Las Vegas Valley Market Report - 2021Q3

Page 1

The Corcoran Report 3 Q | 2 0 21 | L A S V EG A S VA L L E Y Don Kuhl


3 Q 2 021 | L A S V EG A S VA L L E Y

Overview Total Sold

Highest Sale

0 . 4% Y E A R OV E R Y E A R

8 .9 % Y E A R OV E R Y E A R



Total properties sold for Las Vegas Valley changed 0.4% year-over-year to 11,221.

The highest sale price in Las Vegas Valley changed 8.9% year-over-year to $12.3M.

Days on Market

Lowest Sale



- 5 5 . 0 % Y E A R OV E R Y E A R

12 3 . 0 % Y E A R OV E R Y E A R

Average days on market for Las Vegas Valley changed -55.0% to 18 days.

The lowest sale price in Las Vegas Valley changed 123.0% year-over-year to $68K.

Median Price

Average Price



Median price in Las Vegas Valley changed 42.2% year-over-year to $445K.

Average price in Las Vegas Valley changed 3.2% year-over-year to $380K.

4 2 . 2 % Y E A R OV E R Y E A R

3 . 2 % Y E A R OV E R Y E A R


3 Q 2 021 | N O R TH W E S T

Overview Total Sold

Highest Sale

-7. 2 % Y E A R OV E R Y E A R

31. 2 % Y E A R OV E R Y E A R



Total properties sold for Northwest changed -7.2% year-over-year to 2,339.

The highest sale price in Northwest changed 31.2% year-over-year to $4.4M.

Days on Market

Lowest Sale



- 5 2 . 6% Y E A R OV E R Y E A R

3 6 . 4% Y E A R OV E R Y E A R

Average days on market for Northwest changed -52.6% to 18 days.

The lowest sale price in Northwest changed 36.4% year-over-year to $75K.

Median Price

Average Price



Median price in Northwest changed 24.6% year-over-year to $380K.

Average price in Northwest changed 23.6% year-over-year to $458K.

24 . 6% Y E A R OV E R Y E A R

2 3 . 6% Y E A R OV E R Y E A R

3 Q 2 021 | TO U R N A M ENT HIL L S | L A S V EG A S

Tournament Hills • Tournament Hills sales changed by -33.3% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by 9.8% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed 50.8% year-over-year. • Average days on market for Tournament Hills changed 180.8% to 73 days. • Tournament Hills average price changed 25.2% year-over-year, and the median price changed 27.5% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




- 33. 3% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

25. 2 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

9.8% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




18 0.8% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

27. 5% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

50.8% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 Q 2 021 | E AGL E HIL L S | L A S V EG A S

Eagle Hills • Eagle Hills sales changed by 200.0% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by 78.1% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed -22.2% year-over-year. • Average days on market for Eagle Hills changed 195.5% to 130 days. • Eagle Hills average price changed 18.1% year-over-year, and the median price changed -1.6% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




20 0.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

18.1% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

78.1% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




195. 5% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

-1.6% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

-22 . 2 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 Q 2 021 | C A N YO N FA IR WAYS | L A S V EG A S

Canyon Fairways • Canyon Fairways sales changed by 33.3% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by 64.5% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed 66.7% year-over-year. • Average days on market for Canyon Fairways changed -53.7% to 25 days. • Canyon Fairways average price changed 79.2% year-over-year, and the median price changed 100.9% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




33. 3% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

79. 2 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

6 4. 5% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




- 53.7% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

10 0.9 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

6 6.7% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 Q 2 021 | B EL L ACER E | L A S V EG A S

Bellacere • Bellacere sales changed by 0.0% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by -50.0% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed -50.0% year-over-year. • Average days on market for Bellacere changed -85.4% to 18 days. • Bellacere average price changed -50.0% year-over-year, and the median price changed -50.0% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




0.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

- 50.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

- 50.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




- 8 5.4% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

- 50.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

- 50.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 Q 2 021 | M O U NTA IN TR A IL S | L A S V EG A S

Mountain Trails • Mountain Trails sales changed by -80.0% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by 20.0% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed 153.4% year-over-year. • Average days on market for Mountain Trails changed -49.4% to 79 days. • Mountain Trails average price changed 56.5% year-over-year, and the median price changed 51.6% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




- 8 0.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

56. 5% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

20.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




- 49.4% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

51.6% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

153.4% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 Q 2 021 | PA L I SA DE S | L A S V EG A S

Palisades • Palisades sales changed by -100.0% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by -100.0% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed -100.0% year-over-year. • Average days on market for Palisades changed -100.0% to 0 days. • Palisades average price changed -100.0% year-over-year, and the median price changed -100.0% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




-10 0.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

-10 0.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

-10 0.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




-10 0.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

-10 0.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

-10 0.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 Q 2 021 | THE V INE YA R DS | L A S V EG A S

The Vineyards • The Vineyards sales changed by -33.3% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by 52.4% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed 20.5% year-over-year. • Average days on market for The Vineyards changed -93.0% to 12 days. • The Vineyards average price changed 36.6% year-over-year, and the median price changed 35.5% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




- 33. 3% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 6.6% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

