have enough members to talk to everybody. Some of our members also attend peaceful protests organised by Manchester Pig Save and Manchester Chicken Save. Overall we usually receive a great response from the public. People have come to see us to say we inspired them to go vegan, and sometimes people find us on Facebook to thank us for making them aware. Lukas Buricin Find your Local Contact or get involved with your local group by visiting: resources/local-and-group-contacts To order leaflets from us, email


1 Proveg has launched in four countries 2 Inspiring activism from Manchester Animal Action 3 Visitors to the Wiltshire Vegan Fair were spoilt for choice 4 Rob Masterson delivering a successful workshop





ProVeg ProVeg is a new international pro-vegan food awareness organisation. We’ve launched initially in four countries – the UK, Germany, Poland and Spain – with more to follow next year. Our mission is to reduce global animal consumption by 50% by 2040. We campaign primarily to influence food choices. In the UK we focus on institutional change, persuading the food service industry to replace animal products with plant-based versions. Our first activity was a two-day effective vegan advocacy workshop with two of our founders: Dr Melanie Joy and Tobias Leenaert, with 70 activists learning how to communicate more effectively and think more strategically about their outreach. We focus on effectiveness, being pragmatic to have the most impact for animals. We see veganism as the goal, and encourage all steps to plant-based living. Rather than making a few people vegan, we want many people to be more vegan. Our flagship campaign is coming soon. Like us on Facebook to find out more!

Three simple ways to campaign for the animals: 1 Organise a vegan event in your school or within your community. Contact campaigning groups and ask for resources such as leaflets. Bake vegan cakes and sell them to raise money for a group of your choice, and ask a guest to come and speak. 2 Have a discussion with your friends and family. The worst place to do this is around the dinner table – but if an opportunity comes up within a conversation, take it. For example, “I love those boots! Where are they from?” “Thank you! I got them from Vegetarian Shoes. They’re cruelty free and fashionable!” 3 Talk to your local MP about what they can do to help better the lives of animals in your area, and create colourful informative flyers to post around your town. Don’t forget, you are never too young to help campaign for the animals. For more advice visit and follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Issue 3 2017 | The Vegan 25

Volunteer of the season

Meet Laura Ranson, one of our much-appreciated office volunteers. Tell me about your experience going vegan I went vegan just over a year ago, after being pescatarian for a long time and briefly vegetarian. After switching to vegetarian, going vegan seemed the next logical step. Laura and the lovely Opal

What is your favourite thing about being vegan? I love trying new things and being vegan has introduced me to a lot of new food and combinations that I probably wouldn’t have come across before. It makes you cook more and look for new interesting ideas. My favourite meal to make at home is definitely fajitas with tofu, guacamole and sweetcorn. Have you encouraged any of your friends or family to go vegan too? I’m slowly working on my family and they are starting to consider the benefits. My fiancé happily eats what I cook and enjoys it. Several of my friends are already vegan, which is what encouraged me to take the leap, and we are thoroughly recommending it to those who aren’t too. I think seeing it in practice makes being vegan a lot more relatable. How did you get involved with The Vegan Society? When looking for organisations involved in animal welfare, The Vegan Society came up as one of the

26  The Vegan | Issue 3 2017

leading voices encouraging people to really think about farming and animals differently. For quite some time I had been looking at doing some volunteering on the side of my job, as I’m passionate about helping animals and want to help spread the word about how we are treating them. After learning about some of the campaigns that The Vegan Society is working on I decided I would really like to get involved. What kind of tasks have you helped with? I’ve had a very varied time, from putting together promotional material and organising goodie bags to researching aspects of nutrition. I’ve mostly been involved with the campaigns team, which is my favourite. We have been looking at how we can inform the public and encourage them to change their opinions on food. This, as well as also targeting food, health and medical professionals, is what I really enjoy. I have learned loads of new skills, including researching databases, and researching and categorising scientific papers. Also, I’ve learned more about marketing and how to communicate with the public, influential individuals and Members of Parliament. I’m also pretty proficient at laminating now. Has volunteering for The Vegan Society given you any career-relevant experience? Definitely! It’s so different to my professional job that I’ve learned new skills which are of value in themselves. If I wanted to move into an animal rights campaigning role in the future, the skills and experience that I’ve gained here would be invaluable to making that career change.


