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Kampala, Uganda: Kyobe Ashraf
Activist Kyobe Ashraf updates us with a brief overview of vegan activism in Kampala, Uganda.

Hey Kyobe - what are you up to?
Expressing compassion for every sentient being.
Any new vegan options in Uganda?
Although we have a net gain of vegan restaurants in our capital city (Kampala), now many other gig restaurants in other cities have vegan options on their menus, in part due to the demand from tourists.
How’s veganism growing in Uganda?
It’s rising slowly because through raising awareness - we deal with a lot of grief both online and offline from peers, family, even friends.
We get questioned, laughed at by religious leaders, even being told we will never be able to change anything! But what I am sure of is - we’re making a difference.
And the Vegan Society of Uganda?
It’s a community based organization founded by myself, to inspire a vegan lifestyle through food and information, for us, for animals and for the planet. We use football as our main awareness raising activity.
Is there any thriving animal rights movement in Uganda?
There are some many excellent animal rights organizations around the country, just that they’re not on a government basis so they lack funds and special consideration.
What would you like to see more happening for veganism in Uganda?
The growth of more Vegan restaurants around the country, and the construction of rescue centers for the stray dogs and cats.
And government sponsorship for all animal rights movements in the country.
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