52 .4% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




-93.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 5. 5% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

20. 5% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 Q 2 021 | CO U NTRY CLU B HIL L S | L A S V EG A S

Country Club Hills • Country Club Hills sales changed by -20.0% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by 20.1% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed 29.2% year-over-year. • Average days on market for Country Club Hills changed -80.1% to 28 days. • Country Club Hills average price changed 35.0% year-over-year, and the median price changed 41.3% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




-20.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 5.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

20.1% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




- 8 0.1% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

41. 3% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

2 9. 2 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 Q 2 021 | Q U EENSR I D GE | L A S V EG A S

Queensridge • Queensridge sales changed by -20.0% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by 20.1% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed 29.2% year-over-year. • Average days on market for Queensridge changed -80.1% to 28 days. • Queensridge average price changed 35.0% year-over-year, and the median price changed 41.3% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




-20.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 5.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

20.1% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




- 8 0.1% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

41. 3% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

2 9. 2 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR



3 Q 2 021 | SO U TH W E S T

Overview Total Sold

Highest Sale

- 3 .1% Y E A R OV E R Y E A R

- 2 6 .1% Y E A R OV E R Y E A R



Total properties sold for Southwest changed -3.1% year-over-year to 2,144.

The highest sale price in Southwest changed -26.1% year-over-year to $7.5M.

Days on Market

Lowest Sale



- 5 6 .1% Y E A R OV E R Y E A R

2 9. 0 % Y E A R OV E R Y E A R

Average days on market for Southwest changed -56.1% to 18 days.

The lowest sale price in Southwest changed 29.0% year-over-year to $200K.

Median Price

Average Price



Median price in Southwest changed 22.6% year-over-year to $445K.

Average price in Southwest changed 22.9% year-over-year to $567K.

2 2 . 6% Y E A R OV E R Y E A R

2 2 .9 % Y E A R OV E R Y E A R

3 Q 2 021 | THE R I D GE S | L A S V EG A S

The Ridges • The Ridges sales changed by 0.0% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by -26.1% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed 57.8% year-over-year. • Average days on market for The Ridges changed -42.2% to 48 days. • The Ridges average price changed 24.8% year-over-year, and the median price changed 6.8% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




0.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

24.8% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

-26.1% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




- 42 . 2 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

6.8% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

57.8% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 Q 2 021 | R E D RO CK CO U NTRY CLU B | L A S V EG A S

Red Rock Country Club • Red Rock Country Club sales changed by -11.5% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by -2.3% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed 26.7% year-over-year. • Average days on market for Red Rock Country Club changed -76.6% to 18 days. • Red Rock Country Club average price changed 28.3% year-overyear, and the median price changed 27.5% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




-11. 5% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

28. 3% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

-2 . 3% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




-76.6% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

27. 5% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

26.7% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 Q 2 021 | W IL LOW CR EEK | L A S V EG A S

Willow Creek • Willow Creek sales changed by 16.7% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by 51.6% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed -1.2% year-over-year. • Average days on market for Willow Creek changed -77.2% to 18 days. • Willow Creek average price changed 3.6% year-over-year, and the median price changed 18.5% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




16.7% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3.6% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

51.6% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




-77. 2 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

18. 5% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

-1. 2 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 Q 2 021 | C A N YO N G ATE | L A S V EG A S

Canyon Gate • Canyon Gate sales changed by 23.1% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by 16.7% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed 39.3% year-over-year. • Average days on market for Canyon Gate changed -66.0% to 33 days. • Canyon Gate average price changed 23.6% year-over-year, and the median price changed 39.9% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




23.1% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

23.6% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

16.7% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale


$938K $557K

- 6 6.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

39.9 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

39. 3% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 Q 2 021 | SPA NI SH TR A IL S | L A S V EG A S

Spanish Trails • Spanish Trails sales changed by -21.1% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by 22.9% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed 5.6% year-over-year. • Average days on market for Spanish Trails changed -86.0% to 7 days. • Spanish Trails average price changed 22.3% year-over-year, and the median price changed 20.2% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




-21.1% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

22 . 3% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

22 .9 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




- 8 6.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

20. 2 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

5.6% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 Q 2 021 | SPA NI SH HIL L S | L A S V EG A S

Spanish Hills • Spanish Hills sales changed by 100.0% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by 100.0% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed 100.0% year-over-year. • Average days on market for Spanish Hills changed 100.0% to 78 days. • Spanish Hills average price changed 100.0% year-over-year, and the median price changed 100.0% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




10 0.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

10 0.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

10 0.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




10 0.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

10 0.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

10 0.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 Q 2 021 | SO U THER N HI GHL A N DS | L A S V EG A S

Southern Highlands • Southern Highlands sales changed by -46.7% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by -15.0% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed 28.6% year-over-year. • Average days on market for Southern Highlands changed -62.0% to 35 days. • Southern Highlands average price changed 34.9% year-over-year, and the median price changed 16.9% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




- 4 6.7% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 4.9 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

-15.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




- 62 .0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

16.9 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

28.6% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR



3 Q 2 021 | HEN DER SO N

Overview Total Sold

Highest Sale

- 0 . 4% Y E A R OV E R Y E A R

8 .9 % Y E A R OV E R Y E A R



Total properties sold for Henderson changed -0.4% year-over-year to 1,674.