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Issue 2 2017 | The Vegan 27




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28  The Vegan | Issue 2 2017

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Vegan tips for strong bones


ecently the media took an interest in the number of young adults limiting or avoiding milk products during their final years of bone development. As usual, the coverage included plenty of nutritional misinformation, and The Vegan Society seized the opportunity to set the record straight regarding vegan diets and bone health. Let’s take a closer look at how vegans can take care of their bones. Are you getting enough calcium? When you’re looking for the best vegan sources of calcium, you need to take into account the amount of calcium per serving of food, and how easy it is for your body to absorb. Fortified alternatives to milk and yoghurt and calcium-set tofu are really rich sources because they contain lots of calcium and it’s easily absorbed. For example, 400ml of fortified plant milk provides about two thirds of your daily calcium requirement, and 100g of uncooked calcium-set tofu contains about half. The calcium in kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, pak choi, cauliflower and watercress is also absorbed well, but the amounts of calcium per serving are lower. Some groups require particularly high intakes of calcium. 11-18 year olds have to build their skeletons rapidly, so it’s important for them to eat very rich sources of calcium throughout the day. Amazingly, breastfeeding mothers require nearly 80% more calcium than the standard intake recommended for adults. It’s not all about calcium In reality, focusing solely on getting enough calcium is not going to keep your bones healthy. The best combination is a well-planned diet, active lifestyle and healthy weight. Vitamin D If the level of vitamin D in your blood is low, your body is going to struggle to absorb calcium from your diet. In the UK, the general recommendation for adults is to take a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D during autumn and winter as a minimum, and year-round supplementation is advised for certain groups. Vegans can get their vitamin D from animal-free sources – vitamin D3 made from lichen and vitamin D2.

Vitamin K This nutrient is also needed for bone health. Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, broccoli, spinach and kiwi fruit are good sources of vitamin K – it’s a great reason to eat your greens! Activity Regular weight-bearing activity is important. For people under 19 years old, activities that involve using body weight or working against a resistance are recommended. Some examples include swinging on playground equipment, hopping, skipping, gymnastics and tennis. These activities strengthen developing muscles and bones. Body mass index (BMI) Generally, you’re more likely to break a bone if your BMI is low. The NHS Choices website provides a handy BMI calculator, which can help you to work out if your weight is healthy for your height. Take-away tips • Make sure that you’re eating a balanced diet containing adequate calcium and vitamins D and K • Participate in regular weight-bearing activity • Maintain a healthy BMI Please check out the new nutrition resources at for more information, and remember that members can use their online accounts to submit nutrition questions in Dietitian Corner. Heather Russell Dietitian   Issue 3 2017 | The Vegan 29



Shop with confidence for products registered with our trusted Vegan Trademark

The Raw Chocolate Company Looking to satisfy your sweet tooth without refined sugar? Tuck into better-for-you treats from The Raw Chocolate Company, including their latest flavour innovation – the Salted Vanoffee Hazelnut Bar. For snacking, try the organic raw chocolate coated almonds, which have a hint of caramel flavour and a dusting of cacao for true indulgence. Find these treats in independent health stores or see the full range online at

MuLondon Skincare What if we told you that you could moisturise your skin with organic, natural ingredients AND smell delicious, too? Forget those chemicalladen, heavily-perfumed products that irritate skin – MuLondon have re-launched their award-winning skincare range and we are loving it! The range features their signature White Chocolate Truffle Moisturiser, which leaves a gentle vanilla and shea butter aroma to keep you feeling sweet throughout the day. Buy online at

Squirrel Sisters Bars Featuring natural ingredients and beautiful packaging, Squirrel Sisters Bars are a great on-the-go option. Choose from Cacao Brownie, Raspberry Ripple and Coconut Cashew. We love to enjoy ours as a mid-morning treat, or for an extra boost after a workout class. Containing high quality natural ingredients, they are also raw, glutenfree and paleo diet friendly – an ideal healthy yet indulgent snack. Treat yourself and find your nearest stockists at

Katjes Magical Mix and Make After launching the first ground-breaking 3D printer for sweets, candy wizards at Katjes Magic Candy Factory have now revealed their Magical Mix and Make sweet selection. A number of choices are suitable for vegans, clearly labelled on the website, with additional search options for products free from GMOs as well as allergens such as gluten and nuts. All the products are made from natural ingredients and are halal/kosher friendly. Visit magicandyfactory/mix-and-make.

