3 minute read
Why CBD Works Better for Vegans
by Katherine Lawrence
I didn’t grow up eating plant-based. Honestly, being Cajun, I had no idea brown rice even existed.
What I do know is that plant-based eating changed my life. Being an engineer (also known as a “natural skeptic”), I hesitated at the thought of living on “rabbit food.” But after years of pain and misdiagnoses, I finally gave in and accepted the power of plants. In doing so, I reversed Stage 4 endometriosis as well as infertility, and I even lost over 55 pounds. I knew then that my life’s work was to share this life-changing knowledge with everyone, because what we eat and how we prepare our food are so important.
In 13 years of teaching nutrition, I’ve seen fads come and go in the health and wellness industry. So when my husband walked in proclaiming the benefits of CBD (cannabidiol), I nodded, proceeded to put my three boys to bed, and hoped the conversation would stop there.
Luckily for me, it didn’t.
Being skeptical by nature, I’m also an intensive researcher. I decided, after hearing about CBD from my husband, my dad, a neighbor, and the cashier at the grocery store, it was time to find out what CBD really was. I was also curious as to why it works for some people and not others.
CBD is derived from, you guessed it, a PLANT! CBD is a phytocannabinoid
found in hemp plants. (Note for the rookies like me: THC is the compound in cannabis [marijuana] that gets people high, not CBD).
The endocannabinoid system is a biological system in our bodies composed of receptors that help communicate the body’s needs. The body makes two known endocannabinoids that attach to CB1 and CB2 cell receptors. Essentially, whenever an internal function becomes irregular due to injury, insult, or illness, the body will produce more endocannabinoids in an attempt to return to homeostasis (systemic body equilibrium).
Inflammation is believed to be the precursor to most diseases; foods inherently impact those inflammatory responses, both positive and negatively.
So what does this have to do with plants?
CBD and other phytocannabinoids have been shown to help the body reduce inflammation. It is well known that plant-based eaters, whose diets are primarily fruits, vegetables, beans, and grains, typically have lower inflammation levels compared to people who eat meat and dairy foods.
Omega-3 fatty acids play a significant role in synthesizing our own endocannabinoids. The more omega-3s, the more effective CBD can be. Most people eating the typical American diet have too much omega-6 (which creates inflammation) and too little omega-3. Since the best ABOUT THE AUTHOR you a discount!” original sources of omega-3 are chia, walnuts, flax, olives, spirulina, soybeans, and dark, leafy greens, we plant-eaters are already getting more of them. There are also foods that directly benefit our endocannabinoid system including carrots, black truffles, Maca root, cacao, black pepper, cinnamon, and echinacea.
Because many vegans eat a wide variety of herbs, fruits, and vegetables, we naturally have a higher elevation of endocannabinoids, which will allow our body to use the hempsourced CBD more effectively. This is why CBD can work better for vegans!
Many people who use CBD are looking for relief from pain, stress, anxiety, sleeping difficulties, depression, epilepsy, and more. Research even suggests that CBD may play a role in cancer survival. My mother, who has Parkinson’s disease, has seen a reduction in her tremors and muscle cramps since adding it to her daily regimen. Since I’ve started using it regularly, I sleep better and have seen a dramatic improvement in my peri-menopausal symptoms.*

Thank goodness for an open mind, a healthy diet — and natural relief.
*The information presented here is not medical advice and should not be used as such. Always consult your healthcare provider for diagnosis
Katherine Lawrence is a nutritionist who owns Food Saved Me in Southlake, TX, where she offers free cooking and nutrition classes to the community. She’s also online at www.foodsavedme.com. Katherine uses only the highest-quality, non-isolate CBD from Your CBD Store in Southlake, because they give veterans free CBD and they ship free. As she says, “If you tell them you read my article in VEGWORLD Magazine, they may even give and treatment of medical symptoms, diseases, and conditions.