The highest sale price in Henderson changed 8.9% year-over-year to $12.3M.

Days on Market

Lowest Sale



- 5 5 . 0 % Y E A R OV E R Y E A R

16 . 0 % Y E A R OV E R Y E A R

Average days on market for Henderson changed -55.0% to 18 days.

The lowest sale price in Henderson changed 16.0% year-over-year to $145K.

Median Price

Average Price



Median price in Henderson changed 21.8% year-over-year to $475K.

Average price in Henderson changed 21.1% year-over-year to $593K.

2 1. 8 % Y E A R OV E R Y E A R

2 1.1% Y E A R OV E R Y E A R

3 Q 2 021 | M AC D O N A L D HI GHL A N DS | L A S V EG A S

MacDonald Highlands • MacDonald Highlands sales changed by -12.5% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by 8.9% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed 53.3% year-over-year. • Average days on market for MacDonald Highlands changed -79.5% to 43 days. • MacDonald Highlands average price changed 2.4% year-over-year, and the median price changed 17.5% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




-12 . 5% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

2 .4% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

8.9 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




-79. 5% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

17. 5% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

53. 3% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 Q 2 021 | A NTHEM CO U NTRY CLU B | L A S V EG A S

Anthem Country Club • Anthem Country Club sales changed by 5.6% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by -2.4% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed 4.5% year-over-year. • Average days on market for Anthem Country Club changed -71.7% to 17 days. • Anthem Country Club average price changed 13.9% year-over-year, and the median price changed 28.0% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




5.6% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

13.9 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

-2 .4% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




-71.7% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

28.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

4. 5% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 Q 2 021 | SE V EN HIL L S | L A S V EG A S

Seven Hills • Seven Hills sales changed by 8.3% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by 175.0% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed 28.6% year-over-year. • Average days on market for Seven Hills changed -22.2% to 35 days. • Seven Hills average price changed 84.9% year-over-year, and the median price changed 48.1% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




8. 3% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

8 4.9 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

175.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




-22 . 2 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

4 8.1% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

28.6% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 Q 2 021 | THE FO U NTA INS | L A S V EG A S

The Fountains • The Fountains sales changed by -12.5% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by 8.9% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed 53.3% year-over-year. • Average days on market for The Fountains changed -79.5% to 43 days. • The Fountains average price changed 2.4% year-over-year, and the median price changed 17.5% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




-12 . 5% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

2 .4% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

8.9 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




-79. 5% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

17. 5% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

53. 3% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

3 Q 2 021 | L A K E L A S V EG A S | L A S V EG A S

Lake Las Vegas • L ake Las Vegas sales changed by -50.0% year-over-year. • The highest sale price changed by -42.3% year-over-year, while the lowest sale price changed 40.4% year-over-year. • Average days on market for Lake Las Vegas changed -51.8% to 40 days. • Lake Las Vegas average price changed 12.6% year-over-year, and the median price changed 21.7% year-over-year.

Total Properties Sold

Average Price

Highest Sale




- 50.0 % Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

12 .6% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

- 42 . 3% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Days on Market

Median Price

Lowest Sale




- 51.8% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

21.7% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

4 0.4% Y E AR OV ER Y E AR

Methodology The Corcoran Report offers current and valuable information regarding the local market. Each region reported on is broken down by neighborhood and contains specific details and insights related to that market. METR I C S

TOTAL PROPERTIES SOLD is the total number of properties

MEDIAN PRICE is the middle or midpoint price where half of

that closed within the quarter reported.

sales fall below and half fall above this number.

HIGHEST SALE is the highest priced property that was sold in

DAYS ON MARKET averages how long a unit takes to sell and is

the area being reported on during the quarter reported.

calculated from subtracting the list date from the date of close.

LOWEST SALE is the lowest priced property that was sold in the area being reported on during the quarter reported.

SOURCE Figures in this report are based on publicly reported closed sales information via the Multiple Listing Service.

AVERAGE PRICE is the price calculated by dividing the combined prices of properties by the amount of sold properties in that same area.

D I SCL AI MER ©2021 Corcoran Global Living. 1980 Festival Plaza Drive, Suite 460, Las Vegas, NV 89135. CA DRE# 02109201; NV B.1000747; OH REC.2021004219. All rights reserved. Corcoran® and the Corcoran Logo are registered service marks owned by Corcoran Group LLC. Corcoran Global Living fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each franchise is independently owned and operated. Real estate agents affiliated with Corcoran Global Living are independent contractors and are not employees of Corcoran Global Living. Each office is independently owned and operated. All material presented herein is intended for information purposes only and has been compiled from sources deemed reliable. Based on information from Multiple Listing Servic. All data, including all measurements and calculations of area, is obtained from various sources and has not been, and will not be, verified by broker or MLS. All information should be independently reviewed and verified for accuracy. Properties may or may not be listed by the office/agent presenting the information. Though information is believed to be correct, it is presented subject to errors, omissions, changes or withdrawal notice.

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