30  The Vegan | Issue 3 2017


Freaks of Nature Puddings Freakishly delicious and indulgent, Freaks of Nature have launched their puddings into UK supermarkets. Choose from Mango Fandango – a creamy vanilla posset with fresh passionfruit and mango coulis sprinkled with pistachios, Zingy Thingy – a smooth lemon posset layered onto a rich raspberry coulis, or Cocoa Loco – a silky smooth double chocolate ganache topped with caramelised hazelnut clusters. Pick them up at your local Tesco, Waitrose, Planet Organic or online at Ocado. Visit

Daniel Galvin Jr Organic Head™ If you’re dreading your next visit to the salon, unsure whether they use vegan shampoos, put your mind at ease and take the new range from Daniel Galvin Jr. Developed by a celebrity colourist and organic hair-care specialist, Organic Head™ is a collection of salon professional care and styling products made from organic and botanical extracts. Starting at just £6 a bottle, they won’t break the bank either. Available from Ocado. Visit

Artefact Supplement A modern supplement for modern times, Artefact’s concept is designed to suit our busy lifestyles. It isn’t just for vitamin deficiencies either – Artefact is a bespoke adaptogen-based product, formulated as a stabilising, strengthening and combative complement to 21st century stresses. Made in the UK, it contains a unique blend of maca, goji, vitamin B12 and vitamin D2. Purchase online from Amazon or

Dulj Skincare Dulj Skincare believe in excessive kindness for the skin, and their gentle, nourishing ranges are a perfect demonstration of this. The range has three luxurious oils: Face Oil with anti-inflammatory essential and botanical oils, Cleansing Oil to melt away makeup and Body Oil with a touch of Tuberose and Vanilla to hydrate and nourish your skin. With minimum unnecessary packaging, they are ecofriendly too. Visit

Issue 3 2017 | The Vegan 31





Live and Let Live Reviewed by Niki Trenbath

What the Health Reviewed by Heather Russell, Dietitian

Live and Let Live’s website describes the film as “a feature documentary examining our relationship with animals, the history of veganism and the ethical, environmental and health reasons that move people to go vegan.” From this concise (yet somehow stodgy) summary, I had half expected to spend the next 80 minutes trying to concentrate through a barrage of facts and figures, dowdy historical accounts and perhaps even a powerpoint slideshow. Thankfully, I was pleasantly surprised. Not only does filmmaker Marc Pierschel manage to effortlessly deliver extensive information from the promised range of topics, but he does so with ease and charm. One moment you may be listening with awe to the brave antics of open rescue activists, and the next be seamlessly transported to an adorable ‘retirement home for cows’. The diverse and relatable experiences of interviewees are punctuated with perspectives from experts in philosophy, nutrition and ecology. With such a spectrum of information, I would be willing to bet that even the hardiest of carnivores would come across a fact or an anecdote that appealed to their own personal interests. The documentary favours compassion over culpability, reminding us of the saying that inspired its title. In order to have our cause and experiences respected by those we are hoping to reach, we must extend tolerance and understanding. For more information on the content of the film, along with helpful guides and digital kits to host your own screening, go to

What the Health is the latest feature-length documentary from the makers of Cowspiracy, this time focusing on the nutritional benefits of a vegan diet. You’ve always got to take documentaries like this with a pinch of salt (or perhaps something healthier!), but it certainly provided food for thought. It’s always great to see lifestyle changes making a big difference to people’s wellbeing, and What the Health presents powerful case studies. There are American clinicians using totally plant-based diets to help clients manage long-term health conditions, and some of the results are dramatic. It’s amazing to think that some people with advanced heart disease have been able to reverse it after changing what they eat. Food safety crops up, and it got me thinking. Now that I don’t eat meat, fish and eggs, I have eliminated these potential sources of Salmonella, Campylobacter, Listeria, E.coli and parasites from my kitchen. I also know that I’m not supporting a system that uses antibiotics to prevent illness in farmed animals. There are concerns that this practice is accelerating antibiotic resistance. Imagine a world where we can’t treat infections – a scary thought! The documentary touched on the global issue of the conflict between profits and health. It reinforced the fact that companies seeking profits may not have our best interests at heart. More research around vegan nutrition is required, but we can all share the message that totally plant-based diets support excellent health.

