Vegan Food to Look Out for in 2019

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Vegan foods to watch out for in 2019

Oat Milk There are various options for vegan milk like almond and soy milk, but smooth creamy oat milk will take on in 2019. It was a hit in 2018 and it w ill continue to be in 2019. Oats have many healing properties and are best known for their high p rotein and fiber content and cholesterol reducing abilities. Oats can enha nce the immune system, prevent cardiovascular diseases, maintain healt hy cholesterol and blood sugar levels, provide strength and energy from natural plant proteins and sugars, and improve the health of your skin an d hair. The average cup of oat milk available for purchase will contain about 4 g of protein, 130 calories, 2.5 g fat, 110 g sodium, 19 g sugar, 2 g fiber, an d 24 grams of carbohydrates. Oat milk is also completely void of choleste rol and saturated fats. Oat milk is the easiest milk substitute to make in your own kitchen, as well as one of the cheapest.

Green (Pea) Protein The humble pea packs a protein punch, and in 2019, we think more br ands will be exploiting this little green machine for all it’s worth. Green peas are an excellent source of fiber and protein which help re gulate the pace of digestion and help keep blood sugar levels steady. In addition, they can help us regulate our fasting insulin levels. Peas are als o a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidant-rich nutrients, b oth of which help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Vegan Meat There are various vegan meat option available for meat lovers who rece ntly switched to veganism. Tempeh is a food made from fermented soybeans that have been pres sed into a compact cake. Like other fermented foods, tempeh is rich in p robiotics, which are a type of beneficial bacteria found in your digestive tract. Not only is it the largest tree fruit in the world, weighing in at up to 10 0 pounds, but jackfruit is also jam-packed with powerful health benefit s. It’s especially high in antioxidant-rich vitamin C and regularity-promo ting fiber. The nutrients found in jackfruit may help enhance immunity, s upport digestion and improve heart health as well. Lentils are a type of edible pulse that are loaded with fiber and an ass ortment of important micronutrients, such as folate, manganese and iro n. A serving or two of lentils per day can help manage blood sugar level s, prevent constipation and keep your weight under control.

Mushrooms Revered for their medicinal properties for thousands of years, mushroo ms make a super nutritious addition to any diet, vegetarian or not. They’r e low in calories but contain a good chunk of several important nutrients. Even more impressive is that mushrooms have been shown to have both antioxidant and antimicrobial properties in some test-tube studies. Mushrooms are one of the best meat substitutes for vegetarians becau se they tend to have a rich and meaty flavor that works well in veggie-bas ed dishes. Try adding mushrooms to burgers, stews, casseroles and pasta dishes to bump up the nutritional value of your meal and provide a conce ntrated dose of flavor to every bite.

Vegan Cheese ďƒźVegan cheeses are 100 percent animal-free and made using vegetable p roteins. Usually they're made from soy; nuts, such as cashews and macad amias; and vegetable oils, such as coconut oil. You can also find cheeses t hat derive from agar, tapioca, peas and arrowroot. ďƒźThe ingredient list on some vegan cheeses may raise the eyebrows of th ose trying their best to eat clean and minimally processed foods. Many co ntain added starches and thickeners such as carrageenan and xanthan gu m.

Thank You To get more details about vegan life and to buy vegan food prod ucts visit our site: Contact us: 1300 202 955 Email id: We ship our products Australia wide. Do contact us if you want t o place an order.

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