32  The Vegan | Issue 3 2017

1 Live and Let Live – available on Netflix 2 Described as ‘the health film that the health organisations don’t want you to see’ 3 A must-read for any young activists 4 A colourful, accessible vegan howto book




Millennial Vegan by Casey T Taft Reviewed by Mia Petryszyn

The Vegan Way by Jackie Day Reviewed by Laura Ranson

This book was written to assist young vegans with the ups and downs of everyday life. It is targeted at 15-34 year olds and even though some of the language is a little advanced, it is very easy to understand and gives you straightforward, detailed answers and advice. It is beneficial for both established vegans and also those who are thinking about making the change. As a vegan teenager, I find this book to be very effective as it gives so much advice. Topics include how to live on a vegan diet to how to talk and discuss your views and best get them across. Each chapter of the book starts with a powerful quote or paragraph helping you see what the next pages will be about. The book can also help with relationship issues, and offers advice about to how to talk to close friends or family about the journey you are going through when embracing a vegan lifestyle. I love how packed it is with facts and practical information that can be used in any situation. It is all clearly laid out and easy to understand and you feel like you can connect to a lot of the resources that are included. Overall, this book is a valuable guide for dealing with a lot of situations that young vegans face like difficult emotions, opposition and mental wellbeing. It offers really good sources for extra information. I would definitely recommend this book to all young vegans out there!

A vegan how-to book, The Vegan Way encompasses everything you might need to make going vegan a success, including inspiration, tips, checklists and recipes. It begins with a detailed introduction into the author’s thought process and reasons for choosing to be vegan, which makes for relatable and thought-provoking reading. It touches on how being vegan can affect every part of your life, from community to solitude, exercise to sleep. It’s reassuringly based on facts and uses case studies and statistics as well as detailed text to emphasise the science of food, as well as the environmental and animal welfare issues faced globally. The Vegan Way is helpful without being patronising, covering questions that new vegans may have, interspersed with unusual recipes and ingredients for the established vegan – rather than a simple ‘swap this for this’ approach. It includes shocking reading – such as the ingredients list of a KFC meal, which would dissuade anyone from consuming it! However, it does seem to be written with a US-based reader in mind as many of the restaurants listed are based in the US. The book doesn’t just include beautiful images of food or animals, but is actually quite textheavy. This could be a possible downside, as the font is quite small. However, the layout makes for easy reading. For those wanting to learn about every aspect of a vegan life and not afraid of getting stuck into some detailed reading, I would thoroughly recommend it.   Issue 3 2017 | The Vegan 33

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Your views Saying goodbye

Recipe flyer success

At The Vegan Society we were sorry to hear of the loss of Blake Daphne Laura Cecilia, who passed away recently. Blake joined us as a member in 1971 and supported us for 45 years, contributing hugely to our work. She will be very much missed by her loving family, and everyone who knew her.

I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed making and eating this Raspberry Chocolate Cake. It was so light and was as good two days later as on the day it was made. I have been vegan for over ten years and it really is the best choc cake recipe I have used so far. I changed it a little to fit my ingredients, but my cake was just fantastic! I topped it with fresh raspberries – divine! Another one is in the oven as I write this. Thank you! Josephine Austin Our recipe flyers are perfect for vegan outreach and introducing new people to the delights of plant-based cooking. If you would like to distribute some, please email

Raspberry Chocolate Cake

We are grateful for Blake’s decades of support

Vegan pizza goes mainstream I would like to let members know about The Stable group of restaurants. There are fourteen branches throughout the country and we ate at the one in Falmouth. We were pleased to find four vegan pizzas on the separate vegan menu. Plus, staff can swap the dairy cheese in any of their vegetarian dishes to vegan cheese (they use Violife), or customise one to your wishes. And they can make a gluten-free base with notice. The pizzas were thin crust and very tasty. We also had the garlic bread as a starter, as that was listed as vegan. We finished with a chocolate brownie. Tracy Lean, Oxfordshire

Have your say! Write Donald Watson House, 21 Hylton Street, Birmingham, B18 6HJ Email Facebook /TheVeganSociety Twitter @TheVeganSociety Comments may be edited for publication. tvs_recipe_card_eng_newbrandingf.indd 1

05/12/2014 14:05

Issue 3 2017 | The Vegan 35


Membership month Win a vegan hamper! 2017 has seen a dramatic rise in Vegan Society membership. This has enabled us to be more active and engage more people than ever before. Without your support, this would not be possible. World Vegan Month will be here before you know it, and we want you to help us further by asking a friend, colleague or family member to join The Vegan Society. If you refer someone, you and your referred person have a chance of both winning an amazing vegan hamper containing products registered with the Vegan Trademark. All you have to do is ask them to sign up as a member at When asked, “Where did you hear about membership?” select ‘word of mouth’ and ask them to enter your membership number. This is located on the back

of your membership card. The winner will be announced on 1 November – World Vegan Day.

Your account Your account gives you access to all your membership rewards including Dietitian Corner, discounts, podcast extras and much more. Have you signed into your account yet? If not, you will need to register at user/register. If you don’t have an email address on record with us, or if you encounter any other issue with your account, then please email Thank you for your continued support

AGM update The 2017 AGM was held in Bristol on 20 May, coinciding with Bristol Vegfest. Almost 600 people voted by proxy ahead of the AGM and 21 people attended the AGM in person. Our thanks to all who voted this year and to those

who participated in the consultation of members which helped shape the proposals to the AGM. The discussion at the AGM was constructive and helpful. All proposals were passed with more than ten times as many votes for as against.






1 That Slade & Cooper be reappointed as the society’s auditors






2 That the auditors’ fee be fixed by council






3 To appoint Menna Jones as a director and trustee of The Vegan Society






4 Review employment of non-vegans






5 All council members to be committed to a vegan lifestyle






6 Allow a response by a proposer to the initial counterargument






7 Reserve two places on council for cooption with any co-option to require a 75% majority of all council






8 Allow council to remove a trustee by a 75% majority of all council subject to an appeal to an Appeals Committee






36  The Vegan | Issue 3 2017

Unique grant scheme improves lives of older vegans Vegetarian for Life (VfL) is renowned for its work with the care sector and the information and resources it provides to individuals. But the charity’s grant scheme is also making a big difference to people’s lives. The charity has two charitable funds, the Vegan Fund and the Vegetarian Fund, that were launched in 2010. The first grant dramatically changed the life of a vegetarian woman. The grant was for a stairlift, and enabled her to move out of care, back to her own home and resume living independently. Since then, grants have been awarded to help meet a wide range of needs, including mobility scooters, assistance with relocation, a replacement cooker, and fitting a downstairs shower room. A recent grant was to Isobel S., a 70-year-old vegetarian woman living in Llanrhaeadr. Isobel initially contacted Care and Repair because she needed funds to repair the roof of her house. The roof was leaking and making her home damp and cold. Care and Repair and VfL have since worked together to achieve a successful result for Isobel. Says Isobel: “‘The contractors have now

completed the repair to the front and back of my roof. They have done a lovely job – it is wonderful that this work has been done and I do not have to worry about the roof leaking any longer. The work has also made my home a lot warmer, which is an added bonus. I am really grateful for the help that I have received from VfL”. We were also pleased to help Peter D. – a 59-year-old vegan from Norfolk who suffered from osteoarthritis in his knees as well as arthritis in his hands. Food shopping was a daily struggle for him, and he contacted VfL. We were able to help with a grant for a mobility scooter

Full details of the grant scheme and information about how to apply can be found at resources/grants or by calling the charity on 0161 257 0887

and a shopping trolley. Financial support, even if it is for a small project or purchase, can take the stress and worry out of many people’s lives. We know that we are making a real difference through the grant schemes when we hear wonderful stories like those of Isobel and Peter. Our grants are a powerful way of supporting and empowering older vegetarians and vegans to live as fully and independently as they choose.

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